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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Cult Membership on Career Development and Employment

Leisure Whitlatch, Alissa A. 06 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Patientens upplevelse av tvångsåtgärder inom psykiatrisk heldygnsvård : En litteraturstudie / The patient's experience of coercive measures within psychiatric inpatient care : A literature review

Pallin, Maja, Pettersson, Marika January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa är ett växande problem och drabbar de flesta under sin livstid. Patienter under lagen om psykiatrisk tvångsvård vårdas mot sin vilja och får sin autonomi och integritet fråntagen. Tvångsåtgärder kan ge konsekvenser för patientens fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Personcentrerad vård är en central del av omvårdnaden i psykiatrisk kontext, vilket inkluderar kommunikation och delaktighet. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa patienters upplevelser av tvångsåtgärder inom psykiatrisk heldygnsvård. Metod: Denna kvalitativa litteraturstudie grundades på tolv studier inhämtade från databaserna PubMed, PsycInfo och CINAHL och analyserades med Popenoe m.fl. analysmetod. Resultat: Patienternas upplevelse presenterades i tre kategorier – Förlust av autonomi och integritet, Psykiskt och fysiskt lidande samt Upplevelse av tacksamhet och acceptans. Konklusion: Resultatet visar att patienterna övergripande hade negativa upplevelser av tvångsåtgärder och att deras autonomi och integritet fråntagits dem. Personalens beteende påverkade både upplevelsen negativt och positivt. Litteraturstudien visade att det finns behov av förbättringar i bemötandet av patienter som behöver tvångsvård och vikten av att arbeta personcentrerat. / Background: Mental illness is a growing problem and can affect anyone during their lifetime. Patients under the Compulsory Psychiatric Care Act are cared for against their will and have their autonomy and integrity taken away. Coercive measures can have consequences for the patient's physical and mental health. Person-centered care is a central part of nursing in the psychiatric context, which includes communication and active participation. Aim: The purpose of the literature study was to shed light on patients' experiences of coercive measures within psychiatric inpatient care. Method: This qualitative literature study was based on twelve studies obtained from the databases PubMed, PsycInfo and CINAHL and analyzed with Popenoe et al. analysis method. Results: The patients' experience was presented in three categories - Loss of autonomy and integrity, Mental and physical suffering and Experience of gratitude and acceptance. Conclusion: The results show that the patient's overall had negative experiences of coercive measures and that their autonomy and integrity were taken away from them. The staff's behavior affected the experience both negatively and positively. The literature study showed that there is a need for improvements in the treatment of patients who need compulsory care and the importance of person-centered care.

Making sense of leadership development : reflections on my role as a leader of leadership development interventions

