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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desempenho do leito cultivado no tratamento de efluentes gerado em uma instituição de ensino

Juliano Guimarães Assumpção 30 June 2010 (has links)
A utilização de métodos naturais, do tipo leitos cultivados, para a redução de poluentes tem mostrado resultados satisfatórios que o tornam viáveis para diversos segmentos da sociedade. Instituições de ensino possuem calendários acadêmicos que incluem longos períodos de recesso que leva o fluxo de esgoto nos sistemas praticamente a zero causando graves danos tanto para as colônias de micro-organismos as macrófitas associadas. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência de um sistema de leito cultivado, em uma instituição de ensino, logo após período de recesso, verificando se o mesmo apresentava sinais de recuperação sem qualquer intervenção e em seguida com uma manutenção. Para avaliar a eficiência do tanque de leito cultivado a metodologia adotada baseou-se nos parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos de análise da água em um sistema de fluxo subsuperficial. A eficiência de remoção para os parâmetros de turbidez, NH3, NO3- e Fósforo foram respectivamente de 63%, 21,69%, 31,05% e 20,27%, para DBO, DQO e coliformes termotolerante os respectivos valores da eficiência média foram de 45,99%, 29,72% e 44,01%. Se for considerado apenas o período pós-intervenção os resultados melhoram, sendo os seguintes: turbidez=78,17%, NH3=37,95%, NO3 -=53,18%, Fósforo=25,56%, DBO=66,15%, DQO=36,50% e coliformes termotolerantes=60,72%. Os resultados demonstram a importância da vegetação na qualidade da eficiência desse tipo de sistema. / The utilization of natural methods to reduce pollutants, like wetland, has shown satisfactory results which make it viable for different segments of society. Educational institutions have academic calendars that include long periods of recess which takes the flow of sewage systems practically zero causing serious damage both for microorganisms as for the associated macrophytes. The present study had as it goal to evaluate the wetland system efficiency, after the recess period of an educational institution, checking if it showed signs of recovery without any intervention, and then with a maintenance. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the wetland pool the adopted methodology was based on physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of water analysis in a subsurface flow system. The removal efficiency for the parameters of turbidity, NH3, NO3- and phosphorus were respectively 63%, 21.69%, 31.05% and 20.27%, for DBO, DQO and thermotolerant coliforms the several values of average efficiency were 45.99%, 29.72% and 44.01%. If it was considered only the period after intervention, the results get better, being the following: turbidity=78,17%, NH3=37,95%, NO3 -=53,18%, phosphorus=25.56%, DBO=66.15%, DQO=36.50% and thermotolerant coliforms=60.72%. The results show the importance of vegetation on the quality of efficiency of this kind of system.

Elaboração participativa de uma proposta de reestruturação do sistema de tratamento de esgoto da Comunidade do Marujá - Parque Estadual da Ilha Cardoso - SP / Participative elaboration of a poposal for restructuring the sewage system treatment in the comunity of Marujá, State Park – Ilha do Cardoso/São Paulo – Brazil

