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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zvládání zátěže u rodičů dětí s poruchou autistického spektra / Coping with Stress in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Brožová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
in English: This diploma thesis is focused on parents coping with the burden of having children with autism spectrum disorder. It's goal is to analyze parent's strategy to cope with such burden in relation to taking care of a child with autistic spectrum disorder. Thesis is constructed as an emprical qualitativeresearch which also involves quantitative data. Data were acquired via half - structured interviews with parents of children with autism spectrum disorder.Furthermore, a questionnaire SVF 78 "Strategy of stress management" was used and filled out by the parents. The data were subsequently qualitatively analyzed and interpreted using content analysis. Finally, a comparison to specialized literature was performed. The text of the thesis itself is composed of three parts. First part includes theoretical solutions that are based on both Czech and foreign literature concerned with autism theory and coping with stress of parents bringing up an autistic child. Second part is focusing on the methodology and data analysis procedure. The final third part is dedicated to the interpretation of interviews and discussion results, combined with results of available literature research. The benefit of this diploma thesis is discovery of what helps to parents of autistic children to cope with the stress...

Vyhodnocování, zvládání a snižování stresu / Stress Evaluation, Coping and Reduction

Čaládiková, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The Master's Thesis "Stress evaluation, coping and reduction" deals with studying and analyzing stress in sample of employees from Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. The theoretical part analyzes psychological overloading and pressure, stress itself, theories of stress, pathological effects of stress in society, coping with stress and reduction of stress. The practical part deals with stresors, which have an influence on respondents, their (dis)satisfaction with work and dependence between them. Conclusion contains suggestions how to deal with stress and its economic analysis.

Leading in Stressful Environments : How do Football Coaches Cope with Stress?

Kwok, Ezabella, Bredberg, Joakim, Nordberg, Gustav January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Background: Football accounts for 43% of the sports market share, more than any other single sport. The pressure and stress associated with being a sports leader indicate that the football coaches encounter and work with occupational stress more regularly than corporate leaders. Hence, football coaches appear to be highly appropriate to acquire insights from. Although there is extensive literature on stress, the research on football coaches is lacking. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to deepen the understanding of leading in a stressful environment. The aim is to acquire useful insights into various existing stress coping methods that reduce the negative impact that stress may have on contemporary leaders. Method: The interpretivism paradigm is applied to this research as well as an abductive approach to grounded theory. The research is based on a single case study where primary data is acquired through semi-structured interviews with three football coaches and three players. Furthermore, the thematic analysis approach is applied when analyzing the data in order to draw applicable conclusions. Results: The empirical findings suggest that there is a relationship between football coaches and their players. Furthermore, leading in the football environment is vastly shaped by this, however: industry specific stressors also play a significant role, such as management turnover. Several stress coping methods are identified in this study. The most prominent propel mentality, focus on progress and love for the sport, referred to as mental disengagement. This study is useful since it contributes with valuable insights of how leaders can efficiently cope with stress and lead in stressful environments.

Examining Associations between Coping with Stress and Personality and Psychopathology Assessed by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form

Holbert, Ashley 16 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Strategie zvládání stresu a osobní příčinná orientace u žen podstupujících léčbu neplodnosti / Strategies for coping with stress and personal causality orientation in women undergoing infertility treatment

Kellnerová, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with infertility and its treatment. Both in the theoretical and empirical part, it focuses on the female aspects of the issue. The theoretical part summarizes the knowledge which is important to understand the presented problems. We define the terms; we describe the psychological and physiological causes of infertility, the process of treatment of infertility and aspects thereof. We focus on the role of stress and the strategies of coping with stress related to infertility and its treatment; furthermore, we deal with personal causality orientation related to the experienced level of stress as one of the determinants of coping with stress. Our aim in the empirical part is to describe the use of strategies of coping with stress within the sample of women acquired by us, the distribution of personal causality orientation of these women and to capture the possible connections. The sample is made of 57 women who are currently undergoing a treatment for infertility. To collect the data, we used the SVF 78 Inventory, the DOPO Questionnaire of the Personal Causality Orientation and a self-developed anamnestic questionnaire. Based on acquired data, we established some specificity in the use of strategies of coping with stress and the distribution of personal causality orientation...

