Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conductor"" "subject:"miconductor""
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Dynamic line rating implementation as an approach to handle wind power integration : A feasibility analysis in a sub-transmission system owned by Fortum Distribution ABTalpur, Saifal January 2013 (has links)
Based on conventional static line rating method, the actual current carrying capability of overheadconductors cannot be judged. Due to continuous increment in electricity demand and the difficultiesassociated with new line constructions, the overhead lines are therefore required to be rated based on amethod that should establish their real-time capability in terms of electricity transmission. The methodused to determine the real-time ampacity of overhead conductors not only can enhance their transmissioncapacity but can also help in allowing excessive renewable generation in the electricity network. In thisdiploma work, the issues related to analyzing an impact of wind power on periodical loading of overheadline as well as finding its static and dynamic ampacities with line current are investigated in detail.Initially, in this project, the investigation related to finding a suitable location for the construction of a 60MW wind farm is taken on board. Thereafter, the wind park is integrated with a regional grid, owned byFortum Distribution AB. In addition to that, the electricity generated from the wind park is also calculatedin this project. Later on, the work is devoted to finding the static and dynamic line ratings for‘VL3’overhead conductor by using IEEE-738-2006 standard.Furthermore, the project also deals with finding the line current and making its comparison withmaximum capacity of overhead conductor (VL3) for loading it in such a way that no any violation of safeground clearance requirements is observed at all. Besides, the line current, knowing the conductortemperature when it transmits the required electricity in the presence of wind power generation is also animportant factor to be taken into consideration. Therefore, based on real-time ambient conditions withactual line loading and with the help of IEEE-738-2006 standard, the conductor temperature is alsocalculated in this project.At the end, an economic analysis is performed to evaluate the financial advantages related to applying thedynamic line ratings approach in place of traditional static line ratings technique across an overheadconductor (VL3) and to know how much beneficial it is to temporarily postpone the rebuilding and/orconstruction of a new transmission line. Furthermore, an economic analysis related to wind power systemis taken into consideration as well to get familiar with the costs related to building and connecting a 60MW wind farm with the regional grid.
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High-gain planar resonant cavity antennas using metamaterial surfacesWang, Shenhong January 2006 (has links)
This thesis studies a new class of high gain planar resonant cavity antennas based on metamaterial surfaces. High-gain planar antennas are becoming increasing popular due to their significant advantages (e.g. low profile, small weight and low cost). Metamaterial surfaces have emerged over the last few years as artificial structures that provide properties and functionalities not readily available from existing materials. This project addresses novel applications of innovative metamaterial surfaces on the design of high-gain planar antennas. A ray analysis is initially employed in order to describe the beamfonning action of planar resonant cavity antennas. The phase equations of resonance predict the possibility of low-profile/subwavelength resonant cavity antennas and tilted beams. The reduction of the resonant cavity profile can be obtained by virtue of novel metamaterial ground planes. Furthermore, the EBG property of metamaterial ground planes would suppress the surface waves and obtain lower backlobes. By suppressing the TEM mode in a resonant cavity, a novel aperture-type EBG Partially Reflective Surface (PRS) is utilized to get low sidelobes in both planes (E-plane and H-plane) in a relatively finite structure. The periodicity optimization of PRS to obtain a higher maximum directivity is also investigated. Also it is shown that antennas with unique tilted beams are achieved without complex feeding mechanism. Rectangular patch antennas and dipole antennas are employed as excitations of resonant cavity antennas throughout the project. Three commercial electromagnetic simulation packages (Flomerics Microstripes ™ ver6.S, Ansoft HFSSTM ver9.2 and Designer ™ ver2.0) are utilized during the rigorous numerical computation. Related measurements are presented to validate the analysis and simulations.
