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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Hammond, Rebecca 19 August 2010 (has links)
In this study 21 trans-identified youth in Toronto and Ottawa, Ontario, Canada were interviewed about their experiences related to transition. Using the materialist research strategy of Institutional Ethnography, I explore the organization of trans-specific health care services in Ontario. I describe challenges participants had in relation to accessing care and describe key differences in how care is currently delivered in Ontario. The ways in which various politico-legal and medical forms of organization shape the provision of trans care in Ontario are explored in detail. This work provides an empirically grounded addition to the growing literature that seeks to make sense of trans marginalization and exclusion.

Queering careers : exploring difference in relation to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender career progression

Janes, Kirsty January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) and career progression (CP) by applying a performative, post-structuralist, and queer theory influenced approach to career theory. It analyses how, that is to say in what ways and by what means, homosexual and transgender difference is produced through the processes associated with CP. It is based on 36 interviews with individuals of diverse ages and occupations who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT) and are based in the south-west of England. Hitherto career theory has based its understanding of CP on individual differences and/or category based explanations. The contribution of this thesis comes from using an anti-categorical understanding of difference to show how SOGI and CP are interacting disciplinary regimes. SOGI not only affects CP through assumptions about capability and suitability, but difference is constituted through CP – as the associated acts and interactions shape the way we think of ourselves, our possibilities, our becoming. Responsibility for achieving SOGI and CP is devolved to the individual, who is then often forced to prioritise one or the other. The findings show some shared patterns (which are argued to be based on situational, performative, embodied experiences not identity categories), such as minimising or compensating for difference, femininity as a locus for limiting discourse and self-employment as a mode of exclusion. Trajectories, choices and aspirations are affected, though not necessarily disadvantageously, leading to the conceptualisation of careers as queered by homosexual and transgender difference. This research contributes by arguing that rather than consider CP in terms of category based ceilings, CP and the production of difference can be understood as multiplicitous, emergent, and co-productive processes. This thesis forms a timely contribution to understanding LGBT experience during a period of intense change in social recognition, which includes discourses of normalisation, by suggesting that we still need to recognise the often subtle internal and external reiterations of heteronormative discourse that produce difference.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't : How nonbinary students navigate identity in higher education

Berglund, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
The gender binary is a pervasive idea in society which suggests that there only exist two genders – man and woman. The wide array of differing gender identities would suggest otherwise. Identifying as nonbinary means that you reject the gender binary and identify somewhere between, in both, or beyond the binary. However, research on nonbinary identities has been relatively scarce which suggests an importance of furthering the knowledge in the area. This study aims to examine how nonbinary students navigate their identity at university in Sweden. This is done by examining and trying to understand (1) their experience and treatment by peers and teachers, (2) how they manage these experiences at university, and (3) the experiences that obstruct and facilitate their navigation of their identity. To answer the aim, semi- structured interviews with 6 participants were conducted and analyzed with the help of thematic analysis. The empirical data was analyzed through the lens of cisnormativity, which refers to the idea that everyone’s gender identity is and should be congruent with the one assigned at birth. The findings shows that while nonbinary students in Sweden have generally good relations towards peers and faculty, they are all exposed to microaggressions in the form of misgendering, deadnaming, and invalidating experiences. To manage these discriminating interactions, they develop strategies in the form of preventive measures, avoiding confrontation, confronting behavior as well as the responsibility to educate. The experiences of facing these obstacles as well as the exclusion and erasure of nonbinary identities, was easier facilitated with the support and kinship from peers and faculty. These findings emphasize the importance of removing the burden of responsibility from nonbinary people by normalizing gender identities outside the binary and inviting them into the master narrative of cisnormativity.

En mer queer stadsplanering : En studie av strategier för mer inkluderande rum / A More Queer Urban Planning : A study of strategies for more including spaces

