Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conductor"" "subject:"miconductor""
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Characterization of Vertical Interconnects in 3-D Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (3-D MMIC)Kang, Qinghua (George) 01 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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An examination of conductors’ leadership skillsChang, Tiffany Hsu Han January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Study of reversible electrode reaction and mixed ionic and electronic conduction of lithium phosphate electrolyte for an electrolchemical co2 gas sensorLee, Chong-Hoon 04 February 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Protection of Falling Conductors into Flammable Vegetation FaultsJayaraman, Vivek Adithya 14 January 2021 (has links)
Increasing modernization of the world has brought about a human component to natural disasters, which are exacerbated by the growing threat of climate change. The Western United States and Australia have witnessed some of the deadliest, costliest, and destructive wildfires in the recent past with downed electric power lines being a significant factor amongst the causes. The relationship between wildfires and powerlines is not a newly discovered phenomenon, however, utilities across the globe are struggling to find an optimal solution to this problem. While existing regulations allow utilities to schedule power shutdowns, they are often accompanied by massive financial losses and discomfort to consumers. Utilities also need to factor in the climatic conditions in the region of their service and the flammability of the vegetation surrounding their lines while making decisions pertaining to system planning, load shedding, and protection. This multi-faceted problem can be dealt with in multiple ways – one such technique involves detection of a falling line into sensitive vegetation before it encounters the earth. This approach essentially boils down the problem into detecting a single line open circuit fault. The open circuit is momentary and hence, speed is of the essence in such a protection scheme. In this thesis, detection of an open circuit is carried out in two different ways, viz., with and without communication support between the various elements of the system, with the latter technique being a novel proposal with the aim of achieving a secure protection scheme with minimal additional infrastructural requirements. / Master of Science / The contact of a live wire with the earth is a fault. While most faults can be cleared using traditional protection techniques, there is a higher risk associated with power lines that come in contact with dry surfaces, flammable plants, and bushes, which cannot be detected that easily. These surfaces offer very high resistance to the flow of current and are hence termed high impedance faults. These high impedance faults have the potential to spark and cause a fire, which can snowball into a wildfire depending on the geography and climatic conditions of the area. For years, this has been a major problem in places like Australia and California leading to loss of lives, power, and money, but the optimal solution is evasive. While several techniques to combat this problem exist, the focus of this thesis is essentially what is known as the Open Circuit Fault. The technique revolves around the detection of the fault while the falling conductor is midair. Given the short time frame, high-speed detection is of the essence. This thesis will focus on achieving open circuit detection without the need for any communication support and is a novel contribution to this field.
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Protection and Cybersecurity of Inverter-Based ResourcesAlexander, Brady Steven 14 May 2024 (has links)
Traditionally, power system protection describes detecting, clearing, and locating faults in the power system. Traditional methods for detecting and locating faults may not be sufficient for inverter-based resources (IBR) as the fault response of an IBR differs from the response of a synchronous generator. As the composition of the power grid continues to evolve to integrate more IBRs that employ communication-based control algorithms; the power system is also exposed to cyberattacks. Undetected cyberattacks can disrupt normal system operation causing local outages. Therefore, power system protection must evolve with the changes in the grid to not only detect, locate, and clear faults with IBR generation but also detect and mitigate cyberattacks on IBR controllers. This thesis proposes methods for protecting an IBR-based transmission system from: (i) GPS spoofing cyberattacks on a power sharing controller; (ii) open-circuit faults. The GPS spoofing detection algorithm is a decision tree that enables either the proposed state observer--based mitigation technique or the proposed long short-term memory (LSTM)-based mitigation algorithm. The proposed logic for detecting open-circuit faults addresses each subcategory of open-circuit faults: breaker malfunctions, broken conductors, and series arc faults. PSCAD/EMTDC simulations are performed to test the effectiveness of the proposed methods. / Master of Science / The desire to reduce carbon emissions from electric power generation is resulting in the simultaneous retirement of fossil-fuel-burning electric power generation and increase in the number of renewable energy resources. These renewable energy resources, or inverter-based resources, respond differently to disturbances than traditional generators, and; therefore, require the development of new strategies to improve the disturbance response of an inverter-based resource. Disturbances in the power system can be divided into two types: (i) normal disturbances; (ii) abnormal disturbances. The response of an IBR to normal disturbances is improved with reliable control, further improved with communication, which ensures the stable operation of the power system. The abnormal conditions can also be split into two categories: (i) cyberattacks; (ii) faults. A cyberattack is when an adversary gains access a system with the goal of causing harm. In IBRs, cyberattacks can degrade power quality and lead to local outages. Faults are events that cause a change in the normal current flow in the power system. Undetected faults can cause local outages, lead to forest fires, and personnel injury; therefore, must be detected, located, can cleared in a timely manner. This work explores methods for detecting and mitigating cyberattacks and detecting faults in the presence of inverter-based resources.
