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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plan para la dirección del proyecto edificio multifamiliar jausbarranco de siete pisos y tres sótanos aplicando las buenas prácticas del PMI

Blanco Ruiz, Jorge Max, Chávez Guerrero, Ricardo Américo, Cuadros Alminagorta, Juan Carlos, Romo Millán, Javier Jorge, Torres Díaz, Víctor Elias 26 November 2021 (has links)
La actividad edificadora en Lima Metropolitana se ha visto afectada por el decrecimiento en su actividad, entre los años 2014 al 2017, teniendo en el año 2018 un crecimiento de 1.38 millones de m2 comparados al año 2017, pero siempre dentro de un proceso de incertidumbre que no brinda la seguridad y confianza a nuevos inversionistas. Siendo el mercado más competitivo, las empresas deben aplicar un sistema de gestión que estandarice el control de recursos y la mejora continua. Nuestra propuesta está orientado al uso y aplicación de las buenas prácticas que la Guía de los fundamentos para la dirección de proyecto (Guía del PMBOK®), 6ª ed., y Construction Extension to the PMBOK® Guide del 2016. El trabajo está basado en una obra adjudicada a A. Chávez Constructores E.I.R.L. en el distrito de Barranco cuya característica es un edificio multifamiliar de 6 pisos más azotea, con semisótano y tres sótanos de estacionamiento, el cual se está gestionado con un staff básico propuesto, con la finalidad de asegurar que el negocio sea sostenible en el tiempo y capaz de soportar las caídas del sector y sobre todo que su inversión tenga los resultados esperados, para ello proponemos un documento de gestión a la medida del proyecto. Estos procesos permitirán a la organización adquirir nuevos conocimientos y buenas prácticas para optimizar los recursos y lograr mejores resultados para el alcance de sus objetivos, y con ello alinearse con la misión y visión de la empresa y poder implementarlo en sus proyectos futuros. / Building activity in Metropolitan Lima has been affected by the decrease in its activity, between 2014 and 2017, with a growth of 1.38 million m2 in 2018 compared to 2017, but always within a process of uncertainty that it does not provide security and confidence to new investors. Being the most competitive market, companies must apply a management system that standardizes the control of resources and continuous improvement. Our proposal is oriented to the use and application of the good practices that the Guide of the fundamentals for project management (PMBOK® Guide), Sixth Edition, and Construction Extension to the PMBOK® Guide of 2016. The work is based on a work awarded to A. Chávez Constructores E.I.R.L. in the Barranco district whose characteristic is a 6-story multifamily building plus a roof terrace, with a semi-basement and three parking basements, which is being managed with a proposed basic staff, in order to ensure that the business is sustainable over time and capable of withstanding the downturns of the sector and above all that your investment has the expected results, for this we propose a management document tailored to the project. These processes will allow the organization to acquire new knowledge and good practices to optimize resources and achieve better results for the achievement of its objectives, and thereby align with the mission and vision of the company and be able to implement it in its future projects. / Trabajo de investigación

Plan de capacitación en usos bim para una micro y pequeña empresa del sector construcción (subcontratistas) / BIM Implementation Plan for micro and small size Construction Industry Companies (Construction subcontractors)

