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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis 2 : apresentação da versão brasileira e estudos preliminares de validade e confiabilidade

Krieger, Daniela Valle January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O diagnóstico baseado unicamente na avaliação quantitativa dos sintomas e seu curso muitas vezes não é suficiente para o trabalho em psicoterapia psicodinâmica. Apesar disso, a literatura sobre diagnóstico psicodinâmico ainda é escassa, assim como os estudos empíricos na área. O Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis-2 (OPD-2) tem o objetivo de ampliar o diagnóstico tradicional através da operacionalização de informações psicodinâmicas fundamentais para a compreensão dos fenômenos subjacentes à sintomatologia clínica. A construção multi-axial do OPD-2 possibilita que se abarque a complexidade e a inter-relação das condições e fatores que determinam os fenômenos e as patologias mentais do ponto de vista psicodinâmico. O OPD-2 é composto por 4 eixos psicodinâmicos e 1 eixo descritivo: I: vivência da doença e pré-requisitos para o tratamento; II: Relações interpessoais; III: Conflito psíquico; IV: Estrutura psíquica; V: Diagnóstico nosológico tradicional. Apesar de ser amplamente utilizado em vários países ainda não foram realizados estudos com o OPD-2 no Brasil. Objetivos: Esta dissertação apresenta a versão brasileira do OPD-2 e os estudos de validade de conteúdo, concordância inter-avaliadores e validade concorrente do instrumento. Método: A versão brasileira do instrumento foi criada através da adaptação da versão portuguesa. A avaliação do conteúdo do instrumento foi realizada por experts em psicoterapia psicodinâmica. A concordância inter-avaliadores foi avaliada utilizando-se 51 entrevistas de psicoterapia psicodinâmica. A validade concorrente comparou os itens do OPD-2 com os resultados do The World Health Organization Quality of Life - abbreviated version (WHOQOL-bref) e o Symptom Check-List-90-Revised (SCL-90R). Resultados: A avaliação de conteúdo considerou os itens claros quanto a linguagem e pertinentes teoricamente. Os eixos III e IV apresentaram maior índice de concordância inter-avaliadores. Os eixos I, III e IV obtiveram correlação significativa entre alguns itens com os resultados do SCL-90R e WHOQOL-bref. Conclusão: Este estudo demonstrou que o OPD-2 apresenta boas condições de avaliação de propriedades psicodinâmicas. Outros estudos com diferentes amostras e instrumentos devem ser realizados para verificação das propriedades psicométricas do OPD-2 no Brasil. / Background: Diagnoses based upon quantification of symptoms and their course is less suitable to psychodynamic psychotherapy, yet psychodynamic diagnoses are rarely scrutinized scientifically. The Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis-2 seeks to enhance traditional diagnostic schemes through the operationalization of psychodynamic data relevant to the comprehension of psychological phenomena underlying clinical symptomatology. The multi-axial framing of OPD-2 allows the incorporation of the complexity and the inter-relations of conditions and factors determining mental phenomena and pathology from a psychodynamic perspective. OPD-2 has 4 psychodynamic and 1 descriptive axis: I: experience of illness and prerequisites for treatment; II: Interpersonal relations; III: Conflict ; IV: Structure ; V: Mental and psychosomatic disorders. Although largely used in a number of countries, there have been no studies with OPD-2 in Brazil. Objectives: We aimed to present the Brazilian version of OPD-2 and determine the content validity, inter-rater reliability and concurrent validity of the psychodynamic itens of the instrument. Methods: Experts in psychodynamic psychotherapy evaluated content and the inter-rater reliability was based on 51 dialogued interviews obtained during routine clinical practice in a specialized institution. Concurrent validity compared OPD-2 items with results from the World Health Organization Quality of Life - abbreviated version (WHOQOL-bref) and the Symptom Check-List-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). Results: Evaluation of content considered OPD-2 items as clear and theoretically pertinent. Axes III and IV had higher inter-rater concordance. Several items from axes I, III and IV correlated significantly with the SCL-90R and the WHOQOL-bref. Conclusion: OPD-2 is adequate to evaluate psychodynamic properties. Further studies with the OPD-2 in Brazil evaluating different samples and using distinct comparator instruments are needed to confirm and extend our findings.

