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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anpassung von Unternehmen des Baugewerbes der Modellregion Dresden an den Klimawandel

Kynast, Luisa January 2011 (has links)
Der 4. Sachstandsbericht des IPCC im Jahre 2007 enthielt die deutliche Warnung an die globale Weltgemeinschaft, dass der Klimawandel bereits im Gange ist und umfassende Maßnahmen notwendig sein werden, um seine Folgen für Mensch und Umwelt im erträglichen Maß zu halten. Nicht zuletzt ist dies auch ein deutliches Signal an die Weltwirtschaft, sich intensiv mit dem Thema Klimawandel auseinander zu setzen und daraus geeignete Maßnahmen insbesondere zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel abzuleiten. Der Sachstandbericht des IPCC richtet seinen Appell aber auch an die Regionen, sich mit der Thematik auseinanderzusetzen, um Anpassungsstrategien an die besonderen klimatischen lokalen Besonderheiten zu entwickeln. Im Rahmen des Projektes REGKLAM, dem Regionalen Klimaanpassungsprogramm, werden in der Modellregion Sachsen eben diese Forderungen umgesetzt. Als ein für diese Region bedeutsamer Wirtschaftszweig ist unter anderem die Baubranche identifiziert worden. Zur Verschaffung eines ersten Überblicks über die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und mögliche Anpassungsstrategien der Baubranche in der Modellregion Dresden sind Experteninterviews mit Vertretern von Bauunternehmen durchgeführt worden. Deren Aussagen werden mit Hilfe der Inhaltsanalyse untersucht, um neben den Erkenntnissen für die Region einen Abgleich mit der gegenwärtig existierenden Literatur zu diesem Thema vorzunehmen. In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur wird die Baubranche als Gewinner des Klimawandels angesehen. Die Ursache liegt in dem enormen Schadenspotential, das durch den Klimawandel verursacht wird und daher sich daher positiv auf den Absatz der Baubranche niederschlagen soll. Dass diese Aussage kritisch zu betrachten ist, zeigt die vorliegende wissenschaftliche Abhandlung, die die einzelnen Wertschöpfungsstufen, Stakeholder und unternehmerischen Rahmenbedingungen näher betrachtet, um daraus die von der Baubranche selber wahrgenommen Chancen und Risiken zu identifizieren.

En studie kring potentialen i svenska historiska kartor : Inför ett klimatanpassningsarbete samt en identifiering av historiska klimatrisker i syfte att bistå klimatutsatta fornlämningar

Romilsson, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Historical maps have been utilized diligently in various circumstances by archaeologists and antiquarians alike with the ambition to expose past landscapes and recreate features of the past. However, there is a shortage of information regarding the usage of historical maps relating to the climate change adaption. This study examines whether information about climate risks in Swedish historical maps can be revealed and subsequently used as an aid in climate change adaptation. To answer this question a literature review pertaining to historical maps, GIS-adaptations and current climate data was conducted in combination with a GIS-analysis integrating rectified historical maps and modern climate data. The results show that the maps exhibit some potential regarding the climate adaption mainly in relation to inundations and erosion. However, with future examination of the reliability of individual maps and vectorization in conjunction with added accessibility of map contents more valuable knowledge can be quantified and retrieved. / Historiska kartor har använts under olika omständigheter av arkeologer samt antikvarier i syfte att avslöja tidigare landskap och återskapa dåtida landskap. I detta sammanhang finns emellertid en brist på information om användningen av historiska kartor för klimatanpassningsarbetet. Denna studie avser att svara på om information om klimatrisker i svenska historiska kartor kan avslöjas och användas som ett hjälpmedel i klimatanpassningsarbetet med särskilt fokus på fornlämningar och övriga kulturhistoriska lämningar. För att besvara denna fråga genomfördes en litteraturöversikt avseende historiska kartor, GIS-anpassningar och aktuella klimatdata i kombination med en GIS-analys som integrerade rektifierade historiska kartor samt moderna klimatdata. Resultaten visar att kartorna uppvisar en viss potential när det gäller klimatanpassningen främst i förhållande till översvämningar och erosion. Med en framtida undersökning vad gäller tillförlitligheten av enskilda kartor samt en vektorisering och ökad tillgänglighet av kartornas innehåll kan en större mängd kvantifieras och upptäckas.