Vyresnių klasių mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių, streso įveikos ypatumai / Stress Coping Characteristics of High School Students With Special Educational Needs

Krištopaitytė, Justė 13 September 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbe buvo atlikta teorinė mokslinės literatūros analizė apie stresą, jo įveikos būdus, mokyklinį stresą ir jo įveikimą, mokinių paauglystės psichologinius ypatumus. Taip pat nagrinėti autorių darbai apie mokyklinio streso įveikos stilius ir naudojamas strategijas. Iškelta hipotezė, kad vyresnių klasių mokinių naudojami streso įveikos stiliai skiriasi, lyginant specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių turinčius mokinius ir jų bendraamžius. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – ištirti vyresnių klasių mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių, streso įveikos ypatumus. Atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji vidurkių, koreliacijų) duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 216 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vyresnių klasių mokinių, iš kurių 114 – mokiniai, turintys specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių, 102 – jų bendraamžiai. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami vyresnių klasių specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių turinčių mokinių ir jų bendraamžių naudojami streso įveikos stiliai; patikimo mokytis mokykloje, mokymosi rezultatų ir mokyklinio streso įveikos stilių ryšiai; vyresnių klasių mokinių mokyklinio streso įveikos ypatumai. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Mokiniai, neturintys specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių, dažniau renkasi adaptyvaus vengimo mokyklinio streso įveikos stilių. 2. Specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių turinčios mergaitės dažniau renkasi streso įveikos stilius, orientuotus i problemos sprendimą bei emocinį reagavimą, negu specialiųjų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master thesis performed a theoretical analysis of scientific literature on stress, school stress, the coping methods, psychological characteristics of adolescent students. Also it was analyzed styles and strategies of school stress coping. Hypothesis, that high school students’ used styles of stress coping are different compared to the students with special educational needs and their peers. The study was conducted the questionnaire method. Research destination – investigate stress coping characteristics of high school students with special educational needs. It was conducted the statistical (descriptive averages, correlations) data analysis. The study included 216 general education high school students, of which 114 - students with special education needs, 102 - their peers. The empirical part deals with high school special education (learning) needs of students and their peers used stress coping styles; connections between styles of school stress coping, pleasant to learn at school and learning outcomes; characteristics of high school students’ stress coping. The main empirical findings: 1. Students, who do not have special educational needs, more adaptive choice of school avoidance stress coping styles. 2. Girls with special educational needs more often choose stress coping styles, oriented to solving the problem and emotional response than boys with special educational needs. 3. The connections between stress coping styles, oriented to solving the problem, emotional... [to full text]

Valgymo sutrikimais sergančių merginų įveikos strategijų ir emocijų reguliacijos ypatumų sąsajos su patirta prievarta / Peculiarities of coping strategies and emotion regulation in relation to abuse experience in eating disordered females

