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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Institutional Adaptation to Climate Change and Flooding in Accra, Ghana

Komey, Audrey N. K. 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

International Development Cooperation and Climate Change Adaptation in Kuyoj Qhocha, Bolivia - A Case Study of Resilience and Vulnerability Among Small-Scale Farmers

Viscarra Hansson, Braulio Johan, Malmqvist, Johannes January 2011 (has links)
I Bolivia bedrivs ett jordbruksprogram vid namn PROAGRO (Programa de Desarrollo Agropecuario Sostenible), genom ett trilateralt samarbete mellan Bolivia, Tyskland och Sverige. Syftet med programmet är att öka resiliensen bland småskaliga jordbrukare mot klimatrisker, förbättra deras förvaltning av vattenresurser och lokala avrinningsområden samt skapa ökad hållbar avkastning från deras jordbruksproduktion. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur PROAGROs personal, småskaliga jordbrukare och andra aktörer, upplever att klimatförändringarna påverkar lantbrukarnas levebröd. Vidare syftar uppsatsen att undersöka om lantbrukarnas resiliens mot klimatrisker ökar till följd av de insatser som genomförs av PROAGRO. Undersökningen har avgränsats och fokuserar på ett specifikt avrinningsområde vid namn Kuyoj Qhocha. Undersökningen baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med lantbrukare, personal från svenska och tyska biståndsorgan samt med lokala myndighetspersoner. Den insamlade empirin jämförs i uppsatsen med tidigare forskning och teorier relaterade till resiliens, klimatförändringar och anpassning. Resultaten av studien visar att lantbrukarna i Kuyoj Qhocha upplever variationer i klimatet, som förändrade regn- och värmecykler, vilka påverkar dem både positivt: exempelvis genom uppkomsten av nya odlingsmöjligheter och negativt: exempelvis på grund av förstörda odlingar tillföljd av torka. Deras resiliens ökar successivt, främst på grund av användandet av vattenskörds tekniker men också på grund av andra integrerade lösningar som diversifieringen av grödor och inkomster, pedagogiska verkstäder, och genom att hjälpa lantbrukarna att ansöka om ekonomiskt bistånd hos regeringen för förverkligandet av jordbruksutvecklande projekt. / In the small basin Kuyoj Qhocha, in Bolivia, an agriculture program named PROAGRO (Programa de Desarrollo Agropecuario Sostenible, Sustainable Agricultural Development Program) is being conducted. The program is carried out by a trilateral cooperation between Bolivia, Germany and Sweden and its main objectives are to increase resilience to climate risks among small-scale farmers, improve their management of water resources and local watersheds and generate increased and sustainable returns from their agricultural production. This essay aims to respond on how Kuyoj Qhocha‟s small-scale farmers and other actors involved in PROAGRO perceive that climate change is affecting the farmers‟ livelihood. It also aims to investigate if the farmers and the other actors recognize that the farmers‟ resilience to climate risks is increasing as a result of the efforts made through PROAGRO. The investigation has been made through qualitative interviews with farmers, personnel from international cooperation agencies and with officials at the local municipality. The investigation is compared with earlier research concerning climate change adaptation and social resilience. The study shows that farmers of the region are experiencing variations in climate, such as altered rain and heat cycles, affecting them both negatively: for example through destroyed plantations due to droughts, and positively: for example by the possibility to cultivate new crops. Their resilience against climate risks is gradually increasing mainly because of the usage of water harvest technologies but also through several integrated solutions such as the exploit of beneficial opportunities through the diversification of crops and income, by educational workshops and by assisting the farmers to apply for economic support from the government.

