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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A classification system and an inter-disciplinary action plan for the prevention and management of recidivism

Schoeman, Marelize 31 May 2004 (has links)
The high crime rate in South Africa and the government’s apparent inability to deal with this problem is a reality. Even though no official statistics exist regarding the recidivism rate in South Africa it is estimated that it could be between 55% and 95%. The contributing role that recidivism plays towards the high crime rate can therefore not be ignored. In South Africa no classification system exists whereby a repeat offender can formally be classified as a recidivist. The crime prevention and management strategies currently utilised in South Africa furthermore does not recognise and address the role that recidivism plays as contributing factor towards the high crime rate. The aim of this study was to formulate a classification system for the South African recidivist in order to compile an inter-disciplinary action plan for the prevention and management of recidivism. The research design of this study was exploratory and both quantitative and qualitative data gathering methods were used in this study. The quantitative study involved the completion of the PFIR eco-metric scale by offenders falling within the classification criteria for recidivism. From the analyses of this data a proposed profile of the South African recidivist was compiled. During the qualitative phase of the research interviews were conducted with experts in the field of crime prevention and management. A semi-structured interview schedule was used for this purpose. Based on the key findings of the study an inter-disciplinary action plan for the prevention and management of recidivism was compiled. The purpose of this action plan is to propose an inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral intervention and management strategy to address recidivism holistically. Within the action plan it is suggested that recidivism should be addressed on three levels, namely prevention, therapeutic and developmental intervention and reintegration. The primary recommendation of this study was that the proposed inter-disciplinary action plan should be adopted by policy makers and be included in the crime management and prevention strategies of South Africa. The study concluded with specific recommendations to help facilitate this process. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2002. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

„Altägyptische Kursivschriften“ in a digital age

Gülden, Svenja, van der Moezel, Kyra January 2016 (has links)
The hieratic script has never been studied systematically regarding its peculiarities in abbreviations, orthography, functions or historical development, nor in comparison with cursive and monumental hieroglyphs as well as Demotic signs. After Möller’s Hieratic Palaeography volumes I to III, being based on merely 32 sources, Egyptologists compiled several more or less complete palaeographies on single texts, groups of texts or time spans. However, the comparability of signs is often hindered or impossible due to the heterogeneity of writing surfaces, the quality of facsimiles and photos or the choice of examples and the degree of detail. Furthermore, the word or sign context is often lacking. Since April 2015 a long-term project for a possible maximum of 23 years is located at the universities of Mainz and Darmstadt, being financed by the Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities. The lecture presents the aims and methods of this project and discusses the state of affairs with regard to the development and structuring 1) of a digital palaeography of the cursive scripts, including all stages of hieratic, abnormal hieratic and cursive hieroglyphic scripts from the Early Dynastic period through to Roman times, and 2) of a database with extensive metadata that allows the study of various topics among which the emergence, development, regional use, context and economy of scripts as well as the identification of individual scribes’ hands. The project shall be understood as being decisively open for any cooperation among international experts.