Vargas Enciso, Jhilber Alijhossep, Ramos Carhuapoma, Jaime Javier, Victoria Torres, Luis Rafael, Sánchez Raygada, Luis Alberto 07 February 2022 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo la elaboración de un Plan de Implementación en usos BIM para una micro empresa constructora, especialista en Instalaciones Sanitarias para edificaciones. Para lograrlo, se tuvo que analizar las características en común que tienen las micro y pequeñas empresas constructoras en el país, e investigar el estatus del BIM en el Perú, su difusión y principales usos que actualmente se dan en la industria de la construcción. Para el desarrollo de la propuesta, se trabajó directamente con la empresa caso de estudio; como parte del diagnóstico, se sostuvieron entrevistas con algunos colaboradores de la misma y se analizó información para conocer su visión organizacional, organigrama, estado situacional y flujos de trabajo que nos permitieron detectar oportunidades de mejora si se implementa BIM en algunos procesos. Con esta información, se determinaron los usos BIM más adecuados a las necesidades actuales de la empresa, en base a los cuales se generó la propuesta de valor, comenzando con la descripción de las características que deben cumplir los modelos de información, también una propuesta de cambio organizacional, planes de capacitación e implementación, procedimientos de colaboración y criterios de éxito para el logro de los objetivos planteados en la propuesta de valor. Finalmente, se realizó el análisis de los costos y beneficios de implementar usos BIM en la empresa determinando la rentabilidad sobre la inversión, concluyendo en resultados favorables en diversos escenarios. / The goal of this research is to make a proposal for a BIM implementation plan that can be used by a micro size construction company which has experience in plumbing works. To do this, we had to find the characteristics that these kinds of Peruvian companies have in common. We also had to investigate the development of BIM in Peru, and its usage that construction companies currently give it. This plan was prepared with the participation of some subcontractor's work team members, who have been interviewed and thus providing us with company information such as statements, organization chart, status reports and workflows. After that, we used all of this to identify opportunities to improve company processes due to BIM. With this research, the most appropriate BIM uses for the company were found, which has also allowed us to estimate the profit that the company would have due to these. Likewise, we have made a list of the elements that BIM models must have for all of the above work well, we have also suggested changes for the company, we have also prepared a training and start-up plan for BIM, and we have prepared a brief collaboration procedure and success criteria list to reach the planned goals. Finally, we have done the cost-benefit analysis for using BIM in this company, calculating the return on investment in two different situations, and with the results obtained we have been able to make a favorable conclusion. / Trabajo de investigación

NIC 16: Propiedad, Planta y Equipo y su incidencia en los Estados Financieros y el Impuesto a la Renta en las empresas de Construcción de Edificios Completos, en el Distrito de Miraflores, año 2018 / AS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment and its impact on the Financial Statements and Income Tax in the construction companies of Complete Buildings, in the Miraflores District, 2018

Galarreta Quinto, Daniel, Quispe Solano, Marcos Ascencio 22 November 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar cuáles son los impactos por la implementación de la NIC 16, y su influencia en los Estados Financieros y el Impuesto a la Renta en las empresas del sector construcción de edificios completos, en el Distrito de Miraflores, año 2018. Para la explicación de la investigación se ha tomado como referencia principalmente las NIC 16, los Estados Financieros y el Impuesto a la Renta. Asimismo, se ha hallado apropiado analizar el sector construcción, adquiriendo información de las características principales de este sector, debido a las actividades e información de las empresas que lo conforman. El trabajo de investigación se encuentra dividido en 5 capítulos, los cuales son: Capítulo I: Marco Teórico, donde se presenta las definiciones básicas relacionadas al tema principal. Luego, en el Capítulo II: Plan de Investigación, se describe el problema, así como la determinación de los objetivos e hipótesis generales y específicas. Seguidamente, en el Capítulo III: Metodología de Investigación, en donde se define el tipo de investigación a emplear, así como la determinación del tamaño de la muestra para el futuro análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo. Continuando con el Capítulo IV: Desarrollo de la Investigación, se desarrolla la aplicación de los instrumentos descritos previamente, a su vez, se ejecuta un caso práctico para evaluar la incidencia de la NIC 16 en los Estados Financieros y el Impuesto a la Renta. Por último, en el Capítulo V: Análisis de los Resultados, se realiza el análisis de los instrumentos y el caso práctico, brindando como últimos elementos, conclusiones y recomendaciones finales en relación a todo lo estudiado. Es por ello, que se ha concentrado el presente trabajo de investigación en el sector de la construcción, debido a es uno de los sectores en el país que poseen mayor inversión en activo fijo, principalmente en maquinarias y equipos que son utilizados para el progreso de sus actividades, donde se ha determinado que la NIC 16 tiene un impacto directamente en el rubro de Activo Fijo de las empresas del sector. / The purpose of this research work is to analyze the impacts of the adoption of IAS 16, and its influence on the Financial Statements and Income Tax on companies in the construction sector of complete buildings, in the District of Miraflores, 2018. For the development of the research, IAS 16, the Financial Statements and the Income Tax have been taken as reference. Likewise, it has been appropriate to analyze the construction sector, acquiring information on the main characteristics of this sector, due to the activities and information of the companies that comprise it. The research work is divided into 5 chapters, which are: Chapter I: Theoretical Framework, where the basic variables related to the main theme are presented. Then, in Chapter II: Research Plan, the problem is described, as well as the determination of the objectives and the general and specific conclusions. Then, in Chapter III: Research Methodology, where the type of research to be identified is defined, as well as the determination of the sample size for future quantitative and qualitative analysis. Continuing with Chapter IV: Research Development, the application of the previously processed instruments is developed, in turn, a practical case is executed to evaluate the incidence of IAS 16 in the Financial Statements and Income Tax. Finally, in Chapter V: Analysis of the Results, the analysis of the instruments and the case study is carried out, providing as final elements, conclusions and final recommendations in relation to everything studied. That is why, this research work has been concentrated in the construction sector, because it is one of the sectors in the country that has the greatest investment in fixed assets, mainly in machines and equipment that are used for progress of its activities, where it has been determined that IAS 16 has a direct impact on the Fixed Assets category of companies in the sector. / Tesis