Flinn, Kevin Paul January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines my experience of leading leadership development. During the last three years I have been researching my role as Head of Leadership and Organisational Development at the University of Hertfordshire (UH), with a view to making sense of and rethinking leadership and approaches to leadership development more generally. This thesis considers how my own thinking and practice has changed and developed as a consequence of paying attention to and reflecting on personal experience, whilst at the same time locating my sense-making in the broader academic scholarship. Narrative accounts of the significant incidents and interactions that I have participated in during the past three years have been shared verbally with the participants on the programmes that I lead, and explored more extensively in written form with colleagues in the learning community on the Doctorate in Management (DMan) programme at UH, as a means of intensifying my sense-making and its generalisability to a community of engaged enquirers. My research was prompted by disillusionment with the dominant discourse on leadership and leadership development based as it is on theories, frameworks, tools and techniques that privilege a form of autonomous, instrumental rationality and deceptive certainty that did not reflect the social, non-linear, uncertain day-to-day realities faced by me and the managers with whom I worked. In this thesis, I draw on my experiences as a manager, leader of leadership development, and a student of leadership development, to problematise the mainstream managerialist conceptions of leadership and organisation that are now part of the organisational habitus (Bourdieu, 1977) in the UK. The rise and naturalisation of managerialist ideology across the private, public, and charitable sectors in the UK makes it an inordinately difficult perspective to contest without risking some form of exclusion. I contend that my experience of attempting to encourage radical doubt and enquiry rather than the mindless acceptance and application of conventional wisdom contributes to knowledge in the field of leadership and organisational development by providing insight into and an alternative way of thinking about and practising leadership and leadership development. In contesting dominant conceptions, I proffer a more reality congruent alternative to mainstream thought. I draw on the perspective of complex responsive processes of relating (Stacey et al, 2000, Griffin, 2002, Shaw, 2002), critical management studies (Alvesson and Willmott, 1996), social constructionism (Berger et al, 1966), and other thinkers critical of managerialist conceptions of leadership and leadership education (Khurana, 2007) to explore leadership as a social, relational activity where leaders are co-participants, albeit highly influential ones, in the ongoing patterning of relationships that constitute organisation. However, I argue that it is insufficient for management educationalists to snipe critically at managerialism from the sidelines, problematising one perspective and simply replacing it with another (Ford et al, 2007), leaving their participants ill-equipped to navigate the potentially destructive political landscape of day-to-day organisational life. While the dominant discourse on leadership and organisation is flawed, to avoid exclusion managers must still become fluent in the language and practice of managerialism, the ideology that has come to dominate the vast majority of organisational communities in which they find themselves. In this thesis, I argue that it is crucial for managers and leaders of leadership development to engage with a polyphony of perspectives, and develop the reflective and reflexive capacity to continuously explore and answer for themselves the questions who am I, and what am I doing, who are we, and what are we doing?

Impact du passé criminel des parents sur les comportements délinquants d’une cohorte d’adolescents suivis depuis la maternelle

Cardin, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
Selon plusieurs études, il y aurait une certaine association des comportements déviants à travers le temps et à travers les générations. Peu importe l’angle d’analyse, le fait que la délinquance soit liée d’une génération à une autre semble confirmé par plusieurs recherches empiriques. Cela étant dit, cette étude met à l’épreuve le modèle suggérant un lien intergénérationnel entre les comportements délinquants des adolescents et de leurs parents. En utilisant des données longitudinales recueillies auprès de 1037 garçons provenant de quartiers défavorisés d’une grande ville canadienne, nous examinons les comportements violents et les comportements de vol de ces adolescents alors qu’ils étaient âgés entre 11 et 17 ans tout en examinant l’effet du passé criminel de la mère et du père. Par la suite, diverses variables médiatrices familiales telles que la supervision inadéquate des parents, la punition erratique des parents et l’attachement à la famille sont ajoutées aux modèles pour évaluer leur part explicative dans cette association statistique. En réalisant deux modèles multiniveaux paramétriques, soit un pour chaque type de délinquance, les résultats de l’analyse permettent de constater d’une part, qu’un lien est observé entre les comportements violents des garçons et la présence d’un dossier criminel chez la mère et d’autre part, que la criminalité du père n’est pas associée aux comportements délinquants des garçons. Également, bien que la supervision parentale explique légèrement ce lien, les facteurs familiaux inclus dans l’analyse ne parviennent pas à expliquer en totalité cette relation entre la criminalité de la mère et les comportements délinquants de leurs garçons. Enfin, bien que la puissance statistique des données limite partiellement les conclusions générales, nous discutons des implications théoriques de ces résultats. / Various studies have shown substantial stability in deviant behaviour over time and across generations. Irrespective of the type of analysis, the fact that adolescence deviance is linked to their parent criminal behaviour seems to have reached a certain consensus among researchers. The aim of this study was to test the theory of intergenerational continuity in delinquency. Using longitudinal data collected from 1,037 male youths in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in a large Canadian city, we examined self-reported violent behaviours and perpetration of theft among these adolescents when they were 11 to 17 years of age, in light of the criminal record of their mother and father. Child and parental characteristics were then added to the model to explore intergenerational influences. The results of conducting two parametric analyses, one for each type of delinquent behaviour, showed that violent behaviours occurred when the mother had a criminal record, yet the father’s criminal record had no influence on violent behaviours. Child and parental factors were unable to totally explain these results. Despite some statistical limitations related to the sparseness of the parent criminal data, the findings are discussed and theoretical advances are presented.