Linked Open Projects: Nachnutzung von Ergebnissen im Semantic Web

Pfeffer, Magnus, Eckert, Kai 28 January 2011 (has links)
Semantic Web und Linked Data sind in aller Munde. Nach fast einem Jahrzehnt der Entwicklung der Technologien und Erforschung der Möglichkeiten des Semantic Webs rücken nun die Daten in den Mittelpunk, denn ohne diese wäre das Semantic Web nicht mehr als ein theoretisches Konstrukt. Fast wie das World Wide Web ohne Websites. Bibliotheken besitzen mit Normdaten (PND, SWD) und Titelaufnahmen eine Fülle Daten, die sich zur Befüllung des Semantic Web eignen und teilweise bereits für das Semantic Web aufbereitet und zur Nutzung freigegeben wurden. Die Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim hat sich in zwei verschiedenen Projekten mit der Nutzung solcher Daten befasst – allerdings standen diese zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht als Linked Data zur Verfügung. In einem Projekt ging es um die automatische Erschließung von Publikationen auf der Basis von Abstracts, im anderen Projekt um die automatische Klassifikation von Publikationen auf der Basis von Titeldaten. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags stellen wir die Ergebnisse der Projekte kurz vor, möchten aber im Schwerpunkt auf einen Nebenaspekt eingehen, der sich erst im Laufe dieser Projekte herauskristallisiert hat: Wie kann man die gewonnenen Ergebnisse dauerhaft und sinnvoll zur Nachnutzung durch Dritte präsentieren? Soviel vorweg: Beide Verfahren können und wollen einen Bibliothekar nicht ersetzen. Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten der generierten Daten sind vielfältig. Konkrete Einsätze, zum Beispiel das Einspielen in einen Verbundkatalog, sind aber aufgrund der Qualität und mangelnden Kontrolle der Daten umstritten. Die Bereitstellung dieser Daten als Linked Data im Semantic Web ist da eine naheliegende Lösung – jeder, der die Ergebnisse nachnutzen möchte, kann das tun, ohne dass ein bestehender Datenbestand damit kompromittiert werden könnte. Diese Herangehensweise wirft aber neue Fragen auf, nicht zuletzt auch nach der Identifizierbarkeit der Ursprungsdaten über URIs, wenn diese (noch) nicht als Linked Data zur Verfügung stehen. Daneben erfordert die Bereitstellung von Ergebnisdaten aber auch weitere Maßnahmen, die über die gängige Praxis von Linked Data hinaus gehen: Die Bereitstellung von Zusatzinformationen, die die Quelle und das Zustandekommen dieser Daten näher beschreiben (Provenienzinformationen), aber auch weitere Informationen, die über das zugrunde liegende Metadatenschema meist hinausgehen, wie Konfidenzwerte im Falle eines automatischen Verfahrens der Datenerzeugung. Dazu präsentieren wir Ansätze auf Basis von RDF Reification und Named Graphs und schildern die aktuellen Entwicklungen auf diesem Gebiet, wie sie zum Beispiel in der Provenance Incubator Group des W3C und in Arbeitsgruppen der Dublin Core Metadaten-Initiative diskutiert werden.

Von der RVK zur DDC - eine Konkordanz als Arbeitsmittel

Queitsch, Manuela B. 01 February 2011 (has links)
Es wird eine Konkordanz zwischen den beiden Klassifikationssystemen RVK und DDC für das Fach Psychologie vorgestellt. Eine im Vorfeld durchgeführte Befragung ergab, dass der Bedarf bei den Bibliotheksverbünden vorhanden ist. Bislang wurde aber der hohe individuelle Aufwand gescheut. Hintergrund für das Erarbeiten der Konkordanz war die Übernahme des Fachgebietes durch die Referentin. Für Bibliothekskataloge weltweit spielen Konkordanzen bei der Indexierung und beim Retrieval eine Rolle. Gegenüberstellungen zwischen verschiedenen Systemen sind essenzielle Vorraussetzungen für das Semantic Web. In der Kombination verschiedener Erschließungsverfahren wie z.B. social tagging Klassifizierung und normierter Sacherschließung können Konkordanzen dazu beitragen, in intelligenten, selbstlernenden Datenbanken zu stetig wachsenden, mit zusätzlichen Informationen angereicherten und verlinkten Datenpräsentation zu kommen. Für eine Weiterentwicklung bietet sich die Verknüpfung von Begriffen und Informationen an, die unter dem Begriff „Ontology learning“ beschrieben werden. Im Vorfeld der Konkordanzerstellung musste festgelegt werden, welche Klassifikation die Basis bildet, auf die das andere System abgebildet wird. Ebenso war zu prüfen, ob eine strukturierte Gegenüberstellung machbar ist. Kann die unterschiedliche Hierarchietiefe zwischen der RVK und sinnvoll abgebildet werden? Es ist denkbar, die Konkordanz in kollaborativer Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Bibliotheken weiterzuentwickeln sowie Crosswalks zu Thesauri und Metadaten zu schaffen. In der anschließenden Diskussion gibt es die Möglichkeit, den erreichten Stand nach inhaltlichen und formalen Aspekten zu bewerten und künftige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten zu erörtern. Dazu zählen u.a. Fragen der automatischen Konkordanzerstellung mittels statistischer Verfahren als auch die technischen Lösungsansätze des Inputs von Konkordanzen in Ontologien. In der Verzahnung von automatischen statistischen Verfahren und manuell erstellten Korrelationen sind weitere Synergien denkbar, die diskutiert werden können.

