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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clean Code vs Dirty Code : Ett fältexperiment för att förklara hur Clean Code påverkar kodförståelse / Clean Code vs Dirty Code

Hagman, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
Stora och komplexa kodbaser med bristfällig kodförståelse är ett problem som blir allt vanligare bland företag idag. Bristfällig kodförståelse resulterar i längre tidsåtgång vid underhåll och modifiering av koden, vilket för ett företag leder till ökade kostnader. Clean Code anses enligt somliga vara lösningen på detta problem. Clean Code är en samling riktlinjer och principer för hur man skriver kod som är enkel att förstå och underhålla. Ett kunskapsglapp identifierades vad gäller empirisk data som undersöker Clean Codes påverkan på kodförståelse. Studiens frågeställning var: Hur påverkas förståelsen vid modifiering av kod som är refaktoriserad enligt Clean Code principerna för namngivning och att skriva funktioner? För att undersöka hur Clean Code påverkar kodförståelsen utfördes ett fältexperiment tillsammans med företaget CGM Lab Scandinavia i Borlänge, där data om tidsåtgång och upplevd förståelse hos testdeltagare samlades in och analyserades. Studiens resultat visar ingen tydlig förbättring eller försämring av kodförståelsen då endast den upplevda kodförståelsen verkar påverkas. Alla testdeltagare föredrar Clean Code framför Dirty Code även om tidsåtgången inte påverkas. Detta leder fram till slutsatsen att Clean Codes effekter kanske inte är omedelbara då utvecklare inte hunnit anpassa sig till Clean Code, och därför inte kan utnyttja det till fullo. Studien ger en fingervisning om Clean Codes potential att förbättra kodförståelsen. / Summary: Big and complex codebases with inadequate understandability, is a problem which is becoming more common among companies today. Inadequate understandability leads to bigger time requirements when maintaining code, which means increased costs for a company. Clean Code is according to some people the solution to this problem. Clean Code is a collection of guidelines and principles for how to write code which is easy to understand and maintain. A gap of knowledge was identified, as there is little empirical data that investigates how Clean Code affects understandability. This lead to the following the question: How is the understandability affected when modifying source code which has been refactored according to the Clean Code principles regarding names and functions? In order to investigate how Clean Code affects understandability, a field experiment was conducted in collaboration with the company CGM Lab Scandinavia in Borlänge. In the field experiment data in the form of time and experienced understandability was collected and analyzed.The result of this study doesn’t show any clear signs of immediate improvements or worsening when it comes to understandability. This is because even though all participants prefer Clean Code, this doesn’t show in the measured time of the experiment. This leads me to the conclusion that the effects of Clean Code aren’t immediate, since developers hasn’t been able to adapt to Clean Code, and therefore are not able to utilize its benefits properly. This study gives a hint of the potential Clean Code has to improve understandability

Barriers to and determinants of funding sustainable development projects in developing countries : a case study of the eThekwini Municipality

Sangham, Anilrai I. January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / The purpose of this study was to evaluate the barriers to and the determinants of funding sustainable development through the implementation of the Clean Development Mechanism at the Bisasar Road and Mariannhill landfill sites. The Clean Development Mechanism is an economic construct, arising out of the Kyoto Protocol (UNFCCC 2004:10), and formulated to promote social and economic welfare by transferring technology in such a manner, that it promotes sustainable development and ecological renewal. The stated goal of CDM (UNFCCC: 10) is to reduce harmful emissions and thereafter, to produce sustainable development and ecological renewal. This research utilised the case study methodology as advocated by Eisenhardt (1989:538). The study employed multiple data collection methodologies which included face-face interviews, within case analysis, triangulation, field notes and photographs. An important component of the data collection methodology was to access financial records of revenue flows for the CDM implementation process from January 2009 to December 2015. The research found that there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that the Clean Development Mechanism, as implemented at Bisasar Road and Mariannhill, reduced carbon emissions. Further, the study found that the production of clean energy produced financial losses rather than revenues for funding sustainable development. The relevance and value of this research lies in the presentation and formatting of the Systematic Sequential Analysis Model. The purpose of the Systematic Sequential Analysis Model is to introduce a series of financial, macro-economic, micro-economic, and technical sustainability filters for the implementation of the Clean Development Mechanism in developing countries. / D

