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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Folkbibliotekariernas reaktioner på folkbibliotekens övergång till Dewey

Kousteni, Christina, Sedin, Therese January 2016 (has links)
Many libraries in Sweden have since 2008 started to switch their classification system fromSAB (The Swedish classification system) to Dewey (Dewey decimal classification system).Kungliga Biblioteket (National Library of Sweden) decided to switch classification systemfrom SAB to DDC in 2008 and recommend that all libraries in Sweden should also follow. Inrecent years, a number of public libraries have started the transition to DDC. Our thesisfocuses on the public libraries and the librarians view on the matter. The discussed questionsof the thesis are:1. How do the public libraries see a possible transition to DDC?2. Why have some of the public libraries changed their library system to DDC and others havenot?The empirical material of the thesis consists of 47 questionnaire responses that wherethereafter analyzed. Five of the public libraries that answered our questionnaire had began thetransition process to the DDC, thirty-nine of them only used SAB, although more than half ofthem where open to make the transition at some point in the future. Some of the publiclibraries didn’t want to change to DDC because they considered it a system that would not suitthe Swedish conditions very well and therefore preferred the Swedish system (SAB) more.Librarians are divided between those who are positive towards a transition to DDC and thosewho are not. We tried to analyze the librarians’ views from a psychological view based on atheory on individual ́s reactions towards organizational change. However, what we couldinterpret from the answers on our questionnaire, many of the librarians' considerations andthoughts regarding DDC are somewhat similar to earlier discussions about Dewey, which leadus to believe that there has not been made huge progress on the matter.

Systembyte från SAB till DDK- planering, hylluppställning, lokal-och katalogförändringar på Umeå Universitetsbibliotek

Persson, Sassa January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Dewey i Sverige : En diskursanalys av den svenska bibliotekssektorns uttalanden om klassifikationssystemet DDK / Dewey in Sweden : A discourse analysis of the Swedish library sector’s statements about the classification system DDC

Rosberg, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Swedish libraries are currently discussing andimplementing the classification system Dewey (DDC).Most libraries in Sweden have used the Swedishclassification system SAB until recently. In 2008 TheRoyal Library of Sweden (KB) decided to switch fromSAB to DDC. Many academic libraries chose to followKB’s example and by January 2011 a switch was made atKB and at many academic libraries.The aim of this master thesis is to examine and analysethe library sector’s discussion that occurred before andduring the Swedish switch from SAB to DDC. The mainquestion asked is; What is being discussed about Dewey2010-2011 and in what manner? To organize and anlysethis discussion discourse analysis is used. Discourseanalysis by Laclau and Mouffe is used both as methodand theoretic ground. The material which has beenanalyzed consists of the library sector’s discussions andstatements found in journals, reports, blogs, meetingprotocols and seminar.The analysis shows four different discourses; thetransition discourse, the spatial discourse, the instrumentaldiscourse and the public library discourse. In conclusion,it can be argued that the transfer to Dewey has gone froma planning stage to an implementing stage at academiclibraries. Public libraries in Sweden have shown lessinterest and are considered to be in a planning stageparallel to the academic libraries implementing stage.Earlier discussions about pros and cons with Dewey havealmost disappeared 2010-2011 and discussions of spatialmatters are frequently occurring in the material. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Characterizing the Associations and Roles of DDK and Mcm2-7 DNA Replication Proteins in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

Suman, Evelyin 20 May 2014 (has links)
The essential cell cycle kinase Dbf4/Cdc7 (DDK) triggers DNA replication through phosphorylation of the Mcm2-7 helicase at replication origins. Prior work has implicated various Mcm2-7 subunits as targets of DDK, however it is not well understood which specific subunits mediate the docking of the DDK complex. Through yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation analyses, we found that Dbf4 and Cdc7 interact with distinct subunits of the Mcm2-7 helicase complex. Dbf4 showed the strongest interaction with Mcm2 while Cdc7 associated with Mcm4 and Mcm5. Dissection of the N-terminal region of Mcm2 revealed two regions that mediate the interaction with Dbf4, whereas in Mcm4, a region near the N-terminus has been previously identified by another group as the DDK docking domain. Mutant forms of Mcm2 (Mcm2ΔDDD) or Mcm4 (Mcm4ΔDDD) lacking the DDK docking domain were expressed in cells and resulted in modest growth and replication defects. Combining the two mutations resulted in synthetic lethality, suggesting a redundant mechanism of Mcm2 and Mcm4 in targeting the DDK complex to Mcm rings. Furthermore, growth inhibition could be induced in a Mcm4ΔDDD background by overexpressing Mcm2 to titrate Dbf4 from Mcm rings. These growth defects were exacerbated in the presence of genotoxic agents such as hydroxyurea and methyl methanesulfonate, suggesting that DDK-Mcm interactions may play a role in stabilizing replication forks under S-phase checkpoint conditions. Regions of Cdc7 were examined for their interaction with Mcm4 and Dbf4. Results have shown that the N-terminal amino acid region 55-124 and the C-terminal region 453-507 of Cdc7 are likely target regions for Dbf4-binding. Several conserved residues were identified within the N-terminal 55-124 Cdc7 region that interface with conserved residues within motif-C of Dbf4. Conserved residues were identified within the DDD domain of Mcm2 and mutating these residues resulted in a decreased interaction with Dbf4. Lastly, bioinformatics analysis has revealed potential conserved residues within the Mcm4DDD region, which may play a role in binding to Cdc7. This research is significant because these factors, which are conserved in all eukaryotes studied to date, should give further insight as to how DNA replication is triggered and how it is affected when cells are exposed to DNA damaging or replication compromising agents. This research also has implications in cancer genetics, as prior studies have shown elevated DDK and Mcm protein levels in tumour cell lines and melanomas, with Cdc7 showing great promise as a cancer therapeutic target. Such knowledge will further enhance our understanding of the DNA replication process and the roles of cell cycle proteins involved, under both normal and checkpoint conditions.