Is local climate change adaptation [CCA] inclusive for/adapted to everybody? : A qualitative study and intersectional analysis of local CCA within Stockholm County / Är klimatanpassning anpassad för alla? : En kvalitativ studie och intersektionell analys av klimatanpassning i Stockholms län

Mattsson, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Stockholm County is currently implementing climate change adaptation, making it essential to distinguish the priorities being made. Previous research has suggested that social dimensions of climate change adaptation in cities, especially in the Global North, are largely ignored. Therefore, this thesis aims to identify how social dimension issues of current local Climate Change Adaptation [CCA] in Stockholm County is perceived by CCA-practitioners and provide an overall understanding of how current local Climate Change Adaptation [CCA] materializes in Stockholm County. Five civil servants working as environmental planners/strategists were interviewed and part of a semi-structured interview study, which was analyzed through thematic analysis and an intersectional framework. The results suggest that current local CCA prioritizes specific climate hazards (Floods and different erosion- related hazards), certain buildings (new developments), and certain evaluations (technical). In addition, heatwaves, existing built environments, and social dimension assessments were shown to be of less focus in current local CCA. The results from the intersectional franmework showed that specific identity categories are considered in certain climate hazards, specifically in heatwaves that have clear health outcomes compared to the other hazards. It also shows that gender seems to be the least explored identity category of vulnerability in current local CCA-practice. / Stockholms län genomför för närvarande klimatanpassnings-åtgärder, vilket gör det viktigt att urskilja hur det tar sig i uttryck. Tidigare forskning har signalerat att sociala dimensioner klimatanpassning av städer, särskilt i det globala Nord, i stort sett har ignorerats. Därför syftar denna uppsats till att ge en övergripande förståelse för hur klimatanpassning inom Stockholms län tar sig i uttryck och vilka sociala perspektiv bedöms relevanta verksamma tjänstemän inom klimatanpassning. Uppsatsen hade två forskningsfrågor: 1) Enligt tjänstemän som arbetar med klimatanpassning inom Stockholms län, vad prioriteras och vad prioriteras inte inom nuvarande klimatanpassnings-praxis för en klimatrisk, och varför? 2)Enligt tjänstemän som arbetar med klimatanpassning inom Stockholms län, vem anses vara sårbar inom klimatanpassning, och var inom nuvarande klimatanpassnings-praxis tas det i åtanke? Uppsatsen har förlitats sig i stort på intersektionalitet som ett analytiskt verktyg och som vägledning i en litteraturstudie. Eftersom klimatanpassning utförs inom fysisk planering av kommunen, har fem tjänstemän som arbetar som miljöplanerare eller miljö-strateger intervjuats i en semistrukturerad intervjustudie. Materialet har analyserades genom tematisk analys. Den tematiska analysen gav tre typer av teman, där en viss prioritering kunde urskiljas. Resultaten tyder på att nuvarande klimatanpassning prioriterar specifika klimatrisker (översvämningar, ras och skred), vissa byggnader (ny bebyggelse) och vissa utvärderingar (tekniska). Dessutom visade resultatet på att värmeböljor, befintliga miljöer och bedömningar av sociala dimensioner är av mindre vikt och fokus inom klimatanpassning. Den tematiska analysen gav även ett fjärde tema kallat Sårbarheter. Under detta tema, presenterades hur sårbarheter inför klimatförändringar uppfattas av de intervjuade tjänstemännen och de angivna sårbarheterna analyserades med ett befintligt intersektionellt ramverk. Resultaten från den intersektionella analysen visar att specifika identitetskategorier beaktas mer i vissa klimatrisker, till exempel vid värmeböljor som har tydliga hälsokonsekvenser jämfört med andra extrema väderhändelser. Den visar också att kön är den minst utforskade i dagens klimatanpassnings- praxis i Stockholms Län.

Hydro-Urbanism : Reimagining Urban Landscapes to Accommodate and Utilize Stormwater