Právo na stávku a výluku / The right to strike and lock-out

Šebesta, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
The right to strike and lock-out This master's thesis deals with the topic of the right to strike and right lock-out, which has proven to be a rather controversial theme in the Czech Republic and Czech law discourse. The thesis ponders the subject in its broad context in the Czech law environment as well as examines its relations towards International and European law context. The main aim is to provide a complex and through insight on the matter, define it and state its main challenges and pitfalls, and valorise Czech law environment around the strike. The structure of the thesis consists of two main parts. The first part focuses on the right to strike in detail and is divided into eight chapters, whereas the second part deals with the right to lock-out. The first chapter serves as an introductory to the examined matter and defines the basic terms such as "strike" or "walkout" and puts their meaning into the law context. Furthermore it describes various methods and kinds of strikes, actors and participants and scale of strikes. The second chapter examines the historical developments and ramifications. From medieval times to the state-capitalist dictatorships before the year 1989, it seeks to draw the main lines of development and the driving force behind it. The third chapter focuses on the related rules...

Magnetic anisotropy and coercivity of tetragonally distorted spinel ferrite particles via the Jahn-Teller distortion and the magnetoelastic coupling / Anisotropie magnétique et coercivité de particules de ferrite spinelle déformées de façon tétragonale via l'effet Jahn-Teller et le couplage magnétoélastique

