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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Willingness to Pay for Country-of-origin Labeled, Traceable, and BSE-tested Beef

Lim, Kar Ho 01 January 2012 (has links)
While previous studies have investigated country-of-origin effect from various angles, it remained unexplored the extent to which Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) affects U.S. beef imports from specific countries. Using choice-experiment data, willingness to pay (WTP) for Australian, Canadian beef in addition to other enhancement attributes were estimated with a Mixed Logit Model and a Latent Class Model. The results revealed unobserved taste heterogeneity and important differences in the WTP between the imported and domestic steak. The Latent Class Model estimated the range of discount needed for consumers to switch from U.S. to Canadian steak was a range from $1.09 to $35.12 per pound. Results from the Mixed Logit Model reiterated strong domestic preference. Significant positive WTP for BSE-tested, traceable, and tenderness-assured beef were also observed. In addition, perceived risk theory was utilized to explain the difference in WTP for domestic and imported beef. The psychometric method proposed in Pennings et al. (2002) were adopted, which disentangled perceived risk into risk perception and risk attitude. Using a mixed logit model with error component specification, the result revealed a strong link between risk perception and risk attitude towards consumer choice of country-of-origin labeled beef. Specifically, we found that perceived risk factors have a stronger impact on imported beef than domestic beef, which could partially explain consumers’ aversion towards imported beef. Lastly, the perceived risk framework was expanded to explain variation in the WTP for traceable and BSE-tested beef. The results indicated significant and non-linear impact from risk attitude and risk perception to WTP for the attributes. In addition, BSE-concern, and perceived level of control agribusiness has on food safety significantly influenced WTP for traceable and BSE-tested beef.

The battle of the bottle : Exploring the cognitive, affective and normative aspects of the country of origin effect

Laurén, Alexander, Sandstedt, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
This study examines if there is a difference to what degree the cognitive, affective and normative aspects of the country of origin effect influences the consumer in their evaluation of wine. Wine was the product chosen for this study because it is a product that often uses the country of origin effect as a tool in its marketing. The three aspects were divided into elements to be better suitable for measurement. A questionnaire was handed out to consumers outside liquor stores in Uppsala. The questions examined how much the elements influenced the consumer in their evaluation of wine. The results showed that there is a difference with the affective aspects having more influence than the normative aspects. When further tests were conducted, other results illustrate that cognitive aspects can have bigger influence than normative aspects as well. These results indicate that it is not the country of origin effect as a whole concept that is interesting when it comes to practical use. / Denna studie undersöker om det finns en skillnad i hur mycket de kognitiva, affektiva och normativa aspekterna av ursprungslandets effekt påverkar konsumenterna i deras utvärderingsprocess av vin. Vin valdes då det är en produkt där ursprungslandet tydligt används i marknadsföringen. De tre aspekterna delades sedan in i beståndsdelar för att kunna mätas. En enkätundersökning genomfördes utanför systembolaget i Uppsala. Frågorna undersökte till vilken utsträckning beståndsdelarna påverkade konsumenterna i deras utvärdering. Resultaten påvisade att det finns en skillnad mellan aspekterna. Den affektiva aspekten påverkar konsumenterna mer än den normativa aspekten. Vidare tester visade även att den kognitiva aspekten kan ha en större påverkan än den normativa aspekten. Sålunda påvisade forskningsresultatet att hela ursprungslandet i sig självt inte är av primärt intresse vid praktisk användning.

Verkställighet av ogiltigförklarade skiljedomar i Sverige

Bromander, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Les déterminants de l’état de faible revenu au Canada : l’effet modérateur du statut d’immigrant

