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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

使用熱物理中臨界點現象來預測金融危機 / Using critical phenomena to predict financial crashes

李嘉文, Lee, Grant Unknown Date (has links)
在此篇論文之前, 已經有許多學者指出在金融市場奔盤之前的價格波動與熱物理學中的臨界現象有所類似. 其價格會呈現Power law的形式迅速加速上升, 同時伴隨著log-periodic震盪. 藉由first-order Landau expansion和second-order Landau expansion, 我們使用了50個隨機樣本, 分別從五個不同的指數來驗證其正確性. 結果發現該模型很難運用在高波動的市場, 但是對於中級波動的市場卻有不錯的預測能力, 比方說S&P500與Nikkei 225指數. / Before this paper, many scholars indicated that market price movement before a crash is similar to critical phenomena. It can be described by a power law acceleration of the market price decorated with log-periodic oscillations. By first-order Landau expansion and second-order Landau expansion, we use 50 random samples from each of 5 different indices to test the model. It is hard to adapt Landau expansion to high volatility indices, but fit pretty well for medium volatility indices, such as S&P 500 and Nikkei 225.

Untersuchung der magnetischen Eigenschaften von CeCu2(Si1-xGex)2 mittels Neutronenstreuung

Faulhaber, Enrico 02 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
1979 wurde mit CeCu2Si2 erstmalig ein Schwere-Fermionen-Supraleiter entdeckt. Diese Verbindung, entdeckt von Steglich und Mitarbeitern, befindet sich nahe an einem quantenkritischen Punkt, an dem die magnetische Ordnung gerade unterdrückt wird. Der Abstand zu diesem Punkt kann sowohl durch Druck als auch durch Germaniumsubstitution auf dem Siliziumplatz variiert werden. Dabei treten neben der Supraleitung in CeCu2Si2 auch verschiedene magnetische Phasen bei höherem Germaniumgehalt auf. CeCu2Si2 ordnet magnetisch unterhalb von TN = 0.8 K in einer Spindichtewelle, während das Schwere-Fermionen-System CeCu2Ge2 unterhalb von TN = 4.1 K antiferromagnetisch ordnet. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Substitutionsreihe CeCu2(Si1-xGex)2 mittels Neutronendiffraktion untersucht. Ausgehend von Proben mit hohem Germaniumgehalt von x = 0.45, deren magnetische Struktur detailliert untersucht wurde, wurden schrittweise die Eigenschaften von Proben mit kleinerem x erschlossen, um schließlich die (bis dato unbekannte) magnetische Struktur in CeCu2Si2 aufzuklären. Weiterhin wurden Untersuchungen zumWechselspiel zwischenMagnetismus und Supraleitung durchgeführt. Hierzu wurde mit einem selbstentwickelten Aufbau dieWechselfeldsuszeptibilität simultan zu den Diffraktionsexperimenten aufgezeichnet. Durch die direkte Korrelation konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass in CeCu2Si2 keine mikroskopische Koexistenz von Supraleitung und magnetischer Ordnung vorliegt, sondern mikroskopische Phasenseparation. - Die Arbeit ist auch über den Cuvillier-Verlag; Nonnenstieg 8; 37075 Göttingen mit der ISBN 978-3-86727-587-3 erhältlich. / In 1979 the first heavy-fermion superconductor CeCu2Si2 was discovered by Steglich et al. The system is near a quantum critical point (QCP), where the magnetic order is just suppressed. The distance to the QCP can be variied with hydrostatic pressure as well as by germanium substitution on the silicon site. Next to the superconductivity in CeCu2Si2 one finds distinct magnetic phases while increasing the germanium content. CeCu2Si2 shows a magnetic order of a spin-density-type below TN = 0.8 K, whereas the heavy fermion system CeCu2Ge2 orders below TN = 4.1 K as an antiferromagnet. The focus of this thesis is on neutron-diffraction in the system CeCu2(Si1-xGex)2. Starting with a sample with a high germanium content of x = 0.45, the magnetic structures are investigated in detail. Following a step-by-step approach, samples with reduced x are investigated subsequently to figure out the properties of pure CeCu2Si2, which were not accessible before. Furthermore, the complex interaction between magnetism and superconductivity is investigated in detail. Using a specially designed setup, the ac-susceptibility could be recorded simultaneously during the neutron diffraction experiments. Due to the direct correlation between antiferromagnetic signals and diamagnetic features, the microscopic coexistence of superconductivity and magnetic order can be ruled out. Instead, a phase separation on the microscopic scale is found. - The thesis is also available from the publisher Cuvillier-Verlag; Nonnenstieg 8; 37075 Göttingen under the ISBN 978-3-86727-587-3.