Abdul Latiff, Hawa Alima Binti 13 February 2019 (has links)
Cette étude propose l'idée des aimants dits de ferrite tétragonale en rendant la symétrie cristalline des ferrites de spinelle cubique afin d'améliorer l'anisotropie magnétique (et donc, d'améliorer la coercivité). Pour concrétiser cette idée, nous avons synthétisé des particules (Cu, Co) -ferrite à distorsion tétragonale et caractérisé systématiquement les propriétés magnétiques en conséquence avec leurs distorsions de réseau. Les facteurs intrinsèques et extrinsèques contribuant à la coercivité ont été étudiés. Pour élucider l'anisotropie magnétique, nous avons démontré un modèle de couplage physique de l'effet Jahn-Teller (JT) et de l'effet magnétoélastique (ME) au sein de la théorie phénoménologique. Ensuite, nous avons effectué une analyse de coercivité dans deux modèles généraux de coercivité afin de clarifier les paramètres de la microstructure contribuant au mécanisme d'inversion de la magnétisation. À partir de l'analyse du modèle magnétoélastique, nous avons démontré l'expression linéaire de l'anisotropie magnétique en utilisant le paramètre tétragonal obtenu à partir de la distorsion JT. Les valeurs du coefficient magnétoélastique pour Cu (B1Cu = 2 MJ / m3) et Co (B1Co = 40 MJ / m3) déduites de la courbe expérimentale étaient acceptables avec la valeur calculée pour le ferrite de cuivre en vrac (B1Cu en vrac = 4 MJ / m3) et le cobalt. ferrite (masse B1Co = 55 MJ / m3). Les résultats suggèrent que l’anisotropie magnétique peut être attribuée au couplage de la distorsion JT avec l’effet magnétoélastique de Co. Au lieu d’une augmentation indéfinie avec x, l’anisotropie magnétique Ku tend à atteindre une valeur de saturation en raison de la concurrence entre les effet magnétoélastique de Co et le JT de Cu. Entre le x tétragonal x = 0,1 et le x cubique = 0,2, les valeurs de Ku constantes d'anisotropie magnétique intrinsèque ne varient pas de manière aussi significative que la différence entre les champs de coercivité et d'anisotropie. La réduction des champs d'anisotropie supérieurs à x = 0,1 peut alors être attribuée à l'augmentation de l'aimantation spontanée. L'analyse de la coercivité au sein du modèle micromagnétique a révélé une contribution importante à la coercivité de la microstructure et de l'effet démagnétisant local. Le paramètre de microstructure αMM = 0,25 obtenu était une valeur classique de l'analyse micromagnétique, suggérant le départ du champ d'anisotropie avec ce facteur de réduction. Les facteurs démagnétisants locaux effectifs NeffMM d’environ 1,4 obtenus étaient plutôt importants, ce qui suggère un effet démagnétisant significatif. Dans l'analyse du modèle global (GM), les valeurs de NeffGM obtenues étaient were 0,38 pour l'échantillon x = 0,1. La valeur négative suggère la présence d'une interaction d'échange agissant efficacement en opposition à l'interaction dipolaire. En deçà de 100 K, une différence dans le modèle suggère l’idée d’un réchauffement local consécutif à l’activation thermique due au changement d’énergie Zeeman et à une dissipation de chaleur inefficace. Cet événement peut avoir conduit à la réduction du champ coercitif à une température suffisamment basse dans l'échantillon x = 0.1 en supposant que les grains sont fortement couplés en échange. / This study proposes the idea of the so-called tetragonal ferrite magnets by rendering the crystal symmetry of the cubic spinel ferrites to enhance the magnetic anisotropy (and hence, enhance the coercivity). To realize this idea, we synthesized tetragonally distorted (Cu,Co)-ferrite particles and systematically characterized the magnetic properties accordingly with their lattice distortions. The intrinsic and extrinsic factors contributing to coercivity were investigated. To elucidate the magnetic anisotropy, we demonstrated a physical coupling model of the Jahn-Teller (JT) effect and the magnetoelastic (ME) effect within the phenomenological theory. Then, we performed coercivity analysis within two general models of coercivity to clarify the microstructure parameters contributing to the magnetization reversal mechanism. From the magnetoelastic model analysis, we demonstrated the linear expression of the magnetic anisotropy using the tetragonal parameter obtained from the JT distortion. The magnetoelastic coefficient values for Cu (B1Cu = 2 MJ/m3) and Co (B1Co = 40 MJ/m3) deduced from the experimental curve were agreeable with the value calculated for bulk copper ferrite (B1Cu bulk= 4 MJ/m3) and cobalt ferrite (B1Co bulk= 55 MJ/m3). The results suggests that the source of magnetic anisotropy can be attributed to the coupling of the JT distortion with the magnetoelastic effect of Co. Instead of an indefinite increase with x, the magnetic anisotropy Ku tends to reach a saturation value due to the competition between the magnetoelastic effect of Co and the JT effect of Cu. Between the tetragonal x = 0.1 and the cubic x = 0.2 samples, the intrinsic magnetic anisotropy constant Ku values do not vary as significantly compared to the difference in the coercivity and the anisotropy fields. The reduction of anisotropy fields above x = 0.1 then can be attributed to the increase in the spontaneous magnetization.The coercivity analysis within the micromagnetic model revealed significant contribution to the coercivity by the microstructure and the local demagnetizing effect. The microstructure parameter αMM = 0.25 obtained was a classical value in the micromagnetic analysis, suggesting the departure of anisotropy field with this reduction factor. The effective local demagnetizing factor NeffMM of about 1.4 obtained were rather large suggesting a significant demagnetizing effect. Within the global model (GM) analysis, the values of NeffGM obtained were -0.38 for the x = 0.1 sample. The negative value suggests the presence of an exchange interaction acting effectively in opposition to the dipolar interaction. Below 100 K, discrepancy in the GM suggests the idea of a local heating event following the thermal activation due to the change in Zeeman energy and ineffective heat dissipation. This event may have led to the reduction of coercive field at sufficiently low temperature in the x = 0.1 sample assuming the grains are strongly exchange-coupled.