Skiftet till Dewey : Hur har övergången till siffror påverkat svenska folkbibliotek?

Lindgren, Olivia, Larsson, Anny January 2021 (has links)
In November 2008 The National library of Sweden announced that they had decided to switch classification system from the Swedish made SAB system to the international Dewey decimal classification system, in their announcements were recommendations for other libraries to also make the transition to Dewey. This decision was based on cataloging work with being able to reuse international material, make Swedish material more visible internationally and work with a system that is constantly maintained. The purpose of this study is to examine how DDC has influenced the public libraries from librarian’s perspectives, and if the transition has affected the organization negatively. It will also study the librarian's experience and thoughts about the transition and DDC as the topic. This study will apply the theory of new institutional theory, or neo-institutional theory, on the way organizations are understood with how they change to be more alike to each other, where the concepts of isomorphism will be used as analytical concepts and themes to understand how the changes can happen. Through semi-structured interviews six librarians got interviewed from five different public libraries, who also had experienced the transition from SAB to Dewey. The findings are that Dewey as a system did not have any severe or bad consequences to the public libraries who implemented it, but that it still has aspects to it that works poorly which proves that Dewey still needs to get more adapted to public libraries in Sweden.

Implementation and Analyses of the Mobile-IP Protocol : Under Windows

Jin, Shanlun January 2008 (has links)
This report is the result of a masters degree project conducted at the Department of Teleinformatics at the Royal Institute of Technology starting from the autumn 1996. The area investigated is the Mobile Internet Protocol, especially its implementation under Windows NT environment. Network driver writing under Windows NT was practised. Recent development in improving Mobile IP protocol to support micro-mobility have also been investigated.

”SAB är en skvader” : Övergången till DDK, valet av klassifikationssystem och dess påverkan på folkbiblioteken / “SAB is a skvader” : The transition to DDC, choosing a classification system and its effect on public libraries

Johansson, Susann, Mähler, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
In 2008, the National Library of Sweden decided to discontinue the use of the Swedish classification system SAB when classifying the national bibliography in favor of DDC, from 2011 onwards. At the same time, the Swedish Library Association advocated for all Swedish libraries to follow the National Library’s decision and switch to DDC. While the university libraries switched to DDC following these decisions and recommendations, the transition for the public libraries has been slow.  The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine to what extent SAB, DDC and different shelving solutions are used at Swedish public libraries and what arguments are used for the respective systems. Applying a neo-institutional perspective, the study aims to explain how the usage of a particular classification system could impact public libraries’ legitimacy.  A web questionnaire was sent out to the main library for all 290 Swedish municipalities, of which 203 main libraries responded. The results show that SAB is the most used classification system at Swedish public libraries, and that a switch to DDC is not prioritized. Arguments for continued use of SAB are mainly that staff and patrons are used to it, while arguments for switching to DDC relates to the National Library’s decision to switch. The study concludes that both classification systems can be used without impacting the public libraries legitimacy for now, but that SAB will become more and more outdated and might have negative effects on the public libraries’ legitimacy in the future.

Regulation of The DNA Unwinding Element Binding Protein DUE-B in The Cell

Gao, Yanzhe January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Kan oral diadochokinesi predicera talförståelighet hos patienter med essentiell tremor?

Nilsson, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Essentiell tremor (ET) behandlas bland annat med djup hjärnstimulering (DBS). Många patienter drabbas av stimuleringsinducerad dysartri (SID) till följd av behandlingsmetoden, vilket i sin tur kan påverka talförståeligheten. Oral diadochokinesi (DDK) används av kliniker vid utvärdering av dysartri då det pressar det artikulatoriska systemet. Studier har påvisat samband mellan akustiska egenskaper från DDK och naturligt tal. Ett fåtal studier har undersökt sambandet mellan DDK och talförståelighet men i dagsläget saknas studier inom området som bygger på fler än en kvantifiering av DDK.Syfte: Att undersöka om DDK kan predicera nedsatt talförståelighet till följd av DBS hos patienter med ET. Metod: Inspelade DDK-sekvenser av stavelserna [pa], [ta] och [ka] från 36 patienter med ET samlades in och matchades med skattningar av deras talförståelighet. Inspelningarna märktes upp med hjälp av en tränad mjukvara och kontrollerades sedan manuellt. Ett batteri av 45 akustiska parametrar beräknades på samtliga sekvenser. Statistiska beräkningar genomfördes för att undersöka om erhållna mått kunde predicera talförståelighet.Resultat: För prediktion av talförståelighet påvisades [pa] vara mer värdefull än [ta] och [ka]. Högst uppnådda resultat visade att [pa] kunde förklara 23% av variationen i talförståelighet.Slutsatser: Resultatet visar att DDK kan fungera som en relativt god prediktor av nedsatt talförståelighet till följd av DBS hos patienter med ET. Däremot bör man vara försiktig med att tillskriva DDK ett större förtroende gällande dess samband med talförståelighet, eftersom låga resultat erhölls i vissa beräkningar. Vidare forskning bör validera den använda modellen. / Tal- och rösteffekter av djup hjärnstimulering hos patienter med essentiell tremor, D.nr: 2014-67-32M.

The Lombard Effect on Speech Clarity in Patients with Parkinson Disease

AL-FWARESS, FIRAS SALER DAHER 22 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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