Nouvelles phases électroniques avec orbitales eg dans les réseaux triangulaires / Novel electronic phases with eg orbitals in triangular lattices

Février, Clément 04 July 2016 (has links)
Les composés en couches avec des ions métaux de transition ont leur bande de conduction dans les orbitales d. On se concentrera dans cette thèse sur les systèmes où le champs cristallin sépare les orbitales en deux sets dégénérés, t2g et eg, où les électrons de conduction sont sur les orbitales eg. C'est le cas pour les dichalcogénures en couches à métaux de transitions et 2H-AgNiO2 qui sont connus pour présenter des ordres de charge, un arrangement périodique des électrons sur le réseau. Les dichalcogénures en couches à métaux de transitions ont divers motifs, des ordres des charge commensurables et incommensurables, parmi eux, des ordres de charge à grande maille unité,comme le motif √13x√13 en étoile de David. 2H-AgNiO2 a un ordre de charge triple mais reste métallique.Dans le but de comprendre leurs ordres de charge, nous avons établi un modèle de Hubbard étendu multibandes et nous avons recentré notre intérêt sur les orbitales eg avec fortes interactions coulombiennes locales. À l'aide d'une approche en liaison forte et de considérations électrostatiques, puis grâce à la méthode de Hartree-Fock non restreinte, nous avons construit le diagramme de phases en fonction de la force des interactions coulombiennes, aussi bien locale qu'à courte portée, et nous avons fait évoluer la structure de bande en utilisant le ratio libre t'/t qui décrit la structure de bande dans les matériaux ayant des orbitales eg. Nous avons révélé un diagramme de phase riche avec plus de dix phases où certaines transitions peuvent être contrôlées par la structure de bande. En particulier, nous avons trouvé des phases pinball liquid, un ordre de charge métallique à trois sites par maille unité, où des charges localisées (pins) sont entourées de charges itinérantes (balls) sur un réseau hexagonal. Des ordres de charges à grande maille unité sont aussi stabilisés, tels que des ordres de charge et d'orbitale incommensurables et un ordre de charge √12x√12, qui rappelle le motif √13x√13 en étoile de David présent dans 1T-TaS2. Ces états électroniques s'avèrent génériques pour le réseau triangulaire demi rempli et sont aussi trouvés dans le cas isotrope, qui correspond au modèle de Hubbard étendu à une bande.Cependant, la méthode de Hartree-Fock non restreinte est problématique pou saisir les propriétés des phases lors d'une forte anisotropie de la structure de bande pour les états de Mott. Pour résoudre ce problème, nous avons établi un hamiltonien type Heisenberg à partir d'une théorie de perturbation. Ensuite, nous avons établit le diagramme de phases de ce nouvel hamiltonien en utilisant une approche classique et la diagonalisation exacte avec une analyse de symétries et l'algorithme de Lanczos pour un système de 24 sites. Mis à part les phases connues du modèle de Heisenberg en présence d'un champ magnétique, les configuration Y et V, le plateau 1/3, la phase ferro-orbitale, l'anisotropie de la structure de bande des orbitales eg conduit à d'autres ordres avec une composante τy ou τx et τz finies, différents ordres en bande et des ondes de densité d'orbitales. / Layered compounds are materials which exhibit charge order and novel phase of matter. This is the case in layered transition metal compounds, which have their band conduction on d-orbitals, a key ingredient to understand their electronic properties. We will focus in this dissertation on systems where the crystal-field splits orbitals into two degenerate subsets, t2g and eg, and where conduction electrons are on eg-orbitals. It is the case for layered transition-metal dichalcogenides and 2H-AgNiO2, which are known to exhibit charge orders, a periodic arrangement of electrons on the lattice. Layered transition-metal dichalcogenides have various pattern, incommensurate or commensurate insulating charge orders, among them large-unit cells charge orders. 2H-AgNiO2 have a charge order but is yet metallic.In order to investigate their charge orders, we derive a generic multiorbital extended Hubbard model and we refine our interest to eg-orbital with strong local Coulomb interactions. With a tight binding approach and electrostatic considerations, then the unrestricted Hartree-Fock method, we build the phase diagrams as a function of the strength of the Coulomb interactions, local and short-range, and we tun the band structure using the ratio $t'/t$ of the $e_g$-orbitals. We unravel a rich phase diagram with more than ten phases where some transitions can be controlled by the band structure. In particular, we found pinball liquid phases, metallic threefold charge orders where localized charges (pins) are surrounded by itinerant charges (balls) on a honeycomb lattice. Phases with large unit-cells are also stabilized, such as incommensurate charge and orbital orders and a √12x√12 charge order. These electronic states are generic for the half-filled triangular lattice and are also found in the isotropic limit, which corresponds to the single-band spinful extended Hubbard model.To capture the properties of phases with strong band structure anisotropy in the Mott state, that unrestricted Hartree-Fock fails to capture, we derived a Heisenberg-like Hamiltonian from perturbation theory. Then, we build the phase diagram of this new effective Hamiltonian using a classical approach and exact diagonalization with a symmetry analysis and Lanczos algorithm for a 24-site cluster. Apart from the known phases of the Heisenberg model in presence of a field, the Y and V configuration, the 1/3 plateau, the ferro-orbital phase, the anisotropy of the band structure of eg-orbitals leads to other ordering with finite τy or τx and τz components, different stripe orders and orbital density waves. We build a rich phase diagram from this new Hamiltonian.