Criterion-Related Validity of the mini-BESTest: A New Clinical Combination Test Battery for Dynamic Balance and an Instrumented Test of Postural Sway (iSWAY)

Freeman, Demetrius Lynn 01 January 2011 (has links)
PURPOSE: The aims of this study were to: 1) determine the concurrent validity of the mini-Balance Evaluations Systems Test (BESTest) and the instrumented test of postural sway (iSWAY) to quantify sensory orientation impairments in adults with known postural control deficits; and 2) determine the predictive validity of iSWAY to differentiate between fallers and non-fallers in adults with known postural control deficits. The Sensory Organization Test (SOT) served as the gold standard measure. METHODS: An exploratory methodological design using secondary analysis was used. The sample consisted of 45 subjects with Parkinson¡¦s disease (PD). Subjects were concurrently tested on SOT, mini-BEST, and iSWAY. DATA ANALYSIS: Frequency distributions, central tendencies, variability, and outliers were used to analyze goodness-of-fit to the normal distribution. Mean was used for age while mode was used for fall group, fall status, and gender. The following statistical tests were used: 1) Spearman rank correlation (rs) to measure the relationship between the the mini-BEST and SOT outcome scores; 2) parametric Pearson product-moment correlation (r) was used to measure the relationship between the iSWAY and SOT outcome scores; and 3) multiple regression to analyze the association between several independent variables (iSWAY scores) and dependent variable (number falls). A receiving operator curve was constructed to determine the iSWAY score that best discriminates fallers from non-fallers. RESULTS: There was a significant and fair correlation between mini-BESTest and SOT: Composite and Total rs = 0.380 (p = 0.010); Composite and Sensory rs = 0.343 (p = 0.021), Individual Items Eyes Open, Foam Surface (EOF) and Condition five rs = 0.399 (p = 0.007). There was insignificant and little-to-no relationship between mini-BESTest and SOT Condition one. There was a moderate-to-good inverse correlation between iSWAY and SOT: Composite r = - 0.634 (p = f¬0.01); Individual items ECF and Condition five r = -0.543 (p = f¬0.01). There was significant and fair inverse correlation between iSWAY and SOT Condition one r = -0.432 (p = 0.028). There was a predictive relationship between iSWAY RANGE Composite (p = 0.040) and RMS Composite (p = 0.021) and history of falls. A multiple regression equation including three iSWAY Composite scores explained 38% variability in reported falls. The ROC curve identified an iSWAY RMS Score of less than 0.249 as demonstrating the highest likelihood of differentiating between fallers and non-fallers. DISCUSSION: Mini-BESTest and iSWAY are clinically meaningful measures of sensory orientation in persons with PD. iSWAY can help better quantify sensory orientation impairments and inform other examination findings about history of falls. Future research is needed to investigate validity of these tests with other populations and expand validation of other test components.

Concurrent Validity of the Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability-Revised with a Neurologically Compromised Pediatric Population