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Zum elektrischen Kontakt- und Langzeitverhalten von Pressverbindungen mit konventionellen und Hochtemperatur-Leiterseilen mit geringem DurchhangHildmann, Christian 29 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In Deutschland und Europa ist im Zuge der Energiewende erforderlich, mehr Elektroenergie mit bestehenden Freileitungen zu transportieren. Eine technische Lösung, mit der dieses Ziel erreicht werden kann, ist das Umbeseilen der Freileitung mit Hochtemperatur-Leiterseilen mit geringem Durchhang (High Temperature Low Sag – HTLS conductors). Diese Leiterseile haben gegenüber konventionellen Leiterseilen (z. B. Aluminium/Stahl-Leiterseilen) höhere Bemessungsströme und temperaturen. Die stromführenden Verbindungen mit HTLS-Leiterseilen werden damit ebenfalls höher thermisch belastet. Diese sind für den zuverlässigen und sicheren Betrieb der Freileitung sehr wichtige Betriebsmittel.
Neben anderen Verbindungstechnologien hat sich bei den stromführenden Verbindungen mit konventionellen Leiterseilen das Sechskantpressen seit Jahrzehnten bewährt. Aus der Literatur sind fast ausschließlich empirische Untersuchungen mit dieser Verbindungstechnologie bekannt. Das elektrische Kontaktverhalten von Pressverbindungen wurde bisher nur unzureichend untersucht. In dieser Arbeit wird dazu ein elektrisches Modell vorgestellt und weiterentwickelt, mit dem das elektrische Kontaktverhalten von Pressverbindungen genauer beschrieben werden kann. Weiterhin werden prinzipielle Zusammenhänge zwischen der Stromverteilung in den Kontaktpartnern und deren Einfluss auf den Verbindungswiderstand dargestellt. Als Ergebnis von theoretischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen konnten allgemeine Empfehlungen für das Dimensionieren von Pressverbindungen mit konventionellen und HTLS-Leiterseilen erarbeitet werden.
Aus der prinzipiellen Funktionsweise einer Pressverbindung ist bekannt, dass der Form-, der Kraft- und der Stoffschluss in der Verbindung das elektrische Kontaktverhalten beeinflussen. Insbesondere der Kraftschluss wurde in der Literatur bislang nur näherungsweise berechnet. In den bekannten analytischen Modellen werden die Geometrie der Kontaktpartner sowie das Werkstoffverhalten vereinfacht und die mechanischen Belastungen beim Fügen der Verbindung nicht genau genug berücksichtigt. Aus den genannten Gründen wurde das Fügen von Pressverbindungen mit mehrdrähtigen Leiterseilen mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) berechnet. Die Press- und Kontaktkräfte konnten damit für alle Kontaktflächen in einer Verbindung ermittelt werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass insbesondere hohe Press- und Kontaktkräfte die Ursache für ein gutes elektrisches Kontaktverhalten einer Pressverbindung sind. Die physikalischen Ursachen dieses Zusammenhangs werden diskutiert.