Judendom och judar i bibliografiska klassifikationssystem : En hermeneutisk studie om representation / Judaism and Jews in bibliographic classification systems : A hermeneutic study of representation

Vestin Cantell, Imani January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur judendom och judar klassificeras i tre bibliografiska klassifikationssystem som används på svenska bibliotek. De valda systemen är Dewey Decimal klassifikationssystemet (DDK), Klassifikationssystemet för svenska bibliotek (SAB) och Judiska biblioteks klassifikationssystem (Stockholmssystemet). Hermeneutikens teorier används som teoretisk utgångspunkt i kombination med Hope A. Olsons teori om makten att namnge och Broughton och Lomas modell om klassifikation av religion. Detta används för att analysera resultatet av studien. Det empiriska materialet insamlades genom en kvalitativ textstudie, vilket innebar en närläsning utifrån ett kodningsschema. Resultatet tematiserades i sex kategorier och analyserade utifrån de ovannämnda teorierna. DDK- och SAB-systemet representerar judar som en minoritet och judendom som religion tilldelas lite utrymme i klassifikationssystemen. I Stockholmssystemet är judendom och judar normen och den judiska tideräkningen och namnvarianter premieras, till skillnad från de övriga systemen. DDK-systemet presenterar judendom och judar med mångfald, Stockholmssystemet i lite mindre utsträckning och SAB-systemet utan någon mångfald. / The aim of the study is to describe how Judaism and Jews are classified in the bibliographic classification systems that are used in Swedish libraries. The chosen systems are the Dewey Decimal Classification System (DDC), Classification System for Swedish Libraries (SAB) and the Jewish Library’s Classification system (The Stockholm System). Hermeneutics is the theoretical basis in combination with Hope A. Olson’s theory of the power to name and Broughton and Lomas model of the classification of religion. This is used to analyze the results of the study. The empirical material was gathered using a qualitative text study, which entailed a close reading with a coding schedule. The result was thematized into six categories and analyzed with the aforementioned theories. The DDC and SAB systems represent Jews as a minority and Judaism as a religion is given little space in the classification systems. Judaism and Jews are the norm in the Stockholm system and Jewish chronology and name variants are promoted. The DDC system presents Judaism and Jews with diversity, the Stockholm system less so and the SAB system contains no diversity.

Klassifikationssystemens påverkan på kalkylarbete : En jämförelse mellan CoClass och BSAB-systemen / The impact of the classification system on the work with calculation : A comparison between CoClass and the BSAB-systems

Ahmic, Edvin, Akbarov, Dosmat January 2018 (has links)
I takt med att byggsektorn övergår till digital informationsmodellering av sina projekt ökar även behovet för att samordna och effektivisera hanteringen av denna information. Ett gemensamt språk i form av ett branschgemensamt klassifikationssystem kan leda till miljardbesparingar. Inom kalkyleringen är det viktigt att rätt informationshantering sker för att bidra till att en så noggrann kalkyl som möjligt kan utföras. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur de tre olika systemen, BSAB 83, BSAB 96 och CoClass, skiljer sig och ställa de i kontrast mot varandra för att påvisa dessa skillnader. Målet är att studien skall kunna ligga till grund för hur ÅF kan skapa kalkyler klassade enligt CoClass. För att uppnå rapportens syfte och besvara frågeställningar har granskningen bestått av litteraturstudier, intervjuer, en komparativ studie och en fallstudie. Dessa metoder har bidragit i sin tur att resultatet av studien visade att ÅF skulle kunna övergå till CoClass på ett effektivt sätt. Vid jämförelsen mellan systemen har det visat sig att CoClass är ett mer omfattande och ett heltäckande system som struktureras på ett annat vis i motsats till de tidigare klassifikationssystemen. Med hänsyn till studiens resultat kan en kalkylstruktur enligt CoClass implementeras i ÅF:s nuvarande arbetssätt, där färdiga recept för byggdelar fortfarande kan användas. Rekommendationen är att betrakta komponent-tabellen som likvärdig till produktionsresultatet vid kalkylarbete med CoClass struktur i MAP. Detta hade i det långa loppet varit en sund strategi, både ekonomiskt men främst tidsmässigt. / As the construction industry shifts to digital information modeling of its projects, the need to coordinate and improve the efficiency of the management of this information increases. A common language in the form of an industry-wide classification system could lead to billions in savings annually. In the calculation, it is important that the correct information management is included in order to provide the most accurate calculation possible. The aim of this study is to examine how the three different systems, BSAB 83, BSAB 96 and CoClass, differ and stand in contrast to each other to highlight and demonstrate such differences. The purpose of the study is that it should be used as a basis for how ÅF can create classified calculations with CoClass. To achieve the aim of the report and answer the research questions, the examination consisted of literature studies, interviews, a comparative study and a case study. These methods contributed to the following result: ÅF could effectively transfer to the CoClass system. When comparing the systems, it has been shown that CoClass is a more extensive and comprehensive system structured in a different way as opposed to the previous classification systems. Based on the results of the study, a calculation structure according to CoClass can be implemented in ÅF's current working methods, where ready-made recipe for building components can still be used. The recommendation is to consider the component table as equivalent to the production result in the calculation work with CoClass structure in the MAP. In the long run, this would have been an efficient strategy, both economically and primarily less time-consuming.

