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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of the Crack Behavior of CRC Using 4D Computed Tomography, Photogrammetry, and Fiber Optic Sensing

Giese, Josiane, Herbers, Max, Liebold, Frank, Wagner, Franz, Grzesiak, Szymon, de Sousa, Christoph, Pahn, Matthias, Maas, Hans-Gerd, Marx, Steffen, Curbach, Manfred, Beckmann, Birgit 16 January 2025 (has links)
The highly irregular crack pattern of reinforced concrete has been studied primarily at the surface. The ability to extend image correlation into the interior of structures by using X-ray computed tomography (CT) opens up new possibilities for analyzing the internal mechanics of concrete. In order to enable a complete material characterization, it is necessary to study the crack geometry at the micro level in 3D images over time, i.e., 4D data. This paper presents the results of in situ CT tests that were carried out on carbon-reinforced concrete (CRC) beams subjected to bending load. The main objective of the tests was the experimental analysis of the evolution of individual cracks at different stages of their formation by applying digital volume correlation (DVC) to the 4D image data from the computed tomography. The results obtained from the CT were compared with other measurement techniques, such as distributed fiber optic sensing, clip gauges, and digital image correlation (DIC).

Crack monitoring on concrete structures: Comparison of various distributed fiber optic sensors with digital image correlation method

Herbers, Max, Richter, Bertram, Gebauer, Daniel, Classen, Martin, Marx, Steffen 16 January 2025 (has links)
The quality of strain measurements using distributed fiber optic sensors (DFOS) depends largely on the bond between the host material and the optical fiber. Experimental investigations were carried out to test the suitability of five different DFOS types for crack monitoring. The DFOS were subsequently bonded to two 4 m long reinforced concrete (RC) beams, so that the influence of the application technique could be evaluated. DFOS measurements were verified by digital image correlation (DIC) and electrical strain gauges (SGs). For the different DFOS types, clear differences in the measured strain curves and determined crack widths were observed. The focus was on two robust DFOS, which can be deployed on construction sites. Compared to the layered sensing cable, a monolithic DFOS showed a clear strain distribution with pronounced strain peaks even for closely spaced cracks. The crack widths obtained by integrating the strain curves showed high agreement with DIC measurements.

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Berechnung von Rissbreiten in veränderlichen Verbundsituationen / Opportunities and limits of crack control in respect to varying bond situations