Madi, Sari 01 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche a comme objectif de déterminer si le statut d’immigrant agit comme modérateur de la relation entre l’état de faible revenu et ses déterminants au Canada. Elle est basée sur les données du Recensement de 2006. Notre étude cherche à comprendre s'il existe des différences selon l'appartenance à la population immigrante ou à la population native quant à la probabilité d’être dans un état de faible revenu. Également, nous avons accordé une attention particulière à la région d'origine des immigrants. Nos résultats soutiennent qu'effectivement l'effet des déterminants retenus sur la probabilité de connaître l’état de faible revenu varie entre les immigrants et les natifs ainsi qu’entre les immigrants selon leur région d'origine. C'est surtout chez les immigrants issus des pays non traditionnels que l'écart dans l'effet des variables est le plus marqué et ce, par rapport aux natifs. Les immigrants issus des pays traditionnels se trouvent dans une situation intermédiaire, soit entre les deux groupes. Par exemple, l'éducation a un effet négatif moins important sur la probabilité d’être dans un état de faible revenu chez les immigrants originaires des pays non traditionnels comparativement aux natifs et aux immigrants originaires des pays traditionnels. Par contre, l’appartenance à une minorité visible, le statut d’étudiant et l’intensité de travail produisent un effet plus important sur la probabilité en question chez les immigrants issus des pays non traditionnels comparativement aux autres groupes. La connaissance des langues officielles du Canada produit un effet négatif bien plus important dans le cas des immigrants issus des pays non traditionnels. C’est surtout les immigrants bilingues qui sont les moins exposés à l’état de faible revenu, alors que ceux qui ne parlent aucune langue officielle du Canada sont les plus touchés. Nous retrouvons les mêmes effets chez les immigrants issus des pays traditionnels, mais dans une moindre mesure. En somme, cette étude apporte des nouvelles connaissances dans le domaine et permet d’arriver à une meilleure compréhension de l’état de faible revenu chez les personnes âgées de 15 ans et plus au Canada. / The goal of our research is to determine the role that immigrant status plays towards the incidence of low-income status in Canada and to identify the determinants of such status. This research is based on data collected as part of the 2006 Canadian census. Our study will attempt to illustrate the different factors involved in a heightened propensity for immigrants to find themselves in a state of low-income in comparison to the occurrence of the same situation in the native population. In addition, we have chosen to focus our attention on these incidences with relation to the country of origin of the immigrants. The markers we have identified which seemed to increase the probability of lower income status were not the same for immigrants and natives. Incidentally, immigrants experienced specifically distinct circumstances according to their country of origin. The variety of possible effects of each variable studied differed notably in the case of immigrants originating from non-traditional countries, in comparison with the situation of immigrants from traditional countries and that of natives. The situation of the immigrants originating from countries from where people traditionally emigrate to Canada tended to fit an intermediate position between natives and immigrants from countries where people emigrate less frequently to Canada. For example, we found that the level of education of immigrants had a relatively small effect on the probability of finding themselves in a low-income status among non-traditional immigrants, whereas it had a somewhat more important effect in the case of natives and of immigrants from traditional countries. On the other hand, being part of a visible minority, being a student or having a high-work intensity job appeared to have a greater effect on the probability of low-income status among non-traditional immigrants than it did in the case of the two other groups. We also discovered that knowledge of the two official Canadian languages played a major role – and increasingly so in the case of immigrants of non-traditional origin. This was confirmed by the experience of bilingual immigrants, who happened to suffer much less from low-income status than immigrants who spoke none of the official languages of Canada and were the most affected. Regarding knowledge of the official languages, we observed similar effects among immigrants from traditional countries but with a significantly lesser impact. In short, this study introduces a new vision in the matter and provides better understanding of the factors directly affecting the incidence of low-income status among the Canadian population aged 15 and up.

O efeito país de origem na comercialização da carne bovina brasileira na Europa: um estudo com estudantes e funcionários de universidades europeias, importador europeu e exportadores brasileiros / The country origin effect on the Brazilian beef trade in Europe: a study with students and staff of European universities, European importer and Brazilian exporters

