Spelling suggestions: "subject:"competitive 5strategy"" "subject:"competitive bstrategy""
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A comparative case investigation of the retail industry : comparing the nature of HRM, emotional labour and the influence of the customerCartwright, Kimberley January 2014 (has links)
Retail work constitutes an estimated 10.5 per cent of the UK workforce (British Retail Consortium, 2011). The literature suggests homogeneity in the nature of HRM in the retail industry with low formal skills, pay and trade union density associated with this context (Skillsmart Retail, 2010; Department for Business Innovation and Skills, 2010). Furthermore, the downward pressure on the working conditions of employees is observed across front-line work in general and this, seemingly does not improve with competitive strategy (Kelliher and Perrett, 2001; Lloyd, 2005; Lloyd, Warhurst and Dutton, 2013). However, the service work literature reveals diversity at the workplace level in the performance of emotional labour (Bolton, 2000) and the different types of customer (Bolton and Houlihan, 2005). Yet there are gaps in the literature related to how the performance of emotional labour compares and contrasts across retail organisations through different management control mechanisms as well as how the employee-customer interaction may explain diversity at the workplace level. The thesis draws on a comparative case approach of four case study organisations in the retail industry each reflecting different market positions in clothing and electrical product markets. A total of 37 semi-structured interviews were conducted with managers and employees across the case study stores. In addition the methodology also included the analysis of the customer perspective which is traditionally missing in the work and employment relations literature (Korczynski, 2009) This included collecting data using eighteen customer shopping reports, a method based on qualitative diaries. The overall aim of the study was to compare and contrast management, employee and customer perspectives across different retail organisation contexts and explore how the nature of HR and the performance of emotional labour are framed and reframed by the dynamics and negotiations that take place between these three actors. The findings reveal homogeneity in the nature of HRM with no improvement in recruitment and selection, training, pay and collective employee involvement going up the quality chain in the retail industry. This confirms other studies in the service industry more generally (Kelliher and Perrett, 2001; Lloyd, 2005; Lloyd et al, 2013). However within this downward pressure on the nature of HRM there were elements of diversity in the management requirements for the performance of emotional labour and the conceptualisation of the customer which shaped the employee-customer interaction in much broader terms than Strategic HR theorists might have assumed. To understand diversity across the retail organisations it was necessary to analyse the nature of employee-customer interactions within the context of management performance strategies. This revealed that many of the nuances between the case study retailers related to the ways the customer shapes, and is shaped, by the performance of emotional labour. The thesis will argue for the continued relevance of the concept of triangular relations which has been recently criticised (Belanger and Edwards, 2013) because it recognises the three actors that shape the performance of emotional labour at the level of workplace relations.
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Success Strategies of Small Business OwnersJakes, Lyndabelle 01 January 2018 (has links)
In the United States, 20% of newly established small businesses, including small
businesses in the life insurance industry, fail within 2 years, and over 50% of them fail during the first 5 years. The purpose of this multiple case study was to identify and explore the strategies that life insurance brokerage owners use to sustain business operations beyond 5 years. Porter's 5 forces model served as the conceptual framework for exploring this subject matter. Owners of 3 separate small life insurance brokerage firms in Texas, who sustained their businesses beyond 5 years, participated in semistructured interviews. A secondary source of data was relevant company documents. Methodological triangulation and member checking assured the reliability and validity of the interpretations. Through thematic analysis and supporting software, 5 themes emerged: exceptional customer service, relationship-building, efficient promotional strategies, regular training of salespersons, and hiring the right employees. The application of the findings of the study could contribute to positive social change by reducing unemployment and thereby catalyzing an economic environment supporting employees, families, and communities.
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會計資訊系統對資訊使用者及競爭策略影響之研究 / A Study on AIS's Effect on Information User and Competitive Strategy吳東霖, Wu, Tong-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
1. 五家受訪企業會計資訊系統電腦化皆有十年以上的歷史,能夠提供企業使用者日常業務所需要的大部份資訊。
2. 資訊使用者對於會計資訊系統不滿意之處有三:(1)系統無法滿足使用者所有的資訊需求,(2)系統開發改善速度緩慢,(3)需求的申請遭到資訊部門的拒絕。
3. 受訪人員表示,會計資訊系統能提供使用者決策之攸關資訊,對企業競爭策略之實現有幫助。 / In recent yrear, the function of AIS has been improved. AIS can provide not only financial reports, but also managerial reports.
