Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bovide 19."" "subject:"bovidae 19.""
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Fastighetsmäklare i pandemin : En studie av pandemins påverkan på fastighetsmäklaryrket / Real Estate Agent in the pandemic : A study of the impact the pandemic makes on the Real Estate professionHansen Pedersen, Camilla January 2021 (has links)
När pandemin var ett faktum i mars 2020 var det osäkert i vilken utsträckning det skulle påverka Sverige. Men som resten av världen drabbades Sverige hårt av pandemin. Både Folkhälsomyndigheten och mäklarbranschen var tidigt ute med information om åtgärder en kunde genomföra för att begränsa smittan. Syftet med uppsatsen var att svara på hur mäklare i Stockholm har påverkats av pandemin, och vilka åtgärder som implementerats i de olika delarna av förmedlingsprocessen för att minska smittspridningen. Ämnet är mycket relevant i den nuvarande situationen och syftar till att ge en översikt över de råd och rekommendationer som kom från myndighet och branschen, samt hur väl fastighetsmäklarna följde dem i praktiken. Dessutom ville jag undersöka vad mäklarna tycker om framtiden när det gäller dessa åtgärder som har genomförts och hur yrket kan påverkas på lång sikt. Med utgångspunkt i de olika delarna av förmedlingsprocessen och den regelbundna kontaktenmellan mäklare och kunder, har mäklare varit tvungna att vidta åtgärder i alla delar av förmedlingsprocessen för att minska smitta av covid-19. Från den första kontakten till visning,kontraktsskrivning och tillträde har mäklare vidtagit åtgärder som att erbjuda handdesinfektion,undvika fysisk kontakt, hålla avstånd, använda munskydd och erbjuda alternativ till visning. Användning av privata visningar har ökat, liksom ökning i digitala visningar som VR- visning och online visning. Även om hela världen vill att allt ska återvända till det som det var före pandemin, är tron och hoppet att vissa åtgärder har kommit för att stanna, och det med fördel. Den digitala utvecklingen samt underlättande arbete för mäklare när spekulanter bokar in sig till visning, tror mäklare vill fortsätta. Med fördel också åtgärder om hygien. Även om mäklarna tar sitt ansvar vill de också att betona att alla har ett ansvar för att smittan inte sprids. / When the pandemic was a fact in March 2020, it was uncertain to what extent it would affect Sweden. But like the rest of the world, Sweden was hit hard by the pandemic. Both the Swedish Public Health Agency and the brokerage industry gave information early on with measures that could be implemented to limit the infection. The purpose of the thesis was to answer how brokers in Stockholm have been affected by the pandemic, and what measures have been implemented in the various parts of the brokerage process to reduce the spread of infection. The topic is very relevant in the current situation andI wanted to provide an overview of what information came from the government and the industry, as well as how well the real estate agents followed them in practice. In addition, I wanted to investigate what brokers think about the future in terms of these measures that have been implemented and how the profession can be affected in the long term. Based on the different parts of the brokerage process and the steady contact between brokers and clients, brokers have had to take measures in all parts of the brokerage process to reduce covid-19 infection. From the first contact to viewing, contract writing and getting the keys,brokers have taken measures such as offering hand disinfection, avoiding physical contact, keeping their distance, using mouth guards and offering alternatives for viewing. The use of private views has increased, as has the increase in digital views such as VR viewing and onlineviewing. Although the whole world wants everything to return to what it was before the pandemic, the belief and hope that certain measures have come to a halt, and that with advantage. The digital development as well as more automatic work for brokers when speculators book in for viewing online, brokers want to continue. Advantageously also measures on hygiene, the brokers want to continue. Even if the brokers take their responsibility, they also want to emphasize that everyone has a responsibility to ensure that the infection does not spread.