An evaluation of solar powered irrigation as carbon offset projects

Olsson, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
Carbon offsets have been developed as one tool to incentivise investments by developed nations in climate change mitigation activities in developing countries. The carbon offsets can be used towards the countries’ own mitigation targets but are also meant to benefit developing countries by providing a pathway to clean development. Photovoltaic water pumping (PVWP) technology is a solution to use PV for irrigation, which can be used to restore degraded grasslands and help farmers adapt to climate change. Restoration of degraded grasslands increases the production of grass and will therefore increase the amount of carbon in the soil, a process that may mitigate climate change. However, poor farmers often have limited access to irrigation technology and this thesis assesses how carbon offsets may bring revenues to increase adaption of PVWP technology in remote areas of the Chinese grasslands. PV modules can be used to mitigate climate change in different ways; the most common is to produce electricity to replace fossil fuel power capacity. The novelty of this thesis is that it assesses the alternative mitigation possibilities for the PVWP project proposed here. Further, consideration of water constraints that limit the applicability of the technology and a framework to assess the trade-offs between potential downstream water impacts and environmental co-benefits of the project add to the novelty of this thesis. Policy barriers for the project will also be considered.  Used to restore severely degraded grasslands, PVWP projects show high carbon sequestration potential and successfully compete with grid electricity as carbon offset projects. A case is analysed and it shows that the carbon market could play a role in increasing the feasibility of PVWP projects. However, water issues make project implementation very site-specific and some indicators to determine feasibility is proposed to be blue water availability, evaporation recycling ratio and water productivity. Water use must also be looked at with respect to climate, food and energy security, calling for a nexus approach to evaluate the project suitability. In May 2016, grassland management projects are excluded from the Clean Development Mechanism to the Kyoto Protocol, and this limits project implementation to the voluntary markets. / Avhandlingen är ämnad att läsas av beslutsfattare inom klimatområdet samt aktörer på de olika klimatkompensationsmarknaderna. Klimatkompensation har utvecklats som ett verktyg för att stimulera industriländers investeringar i klimatprojekt i utvecklingsländer. Klimatkompensation kan användas för att nå industriländernas egna klimatmål men är också tänkta att gynna utvecklingsländer genom att tillhandahålla en ”ren” utvecklingsmöjlighet. Solcellsdrivna vattenpumpar (eng. photovoltaic water pumping: PVWP) är en teknik för att använda solceller för bevattning. Tekniken kan användas för att restaurera degraderade gräsmarker och för att hjälpa jordbrukare anpassa sig till klimatförändringarna. Restaurering av gräsmarker ökar produktionen av gräs vilket medför ökad mängden kol i marken, en process som kan mildra klimatförändringarna. Men fattiga bönder har ofta begränsad tillgång till bevattningsteknik och denna avhandling utvärderar hur klimatkompensation kan ge intäkter för att öka användningen av PVWP i avlägsna delar på den kinesiska slätten. Solceller kan användas för att mildra klimatförändringarna på olika sätt och vanligast är att producera el för att ersätta fossila bränslen. Det är därför viktigt att titta på alternativkostnaden för PVWP-projekten som föreslås här. Vidare begränsar vattentillgången projekten och ett ramverk för att tydliggöra avvägningar mellan vattenrelaterade problem och miljömässiga fördelarna med ett projekt är nödvändigt. Klimatpolitiska styrmedel sätter också upp vissa begränsningar för projekten. Om PVWP används för att återställa mycket degraderade gräsmarker, visar projekten hög klimatnytta och de kan framgångsrikt konkurrera med solel till nätet som klimatkompensationsprojekt. En fallstudie visar att klimatkompensationsmarknaden skulle kunna spela en viss roll för att öka antalet PVWP-projekt. Däremot gör vattenfrågan projektens geografiska plats viktig och indikatorer för att avgöra genomförbarheten föreslås vara ”blåvattentillgång”, ”förångningsåtervinning” och ”vattenproduktivitet”. Vattenanvändningen måste också ses i förhållande till klimat, mat- och energisäkerhet, vilket kräver en nexusstrategi för att utvärdera projekten. I skrivande stund (maj 2016) är projekt rörande skötsel av gräsmarker exkluderade från mekanismen för ren utveckling (CDM) till Kyotoprotokollet och detta begränsar projekten till de frivilliga klimat-kompensationsmarknaderna. / <p>QC 20160711</p> / Demonstration and Scale-Up of Photovoltaic Solar Water Pumping for the Conservation of Grassland and Farmland in China