Das Langzeitverhalten von Pressverbindungen mit Verbund-Leiterseilen wurde experimentell untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Langzeitversuche zeigen den Einfluss der Kontaktkraft im elektrischen Langzeitverhalten qualitativ auf. Bei den Pressverbindungen, für die nur sehr geringe Kontaktkräfte berechnet wurden, war das elektrische Langzeitverhalten weniger stabil. / In Germany and in Europe it is due to the “Energiewende” necessary to transmit more electrical ener-gy with existing overhead transmission lines. One possible technical solution to reach this aim is the use of high temperature low sag conductors (HTLS-conductors). Compared to the common Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR), HTLS-conductors have higher rated currents and rated tempera-tures. Thus the electrical connections for HTLS-conductors are stressed to higher temperatures too. These components are most important for the safe and reliable operation of an overhead transmission line.
Besides other connection technologies, hexagonal compression connections with ordinary transmis-sion line conductors have proven themselves since decades. From the literature, mostly empirical stud-ies with electrical tests for compression connections are known. The electrical contact behaviour, i.e. the quality of the electrical contact after assembly, of these connections has been investigated insuffi-ciently. This work presents and enhances an electrical model of compression connections, so that the electrical contact behaviour can be determined more accurate. Based on this, principal considerations on the current distribution in the compression connection and its influence on the connection re-sistance are presented. As a result from the theoretical and the experimental work, recommendations for the design of hexagonal compression connections for transmission line conductors were devel-oped.
Furthermore it is known from the functional principle of compression type connections, that the elec-trical contact behaviour can be influenced from their form fit, force fit and cold welding. In particular the forces in compression connections have been calculated up to now by approximation. The known ana-lytical calculations simplify the geometry and material behaviour and do not consider the correct me-chanical load during assembly. For these reasons the joining process of hexagonal compression con-nections with stranded overhead transmission line conductors was calculated with the finite element method. The compression forces and the residual contact forces were determined for all contacts be-tween barrel and conductor as well as between the wires of the conductor. It was shown, that high compression and residual contact forces are the main cause of good electrical contact behaviour. The physical relations are discussed.
The electrical long-term behaviour was furthermore investigated in experiments. The results confirm the influence of the residual contact force on the long-term behaviour qualitatively. Those compression connections, which had only small residual contact forces, were less stable in the long-term tests.
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Development of a new chemical sensor based on plasma polymerized polypyrrole filmsYagüe Marrón, Jose Luis 08 July 2010 (has links)
La present tesis contribueix a donar una nova visió dins de l'àrea de modificació de superfícies, la qual implica la nanoestructuració de substrats fent servir la tècnica d'auto-assemblatge per a dipositar sobre aquests un polímer conductor mitjançant deposició química en fase vapor per plasma. L'ús de polímers conductors ha despertat un creixent interès en el desenvolupament de sensors químics per a l'anàlisi de gasos en aplicacions d'enginyeria electrònica. La contínua reducció de mida en aquests dispositius ha encoratjat la proposta d'un mètode alternatiu per aconseguir estructures de rang nanomètric, així com per solucionar problemes com la falta d'adherència entre substrat i polímer, disminuir els límits de detecció o escurçar els temps de resposta.En aquesta investigació s'ha treballat amb monocapes amb un grup pirrol terminal per tal de potenciar la nucleació i creixement de pel·lícules de polipirrol polimeritzades mitjançant plasma. A més, les monocapes han aportat millores en l'adhesió interfacial de l'estructura polímer/metall. Així mateix, s'han dopat les pel·lícules primes de polipirrol per tal d'obtenir la seva forma conductora, les propietats elèctriques de les quals permeten utilitzar-ho com a sensor químic. La seva exposició a un vapor comporta canvis en la conductivitat del polímer, a través dels quals es