Maria Angélica Barbosa Beccato 29 October 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da elaboração e encaminhamento de uma proposta de reestruturação do sistema de tratamento de esgoto da comunidade do Marujá PEIC –SP. A comunidade caracteriza-se pela tradicional cultura caiçara, atividades de pesca artesanal e ecoturismo como fonte de renda, entre outros aspectos. A iniciativa do trabalho partiu da solicitação pelos próprios moradores, por meio da Associação de Moradores do Marujá (AMOMAR), e pela direção do parque, da realização de estudos que viabilizassem a solução de problemas advindos das estações de tratamento de esgoto existentes na comunidade. Sendo um assunto multidisciplinar, o trabalho envolveu etapas com diferentes enfoques para atingir seu objetivo. Foi realizado um diagnóstico para identificação dos problemas existentes nas pequenas estações de tratamento através de análises laboratoriais, entrevistas com moradores e levantamento do histórico de implantação destes sistemas. A partir disso foram pesquisadas alternativas de tratamento de esgoto condizentes com a realidade local com base em parâmetros para projeto previamente estabelecidos. Chegou-se a conclusão de que sistemas combinados de alagados construídos compõem a alternativa mais indicada para o local. Foi feito um breve estudo de caso sobre a utilização desta técnica na Comunidade de Serviços – Emaús-Ubatuba/SP, que apresenta características semelhantes a comunidade do Marujá. Durante todo o trabalho foram feitas discussões com moradores locais do Marujá e membros de instituições governamentais e não governamentais a fim de consolidar o envolvimento de diferentes grupos na resolução do problema. Finalmente, foi elaborado um projeto, com fins de encaminhamento para uma instituição financiadora, prevendo atividades de implantação de um novo sistema de tratamento e de envolvimento comunitário em todas as etapas do projeto, visando sua auto-sustentabilidade / This essay is about the elaboration of a proposal for restructuring the sewage system treatment in the comunity of Marujá, State Park –Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC) - São Paulo. The comunity is known by its traditional “caiçara” culture, fishing handmade and ecoturism as income and they are part of an association of local residents (AMOMAR). The initiative of the proposal was from the local residents together with the direction of the park in order to study the possibilities of adopting solutions for the problems originated in sewage treatment stations which already existed in the comunity. As it is part of a multidisciplinary topic, the work deals with different focuses and phases to reach its objective. A diagnosis was made to identify the problems in the small treatment stations through laboratorial analyses, interviews with the comunity and a historical research on the implement of those systems. Then, a search for alternative sewage tretment was done, adequate to the local reality of the population, stabilishing parameters for the project. It was concluded that the combined system of constructed wetlands are the most adequate alternative for the area. So, a brief study was made about the technique implemented on the Service Comunity – Emaús/Ubatuba/SP. During the project, discussions were carried on with the local residents and members of governamental institutions and ONGs, looking for a better participation of different groups in the solution of the problems. Finally, a project was elaborated to be sent to a financial institution, foreseeing activities to implement a new system of treatment with the involvement of the comunity in all the phases

Peat extraction runoff water purification in treatment wetlands constructed on drained peatlands in a cold climate