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Jiří Pilát a jeho hudební odkaz v Poříčí nad Sázavou a okolí / Jiří Pilát and his musical legacy in Poříčí nad Sázavou and its surroundingsHerdová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis introduces Jiří Pilát (4. 4. 1921 - 7. 6. 2007), a native of Posázaví. He had been concerned with music on a non-professional level all his life, especially with liturgical music. In order to carry on his interest he created a rich archive, mostly by searching and transcribing the score material. The work aims to show his life and work with regard to both his lifelong musical focus and local activity, and his conceivable influence on the broader cultural awareness. It is comprised from five main chapters: the life of Jiří Pilát, his heritage, a choir and an orchestra in Poříčí nad Sázavou, efforts to re- reveal the work of Jan Dismas Zelenka and draw attention to it; and the musical legacy of Jiří Pilát. Keywords: Jiří Pilát, choirmaster, conductor, Jan Dismas Zelenka, Poříčí nad Sázavou, Louňovice pod Blaníkem, liturgical music
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Contribution à l'étude de la dynamique de capture et d'émission de porteurs de charges dans les nanocristaux / Contribution to the study of the capture and release dynamics of charge carriers in nanocrystalsMarchand, Aude 12 December 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de participer à l'élaboration de nanocristaux (NCs) de germanium et de mettre en évidence certaines propriétés de structures Si(n)/SiO2 contenant ces NCs non recouverts sur leur surface par l'utilisation de la technique nano-EBIC (courant induit par bombardement électronique et collecté par un nano-contact). La particularité de cette technique basée le même principe que l'EBIC classique est l'utilisation d'une pointe AFM conductrice à la place de l'électrode standard. Nous avons particulièrement ciblé le comportement d'un NC (ou d'un nombre très réduit de NCs) à piéger et émettre des porteurs de charge suite à un bombardement électronique non continu. La structure contenant les NCs peut être polarisée sous une tension nulle (alignement des niveaux de Fermi) ou sous une tension faible. Suite à cette procédure, des durées de charge ont été mesurées et les valeurs se trouvent dépendre de la taille moyenne des NCs. En effet, le processus de charge est plus long dans un NC de petite taille du fait de sa faible efficacité de stockage. D'un autre côté, le courant collecté présente une valeur de saturation plus élevée dans le cas des petits NCs. Ces deux effets (durée élevée et courant de saturation élevé dans les petits NCs) ont été expliqués par l'abaissement de la barrière d'énergie au niveau du contact pointe/NC qui résulte de l'élargissement du gap du NC et de l'augmentation du champ électrique dans la couche d'oxyde et dans la zone de désertion du substrat de silicium sous une tension de polarisation donnée. Enfin, la procédure, par son originalité, a aussi permis d'accéder à la résistivité électrique de la couche d'oxyde mince (5 nm). / The objective of this work is to contribute to the production of germanium nanocrystals (NCs) and to highlight some electronic properties of Si(n)/SiO2 structures containing those uncovered NCs on top thanks to the nano-EBIC technique (electron beam induced current collected by a nano-contact). The distinctive feature of this technique based on classic EBIC is the use of an AFM conducting probe instead of the standard electrode. Our study focuses on the capability of a single NC (or a few number of NCs) to trap and to release charge carriers as a result of a non-continuous electronic irradiation. The structure containing NCs can be connected to the ground (ensuring the Fermi levels alignment) or polarized under a low voltage. With this procedure, carriers charging times had been measured and their values depend on the mean diameter of the NCs. Indeed, the charging process takes more time in small NCs due to their weak storage efficiency. Nonetheless, the collected current reaches a higher saturation value in small NCs. Both of these effects (large charging time and high saturation current for small NCs) are explained by the lowering of the energy barrier at the AFM-tip/NCs contact, which results from the widening band-gap of NCs and the increase of the electric field across the oxide and in the Si depletion zone at a given bias voltage for small NCs. At last, this novel procedure allows measuring the electric resistivity of the 5 nanometers thin oxide.
