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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La transmission des obligations en droit administratif /

Noguellou, Rozen. January 2004 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Th. doct.--Droit public--Paris 2, 2002. / Bibliogr. p. 365-381. Index.

Das Rückgriffsrecht des nach dem Reichshaftpflichtgesetz vom 7. Juni 1871 in Anspruch genommenen Eisenbahnbetriebsunternehmers /

Kuntze, Carl. January 1914 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Breslau, 1914. / Includes bibliographical references ([v]-vii).


侯傑中, Hour, Jye Jong Unknown Date (has links)
本文共分為八章,茲就各章內容扼要說明如下:第一章 結論本章主要說明本文之研究動機、研究方法、研究範圍,並對本文所欲探討之問題,作一概述。第二章 請求權代位之概忥及理論基礎本章主要是確定請求權代位之意義,再就各國立法理論加以歸納整理,最後就此予以解析。第三章 請求權代位之性質本章主要係承襲前一章之理論,分析請求權代位之性質。第四章 請求權代位之成立要件本章旨在釐清保險人於何法定條件下,始可取得代位權。第五章 請求權代位之效力本章主要是對於保人取得代位權,對被保險人、第三人、保險人名產生何種效力。第六章 請求權代位取得之範圍與行使之限制保險人在依第四章之規定取得之代位權,其範圍因其是否給付全部保險金而異,而取得權後之行使,亦於一定之條件下受有限制。本章旨在就此為一探討。第七章 請求權代位之保金在保險人取得請求權代位,前如因被保險人之行為以致保險人在給付保險金後無法取得代位權時,應如何處理,則是本章所欲研究之範圍。第八章 結論與建議綜合前述之研究、整理,針對我國保險法之問題作一檢討,並提出建議,以作為將來修法之參考。

The analysis of the cost in defaulted loans¡¦ ubrogation in Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fund

Chen, Yueh-Ying 01 July 2008 (has links)
Since small and medium ¡Vsize enterprises (SMEs) have played a fundamental role in the economic development of this country, as a intermediary, the financial assistance of Taiwan SMEG to SMEs, is the greatest contribution to the above, nevertheless, Taiwan SMEG has been immersing in a predicament of financial deficit due to the unbalanced budget for a long time. Except the Package Credit Guarantee has introduced the concept of total risk control, all the others like the Authorized Approach and the Normal Approach have not introduced yet. For its perennial operation, Taiwan SMEG must set up an appropriate system for the rate of guarantee fees to achieve self-contained and self-sufficient condition, also to obtain the best efficiency under its limited resources. This paper uses the market ¡Vbased risk neutral model developed by Kuo (2006) to estimate the probability of default of banking loan assets through the risk premium of each banking loan, further to stimulate the guarantee fees by using the actuarial valuation principles. The purpose of this model is to react the degree of credit risk on the stimulated guarantee fees , making the fees pricing mechanism reasonable and fair . The model also analyzed the cost of subrogation payment under default cases by different industry , making it a reference for banks and Taiwan SMEG. The empirical results show that: 1.The credit guarantee fees stimulated by this model are approximately fair comparative to the actual subrogation payments of default cases reimbursed by Taiwan SMEG. The result provide evidence that the model possess the power of fitness for estimating the default cost of subrogation payment. 2.The degree of credit risk can actually react on the guarantee fees through using this model. It is essential to set up different range for rate of guarantee fees according to the subrogation payment ratio of default cost caused by respective guaranteed industry. The result suggests that Taiwan SMEG should amplify the extreme energy of guarantee through reasonable and fair use of its limited resources. Using the data of Taiwan SMEG guaranteed cases, this paper also analysis the default cost between the cost of funds and earning profits for the banking loans. The banks in Taiwan earn less profits than before under the overbanking environment. The competitive bank¡¦s loan pricing strategy leads to extreme loss while the default cases occur. In the lights of risk management , banks have become a high risk and low return industry. It is essential for banks to emphasize the loan quality and pricing strategy when expanding their loan business. Banks must simultaneously evaluate the RAROC under a perfect risk management system, so that the monetary environment can be improved and banks can take advantage of it by earning reasonable profits.

L'oeuvre créatrice de la jurisprudence en matière de responsabilité civile et d'assurance des constructeurs

Ngoungoure Mfenjou, Dorothée Penneau, Anne January 2007 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Droit privé : Lille 2 : 2007. / Titre provenant de la page de titre du document numérisé. Bibliogr. p. 243-271. Index.