A High-quality Digital Library Supporting Computing Education: The Ensemble Approach

Chen, Yinlin 28 August 2017 (has links)
Educational Digital Libraries (DLs) are complex information systems which are designed to support individuals' information needs and information seeking behavior. To have a broad impact on the communities in education and to serve for a long period, DLs need to structure and organize the resources in a way that facilitates the dissemination and the reuse of resources. Such a digital library should meet defined quality dimensions in the 5S (Societies, Scenarios, Spaces, Structures, Streams) framework - including completeness, consistency, efficiency, extensibility, and reliability - to ensure that a good quality DL is built. In this research, we addressed both external and internal quality aspects of DLs. For internal qualities, we focused on completeness and consistency of the collection, catalog, and repository. We developed an application pipeline to acquire user-generated computing-related resources from YouTube and SlideShare for an educational DL. We applied machine learning techniques to transfer what we learned from the ACM Digital Library dataset. We built classifiers to catalog resources according to the ACM Computing Classification System from the two new domains that were evaluated using Amazon Mechanical Turk. For external qualities, we focused on efficiency, scalability, and reliability in DL services. We proposed cloud-based designs and applications to ensure and improve these qualities in DL services using cloud computing. The experimental results show that our proposed methods are promising for enhancing and enriching an educational digital library. This work received support from ACM, as well as the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers DUE-0836940, DUE-0937863, and DUE-0840719, and IMLS LG-71-16-0037-16. / Ph. D. / Educational Digital Libraries (DLs) are designed to serve users finding educational materials. To have a broad impact on the communities in education for a long period, DLs need to structure and organize the resources in a way that facilitates their dissemination and reuse. Such a digital library should be built on a well-defined framework to ensure that the services it provides are of good quality. In this research, we focused on the quality aspects of DLs. We developed an application pipeline to acquire resources contributed by the users from YouTube and SlideShare for an educational DL. We applied machine learning techniques to build classifiers in order to catalog DL collections using a uniform classification system: the ACM Computing Classification System. We also used Amazon Mechanical Turk to evaluate the classifier’s prediction result and used the outcome to improve classifier performance. To ensure efficiency, scalability, and reliability in DL services, we proposed cloud-based designs and applications to enhance DL services. The experimental results show that our proposed methods are promising for enhancing and enriching an educational digital library.

Halfway houses as a mechanism for the reintegration of offenders

Nkosi, Majozi Ephraim 11 1900 (has links)
The Department of Correctional Services sees the need for intensive preparation of inmates for reintegration into the community after release. Presently the Department of Correctional Services conducts pre-release preparation programmes in larger institutions. The inmates are, however, detained in institutions where the influence from other inmates is not conducive to the effective preparation of inmates for adjustment in free society after release or placement on parole. The use of halfway houses can combat the latter problems and play an important role in providing educational and training programmes. Specialised services such as social work; religious work, counselling, psychological treatment and psychiatry receive attention. Inmates who are merely released from prison without effective preparation are likely to resort to recidivism / Penology / M.A. (Penology)