Eckfeldt, Lars 24 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit reflektiert die aktuelle Diskussion von Modellen zur Vorhersage von Rissbreiten und versucht, objektive Vergleichskriterien aufzustellen sowie Folgerungen für mögliche Lösungswege zu ziehen. Am Beginn steht eine ausführliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Verbundmechanismus zwischen Betonstahl und Beton und den Möglichkeiten der Verbundanalyse. Ausgehend von eigenen Versuchen an kurzen Verbundlängen zur Untersuchung des Verbundverhaltens von Bewehrung in hochfesten Betonen wird in der Arbeit nach Möglichkeiten zur Vorhersage von Gleit- und Sprengbrüchen gesucht. Für Sprengbrüche, also Längsrissbildung, ist ein verbesserter Versuchsaufbau entwickelt worden, der Rückschlüsse auf die Verformungsentwicklung in der potentiellen Sprengbruchfläche und den Aufbau eines Verbundwiderstands unter Belastung ermöglicht. Es stellte sich trotz der Fortschritte in der Versagensanalyse dieser Versuche heraus, dass es wenig sinnvoll ist, die gewonnenen Verbundgesetze direkt auf lange Verbundlängen zur Ermittlung von Rissbreiten anzuwenden. Zur Simulation der mit Bauteilsituationen vergleichbaren langen Verbundlängen wird dagegen eine Hypothese über den Widerstand einer potentiellen Längsbruchfläche verwendet. Dabei wird die mögliche Reaktion von gekoppelten und voneinander abhängigen Betonzugringen um einen Betonstahl, vom Lasteintrag beginnend, sukzessive fortschreitend aufgebaut. Die Aufteilung der Zugringe folgt dabei einer Annahme über die Entwicklung von lokalen Verbundrissen nach Goto. Damit ist die Zugringtheorie von Tepfers auf lange Verbundlängen übertragbar und Simulationen von Zugstäben nahe an Tepfers theoretischen Ansätzen werden so ermöglicht. Die Rechnersimulationen an langen Verbundlängen im Vergleich zur Prognose nach MC 90 wurden für Einzelrissbildung und abgeschlossene Rissbildung an zylindrischen Dehnkörpergeometrien durchgeführt. Zur Verifizierung der zeitabhängigen Einflüsse wie Zwängungen aus Schwinden und Zugkriechen sind einfache Ansätze entwickelt worden. Am Ende dieser Analysen steht eine Neubewertung normativer Ansätze (MC 90/DIN 1045-1 sowie EN 1992-1-1) zur Berechnung einer charakteristischen Rissbreite. Eine Schlüsselstellung nimmt die richtige Prognose des wirksamen Rissabstands in allen Berechnungsmodellen ein. Anhand eines neu zusammengestellten Datensatzes und vorhandener Vergleichsdatensätze wurde die Performance der Modelle untersucht. Anwendungsbereiche, die problematisch erscheinen, konnten eingegrenzt werden. Es war zu folgern, dass die Ansätze für den effektiven Bewehrungsgrad und die Verbundspannung zu verbessern sind. Die daraufhin mit einem additiven Sicherheitselement und einem variablen Mindestwert entwickelte Modellalternative gegenüber den normativen Vorschlägen ist nun zielgerichteter und kann dabei eine effektivere und zuverlässigere Prognose der Rissbreite und damit der konstruktiven Bewehrungslösung liefern. Die Anforderungen an die Performance eines Rechenwertes der Rissbreite wk sind um ein Effektivitätskriterium für den Rissabstand srk ergänzt worden, dessen Vorhersagequalität entscheidend für effiziente und zuverlässige Vorhersagen der Rissbreite ist. Die Zuverlässigkeit des DIN-Ansatzes für Mindestbewehrung im Grenzzustand der Gebrauchstauglichkeit ist ebenfalls geprüft worden. Umfangreiche Zusammenstellungen, Beispiele und Parameterstudien sind im Anhang der Arbeit hinzugefügt, um die theoretischen Ergebnisse zu stützen und Lesern Vergleichsmöglichkeiten zu bieten. Dazu gehören auch zwei Ablaufpläne und Hilfsmittel für einfache Absicherungen, die die zu erwartenden Schwierigkeiten bei der Verwendung des normativen DIN 1045-1 Ansatzes zur Beschränkung auf kleine Rissbreiten ausgleichen können. / The doctoral thesis reflects the recent discussion on the finding of suitable verification models for crack width control. It tries to assemble criteria for the comparison in order to draw conclusions from the outcome. In the very beginning stands a widespread analysis of the bond mechanisms between the reinforcing steel and the concrete. Starting from own testing on short embedment lengths in HPC, opportunities are researched for the prediction of a sliding or splitting failure of the surrounding concrete during bar pull-out. An improved test setup is developed by the Author to verify the splitting failure mechanism that finally leads to longitudinal cover cracking. It enables to obtain better indications for the inner strain development in the later failure plane, showing the development of the bond resistance during loading. Although progress were made in the quality of analysis, it turned out that, a direct implementation of obtained bond laws is less successful to take care of the apparent problem of long embedment lengths. The description of that problem is essential within the crack width verification. Differently, a method is suggested to simulate a probable longitudinal splitting plane and its potential to resist an applied longitudinal load. In that method, the possible reaction of interlinked concrete tension rings around a steel bar is thought to form a growing global resistance with every added resistance ring in a sequential chain that are decreasingly loaded if the distance to the load application increases. The segmentation follows an approximation of the possibly development of local bond cracks acc. to Goto. In this, the application of the tension ring theory from Tepfers were successfully overtaken to the problem of long embedment lengths. It enables for simulations close to the original theory of tensile rings formed by concrete around the reinforcing steel. Comparing the results with MC 90, the simulation of long embedment lengths were performed using imaginary cylindrical test-specimen, enabling the verification of single and stabilized cracking. Simplified methods were developed in order to implement time-dependent influences like restraint from creep and shrinkage.An extensive evaluation of the normative methods (MC 90/ DIN 1045-1 and EN 1992-1-1) for verifications of a characteristic crack width stands at the end of the studies. A key position within the models is held by the realistic prognosis of the accountable crack distance. Using a newly compiled dataset and already existing data for comparison, the performances of current models were verified for predicting crack widths or distances. Complicated fields of its application could be marked and isolated. It was concluded that, the approaches for the determination of the effective reinforcement ratio and the bond stress should be improved. The developed alternative for calculation is assembled with an added safety feature and a variable minimum for the crack distance. It can lead to a more reliable prognosis for crack distances and the depending crack widths in order to design a more efficient reinforcement detailing. The requirements on the performance of a determined characteristic crack width wk are extended by the application of a criteria of effectiveness for the calculated crack distance srk. The reliability of the MC 90 -approach and the DIN-approach for minimum reinforcement has also been checked. Extensive compilations of data, examples and parameter studies are added to the appendix in order to backup the theoretical results and to invite others to compare. Two calculation flow charts and helptools are integrated to ensure the quality of crack width calculations also in cases where smaller crack widths must be verified, using informative and normative methods in MC 90/ DIN 1045-1.