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Structure and dynamics of a new Brownmillerite compound Sr₂₋ₓBaₓScGaO₅ in view of possible application as oxygen ion electrolite at moderate temperature / Structure et dynamique de réseau d'une nouvelle phase Brownmillerite Sr₂₋ₓBaₓScGaO₅ en vue d'applications comme conducteur ionique de l'oxygène à température modéréeCorallini, Serena 04 December 2013 (has links)
Les conducteurs d'ions oxygène fonctionnant à des températures inférieures à 300 ° C sont des matériaux d'intérêt majeur pour une série d’applications technologiques telles que les piles à combustible solide, les batteries, les électrodes, les capteurs, des catalyseurs, etc. Cependant à l’heure actuelle, les conducteurs d'ions d'oxygène solides fonctionnent raisonnablement seulement à haute température, supérieure à 800°C, ce qui limite leur application. Dans la recherche de l'amélioration des conducteurs d'ions d'oxygène, la structure Brownmillérite (ABO2.5 éq. A2B2O5) a toujours joué un rôle important, en particulier dans le régime à basse température où la dynamique de la chaîne tétraédrique induit la mobilité de l'oxygène. Dans ce contexte, nous avons synthétisé une nouvelle phase Sr2-xBaxScGaO5 (avec x=0 SSGO et x= 0.1 SBSGO), contenant des ions 3d0 diamagnétiques et susceptible d’être un conducteur ionique pur. En fonction de la voie de synthèse, le composé présente deux polymorphes, orthorhombiques et cubiques, qui sont tous deux importants pour la conductivité de l'oxygène. La réaction à l’état solide conduit à une structure de type Brownmillerite orthorhombique tandis que la synthèse de fusion de zone (FTZ) donne une structure Pérovskite déficitaire en oxygène .Par diffraction neutronique sur poudre (D2B @ ILL) nous avons analysé la structure des deux polymorphes, en fonction de la température. Une analyse détaillée du type SSGO Brownmillerite montre que le Sc occupe les sites octaédriques, tandis que Ga occupe exclusivement les tétraèdres autres. Cet ordre de cations est assez inhabituel pour les structures de type Brownmillerite. La deuxième particularité est que Sr2-xBaxScGaO5 subit une transition de phase à partir d'une configuration ordonnée des chaines (GaO4), caractéristiques du groupe d’espace I2mb à température ambiante, vers une configuration désordonnée des chaînes dans le groupe d’espace Imma (à 500°C). Ce résultat important confirme notre hypothèse que le désordre est dynamique et il est la clé pour avoir un conducteur d'ions d'oxygène à températures modérées. La synthèse à des températures élevées (jusqu'à fusion), donne une structure cubique Pm ̅m, stable jusqu'à 1000 ° C. La structure est de type Pérovskite fortement déficitaire en oxygène. La mobilité de l’oxygène de ces nouveaux composés a été ensuite étudiée par la thermogravimétrie (TGA) couplée avec spectroscopie de masse (MS) après échange isotopique 18O-16O, par spectroscopie RAMAN et RMN couplée avec les calculs théoriques ab-initio (WIEN2k), par diffusion inélastique des neutrons (IN6@ILL) couplée avec des calculs de dynamiques moléculaire ab-initio (VASP). Les résultats obtenus via les études structurales et de dynamique de réseau montrent que l’activation de la mobilité ionique est liée à la transition vers la structure désordonnée Imma, qui implique une dynamique importante des chaines GaO4 et une diffusion unidimensionnel le long des canaux lacunaires. Ces résultats ont pu être reproduits par calculs de dynamique moléculaire, dans lesquels la diffusion ne concerne que les oxygènes des plans tétraédriques, et s’expliquent par des paramètres de maille a et c qui sont significativement augmentés par rapport à (Ca/Sr)FeO2.5. / Oxygen ion conductors operating at low temperature, below 300 ° C, are materials of major interest for several applications in the area of solid state ionicsas solid fuel cells, batteries, electrodes, sensors, catalysts, etc. However till now, the solid oxygen ion conductor works reasonably only at high temperatures above 800 ° C, which limits their application. In the search for improved oxygen ion conductors Brownmillerite structures ( ABO2.5 eq. A2B2O5 ) has always played an important role, especially in the low temperature regime where the dynamics of the tetrahedral chain induced mobility of oxygen. In this context, we have