Instrumentos jurisdicionais para efetivação do direito à saúde: uma análise dos processos em tramitação na 1ª vara da Fazenda Pública da Comarca de Palmas

Reis Neto, Manuel de Faria 30 January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar a efetividade das decisões judiciais proferidas na Comarca da cidade de Palmas/TO, que buscam garantir o acesso à saúde pública. O método quanti-qualitativo se mostrou o mais adequado aos objetivos propostos, a saber a medida executiva mais eficaz para se garantir o cumprimento da decisão judicial que efetiva o direito constitucional à saúde. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da análise dos processos judiciais, em trâmite na Primeira Vara das Fazendas e Registros Públicos, cujas decisões tenham sido deferidas de forma antecipada ou com exame aprofundado, bem como tenham ocorrido entre os dias 01 de janeiro de 2016 a 20 de novembro de 2017, sempre através da base de dados da Justiça Estadual tocantinense (E-proc). Foram excluídos da análise os processos em que o provimento pleiteado fora indeferido, demandas coletivas, bem como os processos que tramitam ou tramitaram em segredo de justiça, limitando-se aos feitos abertos à consulta pública. Além do resultado obtido com a aplicação do instrumento de coleta de dados, foi utilizado variado material bibliográfico que se deu por meio de consultas a livros, artigos científicos, legislação, julgados de Tribunais Superiores e páginas da internet. Os resultados indicam que, para cada provimento que se busca, quer seja acesso a um medicamento, quer seja procedimento cirúrgico, internações ou outras modalidades de intervenções, há uma medida executiva mais adequada, sendo ela coercitiva ou sub-rogatória. Sempre primando pela proporcionalidade entre o direito constitucional que se garante e aquele que se relega, mas acima de tudo na efetividade de um direito à saúde digna. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the efficacy of the judicial decisions pronounced in the comarca of the city Palmas/TO, they seek to garantee the access public health. The quantitative-qualitative method showed to the more adequate to the intending objetive, that is, the executive measure more efficacius for to garante the execution of the judicial decision that effective the constitutional right to health. The data collection was done through the analysis of judicial processes in course in the First Judicial Area of the Treasury and Public Registers of the City Palmas, whose decisions were granted of form anticipate or in-depth examination and which occurred between January 1, 2016 and November 20, 2017, always through the database of the State Court of Tocantins (E-proc). Were excluded from the analysis the cases in which the pleadings had been reject, collective demands, as well as the processes that be in course or process that was in curso in secrecy of justice, being limited to the facts open to the public consultation. In addition to the result obtained with the application of the data collection instrument, a varied bibliographic material which occurred through consultations on books, scientific articles, legislation, judgments of High Courts and websites. The results indicate that, for each provision sought, either by access to a medicinal product or by surgical procedure, hospitalizations or other forms of intervention , there is a more appropriate executive measure, being coercive or subrogation. Always striving for proportionality between constitutional law, but above all, on the effectiveness of a decent health right.

Comment améliorer l’usage du Dossier Patient Informatisé dans un hôpital ? : vers une formalisation habilitante du travail intégrant l’usage du système d’information dans une bureaucratie professionnelle / How to improve Hospital Electronic Patient Record use ? : toward an enabling work formalization within Information System in professional bureaucracy