Geoinformační systém pro zrakově postižené / Geoinformation system for the visually handicapped

Šupák, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis named "Geoinformation system for the visually handicapped" deals with design and creation geoinformation system that should serve to visually handicapped people with planing the most appropriate route and their movement in a city. First part of thesis is a brief summary of who are visually handicapped people, their needs, abilities and principles of movement. Further are described barrier-free adaptations for visually handicapped people and existing solutions. Practical output is the design of an algorithm for automatically locating and evaluating critical locations based on OpenStreetMaps solution. Visually handicapped people choose not shortest route, but the safest route for their movement. Key words: Critical Point, Visual Handicap, Shortest Route, Optimization, Routing

Inflexions de la voix poématique nérudienne - Parcours audio-critique de l'oeuvre de Pablo Néruda (1915 -1973) / Inflections of the nerudian poematic voice

Casimiro, Dominique 15 June 2013 (has links)
Ce travail est de une tentative de réponse à la question cruciale formulée en son temps par Paul Valéry : « mais au fait, qui parle dans un poème ? », à partir d’une étude audio-critique de la trajectoire complète de Pablo Neruda (1904-1973). Quarante-trois recueils et plus de cinq cents poèmes seront ainsi convoqués au cours de cette thèse dont le point de départ est le suivant : s’il est communément admis que la voix, en poésie, est un indescriptible inaudible qui est et n’est pas, la voix nérudienne propose elle une évolution cohérente vers une plus grande sonorité. La voix nérudienne est bien un effet de présence issu d’une absence. Elle est bien dotée d’inflexions dont les silences a priori sonores dessinent un ontorythme qui en ferait une voix presque humaine. / This dissertation is an attempt at answering a crucial question that Paul Valéry once asked: “by the way, who is speaking in a poem?” This study is based the complete works of Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) analysed from an audio-critical point of view, with forty-three collections of poems under scrutiny. The assumption at the core of this dissertation is that, although it is generally defined as something indescribable and inaudible that is and is not that the same time, the nerudian voice offers a coherent evolution towards more perceptible sonority, a more perceptible sound pattern. The nerudian voice is indeed a form of presence resulting from absence. It is endowed with inflections and a priori audible silent moments that create an ontorhythm, turning it into an almost human voice. Like the human voice, the poematic voice went through a series of evolutions and mutations that need to be reflected upon.