Aplicación de buenas prácticas en la gestión de riesgos para la dirección de la construcción de la ampliación de un pad de lixiviación / Application of best practices in risk management for the direction of the construction of the extension of a leach pad

Alvarez Tiburcio, Jorge Alberto, Chunga Zaña, Edgar, Vilca Ticona, Jhon Roy 25 November 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación muestra la aplicación de las buenas prácticas en la gestión de riesgos en un proyecto de construcción, el cual se encuentra en una mina que procesa su mineral por el método de lixiviación usando soluciones cianuradas para la recuperación del oro. El proyecto motivo de estudio, trata de la construcción de la ampliación del pad de lixiviación existente el cual se encuentra ya en su octavo año de operación. En primer lugar, se tratará sobre el caso de negocio mostrando una descripción de la empresa consultora encargada de la dirección de la construcción del proyecto en mención, así como el análisis de su entorno, tanto a nivel macro como la situación de competencia en el rubro específico mediante el análisis de las cinco fuerzas de Porter; de la misma forma se adjuntan los indicadores económicos y financieros, así como el monto de inversión para el proyecto y la Curva J. (Anexo Q y R) El marco teórico aborda los conceptos básicos de la dirección de proyectos, con una breve descripción de los grupos de procesos de la guía del PMBOK® 6ta edición, para luego abordar la gestión riesgos de proyectos de construcción apoyados en la “Construction Extension to the PMBOK® Guide”, este desarrollo muestra una visión general de la construcción para luego enforcarnos en los conceptos claves de la gestión de riesgos. El capítulo correspondiente a la aplicación práctica, de la gestión de riesgos, muestra su desarrollo desde la planificación, identificación, análisis caulitativos y cuantitativos, planificación de las respuestas, implementación de las mismas y el monitoreo de los riesgos, en todos ellos se explican las técnicas y herramientas, ademas de proporcionar los formatos a utilizar. / The current thesis shows the application of best practices in the risk management of a construction project, which is located in a mine that processes its mineral by the leaching method which uses cyanide solutions for the recovery of gold. The project under study is the construction of the expansion of the existing leach pad which is already in its eighth year of operation. Firstly, we will approach the business case by showing a description of the consulting company in charge of the construction management of the project in question, as well as the analysis of its environment, both at a macro level and the competition situation in the specific area through the analysis of Porter's five forces. The theoretical framework addresses the management of projects with a brief description of the process groups of the PMBOK® Guide 6th edition to then address the risk management of construction projects supported in the "Construction Extension to the PMBOK® Guide", this development show an overview of the construction management to then focus on the key concepts of risk management. The chapter corresponding to the practical application of risk management show its development from planning, identification, qualitative and quantitative analysis, response planning, implementation, and monitoring of risks, in all of them, explain the techniques and tools, in addition to providing the formats to be used. / Trabajo de investigación

Avfall i byggbranschen : En fallstudie av ett projekts arbete med avfallshantering