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Letalidad por COVID-19 de dos hospitales COVID de la Región Lambayeque, Chiclayo, 2020-2021Aguilar Zamora, Laines Arturo January 2024 (has links)
Introducción: Las deficiencias en el sistema sanitario, social y económico del país han hecho que esta enfermedad se propague y afecte a la población. Objetivo. Se comparó la letalidad por COVID-19 de dos hospitales COVID de la Región Lambayeque, Chiclayo, 2020 – 2021.Metodología. Se realizó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, observacional, transversal y retrospectivo. Se obtuvo la base de datos de ambos hospitales con muestra de 4844 fallecidos desde Abril (2020) -Diciembre (2021) en Microsoft Excel. Las variables categóricas se expresaron como frecuencia y porcentaje, las numéricas como medias. La tasa de letalidad se obtuvo dividiendo el total de fallecidos entre total de infectados de la misma enfermedad.
Resultados. Se reportaron 4844 fallecidos de los cuales el sexo masculino fue el más afectado 68,0% para el Hospital Luis Heysen (HLH) y 65,0% para el Hospital Regional Lambayeque (HRL), la tasa de letalidad fue 72,1% y 45,2% respectivamente de los hospitales antes mencionados. La edad promedio más afectada fue 63 años. La región más afectada fue Lambayeque – Chiclayo 52,0% HLH y 45,2% HRL, en este último se apreció que la comorbilidad más frecuente fue Hipertensión Esencial 30%. Conclusión. La tasa de letalidad más alta fue del HLH 72,1% respecto al HRL 45,2%, la edad promedio más afectada fue 65
años, el sexo más afectado fue el masculino 65,0%, la región más afectada fue Lambayeque – distrito Chiclayo. La comorbilidad más frecuente en el HRL fue la Hipertensión Esencial 30,0%. / Introduction: Deficiencies in the country's healthcare, social, and economic systems have facilitated the spread and impact of this disease on the population. Objective: This study aimed to compare the lethality of COVID-19 between two COVID hospitals in the Lambayeque Region, Chiclayo, during 2020-2021. Methodology: A quantitative, observational, crosssectional, and retrospective study was conducted. Data were obtained from the databases of both hospitals, with a sample of 4844 deceased individuals from April 2020 to December 2021 in Microsoft Excel. Categorical variables were expressed as frequency and percentage, while numerical variables were presented as means. Lethality rate was calculated by dividing the total number of deaths by the total number of infected individuals. Results: A total of 4844 deaths were reported, with males being the most affected, accounting for 68,0% in Hospital Luis Heysen (HLH) and 65,0% in Hospital Regional Lambayeque (HRL). The lethality rates were 72.1% and 45.2% respectively for the mentioned hospitals. The average age most affected was 63 years. The most affected region was Lambayeque - Chiclayo, with 52,0% in HLH and 45.2% in HRL. Conclusion: The highest lethality rate was observed in HLH, at 72,1%, in the latter we appreciated that the most frequent comorbidity was Essential Hypertension 30%. The average age most affected was 65 years, and the most affected gender was male, representing 65,0%. Additionally, it was identified that the most affected region was Lambayeque, specifically the district of Chiclayo. The most frequent comorbidity in the HRL was Hypertension with 30,0%
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Att möta vården vid Post Covid-19 ur ett patientperspektiv : En allmän litteraturstudie / To meet healthcare in case of Post Covid-19 from a patientperspective : A general literature reviePagander, Julia, Sandén, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Post Covid-19 är ett tillstånd med långvariga diffusa symtom som kan drabba patienten först efter en sjukdomsdebut i Covid-19. Tillståndet som är komplext och påverkar personens livskvalité saknar för tillfället evidensbaserad behandling och diagnostik. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa upplevelser av mötet med vården vid Post Covid-19 ur ett patientperspektiv. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie genomfördes och 12 vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades. Resultat: Litteraturstudiens resultat framställdes till fem kategorier, vilka var upplevelser av tillgång till vård, upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande, upplevelser av kunskap relaterat till Post Covid-19, upplevelser av kontinuitet och upplevelser av stöd- och engagemang. Konklusion: Det förelåg brister i bemötandet av personer med Post Covid-19 relaterat till frånvaro av ett holistiskt- och personcentrerat förhållningssätt bland vårdpersonal. Personer med Post Covid-19 upplevde misstro och tvivel från vårdpersonal, vilket skapade känslor av att inte bli tagen på allvar. Vidare framkom behov av ökad kunskap gällande tillståndets epidemiologi, diagnos och behandling. Sammantaget belyser den föreliggande litteraturstudiens resultat en otillräcklig hälso- och sjukvård för personer med Post Covid-19.