Monolitická nádrž ČOV / Cast-in-place tank of sewage plant

Čožík, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and assessment of monolithic reinforced concrete structures tanks and wastewater treatment plants in accordance with applicable standards and drafting drawings. The tank is divided into individual solved parts: base plate, walls and ceiling plate. These parts are designed according to the ultimate limit states and serviceability. Resolves an assessment of the foundation structure according to the second geotechnical categories.

Jämförelse av beräkningsprogram och handberäkningar för att minimera armeringsmängd i grundplatta / A comparison between FEM-software and manual calculations to decrease the required reinforcement for a foundation slab

Dahl, Robert, Göransson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
This study is based on an analysis of a foundation slab where calculations are done to find the minimum amount of reinforcement needed. The purpose of this thesis is to find a balance between time-cost, carbon dioxide emissions and the working environment. One way to minimize time-cost is by using FEM-software. In some cases, FEM-software is more exact than manual calculations, since manual calculations usually approximate. For this reason, manual calculations are compared to FEM-Design. FEM-software is commonly used for other parts of construction, which saves time-cost and materials compared to manual calculations. The use of FEM-software for foundation slabs could improve the dimensioning process in the same manner. The slab that is analysed in this thesis is part of an industrial building. The slab has two parts with different prerequisites in forms of area, thickness and point loads. Shrinkage- and creep-deformations are common causes for cracks in concrete. The results show that FEM-Design saves time for both parts of the slab but requires more reinforcement for the bigger of the two dimensions, which entails higher carbon dioxide emissions. Both calculation-methods met the maximum distance of 150 mm between the reinforcement bars which is the requirement for the workplace environment. / Detta examensarbete handlar om att analysera en grundplatta genom att hitta en balans mellan tid, arbetsmiljö och minimering av koldioxidutsläpp. Sweco presenterade utmaningen att beräkna den optimala ameringsmängden med hänsyn till dessa aspekter och erbjöd resurser för analysen. Plattan som analyseras är en del av en industribyggnad. Den är uppdelad i två delplattor som har olika förutsättningar för tjocklek och laststorlek. Ett sätt att minimera tid kan vara att använda sig av FEM-beräkningsprogram. I vissa fall är FEM-beräkningsprogram mer säkra än handberäkningar då handberäkningar approximerar. Av dessa anledningar jämförs handberäkningar med FEM-Design. Grundplattor är intressanta konstruktionsdelar som utsätts för krymp- samt krypdeformationer utöver externa laster. Dessa deformationer kan orsaka sprickbildning i armerade grundplattor. Momentfördelningen för grundplattor skiljer sig avsevärt jämfört med betongplattor som vilar på stöd. Resultaten visar att FEM-Design tar mindre tid, men utifrån avgränsningar kräver större armeringsmängd för större dimensioner av grundplattor. Större mängdarmering innebär negativ miljöpåverkan, eftersom större koldioxidutsläpp uppstår vid tillverkning. Båda metoderna klarar arbetsmiljökravet på maximalt 150 mm i centrumavstånd.

