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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Quantitative Assessment of Internal Publics Perception of Their Relationship With the Organization

Smith, Lindsay C 12 April 2005 (has links)
This study focuses on relationships. Specifically, it measures the relationship between the administration of a large public university in the southeastern United States, USF, and its primary internal public the faculty. The purpose of this study is to measure the quality and type of relationship between an organization and it public, as perceived by the public. This study seeks to replicate and extend previous relational research by examining how the variables of trust, commitment, control mutuality, and satisfaction are related to the quality of relationships in organizations. In addition, the type of relationshipcommunal or exchangethat the faculty has with the university, is examined. This thesis also posits an additional indicator of relationship quality goal compatibility. Therefore the following hypotheses are proposed: H1: Trust, commitment, satisfaction and control mutuality are indicators of relationship quality between and organization and its publics. H2: Goal compatibility is an indicator of relationship quality between an organization and its publics. Explicitly, this study seeks to explore the following: RQ1: How do faculty employees at a large, Research I university perceive their relationship with the administration in terms of trust, commitment, satisfaction, control mutuality, and goal compatibility, with regards to the issue of salary, and what type of relationship—communal or exchange—does the organization and its public have? The significance of this study lies in its ability to contribute to public relations theory and practice. This research will enrich our understanding of the importance of building strong relationships between organizations and their publics. This study will also build on previous public relations studies of relationship measurement in order to further public relations theory development. From an applied perspective, this research may serve to inform the organization about the quality of its relationship with one of its most important strategic publics. According to the data analyses, in terms of trust, commitment, satisfaction, control mutuality, and goal compatibility, the faculty perceives their relationship to be low quality. In addition, the faculty perceives to have an exchange relationship with the administration.

Ecological change and piospheres : can the classical range succession model and its modifications explain changes in vegetation and soil around boreholes in eastern Botswana?

Moleele, Nkobi Mpho, n/a January 1994 (has links)
There is concern that the communal rangelands of Botswana are overstocked with cattle, and that this has led to unwanted ecological changes. These changes are assumed to be most prominent around boreholes. This study describes vegetation and soil piospheres around boreholes in Eastern Botswana and investigates factors associated with their development. The classical range succession model and its modifications, the bush encroachment theories and the soil-nutrient transfer model, have been applied here to explain changes in vegetation and soil variables with distance from artificial water points. Data on soil texture, soil nutrients, vegetation species composition and cover, dung weight and bare ground were collected from boreholes of different ages, with different numbers of cattle using them. Piosphere patterns were observed. However, some of the patterns were not in accordance with the classical range succession model and the bush encroachment theories. The frequent occurrence of palatable grasses (Panicum maximum, Setaria verticiliata and Digitaria milanjiand) nearer to water points where the grazing pressure is highest, and of unpalatable ones (Aristida congesta and Eragrostis rigidior) further away, where the grazing pressure is minimal, contradicts the classical range succession model. Total tree cover along the gradient did not show any changes, which contradicts bush encroachment theory (two-layer soil moisture model). The concentration of soil nutrients and dung weight close to boreholes was well predicted by the soil-nutrient transfer model. The frequency of Acacia tortilis and Dicrostachys cinerea and bare patches, increased towards boreholes. Grass cover, occurrence of Terminalia sericea, Boscia albitrunca and Combretum apiculatum increased with distance from water points. The results suggest that the range succession model and its modification, the twolayer soil moisture model, cannot satisfactorily explain vegetation changes with distance from water points. Species composition at a point may be affected by the growth, survival, recovery and reproductive strategies of different species, fire, selectivity of browsers and nutrients status, as well as grazing disturbance. Therefore, the 'state and transition' model is recommended, as it considers factors that are ignored by the classical range succession model, and is appropriate for analysing vegetation change under highly variable rainfall. The adverse impacts of grazing around boreholes could be reduced by controlling cattle distribution on the range as a whole.