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Allmänsjuksköterskans upplevelser av att bedriva omvårdnad under Covid-19 pandemin : En litteraturöversikt / The general nurse's experiences of providing care during the Covid-19 pandemicSörman, Anna, Malmqvist, Tea, Åkerlind, Nathalie January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: I slutet av 2019 upptäcktes ett nytt coronavirus som snabbt spreds globalt. Covid-19 klassades som en pandemi i början av 2020. Hälso- och sjukvården behövde snabbt ställas om och rätta sig efter nya riktlinjer. Till en början hade sjuksköterskor inte tillräckligt med kunskap om det nya viruset vilket påverkade deras omvårdnadsarbete. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att bedriva omvårdnad under Covid-19 pandemin. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med induktiv ansats genomfördes som inkluderade 13 kvalitativa artiklar. Databaserna CINAHL och PsycInfo användes för sökning efter relevanta artiklar. Ett ramverk för analys beskrivet av Friberg användes vid dataanalys. Resultat: Litteraturöversiktens resultat belyser de komponenter som påverkat sjuksköterskors upplevelser av omvårdnaden under Covid-19 pandemin. Temana ”Nya krav och utmaningar” (att känna rädsla relaterat till smittorisken, att ha bristande kunskap, att arbeta under hög arbetsbelastning) och ”Skyddsutrustningen som en barriär” (att känna trygghet i skyddsutrustningen, att uppleva försvårat arbete med skyddsutrustningen, att kommunicera med skyddsutrustningen) framkom. Slutsats: Rädsla för att bli smittade var en betydande aspekt som påverkade sjuksköterskors omvårdnadsarbete i form av den barriär som skapades till patienterna. Även kunskapsbrist och den höga arbetsbelastningen bidrog till de negativa känsloupplevelser som Covid-19 pandemin medförde. / Background: At the end of 2019, a new coronavirus was discovered, rapidly spreading globally. Covid-19 was classified as a pandemic in early 2020. Healthcare systems needed to be quickly adjusted and adhere to new guidelines. In the beginning, nurses lacked sufficient knowledge about the new virus, which affected their nursing care work. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences of providing care during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: A literature review utilizing an inductive approach was conducted, encompassing 13 qualitative articles. The databases CINAHL and PsycInfo were used to identify relevant studies. A framework for analysis described by Friberg was used for data analysis. Results: The literature review's findings illuminate the components that influenced nurses' experiences of nursing care during the Covid-19 pandemic. The themes "New demands and challenges" (feeling fear related to the risk of infection, having insufficient knowledge, working under high workload) and "Protective equipment as a barrier" (feeling safety in protective equipment, experiencing hindered work with protective equipment, communicating with protective equipment) emerged. Conclusion: Fear of infection was a significant factor that impacted nurses' caregiving by creating a barrier between them and the patients. Insufficient knowledge and high workload also contributed to the negative emotional experiences brought by the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta med palliativ vård under Covid-19-pandemin / Nurses’ experiences of working with palliative care during the Covid-19 pandemicHovbjer, Maja, Karlsson, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: I mitten av mars 2020 deklarerade WHO Covid-19 som en pandemi. Till följd av den snabba smittspridningen av viruset ökade patienttrycket på hälso- och sjukvården, många insjuknade och dödstalen eskalerade. För att möta det ökade behovet av palliativ vård gjordes organisatoriska förändringar. Restriktioner och riktlinjer upprättades för att minska smittspridning vilket påverkade sjuksköterskors arbete med vård i livets slutskede under den globala nödsituationen Covid-19 orsakade. Syfte: Syftet med innevarande studie är att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att ha arbetat med palliativ vård under Covid-19-pandemins globala nödsituation. Metod: Studien är en allmän litteraturöversikt av tio utvalda vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativa och kvantitativa ansatser innehållandes kvalitativ data. Artiklarna analyserades enligt Fribergs (2022a) analysmodell. Resultat: Resultatet genererade fem teman: Känsla av att gå emot professionella värderingar, Stärkt samarbete i team, Hög arbetsbelastning, Teknik skapade förutsättningar och Känsla av otillräcklighet och känslomässigt lidande. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor upplevde känslomässigt lidande relaterat till hög arbetsbelastning och att gå emot sina professionella värderingar i arbetet med palliativ vård. För att ge god palliativ vård behöver sjuksköterskors hälsa främjas och under pandemin upplevde sjuksköterskor att deras känslomässiga lidande lindrades till följd av stöd från kollegor och av känslan att veta att de gjorde ett värdefullt arbete. / Background: In March 2020, the WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic. As a result of the rapid spread of the virus, patient pressure on healthcare increased, many got sick and the death toll escalated. To meet the increased need for palliative care, organizational changes were made. Restrictions and guidelines were established to reduce the spread of infection, which affected nurses' work with end-of-life care during the global emergency. Aim: The purpose is to highlight nurses' experiences of working with palliative care during the global emergency of the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: The study is a literature review of ten selected scientific articles containing qualitative data. The articles were analyzed according to Friberg's (2022a) analysis model. Findings: The result generated in five themes: Going against professional values, Strengthened cooperation in teams, High workload, Technology created opportunities and Feeling of inadequacy and emotional suffering. Conclusion: Nurses experienced emotional distress related to a high workload and going against their professional values in palliative care work. To provide good palliative care, nurses' health needs to be promoted and during the pandemic nurses felt that their emotional distress was alleviated by support from colleagues and the feeling of knowing they were doing valuable work.
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Relationship between preventivebehaviour and benevolence during thecovid-19 pandemic in Sweden. / Sambandet mellan sjukdomsförebyggande beteenden ochvälvilja under covid-19 pandemin i Sverige.Åberg, Louise January 2022 (has links)
Abstract The Covid –19 pandemic requires sustainable behavioural changes to mitigate the spread of the infection. Thus, people are requested to comply with the recommendations given by the authorities. However, people vary with regard to how well they follow the recommendations. It is therefore of importance to understand the driving forces behind behavioural change. This study aims to investigate how people’s willingness to comply with preventive behaviour during a pandemic is related to the prosocial factor of benevolence. A cross-sectional study was performed online on an independent sample (N=1014). A correlational analysis was performed between the variable benevolence and degree of willingness for complying with recommendations as well as for the motives for obeying or disobeying the instructions from authorities. The result showed a significant correlation for the whole study population between how well they followed the recommendations (M = 4.16, S = 0.92) and the levels of benevolence (M = 3.58, S = 0.74) r = 0.22, p = <0.001. Further, there was a significant correlation between altruistic motives and compliance with recommendations, including the view on taking the vaccine. Our findings add to the concept that prosocial orientation during the covid-19 pandemic in Sweden increases compliance with preventive behaviour.