Design of Thick Concrete Beams : Using Non-Linear FEM

Teklemariam, Daniel Mekonnen, Hamunzala, Bennie January 2016 (has links)
The experimental studies performed on the behaviour of very thick concrete beams subjected to static loads have revealed that the shear mechanisms play an important role in the overall response and failure behaviour. The aim of this thesis is to recommend suitable design methods for thick concrete beams subjected to off-centre static concentrated load according Eurocode 2 by using non-linear finite element analysis (NLFEA). To achieve this task, Abaqus/Explicit has been used by employing constitutive material models to capture the material non-linearity and stiffness degradation of concrete. Concrete damaged plasticity model and perfect plasticity model has been used for concrete and steel respectively. Three dilation angles (30º, 38º and 45º) and fracture energy from FIB 1990 (76 N/m) and FIB 2010 (142 N/m) has been used to investigate their influence on the finite element model. The dilation angle of 38º and FIB 2010 fracture energy was adopted as the suitable choice that reasonably matched with the experimental results. In verifying and calibrating the finite element model, the experimental results of the thick reinforced concrete beam conducted by the American Concrete Institute have been used. Three design approaches in the ultimate and serviceability limit state according to Eurocode 2 recommendations have been used namely; the beam method, strut and tie method and shell element method. Using the reinforcement detailing of the hand calculations of beam method and strut and tie method and linear finite element analysis of shell element method, non-linear finite element models have been pre-processed and analysed in Abaqus/Explicit. During the post-processing, the results have been interpreted and compared between the three design methods. The results under consideration are hand-calculated load at 0.3 mm crack width, FE-load at 0.3 mm crack width, amount of reinforcement and FE-failure load. The comparison of the results between the three design approaches (beam method, strut and tie method and shell element method) indicates that strut and tie method is better design approach, because it is relatively economic with regards to the quantity of reinforcement bars, has the higher load capacity and has a higher load at crack width of 0.3 mm crack width. / De experimentella studier som utförts på tjocka betongbalkar som utsätts för statisk last har visat att skjuvning spelar en viktig roll i brottmekanismen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att rekommendera lämpliga dimensioneringsmetoder för tjock betongbalkar utsatt for statisk koncentrerad last enligt Eurokod 2 med hjälp av ickelinjära finita element metod. Abaqus/Explicit användes genom att utnyttja konstitutiva materialmodeller för att fånga materialens icke-linjäritet och minskad styvhet. Tre dilatationsvinklar (30°, 38° och 45°) och två brottenergi från FIB 1990 (76 N/m) och FIB 2010 (142 N/m) tillämpas för att kontrollera deras inverkan på FE-modellerna. Dilatationsvinkel med 38° och FIB 2010 med högre brottenergi valdes i de icke-linjära finita elementanalyserna. Kontroll av FE-modellerna är baserad på ”American Concret Institutes” experimentella resultat på de tjocka betongbalkarna. Handberäkningar av tjocka betongbalkar har utförts i brott- och bruksgränstillstånd med tre dimensioneringsmetoder i Eurokod 2 nämligen balk metoden, fackverksmetoden och linjära-FE skalelementmetoden. Jämförelse har gjorts för de olika dimensioneringsmetoderna, genom att använda de armeringsdetaljer av handberäkningar i de verifierade och kalibrerade icke linjära FE-modellerna i Abaqus/Explicit. Resultaten i fråga är last för 0.3 mm handberäknad sprikvidd, FE-last för 0.3 mm sprikvidd, armeringsmängd och FE-brottlast. Jämförelse av resultaten mellan de tre dimensioneringsmetoder (balkmetod, fackverksmetod och skalelementmetod) visar att fackverksmetod är bättre design metod, eftersom det är relativt ekonomiskt med avseende på armeringsmängd, har högre lastkapacitet och last på 0.3 mm sprickvidd.

Study of crack width within a suspended concrete slab with different amount of cement clinker considering lower climate impact