Postila, H. (Heini) 07 June 2016 (has links)
Abstract Best available technology (BAT) should be used for peat extraction runoff purification. One currently used BAT technique is treatment wetland construction on pristine peatland, but under Finnish national strategies, new peat extraction areas should only be established on previously drained peatland and it can be challenging to find natural, intact peatland for treatment wetlands near these areas. This thesis evaluated the function and purification efficiency of treatment wetlands constructed on drained peatland and examined factors that could indicate their purification efficiency. The year-round removal efficiency of treatment wetlands established in drained or pristine peatland areas in a cold climate was also studied. A first study examined the water flow processes in treatment wetlands constructed on drained peatland. In more than 50% of the 20 wetlands studied, the active flow depth was under 20 cm and water distribution was unequal. A second study determined the purification efficiency of treatment wetlands constructed on drained peatland and examined factors indicating removal efficiency. The removal efficiency of suspended solids and inorganic nitrogen was good, but in some wetlands leaching of phosphorus and iron was observed, e.g. due to changes in peat properties, first after drainage and then after rewetting, altering e.g., oxygen conditions in the peat layer. The surface peat content of elements such as phosphorus, iron, aluminum, magnesium, manganese, and calcium can be used as a proxy to assess leaching of phosphorus. A third study examined the year-round purification efficiency of treatment wetlands based on peat extraction load monitoring program values. Seasonal variation in the purification efficiency of constructed wetlands was observed for total nitrogen, ammonium-nitrogen, and chemical oxygen demand (CODMn). Based on these results, it is possible to evaluate the suitability of different drained peatland areas for water purification purposes. Treatment wetlands were shown to generally purify runoff water during winter mainly as well as in other seasons, except for nitrogen and CODMn, but there may be variations between wetlands. / Tiivistelmä Turvetuotannon valumavesien käsittelyssä tulee käyttää parasta saatavilla olevaa käyttökelpoista tekniikkaa, esimerkiksi luonnontilaisille suoalueille rakennettuja pintavalutuskenttiä. Valtakunnallisilla alueidenkäyttöstrategioilla turvetuotantoa ohjataan yhä enemmän jo aiemmin ojitetuille suoalueille. Näiden läheisyydestä ei välttämättä löydy sopivaa ojittamatonta suoaluetta pintavalutuskentän perustamista varten. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten ojitetuille suoalueille rakennetut pintavalutuskentät (kosteikot) toimivat ja puhdistavat valumavesiä sekä mitkä tekijät voivat kuvata niiden toimivuutta. Työssä selvitettiin myös ojittamattomille ja ojitetuille suoalueille rakennettujen pintavalutuskenttien ympärivuotista toimivuutta. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa tutkittiin veden virtausta ojitetulle suoalueille rakennetuilla pintavalutuskentillä. Yli puolella tutkituista pintavalutuskentistä oli havaittavissa, että veden virtauskerros turpeessa oli matala (alle 20 cm) ja vesi jakautui pintavalutuskentälle epätasaisesti. Työn toisessa osassa selvitettiin ojitetuille suoalueille rakennettujen pintavalutuskenttien puhdistustehokkuutta ja sitä indikoivia tekijöitä. Ojitetut pintavalutuskentät puhdistivat hyvin kiintoainetta ja epäorgaanista typpeä, mutta joillakin kohteilla oli havaittavissa fosforin ja raudan huuhtoutumista, mikä johtunee osaltaan kuivatuksen aiheuttamista muutoksista turpeessa ja happiolosuhteiden muutoksista uudelleen vesittämisen jälkeen. Erityisesti fosforin huuhtoumista voitiin alustavasti arvioida pintaturpeen fosfori-, rauta-, alumiini-, magnesium-, mangaani- ja kalsiumpitoisuuksien perusteella. Työn kolmannessa osassa määritettiin olemassa olevan vedenlaatuaineiston avulla pintavalutuskenttien ympärivuotista puhdistustehokkuutta. Selvää vuodenaikaisvaihtelua ei havaittu kokonaistyppeä, ammoniumtyppeä ja kemiallisen hapenkulutuksen (CODMn)-arvoa lukuun ottamatta. Työn tuloksia voidaan käyttää, kun arvioidaan etukäteen ojitettujen suoalueiden soveltuvuutta vedenpuhdistukseen. Kosteikot vaikuttivat pääasiassa typpeä ja CODMn-arvoa lukuun ottamatta olevan yhtä tehokkaita valumavesien puhdistajia myös talvella kuin muina vuodenaikoina, tosin kohteiden välillä oli vaihtelua.

Komplexní hospodaření s vodou v objektu rodinného domu bez možnosti napojení na kanalizační síť / Comprehensive water management in a family house without connection to the wastewater disposal system

Plhák, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
Czech Republic is called roof of the Europe, several rivers rise here and many of them flow away and continue to other countries. That's why I find, that’s extremely important to manage out water sources properly and carefully, because for example the weather has a huge impact on our limited sources and can affect them especially in a dry periods. These issues can be improved by finding a use for used water, good storm water management as well as using greywater. In my diploma thesis, I'll be mainly focused on an overall water management in an ordinary family house. It has two parts as theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part is then split into another three parts. The first part covers a storm water management, the second is about waste water management. The third explains greywater management. In practical part of my diploma thesis, there's my study of not disposing rain water into a drain with other waste water, but making both waters useful. In this my particular subject in village called Plesnice, is projected a waste water treatment plant. Treated water will be accumulate together with rain water. Accumulated water will be used for irrigation. For a waste water treatment is projected a constructed wetland with vertical flow (down flow reed beds) and facility for sludge management. This is example of extensive technology. Irrigation system consists of storage tank with mechanical pre-treatment and pump valve shaft, sprinklers for lawns, drip irrigation decorative surfaces and everything is controlled by a control unit. Thanks to irrigation and rainwater remains in effect, which is important for local microclimate and save drinking water. This study is an example of that in water management is not necessarily a need for global action, but you can start with individuals and individual houses, which in total could have a significant effect on water retention in the landscape and to slow down and reduce the peak flow in rivers.