synthesized a new phase Sr1-xBaxScGaO5 with x = 0 (SSGO) and x = 0.1 (SBSGO) containing diamagnetic 3d0 ions to have a pure ion conductor. Depending on the synthesis route, the compound has two polymorphs, orthorhombic and cubic, which are both important for the oxygen conductivity. The reaction in the solid state leads to an orthorhombic Brownmillerite-type structure, while tmeling synthesis (using the Travelling Floating Zone method FTZ ) gives an oxygen-deficient Perovskite structure. The structures of both polymorphs were analyzed using the neutron powder diffraction as function of the temperature (D2B@ILL). A detailed analysis of SSGO Brownmillerite type shows that the Sc occupies octahedral sites, while the Ga occupies exclusively the tetrahedral ones. This cation ordering is unusual for the Brownmillerite structures. Moreover Sr2-xBaxScGaO5 undergoes a phase transition from an ordered configuration of the tetrahedral chains (GaO4) characteristic of I2mb space-group at room temperature, toward a disordered one characteristic of Imma space group (500 ° C). This important result confirms that the disorder of the tetrahedral chains is dynamic and it is the key to have oxygen ion conductor at moderate temperatures. Synthesis at elevated temperatures (up to melting point) gives a cubic structure Pm ̅m, stable up to 1000 ° C. The Perovskite -type structure is highly oxygen deficient. The mobility of the oxygen of these new compounds was studied by thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) after the isotope exchange 18O-16O, by Raman and NMR spectroscopy coupled with theoretical ab-initio calculations (WIEN2k), by inelastic neutron scattering (IN6@ILL) coupled with calculations of ab-initio molecular dynamics (VASP ) . The results obtained from the structural and the lattice dynamics studies show that activation of the ion mobility is related to the transition to a disordered structure Imma, which implies an important dynamics of the chains GaO4 and the diffusion along the one-dimensional vacancy channel. These results have been reproduced by molecular dynamics calculations, in which the diffusion pathway is due only to the oxygen in the tetrahedral planes.
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Etude de la forme des spectres β / Study of the shape of β spectraBisch, Charlène 26 September 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de mettre au point un dispositif dédié à la mesure de spectres bêta avec une précision métrologique. Le dispositif conçu autour d'un semi-conducteur silicium tient compte des phénomènes physiques et de détection à l'origine de déformations dans le spectre mesuré, afin de les limiter et de les réduire au maximum. Des simulations Monte-Carlo de la chambre de détection ont permis de déterminer la géométrie et les matériaux à utiliser. La qualité des sources radioactives est également déterminante pour obtenir des spectres de qualité. Après la mesure, les spectres sont traiter afin de les corriger des déformations restantes. Une fonction de réponse doit donc être déterminée pour chaque géométrie de mesure. Cette détermination se fait à l'aide des simulations MC. Nos premiers résultats montrent qu'une déconvolution du spectre mesuré avec la réponse du système de détection permet d'obtenir la forme réelle du spectre bêta avec une grande précision. / The goal of this PhD work is to build an experimental device dedicated to measuring beta spectra with a precision relevant to modern metrology requirements. The device, which is based on a silicon semi-conductor detector, must take into account certain physical phenomena and detector characteristics which could lead to deformation of the measured spectra. These must be understood and minimized. Monte-Carlo simulations have allowed the geometry and construction materials to be optimized. The quality of the radioactive sources is paramount in obtaining spectra of high-quality. Nonetheless, the measured spectra must be corrected for any remaining distortion. A response function must therefore be determined for each measurement geometry. This can be achieved via Monte-Carlo simulations. The first results show that de-convolution of the measured spectra with the response function allows the accurate determination of the true form of the beta spectra.