Putta, Praneetha 09 April 2024 (has links)
Urban flooding presents a significant challenge to cities worldwide, resulting in loss of life and economic damage. Factors such as urbanization, climate change, and extreme weather events compound the vulnerability of urban areas to flooding, with rapid urbanization emerging as a primary driver of increased flood risk. In response to this pressing issue, this thesis embarks on a transformative exploration, advocating for a paradigm shift in urban stormwater management through the lens of "Hydro-Urbanism." Central to this concept is recognizing stormwater as a valuable resource rather than a mere liability. By implementing targeted strategies to curb runoff, detain stormwater, and replenish groundwater, cities can mitigate the adverse impacts of urban flooding while enhancing resilience and livability. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and analysis of case studies, this research explores the efficacy of diverse stormwater management techniques in alleviating urban flooding and fostering sustainable urban development. In addition to technical aspects, the study delves into the socioeconomic dimensions of Hydro-Urbanism, highlighting the significance of community engagement and participatory planning in creating resilient and inclusive urban environments. Focused on Hyderabad city in Telangana, India, this project lies at the intersection of cultural heritage and modernity, confronting significant challenges posed by urban flooding amidst rapid urban expansion. By reframing the narrative around water from vulnerability to resilience and opportunity, the project aims to harness the power of stormwater as a catalyst for change. A tailored typology-based approach seeks to nurture a future where cities and water coexist harmoniously, protecting urban areas from flooding and fostering a more harmonious relationship between urban communities and the natural world. / Master of Science / Urban flooding, characterized by the inundation of urban streets, buildings, and infrastructure, arises when rainwater overwhelms drainage systems or water bodies overflow due to heavy rainfall or storms. It is a significant challenge faced by cities globally, leading to property damage, transportation disruptions, and risks to public safety. In response to the pressing issue of urban flooding, this project adopts a novel approach called "Hydro-Urbanism," emphasizing the interconnection between water and urban landscapes and aiming to transform how cities manage stormwater resources. Unlike traditional methods that view stormwater as a problem to be mitigated, Hydro-Urbanism recognizes stormwater as a valuable resource that can be harnessed for various purposes. It seeks to establish a symbiotic relationship between urban environments and water, wherein stormwater is managed strategically to mitigate flooding risks and enhance urban resilience while improving the quality of urban life. Amid rapid urbanization, exemplified vividly in cities like Hyderabad in the Telangana state of India, the balance between expanding urban sprawl and natural ecosystems has become increasingly fragile. Here, the challenge of managing stormwater looms large, threatening public safety, infrastructure integrity, and economic stability. Nevertheless, what if we could flip this narrative? What if stormwater could be a resource instead of being a menace? Focused on Hyderabad, a city at the crossroads of tradition and modernity, this project proposes a typology-based approach tailored to its unique urban fabric. By harnessing the potential of stormwater, the project aims to pave the way for a more resilient and adaptive urban future. Ultimately, the goal is to foster a harmonious coexistence between urban communities and stormwater resources, ensuring cities' long-term viability and well-being in the face of environmental uncertainties.

Indoor overheating risk : a framework for temporal building adaptation decision-making

Gichuyia, Linda Nkatha January 2017 (has links)
Overheating in buildings is predicted to increase as a result of a warming climate and urbanisation in most cities. With regards to responding to this challenge, decision makers ranging from_ design teams, local authorities, building users, national programs and market innovators; and during the different stages of a building’s service life, want to know a few pertinent matters: What space characteristics and buildings are at a higher risk and by how much?; What are the tradeoffs between alternative design and/or user-based actions?; What are the likely or possible consequences of their decisions?; What is the impact of climate change to indoor overheating?; among other decision support questions. However, such decision appraisal information still remains buried and dispersed in existing simulation models, and empirical studies, and not yet been clearly articulated in any existing study or model. Especially decision support information articulated in a way that gives each decision maker maximum capacity to anticipate and respond to thermal discomfort in different spaces and through the lifetime of a building. There is a need for an integrated and systematic means of building adaptation decision-support, which provides analytical leverage to these listed decision makers. A means that: 1) assimilates a range of indoor thermal comfort's causal and solution space processes; 2) reveals and enhances the exploration of the space and time-dependent patterns created by the dynamics of the indoor overheating phenomenon through time; and one that 3) imparts insight into decision strategy and its synthesis across multiple decision makers. This study recognises the lack of an overarching framework attending to the listed concerns. Therefore, the key aim of this thesis is to develop and test a building adaptation decision-support framework, which extends the scope of existing frameworks and indoor overheating risk models to facilitate trans-sectional evaluations that reveal temporal decision strategies. The generic framework frames a multi-method analysis aiming to underpin decision appraisal for different spaces over a 50 to 100-year time horizon. It constitutes an underlying architecture that engages the dimensions of decision support information generation, information structuring, its exploration and dissemination, to ease in drawing decision strategy flexibly and transparently. The multi-method framework brings together: 1) Systems thinking methods to a) facilitate the systematic exposure of the elements that shape indoor overheating risk, and b) reveal the processes that shape multi-stakeholder decision-making response over time; 2) The use of normative, predictive and exploratory building scenarios to a) examine the overheating phenomenon over time, and b) as a lens through which to explore the micro-dynamics brought about by aspects of heterogeneity and uncertainty; and 3) The application of both computational and optimization techniques to appraise potential routes towards indoor thermal comfort over an extended time scale by a) tracking shifts in frequency, intensity and distribution of indoor overheating vulnerability by causal elements over time and space; and b) tracking shifting optima of the heat mitigation solution space, with respect to time, climate futures, heterogeneity of spaces, and due to thermal comfort assumptions. The framework’s potential has been demonstrated through its application to office buildings in Nairobi.