Farmer Willingness to Implement Constructed Wetlands in the Western Lake Erie Basin

Soldo, Cole George January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Komplexní hospodaření s vodou v obytném objektu v obci Pařezov / All-embracing water management in a residential object in a Pařezov village

Királ, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with sound water management and is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is divided into three main chapters. The first part focuses on rainwater, its quality characteristics and utilization. The second chapter focuses on the management of waste water, its properties, the amount of waste water and natural ways of wastewater treatment. The last chapter is devoted to the gray waters and their utilization. The practical part focuses on the study of the draft comprehensive management of sewage and rainwater in the village Pařezov district Domažlice. It focuses on wastewater treatment using constructed wetlands, using rainwater for irrigation and infiltration of the remaining water.

An investigation of the Mechanisms Behind the Pharmaceutical Removal in Ekeby Wetland WWTP

Luu, Paula January 2020 (has links)
Pharmaceutical residues are being released into the aquatic environment through domestic wastewater effluents all around the world. Ekeby wetland located in Eskilstuna has been shown to degrade pharmaceutical residues in wastewater but the mechanism of how and where in the wetland these substances are removed were not known. The aim of this Master’s thesis was to study the mechanism behind the pharmaceutical removal in Ekeby wetland. The presence of 22 selected pharmaceuticals were examined in water-, sediment- and plant samples collected from the wetland. Additionally, the concentration of nutrients’, pH and temperature of the water were examined. With this data, the correlations between the concentration of pharmaceuticals in the water and the concentration of selected nutrients could be determined. Nine out of 22 substances were detected in the sediment samples and 10 out of 22 was detected in the plant sample. The five pharmaceutical substances that required additional removal were citalopram, diclofenac, erythromycin, oxazepam and sertraline. Citalopram, diclofenac and sertraline were found in the sediment and plant samples. A significant negative correlation was found between the concentration of pharmaceuticals in water samples and total suspended solids (TSS) indicating that an increase of TSS, decreases the pharmaceutical concentration in the water. The main mechanism behind the pharmaceutical removal in Ekeby wetland was determined to be by sedimentation and plant uptake, mainly by Phragmites australis. The wetland system could also remove metoprolol, propranolol, tramadol, trimethoprim, naproxen, venlafaxine and carbamazepine. Hence, to increase the pharmaceutical removal in the wetland it’s recommended to increase the amount of plants, mainly P. australis. Thus, wetland systems could be of great advantage in the development of sustainable wastewater management. / Via avloppsvattnet släpps mängder av läkemedelsrester ut i vårt vatten. Ekeby våtmark i Eskilstuna har visat sig bryta ner läkemedelsrester från avloppsvatten, men mekanismen för hur och vart dessa ämnen tas bort är sedan tidigare okänt. Målet med detta examensarbete var att studera mekanismerna bakom läkemedelsnedbrytningen i Ekebys våtmark. Halterna av 22 läkemedelssubstanser i vatten-, sediment-och växtprover tagna från våtmarken undersöktes. Även koncentrationen av näringsämnen, pH och temperatur bestämdes i vattenprover tagna från våtmarken. Utifrån detta kunde sambanden mellan läkemedelskoncentrationerna och halterna av tidigare nämnda ämnen i vattnet studeras. Nio av 22 substanser uppmättes i sedimentproverna och 10 av 22 uppmättes i växtprovet. De fem läkemedel som krävde ytterligare rening var citalopram, diclofenac, erythromycin, oxazepam, och sertraline. Citalopram, diclofenac och sertraline uppmättes i sediment och växtproverna. I vattnet erhölls ett signifikant negativ samband mellan koncentration av läkemedel och suspenderade ämnen. Detta indikerar på att en ökning av suspenderade ämnen minskar läkemedelskoncentrationen i vattnet. Mekanismen bakom läkemedelsnedbrytningen i Ekebys våtmark fastställdes till sedimentation och växtupptag, främst av växten Phragmites australis. Våtmarken kunde även avlägsna metoprolol, propranolol, tramadol, trimetroprim, naproxen venlafaxin och carbamazapine. För att öka nedbrytningen av läkemedel i våtmarken är det därför rekommenderat att öka mängden växter. Våtmarkssystem kan därmed vara till stor fördel när man utvecklar reningsprocesser för läkemedel av avloppsvatten som är miljömässigt hållbara.

