Spelling suggestions: "subject:"critical care"" "subject:"crritical care""
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Creating a community of practice to prevent readmissions : An improvement work on shared learning between an intensive care unit and a surgical wardLupaszkoi Hizden, Thomas January 2016 (has links)
Background ICU readmissions within 72 hours after discharge from the intensive care unit (ICU) is a problem because this leads to higher mortality and longer hospital stays. This is a particular problem for the hospital studied for this thesis because there are only three fully equipped ICU beds available. Aim To prevent readmissions by introducing nursing rounds as a concept of “communities of practice” (CoP) and to identify supportive and prohibitive mechanisms in the improvement work and knowledge needed for further improvement work in similar settings. Methods Questionnaires, focus groups, Nelson’s improvement ramp, and qualitative content analysis. Results There were no readmissions from the participating ward after the nursing rounds started, but the reason for this is not clear. The staff experienced the nursing rounds as valuable and they reported greater feelings of confidence, increased exchange, and use of their own knowledge. Discussion The findings presented here support that hypothesis that CoP builds knowledge that can improve patient care. The information provided to the participants during the improvement project was identified as the most supportive mechanism for improvement work, and a lack of resources was seen as the most prohibitive mechanism.
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Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter som i självdestruktivt syfte överdoserat läkemedel / Critical nurses’ experiences of caring for patients who self-harmed with intentional drug overdoseLindell, Gabrielle January 2017 (has links)
Självdestruktiva handlingar innebär att medvetet tillfoga sig skada. Hos personer som avsiktligt självskadar sig är suicidtankar vanligt förekommande men syftet kan vara ångestlindring och uttryck för psykiskt illabefinnande. Mellan 2005-2014 vårdades 77371 personer inom slutenvård på grund av avsiktlig självdestruktiv handling och risken för suicid är höjd efter en självdestruktiv handling. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patienter som avsiktligt överdoserat läkemedel i självdestruktivt syfte. Fem kvalitativa intervjuer med semistrukturerad intervjuguide analyserades med innehållsanalys och materialet utmynnade i fem kategorier samlade under ett tema: Att vilja men inte alltid kunna. Kategorierna var: Att känna hjälplöshet i den psykiatriska omvårdnaden, Att ha kännedom om patientens sammanhang, Att prioritera bort samtal, Att attityder påverkar samarbetet med kollegor, Att ha behov av samverkan och stöd från psykiatrin. Studien visade att upplevelsen av att vårda patienter som överdoserat läkemedel i självdestruktivt syfte påverkades av patientens bakgrund, social kontext och livssituation. Bakgrund i missbruk, låg ålder och kvinnligt kön medförde att handlingen upplevdes mer impulsartad. Upplevelsen av att vårda var komplex och intensivvårdssjuksköterskan kände sympati, frustration och otillräcklighet i omvårdnaden av patienten. Samarbetet på intensivvårdsavdelningen påverkades av attityder inom personalgruppen där intensivvårdssjuksköterskan kände sig ensam ansvarig för samtal kring självdestruktivitet och mående. Det förelåg svårigheter i det multiprofessionella teamarbetet samt i förmågan att uppnå holistisk och personcentrad vård. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna upplevde att samarbetet med psykiatrin var bristfälligt och hade negativ påverkan på upplevelsen. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse var att slitas mellan sympati och frustration. Den moraliska stressen kan leda till att patienten får bristfällig omvårdnad och risken för framtida suicid kan öka.
