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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le management de la performance sociétale des stations de montagne : une approche par les parties prenantes / Mountain resorts' social performance management : a stakeholder approach

Bourgel, Boris 29 November 2018 (has links)
La Performance Sociétale de l’Entreprise (PSE) a reçu une attention croissante tant au plan théorique qu’empirique. Pourtant, elle reste souvent réduite à sa dimension « résultats », centrée sur la mesure. Par opposition, sa dimension managériale a été largement ignorée et le management des Parties Prenantes (PP), notion vague et indéterminée, constitue toujours l’unique levier managérial de la PSE proposé par la littérature. Cette thèse cherche à combler ce manque et propose une modélisation de la PSE qui considère explicitement le rôle des PP vis-à-vis de sa dimension managériale. Cette dernière est saisie à travers un ensemble de leviers managériaux situés à trois niveaux – stratégique, tactique et opérationnel. L’applicabilité du modèle aux stations de montagne est discutée à l’aide d’une revue systématique de la littérature pour rendre compte d’éventuelles spécificités propres à cette unité d’analyse. La méthodologie empirique, de nature exploratoire et confirmatoire, repose sur l’étude de 4 cas de stations de montagne situées dans les alpes françaises. Les données primaires issues de 71 entretiens semi-directifs et de questionnaires auprès de PP représentatives des sphères civile, politique et économique des stations ont été complétées par des données secondaires. Malgré le constat d’un certain « tropisme économique » dans les 4 stations étudiées, les résultats indiquent que les PP des stations ont un rôle à jouer aux trois niveaux du management de la performance sociétale et que l’intensité de ce rôle varie en fonction de leur légitimité et pouvoir. Ils montrent également que l’intégration des PP au management de la performance sociétale est une condition nécessaire pour permettre une réelle prise en compte de leurs responsabilités sociétales. Au plan théorique, cette thèse contribue à l’approche de la PSE par les PP par la prise en compte explicite de sa dimension managériale à côté de sa dimension « résultats ». Au plan managérial, elle débouche sur des recommandations utiles pour aider les stations de montagne à se saisir d’une performance élargie à ses composantes économiques, sociales et environnementales en réponse aux enjeux sociétaux auxquels elles font face / Corporate Social Performance (CSP) has received a significant attention from scholars and practitioners. However, the study of the concept is often limited to its “results” dimension, focusing on measurement only. On the other hand, its managerial dimension has mostly been ignored and the concept of “stakeholders management”, a rather vague and ambiguous one, remains as CSP only managerial lever in the literature. This research seeks to fill that gap and develops a new CSP model. Its new managerial dimension comprises a set of managerial levers at strategic, tactic and operational levels and explicitly takes stakeholders’ role into account. As this research focuses on mountain resorts, the model’s relevance for such a unit of analysis has been assessed by confronting it to mountain resorts’ specificities identified through a systematic literature review. From a methodological point of view, 4 mountain resorts located in the French Alps have been studied through two (exploratory and confirmatory) case study methodologies. Primary data consists of transcripts of the 71 semi-directive interviews conducted with stakeholders from the political, civilian and economic spheres in the 4 resorts. Secondary data has also been collected. Despite the “economic tropism” observed in all 4 resorts, results show that stakeholders have a role to play on each three levels of social performance management and that this role may vary according to stakeholders’ power and legitimacy in the resort. They also show that integrating stakeholders in social performance management is a mean, for them, to better take their social responsibilities into account. From a theoretical perspective, the research contributes to the stakeholders’ approach of CSP by explicitly taking its managerial dimension into account and replacing it next to its “results” dimension. From a managerial point of view, we propose recommendations to help mountain resorts to embrace a wider – economic, social and environmental – view of performance

When CSR meets the stock market : the role of investor attention / Responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise et performance financière : quel rôle pour l'attention des investisseurs