Guina, Fernanda de Tavares Canto 08 August 2011 (has links)
Estudos têm demonstrado que idéias pré-estabelecidas e estereotipadas dos indivíduos com relação a países podem afetar suas atitudes em relação a produtos oriundos dessas nações. Tal fato é conhecido como efeito país de origem. Nesse contexto, vale destacar que apesar de o Brasil ter assumido nesta década a posição de maior exportador de carne bovina do mundo, seu papel de liderança nesse campo é criticado por muitos europeus, que acreditam que a pecuária brasileira é responsável por grande parte da destruição da floresta amazônica, pela exploração da mão-de-obra barata e até mesmo escrava e, ainda, por realizar baixo investimento na sanidade dos animais. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é, portanto, analisar a influência da imagem do Brasil na comercialização da carne bovina brasileira na Europa. Este estudo possui uma parte exploratória e outra descritiva, composta por uma etapa quantitativa e outra qualitativa. Além da revisão bibliográfica, foram realizadas entrevistas com exportadores brasileiros, membros de entidades de classe que representam o setor exportador e importador europeu, com o objetivo de complementar os resultados da etapa quantitativa, foco principal da pesquisa. Durante a etapa quantitativa foi realizado um levantamento junto a estudantes e funcionários de universidades na França, Alemanha, Irlanda e Inglaterra, de forma a analisar em que medida a imagem do Brasil pode afetar suas atitudes em relação à carne bovina. Esta pesquisa pôde concluir que crenças em relação a países podem diferir de acordo com o grau de similaridade percebida entre o país do respondente e o país analisado, além de questões demográficas, como local de residência, sexo e faixa etária.Tais fatores também podem moderar a magnitude do efeito país de origem. Conclui-se, também, que os aspectos relativos à comunicação, distribuição e diferenciação dos produtos brasileiros foram os que receberam a pior avaliação por parte dos consumidores que participaram do levantamento, o que significa a necessidade de maior investimento do setor privado e do Governo em ações voltadas para a comunicação dos produtos brasileiros no exterior. Além disso, parece fundamental exaltar nessas campanhas de comunicação, aspectos relacionados às artes e à festividade e amabilidade do povo brasileiro, dimensões bem avaliadas pelos respondentes em todos os países. Observou-se que o total de respondentes avaliou de forma neutra a imagem do Brasil, de uma forma geral, e não houve influência significativa da imagem do Brasil na atitude em relação à carne bovina. Pode-se concluir, portanto, que o efeito país de origem para o total de respondentes foi, apesar de positivo, pouco expressivo. Ao analisar grupos separadamente, observou-se diferenças significativas do efeito país de origem entre as distintas faixas etárias, país de residência, os diferentes gêneros e, entre os grupos com maior ou menor grau de familiaridade e, ainda, envolvimento com o produto. Houve, ainda, diferenças entre os grupos com maior ou menor nível de conhecimento do Brasil. No que se refere às limitações da pesquisa, pode ser destacada a população-alvo definida para esse estudo, tendo em vista que a mesma não abrange outros importantes mercados com os quais o Brasil mantém relações comerciais, como outros países europeus, os Estados Unidos e países asiáticos, ou mesmo diferentes segmentos de consumidores europeus. Pôde-se, com os resultados da pesquisa, avançar no estado da arte nas pesquisas sobre imagem de país e, ainda, colaborar com os profissionais e teóricos de marketing, para que possam melhor gerenciar o construto país de origem como ferramenta de marketing. / In the last years, studies has showed that pre-established ideas and stereotyped from individuals about countries can interfere in their attitudes concerning products from theses nations, phenomena denominated by some authors as the country origin effect. In this context, is important to say that even Brazil has become the main Beef exporter of the world, your leadership in this area has been criticized for some Europeans, who believe that the Brazilian livestock is responsible for Amazon Deforestation, slave work and also, the producers has a low concern with animal health. this position was achieved despite of Amazon deforestation, slave work and not enough animal health care. Brazilian government and the exporter sector have been working to change the image of all productive chain has abroad, showing measures to reduce the environment impact of the activity, in the health care of the animals and in the labor law attendance. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to analyze the influence of Brazilian image in the Brazilian beef trade in Europe. This research is exploratory and descriptive and had a quantitative and a qualitative part. Further the bibliography research, interviews were made with representatives of Brazilian beef exporters and European importer, with the aim of complementing the main focus of this research, the quantitative part. During the quantitative part, a survey was administrated with students and professionals from Europeans universities in France, England, Ireland, and German, in order to know how can Brazilian image affect their attitudes concerning Brazilian beef. This study could conclude that beliefs about countries could be different according the perceived similarity between the respondent country and the analyzed nation, as well as demographic factors, such as place of residence, gender and age. These factors can also moderate the country of origin effect. It also possible to conclude that the aspects related to the communication, distribution and differentiation of Brazilian products receive the worst evaluation from the consumers that had participate of the survey, which means the necessity of improve the investments from the Government and the private sector in this area. Therefore, seems to be very important to give emphasis in theses campaigns, in aspects related with arts, festivity and the friendliness of Brazilian people, dimensions very well evaluated by the respondents. The total of respondents present, in a general way, a neutral evaluation about Brazilian image and the influence of this on the attitude concerning Brazilian beef was not expressive. It is possible to conclude that the country of origin effect, despite of positive, was inexpressive. Analyzing groups separately, it is possible to affirm that the country of origin effect were different between ages, gender and country of residence. It is also different according the level of enrollment and familiarity with Brazilian beef, and between the levels of Knowledge of Brazil. Concerning the limitations from the study, the target population do not achieve others important markets with them Brazil has commercial relations; such as another European countries, Asian countries, USA, even others segments of European consumers. With the results of this study, it was possible to go forward in the state of art in the research about country image and also help marketing professionals and theorist in order to better manage the country of origin as marketing tool.