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Införandet av smärtskattningsverktyget CPOT- hur påverkas intensivvårdspatienters smärt- och sederingsbehandling?Andrae, Fredrik, Haglund, Li January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Smärta hos intensivvårdspatienter är vanligt förekommande och kan medföra förlängd vårdtid och leda till flera negativa konsekvenser för patienten samt bidra till ökad mortalitet. Smärtskattning med ett validerat smärtskattningsinstrument som Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) kan underlätta smärtskattningen och förbättra smärtbehandlingen samt minska översedering. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva om införandet av smärtskattningsverktyget CPOT, anpassat för patienter i ventilatorbehandling, påverkar dygnsdoserna av smärtlindrande- och sederande läkemedel samt om sederingsbehandlingen förändras. Syftet är även att undersöka hur ofta sjuksköterskorna smärtskattar patienterna med CPOT och om antalet smärtskattningar överensstämmer med gällande rekommendationer. Metod: Kvantitativ journalgranskningsstudie med retrospektiv design. Vuxna patienter som ventilatorbehandlades under minst ett dygn på en intensivvårdsavdelning i Sverige inkluderades (n=55). Resultat: Totalt 55 patienter inkluderades i två grupper, före och efter införandet av CPOT. Doserna av smärtlindrande läkemedel ökade i gruppen som undersöktes efter att CPOT infördes. Patienterna erhöll i genomsnitt 1,4 mg morfin/kg/dygn jämfört med 1,1 mg morfin/kg/dygn innan införandet. Dosen av det sederande läkemedlet Propofol® minskade efter införandet av CPOT från 48,3 mg/kg/dygn till 47,5 mg/kg/dygn. Alla patienter i studiegruppen förutom två (92 %) smärtskattades vid minst ett tillfälle under mätdygnet efter införandet av CPOT. Slutsats: Doserna av smärtlindrande läkemedel var högre och doserna av det sederande läkemedlet Propofol® var lägre efter införandet av CPOT. Skillnaderna var dock inte statistiskt signifikanta. Patienterna i studiegruppen hade en något ytligare sederingsnivå enligt RASS-skalan. Patienterna smärtskattades med CPOT i genomsnitt 1,6 gånger under mätdygnet. Studien kan bidra till en ökad medvetenhet om vikten av att skatta smärta med ett validerat bedömningsinstrument hos intensivvårdspatienter. / Background: Critically ill intensive care patients frequently experience pain and pain may lead to consequences such as prolonged length of hospital stay and increased mortality. The Critical-care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) is a validated tool for pain assessment in mechanical ventilated patients and is used to enable pain assessment, improve pain management and reduce over-sedation. Aim: The aim is to examine if the implementation of CPOT affects the doses of analgetics, sedatives administered to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients and/or the sedation levels using RASS-scores. The aim was also to study how often pain-assessments were performed by nurses. Method: A quantitative study with retrospective design, data was collected from patients’ medical records. Included were adult patients treated under mechanical ventilation >24h at an intensive care unit in Sweden (n=55). Results: For this study 55 patients were included and divided into two groups, before and after the introduction of CPOT at the intensive care unit. The amount of analgetics increased among the patients after CPOT was implemented, they were given 1,4 mg of morphine/kg/24h compared to 1,1 mg of morphine/kg/24h before the implementation. The amount of sedatives, Propofol®, given to the patients decreased from 48,3 mg/kg/24h to 47,5 mg/kg/24h after CPOT was implemented. CPOT was used to assess pain levels in all patients except for two (98%) after the implementation of CPOT. Conclusion: The doses of analgetics were higher and the doses of sedatives (Propofol®) were lower after the implementation of CPOT. However, the differences between groups were not statistically significant. Patients were less sedated, according to RASS-scores, after the implementation of CPOT. Nurses used CPOT on an average 1, 6 times/ 24 h. This study can be used to increase the awareness for the need of using a validated tool for assessing pain in ICU-patients.
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Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med covid-19 : En systematisk litteraturstudieHunko, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Covid-19 pandemin åskådliggjorde att intensivvårdssjuksköterskor hade en avgörande roll i vårdarbetet under pandemin. Sjukdomens karaktär, det vill säga att covid-19 är en smittsam sjukdom, samt att många patienter blev kritiskt sjuka och inlagda på IVA samtidigt, överbelastade intensivvården. Dessa påverkade intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med covid-19. Syftet: Att sammanställa intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med covid-19. Metod: En systematisk litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats. Dataanalysen inspirerades av Bettany-Saltikovs och McSherrys (2016) analysbeskrivning. Resultat: Fyra teman identifierades: Upplevelser relaterade till sjukdomens karaktär, Upplevelser relaterade till ett förändrat arbetssätt, Upplevelser relaterade till förändrad tillgång av resurser samt Upplevelser kring förändrade relationer. Slutsats: Intensivvårdssjuksköterskor upplevde att det var utmanande, utmattande och stressigt både fysiskt och psykiskt att vårda allvarligt sjuka patienter med covid-19. Eftersom väldigt många människor insjuknade av sjukdomen, blev intensivvården överbelastad. Etisk stress och känsla av vårdens avhumanisering kännetecknade intensivvårdssjuksköterskornas vårdarbete. Rädslan av att bli smittad eller exponera familjen för covid-19 påverkade deras liv både yrkesmässigt och privat. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna upplevde både stigmatisering och uppskattning från samhällets alla nivåer. / Bakgrund: Covid-19-pandemin tydliggjorde att intensivvårdssjuksköterskor spelat en viktig roll i vårdarbetet under pandemin. Sjukdomens natur, det vill säga att covid-19 är en smittsam sjukdom, och att många patienter blev kritiskt sjuka och samtidigt lades in på intensivvårdsavdelningar, överbelastade intensivvårdsavdelningarna. Detta påverkade intensivvårdssjuksköterskornas erfarenheter av vården av patienter med covid-19. Syfte: Att sammanfatta intensivvårdssjuksköterskornas erfarenheter av vården av patienter med covid-19. Metod: En systematisk litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats. Dataanalysen inspirerades av Bettany-Saltikovs och McSherrys (2016) analysbeskrivning. Resultat: Fyra teman identifierades: Erfarenheter relaterade till sjukdomens natur, Erfarenheter relaterade till ett modifierat arbetssätt, Erfarenheter relaterade till förändrad tillgång till resurser och Erfarenheter om förändrade relationer. Slutsats: Intensivvårdssjuksköterskor upplevde att det var utmanande, ansträngande och stressande både fysiskt och psykiskt att ta hand om svårt sjuka patienter med covid-19. Eftersom ett stort antal människor insjuknade i sjukdomen blev intensivvårdsavdelningarna överbelastade. Moralisk nöd och en känsla av avhumanisering av vården präglade vårdarbetet hos intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna. Rädslan för att bli smittad eller utsätta sin familj för covid-19 påverkade deras liv både yrkesmässigt och i privatlivet. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskorna upplevde både stigma och uppskattning från alla nivåer i samhället.
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Faculty Perceptions of the Critical Care Experience as a Part of the Generic Baccalaureate Curriculum in NursingStephenson, Carol A. (Carol Ann) 12 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this study is concerned is the inclusion of actual critical care experience in generic nursing curricula in the United States. A survey instrument was sent to faculty representatives selected by the dean of each of 312 generic baccalaureate nursing programs.
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The Effects of Auditory Stimuli on Stress Levels of Adult Patients in the Critical Care SettingEllermets, Jessica 01 August 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this review of literature is to explore the effects of interventional and environmental auditory stimuli on the adult critical care population. Current research has yet to compare and contrast the effectiveness of various interventional auditory stimuli on stress relief, an oversight this thesis aims to remedy. Modern day critical care settings demand the identification of the most therapeutic interventional auditory stimulus and the most stress-inducing environmental stimuli, so that interventions can be made to optimize patient stress levels and improve outcomes. Suggestions will be made on how to simultaneously reduce harmful or stress inducing auditory stimuli in the critical care setting and implement the optimal stress-relieving interventional auditory stimuli.
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<p><strong>Background:</strong> The objective of this mixed methods study is to understand, from the perspectives of seriously ill hospitalized patients, the effect of modifiable physician behaviours on the perceived quality of end-of-life and ACP communication. <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> A convergent parallel mixed methods design is used. Participants were recruited from inpatient medical wards at two academic hospitals, and a population with a high risk of mortality at 6-12 months was selected. In the quantitative strand, a questionnaire was administered to measure patients’ self-rated satisfaction with their physician’s ACP communication skills. The primary analysis involved calculation of the strength of correlation between individual QOC items and a global satisfaction score. In the qualitative strand, interpretive description methods were used to explore seriously ill patients’ perceptions of the quality of ACP communication with their physicians. The mixed methods analysis phase involved the creation of a merged analysis table.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>From the quantitative strand, three priority behaviours pertained to eye contact, providing full attention, and listening. The three major qualitative themes related to nonverbal behaviours; situating a patient in the context of their background, family and social roles; and assisting patients to make the challenging end-of-life transition. The merged analysis allowed for a fuller, contextualized understanding of why the QOC items with the strongest correlation measures were important from a patient perspective.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> This mixed methods study is well-positioned to understand, holistically and from the patient perspective, physician behaviours that influence quality of communication at the end of life.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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Critical care nursing students' experience of clinical accompaniment in open distance learning (ODL) : a phenomenological perspectiveMoleki, Maria Mabibiti 11 1900 (has links)
patients and their families.