Morquin, David 27 May 2019 (has links)
L’objet principal de cette thèse concerne le Dossier Patient Informatisé (DPI) dans les hôpitaux, et plus particulièrement les difficultés d’usage après la phase d’implémentation. Notre démarche visait à concevoir, à partir des connaissances académiques en Système d’Information, une méthode permettant aux acteurs de terrain d’agir sur une problématique spécifique. Concrètement nous cherchions à savoir comment améliorer les situations de « misfit », c’est à dire les situations dans lesquelles les professionnels de santé considèrent l’usage du DPI comme inadapté à leur métier. Pour ce faire, nous avons cherché à comprendre le bilan mitigé du DPI dans la littérature en utilisant les travaux d’Adler & Borys (1996) sur le caractère dual de la formalisation du travail induite par la technologie (habilitante ou coercitive). Une technologie habilitante permet de positionner un utilisateur comme source de solutions, alors qu’une technologie coercitive tend à le considérer comme source de problèmes. Dans le premier manuscrit portant sur l’autonomie des professionnels de santé face au système d’information hospitalier, nous avons conclu sur la nécessité d’une formalisation de type habilitante pour améliorer l’usage du DPI. Dans le deuxième manuscrit, nous avons montré que dans les exemples d’expériences négatives du Dossier Patient Informatisé rapportés dans la littérature, il était possible de mettre en évidence les différents aspects d’une formalisation coercitive. Pour argumenter sur le caractère dual de la formalisation du travail induite par le DPI, nous avons rapporté dans le troisième manuscrit une étude empirique illustrative. Nos données montrent que pour un même DPI, dans un même hôpital, il peut exister des îlots de formalisation habilitante. En sortant du seul domaine d’application de la santé, nous avons approfondi les travaux sur la conceptualisation du misfit entre processus d’affaires et Système d’Entreprise (SE) de Strong & Volkoff de 2010, en utilisant les concepts d’affordance et d’actualisation d’affordance utilisés par les mêmes auteurs en 2013 et 2014. Le quatrième manuscrit présente donc un modèle original permettant d’analyser l’usage des technologies de l’information pour un processus d’affaires donné sous la forme d’une combinaison d’actualisations, de non-actualisation ou d’actualisations partielles de multiples affordances du système d’entreprise par de multiples acteurs. Dans une perspective réaliste critique, le misfit est alors la perception par un individu ou un groupe d’individus que cette combinaison ne répond pas à l’ensemble ou à une partie des objectifs du processus de façon satisfaisante. Nous rapportons ensuite comment, dans le cadre d’une recherche-action, nous avons utilisé ce modèle pour améliorer l’usage d’un DPI en post-implémentation dans un hôpital. L’analyse d’une situation de misfit selon notre méthode permet une recombinaison, en recherchant une suite cohérente d’ajustements techniques et organisationnels acceptables pour toutes les parties prenantes et dont l’agencement permet bien la disparition du misfit initial, mais aussi de l’ensemble des misfits révélés pendant l’analyse. Cette recombinaison aboutit alors à une formalisation du travail présentant toutes les caractéristiques d’une formalisation habilitante.La discussion de la thèse aborde les conditions du succès de la méthode, le choix des situations sur lesquelles l’appliquer et les perspectives de recherche qui en découlent. / The main focus of this thesis is the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) in hospitals, and more particularly the difficulties of use after the implementation phase. Our approach aimed to design, with the academic knowledge of Information Systems, a method allowing field actors to act on this specific issue. In concrete terms, we were looking for ways to improve "misfit" situations, i.e. situations in which health professionals consider the use of EPR to be unsuitable for their profession. To do this, we sought to understand the mixed record of EPR use reported in the professional literature, by using the dual nature (enabling or coercive) of technology-induced work formalization (Adler & Borys, 1996). Enabling technology allows a user to be positioned as a source of solutions, while coercive technology tends to consider them as a source of problems. In the first manuscript on the autonomy of health professionals in relation to the hospital information system, we concluded that an enabling formalization is needed to improve the use of EPR. In the second manuscript, we showed that in the examples of negative experiences of the EPR reported in the literature, it was possible to highlight the different aspects of coercive formalization. To argue on the dual nature of the formalization of work induced by EPR, we have reported in the third manuscript an illustrative empirical study. Our data show that for the same EPR, in the same hospital, there may be islets of enabling formalization.Moving beyond the health field of application alone, we have further developed Strong & Volkoff's 2010 conceptualization of the misfit between business process and Enterprise System (ES), using the concepts of affordance and affordance-actualization used by the same authors in 2013 and 2014.The fourth manuscript therefore presents an original model for analyzing the use of information technology for a given business process in the form of a combination of actualizations, non-actualizations or partial actualizations of multiple affordances of the enterprise system by multiple actors. From a critical realistic perspective, misfit is then the perception by an individual or group of individuals that this combination does not satisfactorily meet all or some of the objectives of the process.We then report on how we used this model to improve the use of EPR in post-implementation in an action research project. The analysis of a misfit situation according to our method allows a recombination, by seeking a coherent sequence of technical and organizational adjustments acceptable to all stakeholders and whose arrangement allows the disappearance of the initial misfit, but also of all the misfits revealed during the analysis. This recombination then leads to a formalization of the work that has all the characteristics of an enabling formalization.The discussion of the thesis addresses the conditions for the success of the method, the choice of situations on which to apply it and the resulting research perspectives.