Investigation and Prediction of Small Intestinal Precipitation of Poorly Soluble Drugs : a Study Involving in silico, in vitro and in vivo Assessment

Carlert, Sara January 2012 (has links)
The main objectives of the present project were to increase the understanding of small intestinal precipitation of poorly soluble pharmaceutical drugs, investigate occurrence of crystalline small intestinal precipitation and effects of precipitation on absorption. The aim was to create and evaluate methods of predicting crystalline small intestinal drug precipitation using in vivo, in vitro and in silico models. In vivo small intestinal precipitation from highly supersaturated solutions of two weakly basic model drugs, AZD0865 and mebendazole, was investigated in humans and canine models. Potential precipitation of AZD0865 was investigated by examining dose dependent increases in human maximum plasma concentration and total exposure, which turned out to be dose linear over the range investigated, indicating no significant in vivo precipitation. The small intestinal precipitation of mebendazole was investigated from drug concentrations and amount of solid drug present in dog jejunum as well as through the bioavailability after direct duodenal administration in dogs. It was concluded that mebendazole small intestinal precipitation was limited, and that intestinal supersaturation was measurable for up to 90 minutes. In vitro precipitation methods utilizing simulated or real fasted gastric and intestinal fluids were developed in order to simulate the in vivo precipitation rate. The methods overpredicted in vivo precipitation when absorption of drug was not simulated. An in vitro-in silico approach was therefore developed, where the in vitro method was used for determining the interfacial tension (γ), necessary for describing crystallization in Classical Nucleation Theory (CNT). CNT was evaluated using a third model drug, bicalutamide, and could successfully describe different parts of the crystallization process of the drug. CNT was then integrated into an in silico absorption model. The in vivo precipitation results of AZD0865 and mebendazole were well predicted by the model, but only by allowing the fundamental constant γ to vary with concentration. Thus, the in vitro-in silico approach could be used for small intestinal precipitation prediction if the in vitro concentration closely matched in vivo small intestinal concentrations.

Invazivní metody v prenatální péči z pohledu ošetřovatelství z využitím systémů NANDA, NIC a NOC / Invasive methods of prenatal care from the perspective of nursing, using the system NANDA, NIC and NOC.

ŠTEFKOVÁ, Karin January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, we deal with the issue of invasive methods of prenatal care from a nursing perspective using standardized classification schemes NANDA, NIC and NOC, which offer many opportunities to streamline, simplify and improve the care of women who undergo invasive procedures. The theoretical part is focused on screening in prenatal care, individual invasive methods and the most common congenital malformations of the child. Furthermore, standardized classification systems NANDA, NIC and NOC, which represent a common nursing language. The empirical part of the dissertation is processed using qualitative strategy. To collect data, we selected the following research methods: content analysis of documents, evaluation using Fehring's model. The first goal was to detect and identify the problems that women face after amniocentesis (AMC), chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and cordocentesis and second goal was to assess the applicability of selected issues of classification systems NANDA, NIC and NOC with Fehring's model of validation of nursing diagnoses. Using content analysis, we have selected three nursing diagnosis from the NANDA International Taxonomy II, from publication of Nursing Interventions clasification (NIC) 3 nursing interventions and from Nursing Outcomes Clasification (NOC) 4 expected results, which are focused on the respondents after invasive methods. From selected nursing diagnoses of NANDA, NIC interventions and NOC expected results, we have developed a research form, specific questionnaire we submitted to the validation by respondents. The survey was carried out from January to March 2015 in the polyclinic GENNET Ltd. - Centrum of Medical genetics and reproductive medicine and in a private clinic OG Medical Center Ltd. The sample consisted of 34 intentionally selected respondents who underwent amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, or cordocentesis. The outcome of this thesis is the basic concept of the nursing diagnosis, according to NANDA-I, NIC and NOC aimed at women after invasive methods for prenatal care. Research has shown that with the the vast majority of respondents significantly exhibited symptoms of fear and anxiety. In contrast, in terms of the respondents reported that the knowledge of the issue is sufficient. This result is influenced by the fact that respondents find a lot of information on the Internet, but that may not always be true. Unfortunately, the results showed that it is more a problem of communication and interest of the medical staff.

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