Vulnerabilities in a Wetter World : A study on migration as an adaptation strategy to climate change, with under-five mortality as an intermediating variable.

Kaufmann, Wanja January 2019 (has links)
This thesis strives to examine firstly if migration is a significant adaptation strategy to the experience of abundant precipitation, and secondly whether under-five mortality works attenuating or enhancing when being an intermediating factor. With cross-country panel data for precipitation and migration percentage for 169 countries over the world for the time period 1950-2005, a fixed effect model has been created for both parts of the analysis — in the first one to estimate the effects of abundant precipitation on migration flows, and in the second one to examine if and how the mortality rates of children under the age of five works as driver on the effect between abundant precipitation and migration. The results illustrated a positive and significant effect of precipitation on migration when same-year data was used. For the five-year lag data and the ten-year lag data, the null hypothesis which indicates that there is no relationship between the variables could not be rejected, but there were still results that indicated that the migration goes up in a five-year perspective and decreases in a ten-year perspective. The results from the first part of the analysis do not illustrate enormous effects. For the second part of the analysis, results show that the effect of precipitation on under-five mortality does, in contrary to the stated hypothesis, implicate an attenuation as opposed to an enhancement of the effect of precipitation on migration. Due to low precision and non-significant results, it is not possible to determine how exactly the effects are directly affecting each other. This thesis has however helped to prove that one can reject that the effects are strongly enhancing each other.

Rainwater harvesting for drought mitigation and flood management

Melville-Shreeve, Peter January 2017 (has links)
Rainwater harvesting (RWH) in the UK has seen a low level of uptake relative to similar settings such as Australia and Germany. The relatively low cost of municipal water in the UK limits the financial savings associated with RWH systems, especially in a domestic setting. Although financial benefits can be relatively low (in terms of reduced water bills), academic and practitioner studies have demonstrated the potential for RWH to significantly reduce potable water demands at typical UK houses. Hence, increased uptake of RWH has potential to contribute to mitigating droughts in water scarce regions. Stormwater management in the UK is receiving increasing attention at all levels; from grass-roots sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) such as downpipe disconnections and raingardens; through to implementation of urban realm attenuation schemes and continued development of guidance from UK policy makers. The public realm nature of most SuDS presents a need for partnership approaches to be fostered between infrastructure mangers and the general public. The application of RWH as a technology within the SuDS management train has been limited in the UK as policy makers have taken the view that RWH tanks may be full at the start of a design storm, and thus the potential for attenuation and peak discharge reduction has been largely ignored. However, in the last few years there has been a shift in emphasis; from RWH perceived purely as a water demand management technology to a focus on its wider benefits e.g. mitigating surface water flooding through improved stormwater management. RWH systems examined in this thesis are now available which offer multiple benefits to both end-users and water service providers. The application of RWH in a dual purpose configuration (to displace potable water demands and control stormwater discharges) has seen increasing interest during the development of this thesis. However, the successful design of RWH as a stormwater management tool requires a series of calculations to be completed. To date, practitioners have frequently relied upon low-resolution heuristic methods which lead to a small range of configurations being deployed, with minimal demonstrable stormwater control benefits. In this thesis, full details of novel and traditional RWH technologies were identified and described. Empirical data was collected, both in laboratory conditions and at field sites, to identify the real world operating characteristics of a range of RWH configurations. Additionally a new time series evaluation methodology was developed to enable RWH systems to be designed and analysed. This method quantifies water demand benefits and also focusses on stormwater management metrics (i.e. largest annual discharge and total discharge volume per year). The method was developed to enable a range of RWH configurations to be evaluated at a given site. In addition, a decision support tool (RainWET) was developed and tested which enabled the methods to be deployed in real world settings. The application of the RainWET software allowed a UK-wide, time series analysis of RWH configurations to be completed and the holistic benefits of a range of dual purpose RWH systems to be analysed and described. Evidence from the UK study suggests that a traditional RWH installation (3000l storage, 300l/day demand and 60m2 roof) installed at a house in a water scarce region (London, SAAR 597mm) was able to fully mitigate stormwater overflows over a 20 year analysis whilst providing a mean water saving of 31,255l/annum. An equivalent system located in the wettest region studied (Truro, SAAR 1099mm) saw mean reductions in the largest annual storm of 62% (range 35-86%) whilst satisfying a mean rainwater demand of 50,912l/annum. The study concluded that suitably designed dual purpose RWH systems offered better stormwater management benefits than those designed without a stormwater control device. In addition, the integration of smart RWH controls were shown to maximise stormwater control benefits with little or no reduction in a system’s ability to satisfy non-potable water demands.