pot identificar i quantificar l'esmentat analit.L'auto-assemblatge i la deposició del polímer són els factors claus en aquesta investigació. Per tant, s'han utilitzat diverses tècniques de caracterització de superfícies com XPS, TOF-SIMS, FT-IR o SEM, per estudiar les seves propietats físiques i químiques. Igualment, l'ús de l'AFM ha estat de gran ajut per investigar el procés de nucleació i la topografia de les pel·lícules. A més, la tècnica de les quatre puntes ha proporcionat una excel·lent eina per realitzar mesures de conductivitat a les pel·lícules primes. Finalment, les pel·lícules polimeritzades per plasma han mostrat una gran sensibilitat al diòxid de carboni, demostrant la seva capacitat per ser utilitzades com a sensors químics. / La presente tesis contribuye a dar una nueva visión dentro del área de modificación de superficies, la cual implica la nanoestructuración de sustratos utilizando la técnica de auto-ensamblado para depositar sobre éstos un polímero conductor mediante deposición química en fase vapor por plasma. El uso de polímeros conductores ha despertado un creciente interés en el desarrollo de sensores químicos para el análisis de gases en aplicaciones de ingeniería electrónica. La continua reducción de tamaño en estos dispositivos ha alentado la propuesta de un método alternativo para conseguir estructuras de rango nanométrico, así como para solucionar problemas tales como la falta de adherencia entre sustrato y polímero, disminuir los límites de detección o acortar los tiempos de respuesta.En esta investigación se ha trabajado con monocapas con un grupo pirrol terminal para potenciar la nucleación y crecimiento de películas de polipirrol polimerizadas mediante plasma. Además, las monocapas han aportado mejoras en la adhesión interfacial de la estructura polímero/metal. Asimismo, se han dopado las películas delgadas de polipirrol para obtener su forma conductora, cuyas propiedades eléctricas permiten utilizarlo como sensor químico. Su exposición a un vapor conlleva cambios en la conductividad del polímero, a través de los cuales se puede identificar y cuantificar dicho analito.El auto-ensamblaje y la deposición del polímero son los factores claves en esta investigación. Por lo tanto, se han utilizado diversas técnicas de caracterización de superficies, como XPS, TOF-SIMS, FT-IR o SEM, para estudiar sus propiedades físicas y químicas. Igualmente, el uso del AFM ha sido de gran valor para investigar el proceso de nucleación y la topografía de las películas. Además, la técnica de las cuatro puntas ha proporcionado una excelente herramienta para realizar medidas de conductividad en películas delgadas. Finalmente, las películas polimerizadas por plasma han mostrado una gran sensibilidad al dióxido de carbono, con lo cual han demostrado su capacidad para ser utilizados como sensores químicos. / This thesis contributes a new insight into surface modification involving substrates nanostructuration by self-assembly to deposit on them a conducting polymer through plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The use of conducting polymers has gained growing interest in the development of chemical sensor arrays for gas analysis in electronic engineering applications. The size reduction in these devices has encouraged the proposal of an alternative method to achieve structures at nanometer range, as well as overcoming problems like lack of adhesion between substrate and polymer, lower limits of detection or shorten response times.The investigation has dealt with the use of pyrrole terminated monolayers to enhance the nucleation and growth of polypyrrole plasma polymerized films. In addition, monolayers provide an improvement in the interfacial adhesion of the polymer/metal structure. Furthermore, polymeric thin films have been doped to obtain the conducting form of polypyrrole, of which electric properties enable to use it as a chemical sensor. Exposure to vapors leads to changes in polymer conductivity, by which analytes can be identified and quantified.Self-assembly and polymer deposition are key factors in this research, as a consequence surface characterization techniques, such as XPS, TOF-SIMS, FT-IR or SEM, have been employed to study their physical and chemical characteristics. Especially interesting have been the use of AFM to investigate the nucleation process and the film topography. Moreover, the four-point probe technique has provided an excellent tool to perform conductivity measurements on thin films. Besides, plasma polymerized films have shown a high sensitivity to carbon dioxide in order to demonstrate their aptitudes to be utilized as a chemical sensor.