El aouadi, Amal 23 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse se compose de trois essais empiriques qui étudient le rôle de l’attention des investisseurs comme étant un déterminant de la relation entre la performance sociale de l’entreprise (PSE) et sa performance financière (PFE). Notre objectif étant de repenser la littérature controversée sur les répercussions financières des activités de l’entreprise en matière de RSE, nous émettons un nouveau postulat – l’attention des investisseurs joue un rôle important dans la relation PSE-PFE. En effet, en complément à l’attrait de l’attention des investisseurs sur les marchés financiers tel que suggéré par un bon nombre d’articles académiques, une littérature émergente mais conséquente a récemment souligné le rôle de la visibilité de l’entreprise ainsi que celui de l’attention des différentes parties prenantes comme étant des facteurs pertinents de la relation entre la PSE et la PFE. Par conséquent, nous avons jugé utile de revisiter les retours sur investissements de la PSE, tout en intégrant l’effet de l’attention des investisseurs.Un important courant de la littérature empirique sur la PSE témoigne d’une forte cohésion entre l’entreprise socialement responsable et ses différentes parties prenantes telles que les consommateurs, les employés, les fournisseurs, les investisseurs les analystes financiers ainsi que les militants et activistes, cette cohésion étant encore plus forte, pour les entreprises bénéficiant d’une attention plus accrue de la part des différentes parties prenantes. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous poursuivons dans une telle logique et plus particulièrement, nous mettons en œuvre une analyse plus fine de ce constat, à savoir, nous évaluons le rôle de l’attention des investisseurs, en tant que ressource cognitive rare et limitée, dans la relation PSE-PFE. Cette thèse comporte quatre chapitres. Un chapitre préliminaire passe en revue la littérature existante sur la valeur marché de la PSE. En particulier, nous identifions trois courants de recherche principaux portant sur cette question et discutons du rôle des mécanismes internes et externes qui affectent la réaction des marchés financiers à la performance sociale. Plus important encore, nous accordons une attention particulière à la littérature sur le rôle de la visibilité de l’entreprise pour traduire la PSE en PFE. Ce dernier constat ouvre le débat sur la pertinence probable de l’attention de l’investisseur comme un déterminant clé de la relation PSE-PFE. Ainsi, dans une deuxième partie, nous portons un intérêt particulier à la littérature antérieure sur l’attention, le traitement de l’information et la prise de décision sur les marchés financiers. Puis, après avoir correctement défini l’attention et présenté son rôle sur les marchés financiers, nous essayons dans la dernière section de ce chapitre, d’établir le lien entre la littérature sur l’attention des investisseurs et celle sur l’impact financier de la PSE afin de déceler les perspectives de recherche futures. En dernier lieu, nous concluons et donnons le ton à la question de recherche complexe et stimulante que nous essayons d’élucider tout au long des trois essais de cette thèse à savoir, comment l’attention des investisseurs transforme la PSE en PFE. [...] / This thesis consists of three empirical essays investigating the role of investor attention as a determinant of the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and financial performance. Our aim is to rethink the controversial literature on the financial implications of CSR activities by exploring a new premise – investor attention may shape the financial returns on corporate social impact. Since a growing stream of literature has highlighted the role of firm visibility as well as stakeholder attention to connect CSP to financial performance in addition to the complementary literature of investor attention and stock prices, we expect that controlling for firm-specific investor attention would provide novel insights to the literature on the potential financial effects of CSP.A consistent strand of literature has provided interesting evidence of a strong relationship between the firm CSP and its stakeholders such as consumers, employees, suppliers, investors, analysts, activists and communities, and regulators, with the benefits being stronger, the greater the attention to and salience of social activities among stakeholders. We complement and extend this literature by implementing a more granular analysis and particularly we focus on the relevance of investors’ attention, a scarce and limited cognitive resource.This research is divided in four chapters. The first chapter is a survey of prior theoretical and empirical literature on the controversial debate of the relation between CSR and financial outcomes. We have particularly reviewed potential mechanisms that allow CSP to translate into CFP. Most importantly, we rely on studies claiming that firm visibility is a crucial factor to connect social impact to financial performance. Another argument of great appeal is the stakeholder attention theory as proposed by Madsen and Rodgers (2015) from which our research question draws its full legitimacy. Then, we have connected the literatures on attention, information, decision making and CSR to remake the CSP-CFP puzzle and highlight potential research hypotheses. A more readable view is provided by Figure 1 (later in this document) which integrates and synthesizes key predictors, outcomes, mediators, and moderators of the CSP-CFP relation by focusing on studies related to CSR and firm visibility thereby introducing the role of investor attention. Figure 1 is not an exhaustive conceptualization of all the intervening variables in this relationship but rather meant as a multilevel lens and guiding framework to which other variables can be added in the future. However, despite all the advancements in assessing the returns on CSR investments, this debate remains unsettled and has yielded conflicting results. Thus, we conducted three empirical essays on the relation between CSP and financial performance and particularly provide new and unique evidence on the role of investor attention to shape this controversial empirical issue. Therefore, in the first essay, we conduct a multi-country event study and investigate the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) news headlines on the shareholder wealth. We find that investors do not value positive ESG news headlines but negatively react to negative ESG news headlines. This result is consistent with the idea that social responsibility and irresponsibility are not the two sides of the same coin. Furthermore, evidence reveals that shareholders only react to negative corporate governance related headlines. This suggests that investors may be especially prone to attend to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives that directly impact their own interests as previously suggested by T. M. Jones et al. (2007). Most importantly, investor attention was found to shape the punishment and reward of CSP, after controlling for the additional role of firm’s internal moderators such as firm size and advertising expenditure. [...]