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[pt] A Organização Mundial da Saúde declarou que a resistência aos antibióticos é uma
das 10 principais ameaças globais à saúde pública. Entre os fatores que causam a
disseminação de bactérias multirresistentes está o uso excessivo de antibióticos em
hospitais. Esta tese baseia-se na premissa de que é necessário usar dados históricos
para melhorar a prescrição de antibióticos e, assim, reduzir o impacto da resistência
em ambientes hospitalares. Seus objetivos específicos incluem a análise de dados
para fornecer informações que possam apoiar a prescrição de antibióticos, evitando
assim que as taxas de resistência permaneçam elevadas após a pandemia de
COVID-19 e prevenindo futuras quebras de protocolo semelhantes.. A tese também
investiga as diferenças de desfechos entre a apresentação de bactérias resistentes e
não resistentes em infecções adquiridas na comunidade. Para alcançar esses
objetivos, os métodos incluem ferramentas de análise de dados, como estatísticas
descritivas e inferenciais, Regressão Logística, Mineração de Processos e
Mineração de Texto. Os dados incluem informações sobre pacientes internados em
Unidades de Terapia Intensiva em hospitais de uma rede privada localizados no Rio
de Janeiro, Brasil. A tese é composta por três artigos e descreve ainda uma
plataforma desenvolvida para apoiar a prescrição de antibióticos em hospitais. Os
resultados da tese revelaram um aumento significativo no consumo de antibióticos
durante a pandemia, especialmente durante o segundo e terceiro meses da doença
no Brasil. Esse aumento, aliado à alta variabilidade nos tratamentos de pacientes
com COVID-19, demonstra que a incerteza em relação à doença levou ao não
cumprimento dos protocolos previamente estabelecidos. O meropenem, um
antibiótico da classe dos carbapenêmicos, teve o maior número ajustado de doses
prescritas para pacientes com COVID-19 nos hospitais analisados. O aumento na
prescrição de carbapenêmicos provavelmente explica o aumento observado na
resistência a esse antibiótico durante o surto de COVID-19. No período pós-surto,
a taxa de resistência aos carbapenêmicos diminuiu, seguindo a queda no consumo
desses antibióticos após os primeiros meses da pandemia. No entanto, mesmo com
a diminuição, os níveis de resistência pós-surto permaneceram mais altos do que
antes da pandemia. Além disso, observou-se que a pandemia alterou outro hábito
dos médicos nos hospitais pois o número de exames por paciente aumentou durante
a pandemia e, mesmo após o surto da doença, continuou mais alto do que antes da
doença. A tese também demonstrou como ferramentas de Mineração de Texto
podem ser utilizadas na etapa de tratamento dos dados, possibilitando a inclusão de
mais informações nas análises. Constatou-se ainda que, embora um terço dos
pacientes admitidos em unidades de terapia intensiva apresentassem bactérias
resistentes, não houve evidência de que isso implicasse em maiores chances de
mortalidade hospitalar ou sepse em comparação com pacientes com infecções
comunitárias por bactérias não resistentes. / [en] The World Health Organization has declared that antimicrobial resistance is one of
the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity. Among the factors that
cause the dissemination of multidrug-resistant bacteria is the overuse of
antimicrobials in hospitals. This thesis is based on the premise that it is necessary
to use historical data to improve antimicrobial prescription and thus reduce the
burden of antimicrobial resistance in hospital settings. Its specific goals include
analyzing data to provide information that can support antimicrobial prescription,
thus avoiding antimicrobial resistance rates remaining high after the COVID-19
pandemic and preventing future similar protocol breakdowns. It also investigates
the differences in outcomes between presenting resistant vs. non-resistant bacteria
in community-acquired infections. To achieve these objectives, the methods include
data analysis tools such as descriptive and inferential statistics, Logistic Regression,
Process Mining, and Text Mining. The data includes information on patients
admitted to Intensive Care Units in hospitals from a private network located in Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil. The thesis comprises three articles and describes a CDSS
developed to support antimicrobial prescription in hospitals. The thesis s findings
revealed a significant increase in antimicrobial consumption and high variability in
treatments for COVID-19 patients. Specifically, meropenem, a carbapenem-class
antimicrobial, presented the highest adjusted number of doses prescribed for
COVID-19 patients in the analyzed hospitals. The escalation in carbapenem
prescription probably explains the observed increase in carbapenem resistance
during the COVID-19 surge. In the post-surge, the carbapenem resistance rate
decreased, following the decrease pattern we found in carbapenem consumption
after the first months of the pandemic. Even though there was a decrease in
carbapenem resistance, the post-surge levels remained higher than before the surge.