Planar patterned media fabricated by ion irradiation into CrPt3 ordered alloy films

Kato, T, Iwata, S, Yamauchi, Y, Tsunashima, S, Matsumoto, K, Morikawa, T, Ozaki, K 11 March 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Impact du passé criminel des parents sur les comportements délinquants d’une cohorte d’adolescents suivis depuis la maternelle

Cardin, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
Selon plusieurs études, il y aurait une certaine association des comportements déviants à travers le temps et à travers les générations. Peu importe l’angle d’analyse, le fait que la délinquance soit liée d’une génération à une autre semble confirmé par plusieurs recherches empiriques. Cela étant dit, cette étude met à l’épreuve le modèle suggérant un lien intergénérationnel entre les comportements délinquants des adolescents et de leurs parents. En utilisant des données longitudinales recueillies auprès de 1037 garçons provenant de quartiers défavorisés d’une grande ville canadienne, nous examinons les comportements violents et les comportements de vol de ces adolescents alors qu’ils étaient âgés entre 11 et 17 ans tout en examinant l’effet du passé criminel de la mère et du père. Par la suite, diverses variables médiatrices familiales telles que la supervision inadéquate des parents, la punition erratique des parents et l’attachement à la famille sont ajoutées aux modèles pour évaluer leur part explicative dans cette association statistique. En réalisant deux modèles multiniveaux paramétriques, soit un pour chaque type de délinquance, les résultats de l’analyse permettent de constater d’une part, qu’un lien est observé entre les comportements violents des garçons et la présence d’un dossier criminel chez la mère et d’autre part, que la criminalité du père n’est pas associée aux comportements délinquants des garçons. Également, bien que la supervision parentale explique légèrement ce lien, les facteurs familiaux inclus dans l’analyse ne parviennent pas à expliquer en totalité cette relation entre la criminalité de la mère et les comportements délinquants de leurs garçons. Enfin, bien que la puissance statistique des données limite partiellement les conclusions générales, nous discutons des implications théoriques de ces résultats. / Various studies have shown substantial stability in deviant behaviour over time and across generations. Irrespective of the type of analysis, the fact that adolescence deviance is linked to their parent criminal behaviour seems to have reached a certain consensus among researchers. The aim of this study was to test the theory of intergenerational continuity in delinquency. Using longitudinal data collected from 1,037 male youths in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in a large Canadian city, we examined self-reported violent behaviours and perpetration of theft among these adolescents when they were 11 to 17 years of age, in light of the criminal record of their mother and father. Child and parental characteristics were then added to the model to explore intergenerational influences. The results of conducting two parametric analyses, one for each type of delinquent behaviour, showed that violent behaviours occurred when the mother had a criminal record, yet the father’s criminal record had no influence on violent behaviours. Child and parental factors were unable to totally explain these results. Despite some statistical limitations related to the sparseness of the parent criminal data, the findings are discussed and theoretical advances are presented.

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