The purpose of the study was firstly, to explore and interpret the meaning of the experiences of critical care nursing students about clinical accompaniment in open distance learning (ODL). This aspect has not been researched before and as such, there is no empirical data about the clinical accompaniment of the critical care-nursing students in ODL. Secondly, to develop guidelines for facilitation of clinical accompaniment in critical care nursing in ODL.
A qualitative hermeneutic phenomenological study was conducted. Non-probability purposive sampling was used to select participants to provide information about clinical accompaniment in ODL. Data was obtained through in-depth interviews supplemented by field notes compiled during fieldwork.
The study findings revealed that participants regard relationships and communication as important for clinical accompaniment. The distance factor inherent in distance learning was problematic for student’s motivation and support. The presence and visibility of the lecturer was pivotal for the students. Of importance also were the relationships with the managers and colleagues. The perception of participants was that managers of clinical facilities were not as readily accessible as would have been the lecturer. Although
negative experiences were described, paradoxically these experiences seemed to have empowered the student to develop survival skills, patience and assertiveness to take action on how to deal with the situation.
From the findings the researcher was able to develop guidelines the implementation of which, is hoped to ensure effective clinical accompaniment of critical care nursing students in ODL. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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Intravenous medication safety practices of registered nurses in neonatal and paediatric critical care areasCronje, Liza 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Mcur)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A literature study showed that the topics of medication safety and medication error prevention
have been studied in depth. Findings from the literature revealed that medication errors are
reported to be common in neonatal and paediatric ICUs, that more than half of these errors are
preventable and that risk reduction measures protect patients against untoward outcomes or
adverse events (Clifton-Koeppel, 2008:72). If and when there is a failure in the process of safe
medication administration, it results in a medication error, which is defined as a breach of one or
more of the five rights of medication administration (Institute for Safe Medication Practices Alert,
Medication administration, which is predominantly a nursing task, is of high risk and high volume
in the intensive care unit (ICU). The accuracy of intravenous medication administration is critical
for a neonatal and paediatric ICU patient since it can potentially heighten the patient’s
vulnerability if further harm is caused. In view of the complexity of medication administration for
neonatal and paediatric ICU patients, researchers confirm the diverse role of the registered
nurse in safe medication administration practices.
The purpose of the study was to describe the perceptions of registered nurses (RNs) regarding
the factors that influence IV medication safety practice in the neonatal intensive care unit
(NICU); paediatric intensive care unit (PICU); and paediatric cardiac intensive care unit (CSICU)
in Saudi Arabia. The study objectives were set to describe the actual factors that have an
influence on IV medication safety practices of RNs working in these ICUs; to determine the
knowledge of registered nurses in the selected ICUs with regard to safe intravenous medication
administration practices and to describe nursing medication administration strategies that are
focused on medication error prevention.
A quantitative research approach was selected for this study which had a descriptive, survey
design. An 85% non-probability purposive sampling method was used to draw a sample (n=103)
of the target population of NICU-, PICU- and CSICU-registered nurses (N=121) who were
responsible for administering intravenous medication at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and
Research Centre in Jeddah (KFSHRC-J). A self-administered questionnaire with closed-ended Likert and open-ended question was
designed to describe the objectives under study. A pilot study was conducted to pre-test the
questionnaire. A quantitative method was used to analyse the study data. MS Excel was used
to capture the quantitative data after which it was analysed using descriptive statistics by means
of STATISTICA 9 software. The open–ended questions (indicating “other” and Question 70)
were also interpreted quantitatively after exploring the main aspects in the responses. The main
findings were that multiple perceived factors influence the intravenous medication safety
practices of RN’s working with neonatal and paediatric ICU patients in a particular Saudi
Arabian tertiary hospital. It was found that these nurses’ had knowledge regarding safe
medication administration practice that constitutes that all five medication rights have to be
checked through nursing ‘double-checks’ in the steps of medication administration, as the
method of checking as per hospital policy. However, from the findings, it is reflected that RNs
perceptions of completely and correctly checking medication rights through complete and
independent nursing ‘double-checks’, do not match the steps required by policy and that their
knowledge is inadequate. It is evident from the perceptions of RNs that they are aware of the
multiple factors influencing IV medication safety practice in this vulnerable patient setting. As
perceived by RNs, it is possible to implement more safety strategies. Key recommendations on
conclusion of the study include that there are more nursing medication administration strategies
that could still be implemented for medication error prevention. These strategies relate to
medication safety awareness, the role of the nurse and nursing managers, mandatory staff
education, and review of knowledge and skills. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gebaseer op ʼn literatuurstudie blyk dit dat medikasieveiligheid en voorkoming van
medikasiefoute reeds in diepte bestudeer are. Bevindings dui daarop dat medikasiefoute
algemeen voorkom in neonatale en pediatriese intensiewesorgeenhede, dat meer as die helfte
daarvan voorkombaar is, en dat maatreëls om risiko te vermindering pasiënte teen
voorkombare uitkomste beskerm (Clifton-Koeppel, 2008:72). Indien en wanneer die proses vir
veilige medikasietoediening faal, kom ʼn medikasiefout voor, wat gedefinieer word as die
verbreking van een of meer van die vyf medikasieregte (Institute for Safe Medication Practices
Alert, 2007:1).