Civilinės atsakomybės draudimo klausimai Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktikoje / The questions of the civil liability insurance in the practice of the Supreme Court of Lithuania

Kazakevičius, Povilas 21 January 2008 (has links)
Civilinės atsakomybės draudimo instituto apimami klausimai iki šiol buvo nevienareikšmiai interpretuojami tiek Lietuvos Respublikos teismų praktikoje, tiek civilinės teisės doktrinoje. Nepaisant to, Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktikoje yra suformuotos principinės teisės aiškinimo taisyklės draudėjo ir draudiko atsakomybės rūšies ir ribų, neturtinės žalos atlyginimo, regresinio reikalavimo bei draudimo išmokos dydžio apskaičiavimo ir išmokėjimo klausimais. Konkretizuotomis ir pakankamai išsamiai teisiškai argumentuotomis laikytinos ir vežėjų bei notarų profesinės civilinės atsakomybės draudimo sritys. LAT praktikos pokyčiai yra glaudžiai įtakojami, o kartu ir pateisinami materialinių teisinių civilinės atsakomybės draudimo santykių raidos momentais, progresyviomis mokslinėmis tendencijomis bei europine analogiško instituto teisinio reglamentavimo mintimi. Civilinės atsakomybės draudimo socialinė paskirtis, jo aktualumas civiliniuose santykiuose bei efektyvaus teisinio reguliavimo svarba suponuoja teismų bei įstatymų leidėjo pareigą šiuos santykius grįsti ir aiškini, atsižvelgiant į visų suinteresuotų santykio dalyvių interesus. / The questions involved in the institute of civil liability insurance have been construed ambiguous since our days in the practise of the courts of the Republic of Lithuania as well as the doctrine of the civil law. Despite it, the principled regulations of elucidation the law in the questions like the type and limits of responsibility of insurer and the insured, recovering non-pecuniary damage, the right of recourse, calculating and the pay off insurance premium were formed in the practise of the Supreme Court of Lithuania. The areas of the civil liability of the carrier and notary can also be considered as concretized and explained de jure enough. Some of the variations of the practise of the Supreme Court of Lithuania are closely influenced and justified by the development of the factual relations of civil liability insurance, progressive tendencies of the science and the sense of the European legal regulation of analogue institute. The social purpose of civil liability insurance, the relevance of this institute in the social relations and the importance of legal regulations presuppose an obligation to the courts and legislative bodies to base and annotate these relations in the view of all concerned parties.

Subrogation and space insurance : a U.S. legal perspective

Guo, Liping January 1992 (has links)

Sûretés réelles et droit des biens / Securities and property law

Gijsbers, Charles 08 December 2012 (has links)
Propriété, droit réel sur la chose d’autrui, opposabilité, droit de suite, droit de préférence, exclusivité, meubles, immeubles, accession, accessoire, subrogation réelle, fongibilité, universalité, etc. la liste est longue des concepts forgés par le droit des biens que sollicitent les sûretés réelles, non parfois sans les malmener, afin d’atteindre leur finalité propre qu’est la garantie du paiement des créances de somme d’argent. Après plusieurs thèses, articles et monographies consacrés à tel ou tel aspect de ces interactions, la présente thèse livre une étude globale des rapports noués entre les deux disciplines afin de mettre en évidence leurs points de rencontre, leurs points de divergence et, le cas échéant, de possibles enrichissements réciproques. / Property, real rights, tracing, exclusive possession, movables, immovables, accession, accessory obligation, real subrogation, fungibles, funds, etc. are a few of the many concepts forged by property law that are used and sometimes misused, in the law relating to security transactions. The misuse of such concepts in the latter area of law can be attributed to the different purpose that underlies such transactions, being specifically the guaranteeing of debt repayment. After several theses, essays and monographs have been devoted to particular aspects of these interactions between property law and the law surrounding security transactions, this thesis delivers a comprehensive study about the relationship established between the two areas of law, and will highlight their points of convergence, points of divergence and mutual efficiency.