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Élaboration d'un cœur d'électrolyseur à conduction protonique à base de phyllosilicates fonctionnant entre 200 et 300 °C pour l'électrolyse de l'eau et l'hydrogénation du gaz carbonique issu de la biomasse / Elaboration of phyllosilicate based protonic conductor heart of electrolyser working at temperatures between 200°C and 300°C for water electrolysis and the hydrogenation of carbonic gas resulting from biomassMicheletti, Andrea 23 November 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est de fabriquer un conducteur protonique à base de phyllosilicates, fonctionnant à une température comprise entre 200°C et 300°C pour la production d'hydrogène d'une part, et l'hydrogénation du CO2 issu de la biomasse d'autre part. Le dépôt sera effectué sur un substrat en acier fritté, mis au point spécifiquement en collaboration avec le fournisseur.Afin d'appréhender les phénomènes régissant la croissance du dépôt et donc, pouvoir optimiser les performances du procédé, un suivi in-situ par spectroscopie d'impédance électrochimique sera effectué pour chaque essai. Ces analyses seront couplées avec d'autres analyses ex-situ (MEB,XPS,...). L'objectif étant de pouvoir contrôler minutieusement les caractéristiques de la couche formée, et reproduire rapidement le procédé à l'échelle industrielle.A la fin de la thèse, les résultats seront intégrés dans le programme SOLARVI, qui vise à stocker l'énergie issue de sources renouvelables pour la production d'hydrogène d'une part, et la transformation du CO2 issu de la biomasse en produits valorisables dans le domaine de l'énergie et dans la chaîne du carbone d'autre part. / This thesis aims at the elaboration of a phyllosilicate-based protonic conductor working at temperatures between 200°C and 300°C for hydrogen production and hydrogenation of CO2 coming from biomass. The deposit will be carried out on a sintered steel alloy, developed with the supplier.In order to understand the phenomena governing the growth of the deposit, an in-situ monitoring will be performed for each test, by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. These analyses will be coupled with other ex-situ analyses (SEM, XPS...). That will allow us to obtain the good final properties of the protonic layer and quickly bring the process at industrial scale.At the end of the thesis, all results will be integrated within SOLARVI program, which aims at the energy storage coming from renewable sources, by hydrogen prduction and transformation of CO2 into products which could be valorized in energy and chemistry fields.
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La2NiO4+d, un conducteur mixte ionique-électronique pour les mémoires à changement de Valence / La2NiO4+d, a Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductor for Interface-Type Valence Change MemoriesMaas, Klaasjan 14 March 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la compréhension et le développement de matériaux innovants en tant que composant actif pour les mémoires résistives à changement de valence (VCM), qui constitue une sous-catégorie des mémoires résistives où des réactions d’oxydoréduction sont à l’origine du mécanisme de commutation résistive. Leur incorporation dans les circuits intégrés nécessite une tension (ou un courant) électrique pour lire et programmer la mémoire, cependant leurs fonctionnalités dépend essentiellement des propriétés chimiques des matériaux constituant la mémoire. Dans ce manuscrit nous étudions les propriétés du composé La2NiO4+δ, un conducteur mixte d’ions et d’électrons qui de par sa conduction d’ions oxydes dans le volume du matériau offre un terrain de jeu prometteur pour les VCMs. Nous avons pu obtenir des films minces de La2NiO4+δ fortement texturés sur des substrats monocristallins de SrTiO3 par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur à partir de l’injection pulsée de précurseurs métalorganiques (PiMOCVD). Des