This study empirically examines of 5 enterprises' AIS to understand the AIS in Taiwan.
The empirical results show that:
1.AIS could provide user useful information to help decision making.
2.AIS improve process is not fast enough to satisfy users' needs.
3.AIS could help enterprises' Competitive Strategy.
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從動態能耐分析汽車產業生存法則~以A公司個案為例 / Analyzing Automotive Industry Rule of Survival from The Angle of Dynamic Capabilities周麗娟, Chou, Jessica Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過產業的回顧、企業里程碑的反思、自我競爭能耐的分析,企圖驗證動態能耐理論是否能運用於中小企業。藉由理論與實務的對照,個案公司是否能取得更多具參考價值的建議。 / With limited resources, manpower and timing, corporate needs to respond to market rapidly. Only when the respond timing and selected strategy fit to the situation, corporate then is qualified to enter next race. Compare an enterprise to a dot, it can be big or small but founded with limitation. Big size may be the merit to win this battle, but can turn to a weakness in next race.
The next race might be about connections. Strategy to win this race may be connecting farther; one dot to multiple dots, or stands still to wave a bigger sphere. Choosing a decision to either move or still is an everyday task. In the new battlefield, cooperation to achieve goal in a faster, better way to proceed. Win more alliances with open and mutual-trust attitude, we need to focus on long-term future than an instant profit figure. Yet, cooperation is just another form of competition. Decision of when to change the competitive strategy and level of the responding force gets complicated.
Case A founded 28 years ago. The position it stands on is moving along with the market force. Maybe because of it’s decision to move that made it survived from several global economic crisis. Maybe due to the decision to hold still that allowed it stays. Question is that if case A is capable to react in the next race and even finds more strength?
This dissertation attempts to verify if the theory of dynamic capabilities is applicable to general enterprises from retrospect of the automotive industry, introspect of case A milestones, to self-analysis of its competitive capabilities. By Comparing theory to empirical performance, shall case A achieve more valuable suggestions?
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Strategische Unternehmensführung landwirtschaftlicher Haupterwerbsbetriebe: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel Nordrhein-Westfalens / Strategic management of agriculture farming: Analysis at the example of North-Rine WestfaliaInderhees, Philipp 26 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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華人手機品牌廠突圍策略之研究 -以小米、華為、宏達電為例 / A Study of the breakthrough strategies of Chinese mobile phone companies-A Case Study of Xiaomi, Huawei, HTC陳建宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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An examination of strategic challenges and opportunities in the wood-based building product industryTokarczyk, John A. 03 January 2011 (has links)
The wood-based building products industry has experienced significant turbulence over the past several decades as a function of multiple forces including among others globalization, product and process innovation, and shifting customer and consumer interest and demands. Collectively, these changes have challenged the historical tenets which have defined industry strategy and competition in the realm of basic products and contributed to consolidation and labor reductions. Consequently, an onus has been placed on industry participants to better understand and adapt to the new competitive landscape or risk loss of competitive advantages built on the practices suited to historical tradition. However, a limited range of work that considers the machinations of turbulence and resulting strategic implications has been directed toward the industry particularly where differentiation of products is limited. A contributing factor for this deficiency is the relative stability that has defined the industry for generations due in part to limited strategic variation beyond cost and production, limited cycles of technological and product innovation, commodity nature of many products, and passive manner of consumption. Accordingly, there is value in work that takes a critical and empirical view of industry changes in the context of both strategic and competitive implications, how participating firms address challenges, and what factors influence consumer purchase decisions. This work addresses this need through examination of each element, industry, firm, and consumer, in the context of turbulence, competition, and strategy and delineates previously unidentified considerations for competing in the new landscape. At the industry level, drivers of industry turbulence and subsequent strategic challenges, adaptations, and opportunities are identified and reviewed. Analysis suggests that improved strategy which considers organizational and product differentiation beyond cost and production efficiencies permits greater stability