Besides, this thesis did not find an association between presenting with
antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and higher chances of hospital mortality or sepsis
in patients with community-acquired infections.
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[pt] No ano de 2020, a população mundial foi surpreendida por um novo vírus
que desencadeou uma série de mudanças na vida de todos. Devido ao coronavírus,
escolas e diversos estabelecimentos foram fechados. Com isso, milhares de
crianças deixaram de frequentar a escola e, principalmente, aquelas que estavam
no começo da aprendizagem de leitura e escrita, tiveram sua escolarização
gravemente afetada. Esta tese traz uma pesquisa qualitativa que investiga o
processo de alfabetização ocorrido durante o período da pandemia do covid-19.
Trata-se de um estudo de caso de uma escola municipal do Rio de Janeiro, onde
foram entrevistadas: 5 professoras que atuaram em classes de alfabetização no ano
de 2020 ou que receberam alunos advindos desta etapa nos anos de 2021 e 2022,
25 crianças do 3º e 4º ano e 16 responsáveis. As entrevistas foram individuais com
os adultos e coletivas com as crianças, e todas foram transcritas, codificadas e
analisadas com o software Atlas Ti. Os resultados mostram que as professoras
viram dificuldades na adaptação das crianças à cultura escolar, defasagem da
aprendizagem e dificuldades em habilidades que somente através da escolarização
poderiam ser adquiridas. As professoras indicaram também a importância da
família no processo de retorno ao ensino presencial. Por meio das entrevistas com
as crianças, verificamos que a mediação das tarefas ficava sob responsabilidade,
principalmente, das mães. Dentre o repertório diverso de atividades realizadas
pelas crianças, houve, contudo, um maior destaque para atividades tradicionais -
cópias de textos e o trabalho com palavras e sílabas. Já as crianças falaram sobre
uma alta carga de tarefas para serem realizadas, algo que se tornou um obstáculo
devido ao outro problema indicado por elas: a dificuldade em se comunicar com
as professoras. Também sinalizaram a importância da escola para a aprendizagem
e socialização, mencionando a saudade dos amigos e das atividades escolares. Por
último, nas entrevistas com os responsáveis, vimos que utilizaram variedade de
recursos na tentativa de auxiliar as crianças em sua aprendizagem, destacando-se:
a impressão das atividades enviadas pela escola, o uso da apostila da rede, a
participação nas aulas remotas, atividades enviadas pelo WhatsApp e aulas pelo
programa disponibilizado pelo município, o Rioeduca na TV. Os responsáveis
destacaram aspectos positivos e negativos do ensino remoto, ressaltando a
importância do papel do professor e da seleção adequada de materiais, além da
importância da interação presencial. Em suma, este estudo evidencia a
necessidade de estratégias educacionais mais eficazes e inclusivas para enfrentar
crises futuras, reforçando o papel insubstituível da escola e do professor no
processo de alfabetização e desenvolvimento das crianças. É necessário que o
governo faça investimentos para termos, de fato, uma educação pública
democrática e de qualidade. / [en] In 2020, the world s population was taken by surprise by a new virus that
triggered a series of changes in everyone s lives. Due to the coronavirus, schools
and several establishments were closed. As a result, thousands of children stopped
attending school and, especially those who were just beginning to learn to read
and write, had their schooling seriously affected. This thesis presents qualitative
research that investigates the literacy process that occurred during the period of
the covid-19 pandemic. It is a case study of a municipal school in Rio de Janeiro,
where we interviewed: 5 teachers who worked in literacy classes in 2020 or who
received students from this phase in 2021 and 2022, 25 children in the 3rd and 4th
grades and 16 of their guardians. The interviews were conducted individually with
adults and collectively with children, and all were transcribed, coded and analyzed
using Atlas Ti software. The results show that the teachers saw difficulties in
children s adaptation to the school culture, delays in learning and difficulties in
skills that could only be acquired through schooling. The teachers also indicated
the importance of the family in the process of returning to school education.