Medikasietoediening is hoofsaaklik ʼn verpleegtaak, wat ʼn hoërisiko- en hoëvolume-taak behels.
Die akkuraatheid van intraveneuse medikasietoediening is kritiek vir neonatale en pediatriese
intensiewesorgpasiënte, aangesien hul weerloosheid verhoog word indien verdere skade
veroorsaak word. Omrede medikasietoediening vir neonatale en pediatriese
intensiewesorgpasiënte kompleks is, bevestig navorsers dat geregistreerde verpleegkundiges
se rol ten opsigte van veilige medikasietoediening veelsoortig is.
Die doel van die studie was om die persepsies van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges
aangaande die faktore wat medikasieveiligheid in die neonatale en paediatriese intensiewe
eenhede in Saoedi-Arabië beinvloed, te beskryf. Studiedoelwitte is gestel om die spesifieke
faktore te beskryf wat aanleiding gee tot medikasietoedieningsfoute in die genoemde
intensiewesorgeenhede; om geregistreerde verpleegkundiges in die geselekteerde
intensiewesorgeenhede se kennis van veilige medikasietoediening te bepaal; en die
medikasietoedieningstrategieë wat op die voorkoming van medikasietoedieningsfoute fokus, te
ʼn Kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is geselekteer vir die studie wat ʼn beskrywende
navorsingsontwerp gehad het. ʼn 85% nie-waarskynlike gerieflikheidsteekproef is gebruik om ʼn
steekproef (n=103) te selekteer vanuit die teikenpopulasie geregistreerde verpleegkundiges
(N=121) wat verantwoordelik was vir medikasietoediening in die geselekteerde
intensiewesorgeenhede by King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Jeddah
(KFSHRC-J). ʼn Self-geadministreerde vraelys met geslote Likert- en oop-eindevrae is opgestel om die
gestelde studiedoelwitte te ondersoek. ʼn Vooraf-toetsing van die vraelys is tydens die
loodsstudie uitgevoer. ʼn Kombinasie van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodes is gebruik vir
die ontleding van die studie-data. Die kwantitatiewe data is op MS Excel ingevoer, waarna
beskrywende statistiek deur middel van Statistica 9-sagteware gebruik is om dit te ontleed. Die
studie het hoofsaaklik bevind dat veelvuldige faktore die veiligheidspraktyk ten opsigte van
intraveneuse medikasie van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges wat met neonatal en pediatriese
intensiewesorgpasiënte in ʼn spesifieke tersiêre hospitaal in Saoedi-Arabië werk, beïnvloed. Dit
blyk dat hierdie verpleegkundiges se kennis voldoende is aangaande ‘n veilige medikasie
toedieningspraktyk wat bestaan uit die kontrolering van al vyf medikasieregte deur
verpleegkundige dubbel-kontrolering, soos beskryf is in die hospitaalbeleid. Volgens die
bevindinge blyk dit egter dat die verpleegkundiges se persepsie van volledige and korrekte
verpleegkundige dubbel-kontrolering, nie met die stappe volgens die hospitaalbeleid
ooreenstem nie en dat hulle kennis onvoldoende is. Dit is duidelik dat die verpleegkundiges
bewus is van die veelvuldige faktore wat intraveneuse medikasieveiligheidpraktyk vir weerlose
pasiënte beïnvloed. Die verpleegkundiges se persepsie is dat daar meer verpleegkundige
medikasietoedieningstrategieë is wat geïmplementeer kan word om medikasiefoute te voorkom,
insluitende veiligheidsbewustheid ten opsigte van medikasie, die rol van verpleegkundiges en
verpleegbestuurders, verpligte personeelopleiding, en hersiening van kennis en vaardighede.