Feizi, Sedige, Khan, Fateha Yasmin January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis investigates the possibility of using a concrete recipe with only 70 % cement clinker for a building project named Gretas Glänta, regarding the demands of cracking for a suspended slab. The requirement to fulfill was a maximum crack width of 0.2 mm due to drying shrinkage and long- term loading. The purpose of using a lower amount of cement clinker in the concrete mix is to reduce the climate impact from the concrete. The thesis considers material testing and modelling of different concrete recipes with variation of the amount of cement clinker. Fly ash was used as the alternative binder. A total of five concrete mixes was tested. One mix with 100% cement clinker was through laboratory testing compared to mixes with 85 % and 70 % cement clinker content. A concrete mix with only 50 % cement clinker was also tested, but this mix is today not allowed according to the concrete standards, but was included in the study to test different material properties of the fresh and hardened concrete. All concrete mixes were tested with the effectivity factor 1, except for the recipe with 70 % cement clinker, which was tested for effectivity factors of 1 and 0.4. The performed study showed that the concrete mix 4 with 70 % cement clinker and with the effectivity factor 0.4 reached the strength class C35/45 after 28 days and also fulfilled the specified requirement of a maximum crack width of 0.2 mm due to drying shrinkage and long-term loading. Water permeability test showed that the concrete mix with 70 % cement clinker and an effectivity factor of 0.4 was waterproof. The concrete mix 3 with 70 % cement clinker and the effectivity factor 1 reached a strength class C30/37. The concrete mix 1 with 100 % cement clinker obtained the highest strength class C50/60 and the mix 2 with 85 % cement clinker reached strength class C45/55. The concrete mix 5 with 50 % cement clinker reached the strength class C20/25 which is the lowest strength class among the tested recipes. All the concrete recipes seemed to be waterproof according to the water permeability test. A background description of carbon dioxide emission from concrete and cement production is presented in the report. Research about ongoing methods to minimize the emission from concrete and cement industry is also summarized. FE-modelling with the software FEM-design and analytical calculations were performed to investigate the crack width due to drying shrinkage and long-term loading for the slab, for concrete mix 2 with 85 % cement clinker with effectivity factor 1 and mixes 3 and 4 with 70 % cement clinker and effectivity factors of 1 and 0.4. The properties obtained from the laboratory tests were used in the modelling and analytical calculations. Results from FEM-design and analytical calculations showed that concrete mixes 3 and 4 with 70 % cement clinker and effectivity factors of 1 and 0.4, and the concrete mix 2 with 85 % cement clinker with effectivity factor 1, fulfilled the demand on crack width. The calculation was not performed for concrete mixes 1 and 5 with 100 % and 50 % cement clinker, respectively, because they were not to be used in the building project. The results from the performed study showed that concrete mix 4 with 70 % cement clinker and an effectivity factor of 0.4 can be used in the building project Gretas Glänta in order to lower the climate impact from the concrete. / Examensarbetet undersöker möjligheten att använda ett betongrecept med endast 70 % cementklinker för ett husbyggnadsprojekt kallat Gretas Glänta med hänsyn till krav på sprickbildning i en fribärande platta. Kravet som ska uppfyllas är en sprickvidd på max 0.2 mm med hänsyn till krympning och långtidsbelastning. Syftet med att använda en lägre andel cementklinker i betongblandningen är att minska klimatpåverkan från betongen. Examensarbetet består av materialförsök och konstruktionsteknisk modellering för olika betongrecept, där andelen cementklinker varieras. Flygaska användes som alternativt bindemedel. Totalt undersöktes fem betongmixer. En mix med 100 % cementklinker jämfördes genom laboratorietestning med motsvarigheter med 85 % och 70 % cementklinkerinnehåll. Ett betongrecept med 50 % cementklinker undersöktes också i detta examensarbete, trots att detta idag inte tillåts enligt betongstandarderna, men inkluderades i studien för att testa olika materialegenskaper i färskt och hårdnat tillstånd. Alla betongmixerna testades med effektivitetsfaktorn 1 förutom receptet med 70 % cementklinkerandel som testades för både 1 och 0.4 i effektivitetsfaktor. Den genomförda studien visade att betongmix 4 med 70 % cementklinker och med effektiviseringsfaktor 0.4 uppnådde hållfasthetsklass C35/45 efter 28 dagar och uppfyllde också angivet krav på maximal sprickbredd 0,2 mm med hänsyn till krympning och långtidslast. Vattenpermeabilitetstest visade att betongmixen med 70 % cementklinker och effektiviseringsfaktor 0.4 var vattentätt. Betongmix 3 med 70 % cementklinker och effektivitetsfaktor 1 uppnådde hållfasthetsklass C30/37. Betongmix 1 med 100 % cementklinker erhöll den högsta hållfasthetsklassen C50/60 och betongmix 2 med 85 % cementklinker gav hållfasthetsklass C45/55. Betongmix 5 med 50 % cementklinker uppnådde hållfasthetsklass C20/25 vilket var den lägsta av de testade betongrecepten. Alla betongrecepten verkade ge vattentät betong enligt vattenpermeabilitetstest. En bakgrundsbeskrivning av koldioxidutsläpp från betong- och cementproduktion genomförs i rapporten. Forskning om pågående metoder för att minimera utsläppen från betong- och cementindustrin sammanfattas också. FE-modellering med programmet FEM-design och analytiska beräkningar utfördes för att undersöka sprickbredden med hänsyn till krympning och långtidslast för betongplattan för betongmix 2 med 85 % cementklinker och effektiviseringsfaktor 1 och betongmixerna 3 och 4 med 70 % cementklinker och effektiviseringsfaktorerna 1 och 0.4. Egenskaperna som erhölls i laboratorietesterna användes i modellerings och de analytiska beräkningarna. Resultat från FEM-design och analytiska beräkningarna visade att betongmixerna 3 och 4 med 70 % cementklinker med effektiviseringsfaktorerna 1 och 0.4 och betongmix 2 med 85 % cementklinker och effektiviseringsfaktor 1 uppfyllde kravet på sprickbredd. Beräkningen utfördes inte för betongmixerna 1 och 5 med 100 % cementklinker och 50 % cementklinker då de inte var aktuella för att användas i bostadsprojektet. Resultaten från den genomförda studien visade att betongmix 4 med 70% cementklinker och med en effektivitetsfaktor 0.4 kan användas i husbyggnadsprojektet Gretas Glänta för att sänka klimatpåverkan från betongen.