Gustafson Nilsson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The construction sector today accounts for a big part of the totalamount of waste in Sweden and we need to save the earth’srecourses. To save our resources when processing waste it is best tofollow the waste ladder. It’s very important for all of our sake thatwe handle the waste properly. In the summer of 2020 new lawswere applied to ensure that construction waste is being handled ina proper way. For this study the waste disposal management of aspecific company was studied to see how their current work withwaste disposal and what improvements can be made. By usingliterature study, qualitative interviews, quantitative survey, ocularinspection and document analysis a result has been formed. Theresult that can be seen in this study is that the company in questionis following the requirements for waste disposals but there areroom for improvements. The conclusion from this study is that theleadership and employees in the company is in need of betterknowledge on how to properly manage the waste from theconstruction sites. / Byggsektorn står idag för en stor del av Sveriges totalaavfallsmängd och vi behöver spara på jordens resurser. För attspara på resurserna är det viktigt att bearbeta avfallet på bästa sättutifrån avfallstrappan. Det är viktigt att avfall hanteras på rätt sättbåde för miljön och människors skull. För att bygg- ochrivningsavfall ska hanteras på bästa sätt trädde sommaren 2020nya lagar kring avfallshantering i kraft. I studien har ett företagsarbete med avfallshantering studerats med syfte att se hur manarbetar med avfallshantering samt att hitta förbättringsmöjligheterför företaget. Genom litteraturstudie, kvalitativa intervjuer,kvantitativ enkät, okulär besiktning och dokumentanalys harstudiens resultat tagits fram. Resultatet som framkommer är attföretaget följer de krav som ställs på dem men att det finnsförbättringsmöjligheter. Slutsatsen är att företaget behöver arbetamer med att utbilda både arbetsledningen och yrkesarbetarna ivilka lagar och krav som ställs på avfallshanteringen vidbyggprojekt. / <p>2023-06-26</p>

L'"immigré-e travailleur-se". : La construction et les usages sociaux des catégories de l'action publique en France et en Italie / The Working Immigrant : the Construction and Social Use of Public Action Categories in France and Italy

Lendaro, Annalisa 23 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse questionne la catégorie d’ « immigré-e », dont la signification ne se réduit pas à une définition juridique incontestable : il s’agit de montrer qu’elle fait l’objet d’interprétations, de redéfinitions et d’usages sociaux diversifiés de la part des acteurs en charge de la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques et/ou intervenant sur le marché du travail. La thèse examine la construction et les usages des catégories de l’immigration à différents niveaux (européen, national, régional et local) en effectuant une comparaison entre : deux pays, la France et l’Italie ; deux régions, la région Provence Alpes Côte-d’Azur et la Ligurie ; et deux secteurs d’activité, le bâtiment et l’aide à domicile. La thèse questionne notamment les décalages entre catégories ‘officielles’ et catégories ‘indigènes’, à travers d'une part le cas des intermédiaires de l’emploi, et d'autre part la reconstruction des parcours de vie des travailleur-se-s immigré-e-s. / This dissertation questions the category of « immigrant » whose meaning cannot be reduced to an incontestable juridical definition. The category is interpreted, redefined, used in different ways and contexts by actors who are responsible for the implementation of public policies and /or contribute to regulate the labour market. This study analyses the constuction and social usage of categories related to immigration phenomena at multiple levels of analysis (European, national, regional and local) through a comparison of two countries (France and Italy), two regions (Provence Alpes Côte-d’Azur and Liguria) and two sectors (construction and care services). I explicate how and why some discrepancies appear between the ‘official’ and ‘informal’ categories by studying the case of employment gatekeepers during the selection process and by reconstructing the life courses of a sample of immigrant workers.