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Agency nurses’ perceptions of job satisfaction within critical care units in private healthcare institutionsCollier, Vasanthi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Agency-nursing work refers to nursing services provided by agency nurses employed on a
casual, contracted basis. Agency-nursing has become more common in nursing practice in
South Africa. This group of nurses play a significant role within the health care industry for
both public and private sector. Given the pivotal role that nurses play in caring for the health
of others, it is important to understand what motivates agency nurses in terms of job
satisfaction. The aim of the study was to explore the perceptions of agency nurses regarding
job satisfaction within critical care units in private health care institutions in the Western
A qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach was applied. A sample size
of n=10 was drawn from a total population of N=553, using random sampling technique. A
semi-structured interview guide was designed based on the objectives of the study and
validated by experts in the field before data collection. Ethical approval for the study was
obtained from the Ethics Committee at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
Stellenbosch. Permission to conduct the research was obtained from the participating
nursing agency and consent was given in writing.
The presentation of the results was categorised into themes and sub-themes emerged from
the data analysis. The five clusters of themes that emerged were reasons for doing agency
work, experiences with hospital staff, allocation of agency nurses, communication of
information and staff development.
The findings support Herzberg’s theory on motivation factors in terms of what motivates
workers to excel in their performance. Agency nurses experienced both positive and
negative aspects with regards to job satisfaction. The results of the study suggest the need
to include revision and implementation of human resource policies and practices to include
the nurses’ “voice” in an effort to provide a more supportive work environment. Further
research is recommended.
Key Words: Agency nurse, nursing agency, job satisfaction. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agentskapverplegingswerk verwys na verplegingsdienste wat voorsien word deur
agentskapverpleegsters wat op ’n tydelike, gekontrakteerde basis in diens geneem word.
Agentskapverpleging het meer algemene gebruik in die verpleegpraktyk in Suid-Afrika
geword. Hierdie groep verpleegsters speel ’n belangrike rol in die gesondheidsbedryf vir
beide die openbare en die private sektor. Gegee die deurslaggewende rol wat verpleegsters
speel in die gesondheidsversorging van ander mense, is dit belangrik om te verstaan wat
agentskapverpleegsters motiveer vanuit die oogpunt van werksbevrediging. Die doel van die
studie was om die persepsies en ervarings van agentskapverpleegsters ten opsigte van
werksbevrediging te ondersoek binne die waakeenhede in private gesondheidsorg-inrigtings
in die Wes-Kaap.
’n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp met ’n fenomenologiese benadering is toegepas.
’n Monstergrootte van n=10 is geneem uit ’n populasie van N= 553 deur die ewekansige
steekproeftegniek te gebruik. ’n Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudgids was ontwerp en
gebaseer op die doelwitte van die studie en was deur deskundiges op hierdie gebied, voor
die insameling van data, gelding verklaar. Etiese goedkeuring vir die studie was verkry van
die Etiese Komitee van die Fakulteit van Gesondheidswetenskappe, Stellenbosch
Universiteit. Goedkeuring om die navorsing te doen, was verkry van die deelnemende
agentskap en toestemming was op skrif geplaas. Die voorgelegde resultate was
gekategoriseer in temas en subtemas wat uit die data-analise voortgespruit het. Die vyf
groepe van temas wat hieruit gespruit het, is redes vir die keuse om agentskapwerk te doen,
ervarings met hospitaalpersoneel, die toewysing van agentskapverpleegsters,
kommunikasie van inligting en personeelontwikkeling.
Die bevindinge het onthul dat Herzberg se teorie oor motiveringsfaktore werkers
aangemoedig het om te presteer in die uitvoering van hulle pligte. Werksbevrediging is
volgehou deur die agentskapverpleegster. Die bevindings dui op die behoefte om die
hersiening en implementering van menslike hulpbronbeleidsverklarings en -praktyke in te
sluit sodat die verpleegster se stem gehoor kan word in ’n poging om ’n meer
ondersteunende werkomgewing te voorsien. Verdere navorsing word aanbeveel.
Sleutelwoorde: Agentskapverpleegster, verplegingsagentskap, werksbevrediging.
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