Corporate Social Responsibility: from Construct to Praxis.

Kusyk, Sophia Maria 14 November 2008 (has links)
Aquesta tesi és organitzada en un compendi de tres articles, cada uns dels quals avança en el nostre coneixement sobre la responsabilitat social corporativa (RSC), des del constructe fins a la pràctica professional. Primerament, l'article 1, titulat "Construint La Torre de Babel: Una Aproximació Mitjançant Lògica Difusa" (escrit conjuntament amb el Dr. Josep Mª Lozano i F. Di Lorenzo), proposa i prova una aproximació epistemològica difusa per contestar a la pregunta: " Pot i hauria d'existir una definició de responsabilitat social? ". Emprant la teoria sobre conjunts difusos per a l'anàlisi sistemàtica de definicions en el camp de l'empresa i societat, demostra com aquestes definicions estan vinculades a les 3 metàfores més citades en el camp de l'empresa i societat (responsabilitat social de l'empresa (RSC), sostenibilitat corporativa (SC) i ciutadania corporativa (CC)). A continuació, l'article 2, titulat "Tipologia En Quatre Cel.les De Les Barreres i Oportunitats Clau Per a La Acció Social en les PYMEs" (escrit conjuntament amb el Dr. Josep Mª Lozano), és una revisió de literatura sobre " Quines són les barreres i oportunitats per a les PYMEs en el seu compromís amb l'acció socialment responsable (ASR)?". Aquest article proposa, partint de l'heteronimia de la notabilitat dels seus stakeholders, una tipologia de 4 classes de PYMEs en base el seu ASR. Finalment, l'article 3, titulat "Safari de Casos de Millors Pràctiques en ASR: utilitzant els prismàtics de l'orientació social de l'empresa (OSR) per identificar la RSC", és un estudi de casos multimètode, sobre la qüestió de " Com es veu la RSC a nivell empresarial? ". Les conclusions d'aquest estudi suggereixen que els dominis de la RSC són jeràrquics en la seva relació, amb l'econòmic com a base. A més, l'àmbit dels principis empresarials en matèria de RSC varia segons la seva àrea d'influència i el sentit del deure moral. En particular, l'estudi crida l'atenció sobre el domini discrecional com a factor diferencial entre les millors pràctiques en ASR i els casos de pràctiques habituals. Per acabar, aquest article construeix en la teoria sobre ASR mitjançant la integració de l'OSR i la seva reorientació per incloure el context de les PYMEs. D'aquesta forma, aquesta tesi doctoral obre diverses oportunitats per a noves línies d'investigació amb la teoria de lògica de conjunts difusos, la de RSC, CC. CS i PYMEs, i la teoria de OSR i ASR. / Esta tesis está organizada en un compendio de tres artículos, cada uno de los cuales avanza en nuestro conocimiento sobre la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC), desde el constructo hasta la práctica profesional. Primeramente, el artículo 1, titulado "Construyendo La Torre de Babel: Una Aproximación Mediante Lógica Difusa" (escrito conjuntamente con el Dr. Josep Mª Lozano y F. Di Lorenzo), propone y prueba una aproximación epistemológica difusa para contestar a la pregunta: "¿Puede y debería existir una definición de responsabilidad social?". Mediante la utilización de la teoría sobre conjuntos difusos para el análisis sistemático de definiciones en el campo de la empresa y sociedad, demuestra como estas definiciones están vinculadas a las 3 metáforas más citadas en el campo de la empresa y sociedad (responsabilidad social de la empresa (RSC), sostenibilidad corporativa (SC) y ciudadanía corporativa (CC)). A continuación, el artículo 2, titulado "Tipología En Cuatro Celdas De Las Barreras y Oportunidades Clave Para La Acción Social en las PYMEs" (escrito conjuntamente con el Dr. Josep Mª Lozano), es una revisión de literatura sobre "¿Cuales son las barreras y oportunidades para las PYMEs en su compromiso con la acción socialmente responsable (ASR)?". Este artículo propone, en base a la heteronimía de la notabilidad de sus stakeholders, una tipología de 4 clases de PYMEs en base su ASR. Finalmente, el artículo 3, titulado "Safari de Casos de Mejores Prácticas en ASR: utilizando los prismáticos de la orientación social de la empresa (OSE) para identificar la RSC", es un estudio de casos multi-método, sobre la cuestión de "¿Cómo se ve la RSC a nivel empresarial?". Las conclusiones de este estudio sugieren que los dominios de la RSC son jerárquicos en su relación, con el económico como base. Además, el ámbito de los principios empresariales en materia de RSC varía según su área de influencia y el sentido del deber moral. En particular, el estudio llama la atención sobre el dominio discrecional como factor diferencial entre las mejores prácticas en ASR y los casos de prácticas habituales. Para terminar, este artículo construye en la teoría sobre ASR mediante la integración de la OSR y su reorientación para incluir el contexto de las PYMEs. De esta forma, esta tesis doctoral abre varias oportunidades para nuevas líneas de investigación con la teoría de lógica de conjuntos difusos, la de RSC, CC. CS y PYMEs, y la teoría de OSE y ASR. / This thesis is organized in a compendium of three articles, each of which furthers our knowledge of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) from construct to practice. Firstly, article 1, entitled Constructing The Tower Of Babel: Towards A Fuzzy Logic Approach (co-authored with Dr. J.M. Lozano and F. Di Lorenzo) proposes and tests a fuzzy epistemological approach to answering the question "Does and can a definition for social accountability exist?". By employing fuzzy set theory for a systematic analysis of definitions within the business and society field demonstrates how they are linked to the 3 most cited metaphors (CSR, corporate sustainability (CS) and corporate citizenship (CC)) in the business and society field. Secondly, article 2, A Four-Cell Typology of Key Social Issue Drivers and Barriers of SME Social Performance (co-authored with Dr. J.M. Lozano) is a literature review of "What are the drivers and barriers to enterprise engagement in socially responsible action?". This article develops a small and medium sized enterprises (SME) four-cell ideal type of social issues management (SIM) response typology based on a proposed heteronomy of stakeholder salience. Thirdly, article 3, called A CSP Best Practice Case Safari: Using CSO Binoculars To Identify CSR, is an explanatory multi-method embedded multiple-case study design addressing the question of "What does corporate social responsibility at enterprise level look like?". The findings of this study suggest that the CSR domains are hierarchical in their relationship with the economic domain as a basis. Moreover that the scope of enterprise principles varies depending on their particular CSR domain influence and moral duty affiliation. In particular, the study calls attention to the discretionary domain as the differentiating factor between corporate social performance (CSP) best-practice and normal practice cases. Finally, this article builds CSP theory by integrating corporate social orientation (CSO) and reorienting it for the SME context. Therefore this thesis opens up several new lines of research opportunities for fuzzy set theory, CSR, CC, CS and SME theory, CSO and CSP theory.