La subrogation de l'assureur maritime / The underwriter's right of subrogation

Diango, Maïmouna 30 January 2015 (has links)
La subrogation est un mode privilégié de transmission des créances en assurance maritime. Elle met en présence les principaux acteurs du commerce maritime : l'assuré, l'assureur et le tiers responsable. La subrogation de l'assureur maritime a toujours bénéficié d'une faveur particulière se traduisant par la souplesse des textes juridiques aussi bien pour la subrogation légale qui s'exerce de plein droit par le seul fait de la loi, que pour la subrogation conventionnelle qui procède de la volonté des parties. Cependant, face aux exigences procédurales des juridictions, le contentieux de la subrogation tend davantage vers un durcissement. Dès lors, la question se pose de savoir s'il existe d'autres alternatives pour l'assureur maritime ? Le recours à l'arbitrage constitue une bonne solution au regard de la souplesse des sentences rendues en la matière. Aussi, la jurisprudence judiciaire fait état d'une grande évolution qui porterait les assureurs vers des moyens de droit commun, entre autres, la cession de créance, la répétition de l'indû et l'action "de in rem verso" pour pallier l'incertitude du contentieux de la subrogation. Sur le plan du droit international privé, il n'y a pas de règle spécifique à la subrogation de l'assureur maritime. Mais, les Règlements Rome I et Rome II édictent des mécanismes de conflits de lois applicables aux relations contractuelles et extra contractuelles. Ils désignent la loi qui régit la subrogation / Subrogation is a privileged mode of transmission of claims in marine insurance. It brings together key players in the maritime trade: the insured, the insurer and the third party responsible. Subrogation of the underwriter has always enjoyed a special favor resulting flexibility of legal texts both for subrogation exerted automatically by the fact of the law, for contractual subrogation which proceeds the will of the parties. However, faced with the procedural requirements of the courts, litigation of subrogation tends more toward a cure. Therefore, the question arises of whether if there are other alternatives to the underwriter? The arbitration is a good solution in terms of the flexibility of awards made in the matter. Also, judicial jurisprudence reported a great change that would insurers to ordinary means, among other things, the assignment, the repetition of the undue and action "de in rem verso" to overcome the uncertainty of litigation of subrogation. In terms of private international law, there is no specific rule of subrogation of the marine insurer. However, the Regulations Rome I and Rome II enact conflict mechanisms applicable to contractual and extra-contractual. They designate the law that governs subrogation

Reikalavimo perleidimas ir subrogacija: sampratos ir santykio problemos / Assignment of claim and subrogation: the problems of conception and relation

Neringa, Sarulytė 25 January 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe yra nagrinėjami du asmenų pasikeitimo prievolėje būdai – reikalavimo perleidimas (cesija) ir subrogacija. Pateikiama reikalavimo perleidimo ir subrogacijos institutų istorinio atsiradimo Senovės Romoje apžvalga, analizuojamos reikalavimo perleidimo ir subrogacijos sąvokos bei šių institutų teisinė prigimtis Lietuvos bei užsienio civilinės teisės sistemose. Autorė detaliai nagrinėja reikalavimo perleidimo (cesijos) bei subrogacijos institutus, atskleidžia esmines šių institutų sampratos problemas bei prievolės šalių teisinės padėties reglamentavimo ypatumus. Darbe taip pat skiriama nemažai dėmesio santykio tarp reikalavimo perleidimo (cesijos) ir subrogacijos nustatymui. 2000 m. Lietuvos Respublikos civiliniame kodekse įtvirtintas subrogacijos teisinis reglamentavimas suponuoja išvadą, jog subrogacija yra atskira reikalavimo perleidimo rūšis. Darbe autorė suformuluoja kriterijus, kurie padeda atskirti reikalavimo perleidimo ir subrogacijos institutus ir laikyti juos dviem savarankiškais asmenų pasikeitimo prievolėje būdais. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad subrogacija 2000 m. Lietuvos Respublikos civiliniame kodekse yra reglamentuota kaip ypatinga regreso teisės rūšis, tačiau tuo pačiu tai yra atskiras asmenų pasikeitimo prievolėje būdas, todėl autorė pateikia kriterijus, kurių pagrindu yra atskiriama subrogacija bei regreso teisė. Darbe taip pat pateikiami praktiniai autorės pasiūlymai, skirti galiojančių teisės aktų tobulinimui, atsižvelgiant į darbe... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master‘s final thesis is devoted to the analysis of two different ways of change of persons in an obligation – assignment of claim (cession) and subrogation. The author puts through the review of the historical development of the institutes of cession and subrogation since the times of Roman law, analyses the conceptions of assignment of claim and subrogation and legal nature of these institutes in the legal system of Lithuania and other foreign countries. The author thoroughly researches the institutes of assignment of claim (cession) and subrogation, points out the main problems arising in the field of conception of these institutes and approaches to the pecularities of the legal position of persons in an obligation. This Thesis at large scale approaches to detection of the relation between assignment of claim (cession) and subrogation. The legal regulation of subrogation, provided in the Civil code of the Republic of Lithuania, supposes the conclusion that subrogation is a particular kind of assignment of claim. The Author formulates criteria which help to separate the institutes of assignment of claim and subrogation and allows to treat them as two separate ways of change of persons in an obligation. The legal regulation, provided in the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, treats subrogation as a particular kind of the right of regress but subrogation at the same time is a seperate way of change of persons in an obligation and due to this situation the author... [to full text]

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