Lisauskaitė, Irina 23 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimai rodo, kad valgymo sutrikimais sergančios merginos pasižymi mažiau adaptyvia streso įveika bei emocijų reguliacijos sutrikdymais lyginant su sveikomis merginomis. Tyrimai ir klinikinė praktika rodo, kad šios merginos vaikystėje dažnai yra patyrusios seksualinę prievartą. Šio tyrimo tikslas yra ištirti valgymo sutrikimais sergančių merginų streso įveikos strategijų ir emocijų reguliacijos ypatumų sąsajas su vaikystėje patirta seksualine prievarta. Šiame tyrime 39,34 procentai valgymo sutrikimais sergančių merginų nurodė iki 18 metų patyrusios kurią nors iš seksualinės prievartos formų, tad galutines tyrimo dalyvių grupes sudarė 24 patyrusios seksualinę prievartą ir 27 nepatyrusios seksualinės prievartos valgymo sutrikimais sergančios merginos bei 48 kontrolinės grupės merginos. Depresija ir nerimas buvo vertinami Becko depresijos ir Spielbergerio Situacinio – vidinio nerimo klausimynu, įveikos strategijos buvo vertinamos Grakausko ir Valicko sukurtu Keturių faktorių streso įveikos klausimynu, o emocijų reguliacijos ypatumams tirti buvo taikomas olandų sukurtas Kognityvinės emocijų reguliacijos klausimynas ir dvi skalės iš Garnerio Valgymo sutrikimų klausimyno. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad patyrusios seksualinę prievartą stresinėse situacijose rečiau siekia socialinės paramos, tačiau nesiskiria pagal kitas įveikos strategijas lyginant su prievartos nepatyrusiomis merginomis. Seksualinę prievartą patyrusios merginos pasižymi didesniais sunkumais atpažįstant ir įvardinant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research show that eating disorders are associated with less adaptive coping strategies and more emotion regulation impairments. Research studies and clinical practice show that eating disorderd females aften are victims of childhood sexual abuse. The main purpose of this study is to investigate peculiarities of stress coping strategies and emotion regulation in relation to childhood sexual abuse experience. 24 (or 39,34 %) eating disordered females reported a history of sexual abuse before age 18. The other two groups consisted of 27 eating disordered women who did not report a history of sexual abuse and 48 students. Beck Depression Inventory and State – Trait Anxiety Inventory were used for evaluation of distress level, Lithuanian Four-Factor Coping with Stress Questionnaire, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and two scales from the Eating Disorders Inventory were used for evaluation of emotion regulation and stress coping peculiarities. Compared with subjects who did not report a history of childhood sexual abuse, females with a history of sexual abuse are less seeking social support in stressfull situations, but don‘t differ in comparison with other coping strategies. Eating disordered females with a history of sexual abuse exhibited lower emotional awareness and more emotion dysregulation: proness to anger outbursts, mood instability. Those who report history of sexual abuse were liky to show bulimic symptoms: binge eating episodes and were more likely to use... [to full text]

Kardiologinių ligonių psichologiniai ypatumai ir streso įveikos būdai / Psychological Pecularities and Coping Strategies among Cardiological Units

Milukaitė, Eglė 12 June 2013 (has links)
Kardiologiniai ligoniai po kardiochirurginės operacijos ar esant jos būtinybei dažnai susiduria su potrauminio streso, nerimo ir depresijos simptomais,kurie gali turėti neigiamų rezultatų kardiologinėsligos gydyme. Darbo tikslas: įvertinti kardiologinių ligonių psichologinius ypatumus ir streso įveikos būdus. Darbo uždaviniai: Ištirti potrauminio streso sutrikimo, nerimo ir depresijos simptomų paplitimą atsižvelgiant į kardiologinių ligonių lytį ir amžių; nustatyti su potrauminio streso sutrikimo, nerimo ir depresijos simptomais susijusius kardiologinės ligos simptomų intensyvumą atspindinčius rodiklius; nustatyti, ar hospitalizacijos metu jaučami nerimo ir depresijos simptomai siejosi su potrauminio streso simptomų išsivystimu praėjus vienam mėnesiui po ligonių hospitalizacijos; nustatyti ligonių streso įveikos būdų naudojimą priklausomai nuo lyties, amžiaus, išsilavinimo; įvertinti potrauminio streso simptomų pasireiškimą priklausomai nuo ligonių naudojamo streso įveikos būdo. Tyrimo metodika: Anoniminei apklausai atlikti naudoti šie klausimynai: hospitalinė nerimo ir depresijos skalė (HAD), potrauminio streso sutrikimo simptomų skalė, streso įveikos strategijų klausimynas (COPE), Kardiologinių simptomų intensyvumo skalė. Tyrime dalyvavo 201 respondentas: 138 kardiologiniai ligoniai, neturėję chirurginių intervencijų, ir 63 kardiochirurginiai ligoniai, turėję chirurginių intervencijų. Anketiniai duomenys apdoroti ir analizuoti naudojant statistinį paketą SSPS 13.0... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In necessity of or after cardiological surgery cardiological patients are often faced with post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression symptoms, which may have negative results for the treatment of cardiological disease. Aim of the study: to evaluate psychological characteristics and coping with stress techniques of cardiological patients. Objectives: to investigate the occurence of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression symptoms depending on gender and age of cardiological patients; to determine indicators reflecting the intensity of cardiological disease symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression symptoms; to determine whether anxiety and depression symptoms faced during hospitalization were associated with the development of post-traumatic stress symptoms within one month after hospitalization; to evaluate the use of stress coping techniques depending on gender, age, education; to assess the occurrence of post-traumatic stress symptoms depending on the method of coping with stress used by patients. Methods. The following questionnaires used to carry out an anonymous survey: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD), Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Scale, Stress Coping Strategies Questionnaire (COPE), Cardiac Symptoms Intensity Scale. The survey included 201 respondents: 138 cardiological patients who did not have surgical interventions and 63 cardiological patients who had surgical interventions. The data... [to full text]