Cleantech SMEs’ Expectations and Perceptions of an Established Community-based Intermediary Moving into their Sector

Dahiya, Sushil January 2013 (has links)
Innovation intermediaries provide a range of services to assist firms during the process of innovation. How SMEs perceive innovation intermediaries is an area of investigation that would provide important information on how innovation intermediaries’ assist small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This study focuses on the cleantech industry and explores SMEs’ expectations and perceptions of an established community-based intermediary (CBI) moving into their sector. A qualitative research methodology was adopted to collect data from 15 sample SMEs. In regards to SMEs, the findings show that cleantech companies face financing, partnerships, marketing, sales, regulatory and bureaucratic challenges. In regards to innovation intermediaries, the findings showcase how CBI, a regional intermediary, is not effective in supporting cleantech SMEs with their sector specific needs or challenges.

Kategorisierung von Schlachtrindern nach Verschmutzungsgraden analog der britischen "Clean Livestock Policy" im Rahmen der amtlichen Schlachttieruntersuchung

Eggert-Satzinger, Claudia 24 January 2017 (has links)
Um ein in mikrobiologischer Hinsicht sicheres und gesundes Lebensmittel zu erhalten, sind während der Fleischgewinnung, von der landwirtschaftlichen Primärproduktion bis zur Schlachtstätte, hygienische Herstellungspraktiken erforderlich. Nachweislich wirken sich schmutzige Schlachtrinder entscheidend auf die Schlachthygiene aus. Die damit verbundene mikrobiologische Belastung des Schlachttierkörpers und die potenzielle Gefährdung für die Gesundheit der Verbraucher sind inakzeptabel. Verschmutzungen von Schlachtrindern entstehen in der Primärerzeugung, beim Transport sowie bei Anlieferung und Unterbringung der Tiere in der Schlachtstätte. Im Schlachtprozess bestehen Kontaminationsmöglichkeiten beim Betäuben, Entbluten, Vorenthäuten und beim Enthäuten. Dabei ist das Risiko der Verunreinigung im Schlachtprozess umso größer, je ausgeprägter die Verschmutzungen der lebenden Rinder bei der Anlieferung sind. Aufgabe der Schlachthygiene ist, diese Kontaminationen auf allen Stufen zu verhindern oder auf ein Mindestmaß zu beschränken. Mögliche Maßnahmen beginnen mit der Anlieferung der lebenden Tiere, die durch eine entsprechende Haltung und Fütterung oder durch vorheriges Reinigen oder Scheren, eine akzeptable Sauberkeit aufweisen. Verschmutzt angelieferte Tiere können in der Schlachtstätte gereinigt oder zurückgewiesen werden. Während des Schlachtprozesses können verschiedene verfahrenstechnische Maßnahmen, wie Zwischenreinigung der Anlage, separates Schlachten von verschmutzten Tieren, reduzierter Schlachtgeschwindigkeit oder Zurückheften des Fells beim maschinellen Enthäuten, die Schmutzübertragung verhindern. Kontaminationen, die durch diese Verfahren nicht verhindert werden, können nur noch im Nachhinein beseitigt werden mittels Wegschneiden von Verunreinigungen oder speziellen physikalischen, chemischen oder biologischen Dekontaminationsverfahren; diese haben aber entweder keine gesetzliche Zulassung oder werden aufgrund mangelnder Verbraucherakzeptanz nicht angewendet. Ziele Im Rahmen einer Literaturstudie wurden der Ursprung und die Auswirkungen von verschmutzten Schlachtrindern auf den Schlachtprozess untersucht. Anhand der Vorgaben des EU-Lebensmittelhygienerechts zur Fleischgewinnung wurden die Verantwortlichkeiten entlang der Produktionskette vom Primärerzeuger über den Schlachtstättenbetreiber und den amtlichen Tierarzt in der Schlachttier- und Fleischuntersuchung dargelegt. Maßnahmen müssen hier ansetzen, um den Eintrag von Kontaminationen auf einer frühen Stufe zu verhindern. Der amtliche Tierarzt nimmt hier eine zentrale Stellung ein. Auf der gesetzlichen Grundlage der VO (EG) Nr. 854/2004, in der als Kriterium zur Erteilung der Schlachterlaubnis gefordert wird, dass die Tiere sauber sein müssen, entscheidet er über die Zulassung der Tiere zur Schlachtung. Klare Ausführungen zur Verschmutzungseinschätzung fehlen hingegen. Die britische Clean-Livestock Policy (CLP) ist ein System zur Beurteilung der Tiersauberkeit. Sie beschreibt fünf eindeutige Verschmutzungsgrade in Wort und Bild und legt entsprechende Maßnahmen für die einzelnen Kategorien fest, die durch den Lebensmittelunternehmer an Schlachtstätten einzuleiten sind. Die CLP ist seit 1997 im englischen Fleischhygienerecht etabliert. Auch in anderen Mitgliedstaaten, wie Norwegen, Belgien, Niederlande oder Finnland, findet die Forderung nach sauberen Schlachttieren Berücksichtigung in nationalen Regelungen oder Leitlinien, die sich an Lebensmittelunternehmer oder Überwachungspersonal wenden. In Deutschland wurde die EU-rechtliche Forderung nach sauberen Schlachttieren bislang nicht durch nationale Regelungen ergänzt oder präzisiert. Material/Methode In eigenen Untersuchungen an 22.441 Schlachtrindern wurde das britische System der CLP auf Eignung im Rahmen der amtlichen Schlachttieruntersuchung getestet. Hierzu wurden Arbeitsanweisungen in Wort und Bild erstellt und die amtlichen Untersucher theoretisch und praktisch geschult. Die Befunde der Schlachttiere, die in die Verschmutzungskategorien 1-5 eingeteilt wurden, wurden statistisch ausgewertet und untersucht, welche Einflüsse auf die Tiersauberkeit im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf, im Vergleich der Untersuchungsjahre und Monate, sowie im Vergleich mit den englischen Untersuchungsbefunden zu erkennen waren. Ergebnisse Die eigenen Untersuchungen belegen, dass die Kategorisierung von Schlachttieren nach Verschmutzungsgraden einfach umzusetzen ist und einen geringen finanziellen und zeitlichen Aufwand bei größtmöglichem Nutzen mit sich bringt. Grenzfälle oder Schwierigkeiten bei der Beurteilung wurden erkannt. Die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen für Tiere mit starken Verschmutzungen hingegen ist noch nicht eindeutig gelöst. Die Ergebnisse der Verschmutzungsgrade zeigen, dass rund 50% der angelieferten Schlachttiere als „schmutzig“ eingeteilt wurden. Schlussfolgerung In der amtlichen Schlachttieruntersuchung könnte die Etablierung des CLP-Systems, mit einer eindeutigen Festlegung von Verschmutzungsgraden und den damit verbundenen Reglementierungen, eine signifikante Reduktion der Belastung der Schlachthygiene durch mittel- bis hochgradig verschmutzte Rinder ermöglichen.