Modeling Coastal Vulnerability for Insight into Mangrove and Coral Reef Conservation Efforts in Cuba

Gomez, Maria 01 August 2018 (has links)
Cuba’s expansive coral reefs and mangrove habitats provide a variety of ecosystem services to coastal communities including nursery grounds for fisheries, shoreline stability, and storm and flood protection. While Cuba’s coastal habitats are some of the most preserved in the Caribbean, they are under increasing threat of degradation from the impacts of climate change, increased tourism, and coastal development. With the goal of sustainable development, Cubans need to assess the storm and flood protection benefits these coastal habitats provide, and integrate this information into future expansion and management plans within the National Protected Areas System (SNAP). Using the open source software, Integrated Valuation on Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST), a national-scale coastal vulnerability model was developed to provide quantitative estimates of coastal exposure and the protective role of coastal habitats during storm events. This model integrates storm information with bathymetry and coastline geomorphology, coupled with coastal habitat data to estimate the influence of these habitats in reducing vulnerability to storms and flooding. By combining these results with human population data, the model identifies where coastal communities are most vulnerable to wave energy and storm surge, and where coral reefs and mangroves provide the most protection by reducing impacts to these communities. We classify these regions as areas of conservation priority. We observed that fifty percent of the areas identified as areas of conservation priority lack any form of environmental protection. We recommend including these key habitats within the National System of Protected Areas. This will permit decision makers to more effectively concentrate restoration and conservation efforts in areas where people and natural resources will experience greater benefit from valuable ecological services.

Institutions, Groundwater Resources and Climate Change Adaptation in Northern Ghana