管理階層能力與企業社會責任績效之關聯性 / The Relationship between Managerial Ability and Corporate Social Performance

彭珮欣, Peng, Pei Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣企業爆發許多食安及環境保護問題,引起社會大眾對企業的倫理行為產生高度的關切,使得政府、企業及社會也越來越重視企業社會責任相關議題,因此如何將公司與永續經營策略結合,是高階管理階層所面臨的重要課題。本研究以台灣上市櫃公司為樣本,旨在探討管理階層能力是否會影響企業社會責任之揭露及執行程度。本研究推論管理階層決定企業策略方針、管理制度及組織文化,而較有能力之管理階層較能宏觀全球趨勢,並在永續經營理念下,採行較高程度之社會責任行動。本研究之管理階層能力採用Demerjian et al.(2013)的衡量方式,以資料包絡分析法(DEA)來計算各產業下的公司效率並區分出管理階層所創造之經營效率。實證結果顯示:管理階層能力愈好,愈會揭露企業社會責任資訊,且執行企業社會責任的程度亦較高,符合本研究之推論。 / A series of food safety and environmental incidents in recent years in Taiwan had intrigued public concern about ethical activities of company. Aware of the influence of these activities on society, the government, corporates and society have further increased their attention to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Therefore, the lesson managers have to learn is to formulate corporate strategies aligned with sustainability principles. The objective of this thesis is to explore whether managerial ability is associated with CSR among Taiwan listed firms. We assume that managers are usually empowered with the authority to decide corporate strategies, policies and culture; therefore, more able managers are more knowledgeable of macro-economic trends and tend to engage more in CSR with sustainability goals. With respect to the measurement of managerial ability, we follow Demerjian et al.(2013), who conduct data envelopment analysis (DEA) to estimate firm efficiency and purge key firm-specific characteristics. The empirical results reveal that the higher quality managers are willing to disclose more information of CSR and in turn positively affects firm’s corporate social performance in accordance with our assumption.