Performance, resiliency, and optimization of intensified treatment wetlands for removal of micropollutants and biological effects from wastewater

Sossalla, Nadine Angela 05 April 2022 (has links)
Organic pollutants such as carbon and nitrogen are effectively removed through nature-based solutions, particularly treatment wetlands, research is increasingly focusing on the behavior of and effects to the environment caused by micropollutants. The release of these anthropogenic chemicals into the environment creates a complex mixture of chemicals that can cause quantifiable adverse biological effects. While resent studies indicate the ability of treatment wetlands to remove micropollutants, major questions regarding the removal efficacy of biological effects, the most efficient design aspects (aerated vs. non-aerated; planted vs. non-planted; single-stage vs. two-stage), the resiliency of a treatment wetland, and the potential for optimization are still unsolved. This dissertation investigated these topics by combining cutting-edge methods from engineering, analytical chemistry, and environmental toxicology. The existing knowledge gaps were addressed and the understanding of treatment technologies as well as the potential of treatment technologies to reduce micropollutants and biological effects was improved. In this research, seven treatment wetlands and a municipal wastewater treatment plant were examined over the course of an entire year, to identify the most effective design of the treatment plants in terms of biological effect removal. Intensified wetlands showed higher annual removal efficacy (41 - >99%) than the non-aerated (conventional) horizontal flow wetland (24 – 78%) for investigated micropollutants and biological effects. Removal efficacy for carbamazepine, which is considered to be resistant to aerobic biodegradation, was observed to be higher in the non-aerated horizontal flow treatment wetland than in the intensified wetlands (24 %, 0 – 3 %, respectively). Benzotriazole, diclofenac, activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor, activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, and oxidative stress response were removed to a greater extend through the intensified treatment wetlands than by the municipal wastewater treatment plant. Also, for the first time, the effluent qualities of the treatment wetlands were compared with recently proposed effect-based trigger (EBT) values for surface water. The effluent bioanalytical equivalent concentrations (BEQs) for all intensified treatment wetlands and the municipal wastewater treatment plant were close to or even below the surface water EBTs, except for estrogenicity. This indicates the great benefit of using nature-based solutions for water treatment because the treated effluent would not impose a negative ecological effect on a receiving water. Aeration and therefore an elevated oxidation reduction potential was identified as a key environmental condition for increased removal of micropollutants and biological effects. In particular, the two-stage system (aerated vertical flow constructed wetland followed by an unsaturated vertical flow sand filter) achieved the highest removal efficacies for conventional parameters (66 to >99%), micropollutants (94 – 99%, except carbamazepine: 3%) and biological effects (91 – 99%). But also, the less cost-intensive one-stage treatment wetlands (aerated horizontal flow and aerated vertical flow) achieved high quality effluents for the observed parameters. With different aeration strategies, aerobic and anaerobic zones were created in an aerated horizontal flow treatment wetland. The sharp increase of the oxidation reduction potential resulted in a higher mass removal for the moderately biodegradable micropollutants benzotriazole (> 91 %; test system with 50% aeration), and diclofenac (81 %; test system with 50% aeration). But the removal efficacy of biological effects decreased with the enlargement of the non-aerated zone in the treatment wetland. Nevertheless, the combination of aerated and non-aerated zones can reduce moderate micropollutants. The advantage of high removal efficacy for micropollutants and biological effects through aeration comes with the susceptibility to technical disturbances such as a power failure or an air pump failure. A simulated aeration interruption of six days resulted in a poorer water quality (comparable to that of a conventional non-aerated horizontal flow treatment wetland). After switching the aeration back on, the investigated system recovered within a few days for most of the conventional wastewater parameters (8 – 22 d) and micropollutants (3 – 22 d). Results showed that removal of biological effects are negatively affected for a longer period of time (>22 d) than what was indicated by classical parameters or micropollutants alone. These results mark the importance of the use of bioassays for future water quality assessment. With respect to the removal of biological effects, three treatment wetland designs can be recommended: the two-stage system (aerated vertical flow treatment wetland followed by an unsaturated vertical flow sand filter); and the less cost-intensive one stage systems: aerated horizontal flow treatment wetland and aerated vertical flow treatment wetland. The aerated horizontal flow treatment wetland is also resistant to an aeration interruption of a couple of days and recovers, even if it takes longer (indicated by the in vitro bioassays) than indicated through conventional wastewater parameters and micropollutants. The complementary approach of this dissertation contributes to the further understanding of treatment wetlands. Furthermore, the research work provides new insights into removal efficacy of biological effects under various treatment wetland design aspects. This dissertation is intended to help generate and better understand a new generation of treatment technologies.