O trabalho do dirigente da pequena empresa: estudo do setor da construção civil no contexto de obras públicas / The owner-manager\'s work in small business: a study in the public civil construction sector

Philippsen Junior, Luiz Adalberto 10 December 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o trabalho do dirigente da pequena empresa a partir da teoria das abordagens dos papéis proposta por Mintzberg e sua possibilidade de descrever o trabalho do dirigente, tendo como unidade de análise o setor da construção civil e o contexto de obras públicas. A pequena empresa é vital para a economia dos países. Da mesma forma, a indústria da construção civil contribui com significativo percentual do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do Brasil e de diversos países, sejam desenvolvidos ou em desenvolvimento. Embora apresentem-se como relevantes áreas de estudo - a pequena empresa e a indústria da construção civil - carecem de uma melhor análise integrada de suas inter-relações. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa foi realizado um mapeamento sistemático (MS), em uma base de dados de periódicos indexados, para levantar o estado da arte do tema da pesquisa: o dirigente da pequena empresa. Para explorar a questão da pesquisa foi desenvolvido questionário estruturado dividido em duas partes fundamentais. A primeira para obter dados qualitativos (nominais e ordinais) e quantitativos (discretos e contínuos). A segunda parte para identificar a incidência de cada um dos dez papéis propostos por Mintzberg, utilizando modelo categórico de resposta - escala Likert de cinco pontos. A amostra da pesquisa é composta por 39 dirigentes (n = 39) de empresas que entre 2013 e 2015 executaram obras civis - subsetor edificações - para empresa pública da esfera Federal via licitação pública. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio das médias de frequência obtidas e testes de análise de variância (ANOVA) entre as variáveis (primeira parte do questionários e papéis desempenhados pelo dirigente - segunda parte). Como resultado constata-se que dirigentes de empresas de construção civil inseridos no contexto de obras públicas desempenham atividades fundamentalmente relacionadas aos níveis de atuação interpessoal e decisório. Os papéis de líder e contato, ao nível interpessoal, e os papéis de alocador de recursos e negociador, ao nível decisório, são desempenhados com maior frequência pelo dirigente da amostra, representando grande parte do seu dia a dia de atuação. Das variáveis analisadas, a idade do dirigente (para os papéis de contato e disseminador), a estrutura organizacional da empresa (para o papel de disseminador), o percentual de contratos firmados com a Administração Pública em relação ao total de contratos firmados no período de um ano (para o papel de porta-voz) e a capacidade financeira da empresa (para o papel de porta-voz) apresentaram significância estatística, indicando a associação com a variável resposta da pesquisa - o papel desempenhado pelo dirigente da pequena empresa de construção civil. Comprova-se que a abordagem dos papéis de Mintzberg é capaz de explicar o trabalho do dirigente da pequena empresa de construção civil, constatado pelas médias de frequência apresentadas nos três níveis de atuação e dos papéis desempenhados, além das significâncias estatísticas apontadas pela ANOVA. As inferências realizadas contribuem para uma melhor compreensão integrada do trabalho do dirigente da pequena empresa de construção civil inserido no contexto de obras públicas e melhoria de sua gestão. / This study\'s aim is to analyze the small business owner-manager\'s work regarding the public civil construction sector grounded on Mintzberg\'s managerial roles and its possibility to describe the owner-manager\'s work. Small businesses are vital to a country\'s economy. Likewise, the civil construction industry contributes to a high GDP percentage in Brazil and other countries as well, whether developed or not. Although these two topics are relevant areas of study - civil construction industry and small business - its integration is not very much understood. A sistematic mapping was conducted in the first phase. The used database, in which the articles are indexed, established the state of art for the research theme: small business owner-manager. To analyze the research question, a structured questionnaire was created. It was divided in two fundamental parts. The first one to obtain qualitative data (nominal and ordinal) and quantitative (discrete and continuous). The second one to indentify the incidence of one of each Mintzberg\'s ten managerial work roles using a categorical response model, the five point Likert scale. The sample consists in 39 (n=39) small business owner-managers who worked in public civil construction in a Federal bureau between the years of 2013 and 2015 by bidding. The data analysis was performed by the mean and frequencies obteined and by comparison between variables - first part of the questionnaire and the owner-managers roles - using an analysis variance (ANOVA). Findings reveal that the small business owner-managers perform roles grounded on interpersonal and decision making levels. The leader and leaison roles, at the interpersonal level, and the resource allocator and negociator roles, at the decision making level, are the ones the owner-managers spend more time performing. The owner-manager\'s age (for leaison and disseminator roles), the organizational configuration (for the disseminator role), the percentage of the signed contratcs within the Public Administration with the total of the signed contracts between a year period (for the spokesperson role) and the business financial capacity (for the spokesperson role) are statistically significant, showing direct relationship with the response variable - the owner-mager\'s work. The results also support that Mintzberg\'s managerial rolles is able to explain the small business owner-manager\'s work, verified by means and frequencies and the ANOVA comparison. This study contibutes to a deeper and integrated understanding about the small business owner-manager in the public civil construction sector.