Personality and Coping in Peruvian volunteers for poverty alleviation / Personalidad y afrontamiento en voluntarios peruanos de lucha contra la pobreza

Gastelumendi Gonçalves, Camila, Oré Luján, Beatriz 25 September 2017 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between coping styles and strategies, and personality styles in a sample of 41 young volunteers of an institution that alleviates poverty in Lima. Peruvian adaptations of COPE and MIPS scales were administered. The results show that volunteers have higher scores on adaptive coping strategies. High scores in some particular personality styles were reported, which allowed to establish a personality profile of this group. According with theoretical framework, most coping strategies correlated with most personality styles, revealing four particular tendencies in these volunteers: they wish to have contact with other people, they usually see positive aspects of situations, they look forward for challenges, and they developed adaptive coping strategies. / El presente estudio explora la relación entre los estilos y estrategias de afrontamiento, y los estilos de personalidad en un grupo de 41 voluntarios de una institución de lucha contra la pobreza en la ciudad de Lima. Se utilizó las escalas COPE y MIPS adaptadas al medio. Los hallazgos revelaron que los voluntarios utilizan estrategias de afrontamiento adaptativas. Los estilos de personalidad que caracterizaron a la muestra permitieron determinar un perfil de personalidad del grupo. De acuerdo con la teoría revisada ambas variables psicológicas resultaron estar asociadas en este grupo de estudio, revelando cuatro tendencias particulares en los voluntarios: deseo por el contacto con los demás, disposición a buscar el lado positivo de las situaciones, interés por asumir retos, y desarrollo de estrategias de afrontamiento adaptativas.

Work-life balance among medical doctors in Nigeria : a gender perspective

Turner, Itari January 2017 (has links)
This exploratory study examined the perceptions and realities of work life balance among medical doctors in Nigerian Public Hospitals. The study aimed to investigate the coping strategies adopted by medical doctors to manage work life balance and finally to examine the gender differences in the lived experiences of male and female medical doctors in Nigeria. The literature revealed that conceptualising work life balance models or employee flexibility in an African work setting is problematic when juxtaposed with primordial African cultural values where work and life are an indissoluble existential unit. The transition from an agrarian economy to new capitalist workplaces in many African countries is still relatively new. This study fills the gap by unveiling the implications this narrative has for understanding contemporary WLB. Forty-one semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted for this study. It involved male and female doctors from public hospitals across three geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The sample of doctors interviewed were specifically resident doctors with a wide range of specialties. Thematic method of data analysis was adopted to provide major themes which were used to discuss the findings of the research investigations. The findings reveal that work in the Nigerian medical sector is notoriously intense as it underscores challenges of long working hours, intense work demand and staff shortage. The findings further suggest women must tread a ‘delicate balance’ between subordination to male authority, domestic responsibilities and ambition/achievement in a professional career. This study makes two key contributions to knowledge. Firstly, the study contributes to existing literature on work-life balance in the Nigerian context, elaborating the situation with work-life balance initiatives and how medical doctors in Nigeria manage to cope with the shortcomings of the organisations. Secondly, the findings fostered a useful extension of the work-family border theory. The border theory explains how individuals navigate between life domains and boundary management. However, the theory has provided little information on the factors that affect how employees manage and negotiate between the domains. This led to the development of the work spiritual life balance model.

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