Rochelle, Gary B. 12 1900 (has links)
The Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML) is a relatively new instrument used in the assessment of memory in children. The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of the WRAML by comparing the performance of children on both the WRAML and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability- Revised (WJTCA-R). Subjects for the study were children in treatment for a brain tumor at a regional children's medical center. Fifty children participated in the study ranging from ages 6 to 17. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine which of four selected clusters from the WJTCA-R would have the highest correlation with the Verbal Memory Index (VERI) from the WRAML. The Short-Term Memory (GSM) cluster had the highest correlation ( r = .82) as predicted. A Pearson's product-moment correlational analysis was conducted between the Visual Processing (GV) cluster from the WJTCA-R and the Visual Memory Index (VISI) from the WRAML. GV was found to have a high positive correlation ( r = .63) with VISI. A similar analysis was conducted between the Long-Term Retrieval (GLR) cluster from the WJTCA-R and the Learning Index (LRNI) from the WRAML. GLR was found to have a high positive correlation ( r = .81) with LRNI. Finally, a correlational analysis was conducted between the Broad Cognitive Ability (BCA) scale from the WJTCA-R and the General Memory Index (GENI) from the WRAML. A high positive correlation ( r = .87) was found between these most global measures from the two batteries. The observed correlation between BCA and GENI was much higher than anticipated. The author concluded that neurological impairment had affected subject memory and intellectual functioning in similar ways. The results do not generalize to children who have not had similar decrements in cognitive functioning. Future research should establish a baseline correlation between the two instruments with a non-impaired population.

Reliabilitets- och validitetsprövning av Modifierad Self-efficacy Scale för patienter med långvarig smärta

Adelsköld, Signe, Thalin, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Studiens syfte var att reliabilitetspröva stabiliteten för M-SES för patienter med långvarig smärta genom test-retest metoden. Syftet var även att undersöka samtidig validitet för M-SES, genom att utföra M-SES och SES mätt vid samma tillfälle.</p><p><strong>Metod:</strong> I studien undersöktes self-efficacy instrumentet M-SES på Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus, på avdelningarna för Smärtcentrum och Smärtrehabilitering. Frågeställningarna berörde vilken stabilitets reliabilitet mätt med test-retest som förelåg hos M-SES, samt vilken grad av samtidig validitet som förelåg för M-SES korrelerat med SES. Den slutliga undersökningsgruppen bestod i frågeställningen om stabilitets reliabilitet av 29 patienter (23 kvinnor, sex män), och i frågeställning om samtidig validitet av 22 patienter (17 kvinnor, fem män).</p><p><strong>Resultat: </strong>Vid prövning av stabilitets reliabilitet för M-SES visade resultatet en stark korrelation, med korrelationskoefficient 0,92 och p<0,05. Det förelåg även en god överrensstämmelse för test-retest undersökningen. Prövningen av samtidig validitet för M-SES visade en stark korrelation, med koefficienten 0,88 och p<0,05.</p><p><strong>Konklusion:</strong> Studiens resultat visade att det förelåg en stark stabilitets reliabilitet och samtidig validitet för M-SES för patienter med långvarig smärta. Då studien genomfördes med få deltagare bör resultatet tolkas med försiktighet.</p>

Reliabilitets- och validitetsprövning av Modifierad Self-efficacy Scale för patienter med långvarig smärta

Adelsköld, Signe, Thalin, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte var att reliabilitetspröva stabiliteten för M-SES för patienter med långvarig smärta genom test-retest metoden. Syftet var även att undersöka samtidig validitet för M-SES, genom att utföra M-SES och SES mätt vid samma tillfälle. Metod: I studien undersöktes self-efficacy instrumentet M-SES på Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus, på avdelningarna för Smärtcentrum och Smärtrehabilitering. Frågeställningarna berörde vilken stabilitets reliabilitet mätt med test-retest som förelåg hos M-SES, samt vilken grad av samtidig validitet som förelåg för M-SES korrelerat med SES. Den slutliga undersökningsgruppen bestod i frågeställningen om stabilitets reliabilitet av 29 patienter (23 kvinnor, sex män), och i frågeställning om samtidig validitet av 22 patienter (17 kvinnor, fem män). Resultat: Vid prövning av stabilitets reliabilitet för M-SES visade resultatet en stark korrelation, med korrelationskoefficient 0,92 och p&lt;0,05. Det förelåg även en god överrensstämmelse för test-retest undersökningen. Prövningen av samtidig validitet för M-SES visade en stark korrelation, med koefficienten 0,88 och p&lt;0,05. Konklusion: Studiens resultat visade att det förelåg en stark stabilitets reliabilitet och samtidig validitet för M-SES för patienter med långvarig smärta. Då studien genomfördes med få deltagare bör resultatet tolkas med försiktighet.