Beräkning av miljömässiga och ekonomiska konsekvenser vid källsortering av blandat byggavfall : samt analys av redovisningsmetoder för byggavfallsstatistik / Calculation of the environmental and economic impact with source sorting of mixed construction waste : and analysis of accounting methods for construction waste statistics

Ahlström, Elin January 2015 (has links)
I en värld där människan är det enda djur som lämnar efter sig avfall som inte kan brytas ned naturligt, är det viktigt att avfallet vi producerar tas om hand på bästa möjliga sätt. EU har därför tagit fram en prioriteringsordning för hur avfallet ska behandlas. Denna kallas avfallshierarkin och ska ligga till grund för medlemsländernas lagstiftning om avfallshantering. I Sverige kallas byggsektorn för den ”40-procentiga sektorn” vilket syftar på att 40 procent av Sveriges avfall genereras av denna sektor. Till år 2020 har EU som målsättning att 70 viktprocent av allt bygg- och rivningsavfall ska återvinnas eller återanvändas. För att presentera säkra siffror som visar ländernas utveckling mot EU:s mål måste avfallsstatistik tas fram på ett bättre sätt än vad som görs i dagsläget. Detta examensarbete syftade till att beräkna de miljömässiga och ekonomiska konsekvenserna vid källsortering av blandat byggavfall samt analysera vilken av de tillgängliga metoderna för framtagning av byggavfallsstatistik som är lämpligast. En screening av innehållet i det blandade avfallet vid ett renoveringsprojekt hos Telge Bostäder tillsammans med uppgifter om genererad avfallsmängd i ett tidigare genomfört renoveringsprojekt användes för att göra beräkningarna. Den befintliga hanteringen, där avfallet sorterades som blandat avfall, jämfördes sedan med ett hypotetiskt scenario där det vid screeningen identifierade innehållet (plast, trä och wellpapp) istället sorterades ut i separata fraktioner. Beräkningarna gjordes dels i ett av program (WAMPS) framtaget av Svenska miljöinstitutet (IVL) för beräkning av utsläpp från hantering av hushållsavfall och dels med egna beräkningar över koldioxidutsläpp. Kostnaden för att sortera ut avfallet bestämdes genom att använda Sorteras sortiment och prislista. Resultatet från WAMPS var att utsläpp av 62 ton koldioxid kunde undvikas från avfallshanteringen genom att sortera ut innehållet i drygt 70 ton blandat byggavfall i separata fraktioner på byggarbetsplatsen. Motsvarande siffra vid egna beräkningar blev 95 ton. Container- och behandlingskostnaden för det sorterade avfallet var lägre än för det osorterade avfallet vilket medförde att den totala avfallskostnaden för drygt 70 ton blandat avfall hade kunnat sänkas med 63 000 kronor om avfallet hade källsorterats. Analysen av redovisningsmetoder pekade på att det på kort sikt lämpligaste sättet att ta fram byggavfallsstatistik på, är att använda miljörapporter från avfallsbehandlingsföretagen som underlag för avfallsstatistik. Denna metod kräver ingen lagändring för att genomföras och utnyttjar ett redan befintligt rapporteringssystem. / In a world where mankind is the only creature that generates waste that cannot be naturally decomposed, it is of great importance that we correctly take care of the waste we produce. The EU has therefore developed a list of priority regarding methods of waste treatment. It is called the waste hierarchy and is supposed to form the basis for legislation on waste management. In Sweden the construction sector is called “the 40 percent sector” which refers to the fact that 40 percent of Sweden’s waste is generated by this sector. By 2020, the EU has set up a goal that 70 weight percent of all construction and demolition waste must be recycled or reused. In order to present secure statistics that show the member nations’ progresses toward the goal, the waste statistics must be produced in a better way than today. This master thesis aimed to calculate the environmental and economic consequences with source sorting of the mixed construction waste and to determine the best available accounting method to produce construction waste statistics. A screening of the content of the mixed waste at a renovation project at Telge Bostäder together with data over the generated waste quantity in a previously conducted renovation project, were used to make the calculations. The existing management, where the waste was sorted as mixed waste, was then compared with a hypothetical scenario where the content encountered during the screening (plastic, wood and cardboard) was sorted out separately instead. Calculations were then made partly in a program (WAMPS) developed by IVL to calculate the emissions from household waste management and partly with own calculations of carbon dioxide emissions. The cost of sorting out the waste was determined using Sortera’s catalog and price list. The result of WAMPS was that emissions of 62 tons of carbon dioxide could be avoided from the waste management process by sorting about 71 tons of mixed construction waste at the construction site. The corresponding amount at own calculations was 95 tons. The cost of containers and cost of treatment of the sorted waste was lower than the costs for mixed waste, which meant that the total waste related cost of managing 71 tons of mixed waste would have been reduced by 63 000 Swedish crowns if the waste had been source sorted. The analysis over accounting methods indicated that in the short term, the most appropriate way to produce construction waste statistics is to use environmental reports from the treating companies as a basis. This method does not require a change in the law to be implemented and utilizes an existing reporting system.