Communal Polyethylene Biogas Systems : Experiences from on-farm research in rural West Java

Stoddard, Isak January 2010 (has links)
<p>In Lembang, a farming community on western Java, family-sized, plug-flow, polyethylene biogas systems fed with cow dung, are being used as an integrated solution to issues related to energy, agriculture and waste management. Through simple, on-farm research and observation, a number of key problems have been addressed and improvements made to the design. Due to the large supply of cow dung in the area, and the potential to spread the benefits of the technology beyond the homes of dairy farmers, the feasibility of developing a communal, polyethylene biogas system for several households, has been investigated. Experiments on small model-digesters were combined with observations of full-scale biogas systems in use. Measurement equipment and techniques were constructed and developed, in order to measure biogas production and other relevant process parameters. Results indicate that a communal system can be an appropriate choice, but only under a certain set of circumstances.</p>

Land Tenure Rights and Poverty Reduction in Mafela Resettlement Community (Matobo District, Zimbabwe)

Ncube, Richmond. January 2011 (has links)
In this research, I present critical facts about Land Tenure Systems and Poverty Reduction processes in Mafela Resettlement community. I focus mainly on the Post-Fast Track Land Reform (2004 – 2011) period and the interactive processes in this new resettlement area. The research - premised on the rights approach - sought to explore land tenure rights systems and poverty reduction mechanisms seen by the Mafela community to be improving their livelihoods / it also sought to find out if there is evidence linking tenure rights to poverty reduction and how land tenure rights governance systems affect their livelihoods. Suffice to say in both the animal kingdom and human world, territorial space and integrity, its demarcation as well as how resources are used within the space, given the area - calls for a - defined system of rights by the residents themselves. Whilst it is true that there is no one story about Zimbabwe’s land reform (Scoones et al 2011), the contribution of this research towards insights emanating from the newly resettled farmers adds another invaluable contribution in the realm of rural development issues.

Land tenure rights and poverty reduction in Mafela resettlement community (Matobo District, Zimbabwe)

Ncube, Richmond January 2011 (has links)
<p>In this research, I present critical facts about Land Tenure Systems and Poverty Reduction processes in Mafela Resettlement community. I focus mainly on the Post-Fast Track Land Reform&nbsp / (2004 &ndash / 2011) period and the interactive processes in this new resettlement area. The research - premised on the rights approach - sought to explore land tenure rights systems and poverty&nbsp / reduction mechanisms seen by the Mafela community to be improving their livelihoods / it also sought to find out if there is evidence linking tenure rights to poverty reduction and how land tenure&nbsp / rights governance systems affect their livelihoods. Suffice to say in both the animal kingdom and human world, territorial space and integrity, its demarcation as well as how resources are used&nbsp / within the space, given the area - calls for a - defined&nbsp / system of rights by the residents themselves. Whilst it is true that there is no one story about Zimbabwe&rsquo / s land reform (Scoones et al 2011),&nbsp / the contribution of this research towards insights emanating from the newly resettled farmers adds another invaluable contribution in the realm of rural development issues. The oft rigidified&nbsp / perceptions about the land reform in Zimbabwe as having dismally failed draw contrasting findings from this research. The findings, themselves drawn mainly through interviews, seem to&nbsp / suggest that there are indeed improved livelihoods for resettled farmers more than what is generally believed from a distance. The perception that secure tenure rights (among other myths) determines livelihoods improvement also revealed otherwise with Mafela community. The resettlers&rsquo / dynamic socio-economic milieu presents opportunities and challenges which only the resettled farmers can solve if given adequate support and empowerment in terms of decision making processes. The power basis wielded by the war veterans and the culture of top-down&nbsp / decision making processes as lamented by the resettled farmers suggest that the evolution of resettlements is still far from over. This research therefore hopes to challenge its readers and other&nbsp / stakeholders to engage with issues and recommendations raised here in order for a rethink about land tenure rights and poverty reduction initiatives associated with the new resettlement areas&nbsp / in Zimbabwe in general.</p> <p>&nbsp / </p>

Den sökande är en man : Hur språket påverkar bedömningen i en rekryteringsprocess

Wikström, Johan, Strömbäck, Ellen January 2013 (has links)
Svensk arbetsmarknad är snedfördeladmellan män och kvinnor. Tidigare forskning har visat att könsstereotypiskt språk (agentic/communal) kan bidra till att upprätthålla denna snedfördelning, skapa statusskillnader mellan kvinnor och män samt leda till diskriminering av kvinnor redan i en rekryteringsprocess. Med ett flerfaktoriellt experiment (N=194) av dubbel-blind-design med randomiserade deltagare undersöktes, huruvida bedömningen av en arbetssökande påverkas av könsstereotypiskt språk, samt vilken attityd deltagarna hade till pronomenHen. Deltagare betingades med agentic eller communal platsannons samt en av fyra personbeskrivningar.Sedan skattades den sökandes agentic och communal egenskaper. Deltagarna svarade på frågor gällande sexism samt uttryckte sin åsikt om Hen. Två av studiens fyra hypoteser kunde styrkas, de övriga två förkastades. Studien visar att könsstereotypiskt språk har betydelse för hur en sökande bedöms, att Den sökande uppfattas som en man och att sexism predicerar negativa åsikter om Hen.