and increased leverage in the turbulent competitive environment. Recognizing a need for improved strategy, the firm level analysis employs a primary qualitative approach to isolate previously unidentified firm qualities analogous to successful deployment of a market orientation strategy using the resource based view of the firm as a framework for analysis. Connecting strategy to the consumer and product, theoretical consumer behavior constructs (consumption, behavior, and involvement) were connected to conceptualize dimensions of product differentiation capable of holding consumer appeal and acting as behavioral drivers in the passively consumed arena of primary wood-based building products. Taken together this work provides a view of strategic considerations within the wood-based building product industry that extends beyond previous work in several ways. First, by considering industry environment, firm strategy, and consumer behavior and product differentiation collectively in the manner described, this work provides a more vertically complete strategic perspective for industry participants. Second, within each chapter, findings and case based examples relevant to each element are presented. / Graduation date: 2012
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Responsabilidade social empresarial: modalidades e grau de participa??o em meios de hospedagem em Ponta Negra, Natal/RN / Enterprise social responsability: modalities and degree of participation in ways of lodging in Ponta Negra, Natal/RNGraciano, Cl?udia Gomes 08 January 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-01-08 / That work has as objective to investigate and to analyze the strategies which they were developed by companies of lodging means with ends of social responsibility in Rio Grande
do Norte (RN). Therefore, it got data along with the Office of Tourism of the Municipal district of Natal , the Office of Tourism of RN and the cadasters of the firms of the lodging
means in the district of Ponta Negra. In after research of field, it verified the enterprises that now develop lodging activities in that quarter in Ponta Negra. It applied Instrument of research which it was elaborated based on the set of indicators of social responsibility of Ethos Institute, structured with binary questions and some open ones. It shows as results
which actions the investigated companies develop. Confronting these results with researched theoretical referencial, it points an intermediate degree of socially responsible actions. Comparing with the evaluation accomplished by Ethos Institute, the investigated
firms are in incipient condition, with punctual actions, however, they already present the awakening about this thematic / Tem como objetivo investigar e analisar as estrat?gias desenvolvidas por empresas de meios de hospedagem com fins de responsabilidade social no Rio Grande do Norte (RN).
Para tanto, levantou dados junto ? Secretaria de Turismo do Munic?pio de Natal, ? Secretaria de Turismo do RN e aos cadastros das empresas dos meios de hospedagem no
bairro de Ponta Negra. Em pesquisa de campo posterior, averiguou as empresas que atualmente desenvolvem atividades de hospedagem naquele bairro. Aplicou Instrumento
da Pesquisa elaborado com base no conjunto de indicadores de responsabilidade social do Instituto Ethos, estruturado com perguntas bin?rias e algumas abertas. Mostra como
resultados quais a??es as empresas investigadas desenvolvem. Ao confrontar estes resultados com o referencial te?rico pesquisado, aponta um grau intermedi?rio de a??es socialmente respons?veis. Comparando com a avalia??o realizada pelo Instituto Ethos, as empresas investigadas se encontram em condi??o incipiente, com a??es pontuais, por?m, j? apresentam o despertar em torno da tem?tica
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Estratégia competitiva e eficiência operacional : um estudo de caso no setor de operadoras de planos de saúde do BrasilPagnoncelli, Alexandre Miranda January 2010 (has links)
A dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o caso da Gestão de OPME (Órteses, Próteses e Materiais Especiais) em uma empresa operadora de planos de saúde (UNIMED RS), no contexto das condições sistêmicas e setoriais de competitividade e das escolhas estratégicas da empresa. Utilizando conceitos e esquemas analíticos de economia da estratégia, a dissertação procura mostrar como a gestão de OPME é importante para equacionar o trade-off entre custo e diferenciação, dada as escolhas estratégicas que caracterizam o posicionamento competitivo da UNIMED, no âmbito do setor de operadoras de planos de saúde e com as limitações impostas pelo agente regulador setorial. Os avanços na área de materiais médicos são impressionantes. A velocidade com que são lançados no mercado os novos materiais cirúrgicos (Órteses, Próteses e Materiais Especiais, OPME) é um reflexo da facilidade com que se tem acesso à informação nos dias de hoje. Estes materiais, são materiais de elevado custo, existem dúvidas quanto a sua efetividade e segurança para os beneficiários/pacientes e que acarretam um aumento geométrico dos