Herkunft und Image der Lebensmittel als Entscheidungsfaktor bei der Vermarktung im internationalen Wettbewerb unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kommunikationspolitik

Sedláková, Jana 15 July 2009 (has links)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist, die Herkunftspräferenzen der slowakischen Verbraucher zu untersuchen und die Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen für die marketingstrategischen und kommunikationspolitischen Maßnahmen zur Förderung der heimischen Produktion in der Slowakei zu konkretisieren. Der theoretische Abschnitt der Arbeit widmet sich den Prozessen des Verhaltens der Konsumenten aus psychologischer sowie marketingpolitischer Sicht und bietet eine ausführliche theoretische Bestandaufnahme zu den Themenbereichen Konsumentenverhalten, Image, Herkunft, Country-of-Origin. Darüber hinaus werden die Rahmenbedingungen für das Agrarmarketing und herkunftsbezogene Marketingmaßnahmen sowie die Ausgangssituation für das Marketing von Lebensmitteln der slowakischen Herkunft erläutert. Die Sekundäranalyse der Agrarmärkte Tschechiens, Polens und Ungarns bieten die Grundlage für die Verbesserung und neue Vorschläge zu den herkunftsbezogenen Marketingmaßnahmen in der Slowakei. Die empirische Forschung besteht aus 3 Teilen: Aus der standardisierten Konsumentenbefragung mittels Fragenbogens, aus Experteninterviews und aus dem Store/ Produkt-check. Im Fokus der schriftlichen Befragungen stehen die jungen slowakischen Konsumenten mit hohem Bildungsniveau, bei denen die Präferenz für die slowakischen Lebensmittel und deren Abhängigkeit von dem Image der Slowakei sowie die Einstellung zu den Ländern Deutschland, Tschechien und Polen untersucht werden. Die Experteninterviews bieten einen vertieften fachlichen Einblick auf das untersuchte Thema. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung offenbaren deutliche positive Einstellung zum Heimatland und positives Image der Slowakei. Dies lässt sich zum positiven Image der slowakischen Lebensmittel übertragen. Die kognitiven Kaufmotive spielen beim Kauf von slowakischen Lebensmitteln eine übergeordnete Rolle, wobei dem Herkunftskriterium eine gewisse Wichtigkeit zugeschrieben wird. Die erforschten Ergebnisse münden anschließend in die Erarbeitung von Hinweisen, Erweiterungs- und Verbesserungsvorschlägen des in der Slowakei angewendeten Förderungsprogramms für die einheimischen Lebensmittel. / This exploratory study examines the consumer perception and attitudes toward domestic food products among Slovakian consumers. Furthermore this gives recommendation for the improvement of marketing activities to promote domestic food products in Slovakia. The theoretical section of this work is dedicated to the investigation of the processes of consumer behaviour from a psychological and marketing point of view. This section explores and offers a detailed theoretical explanation to the following topics: consumer behaviour, image, origin, country-of-origin. In addition, the framework of agricultural marketing and marketing activities based on origin of the products as well as the situation for the marketing of food products with Slovakian origin are explained. The secondary analyses of the agricultural markets in Czech republic, Poland and Hungary are the basis for the improvement and new suggestions for the marketing activities for the food products in Slovakia. The empirical research consists of 3 parts: consumer standardised surveys, interviews with experts and methods of store-check/ product-check. The consumer surveys focus on young Slovakian consumers with higher education level and their attitudes and preference toward domestic food products and check if they are dependent on portraying the image and assosiations with their home-country. The surveys explor the attitudes toward foreign food products from Germany, Czech republic and Poland as well the country-image of these countries. Interviews with experts provide deeper academic and professional exploration to the investigated field. The results of the scientific surveys reveal significant positive attitudes to the home- country and positive image of Slovakia among the chosen group of Slovakian consumers. This has an influence on the positive image of Slovakian food products. The cognitive buying motives play a significant role in the purchase of Slovakian food products, however the country-of-origin criteria demonstrates an importance as well. The results lead to the formulation of references, improvement recommendations and suggestions for the marketing program for domestic food products in Slovakia.