recuits sous atmosphère contrôlée ont permis de faire varier le contenu en oxygène et d’ajuster les propriétés semiconductrices-type p de La2NiO4+δ par un mécanisme d’auto-dopage. Une sur-stœchiométrie en oxygène dans la plage 0 ≤ δ ≤ 0.08 induit une variation de résistivité de 5.7 Ω.cm à 5.3x10-3 Ω.cm pour un recuit sous hydrogène ou sous oxygène, respectivement. Les films minces de La2NiO4+δ ont ensuite été utilisés comme base dans la conception d’hétérostructures métal/La2NiO4+δ/métal. Le rôle important de la jonction métal/oxyde sur les propriétés des VCMs de type interfaciales est discuté en détails. En particulier, un contact ohmique avec La2NiO4+δ est obtenu en utilisant un matériau d’électrode tel que le Pt ayant un travail de sortie élevé, alors qu’un contact rectifiant est obtenu avec Ti résultant de la présence d’une fine couche (~8 nm) de TiOx formée de manière spontanée à l’interface Ti/La2NiO4+δ. Une hétérojunction asymétrique Pt/La2NiO4+δ/Ti a été sélectionnée comme prototype afin d’évaluer les propriétés memristives de composants basés sur La2NiO4+δ. Un changement de résistance bipolaire a été mesuré ainsi qu’une possibilité de programmation largement multi-niveaux lorsque la mémoire est stimulée de manière pulsée. Les résultats prometteurs obtenus par ce premier prototype sont ensuite étendus pour la première fois à un système plus complexe de bicouches La2NiO4+δ/LaNiO3. Des propriétés de relaxation ont été mesurées, rendant ces mémoires intéressantes pour leur utilisation en tant que mémoire volatile pour un filtrage dynamique dans des applications neuromorphiques. / This thesis is focused on the understanding and development of novel materials for valence-change memories (VCMs), a type of resistive switching memories in which the memory storage mechanism is based on internal redox reactions. VCMs are in essence electrochemical systems. Their implementation in integrated electronic circuits relies on a voltage (or current) to measure and operate the memory, but their functionality is highly dependent on the chemical properties of the materials constituting the memory. In this work we present how the mixed ionic-electronic conducting La2NiO4+δ compound offers an interesting playground for VCM applications due to its intrinsic bulk oxygen-ion conducting properties. We have successfully prepared La2NiO4+δ in the form of highly oriented thin films on SrTiO3 single crystal substrates using pulsed-injection chemical vapour deposition (PiMOCVD). Post-annealing treatments in oxidizing/reducing atmospheres allow tuning the oxygen content and the p-type semiconducting properties of La2NiO4+δ due to a self-doping mechanism. The obtained oxygen over-stoichiometry in the 0 ≤ δ ≤ 0.08 range induced a variation of the film resistivity between 5.7 Ω.cm and 5.3x10-3 Ω.cm for hydrogen or oxygen-annealed samples, respectively. The optimized La2NiO4+δ thin films have been used as a base for the microfabrication of metal/La2NiO4+δ/metal heterostructures. The important role of the metal/oxide junction in interface-type VCMs is discussed in detail. In particular, an ohmic contact is obtained with La2NiO4+δ when using a high work function metal such as Pt, while rectifying contact properties are obtained when using Ti due to the presence of a spontaneously-formed TiOx interlayer (~8 nm) at the Ti/L2NO4 interface. An asymmetric Pt/La2NiO4+δ/Ti heterojunction has been selected as a first prototype to assess the memory capabilities of a La2NiO4+δ-based memristive device. A continuous bipolar analogue-type memory behaviour has been measured, together with strong multilevel programing capabilities when operated in pulsed mode. In addition, the promising results offered by this prototypical device have been extended for the first time to La2NiO4+δ/LaNiO3 bilayers, showing memory relaxation properties, which are potentially interesting for short-term memory and filtering applications in neuromorphic-based computational hardware.