The impact of corporate social performance on corporate financial performance / Įmonės socialinės veiklos įtaka įmonės financiniams rezultatams

Kanclerytė, Agnė 14 September 2010 (has links)
This thesis attempts to extend the research in the Corporate Social Performance – Corporate Financial Performance relationship. The studies conducted previously display mixed findings with no unified evidence of the relationship direction and impact. This study reviews the existing literature on CSP and CFP as well as their link, identifying main problems and brings forward the concepts of strategic CSP and ad-hoc CSP. These concepts in a wider term are referred as CSP maturity. The main aim of this study is to investigate whether there is a relationship between company’s financial performance and CSP maturity and if the relationship is present, the relationship direction and causality. A study sample was constructed from large European banks and insurance companies. A panel data containing the information of 86 companies measured separately three times in three years period was analyzed. The empirical study used return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and return on sales (ROS) ratios for CFP operationalisation. CSP maturity was measured as years of continuous involvement into strategic CSP. The correlation analysis was build in order to verify the hypothesis about the CSP maturity and CFP relationship direction. Additionally the average mean of ROA, ROE and ROS was compared between the companies engaged in strategic and ad-hoc CSP. The weighted least squares regression, including several control variables was constructed to test two models of CSP maturity and CFP... [to full text] / Šiuo magistriniu darbu autorė siekia praplėsti įmonės socialnės veiklos (CSP) ir įmonės finansinių resultatų (CFP) sąryšio tyrimus. Ankstesnių tyrimų rezultatai yra prieštaraujantys ir nepateikiantys vienalyčių įrodymų apie šių dviejų kintamųjų ryšio kryptį bei stiprumą. Šis tyrimas apžvelgia ankstesnius tyrimus, atliktus siekiant ištirti ryšį tarp CSP ir CFP, identifikuoja pagrindines problemas ir pristato strateginės ir atsitiktinės socialinės veiklos sampratas. Šios sampratos apibendrintai yra vadinamos CSP branda. Pagrindinis šio tyrimo tikslas yra ištirti ar egzistuoja priežastinis ryšys tarp CSP and CFP ir jei egzistuoja, nustatyti jo kryptį bei priežastingumą. Tyrimui naudojama imtis buvo sudaryta iš stambių Europos bankų bei draudimo kompanijų. Tyrimui buvo naudojami paneliniai duomenys, kurie buvo gauti 86 įmones matuojant 3 kartus tryjų metų periode. Tyrime įmonių finansiniai rezsultatai buvo matuojami turto grąžos (ROA), nuosavybės grąžos (ROE) bei pardavimų grąžos (ROS) rodikliais. CSP branda buvo matuojama nepertraukiamos strategines CSP veiklos metų skaičiumi. Koreliacijos analizė parodė neigiamą ryšį tarp CSP brandos ir įmonės finansinų rezultatų (koreliacijos koeficinetai kievienam finansiniam rodikiui buvo -0.438, -0.358, -0.350). Nepriklausomų imčių vidurkių palyginimo T-testas parodė statistiškai reikšmingą skirtumą tarp ROA ir ROS rodiklių lyginant įmones, kurios CSP vykdė strategiškai ir atsitiktinai. Įmonės, kurios vykdė CSP atsitiktinai, jų ROA ir ROS... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Corporate social responsibility, multinational oil companies and local communities in the Niger Delta : exploring relations, contracts and responsibilities

Enuoh, Rebecca O. January 2016 (has links)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been a subject of increasing interest among academics and business practitioners globally. This thesis contributes to the discourse on CSR in the context of the Nigerian oil industry with regard to corporate-community relations. Specifically, the thesis constitutes a critique of CSR initiatives by multinational oil companies (MOC) operating in the Niger Delta region and their impact on the traditional livelihoods of local communities. The research attempts to understand the link between CSR and Psychological contract from the perspective of both the host communities and the MOCs. This thesis examines community perceptions, expectations and seeks to interpret the relationship between the host communities and the MOCs. The study provides empirical data through the use of twenty-eight semi-structured interviews and three focus groups. This is significant given that most of the research conducted into CSR in this region has been limited to descriptive and extensive theoretical explanations. Findings from the research suggest that the relationship between the host communities and the MOC is a very complex one and that the impact of the MOCs activities can be interpreted from the host communities’ negative actions. The thesis makes an important contribution to the emerging literature on social license to operate (SLO) and in what manner the local communities seek to enforce it. It also offers an alternative approach to CSR based on need assessment and stakeholder involvement rather than corporate obligations and expectations from society in general.