Impactos das estratégias de comunicação em empresas globais um experimento no mercado automobilístico / Impact of communication strategies in global companies - an experiment in auto market

Toledo, Marcelo Vergilio Paganini de 19 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-13T14:09:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Vergilio Paganini de Toledo.pdf: 1444063 bytes, checksum: 97f2b9942b723774781f4c58f89c548e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-19 / This study sought to assess whether the communication strategy of a global company affects consumer involvement with the product category sold by it , the image of their country of origin and its corporate reputation . An experiment was conducted to test the theoretical model and hypotheses using a sample of 407 individuals defined by judgment of the investigator. This sample was divided into an experimental group of 202 respondents and a control group of 205 people. The scales used in the experiment were validated as to their content , criterion and construct , to be satisfactory for use . The results showed that the proposed theoretical model is consistent and completed the research problem developed . All hypotheses were confirmed surveyed , which leads to the conclusion that there is evidence in this study that the communication strategy of a global company does not impact consumer involvement with the product category manufactured by it , to the image of his country source and its corporate reputation . / Este estudo buscou avaliar se a estratégia de comunicação de uma empresa global afeta o envolvimento do consumidor com a categoria de produto comercializado por ela, a imagem de seu país de origem e sua reputação corporativa. Um experimento foi conduzido para testar o modelo teórico desenvolvido e hipóteses formuladas, utilizando uma amostra de 407 indivíduos definida por julgamento do pesquisador. Esta amostra foi dividida em um grupo experimental de 202 entrevistados e um grupo de controle de 205 pessoas. As escalas utilizadas no experimento foram validadas quanto ao seu conteúdo, critério e constructo, e consideradas satisfatórias para a utilização. Os resultados demostraram que o modelo teórico proposto é consistente e responderam ao problema de pesquisa desenvolvido. Todas as hipóteses pesquisadas foram confirmadas, o que leva-se a concluir que existem evidências no presente estudo que a estratégia de comunicação de uma empresa global não impacta o envolvimento dos consumidores com a categoria de produtos fabricado por ela, com a imagem de seu país de origem e sua reputação corporativa.

Impactos das estratégias de comunicação em empresas globais um experimento no mercado automobilístico / Impact of communication strategies in global companies - an experiment in auto market