Statybos sektoriaus ekonominės makroaplinkos tyrimas kaip ikiinvesticinių sprendimų pagrindimo dalis / Investigation of construction sector's economic macro environment as a part of the pre-investment studies

Buškevičienė, Eglė 19 June 2010 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama statybos sektoriaus ekonominės makroaplinkos vertinimo svarba investiciniam sprendimui priimti. Tiek investicinis sprendimas, tiek aplinka, kurioje bus investuojama analizuojama remiantis investicijų projektų ideologija. Apžvelgiama projektų ir investicijų projektų samprata, nustatoma aplinkos ir aplinkos įvertinimo svarba investiciniam sprendimui priimti, išanalizuojami projektų statybos sektoriuje ypatumai ir pateikiama investicinės aplinkos tyrimo schema. Baigiamajame darbe atliktas statybos sektoriaus ekonominės makroaplinkos tyrimas, nustatyti statybos sektoriui reikšmingiausi ekonominės makroaplinkos veiksniai. Išanalizuoti statybos įmonių galutinį rezultatą atspindintys finansiniai duomenys ir santykiniai rodikliai. Įvertinta statybos sektoriaus makroaplinkos įtaka statybos įmonių veiklos rezultatams. Remiantis atliktais tyrimais ir gautais rezultatais, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir siūlymai. / The aim of final thesis is to analyze the importance of economic environment assessment for investment decision making. Both the investment decisions and the investment environment are analyzing the basic ideology of investment projects. Here are reviewing the concept of the projects and the investment projects and are determining the importance of the environment and its assessment for investment decision making. Here are analyzing the importance of project in the construction sector and the scheme of environment‘s investigation is submited. At the end of the master work there is an investigation of construction sector‘s economic macro environment and the most important economic macro environment‘s factors have determined. The finance data and comparative financial indexes of construction companies have shifted. The economic macro environment influence to final result of construction companies has been evaluated. On the basis of investigation and it‘s results, the final work conclusions and suggestions are presented.

O trabalho do dirigente da pequena empresa: estudo do setor da construção civil no contexto de obras públicas / The owner-manager\'s work in small business: a study in the public civil construction sector