Onsite Remediation of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Domestic Wastewater using Alternative Systems Including Constructed Wetlands

Greenberg, Chloe Frances 15 March 2017 (has links)
Pharmaceuticals, personal care products (PPCPs) and other trace organic contaminants (TOrCs) encompass a diverse group of chemicals that are not currently monitored or regulated in US drinking water or wastewater. Researchers have found low levels of TOrCs in aquatic and terrestrial environments all over the globe, and observed negative effects on impacted biota. The primary source of TOrCs in the environment is domestic wastewater discharges. Centralized wastewater treatment plants present greater risks on a global scale, but on a local scale, onsite treatment systems may have more potent impacts on resources that are invaluable to residents, including groundwater, surface waters, and soils. The objective of this thesis is to identify and characterize promising treatment technologies for onsite TOrC remediation. Receptors who could be impacted by TOrC discharges are assessed, and applications that may require alternative treatment are identified. The best treatment technologies are recognized as those that protect sensitive environmental receptors, provide permanent removal pathways for as many TOrCs as possible, and are not prohibitively expensive to install or maintain. Findings from a pilot study show increased removal of conventional pollutants and TOrCs in an aerobic treatment unit (ATU), two types of biofilter, and a hybrid constructed wetland, all relative to septic tank effluent. The constructed wetland achieved the highest nutrient removals with TN concentrations below 10 mg/L throughout the study. A system with an ATU and peat biofilters achieved the highest removals of persistent pharmaceuticals carbamazepine and lamotrigine (>85% and >95%, respectively). / Master of Science

Nutrient Retention in Constructed Wetlands / Näringsretention i Anlagda Våtmarker