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Making the Case for High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) Overhead Transmission Line ConductorsJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: The future grid will face challenges to meet an increased power demand by the consumers. Various solutions were studied to address this issue. One alternative to realize increased power flow in the grid is to use High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) since it fulfills essential criteria of less sag and good material performance with temperature. HTLS conductors like Aluminum Conductor Composite Reinforced (ACCR) and Aluminum Conductor Carbon Composite (ACCC) are expected to face high operating temperatures of 150-200 degree Celsius in order to achieve the desired increased power flow. Therefore, it is imperative to characterize the material performance of these conductors with temperature. The work presented in this thesis addresses the characterization of carbon composite core based and metal matrix core based HTLS conductors. The thesis focuses on the study of variation of tensile strength of the carbon composite core with temperature and the level of temperature rise of the HTLS conductors due to fault currents cleared by backup protection. In this thesis, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) was used to quantify the loss in storage modulus of carbon composite cores with temperature. It has been previously shown in literature that storage modulus is correlated to the tensile strength of the composite. Current temperature relationships of HTLS conductors were determined using the IEEE 738-2006 standard. Temperature rise of these conductors due to fault currents were also simulated. All simulations were performed using Microsoft Visual C++ suite. Tensile testing of metal matrix core was also performed. Results of DMA on carbon composite cores show that the storage modulus, hence tensile strength, decreases rapidly in the temperature range of intended use. DMA on composite cores subjected to heat treatment were conducted to investigate any changes in the variation of storage modulus curves. The experiments also indicates that carbon composites cores subjected to temperatures at or above 250 degree Celsius can cause permanent loss of mechanical properties including tensile strength. The fault current temperature analysis of carbon composite based conductors reveal that fault currents eventually cleared by backup protection in the event of primary protection failure can cause damage to fiber matrix interface. / Dissertation/Thesis / Fault current temperature relationship program in C / Current temperature relationship program in C / M.S. Electrical Engineering 2014
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Radialmåttavvikelser i Transformatorlindningar : Ett examensarbete hos Hitachi ABB Power Grids Ludvika / Radial Dimensional Deviations in Transformer WindingsStrandh, Johan, Ruda, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
This assignment is based on the tolerance problems that occur with the radial dimensions or RR-dimensions for the windings. The purpose is to identify the various parameters that affect said RR-dimensions and where these parameters originate from to be able to assure quality of the winding process. The RR-dimension has a tolerance of + 2,2 and - 1,1 mm, but it is only the positive tolerance that cause problems. The case study is based on a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative data collections of dimensions for leaders and how the RR-measurement are affected by them, analysis of tolerances and how well they are adapted for their purpose. Qualitative observations, experiments and semi-structured interviews have also been conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the problem. The results show that tolerance problems originate from several different factors. The first factor is the debatable tolerance setting on some conductors, mainly the thin CTC conductors that do not have a high radial dimension. These conductors have tolerances that do not fill a purpose