Kwoyiga, Lydia 10 October 2019 (has links)
Climate change and its impacts are evident both globally and locally, manifesting in every sphere of life including natural resources. The African continent is considered the most vulnerable to these impacts while Ghana was ranked the 59th most vulnerable country to climate change in the world in 2014. Studies about groundwater resources under climate change point to some already occurred impacts with more anticipated. It is noted that climate change will exacerbate water stressing situations in Ghana as groundwater resources will be negatively affected. For instance, future scenarios indicate a general reduction in groundwater recharge of 5-22 % for 2020 and 30-40% for 2050. Already, the northern part of the country where most of the population depends on groundwater is noted for fallen groundwater tables. Therefore, in order to address these impacts in Africa, the role of institutions in promoting adaptation has been identified as one of the strategies. It is realised that institutions shape the nature of the impact of climate change, influence the way communities respond to climate change and serve as the intermediaries for external support. A glean of institutions in Ghana shows a plethora of them that are directly or indirectly regulating activities relating to water resources in the face of climate change. The thesis, therefore, looks at the nature of these institutions (state/formal) and their roles in promoting groundwater adaptation to climate change. In order to understand in detail the “how” and “why” of adaptation in relation to groundwater resources and also have a multi-perspective discussion that considers the voices of all relevant groups of actors together with their interactions in promoting groundwater resources adaptation, the study adopted a qualitative approach and made the Atankwidi catchment a case study area. Using triangulation, data were drawn from both primary (community/office interactions) and secondary sources and augmented by analyses of policy documents. The results of the study revealed that at both the national and sub-national levels, there is a multiplicity of state formal institutions in the form of laws, policies and administration even though there is currently no legislation designed in Ghana that focuses specifically on climate change adaptation. Focusing on the themes of groundwater adaptation, managing groundwater demand for domestic purposes appear to be receiving greater attention while storage, discharge and recharge need improvement. Like the Inuit in the Canadian Arctic, groundwater farmers of Atankwidi based on local knowledge have identified methods of adapting to the impacts of climate change on groundwater in the form of deepening wells, changing crop types, conjunctively using both surface and groundwater water and migrating to other places. Nonetheless, this local knowledge for promoting adaptation is limited. Therefore, formal institutions can enhance the scope of this knowledge by first of all recognising and documenting this knowledge as part of adaption efforts. Additionally, these institutions should educate and update local knowledge holders about some scientific methods of groundwater adaptation. This will create a new form of knowledge which is integrated and comprehensive enough to function independently to promote adaptation. Associated with this, farmers should be guided in adopting artificial methods of groundwater recharge that are anchored on local knowledge to boost groundwater availability. Inspired by the achievements of some existing artificial groundwater recharge methods in same northern Ghana, the thesis identified that the adoption of Managed Aquifer Recharge methods such as a subsurface dam in Atankwidi is feasible. This is premised on the fact that apart from the geophysical parameters of the catchment, it is realised that the institutional environment (both formal and informal) and the existence of local materials coupled with local knowledge support the construction and management of a subsurface dam. The thesis concluded that artificial recharge will contribute to promoting adaptation since natural recharge may be negatively affected over time due to the nature of rainfall pattern caused by climate change coupled with increasing population growth and booming groundwater dry season irrigation.:1. General background 2. Review of the existing literature 3. General research design/methodology 4. Background issues of climate change in Atankwidi catchment 5. Formal institutions and groundwater adaptation to climate change 6. Assessing institutions’ performance for adaptation 7. Local knowledge for groundwater irrigation 8. Feasibility of managed aquifer recharge to augment groundwater availability 9. General conclusions and recommendations 10. References APPENDICES / Der Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen sind global und lokal sichtbar und manifestieren sich in allen Lebensbereichen, einschließlich denen der natürlichen Ressourcen. Der afrikanische Kontinent gilt als am anfälligsten für diese Auswirkungen. Ghana wurde 2014 auf Rang 59 der für den Klimawandel anfälligsten Länder geführt. Studien über Grundwasserressourcen und Klimawandel zeigen bereits eingetretene Auswirkungen und deuten auf darauf hin, dass sich der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf das Grundwasser zukünftig noch verstärken wird. Der Klimawandel wird die Wasserknappheit in Ghana verschärfen, da die Grundwasserressourcen negativ beeinflusst werden. Zukunftsszenarien zeigen beispielsweise, dass die Grundwasserneubildung im Jahr 2020 um 5-22% und bis 2050 um 30-40% zurückgehen wird. Der nördliche Teil des Landes, in dem der Großteil der Bevölkerung vom Grundwasser abhängig ist, ist bereits jetzt von fallenden Grundwasserspiegeln betroffen. Um diesen Auswirkungen in Afrika entgegenzuwirken, wurde die Rolle der Institutionen bei der Förderung der Klimawandelanpassung als eine mögliche Strategie identifiziert. Institutionen können die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf eine Region mitprägen, sie können beeinflussen wie Gemeinschaften auf den Klimawandel reagieren, und als Vermittler für Unterstützung von außen dienen. Eine Zusammenstellung relevanter Institutionen in Ghana, die direkte oder indirekte Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit Wasserressourcen und Klimawandel regulieren, zeigt deren Fülle. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Art dieser (staatlichen) Institutionen und ihrer Rolle bei der Förderung der Klimawandelanpassung des Grundwassers. Um das „Wie“ und „Warum“ dieser Anpassung im Detail zu verstehen und eine multiperspektivische Diskussion zu ermöglichen, bei der die Stimmen aller relevanten Akteursgruppen zusammen mit ihren Interaktionen bei der Förderung der Grundwasserressourcenanpassung berücksichtigt werden, verfolgt diese Studie einen qualitativen Ansatz mit dem Atankwidi-Einzugsgebiet als Fallstudie. Mittels Triangulation wurden Daten aus primären (Gemeinebefragungen) und sekundären Quellen gesammelt und durch Analysen von Richtlinien ergänzt. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass es sowohl auf nationaler als auch auf subnationaler Ebene eine Vielzahl staatlicher, formaler Institutionen in Form von Gesetzen, Richtlinien und Verwaltung gibt, obwohl in Ghana derzeit keine Gesetzgebung existiert, die sich speziell mit der Klimawandelanpassung befasst. Bezogen auf die Anpassung des Grundwassermanagements, wird der Bewirtschaftung des Grundwasserbedarfs für häusliche Zwecke viel Aufmerksamkeit zuteil, während die Speicherung, Entsorgung und Anreicherung von Wasser ungenügend betrachtet werden. Wie die Inuit in der kanadischen Arktis, haben die Landwirte von Atankwidi auf Grundlage des lokalen Wissens Methoden zur Anpassung an die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf das Grundwasser entwickelt, beispielsweise in Form von Vertiefungen von Brunnen, Änderung der Kulturpflanzenart, gleichzeitiger Nutzung von Oberflächen- und Grundwasser oder der Umsiedlung in andere Gebiete. Trotz der Tatsache, dass ihr lokales Wissen eine Anpassung ermöglicht, ist der begrenzte Umfang dieses Wissens als eine Schwachstelle anzusehen. Formale Institutionen können den Umfang dieses lokalen Wissens nutzbar machen und erweitern, indem sie dieses Wissen über Anpassungsmaßnahmen anerkennen und dokumentieren. Darüber hinaus sollten diese Institutionen lokale Gemeinden über weitere wissenschaftliche Methoden der Grundwasseranpassung informieren. Dadurch wird zusätzliches Wissen geschaffen, das integrierbar und umfassend genug ist, um eine unabhängige Anpassung zu fördern. Zusätzlich sollten Landwirte angeleitet werden, auf lokalem Wissen basierende Methoden der künstlichen Grundwasseranreicherung anzuwenden, um die Verfügbarkeit von Grundwasserressourcen zu erhöhen. Inspiriert von den Erfolgen einiger Anlagen zur künstlichen Grundwasseranreicherung im Norden Ghanas, empfiehlt diese Doktorarbeit die Implementierung von künstlichen Grundwasseranreicherungsanalagen in Atankwidi. Diese Empfehlung stützt sich auf den günstigen geophysikalischen Gegebenheiten des Einzugsgebiets und der Tatsache, dass das (formelle und informelle) institutionelle Umfeld eine Implementierung ermöglicht. Diese Arbeit kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die Anpassung der Grundwasserressourcen im Norden Ghanas mehr Aufmerksamkeit im Bereich der künstlichen Anreicherung erfordert, da die natürliche Grundwasserneubildung aufgrund der durch den Klimawandel verursachten veränderten Niederschlagsmuster in Verbindung mit einem zunehmenden Bevölkerungswachstum und einer boomenden Trockenzeitbewässerung im Grundwasser starke Veränderungen hervorrufen wird.:1. General background 2. Review of the existing literature 3. General research design/methodology 4. Background issues of climate change in Atankwidi catchment 5. Formal institutions and groundwater adaptation to climate change 6. Assessing institutions’ performance for adaptation 7. Local knowledge for groundwater irrigation 8. Feasibility of managed aquifer recharge to augment groundwater availability 9. General conclusions and recommendations 10. References APPENDICES