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Efeito da adição de óxido de zinco e de óxido de boro nas propriedades de zirconato de bário dopado com ítrio / Effect of zinc oxide and boron oxide addition on the properties of yttrium-dopedAndrade, Tiago Felipe 01 April 2011 (has links)
Compostos condutores protônicos de zirconato de bário dopado com ítrio, BaZr0,8Y0,2O3-δ, preparados por síntese de estado sólido, foram compactados e sinter izados com ZnO e B2O3 como aditivos. Os corpos cerâmicos sinter izados foram analisados por difração de raios X e espectroscopia de impedância. Superfícies polidas e atacadas termicamente foram observadas em microscópio de varredura por sonda. As medidas de densidade mostraram que a maior densificação foi obtida com óxido de zinco nas proporções de 2 e 5 peso%, atingindo aproximadamente 95% da densidade teórica. As medidas de resistividade elétrica evidenciaram a menor resistividade elétrica do composto cerâmico BaZr0,8Y0,2O3-δ, com 5 peso% de ZnO. Os aditivos de sinter ização, óxido de boro e óxido de zinco, foram eficientes para se obter compostos com menores valores de resistividade elétrica que os obtidos em compostos sinter izados sem aditivos. / BaZr0.8Y0.2O3-δ, protonic conductors, prepared by the ceramic route, were pressed and sintered with ZnO and B2O3 sinter ing aids. The sintered pellets were analyzed by X-ra y diffraction and impedance spectroscopy. Polished and thermally etched surfaces of the pellets were observed in a scanning probe microscope. The highest values of apparent densit y, 95%T.D., were obtained with 2 and 5 wt.% ZnO. The lowest value of electr ical resistivit y was obtained in BaZr0.8Y0.2O3-δ, compounds with 5 wt.% ZnO. Boron oxide and zinc oxide sinter ing aids were efficient to improve the apparent densit y as well as the electr ical conductivit y of BaZr0.8Y0.2O3-δ, protonic conductors.
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Ecoturismo na cultura de consumo: possibilidade de educação ambiental ou espetáculo? / Ecotourism in the culture of consumption: possibility of environmental education or spectacle?Hintze, Helio César 12 September 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o ecoturismo. Buscou-se averiguar a existência de uma preocupação com a educação ambiental (e quais os princípios que a regem) nas atividades e pacotes ecoturísticos comercializados pelo mercado. Para atingir tal objetivo, procurou-se conhecer o termo ecoturismo a partir das perspectivas da cultura de consumo e da sociedade do espetáculo e sob tal enfoque discutir suas relações com temas como turismo e consumo, natureza e educação ambiental; buscou-se também identificar as bases filosóficas do trabalho ecoturístico (particularmente em sua relação com a questão da educação ambiental) desenvolvido pelas operadoras de tais atividades; e por fim, realizar crítica conceitual acerca das relações entre os assuntos abordados pela dissertação. Foram entrevistadas 03 operadoras do mercado ecoturístico e 03 pesquisadores de áreas relacionadas aos temas propostos. O texto da dissertação foi produzido a partir das informações obtidas por levantamento bibliográfico em diálogo com as opiniões obtidas nas entrevistas no trabalho de campo. Concluiu-se que o ecoturismo como atividade de mercado é pouco utilizado para a disseminação da consciência ambientalista por conta das operadoras terem uma visão da educação ambiental que a aproxima da educação formal e que tal característica não deve ser integrada às atividades turísticas momentos de diversão e lazer; constatou-se também que o ecoturismo é uma atividade que produz subjetividade consumista nos participantes do processo e reafirma o tempo espetacular do capital. / The present work aims to study the ecotourism. It has investigated the existence of a preoccupation with the environmental education (and its leading principles) in the activities and ecotourism packages traded on the market; to achieve such aim it has searched to understand the term ecotourism from the culture of consumption and society of the spectacle perspective, and under such view, to discuss its relation with themes such as tourism and consumption, nature and environmental education; It has searched to identify the philosophical basis of the ecotourism work (particularly in its relation with the environmental education matter) developed by the operators of such activities; and finally, to do a conceptual critic on the issues considered on this essay. 03 operators of the ecotourism market and 03 researchers of areas related to the theme here proposed were interviewed. This essay was written based on the information collected through bibliographic research and opinions gathered in the interviews on the field work. It was concluded that the ecotourism as a market activity isnt much used to spread the environmental awareness due to the fact that the operators have a view of environmental education close to a formal education and such characteristic shouldnt be integrated to the tourism activities fun moments and leisure; it was also noticed that the ecotourism is an activity that evokes consumption patterns among its participants and reassures the capital´s spectacular time.
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