Toledo, Marcelo Vergilio Paganini de 19 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-13T14:09:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Vergilio Paganini de Toledo.pdf: 1444063 bytes, checksum: 97f2b9942b723774781f4c58f89c548e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-19 / This study sought to assess whether the communication strategy of a global company affects consumer involvement with the product category sold by it, the image of their country of origin and its corporate reputation. An experiment was conducted to test the theoretical model and hypotheses using a sample of 407 individuals defined by judgment of the investigator. This sample was divided into an experimental group of 202 respondents and a control group of 205 people. The scales used in the experiment were validated as to their content, criterion and construct, to be satisfactory for use. The results showed that the proposed theoretical model is consistent and completed the research problem developed. All hypotheses were confirmed surveyed, which leads to the conclusion that there is evidence in this study that the communication strategy of a global company does not impact consumer involvement with the product category manufactured by it, to the image of his country source and its corporate reputation. / Este estudo buscou avaliar se a estratégia de comunicação de uma empresa global afeta o envolvimento do consumidor com a categoria de produto comercializado por ela, a imagem de seu país de origem e sua reputação corporativa. Um experimento foi conduzido para testar o modelo teórico desenvolvido e hipóteses formuladas, utilizando uma amostra de 407 indivíduos definida por julgamento do pesquisador. Esta amostra foi dividida em um grupo experimental de 202 entrevistados e um grupo de controle de 205 pessoas. As escalas utilizadas no experimento foram validadas quanto ao seu conteúdo, critério e constructo, e consideradas satisfatórias para a utilização. Os resultados demostraram que o modelo teórico proposto é consistente e responderam ao problema de pesquisa desenvolvido. Todas as hipóteses pesquisadas foram confirmadas, o que leva-se a concluir que existem evidências no presente estudo que a estratégia de comunicação de uma empresa global não impacta o envolvimento dos consumidores com a categoria de produtos fabricado por ela, com a imagem de seu país de origem e sua reputação corporativa.

Capacidades de inovação nas multinacionais de países emergentes: as condições do paí­s de origem as influenciam? / Innovative capabilities of energing countries multinationals: do the country of orign conditions influence them?

Fisch, Flávio 15 December 2017 (has links)
A Teoria de Negócios Internacionais sugere que ao aumentar o seu grau de internacionalização, as Empresas Multinacionais dos Países Emergentes dependerão cada vez menos dos efeitos dos seus países de origem, escapando assim das mazelas e deficiências desses países e igualando-se às Empresas Multinacionais dos Países Desenvolvidos. Essa argumentação de escape do país de origem, ou argumentação de escape, enfrenta, no entanto, dois desafios. O primeiro refere-se à geração das vantagens competitivas das multinacionais. As firmas originárias dos países desenvolvidos utilizam-se principalmente de capacidades tecnológicas e marketing para construir suas vantagens com base em seus produtos e marcas diferenciados, enquanto as multinacionais dos países emergentes o fazem a partir do aproveitamento de condições específicas do seu país de origem, utilizando-se de capacidades de inovação em processos e operações e em funções administrativas. O segundo desafio refere-se a evidências empíricas de que efeitos de país de origem se fazem sentir mesmo nas empresas multinacionais maduras de países desenvolvidos. A presente pesquisa busca ampliar o conhecimento sobre as capacidades de inovação das empresas multinacionais de países emergentes através do estudo dos limites do argumento do escape. Uma análise longitudinal das capacidades de inovação das empresas multinacionais brasileiras é utilizada para este fim. Estuda-se um período de cinco anos em que o ambiente de negócios do Brasil mudou de estável e favorável a turbulento e desafiador. A análise utiliza dois \"surveys\" aplicados em 2010 e 2015, além de informação complementar de fontes primárias e secundárias. Os resultados sugerem que as capacidades de inovação dessas empresas multinacionais ainda podem sofrer influência do ambiente institucional político e econômico do seu país de origem, mesmo com incremento do seu grau de internacionalização. Observam-se ainda diferentes consequências conforme a estratégia de internacionalização utilizada pelas firmas. As implicações dos achados são discutidas. / The international Business theory suggests that as they increase their degree of internationalization, Multinationals from Emerging Markets reduce their dependency on their Country of Origin Effects, escaping from these countries\' instabilities and deficiencies, therefore leveling with Multinationals from developed countries. The escape from the country of origin, or escape argument, faces two challenges. The first is that firms from developed countries base their advantages on technology and marketing capabilities to build strong products and brands, whereas firms from emerging countries do so mainly by exploiting their country of origin effects using innovative capabilities related to process and operations and to administrative functions. The second challenge relates to empirical evidence of the persistence of country of origin effects on mature multinational firms from developed countries. This research attempts to improve the knowledge on the innovation capability of Emerging Markets Multinational Enterprises through studying the limits of the escape argument. A longitudinal analysis of the innovative capabilities of Brazilian Multinational firms is used for that purpose. The five-year period studied involves a shift in Brazil\'s conditions from a stable and positive institutional environment to one of turbulence and instability. The research uses data from two surveys executed in 2010 and 2015, as well as other primary and secondary sources. The results suggest that the innovative capabilities from Emerging Market Multinationals can still suffer influences from changes in their home country political and economic institutional environment, even with an increase in their degree of internationalization. The outcomes vary according to the internationalization strategy used by the firms. Implications of these findings are discussed.