O impacto do desempenho social corporativo sobre o desempenho financeiro nas empresas brasileiras de capital aberto

Leal, Carla Camargo 13 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:26:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carla Camargo Leal.pdf: 481067 bytes, checksum: 460af814aa70cab33b6fa877b8adf9d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-13 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The area of corporate social responsibility is surrounded by controversies. Its defenders claim that it is necessary due to current social and environmental problems. Its opponents argue that it breaks the classic economic model of wealth generation. The research problem proposed seeks to evaluate the existence of evidences by which the corporate social performance impacts the financial results of the organizations, being them risk, financial performance or shareholders´ value distribution. To reach this objective, the arguments against the corporate social responsibility used by the classic economic model are analyzed, as far as new visions are sought under the New Institutional Economics, even though in a embryonic manner. The corporations´ motivations for the corporate social responsibility are also discussed, once they are also permeated by controversies and can unleash arguable results. The empirical part of the research involved the use of multiple regression method, applied between financial dependent variables referring to risk, performance and value distribution to shareholders, and social performance independent variables. The main sample comprises of 328 listed companies, extracted from Economatica, while a second sample includes 371 companies belonging to the largest Brazilian companies, extracted from Revista Exame Melhores e Maiores 2007. For the composition of the social performance variable, various sources of data were used, representing the companies´ participation in public socially-related indexes, certifications regarding social issues, participation in representative social responsibility associations and awards or other forms of reward received. The initial results do not point evidences that capital market exposition could cause better social performance. In general, the regression results did not favor the relation between social performance and a) risk, b) financial performance, and c) shareholders value distribution. The exception was the model using EBITDA/Total Assets as dependent variable in the main sample. Even though, in eight out of ten main models, the coefficient of the social performance variable showed signals expected by the proposed hypotheses. In the other fifteen auxiliary regression models, using the social performance components unassembled, some of the coefficients of the components were significant, although none of them has been significant in more than two models. Among the potential reasons for the non-significant statistical results it may be found the social performance variable composition. Future research can also investigate aspects related to the effects of time in the social and financial performance relation and also the possibilities of social responsibility as an idiosyncrasy factor. For the analysis relating to the distribution of shareholders value, the use of alternative metrics should be considered. / A área de responsabilidade social corporativa está cercada pela controvérsia que coloca em lados opostos os que a defendem sob a alegação da mitigação dos atuais problemas sócio-ambientais e os que a criticam sob a alegação de romper com os modelos clássicos de geração de riqueza para a sociedade. Assim, o problema de pesquisa proposto procura avaliar a existência de evidências de que o desempenho social causa impactos financeiros às organizações, seja sob a forma de risco, de desempenho ou de distribuição de valor aos seus acionistas. Para tanto, são analisados os argumentos teóricos da economia neoclássica contra a responsabilidade social, além de se buscar, de maneira embrionária, uma nova visão econômica sob a perspectiva da Nova Economia Institucional. As motivações para a responsabilidade social no âmbito organizacional também são discutidas, uma vez que também são permeadas por controvérsias e podem desencadear resultados financeiramente discutíveis. A pesquisa empírica envolveu a análise de regressões múltiplas entre as variáveis dependentes financeiras referentes ao risco, ao desempenho financeiro e à distribuição de valor aos acionistas e a variável independente de desempenho social. Foi utilizada uma amostra de 328 empresas abertas obtidas na Economática e uma amostra auxiliar de 371 empresas obtida na Revista Exame Melhores e Maiores 2007. Para a composição do desempenho social foram usadas diversas fontes de dados, representando a participação das empresas em índices de mercado relacionados a questões sociais, a adoção de normas, a participação em associações e as premiações ou outras formas de reconhecimento. Os resultados iniciais não apontaram evidências de que a exposição ao mercado de capitais possa ocasionar melhor desempenho social. No geral, os resultados das regressões não forneceram indícios da relação entre o desempenho social e a) o risco, b) o desempenho financeiro e c) a distribuição de valor para os acionistas. A exceção foi o modelo que tem o EBITDA/AT como regressando na amostra principal. Apesar disso, em oito dos dez modelos principais, os coeficientes da variável desempenho social apresentaram sinais coerentes com o esperado pelas hipóteses propostas. Nas quinze regressões auxiliares, realizadas com os componentes do desempenho social desagregados, alguns coeficientes desses componentes foram significantes, embora nenhum tenha sido significante em mais do que dois desses modelos. Dentre as potenciais razões para os resultados estatisticamente não significantes pode estar a composição da variável de desempenho social, embora estudos futuros possam investigar também aspectos relacionados aos impactos temporais do desempenho social sobre o desempenho financeiro e ainda a possibilidade da responsabilidade social se constituir em um fator idiossincrático. Para a análise relativa à distribuição de valor, o uso de métricas alternativas ao ROE também pode ser pesquisada em estudos futuros.