Anisotropic shear viscosity and critical behavior of non-hydrodynamic quasinormal modes in strongly coupled plasmas / Viscosidade de cisalhamento anisotrópica e comportamento crítico dos modos quasinormais não-hidrodinâmicos em plasmas fortemente acoplados

Maicon Zaniboni Siqueira 03 July 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we use the holographic gauge/gravity duality to study two different aspects of strongly coupled non-Abelian plasmas. In the first topic we study the effects of strong (Abelian) magnetic fields on the transport coefficients of a strongly coupled non-Abelian plasma. Due to the spatial anisotropy created by the magnetic field, the most general viscosity tensor of a magnetized plasma has 5 shear viscosity coefficients and 2 bulk viscosities. We use the holographic correspondence for a strongly coupled N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) plasma to evaluate the shear viscosity perpendicular to the magnetic field and the shear viscosity parallel to the field. In the presence of a magnetic field, the shear viscosity perpendicular to the field saturates the Kovtun-Son-Starinets viscosity bound while in the direction parallel to the field the bound is violated. The second topic investigated in this thesis is motivated by the study of the near equilibrium behavior of strongly interacting non-Abelian plasmas that display a critical point in their phase diagram. We focus on the spectra of non-hydrodynamic quasinormal modes of a strongly coupled N=4 SYM plasma in the presence of a chemical potential, which displays a critical point in equilibrium. Except close to the critical point, we observe that by increasing the chemical potential one generally increases the damping rate of the quasinormal modes, which leads to a reduction of the characteristic equilibration times in the dual strongly coupled plasma. However, as one approaches the critical point the typical equilibration time increases though its derivative with respect to the chemical potential diverges with an exponent equal to -1/2. We also find a purely imaginary non-hydrodynamical mode in the vector diffusion channel at nonzero chemical potential which dictates the equilibration time in this channel near the critical point. / Nessa tese usamos a dualidade holográfica calibre/gravidade para estudar dois aspectos diferentes de plasmas não-Abelianos fortemente acoplados. No primeiro tópico estudamos os efeitos de campos magnéticos (Abelianos) intensos sobre o coeficientes de transporte de um plasma não-Abeliano fortemente acoplado. Devido à anisotropia espacial criada pelo campo magnético, o tensor de viscosidade mais geral de um plasma magnetizado deve possuir 5 coeficientes de viscosidade de cisalhamento e 2 de viscosidade volumétrica. Usamos a correspondência holográfica para um plasma N=4 Supersimétrico de Yang-Mills (SYM) fortemente acoplado para calcular a viscosidade de cisalhamento perpendicular ao campo magnético e a viscosidade de cisalhamento paralela ao campo. Na presença do campo magnético, a viscosidade de cisalhamento perpendicular ao campo satura o limite viscoso de Kovtun-Son-Starinets enquanto que na direção paralela ao campo o limite é violado. O segundo tópico investigado nessa tese é motivado pelo estudo do comportamento próximo ao equilíbrio de plasmas não-Abelianos fortemente interagentes que exibem um ponto crítico em seus diagramas de fase. Focamos no espectro dos modos quasinormais não-hidrodinâmicos de um plasma N=4 SYM fortemente acoplado na presença de um potencial químico, que exibe um ponto crítico no equilíbrio. Exceto próximo ao ponto crítico, observamos que ao aumentar o potencial químico geralmente se intensifica a taxa de amortecimento dos modos quasinormais, que levam à redução dos tempos de equilibração característicos do plasma dual fortemente acoplado. Entretanto, aproximando-se do ponto crítico o tempo de equilibração típico aumenta embora sua derivada em relação ao potencial químico diverge com um expoente igual à -1/2. Encontramos também um modo não-hidrodinâmico puramente imaginário no canal de difusão vetorial com potencial químico não-nulo que dita o tempo de equilibração neste canal próximo do ponto crítico.

Estudo das propriedades físicas locais e globais de compostos intermetálicos cúbicos de terras raras (R) : RT3 (T=Al, Cd, In, Sn) / Stady of the local and global physical properties of cubic rareearth (R) itermetallic compounds: RT3 (T=Al, Cd, In,Sn)