Kai Jin (7040480) 07 May 2021 (has links)
Plastic waste is accumulated in landfills and the environment at an exponentially increasing rate. Currently, about 350 million tons of plastic waste is generated annually while only 9% is recycled. Plastic waste and its degradation products, microplastics, pose a severe threat to the ecosystem and eventually human health. Polyolefin (Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP)) waste is 63% of the total plastic waste. Converting polyolefin waste into useful products including clean gasoline, diesel, wax, and monomers, via hydrothermal processing (HTP) can help reduce the plastic waste accumulation. In this study, sorted PE waste was converted via supercritical water liquefaction (SWL) into gasoline blendstock, No.1 ultra-low-sulfur diesel, and clean waxes with high yields and high purities. Comprehensive reaction pathways for PE conversion were proposed based on detailed GC×GC analyses. Furthermore, a new low-pressure (~2 MPa) hydrothermal processing (LP-HTP) method was developed to convert mixed polyolefin waste. This new LP-HTP method can save 90% of the capital cost and energy compared to SWL. The oil products were distilled into clean gasoline and No.1 ultra-low-sulfur diesel. The reaction pathways of PE and PP were independent while the synergistic effects improved the fuel qualities. With this LP-HTP method, polyolefin waste can be converted into up to 190 million tons of fuels globally, while 92% of the energy and 71% of the GHG emissions can be saved compared to conventional methods for producing fuels. Overall, this method is robust, flexible, energy-efficient, and environmental-friendly. It has a great potential for reducing the polyolefin waste accumulation in the environment and associated risks to human health.<br>