Information dissemination for adaptation to climate change and variability in the agriculture sector : the case of Malunga and Chibelela villages, central Tanzania.

Elia, Emmanuel Frank. January 2013 (has links)
This study investigated how access to and use of agricultural information contributed to farmers’ adaptation to climate change and variability in the semi-arid Maluga and Chibelela villages of central Tanzania. The major research problem this study sought to address was how information on adaptation to climate change and variability is packaged and disseminated to farmers. Specifically, the study 1) identified the Climate Change Adaptation in Africa project goals of disseminating information to farmers on climate change and variability; 2) assessed the status of knowledge adaptation to climate change and variability by farmers; 3) determined farmers’ access to, and use of, information on climate change and variability, and 4) investigated factors affecting access to, and use of, information on adaptation to climate change and variability by farmers. The study was underpinned by Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Model. A post-positivist approach was used, with a predominantly qualitative and lesser quantitative approach, respectively. Interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect data. The study population was made up of farmers, agricultural extension officers and the Climate Change Adaptation in Africa project manager. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and the SPSS, while qualitative data was analysed using content analysis. Reliability and validity were ensured by methodological triangulation, pretesting the interview guides and careful transcription of the data. The key findings showed that farmers’ training is crucial in mitigating the impacts of climate change and variability for agricultural development. The study found farmers had a problem with accessing and using climate information. Farmers perceived scientific information on weather as unreliable and untimely and were turning to indigenous knowledge (IK) to predict weather patterns. Repackaging of timely and accurate information on climate change and variability, education and training for farmers and collaboration between researchers, meteorology experts, extension officers and farmers are recommended for implementation to mitigate the adverse effect of climate change and variability on farmers. A clear policy framework for the dissemination of information related to climate change and variability is needed. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2013.

Unequal adaptation : socially differentiated responses to environmental change and food insecurity among smallholder farmers