Through the interviews with the children, we found that the mediation of tasks
was mainly the responsibility of mothers. Among the diverse repertoire of
activities performed by the children, however, there was a greater emphasis on
traditional activities - copying texts and working with words and syllables.
Children, on the other hand, spoke about a high workload to be completed,
something that became an obstacle due to another problem they mentioned: the
difficulty in communicating with the teachers. The children also mentioned the
importance of school for learning and socialization, mentioning that they missed
their friends and school activities. Finally, in the interviews with the guardians,
we saw a variety of resources used, with emphasis on printing out the activities
sent by the school, the use of the municipality handouts, remote classes, activities
sent via WhatsApp, and classes taught online via the program provided by the
education department, Rioeduca na TV. The guardians highlighted both positive
and negative aspects of remote teaching, emphasizing the importance of the role
of the teacher and the appropriate selection of materials, in addition to the
importance of face-to-face interaction. In short, this study highlights the need for
more effective and inclusive educational strategies to face future crises,
reinforcing the irreplaceable role of the school and the teacher in literacy and the
overall development of children. The government needs to invest to have, in fact,
a democratic and quality public education.
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Mental Health, Social and Emotional Well-Being, and Perceived Burdens of University Students During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown in GermanyKohls, Elisabeth, Baldofski, Sabrina, Moeller, Raiko, Klemm, Sarah-Lena, Rummel-Kluge, Christine 31 March 2023 (has links)
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has been affecting everyone’s daily life in
unknown measures since its outbreak. Nearly all Universities around the globe were
affected. Further, young people and University students in particular, are known to be
vulnerable for developing mental disorders. This study aims to examine the mental health
social and emotional well-being and perceived burdens of University students during
COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Germany.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional and anonymous online survey
among University students assessed mental health status with standardized measures
(depressive symptoms, alcohol and drug consumption, and eating disorder symptoms),
attitudes toward the COVID-19 pandemic and perceived burdens, and social and
emotional aspects of the pandemic (social support, perceived stress, loneliness, and
Results: In total, N = 3,382 German University students participated. Nearly half of the
students (49%) reported that they are worried or very much worried about the COVID-19
pandemic. The majority supports the governmental lockdown measures (85%). A Patient
Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) sum score of 10 or above, indicating clinically relevant
depressive symptoms, was reported by 37% (n = 1,249). The PHQ-9 sum score was on
average 8.66 (SD = 5.46). Suicidal thoughts were indicated by 14.5%of the participants.
Levels of depressive symptoms differed significantly for the different self-rated income
changes during the pandemic (increase, decrease, no change in income). Further,
levels of depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation differed significantly for students
from different faculties. Multiple regression analyses revealed that not being a parent,
having no indirect social contact one or two times a week, higher perceived stress,
higher experienced loneliness, lower social support, and lower self-efficacy significantly
predicted higher scores of depressive symptoms, also higher hazardous alcohol use,
and higher levels of eating disorder symptoms. Other aspects of lifestyle such as social
and cultural activities, dating, and hobbies were reported to be negatively affected during
the pandemic.
Conclusion: The present study implies that University students are vulnerable and due
to elevated depressive symptoms at risk, being hit hard by the pandemic, but are in
general coping adaptively. Low-threshold online interventions promoting help-seeking
and also targeting various mental health conditions might bridge the gap the COVID-19
pandemic opened up recently.
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Health Disparities During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the U.S. TerritoriesMercado, Brook Lyn M. January 2022 (has links)
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