Fine grained sediment clean-up in a modern urban environment

Villemure, Marlene January 2013 (has links)
Fine grained sediment deposition in urban environments during natural hazard events can impact critical infrastructure and properties (urban terrain) leading to reduced social and economic function and potentially adverse public health effects. Therefore, clean-up of the sediments is required to minimise impacts and restore social and economic functionality as soon as possible. The strategies employed to manage and coordinate the clean-up significantly influence the speed, cost and quality of the clean-up operation. Additionally, the physical properties of the fine grained sediment affects the clean-up, transport, storage and future usage of the sediment. The goals of the research are to assess the resources, time and cost required for fine grained sediment clean-up in an urban environment following a disaster and to determine how the geotechnical properties of sediment will affect urban clean-up strategies. The thesis focuses on the impact of fine grained sediment (<1 mm) deposition from three liquefaction events during the Canterbury earthquake sequence (2010-2011) on residential suburbs and transport networks in Christchurch. It also presents how geotechnical properties of the material may affect clean-up strategies and methods by presenting geotechnical analysis of tephra material from the North Island of New Zealand. Finally, lessons for disaster response planning and decision making for clean-up of sediment in urban environments are presented. A series of semi-structured interviews of key stakeholders supported by relevant academic literature and media reports were used to record the clean-up operation coordination and management and to make a preliminary qualification of the Christchurch liquefaction ejecta clean-up (costs breakdown, time, volume, resources, coordination, planning and priorities). Further analysis of the costs and resources involved for better accuracy was required and so the analysis of Christchurch City Council road management database (RAMM) was done. In order to make a transition from general fine sediment clean-up to specific types of fine disaster sediment clean-up, adequate information about the material properties is required as they will define how the material will be handled, transported and stored. Laboratory analysis of young volcanic tephra from the New Zealand’s North Island was performed to identify their geotechnical properties (density, granulometry, plasticity, composition and angle of repose). The major findings of this research were that emergency planning and the use of the coordinated incident management system (CIMS) system during the emergency were important to facilitate rapid clean-up tasking, management of resources and ultimately recovery from widespread and voluminous liquefaction ejecta deposition in eastern Christchurch. A total estimated cost of approximately $NZ 40 million was calculated for the Christchurch City clean-up following the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence with a partial cost of $NZ 12 million for the Southern part of the city, where up to 33% (418 km) of the road network was impacted by liquefaction ejecta and required clearing of the material following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Over 500,000 tonnes of ejecta has been stockpiled at Burwood landfill for all three liquefaction inducing earthquake events. The average cost per kilometre for the event clean-up was $NZ 5,500/km (4 September 2010), $NZ 11,650/km (22 February 2011) and $NZ 11,185/km (13 June 2011). The duration of clean-up time of residential properties and the road network was approximately two to three months for each of the three liquefaction ejecta events; despite events volumes and spatial distribution of ejecta. Interviews and quantitative analysis of RAMM data revealed that the experience and knowledge gained from the Darfield earthquake (4 September 2010) clean-up increased the efficiency of the following Christchurch earthquake induced liquefaction ejecta clean-up events. Density, particle size, particle shape, clay content and moisture content, are the important geotechnical properties that need to be considered when planning for a clean-up method that incorporates collection, transport and disposal or storage. The geotechnical properties for the tephra samples were analysed to increase preparedness and reaction response of potentially affected North Island cities from possible product from the active volcanoes in their region. The geotechnical results from this study show that volcanic tephra could be used in road or construction material but the properties would have to be further investigated for a New Zealand context. Using fresh volcanic material in road, building or flood control construction requires good understanding of the material properties and precaution during design and construction to extra care, but if well planned, it can be economically beneficial.