because it does not ensure the quality for the winding. The conductors need a tighter tolerance spectrum for the positive direction to be fully functional. The air gap that can occur between the conductors is also a cause of error. This stems from the fact that it is not possible to achieve a sufficiently high force when tensioning the disc. This can also occur from the uneven surface of the CTC-conductor that can create gaps. Another cause of error that affects the dimension is the number of turns for a disc. When a disc is wound with a high number of turns it will lead tothat the influencing factors have a higher amount of turns to effect on. This means that a small increase of the conductor's nominal dimension or small air gaps has a large impact on the overall RR-dimension. / För att kvalitetssäkra transformator- och reaktorlindningarna hos företaget Hitachi ABB skade utsatta toleranserna för varje lindning uppfyllas för att kunna fortsätta vidare i produktionslinan. Arbetet är grundat utifrån de förekommande variationerna hos lindningarnas mått i radiell riktning (RR-mått. Arbetets syfte är att undersöka Hitachi ABB:s lindningsproduktion för att finna de faktorer som ger upphov till måttvariationer hos RRmåttet. De identifierade faktorerna ska användas för att kvalitetssäkra företagets lindningsprocess. Färdigställt arbete ska användas som grund för företagets fortsatta arbetekring kvalitetssäkring. RR-måttet har en tolerans på + 2,2 och – 1,1 mm, däremot är detendast de variationer i positivt led där problem uppstår. Vid ett för högt mått genomförs enutredning för att se över om lindningen kan brukas ändå eller utifall de för höga måttet i radiell riktning påverkar prestandan samt montering. Arbetet är en fallstudie utfört med en blandning av kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder. Denkvantitativa datainsamlingens syfte är att undersöka ledares mått i lindningar för att se hur RR-måttet påverkas måttsättning och varvantal. Den kvantitativa datainsamlingen genomför också analyser av toleranser och hur väl anpassade de är för sitt syfte. Kvalitativa observationer, experiment och halvstrukturerade interjuver har genomförts för att skapa en djupare förståelse kring problemet.Resultatet visar att de variationer som uppstår hos RR-måttet påverkas av flera olika faktorer.Variationer hos RR-måttet uppstår främst för lindningar där en CTC-ledare används. En påverkande faktor är toleransvidden för ledarna, främst för de tunna CTC-ledarna. Ledarna lindas runt varandra där ledarens mått staplas på varandra för att bilda ett RR-mått. För de tunna CTC-ledarna bör en mindre toleransvidd användas, mer specifikt en lägre positiv tolerans likt de platta ledarna för att kunna kvalitetssäkra lindningen. En annan påverkandefaktor är de luftspalter som uppstår mellan ledarna. Luftspalter härstammar ifrån att det integår att uppnå tillräckligt hög kraft vid spänning av en skiva alternativt från CTC-ledarens knöliga yta. Utöver dessa två faktorer har antalet lindade varv för en skiva en påverkan förtoleransstapling. Fler varv resulterar i att små måttavvikelser för ledare påverkar det totala måttet, vilket innebär att de luftspalter som kan uppstå blir fler när antalet varv ökar.
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Zum elektrischen Kontakt- und Langzeitverhalten von Pressverbindungen mit konventionellen und Hochtemperatur-Leiterseilen mit geringem DurchhangHildmann, Christian 09 December 2016 (has links)
In Deutschland und Europa ist im Zuge der Energiewende erforderlich, mehr Elektroenergie mit bestehenden Freileitungen zu transportieren. Eine technische Lösung, mit der dieses Ziel erreicht werden kann, ist das Umbeseilen der Freileitung mit Hochtemperatur-Leiterseilen mit geringem Durchhang (High Temperature Low Sag – HTLS conductors). Diese Leiterseile haben gegenüber konventionellen Leiterseilen (z. B. Aluminium/Stahl-Leiterseilen) höhere Bemessungsströme und temperaturen. Die stromführenden Verbindungen mit HTLS-Leiterseilen werden damit ebenfalls höher thermisch belastet. Diese sind für den zuverlässigen und sicheren Betrieb der Freileitung sehr wichtige Betriebsmittel.