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Berechnung von Rissbreiten in veränderlichen Verbundsituationen

Eckfeldt, Lars 20 July 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit reflektiert die aktuelle Diskussion von Modellen zur Vorhersage von Rissbreiten und versucht, objektive Vergleichskriterien aufzustellen sowie Folgerungen für mögliche Lösungswege zu ziehen. Am Beginn steht eine ausführliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Verbundmechanismus zwischen Betonstahl und Beton und den Möglichkeiten der Verbundanalyse. Ausgehend von eigenen Versuchen an kurzen Verbundlängen zur Untersuchung des Verbundverhaltens von Bewehrung in hochfesten Betonen wird in der Arbeit nach Möglichkeiten zur Vorhersage von Gleit- und Sprengbrüchen gesucht. Für Sprengbrüche, also Längsrissbildung, ist ein verbesserter Versuchsaufbau entwickelt worden, der Rückschlüsse auf die Verformungsentwicklung in der potentiellen Sprengbruchfläche und den Aufbau eines Verbundwiderstands unter Belastung ermöglicht. Es stellte sich trotz der Fortschritte in der Versagensanalyse dieser Versuche heraus, dass es wenig sinnvoll ist, die gewonnenen Verbundgesetze direkt auf lange Verbundlängen zur Ermittlung von Rissbreiten anzuwenden. Zur Simulation der mit Bauteilsituationen vergleichbaren langen Verbundlängen wird dagegen eine Hypothese über den Widerstand einer potentiellen Längsbruchfläche verwendet. Dabei wird die mögliche Reaktion von gekoppelten und voneinander abhängigen Betonzugringen um einen Betonstahl, vom Lasteintrag beginnend, sukzessive fortschreitend aufgebaut. Die Aufteilung der Zugringe folgt dabei einer Annahme über die Entwicklung von lokalen Verbundrissen nach Goto. Damit ist die Zugringtheorie von Tepfers auf lange Verbundlängen übertragbar und Simulationen von Zugstäben nahe an Tepfers theoretischen Ansätzen werden so ermöglicht. Die Rechnersimulationen an langen Verbundlängen im Vergleich zur Prognose nach MC 90 wurden für Einzelrissbildung und abgeschlossene Rissbildung an zylindrischen Dehnkörpergeometrien durchgeführt. Zur Verifizierung der zeitabhängigen Einflüsse wie Zwängungen aus Schwinden und Zugkriechen sind einfache Ansätze entwickelt worden. Am Ende dieser Analysen steht eine Neubewertung normativer Ansätze (MC 90/DIN 1045-1 sowie EN 1992-1-1) zur Berechnung einer charakteristischen Rissbreite. Eine Schlüsselstellung nimmt die richtige Prognose des wirksamen Rissabstands in allen Berechnungsmodellen ein. Anhand eines neu zusammengestellten Datensatzes und vorhandener Vergleichsdatensätze wurde die Performance der Modelle untersucht. Anwendungsbereiche, die problematisch erscheinen, konnten eingegrenzt werden. Es war zu folgern, dass die Ansätze für den effektiven Bewehrungsgrad und die Verbundspannung zu verbessern sind. Die daraufhin mit einem additiven Sicherheitselement und einem variablen Mindestwert entwickelte Modellalternative gegenüber den normativen Vorschlägen ist nun zielgerichteter und kann dabei eine effektivere und zuverlässigere Prognose der Rissbreite und damit der konstruktiven Bewehrungslösung liefern. Die Anforderungen an die Performance eines Rechenwertes der Rissbreite wk sind um ein Effektivitätskriterium für den Rissabstand srk ergänzt worden, dessen Vorhersagequalität entscheidend für effiziente und zuverlässige Vorhersagen der Rissbreite ist. Die Zuverlässigkeit des DIN-Ansatzes für Mindestbewehrung im Grenzzustand der Gebrauchstauglichkeit ist ebenfalls geprüft worden. Umfangreiche Zusammenstellungen, Beispiele und Parameterstudien sind im Anhang der Arbeit hinzugefügt, um die theoretischen Ergebnisse zu stützen und Lesern Vergleichsmöglichkeiten zu bieten. Dazu gehören auch zwei Ablaufpläne und Hilfsmittel für einfache Absicherungen, die die zu erwartenden Schwierigkeiten bei der Verwendung des normativen DIN 1045-1 Ansatzes zur Beschränkung auf