Communal Polyethylene Biogas Systems : Experiences from on-farm research in rural West Java

Stoddard, Isak January 2010 (has links)
In Lembang, a farming community on western Java, family-sized, plug-flow, polyethylene biogas systems fed with cow dung, are being used as an integrated solution to issues related to energy, agriculture and waste management. Through simple, on-farm research and observation, a number of key problems have been addressed and improvements made to the design. Due to the large supply of cow dung in the area, and the potential to spread the benefits of the technology beyond the homes of dairy farmers, the feasibility of developing a communal, polyethylene biogas system for several households, has been investigated. Experiments on small model-digesters were combined with observations of full-scale biogas systems in use. Measurement equipment and techniques were constructed and developed, in order to measure biogas production and other relevant process parameters. Results indicate that a communal system can be an appropriate choice, but only under a certain set of circumstances.

Det splittrade subjektet : En analys av Marx filosofiska grund genom Kritiken av Hegels Rättsfilosofi / The divided subject : An analysis of Marx´s philosophical foundation through the criticism of Hegel´s Philosophy of Right

Pettersson, Björn January 2011 (has links)
In the Philosophy of Right Hegel develops the concept Sittlichkeit (Ethical life) that represents Hegel´s view of how the State should be constituted. In Critique of Hegel’s ´Philosophy of Right` Marx provides a critical so called “Prussian” reading of Hegel as ultimately a defense for the Prussian empire of that time. The study focuses on a close reading of the chapter on the state, which includes the paragraphs 257-313 in the Philosophy of Right. It examines how Marx’s philosophy developed from this Criticism including some of his basic concepts, notably Gemeinwesen and Gattungswesen, that he takes over from Hegel and includes in his own theories of human alienation. The essay discusses how Marx’s criticism of Hegel as a pantheistic thinker is also directed against his dialectical theory. The conclusion is that Marx’s philosophy seeks to overcome dialectics and ultimately philosophy itself, while also showing how strong his connection is to Hegel and German Idealism. / I Rättsfilosofin utvecklar Hegel begreppet Sittlichkeit (Sedlighet) som representerar hans syn på hur staten ska vara konstruerad. I Till kritiken av Hegels Rättsfilosofi gör Marx en kritisk läsning av Hegels Rättsfilosofi, som brukar kallas för den ”Preussiska läsningen”, eftersom den tolkas som ett försvar av den dåtida Preussiska staten. Studien fokuserar på en närläsning av paragraferna 257-313 i Rättsfilosofin samt på Marx Kritik. Analysen fokuserar på hur Marx tänkande och begrepp växer fram utifrån denna kritiska läsning. I centrum står begreppen Gemeinwesen, (socialt väsen) och Gattungswesen (art-väsen), vilka Marx tar över från Hegel och införlivar teorier om människans alienation. Uppsatsen diskuterar hur Marx kritik av Hegel som panteistisk tänkare också riktar sig mot Hegels dialektiska teori. Slutsatsen är att Marx filosofi siktar mot ett övervinnande av dialektiken och till sist av filosofin som sådan, samtidigt som den visar hur stark hans koppling till Hegel och den tyska idealismen är.

The Rise Of Ethno-nationalism In Cyprus Under The British Rule: 1878-1960

Kadioglu, Pinar 01 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is an attempt to inquire the origins of the Cyprus conflict by analyzing the historical developments that laid the ground for the inter-communal dispute in the late 1950s, while focusing on the structural dimension of the rise of ethnonationalisms in the island. The special emphasis is given to the British period 1878-1960 in the historical analysis since the ethno-religious identity consciousnesses of the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities in the island started to turn into ethnonational ones and later into antagonistic nationalisms during this era. The study&rsquo / s underlying premise is that although different identity perceptions existed much earlier among the two communities of the island, the inconsistent policies of the British administration that shifted in accordance with its interests in the Mediterranean region enabled the emergence of a conducive environment for the politicization and manipulation of these diverse identity perceptions. The Greek and Turkish nationalisms gained strength in this era and gradually transformed into antagonistic nationalisms motivated by different political goals about the future of the island. These developments would be the main reason of the inter-communal violence in Cyprus that arose in late 1950s and also in the following years till the permanent territorial partition in 1974.

Changing natural resource regimes in Northern Ghana : actors, structures and institutions /

Laube, Wolfram. January 2007 (has links)
Univ., Diss--Köln, 2006.

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