Registros de movimentos do pescoço: estado da arte, validação e aplicação e avaliação durante o trabalho de técnicos de enfermagem

Carnaz, Letícia 09 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:18:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3792.pdf: 3922165 bytes, checksum: 1533e03deedd086e3496ff42c87c7a3e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-09 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Neck pain has been highly prevalent among workers. In occupational settings physical risk factors, especially posture, are considered fundamental in neck pain development. However, neck posture and movements have not been properly evaluated at workplace due to the use of not reliable measurement methods. Furthermore, most of the studies that evaluate posture during occupational activities have focused on the wrist and hand assessment. Thus, in order to contribute with information about neck movements recording in occupational settings, three related studies were developed. The aim of the first study was to investigate the applications and limitations of the systems for direct measurement of neck movement in the workplace. The results of this study showed that in most of the articles the three axes of neck movement were not simultaneously recorded. Deficiencies in available equipment explain this flaw, demonstrating that sensors and systems need to be improved so that a true understanding of real occupational exposure can be achieved. Further studies are also needed to assess neck movement in those who perform heavy&#8208;duty work, such as nurses and electricians, since no report about such jobs was identified. Based on these results, an option to record three&#8208;dimensional neck movements in occupational settings is the use of flexible electrogoniometers. But neither electrogoniometers, nor inclinometers (direct measurement most commonly used) were compared with a system considered more accurate and precise. Then, the objective of the second study was to assess concurrent validity between flexible electrogoniometers (EGM), inclinometers (INC) and a three&#8208;dimensional analysis system based on video recording (IMG) in simultaneous and synchronized data collection. EGM presented high differences when compared with INC and IMG. Moreover, the EGM sensors physically restricted the full neck flexion&#8208;extension range of motion. Inclinometers, which cannot record rotation movement, presented good concurrent validity in relation to IMG, except for flexion&#8208;extension movement. Due to non&#8208;optimal conditions during flexion&#8208;extension movement, IMG underestimated these movements. The results of the studies described above designed the third study that aimed to quantify the head, upper back and upper arm postures of practical nurses while performing their occupational activities and to verify if there are differences between the postures of professionals with and without symptoms. The results showed that most of the activities of practical nurses involve considerable postural risk for the head, upper back and upper arms. The postural risk varied among tasks: there was more exposure for the neck region when separating medication and keeping medical records. In general, workers with symptoms in the neck and upper arm region presented greater amplitude of movement and a higher fraction of time spent in awkward postures than asymptomatic workers, but with no significant difference between these two groups. / A dor no pescoço tem sido altamente prevalece entre trabalhadores. Em ambiente ocupacional, fatores de risco físico, particularmente a postura, são considerados preponderantes no desenvolvimento de dor no pescoço. Contudo, as posturas e os movimentos dessa região não têm sido adequadamente avaliados no ambiente de trabalho, devido ao uso de métodos de medida não confiáveis. Além disso, a maioria dos estudos que avaliam a postura durante as atividades ocupacionais tem focado na avaliação do punho e da mão. Assim, para contribuir com o entendimento do registro dos movimentos do pescoço em ambiente de trabalho, três estudos foram desenvolvidos. O objetivo do primeiro estudo foi investigar as aplicações e limitações dos sistemas de medidas diretas para registro do movimento do pescoço em ambiente de trabalho. Os resultados desse estudo revelaram que na maioria dos artigos, os três eixos de movimento do pescoço não foram registrados simultaneamente. Deficiências nos equipamentos disponíveis explicam esta falha, demonstrando que os sensores e os sistemas precisam ser melhorados para que um entendimento da real exposição ocupacional do pescoço possa ser alcançado. Mais estudos também são necessários para avaliar os movimentos do pescoço em profissionais que realizam trabalho pesado, tais como enfermeiros e eletricistas, já que nenhum artigo avaliando essas ocupações foi identificado. Baseado nesses resultados, uma alternativa para o registro tridimensional dos movimentos do pescoço em ambiente ocupacional seria o uso de eletrogoniômetros flexíveis. Mas nem os eletrogoniômetros, nem os inclinômetros (medida direta mais comumente usada) foram comparados com um sistema considerado mais preciso e confiável. Assim, o objetivo do segundo estudo foi avaliar a validade concorrente entre eletrogoniômetros flexíveis (EGM), inclinômetros (INC) e um sistema de análise tridimensional baseado em registro de vídeo (IMG) numa coleta de dados simultânea e sincronizada. O EGM apresentou grandes diferenças quando comparado com o INC e com a IMG. Além disso, os sensores do EGM restringiram fisicamente a amplitude de movimento completa de flexo&#8208;extensão do pescoço. Inclinômetros, os quais não podem registrar o movimento de rotação, apresentaram boa validade concorrente em relação à IMG, exceto para o movimento de flexo&#8208;extensão. Devido a condições não&#8208;ótimas durante o movimento de fluxo&#8208;extensão, a IMG subestimou esses movimentos. Os resultados dos estudos descritos acima delinearam o terceiro estudo cujo objetivo foi quantificar as posturas da cabeça, tronco superior e braços de técnicos de enfermagem durante a realização de suas atividades ocupacionais e verificar se há diferenças entre as posturas dos profissionais com e sem sintomas. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria das atividades dos técnicos de enfermagem envolve considerável risco postural para a cabeça, tronco superior e braços. O risco postural variou entre as atividades: houve maior exposição para a região do pescoço nas tarefas de separar medicação e anotar em prontuário médico. Em geral, os trabalhadores com sintomas no pescoço e ombro apresentaram maior amplitude de movimento e maior fração do tempo gasto em posturas extremas do que os trabalhadores assintomáticos, mas sem diferença significativa entre esses dois grupos.