Näsman, Rasmun January 2019 (has links)
Städer är präglade av värderingar och politiska ideal, och genom sin utformning bidrar de till befästande och upprätthållande av normer. Offentliga miljöer uppmuntrar, likt staden som helhet, till ett för samhället önskvärt beteende hos stadens användare. Men där finns också grupper som har andra förutsättningar än vad normen förutsätter och som då får det svårare att tillfredsställa sina preferenser. Bland dessa grupper finns personer som identifierar sig som queer, det vill säga att inte vara heterosexuell och/eller ej tillhöra den binära könsuppdelningen. För personer inom denna minoritet, så som andra minoriteter, upplevs stadens gemensamma rum inte alltid som lika välkomnande. Detta då de i högre grad än personer som identifierar sig inom stadens normer, såsom Heteronormen, utsätts för trakasserier och våld i dessa rum. Men eftersom stadens form sätter ramarna för och påverkar användarnas beteenden kan det också vara ett redskap för att skapa förändring. Rapporten syftar till att undersöka vad en mer queer stad och stadsplanering kan innebära. Detta genom att granska rumspraktik med uttalat queert perspektiv i sökandet på insikter om strategier, vilka skulle kunna inspirera och informera stadsplanering som önskar skapa mer inkluderande offentliga rum. I kandidatarbetet har ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv använts vid analysen av konst- och arkitektkollektivet MYCKET:s rumsliga praktik inom fallet Clubscenen, ett projekt inom vilket deras uttalade mål var att utforska möjligheter att skapa mer inkluderande rum. Den övergripande strategin som användes var att synliggöra samtida och dåtida queera personer och deras perspektiv. Mer specifikt använde sig MYCKET av strategierna återberättande av queer aktivism och livsstil, iscensättande av queera miljöer och fysisk manifestation av queera uttryck. Dessa tre strategier används både separat, tillsammans och överlappande. Avslutningsvis diskuteras hur de strategier som MYCKET använde sig av skulle kunna inspirera och informera stadsplaneringen. Rapporten föreslår att stadsplaneringen arbetar med riktade medborgardialoger vilka etablerar trygga rum för minoriteter, såsom personer som definierar sig som queer, för att säkerställa att även deras perspektiv inkluderas i och tas hänsyn till vid stadsutveckling. Vidare bör ett mer normkritiskt perspektiv utvecklas och implementeras i stadsplaneringspraktiken, ett perspektiv som granskar och vid behov ifrågasätter underliggande värderingar som influerar stadsplaneringen. Rapporten föreslår också att införa minnesmonument till minne av queer aktivism i de redan byggda delarna av staden, samt att enstaka offentliga rum tillskapas utifrån den queera minoritetens önskemål och preferenser vid den fortsatta utvecklingen av staden. / Cities are characterized by values and political ideals, and by their design they contribute to the consolidation and maintenance of norms. Public spaces, like the city, encourage a behaviour that society deem desirable among its users. But in the city, there are groups that have needs different from the norm, and because of that have a much harder time satisfying their preferences. Among these groups are persons who identify themselves as queer, that is not being heterosexual and/or not belonging to the binary gender norms. People within this minority, like many other minorities, may find the city’s public space not as welcoming as the majority might find it. This is because of the harassment and violence they might be subject to in these places, to a greater extent than people who identify with the norms of the cities, like heteronormativity. But since the shape of the city sets the framework for the user’s behaviour as well as affect if, it can also be a tool for creating change. This report aims to investigate what a queerer city and queerer urban planning can be. This by examining spatial practice with a pronounced queer perspective, in search of insights on strategies that could inspire and inform urban planning that aims to create more inclusive public spaces. In this report, a queer theoretical perspective has been used in the analysis of MYCKET’s, an art and architectural collective, spatial practice in their project ”The Club Scene”, a project in which their stated goal was to explore means to create more inclusive spaces. The overall strategy used was to put queer people and their perspective in the spotlight. For that, MYCKET used the strategies of retelling queer activism and lifestyle, staging queer spaces, and physical manifestation of queer expressions. These three strategies are used both separately, together and overlap each other. In the final part of the report, the strategies that MYCKET used are discussed for how they could inspire and inform the urban planning. The report proposes that urban planning should work with directed citizen dialogues, which establish secure rooms for minorities, such as people who define themselves as queer, to ensure that their perspectives are included and taken into account in urban development. Furthermore, a more norm-critical perspective should be developed and implemented in urban planning practice, a perspective that examines and, if necessary, questions underlying values that influence urban planning. The report also suggests introducing memorials in memory of queer activism in the already built parts of the city, and that some public spaces are created in favour of the queer minority and their preferences when developing the city.