custos das operadoras de planos de saúde que, devido ao controle rigoroso, governamental, não conseguem repassar esses custos aos seus beneficiários. O Sistema Unimed, identificando a necessidade de um processo estruturado que avalie a incorporação de novas tecnologias na área da saúde, e com o objetivo de manter o status da instituição como empresa que oferta aos seus beneficiários a melhor tecnologia médica disponível, criou a sua Câmara Técnica de Medicina Baseada em Evidências. Nesse contexto, este estudo aborda a experiência do Sistema Unimed com essa gestão e absorção de novas tecnologias. / The objective of the dissertation is to analyze the administration of OPME (Ortheses, Prostheses and Special Materials) in a health care company (UNIMED RS), in the context of the systemic and sectorial conditions of competitiveness and of the strategic choices of the company. Using concepts and analytic outlines of the economy of the strategy, the dissertation seeks to show how important the administration of the OPME is for the trade-off between cost and differentiation, given the strategic choices that characterize the competitive positioning of UNIMED in the ambit of the section of Health Plans and with limitations imposed by the sectorial regulator agent. The progress in the area of medical materials is impressive. The speed that the new surgical materials (Ortheses, Protheses and Special Materials) are introduced in the market is a reflex of the easiness to access information nowadays. These materials are materials of high cost, and there is still doubt about the effectiveness and safety of these materials for the patients, besides there is a geometric increase of the costs of the Health Plans and due to the rigorous governmental control these costs cannot be passed to the beneficiaries. The Unimed System, aware of the need for a structured process that evaluates the incorporation of new technologies in the area of health, and with the objective to maintain its status as an institution that offers its beneficiaries the best medical technology available, created its own Technical Chamber of Medicine Based on Evidences. In this context, this study approaches Unimed's experience in this administration and the absorption of new technologies.
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Dimensões competitivas da estratégia de recursos humanos: importância para a gestão de negócios em empresas manufatureirasSantos, Fernando Cesar Almada 22 December 1998 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 1998-12-22T00:00:00Z / O principal propósito deste trabalho é propor e conceituar as seguintes dimensões competitivas da estratégia de recursos humanos sob a ótica contemporânea dos conceitos de estratégia competitiva e de estratégia de manufatura: a constituição de rede de trabalho baseada em equipes, a aprendizagem organizacional e a gestão da cultura organizacional. No contexto da gestão estratégica de negócios, propõe-se que estas dimensões competitivas sejam estabelecidas juntamente com as estratégias das unidades de negócios e das prioridades competitivas da estratégia de manufatura, ou seja, qualidade, desempenho das entregas, flexibilidade e custo. Em estudo de casos, envolvendo quatro empresas manufatureiras do setor metal mecânico do interior do estado de São Paulo, identificam-se as dimensões competitivas das estratégias de recursos humanos e as prioridades competitivas das estratégias de manufatura, assim como sua combinação dentro das estratégias das unidades de negócios das empresas pesquisadas, com o objetivo de analisar a aplicabilidade das duas proposições teóricas deste trabalho: as dimensões competitividade da estratégia de recursos humanos e a sua combinação com as prioridades competitivas da estratégia de manufatura no contexto das estratégias de negócios. / This paper aims at proposing and conceptualizing the following competitive dimensions of the human resource strategy by using the contemporary concepts of competitive strategy and manufacturing strategy: the formation of a network based on teams, the organizational learning and the management of organizational culture. Within the strategic business management, these competitive dimensions must be established simultaneously with the business unit strategies and the competitive priorities of manufacturing strategy, i.e., quality, delivery perfomance, flexibility and cost. Four manufacturing companies of the metal mechanical industry, located at the interior of São Paulo state, have not only the competitive dimensions of their human resource strategy and the competitive priorities of their manufacturing strategies, but also their arrangement within the business unit strategies identified. The feasibility of applying the following theoretical propositions of this paper to manufacturing companies is analysed in this case study: the competitive dimensions of the human resource strategy and the arrangement of these dimensions and the competitive priorities of manufacturing strategy during the formulation of company strategies.
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