Riktade hälsosamtal i Skåne: Analys av samtidig validitet hos frågor om självskattad fysisk aktivitet samt kartläggning av stillasittande / Targeted health dialogues in Skåne: Analysis of concurrent validity of selfreported questionnaires about physical activity and description of sedentary behavior

Stigsson, Marie, Jaran, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Background: “Targeted health dialogues” is a preventive method that aims to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. It includes a health-survey containing physical activity (PA)-questions. Health region Skåne introduced the method 2020 and decided to add additional questions about PA and sedentary behavior (SB). With the wish to replace current validated PA-questions with new validated questions and describe SB. Aim: Analyze concurrent validity between the answers of the original PA-questions (kcal/week) in the method and new answers (activity-minutes/last 7-days) and describe SB (hours/day). Method: Quantitative cross-sectional study with non-random, appropriate selection. Participants were 40-year-old health dialogue-participants that consented to research. Data on kcal/week, activity-minutes/last 7-days, sedentary hours/day and basic characteristics were retrieved from digital health-survey. Agreement between PA-questions was analyzed by Cohen´s weighted kappa and intraclass correlation-coefficient (ICC). SB was presented with descriptive statistics and analyzed by Chi2-test, Fisher's-exact-test and independent t-test. Result: Weak agreement between the PA-questions was found (Kw=0,378; ICC=0,273). Participants born in Sweden were more sedentary than those born outside Sweden (p&lt;0.001) and participants with high education were more sedentary compared with lower education (p=0.014). Significant associations were found between SB and BMI (p=0.028; dichotomized analysis). Sedentary participants (&gt;9 hours/d) also had higher mean BMI compared to those who were less sedentary (29,0(SD5,7) and 26,7(SD5,2) respectively; p=0,008). Conclusion: Current PA-questions cannot be replaced in favor of new questions in their current form. Further validation studies are warranted, preferably using objective PA-measures. SB was significantly associated with country of birth, education level and BMI. / Bakgrund: Riktade hälsosamtal är en preventiv metod med syfte att minska risken för hjärt-kärlsjukdom och diabetes typ 2. Metoden innehåller frågor om fysisk aktivitet (FA). Region Skåne införde 2020 metoden och valde att lägga till ytterligare frågor om FA samt stillasittande. Önskemålet var att ersätta tidigare validerade frågor om FA med nya validerade frågor och kartlägga stillasittandet. Syfte: Att undersöka samtidig validitet mellan svaren på de ursprungliga frågorna om FA (kcal/vecka) och svaren på de nya frågorna (aktivitetsminuter/senaste 7-dagarna) samt kartlägga stillasittandet (timmar/dag). Metod: Kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med icke-slumpmässigt, ändamålsenligt urval. Deltagarna utgjordes av 40-åringar som haft hälsosamtal samt lämnat forskningssamtycke. Data om kcal/vecka, aktivitetsminuter/senaste 7 dagarna, stillasittande timmar/dag samt bakgrundsinformation inhämtades från den digitala hälsoenkäten. Samstämmighet mellan svaren om FA analyserades genom beräkning av Cohens viktade kappa samt intraklass-korrelationskoefficient (ICC). Stillasittande beskrevs deskriptivt och jämförelseanalyser gjordes med Chi2-test, Fishers exakta-test och oberoende t-test. Resultat: Svag samstämmighet och överensstämmelse sågs mellan FA-frågorna (Kw =0,378; ICC=0,273). Deltagare födda i Sverige var mer stillasittande jämfört med dem födda utanför Sverige (p&lt;0.001) och deltagare med eftergymnasial utbildning var mer stillasittande jämfört med dem utan eftergymnasial utbildning (p=0,014). Signifikant samband sågs mellan stillasittande och BMI (p=0,028; dikotomiserad analys). Medelvärdet för BMI var högre i gruppen som var stillasittande &gt;9h/dag jämfört med ≤9 h/dag (29,0(SD5,7) respektive 26,7(SD5,2); p=0,008). Slutsats: Nuvarande frågor om FA kan inte rakt av bytas ut till förmån för de nya frågorna. Ytterligare valideringsstudier, företrädesvis med objektiva FA-mått, behövs. Nivån av stillasittande hade signifikanta samband med födelseland, utbildningsnivå och BMI.

The validation of a test battery for the selection of call centre operators in a communications company

Nicholls, Michelle Lee 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the research was to determine whether personality and measures of ability would significantly predict job performance of call centre operators in a South African communications company. The Customer Contact Styles Questionnaire (CCSQ7.2), the Basic Checking (CP7.1) ability test and the Audio Checking (CP8.1) ability test were completed by operators as the predictors. Supervisors completed the Customer Contact Competency Inventory (CCCI) for 140 operators as a measure of job performance. Performance statistics were obtained for the sample as additional criterion data. Correlations and multiple regression analysis revealed statistically significant small to moderate correlations between the criteria and the predictors. The research was conducted from a concurrent validity perspective. Further research from a predictive validity perspective is suggested in order to substantiate the findings and to improve the generalisability thereof. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

The concurrent validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures for the selection of haul truck operators in an open-pit mine

Pelser, Marikie Karen 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to determine the concurrent validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures for the prediction of haul truck operator (N=128) performance in an open-pit mine. Specific aims were to determine the nature of the relationship between learning potential and psychomotor ability; whether there are higher order cognitive or psychomotor factors present in the combined use of the TRAM 1 and Vienna Test System measures; and the relative contribution of learning potential and psychomotor ability in the prediction of haul truck operator performance. The validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures was partially supported. A positive correlation between general (cognitive) ability (g) and psychomotor ability was reported. Factor analysis provided relatively consistent evidence for a general (cognitive) ability factor (g) underlying performance on all measures. The relative contribution of learning potential and psychomotor ability in the prediction of performance could not be established. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The validation of a test battery for the selection of first-line supervisors in a South African mining company

Robertson, Karen 03 1900 (has links)
Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology )

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