A internacionalização da indústria automobilística chinesa: as consequências para o comportamento do consumidor brasileiro

Vieira, Vinnicius Lopes Ramos 14 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vinnicius Lopes Ramos Vieira.pdf: 1425135 bytes, checksum: a110b219163b282218654b10aef75f56 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-14 / This paper aims to investigate, evaluate, and expose topics related to Chinese car maker s internationalization movements, its consequences to consumer behavior and the influence of the country of origin factor in purchase decision-making. This study is justified by the Chinese car offering growth in the Brazilian market. For such, the theoretical basis relied on the systemic structure of internationalization methods proposed by the Uppsala School (U-model), developed by Uppsala University professors Johanson and Wiedersheim-Paul (1975) and Johansson and Vahlne (1977), on the purchase process systemic, proposed by Engel, Blackwell, and Miniard (2000), and on the country of origin influence proposed by Schooler (1965). In the field of research, it was investigated through quantitative method how the Brazilian car purchaser manages the decision-making process, identifying which factors come into play at the good s acquisition, passing by the need recognition, information search, option evaluation, purchase, use, and post-purchase behavior steps, in addition to evaluate how the country of origin China affects the decision-making process. At the end of this paper, it was proposed a survey about the consumer perception about large Chinese organization efforts to provide consumer goods with high-quality standards to the world. The sample has 361 respondents evaluating the proposed questions. The results show that the perception of China positioning as a car maker with competitive prices and quality improvement is building. The country of origin China is still a barrier to sales growth, however due to Chinese car industry track record and development perspectives, as well as its internationalization, they will have a pivotal role in the rearrange of the car making global map / Esta dissertação teve por objetivo investigar, avaliar e expor questões relacionadas aos movimentos de internacionalização das montadoras automobilísticas chinesas para o Brasil, as consequências para o comportamento do consumidor e a influência do fator país de origem no processo decisório de compra. O estudo justifica-se pelo crescimento da oferta de automóveis chineses no mercado brasileiro. Para tanto, a fundamentação teórica baseou-se na estruturação sistêmica dos movimentos de internacionalização proposta pelo modelo da Escola de Uppsala (U-model), desenvolvida pelos professores da Universidade de Uppsala, Johanson e Wiedersheim-Paul (1975) e Johansson e Vahlne (1977), na sistêmica do processo de compra, proposta por Engel, Blacwell e Miniard (2000) e na influência do país de origem (Country of Origin) proposta por Schooler (1965). Na pesquisa de campo, investigou-se a forma quantitativa, como o consumidor brasileiro do bem automóvel administra o processo de decisão de compra, identificando quais os fatores que influenciam a compra do bem, passando pelas etapas de reconhecimento da necessidade, busca da informação, avaliação das alternativas, compra, consumo e comportamento pós-compra, além de avaliar como o país de origem China influencia o processo decisório; ao final, foi proposto um levantamento sobre a percepção dos consumidores em relação aos esforços das organizações chinesas para oferecer ao mundo bens de consumo com elevados padrões de qualidade. A amostra teve 361 respondentes que avaliaram as questões propostas. Os resultados obtidos indicam a percepção do posicionamento da China como um fabricante de automóveis com preço competitivo e com uma melhora crescente da qualidade. O país de origem China ainda é um entrave ao aumento das vendas, porém, pelo histórico e perspectivas de desenvolvimento da indústria automobilística chinesa e sua internacionalização, eles terão papel central na reorganizarão do mapa global de produção de automóveis

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