Verifiering av speciell tvättutrustning med avseende på renhetsgrad / Verification of special washing equipment with regard to level of cleanliness

Langmo, Jotham January 2021 (has links)
Inom medicin och kärnkraft ställs höga krav på olika komponenters renhetsgrad. Vid tillverkning av precisionskomponenter inom medicin och kärnkraftsteknik så används skärvätska för att kyla och smörja godset. Skärvätskan behöver tvättas bort innan komponenterna skickas till kunderna. För att kunna tvätta bort skärvätskan används en speciell tvättutrustning. Idag saknas en metod för att kunna påvisa att den speciella tvättutrustningen på ett tillförlitligt sätt uppnår gällande krav och standarder på renhet som ställs av branscherna, på komponenterna. Genom att verifiera tvättutrustningen mot en specifik kravbild, godkänns tvättutrustningens duglighet och således frisläpps utrustningen för produktion. Målet med studien är att ta fram ett underlag för att kunna verifiera en speciell tvättutrustning. Målet uppnås genom att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar renhetsgraden i tvättprocessen och utveckla metoder för att säkerställa att dessa faktorer beaktas. Några av metoderna som används i arbetet är Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA), Acceptanskontroll enligt attributsmetoden, intervju och observation. Resultatet av provgruppsmätningarna från laboratoriet, visar att komponenternas renhetsgrad ligger inom Willos kravställning på restkontamination av olja≤10 μg/cm^2 då komponenterna tvättats med tvättprogram två. Efter att provgupperna genomgått acceptanskontrollen står det klart att provgrupperna accepteras med en sannolikhet på 95,6% och att tvättprocessen är stabil. I studien har gamla och antagna mätvärdena använts eftersom det tar lång tid att ta laboratorieprover och tiden som examensarbetet pågår är begränsad. Med de gamla och antagna mätvärdena skulle den speciella tvättutrustningen kunna verifieras mot Willos kravställning, för att möta branschernas krav på renhetsgrad. Genom verifieringen kan man på så vis påvisa att tvättutrustningen levererar stabilt tvättresultat över tid. / In medical and nuclear power applications, high demands are placed on the level of cleanliness of various components. When precision components in medicine and nuclear power technology are manufactured, cutting fluid is used to cool and lubricate the raw stock. The cutting fluid needs to be washed away before the components are sent to customers. To be able to wash away the cutting fluid, special washing equipment is used. Today, there is no method to demonstrate that the special washing equipment reliably meets current requirements and standards for cleanliness set by the industries on the components. By verifying the washing equipment against specific requirements, the capability of the washing equipment is approved, and thus, the equipment is released for production. The study aims to produce a basis for verifying special washing equipment. The goal is achieved by examining which factors affect the level of cleanliness in the washing process and developing methods to ensure that these factors are taken into account. Some of the methods used in work are Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA), Acceptance sampling according to the attribute method, interview and observation. The results of the test group measurements from the laboratory show that the level of cleanliness on the components is within Willo's requirements for residual contamination of oil≤10 μg/cm^2 when the components have been washed with washing program two. After the sample groups have undergone the acceptance sampling, it is clear that the sample groups are accepted with a probability of 95.6% and that the washing process is stable. In the study, old and assumed measurement values have been used because of the time it takes to perform laboratory samples, and the time that the degree project progresses is limited. With the old and assumed measurement values, the special washing equipment could be verified to Willo's requirements in order to meet the industries' requirements for the level of cleanliness. Through the verification, it can be demonstrated that the washing equipment delivers stable washing results over time.

Déconvolution aveugle parcimonieuse en imagerie échographique avec un algorithme CLEAN adaptatif / Sparse blind deconvolution in ultrasound imaging using an adaptative CLEAN algorithm