Luiz Adalberto Philippsen Junior 10 December 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o trabalho do dirigente da pequena empresa a partir da teoria das abordagens dos papéis proposta por Mintzberg e sua possibilidade de descrever o trabalho do dirigente, tendo como unidade de análise o setor da construção civil e o contexto de obras públicas. A pequena empresa é vital para a economia dos países. Da mesma forma, a indústria da construção civil contribui com significativo percentual do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do Brasil e de diversos países, sejam desenvolvidos ou em desenvolvimento. Embora apresentem-se como relevantes áreas de estudo - a pequena empresa e a indústria da construção civil - carecem de uma melhor análise integrada de suas inter-relações. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa foi realizado um mapeamento sistemático (MS), em uma base de dados de periódicos indexados, para levantar o estado da arte do tema da pesquisa: o dirigente da pequena empresa. Para explorar a questão da pesquisa foi desenvolvido questionário estruturado dividido em duas partes fundamentais. A primeira para obter dados qualitativos (nominais e ordinais) e quantitativos (discretos e contínuos). A segunda parte para identificar a incidência de cada um dos dez papéis propostos por Mintzberg, utilizando modelo categórico de resposta - escala Likert de cinco pontos. A amostra da pesquisa é composta por 39 dirigentes (n = 39) de empresas que entre 2013 e 2015 executaram obras civis - subsetor edificações - para empresa pública da esfera Federal via licitação pública. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio das médias de frequência obtidas e testes de análise de variância (ANOVA) entre as variáveis (primeira parte do questionários e papéis desempenhados pelo dirigente - segunda parte). Como resultado constata-se que dirigentes de empresas de construção civil inseridos no contexto de obras públicas desempenham atividades fundamentalmente relacionadas aos níveis de atuação interpessoal e decisório. Os papéis de líder e contato, ao nível interpessoal, e os papéis de alocador de recursos e negociador, ao nível decisório, são desempenhados com maior frequência pelo dirigente da amostra, representando grande parte do seu dia a dia de atuação. Das variáveis analisadas, a idade do dirigente (para os papéis de contato e disseminador), a estrutura organizacional da empresa (para o papel de disseminador), o percentual de contratos firmados com a Administração Pública em relação ao total de contratos firmados no período de um ano (para o papel de porta-voz) e a capacidade financeira da empresa (para o papel de porta-voz) apresentaram significância estatística, indicando a associação com a variável resposta da pesquisa - o papel desempenhado pelo dirigente da pequena empresa de construção civil. Comprova-se que a abordagem dos papéis de Mintzberg é capaz de explicar o trabalho do dirigente da pequena empresa de construção civil, constatado pelas médias de frequência apresentadas nos três níveis de atuação e dos papéis desempenhados, além das significâncias estatísticas apontadas pela ANOVA. As inferências realizadas contribuem para uma melhor compreensão integrada do trabalho do dirigente da pequena empresa de construção civil inserido no contexto de obras públicas e melhoria de sua gestão. / This study\'s aim is to analyze the small business owner-manager\'s work regarding the public civil construction sector grounded on Mintzberg\'s managerial roles and its possibility to describe the owner-manager\'s work. Small businesses are vital to a country\'s economy. Likewise, the civil construction industry contributes to a high GDP percentage in Brazil and other countries as well, whether developed or not. Although these two topics are relevant areas of study - civil construction industry and small business - its integration is not very much understood. A sistematic mapping was conducted in the first phase. The used database, in which the articles are indexed, established the state of art for the research theme: small business owner-manager. To analyze the research question, a structured questionnaire was created. It was divided in two fundamental parts. The first one to obtain qualitative data (nominal and ordinal) and quantitative (discrete and continuous). The second one to indentify the incidence of one of each Mintzberg\'s ten managerial work roles using a categorical response model, the five point Likert scale. The sample consists in 39 (n=39) small business owner-managers who worked in public civil construction in a Federal bureau between the years of 2013 and 2015 by bidding. The data analysis was performed by the mean and frequencies obteined and by comparison between variables - first part of the questionnaire and the owner-managers roles - using an analysis variance (ANOVA). Findings reveal that the small business owner-managers perform roles grounded on interpersonal and decision making levels. The leader and leaison roles, at the interpersonal level, and the resource allocator and negociator roles, at the decision making level, are the ones the owner-managers spend more time performing. The owner-manager\'s age (for leaison and disseminator roles), the organizational configuration (for the disseminator role), the percentage of the signed contratcs within the Public Administration with the total of the signed contracts between a year period (for the spokesperson role) and the business financial capacity (for the spokesperson role) are statistically significant, showing direct relationship with the response variable - the owner-mager\'s work. The results also support that Mintzberg\'s managerial rolles is able to explain the small business owner-manager\'s work, verified by means and frequencies and the ANOVA comparison. This study contibutes to a deeper and integrated understanding about the small business owner-manager in the public civil construction sector.

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