Bittar, Eduardo Matzenbacher 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Pascoal Jose Giglio Pagliuso / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T21:09:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bittar_EduardoMatzenbacher_D.pdf: 12237565 bytes, checksum: 74dcda9fcb1da9b6fc8d992b53297127 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Séries de compostos que apresentam a ocorrência de fenômenos físicos interessantes em materiais estruturalmente simples constituem uma excelente oportunidade para se estudar sistematicamente a inter-relação entre tais fenômenos e suas origens microscópicas, sem se ater a efeitos associados com estruturas cristalinas complexas, de mais baixa simetria. Nesse sentido, esta Tese se propôs a estudar três temas de investigação: o sistema CeIn3-xSnx e o seu análogo não magnético LaIn3-xSnx, o sistema CeIn3-xCdx e o composto YbAl3 e o seu composto de referência LuAl3. O sistema CeIn3-xSnx apresenta um ponto crítico quântico (QCP) em x ? 0.7, onde a ordem antiferromagnética (TN = 10 K no CeIn3) é totalmente suprimida. Para 0.7 < x < 2 os compostos são líquidos de Fermi e a partir de x = 2 apresentam valência intermediária. Nesse sistema, dopado com Gd3+, medidas de ressonância de spin eletrônico (ESR) indicaram que o elétron 4f do Ce passa de um comportamento com momento localizado para itinerante com a dopagem de Sn. Os resultados de ESR do Gd3+ no sistema LaIn3-xSnx foram analisados com um modelo de uma única banda (tipo s) e sem dependência com a transferência de momento. Também investigamos o sistema CeIn3-xCdx através de medidas de susceptibilidade magnética, calor específico e resistividade elétrica. A substituição do In por Cd diminui a TN do CeIn3 e igualmente faz o coeficiente do calor específico eletrônico decrescer, indicando que o sistema não está na direção de um QCP. Os compostos YbAl3 e LuAl3, dopados com Gd3+, também foram estudados por ESR, porém, na análise, utilizou-se um modelo de múltiplas bandas para explicar os resultados. Medidas de calor específico e susceptibilidade magnética, nessas amostras, mostraram que interações de troca elétron-elétron estão presentes em ambos os compostos. Esses resultados microscópicos podem ser importantes em modelos teóricos mais realistas para materiais férmions pesados de valência intermedi'aria a base de Yb / Abstract: Series of compounds which have interesting physical phenomena, occurring in structurally simple materials, provide an excellent opportunity to systematically study the interrelationship between these phenomena and their microscopic origins, without worrying about effects associated with other complex crystal structures of lower symmetry. Thus, this thesis set out to study three research themes: the CeIn3-xSnx system and its nonmagnetic analogue LaIn3-xSnx, the CeIn3-xCdx system and the YbAl3 compound and its reference compound LuAl3. The CeIn3-xSnx system has a quantum critical point (QCP) at x ? 0.7, where the antiferromagnetic order (TN = 10 K in CeIn3) is totally suppressed. For 0.7 < x < 2 the compounds are Fermi liquids and from x = 2 the materials show intermediate valence behavior. In this system, doped with Gd3+, measurements of electron spin resonance (ESR) indicated that the Ce 4f electron presents a crossover between a localized to itinerant behavior with Sn doping. The ESR results of Gd3+ in the LaIn3-xSnx system were analyzed with a single band model (s type) and no q dependence. We also investigated the CeIn3-xCdx system by measuring magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and electrical resistivity proprieties. The substitution of In by Cd decreases the TN of CeIn3 and also decreases the electronic specific heat coefficient, indicating that the system is not being tuned to a QCP. The YbAl3 and LuAl3 compounds, doped with Gd3+, were also studied by ESR, but in the analysis, we used multiband model to explain the results. Specific heat and magnetic susceptibility measurements in these samples showed that electron-electron exchange interactions are present in both compounds. These ESR results may be relevant to construct more realistic models of the microscopic behavior of other heavy fermion-based intermediate valence Yb compounds / Doutorado / Física da Matéria Condensada / Doutor em Ciências

Návrh ochranných vodohospodářských opatření pro snížení ohrožení zastavěného území obcí Fryčovice a Hukvaldy / Proposal of protective soil and water conservation measures to reduce the threat to the built-up area of the municipalities of Fryčovice and Hukvaldy

Kološ, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
This Master´s thesis is concentrated theoretically and practically on negative effects of rain. The aim of this work is to analyse and evaluate the erosion and drainage conditions in detail and then make proposal of erosion and flood protection. All of this refers to three land register areas (Sklenov, Rychaltice, Fryčovice) in Ondřejnice catchment area. Model analysis using ArcGIS, DesQ-MaxQ and others combined with USLE evaluation method and field exploration were used to achieve goals of this work. Proposals of erosion and torrent control were made to protect the population, nature and landscape.

Un point critique thermodynamique dans les verres dévoilé par les réponses d'ordre élevé. / A thermodynamic critical point in glasses unveiled by high order non-linear response measurements.