Planning for sea level rise in Sweden : A study regarding how the parliamentary parties relate to climate change adaptation of sea level rise / Planering för havsnivåhöjning i Sverige : En studie angående hur riksdagspartierna arbetar med klimatanpassning av konsekvenser på grund av havsnivåhöjning

Emilia, Eriksson January 2019 (has links)
The consequences due to sea level rise are many, and will affect the environment and societies all around the world. There is uncertainty about how much and how quickly the sea will rise. Despite the uncertainties, society must be adapted to a changing climate. The climate change adaptation work is relatively new in Sweden, and there are still uncertainties about how this work should be carried out, and by whom. This thesis examines to what degree the Swedish parliament parties’ view on how to plan and adapt to sea level rise differ. The study is based on interviews with representatives from a majority of the political parties in the Swedish parliament. The results show that the interviewed representatives all agree that climate change and sea level rise are important issues to work with. The result also shows that the different parties have managed to agree on what they want to achieve, but not how or when it is best to implement adaptation measures towards sea level rise and other climate change-related effects. / Konsekvenserna av havsnivåhöjningar är många och kommer att påverka miljön och samhällen över hela jorden. Det råder osäkerheter om hur mycket och hur snabbt haven kommer höjas. Trots osäkerheterna så måste samhället anpassas till ett förändrat klimat. Klimatanpassningsarbetet är relativt nytt i Sverige och det råder fortfarande oklarheter om hur detta ska genomföras och av vem.   Uppsatsen undersöker i vilken utsträckning de svenska riksdagspartiernas åsikter angående planeringen och anpassningar till havsnivåhöjningen skiljer sig. Studien bygger på intervjuer med representanter från en majoritet av de politiska partierna i riksdagen. Resultaten visar på att de intervjuade representanterna alla håller med om att klimatanpassning är viktigt att arbeta med. Resultaten visar även på att de olika partierna har lyckats enas om vad man vill uppnå, men dock inte på vilket sätt man ska gå till väga eller när det är bäst att implementera åtgärder mot havsnivåhöjning och andra klimatförändringsrelaterade effekter.