Kan du inte ta ett skämt? : En queerteoretisk analys av framställningar av kön i dassböcker mellan 2003-2020

Streger, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examines gender related jokes in Swedish outhouse books (dassböcker), and howwomen and men are constructed and portrayed in text and image between 2003-2020. Outhouse bookstypically consist of jokes based on stereotypes of women, men and other groups and are intended toamuse readers during visits to the outhouse or private toilet. I used critical analysis and queer theoryto examine assumptions regarding gender visible in the material. The analysis shows how Swedishouthouse books employ genusslentrianer, (unreflected and repeated gender stereotypes) in theirportrayal of women and men, constructing women as ’naturally’ responsible for unpaid labour in thehome, and reproductive work such as caring for children. Further, women and men are in the materialdepicted as opposites based on binary and essentialist assumptions about gender and gender roles, andthe material adopts a male gaze which portrays men as simple and women as (unnecessarily)complicated. The analysis makes visible normative assumptions about woman and men as cis,heterosexual, and aspiring to live in nuclear families. However, it also shows taken for granteddifferences between assumed male and female heterosexuality, constructing women as ’naturally’monogamous, while men are presumed to aspire to have multiple sex partners. Finally, in theirportrayal of gender and heteronormative gender roles, Swedish outhouse books establish men’sdiscrimination, objectification, and sexual abuse of women as not only normative gendered practices –but also as humorous.

Vårdens transformering : en studie av utrednings- och fertilitetsvård för transpersoner

Erbenius, Theo January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur det perspektivskifte som skett rörandetranspersoner som potentiella föräldrar mellan 1972 och 2013 tagits emot och omsatts ipraktiken inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård. Uppsatsen söker identifiera förändringsprocesser,brytpunkter, problem och lösningar. Det primära materialet består av intervjuer med personalpå utredningsenheten ANOVA och fertilitetskliniken Reproduktionsmedicin KI. Uppsatsenpåvisar att cisnormativitetens gradvisa tillbakagång på samhällsnivå medfört en successivnormalisering av transpersoners föräldraskap inom vården, samt att vårdkedjor utvecklas viaen interaktiv process mellan vårdgivare, patienter, teknologi, juridik och politik. 2013 årslagändring varigenom personer med ändrad könstillhörighet erhöll den juridiska rätten tillbiologiskt föräldraskap är i praktiken bristfälligt realiserad på grund av bristande finansiering.

Par-delà le rose et le bleu : l'expérience des parents d'enfants transgenres

Frappier, Andrée-Ann 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Att göra kaos i ett cisnormativt kosmos : en laborerande studie av den transteoretiska och-aktivistiska samvaron med Satan

Jangmyr, Michelle January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to present an opening to argue for a transtheoretical and - activist fellowship with Satan and the values connected to hir. A transactivist fellows-hip with Satan builds on two primary points of contact. It is on one hand the opportu-nity to take advantage of the non-conformist, non-normative and polemical signifi-cance Satan has been attributed, especially in the history of literature, but also in the history of religion. And on the other hand this study also dwells upon how Satan as a figure has served as an expression of evilness, hatred, darkness and suffering amongst people. The questions i ask, is if there is a course that allows me to theorize for a stra-tegic collaboration between the transactivist struggle and the ideas that is connected to the satanfigure in John Miltons Paradise Lost. I also ask if there is a transtheoretical-and activist approach where Satan can function as an ally within the transactivist re-sistance. The purpose of this paper also carries on a confrontation with the notion of ”tone-policing", and love and tenderness as the only sanctioned (and praised) incenti-ves for political struggle. In this thesis I make a link between the logic that connects to Satan as an ideological basis and a non-conformist (militant), seperatist, anti-capi-talist and queer attitude in transactivist struggle. With the help of Susan Stryker's the-ory of the monsteridentity I will experiment with extracts from John Milton's Paradise Lost, where the Satan figure and the transactivist position builds on a fellowship as my analysis proceeds. To do this i use a queer-deleuzian tool as a method that focuses on textual framings within the idea of spatial relations, meaning how the actual text can and should correspond with discourses outside its territorial space. This allow me to di-sengage Satan from its original amplitude, and instead of interpreting how Satan handles hirself in Paradise Lost, i will liberate Satan from this narrative and create a relation between hir and my thesis. In this way I create an occasion, through a theore-tical approach to trans-subjectivity as comparable to the perception of the monster as a non-normative figure, to bring the transgendered monster together with the satanic monster. The ”what” that will subsequently crystallize during the analysis have the intention to tell the story about the ways in which the non-confirmative transactivist have in common with Satan. After doing this i will conclude my thesis with a discus-sion that reflects on how this fellowship has evolved in relation to the proposed politi-cal and emotional connections between the non-confomative transactivist and Satan.

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