Neben anderen Verbindungstechnologien hat sich bei den stromführenden Verbindungen mit konventionellen Leiterseilen das Sechskantpressen seit Jahrzehnten bewährt. Aus der Literatur sind fast ausschließlich empirische Untersuchungen mit dieser Verbindungstechnologie bekannt. Das elektrische Kontaktverhalten von Pressverbindungen wurde bisher nur unzureichend untersucht. In dieser Arbeit wird dazu ein elektrisches Modell vorgestellt und weiterentwickelt, mit dem das elektrische Kontaktverhalten von Pressverbindungen genauer beschrieben werden kann. Weiterhin werden prinzipielle Zusammenhänge zwischen der Stromverteilung in den Kontaktpartnern und deren Einfluss auf den Verbindungswiderstand dargestellt. Als Ergebnis von theoretischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen konnten allgemeine Empfehlungen für das Dimensionieren von Pressverbindungen mit konventionellen und HTLS-Leiterseilen erarbeitet werden.
Aus der prinzipiellen Funktionsweise einer Pressverbindung ist bekannt, dass der Form-, der Kraft- und der Stoffschluss in der Verbindung das elektrische Kontaktverhalten beeinflussen. Insbesondere der Kraftschluss wurde in der Literatur bislang nur näherungsweise berechnet. In den bekannten analytischen Modellen werden die Geometrie der Kontaktpartner sowie das Werkstoffverhalten vereinfacht und die mechanischen Belastungen beim Fügen der Verbindung nicht genau genug berücksichtigt. Aus den genannten Gründen wurde das Fügen von Pressverbindungen mit mehrdrähtigen Leiterseilen mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) berechnet. Die Press- und Kontaktkräfte konnten damit für alle Kontaktflächen in einer Verbindung ermittelt werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass insbesondere hohe Press- und Kontaktkräfte die Ursache für ein gutes elektrisches Kontaktverhalten einer Pressverbindung sind. Die physikalischen Ursachen dieses Zusammenhangs werden diskutiert.
Das Langzeitverhalten von Pressverbindungen mit Verbund-Leiterseilen wurde experimentell untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Langzeitversuche zeigen den Einfluss der Kontaktkraft im elektrischen Langzeitverhalten qualitativ auf. Bei den Pressverbindungen, für die nur sehr geringe Kontaktkräfte berechnet wurden, war das elektrische Langzeitverhalten weniger stabil. / In Germany and in Europe it is due to the “Energiewende” necessary to transmit more electrical ener-gy with existing overhead transmission lines. One possible technical solution to reach this aim is the use of high temperature low sag conductors (HTLS-conductors). Compared to the common Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR), HTLS-conductors have higher rated currents and rated tempera-tures. Thus the electrical connections for HTLS-conductors are stressed to higher temperatures too. These components are most important for the safe and reliable operation of an overhead transmission line.
Besides other connection technologies, hexagonal compression connections with ordinary transmis-sion line conductors have proven themselves since decades. From the literature, mostly empirical stud-ies with electrical tests for compression connections are known. The electrical contact behaviour, i.e. the quality of the electrical contact after assembly, of these connections has been investigated insuffi-ciently. This work presents and enhances an electrical model of compression connections, so that the electrical contact behaviour can be determined more accurate. Based on this, principal considerations on the current distribution in the compression connection and its influence on the connection re-sistance are presented. As a result from the theoretical and the experimental work, recommendations for the design of hexagonal compression connections for transmission line conductors were devel-oped.
Furthermore it is known from the functional principle of compression type connections, that the elec-trical contact behaviour can be influenced from their form fit, force fit and cold welding. In particular the forces in compression connections have been calculated up to now by approximation. The known ana-lytical calculations simplify the geometry and material behaviour and do not consider the correct me-chanical load during assembly. For these reasons the joining process of hexagonal compression con-nections with stranded overhead transmission line conductors was calculated with the finite element method. The compression forces and the residual contact forces were determined for all contacts be-tween barrel and conductor as well as between the wires of the conductor. It was shown, that high compression and residual contact forces are the main cause of good electrical contact behaviour. The physical relations are discussed.
The electrical long-term behaviour was furthermore investigated in experiments. The results confirm the influence of the residual contact force on the long-term behaviour qualitatively. Those compression connections, which had only small residual contact forces, were less stable in the long-term tests.
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