Knowledge as a national tool to influence institutional changes : A study of the barriers and opportunities of national authorities to support collaborative action within climate change adaptation on the municipal level

Jansson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Intersectoral collaboration has been established as essential in the work on climate change adaptation at the municipal level, but the municipalities face several institutional constraints to working across sectors. Because climate change adaptation is situated in a multilevel governance system, the national level has a role to play in institutional change at the municipal level. This thesis focuses on knowledge as an influential tool and sets out to investigate the potential of the national level to support collaborative action at the municipal level that challenges current institutions characterised by working in separate sectors. This is done by analysing the work of the National Knowledge centre for Climate Change Adaptation as they play a central role in the knowledge production on climate change adaptation at the national level. The findings of this thesis contribute to a better understanding of the barriers and opportunities that faces a national authority when supporting the municipalities through knowledge. These are mainly connected to the efficiency of the multilevel governance system, where increased horizontal and vertical interaction could facilitate the knowledge production to better support institutional change. The findings indicate that the regional level have a key role to play in enabling interaction across the system. Furthermore, national authorities must find ways to support collaborative municipal action without encroaching on the municipal autonomy. The findings give indications on what form knowledge could take to achieve this.

How Rainwater Can Transform Cities : An Evaluation of Success Factors for Urban Rainwater Harvesting Projects in Europe / Regnvatten som resurs : En litteraturstudie om framgångsfaktorer för lokalt omhändertagande av dagvatten i Europa

Pauls, Linnéa January 2019 (has links)
Changing weather patterns challenge societies globally and at multiple levels related to amongst others health, the environment, disaster management and mitigation. There is a need for greater flexibility and resilience, which in turn can be enabled through a transition towards increased sustainability in governance and infrastructure. Urban rainwater harvesting (URWH) is a term used in this paper to collect various approaches to the sustainable handling of rainwater in cities, a practice becoming increasingly common in some areas of the world. Global experiences can be useful learning opportunities in the planning, implementation and maintenance of sustainable urban rainwater harvesting in future smart cities. The aim of this thesis was to synthesize the factors of success of previous projects, in order to develop a framework tailored to the evaluation of projects concerned with rainwater harvesting. The review spans over 18 projects of different scale and design. The findings of the study show that successful URWH projects are: (1) found as part of urban renewal schemes; (2) successfully implemented by involved actors with open mindsets and flexible and collaborative working approaches; (3) maintained based on plans determined from the onset of the project, developed together with local actors, in order to involve the community and strengthen social inclusion. The revised evaluative framework, which is proposed as a result of the review, indicates general trends of success among the reviewed cases. To be fully operational, the framework should be further developed with additional URWH projects and revised thereafter.

Evaluating Urban Design Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in Los Angeles

Olsen, Kerby Andrew 01 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Human interference with the Earth’s climate, through the release of greenhouse gasses (GHGs), is estimated to have already increased average statewide temperatures in California by 1.7° Fahrenheit (F), with a further 2.7°F of warming expected by mid-century. The negative impacts of increased temperatures may be especially acute in mid-latitude cities that currently enjoy a mild climate, such as Los Angeles (LA), which are projected to warm to a point that will significantly affect human health and well being. The built environment increases urban temperatures through building materials that readily absorb heat from the sun, a lack of vegetation, a lack of pervious surface area, and anthropogenic heat. Local governments can take action to help their cities adapt to future temperatures through changes to building materials, urban design and infrastructure. This study evaluates six urban design strategies for reducing temperatures and therefore adapting to increased heat in LA: cool roofs, cool pavements, solar panels, tree planting, structural shading and green roofs. The methods used in this analysis include a cost-effectiveness analysis, key stakeholder interviews, and case studies from other cities in the US. Findings indicate that cool roofs are the most cost-effective strategy for urban heat island mitigation, with cool pavements and tree planting also cost-effective. Findings from stakeholder interviews indicate that political feasibility is high for all strategies except structural shading, which was thought to be costly and difficult to implement. However, significant political barriers were also identified for tree planting and green roofs. Findings from four case studies indicate that climate adaptation policies should emphasize co-benefits, include flexible design standards, and provide financial or performance-based incentives for property owners or developers. Specific recommendations for implementing climate adaptation measures are provided for urban planners, policy makers, urban designers and architects in Los Angeles.

Model-Based Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Empirical and MachineLearning Strategies for Obtaining Insight with Physical Models andUnparameterized Complexities

Tracy, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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