Chira, Liviu-Teodor 17 October 2013 (has links)
L'imagerie médicale ultrasonore est une modalité en perpétuelle évolution et notamment en post-traitement où il s'agit d'améliorer la résolution et le contraste des images. Ces améliorations devraient alors aider le médecin à mieux distinguer les tissus examinés améliorant ainsi le diagnostic médical. Il existe déjà une large palette de techniques "hardware" et "software". Dans ce travail nous nous sommes focalisés sur la mise en oeuvre de techniques dites de "déconvolution aveugle", ces techniques temporelles utilisant l'enveloppe du signal comme information de base. Elles sont capables de reconstruire des images parcimonieuses, c'est-à-dire des images de diffuseurs dépourvues de bruit spéculaire. Les principales étapes de ce type de méthodes consistent en i) l'estimation aveugle de la fonction d'étalement du point (PSF), ii) l'estimation des diffuseurs en supposant l'environnement exploré parcimonieux et iii) la reconstruction d'images par reconvolution avec une PSF "idéale". La méthode proposée a été comparée avec des techniques faisant référence dans le domaine de l'imagerie médicale en utilisant des signaux synthétiques, des séquences ultrasonores réelles (1D) et images ultrasonores (2D) ayant des statistiques différentes. La méthode, qui offre un temps d'exécution très réduit par rapport aux techniques concurrentes, est adaptée pour les images présentant une quantité réduite ou moyenne des diffuseurs. / The ultrasonic imaging knows a continuous advance in the aspect of increasing the resolution for helping physicians to better observe and distinguish the examined tissues. There is already a large range of techniques to get the best results. It can be found also hardware or signal processing techniques. This work was focused on the post-processing techniques of blind deconvolution in ultrasound imaging and it was implemented an algorithm that works in the time domain and uses the envelope signal as input information for it. It is a blind deconvolution technique that is able to reconstruct reflectors and eliminate the diffusive speckle noise. The main steps are: the estimation of the point spread function (PSF) in a blind way, the estimation of reflectors using the assumption of sparsity for the examined environment and the reconstruction of the image by reconvolving the sparse tissue with an ideal PSF. The proposed method was tested in comparison with some classical techniques in medical imaging reconstruction using synthetic signals, real ultrasound sequences (1D) and ultrasound images (2D) and also using two types of statistically different images. The method is suitable for images that represent tissue with a reduced amount or average scatters. Also, the technique offers a lower execution time than direct competitors.

Concepção e desafios na implantação de uma incubadora de conhecimentos de base limpa : caso São Bento do Sul / Challengs in concept and implementation of clean based company-nurturing knowledge based enter prise

Werlich, Carlos Roberto 21 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:32:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 77039.pdf: 1325268 bytes, checksum: 1584a05292e9b147c701e78faa29be98 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research describes the introduction of a clean based company-nurturing knowledgebased enterprise within regional companies and the aim is to foster to implemententrepreneur initiatives, to stimulate changes on technological, economical and socialenvironmental paradigm, as well as to stimulate organization management changes focused on the Local Productive Arrangement LPA at the North Plateau of Santa Catarina State.Successful case studies are highlighted from the literature consolidated in the Santa Catarina State, in Brazil, as well as Internationally. These studies help understand the differences of scenarios towards the regional reality. For this end, visits, preliminary and awareness meetings were carried out with the entrepreneur and academic community aiming to answer expectations gathered from a market research report. The implementation of this company-nurturing enterprise differs from others because: (i) it is scientifically based; (ii) it supports clean base companies and technologies; (iii) it has a alternating management counsel, and; (iv) the implementation had happened in the fastest period of time (i.e. oneyear). During this period of time three companies were nurtured with regional focus, which signal for possible changes in the technological and social-economical regional paradigm.Thus, challenges in the implementation of clean based company-nurturing knowledge-basedenterprise are shown, allowing its goals to be effectively achieved by the proposed model.These results fill up a significant gap in the literature concerning implementation models for clean based company-nurturing knowledge-based enterprise / Esta pesquisa descreve a implantação de uma incubadora de conhecimentos de base limpa de abrangência regional e objetiva contribuir para implementar iniciativas empreendedoras, potencializar demandas por mudanças de paradigma tecnológico, econômico, sustentabilidade sócio-ambiental e de gestão das organizações, foco no Arranjo Produtivo Local - APL do planalto norte do Estado de Santa Catarina. Destacam-se casos de sucesso na literatura internacional e consolidados no Brasil, como no Estado de Santa Catarina, a partir dos quais busca-se compreender as diferenças em relação à realidade regional. Nesse sentido, realizaram-se visitas, reuniões preparatórias e de sensibilização com a comunidade empresarial e acadêmica, visando atender aos anseios expressos em relatório de pesquisa de opinião. A implantação dessa incubadora de conhecimentos de base limpa, diferencia-se das demais, por estar pautada numa base cientifica; apoiar empreendimentos e tecnologias de base limpa; ter um conselho gestor rotativo; a implantação ter acontecido no menor prazo conhecido - um ano - período no qual três empresas foram incubadas e porque o foco de abrangência é regional, o que visualiza a possibilidade de mudar o paradigma tecnológico e sócio-econômico regional. Assim sendo, expõe-se desafios na implantação de uma Incubadora de conhecimentos de base limpa, permitindo que seus objetivos sejam efetivamente atingidos pelo modelo proposto. O resultado do estudo supre de forma significativa uma lacuna bibliográfica no que tange a modelos de implantação de Incubadoras de conhecimentos de base limpa.