A relação entre reputação corporativa e responsabilidade social corporativa

Lerner, Elisabeth Barbieri 07 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:26:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elisabeth Barbieri Lerner.pdf: 4124571 bytes, checksum: db4fb20d64783014dfdb33124ae336cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-07 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This research evaluated the relationship between the corporate reputation and the corporate social responsibility under the perspective of internal and external stakeholders of the companies. To carry through the research it was necessary to develop measurement scales for the two searched constructs. In the case of the corporate social responsibility, the development of a scale led to the discussion of models of corporate social performance and how to translate them into and operational measure for social responsibility. Two recognized instruments used by the companies to report their social performance had been adopted as starting point (GRI guidelines e Ethos questionnaire). The study of corporate reputation investigated how it has been defined and which variables have been associated with this construct. It was observed that corporate reputation and corporate image frequently appear in the literature as identical, as totally separate concepts or as interrelated phenomena depending on the viewpoints adopted and a proposition for a definition of corporate reputation and corporate image has also been done. The procedures adopted for the construction of the reputation scale had been based on the studies developed by Schwaiger (2004) and Helm (2005), based in Churchill (1979), Anderson and Gerbing (1991), Bagozzi (1994a), Rossiter (2000), Diamantopoulos and Winklhofer. Both scales were developed by type of stakeholder however with the objective to be universal for the diverse sectors of the economy. The sample of respondents was composed of 7129 customers and 679 employees of four national banks. The results had shown strong relationship between the constructs demonstrating that companies that don t assume a responsible posture won t be able to build a good reputation. It was also possible to identify which factors of the corporate social responsibility are most correlated with corporate reputation and to contribute for the discussion of how companies can more effectively plan their actions for these two groups of stakeholders. The study also contributes for the discussion of the form to measure the two constructs. This is a relevant aspect, considering the diversity of approaches for reputation and the necessity of academic treatment for the subject corporative social responsibility. / Esta pesquisa avaliou a relação entre a reputação corporativa e a responsabilidade social corporativa pela perspectiva de stakeholders internos e externos às empresas. Para realizar pesquisa foi necessário desenvolver escalas de mensuração para os dois construtos. No caso da responsabilidade social corporativa, a confecção de um instrumento de medida levou à discussão de modelos teóricos de desempenho social corporativo e como traduzi-los operacionalmente na mensuração da responsabilidade. Dois reconhecidos instrumentos utilizados pelas empresas para reportar o seu desempenho social foram utilizados como ponto de partida (GRI guidelines e questionário Ethos). O estudo da reputação procurou entender as definições e atributos associados ao construto. Observou-se que a reputação corporativa e a imagem corporativa frequentemente aparecem na literatura como conceitos idênticos, totalmente separados ou inter-relacionados e, portanto foi feita uma proposição de definição para imagem e reputação. Os procedimentos adotados para a contsrução da escala de reputação basearam-se nos estudos desenvolvidos por Schwaiger (2004) e por Helm (2005), embasados em Churchill (1979), Anderson e Gerbing (1991), Bagozzi (1994a), Rossiter (2000), Diamantopoulos e Winklhofer (2001). As escalas desenvolvidas para a mensuração dos dois construtos foram construídas de forma segmentada por stakeholder, porém com o objetivo de serem universais para os diversos setores da economia. A amostra de respondentes foi composta de 7129 clientes e 679 funcionários de quatro bancos nacionais. Os resultados mostraram forte relação entre os construtos para os dois grupos de stakeholders demonstrando que empresas que não assumam postura socialmente responsável não poderão construir boa reputação. Pôde-se ainda identificar separadamente para clientes e funcionários quais os fatores da responsabilidade social são mais fortemente correlacionados com a reputação corporativa e contribuir para a discussão de como as empresas podem direcionar suas ações para estes públicos de forma mais efetiva. O estudo contribui também para a discussão da forma de medir os dois construtos. Este é um aspecto relevante, considerando a diversidade de correntes que abordam reputação e a necessidade de abordagem acadêmica para o tema responsabilidade social corporativa.