kleine Rissbreiten ausgleichen können. / The doctoral thesis reflects the recent discussion on the finding of suitable verification models for crack width control. It tries to assemble criteria for the comparison in order to draw conclusions from the outcome. In the very beginning stands a widespread analysis of the bond mechanisms between the reinforcing steel and the concrete. Starting from own testing on short embedment lengths in HPC, opportunities are researched for the prediction of a sliding or splitting failure of the surrounding concrete during bar pull-out. An improved test setup is developed by the Author to verify the splitting failure mechanism that finally leads to longitudinal cover cracking. It enables to obtain better indications for the inner strain development in the later failure plane, showing the development of the bond resistance during loading. Although progress were made in the quality of analysis, it turned out that, a direct implementation of obtained bond laws is less successful to take care of the apparent problem of long embedment lengths. The description of that problem is essential within the crack width verification. Differently, a method is suggested to simulate a probable longitudinal splitting plane and its potential to resist an applied longitudinal load. In that method, the possible reaction of interlinked concrete tension rings around a steel bar is thought to form a growing global resistance with every added resistance ring in a sequential chain that are decreasingly loaded if the distance to the load application increases. The segmentation follows an approximation of the possibly development of local bond cracks acc. to Goto. In this, the application of the tension ring theory from Tepfers were successfully overtaken to the problem of long embedment lengths. It enables for simulations close to the original theory of tensile rings formed by concrete around the reinforcing steel. Comparing the results with MC 90, the simulation of long embedment lengths were performed using imaginary cylindrical test-specimen, enabling the verification of single and stabilized cracking. Simplified methods were developed in order to implement time-dependent influences like restraint from creep and shrinkage.An extensive evaluation of the normative methods (MC 90/ DIN 1045-1 and EN 1992-1-1) for verifications of a characteristic crack width stands at the end of the studies. A key position within the models is held by the realistic prognosis of the accountable crack distance. Using a newly compiled dataset and already existing data for comparison, the performances of current models were verified for predicting crack widths or distances. Complicated fields of its application could be marked and isolated. It was concluded that, the approaches for the determination of the effective reinforcement ratio and the bond stress should be improved. The developed alternative for calculation is assembled with an added safety feature and a variable minimum for the crack distance. It can lead to a more reliable prognosis for crack distances and the depending crack widths in order to design a more efficient reinforcement detailing. The requirements on the performance of a determined characteristic crack width wk are extended by the application of a criteria of effectiveness for the calculated crack distance srk. The reliability of the MC 90 -approach and the DIN-approach for minimum reinforcement has also been checked. Extensive compilations of data, examples and parameter studies are added to the appendix in order to backup the theoretical results and to invite others to compare. Two calculation flow charts and helptools are integrated to ensure the quality of crack width calculations also in cases where smaller crack widths must be verified, using informative and normative methods in MC 90/ DIN 1045-1.