Clean coding i team : En fallstudie om hur ett team går tillväga för att etablera ettgemensamt tankesätt som grundas i Clean codes riktlinjer / Clean code in team : - A case study to describe how a team works to establish acommon mindset based in the guidelines of Clean code

Emretsson, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Idag byggs många system som består av svårlästa kodbaser med låg förvaltningsbarhet. En anledning till detta är att utvecklarna av systemet har olika bakgrund och kunskap i hur de skriver kod. Att skriva sin kod på helt skilda sätt är något som kan skapa problem i takt med att system blir större och allt mer komplexa. Nethouse i Borlänge har sedan 2015 arbetat med förvaltningsuppdraget TRAP (Transportstyrelsens Administrativa Processystem) där en problematiskt förvaltning upplevts i och med att systemet är uppbyggt med hjälp av olika tekniker. Tekniken i TRAP ska lyftas och målet med detta är att skapa en mer lättläst och förvaltningsbar kodbas jämfört med hur TRAP ser ut idag. För att uppnå detta är planen att i teamet etablera ett gemensamt tankesätt som grundas i de riktlinjer som Clean code förespråkar. Studien syftar till att beskriva hur ett team arbetar med etableringen av ett gemensamt tankesätt som grundas i Clean Codes riktlinjer samt faktorer som anses vara viktiga att beakta. För att uppnå syftet användes två frågeställningar:  Hur arbetar teamet med etableringen av det gemensamma tankesättet idag?  Vilka faktorer kan anses som viktiga att beakta när ett nytt gemensamt tankesätt ska etableras? En fallstudie utfördes med intervjuer och enkäter som datainsamlingsmetoder för att ha möjlighet att besvara frågeställningen. Resultatet från studien visar att teamet på Nethouse använder sig av par- och mobprogrammering samt i enstaka fall kodgranskning för att etablera det gemensamma tankesättet. Resultatet beskriver även fyra faktorer som är viktiga att beakta när ett gemensamt tankesätt som grundas i Clean codes riktlinjer ska etableras. De fyra faktorerna är ömsesidigt förtroende, ömsesidighet kring det arbete som utförs, tvåvägskommunikation och tillvägagångssätt. / Many of todays systems are made of code bases with low readability which leads to low maintainability. One reason to this is that developers of the system have different experience and knowledge in how to write code. When code is written in totally different ways it can create problems as the system grows and becomes more complex. Since 2015, Nethouse in Borlänge has managed a system called TRAP (Transportstyrelsens Administrative Process System). TRAP is built with different techniques and during the maintainability process a lot of problems has occured because of that. The technique in TRAP is about to be lifted and by doing this one part of the goal is to create a code base which is more easy to read and maintain compared to todays code base. To achieve this goal the plan is to establish a common mindset in the team. A common mindset which is based in a set of guidelines called Clean code. The purpose of this study is to describe how a team is working to establish a common mindset based in the guidelines of Clean code and to describe important factors to consider in this situation. Two research questions was used to achieve the purpose of this study:  How is the team working today to establish a common mindset?  Which factors can be considered as important when a common mindset is about to establish? A case study with the help of interviews and questionnaries was conducted to answer these two questions. The result shows that the team is using pair programming, mob programming and also code review to establish a common mindset. The result also shows that the four factors mutual trust, mutual performance monitoring, closed loop communication and method are more important to consider in this situation.

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