Albert, Samuel 15 December 2016 (has links)
L'énigme de la transition vitreuse réside en grande partie dans le fait que lorsqu'un matériau entre dans l'état dit surfondu, sa dynamique ralentit de façon spectaculaire, donnant l'impression d'une transition vers un état solide, sans que pour autant on ne parvienne à constater de transition thermodynamique par les expériences usuelles.Autrement dit, on ne parvient pas à expliquer le ralentissement spectaculaire de la dynamique par la croissance d'une longueur mesurable expérimentalement.Ceci conduit à la prolifération de théories souvent contradictoires quant à l'origine de la dynamique vitreuse.Durant la dernière décennie une piste prometteuse de mise en évidence d'une telle longueur a été proposée : il s'agit de la mesure des réponses diélectriques non linéaires d'ordre 3 du matériau ainsi que de leur évolution en température. En effet, les réponses non linéaires reflètent les effets collectifs caractéristiques de l'ordre amorphe, qui ne se traduisent que dans les fonctions de corrélations d'ordre élevé.Durant cette thèse nous avons construit sur ces bases expérimentales et théoriques, une expérience de mesure des réponses non linéaires d'ordre 5. En exploitant ces résultats sur la réponse diélectrique d'ordre 5 et des résultats précédents sur la réponse d'ordre 3, nous sommes parvenus, en collaboration avec une équipe d'expérimentateurs et de théoriciens, à fournir des indices forts de l'existence d'un point critique thermodynamique dans le Glycérol et le Propylène Carbonate. Ceci constitue une avancée significative dans la compréhension des matériaux vitreux.En particulier, cette découverte permet de poser des contraintes fortes sur les théories existantes et contribue à clore certains débats théoriques ayant eu cours sur plusieurs décennies. / The puzzle of the glass transition mainly resides in the fact that a supercooled liquid undergoes when cooled down, a spectacular dynamics slow down, while no evidence of any kind of thermodynamic transition has been measured through usual means.The absence of any known growth of a length scale that could explain the glassy dynamics leads to a wide range of competing models and theories trying to explain the origins of this dynamics.In the last decade, a promising lead has been put forward, that could allow the community to experimentally access such a growing length scale, through third order non-linear dielectric response measurements, and more in particular this response's temperature dependence. Indeed, non-linear response measurements reflect the collective effects that characterize the amorphous order and translate into high order correlation functions.During this PhD, we have built upon this experimental and theoretical background to design a fifth order non-linear dielectric response measurement experiment. In collaboration with a team of experimentalists and theoreticians, we have used these results in conjunction with third order response measurement results to make a very strong case advocating the existence of a thermodynamic critical point in Glycerol and Propylene Carbonate. This is a very significant advance in the understanding of the behaviour of glassy materials.This ground breaking discovery puts very strong constraints on existing theories and will contribute to end some decades-long theoretical debates within the glassy community.

The Role of Fluids in Geological Processes

Azbej, Tristan 17 September 2007 (has links)
The role and behavior of fluids in hydrothermal and magmatic environments have been studied. Experimental studies have been carried out to determine fluid properties, in natural environments and in both synthetic and natural fluid and melt inclusions. One of these studies dealt with the effect of composition on the critical P-T-X properties of aqueous salt solutions approximated by the H₂O-NaCl-KCl-CaCl₂ system. The results indicate a systematic variation in critical properties as a function of composition over the range of P-T-X studied. A technique for analyzing individual H₂O-CO₂ inclusions using Raman spectroscopy has also been developed. The resulting empirical equation relating Raman intensities and composition is valid for compositions ≤50mol% CO₂. The technique has been applied to H₂O-CO₂ inclusions from the Butte, MT Porphyry Cu-Mo deposit and the results agree with compositions estimated from microthermometric and petrographic observations. The aim of another study was to study water loss from melt inclusions during laboratory heating. Melt inclusions had lost insignificant amounts of water when held at experimental conditions (800°C, 1 kbar) for ≤24 hours. However, significant water loss was observed for longer duration experiments. Ocelli, which are globular bodies of felsic minerals are interpreted as products of magmatic melt immiscibility. As such, the carbonate aggregates in Cretaceous lamprophyres from Hungary with similar petrographic characteristics have also generally been interpreted to be products of magmatic immiscibility. Petrographic and geochemic studies have shown three three distinct genetic groups for these aggregates, none of which were consistent with a magmatic origin. / Ph. D.

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