Bailey, Meghan January 2017 (has links)
Achieving food security in a changing climate is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. For subsistence-oriented farming families who experience firsthand pressures on their food system - population growth, environmental degradation and climate change, to name only a few - adaptation has become an urgent necessity. The ability to 'adapt and benefit' through a suite of climate change adaptation interventions that build adaptive capacity is touted by many humanitarian and development institutions as integral to food security today. However, adapting and benefiting is often a far reach for many smallholder farming families, who more commonly manage multiple interdependent stressors through a mix of adaptive actions and negative coping strategies. The relative benefit of this mix of adaptive and coping strategies is socially differentiated, varying by location and both between and within households. This combination of strategies, or the variety of options to enact livelihood outcomes, is framed as a response space. This thesis explores the impact of social differentiation on the adaptive capacity of subsistence-oriented farming families experiencing food insecurity and environmental change. Using a case study of two villages in the Upper West region of Ghana, it investigates how adaptive capacity and response spaces differ based on points of social differentiation; the drivers that limit or exacerbate adaptive capacity and response spaces; and the implications of these responses for humanitarian, development, and government programmes that aim to support these populations. These questions are approached using mixed methods (embedded direct observation, the Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index household and individual survey, participatory action research exercises, child growth and hospital admissions records, focus groups, and key informant interviews) and a unique conceptual framework which draws heavily from systems thinking, feminist research theory, Sen's capabilities approach and grounded theory. I followed context-specific local drivers to deeply examine the familial and cultural political lives of households to better understand the interdependent nature of empowerment within the household, the distribution of scarce food, control over livelihoods and income, the management of poverty-induced stress, and the risk these drivers pose to public health. Out of this research, a multi-level vulnerability landscape surfaced, characterized by a food system on the margins and unequal adaptation within the case study population. The research led to the following insights: farmers experience multiple disadvantages being located in the Upper West of Ghana as compared to southern regions, and are underserved by multiple governmental and NGO institutions; farmers in turn experience heterogeneous vulnerability and access to response spaces at the community level, which are deeply entrenched in social norms that favour adult male bodies, male spaces, and male-typical productive roles; and, at the same time, there are individuals and families that stand outside these trends and are able to adapt and benefit, which highlights the need for an intersectional approach when examining the household and sub-household context. The 2015 Sustainable Development Goals include a pledge to ‘leave no one behind' in the pursuit to 'free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet'. Understanding the differing vulnerability of subsistence-oriented smallholder farming populations, as well as the ways their response spaces and adaptive capacity have been differently shaped, will be important for the program design and targeting strategies of interventions to achieve this goal. This thesis aims to contribute to this enormous task.

Decision making methods for water resources management under deep uncertainty

Roach, Thomas Peter January 2016 (has links)
Substantial anthropogenic change of the Earth’s climate is modifying patterns of rainfall, river flow, glacial melt and groundwater recharge rates across the planet, undermining many of the stationarity assumptions upon which water resources infrastructure has been historically managed. This hydrological uncertainty is creating a potentially vast range of possible futures that could threaten the dependability of vital regional water supplies. This, combined with increased urbanisation and rapidly growing regional populations, is putting pressures on finite water resources. One of the greatest international challenges facing decision makers in the water industry is the increasing influences of these “deep” climate change and population growth uncertainties affecting the long-term balance of supply and demand and necessitating the need for adaptive action. Water companies and utilities worldwide are now under pressure to modernise their management frameworks and approaches to decision making in order to identify more sustainable and cost-effective water management adaptations that are reliable in the face of uncertainty. The aim of this thesis is to compare and contrast a range of existing Decision Making Methods (DMMs) for possible application to Water Resources Management (WRM) problems, critically analyse on real-life case studies their suitability for handling uncertainties relating to climate change and population growth and then use the knowledge generated this way to develop a new, resilience-based WRM planning methodology. This involves a critical evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of a range of methods and metrics developed to improve on current engineering practice, to ultimately compile a list of suitable recommendations for a future framework for WRM adaptation planning under deep uncertainty. This thesis contributes to the growing vital research and literature in this area in several distinct ways. Firstly, it qualitatively reviews a range of DMMs for potential application to WRM adaptation problems using a set of developed criteria. Secondly, it quantitatively assesses two promising and contrasting DMMs on two suitable real-world case studies to compare highlighted aspects derived from the qualitative review and evaluate the adaptation outputs on a practical engineering level. Thirdly, it develops and reviews a range of new potential performance metrics that could be used to quantitatively define system resilience to help answer the water industries question of how best to build in more resilience in future water resource adaptation planning. This leads to the creation and testing of a novel resilience driven methodology for optimal water resource planning, combining optimal aspects derived from the quantitative case study work with the optimal metric derived from the resilience metric investigation. Ultimately, based on the results obtained, a list of suitable recommendations is compiled on how to improve the existing methodologies for future WRM planning under deep uncertainty. These recommendations include the incorporation of more complex simulation models into the planning process, utilisation of multi-objective optimisation algorithms, improved uncertainty characterisation and assessments, an explicit robustness examination and the incorporation of additional performance metrics to increase the clarity of the strategy assessment process.

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