Kero, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Eutrophication, a surplus of nutrients, is a problem in aquatic environments and one of the Swedish Environmental Goals is that there should be no eutrophication caused by human activities. Constructed wetlands (CW:s) is a measure that could be implemented to decrease the transport of nutrients to water bodies through retention. To optimize the placement of CW:s, this project aims to understand how different factors affect the retention of P (phosphorus) and N(nitrogen) in constructed CW:s and if there are geographical and seasonal variations in retention. Water samples were collected during three sampling periods from CW:s in Halland, in south-western and Mälardalen in eastern Sweden. The variation in retention of P and N between Halland and Mälardalen and between the different sampling occasions was then investigated. The effect of different factors in the catchment area such as percentage of clay, silt and sand, agricultural land, P-AL (phosphorus extracted with ammonium lactate) in the soil, erosion riskclass and the depth of the CW:s on the retention of P and N was also tested. The TP (total phosphorus) load and retention differed between the CW:s in Halland and Mälardalen. In Mälardalen, the load was slightly higher, and had a higher variation in TP load, which can be related to the differences in erosion risk classes as more easily eroded soils usually release P during periods with a lot of runoff. TP retention deviated more from zero in Mälardalen compared with Halland. The retention of TN (total nitrogen) seemed to be higher during August despite the lower TN load. This could be because during the warmer season, there is more retention of inorganic N through denitrification and plant uptake. Many factors such as soil type, erosion risk class, share of agricultural land and hydraulic load (HL) was found to be positively correlated with the load. However, most of the examined factors in the catchment area showed no correlation with the retention of N or P. The percentage of clay in the area had a negative effect on the retention of TP, which is not coherent with previous studies. This could be because the TP retention was mostly zero or negative, which was thought to be because most of the sampling was during periods with high HL and colder weather, especially in Mälardalen, which may have resulted in poor retention and resuspension of nutrients from the sediments. For TN the only factor which had a correlation was the depth of the CW, which had a negative correlation. / Övergödning, överskott av näringsämnen, är ett problem i vattenmiljöer. Ett av de svenska miljömålen är att det inte ska ske någon övergödning orsakad av människan. Anläggning av våtmarker är en åtgärd som kan vidtas för att minska transporten av näringsämnen till vattendrag genom retention. Anlagda våtmarkers effektivitet beror på olika faktorer såsom jordtyp, markanvändning, utformning och årstid. För att optimera placeringen av anlagda våtmarker, syftar detta projekt till att förstå hur de olika faktorerna påverkar retentionen av fosfor (P) och kväve (N) i anlagda våtmarker och om det finns geografiska och säsongsmässiga variationer i retention. Vattenprover togs vid tre provtagningstillfällen från anlagda våtmarker i Halland, i sydvästra Sverige och Mälardalen i östra Sverige. Variationen i retentionen av P och N mellan Halland och Mälardalen och mellan de olika provtagningstillfällena undersöktes därefter. Effekten på retentionen av olika faktorer i avrinningsområdet såsom andel lera, silt och sand, jordbruksmark, P-AL (fosfor extraherat från jord med ammoniumlaktat) i marken, erosionsriskklass och medeldjupet av de anlagda våtmarkerna på retentionen av P och N undersöktes också.Belastningen och retentionen av TP (totalfosfor) skiljde sig mellan de anlagda våtmarkerna i Mälardalen och Halland. I Mälardalen var belastningen något högre, samt hade högre variation i TP-belastning, vilket kan relateras till skillnaderna i erosionsriskklasser då mer lätteroderade jordarter oftast släpper P under perioder med mycket avrinning. TP retentionen avvek mer från noll i Mälardalen jämfört med Halland. Retentionen av TN (totalkväve) var förhållandevis hög under augusti trots den förhållandevis lägre TN-belastningen jämfört med höst-och vinterprovtagningarna. Detta kan bero på att det under den varmare årstiden skermer retention av oorganiskt kväve genom denitrifikation och växtupptag.Många faktorer såsom jordart, erosionsriskklass, andel jordbruksmark och hydraulisk belastning (HL) var positivt korrelerade med näringsbelastningen. Däremot visade de flesta av de undersökta faktorerna i avrinningsområdet inget samband med retentionen av N eller P. Andelen lera i området hade en negativ effekt på retentionen av TP, vilket inte stämmer överens med tidigare studier. Detta kan bero på att TP-retentionen mestadels var noll eller negativ, vilket ansågs bero på att det mesta av provtagningen skedde under perioder med hög HL, vilket kan ha resulterat i dålig retention och resuspension av P från sediment. Den enda faktorn som var relaterad med TN retentionen var djupet i de anlagda våtmarkerna, som minskade med våtmarkens djup.

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