Estudo de fissuração em concreto armado com fibras e armadura convencional / not available

Ewang, Bruce Ekane 30 April 1999 (has links)
Devido à fragilidade do concreto, o controle e combate da fissuração são de importância fundamental em estruturas de concreto armado. Uma maneira de melhorar as propriedades do concreto à tração é pelo emprego de fibras. A presente pesquisa é uma tentativa de fornecer diretrizes para o dimensionamento de estruturas de concreto armado com fibras, e armadura convencional sob condições de serviço. Apresenta-se inicialmente, um estudo do comportamento do material à tração. Um modelo probabilístico/micro-mecânico fundamentado na mecânica de fratura, e capaz de prever o comportamento pós-fissuração do compósito é apresentado. O modelo prevê a relação tensão-abertura de fissura do compósito levando em conta os seguintes micro-mecanismos: travejamento de agregado e fibras, a ruptura das fibras, os efeitos de: atrito local (snubbing effect), esmagamento da matriz, Cook-Gordon, e da pré-tração das fibras. Em nível estrutural, dois modelos macro-mecânicos são apresentados. O primeiro modelo tem premissa na teoria clássica de fissura, e o segundo na mecânica de dado. O primeiro modelo é ajustado para aplicação na previsão de espaçamento e aberturas de fissura em estruturas de concreto armado com fibras discretas e aleatoriamente dispostas. É demostrado que o modelo micro-mecânico pode alimentar perfeitamente o modelo macro-mecânico. Ensaios de tração com elementos de placas de argamassa com fibras armada com tela ou fios foram realizados. Os resultados teóricos previstos pelo modelo foram comparados com os obtidos do programa experimental, e mostram uma boa concordância, comprovando a validade do modelo apresentado. / Due to the brittleness of concrete, the control and prevention of cracking in reinforced concrete structures are of prime importance. One way of improving the tensile properties of concrete is by the addition of fibres. The present research is a trial to provide guidelines for the design of fibre reinforced concrete structures under service loads. First of all, a study of the tensile behaviour of the composite material is presented. A probabilistic/fracture mechanics based micromechanical model, capable of predicting the poscracking behaviour of the material is presented. The model predicts the tensile stress-crack width relationship, accounting for the following micromechanisms: fibre and aggregate bridging, fibre rupture, local snubbing, matrix spalling, the Cook-Gordon interface effect, and fibre prestressing. At the structural level, two macromechanical models are presented. One is founded on the classical theory of cracking, while the other, a shear lag model, is founded on the continuum damage mechanics. The first model is adjusted for application to the prevision of crack width and crack spacing in fibre reinforced concrete structures with short discrete and randomly dispersed fibres. It is shown that the micromechanical model fits very well in the macrostructural model. Tensile tests with mortar specimens reinforced with continuous steel wires or meshes and PVA or polypropylene fibres were carried out. The theoretical results predicted by the model were compared with results obtained from the experimental program, and show very good agreement, confirming the validity of the theoretical model.

Estudo de fissuração em concreto armado com fibras e armadura convencional / not available

Bruce Ekane Ewang 30 April 1999 (has links)
Devido à fragilidade do concreto, o controle e combate da fissuração são de importância fundamental em estruturas de concreto armado. Uma maneira de melhorar as propriedades do concreto à tração é pelo emprego de fibras. A presente pesquisa é uma tentativa de fornecer diretrizes para o dimensionamento de estruturas de concreto armado com fibras, e armadura convencional sob condições de serviço. Apresenta-se inicialmente, um estudo do comportamento do material à tração. Um modelo probabilístico/micro-mecânico fundamentado na mecânica de fratura, e capaz de prever o comportamento pós-fissuração do compósito é apresentado. O modelo prevê a relação tensão-abertura de fissura do compósito levando em conta os seguintes micro-mecanismos: travejamento de agregado e fibras, a ruptura das fibras, os efeitos de: atrito local (snubbing effect), esmagamento da matriz, Cook-Gordon, e da pré-tração das fibras. Em nível estrutural, dois modelos macro-mecânicos são apresentados. O primeiro modelo tem premissa na teoria clássica de fissura, e o segundo na mecânica de dado. O primeiro modelo é ajustado para aplicação na previsão de espaçamento e aberturas de fissura em estruturas de concreto armado com fibras discretas e aleatoriamente dispostas. É demostrado que o modelo micro-mecânico pode alimentar perfeitamente o modelo macro-mecânico. Ensaios de tração com elementos de placas de argamassa com fibras armada com tela ou fios foram realizados. Os resultados teóricos previstos pelo modelo foram comparados com os obtidos do programa experimental, e mostram uma boa concordância, comprovando a validade do modelo apresentado. / Due to the brittleness of concrete, the control and prevention of cracking in reinforced concrete structures are of prime importance. One way of improving the tensile properties of concrete is by the addition of fibres. The present research is a trial to provide guidelines for the design of fibre reinforced concrete structures under service loads. First of all, a study of the tensile behaviour of the composite material is presented. A probabilistic/fracture mechanics based micromechanical model, capable of predicting the poscracking behaviour of the material is presented. The model predicts the tensile stress-crack width relationship, accounting for the following micromechanisms: fibre and aggregate bridging, fibre rupture, local snubbing, matrix spalling, the Cook-Gordon interface effect, and fibre prestressing. At the structural level, two macromechanical models are presented. One is founded on the classical theory of cracking, while the other, a shear lag model, is founded on the continuum damage mechanics. The first model is adjusted for application to the prevision of crack width and crack spacing in fibre reinforced concrete structures with short discrete and randomly dispersed fibres. It is shown that the micromechanical model fits very well in the macrostructural model. Tensile tests with mortar specimens reinforced with continuous steel wires or meshes and PVA or polypropylene fibres were carried out. The theoretical results predicted by the model were compared with results obtained from the experimental program, and show very good agreement, confirming the validity of the theoretical model.

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