Stakeholders e o desempenho social corporativo de entidades desportivas do terceiro setor: proposta de mensuração

Santos, Denis Pereira dos 18 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-06-07T18:43:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Denis Pereira dos Santos.pdf: 944451 bytes, checksum: 9af7f8e985cb5e167c2dd5bf796978f2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-07T18:43:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Denis Pereira dos Santos.pdf: 944451 bytes, checksum: 9af7f8e985cb5e167c2dd5bf796978f2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-18 / Social work sporting institutions of the third sector lacks indicators that can guide decision-making on the part of the managers of these projects. For the measurement of the performance of an institution can use monetary or non-monetary ways. One of the non-monetary forms are the Corporate Social Performance (CSP) or Corporate Social Performance. The concept of Corporate Social Performance (CSP) is related to how an organization reacts against their social demands. This concept is linked to the stakeholder Theory, because the attention to social demands should be analyzed from the perspective of the key stakeholders of the organization. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare, through the CSP, the social performance of sports institutions of the third sector that have an emphasis in sports performance, sports participation and sports education. As specific objectives, this study sought to identify the stakeholders of the institutions in the view of managers, sorts them according to their degree of legitimacy and urgency power and measure the degree of meeting the demands of the key stakeholders in these sports institutions, featuring so the CSP. For measurement of the CSP was proposed an evaluation tool adapted to sporting institutions of the third sector, and characterize the types of stakeholders linked to each institution and their needs and attendance or not on the part of managers. Empirical research using three selected analysis units for the three possible cases represent third sector linked to the sport, using semi-structured interview, observation and document analysis, in order to provide a triangulation of the data collected. The institutions studied showed levels of CSP relatively close, with emphasis on the institution of sport participation with score of 138 points in the measuring tool of CSP developed in this research. The study concluded that the managers of sporting institutions of the third sector lack indicators for strategic decision-making and that these institutions are more likely to meet the needs of stakeholders, which mainly are related to the form of sport developed within these institutions. / O trabalho social por parte das instituições desportivas do terceiro setor carece de indicadores que possam nortear as tomadas de decisão por parte dos gestores destes projetos. Para a mensuração do desempenho de uma instituição podem ser usadas formas monetárias ou não monetárias. Dentre as formas não monetárias está o Corporate Social Performance (CSP) ou Desempenho Social Corporativo. O conceito de Desempenho Social Corporativa (CSP) está relacionado a como uma organização reage em relação as suas demandas sociais. Esse conceito está ligado à Teoria dos Stakeholders, pois o atendimento às demandas sociais deve ser analisado na perspectiva dos principais stakeholders da organização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e comparar, por meio do CSP, o desempenho social das instituições esportivas do terceiro setor que têm ênfase nos esportes de rendimento, esporte de participação e esporte educacional. Como objetivos específicos, este trabalho buscou identificar os stakeholders das instituições na visão dos gestores, classifica-los de acordo com seu grau de poder legitimidade e urgência e mensurar o grau de atendimento das demandas dos principais stakeholders nas estas instituições esportivas, caracterizando assim o CSP. Para mensuração do CSP foi proposta uma ferramenta de avaliação adaptada às instituições esportivas do terceiro setor, caracterizando os tipos de stakeholders ligados a cada instituição e suas necessidades e atendimento ou não por parte dos gestores. A pesquisa foi empírica, utilizando três unidades de análise selecionadas por representarem os três casos possíveis do terceiro setor ligada ao esporte, utilizando-se de entrevista semiestruturada, análise de documentos e observação, a fim de proporcionar uma triangulação dos dados coletados. As instituições estudadas apresentaram níveis de CSP relativamente próximos, com destaque para a instituição desportiva de participação com score de 138 pontos na ferramenta de mensuração de CSP desenvolvida nesta pesquisa. O estudo concluiu que os gestores das instituições desportivas do terceiro setor carecem de indicadores para tomadas de decisão estratégicas e que estas instituições estão mais inclinadas a atender as necessidades dos stakeholders, que principalmente, estão relacionados com a forma de esporte desenvolvido dentro destas instituições.

Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance

Lim, Christopher 01 January 2017 (has links)
Consumers are demanding that corporations become more socially responsible. Executives are challenged to maximize shareholders' returns with achieving a favorable corporate citizen status. The research problem was a gap in knowledge and understanding of the impact of corporate social responsibility on financial performance. This study used multiple linear regression to assess the relationship between key indicators of corporate social responsibility and financial performance from 372 corporations in the S&P500 in 2014. The theoretical foundation was Freeman's stakeholder theory. Environment, community, human rights, diversity, employee relations, product quality, and corporate governance were measures of social performance. Return on assets was used to measure financial performance. When corporate social responsibility was evaluated as an aggregate variable, a significant and negative relationship was found in the financial and material sectors. When corporate social responsibility variables were evaluated independently, employee relations and product quality in the healthcare sector, and community in the financial sector, were found to be positively significant. Environment, product quality, and corporate governance in the financial sector, and employee relations in the consumer and energy sectors, were found to be negatively significant. This study revealed that the relationship between some social variables and financial performance are significant, but not always in a positive direction. Practitioners, executives, and managers can use the findings to evaluate their firm's social position, develop strategies to address gaps, and undertake actions to enhance their firm's social performance, thereby creating positive social change in the community.

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