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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crowdsourcing of Complex Problems in Industrial Firms : A Case Study Within the Packaging Industry / Crowdsourcing av Komplexa Problem Inom Industriföretag : En Fallstudie inom Förpackningsindustrin

Gül, Asmen January 2020 (has links)
This study takes root in the emergence of new crowdsourcing techniques that have made it possible to solve business problems of complex nature by reaching outside of traditional organizational boundaries. While crowdsourcing is not a new concept, emerging technological trends such as Industry 4.0 and a growing interest by organizations to leverage the collective intelligence of online communities have made it an intriguing subject to study. The case study was conducted in USA, California at an established Swedish firm within the packaging industry. As opposed to traditional forms of crowdsourcing of repetitive and simple tasks, this study has an emphasis on complex problems with open-ended goals that often require iteration and expert skills to solve. The case project called Megatron relates to a packaging product developed to transport data servers for major technology companies in Silicon Valley. The product significantly differs in material and design compared with earlier packaging versions that have served the same purpose. Not only does it fold within its footprint when empty, to save space and gain logistical benefits, but it has a lightweight and robust material. The project development of this prototype of seemingly new features constituted a complex problem for the industrial firm that could be studied. Using innovation, problem types, speed and agility of the project as metrics and benchmarks to evaluate the potential of crowdsourcing, interviews and project documentation was gathered as empirical data. The empirics were then analyzed with the help of literature, theory and models that offered scope of crowdsourcing models for different purposes, and a relationship between problem types and innovation. The study indicated a strong willingness among company employees to integrate digital platforms and tools for experimentation and prototyping. Furthermore, the study identified paradoxes and drawbacks such as the malleability of complex problems. However, recommendations to deal with the uncertainty are provided as well, such as online reputation systems and peerreviewing tools to validate the quality of work. / Denna studie grundar sig i uppkomsten av nya crowdsourcing-tekniker som har gjort det möjligt att lösa affärsproblem av komplexa natur genom att nå utanför organisationens traditionella gränser. Även om crowdsourcing inte är ett nytt koncept har nya teknologiska trender som Industri 4.0 och ett ökat intresse från organisationer att dra nytta av kunskap från internetbaserade grupper och plattformar gjort det till ett intressant fall att studera. Fallstudien genomfördes i USA på ett väletablerat svenskt företag inom förpackningsindustring. Till skillnad från traditionella former av crowdsourcing av repetitiva och enkla uppgifter, fokuserar denna studie på komplexa problem med öppna mål, vilket ofta kräver iteration och expert-kompetens. Fallstudien om projektet Megatron avser en förpackningsprodukt utvecklad för att transportera dataservrar till globala teknikföretag i Silicon Valley. Projektet skiljer sig avsevärt i form av produktens material och design jämfört tidigare förpackningsversioner som tjänat samma syfte. Dels kan den vikas som tom för att spara utrymme, erhålla logistikfördelar som mindre koldioxidutsläpp och kostnad, och dels har den konkurrenskraftiga egenskaper som starkt och lätt material. Med utgångspunkt från projektet och produktens nya egenskaper klassas det i rapporten som ett komplext problem för industriföretaget. Innovation, kostnad och projektetstidsaspekt användes som mätvärden för att utvärdera möjligheterna kring crowdsourcing. Den empiriska datan inkluderade intervjuer och dokumentationen kring projektets olika faser. Empirin analyserades därefter med hjälp av litteratur, teorier och modeller som syftade till sambandet mellan problemtyper och innovation, samt hur dessa förhåller sig till crowdsourcing och företagets affärsvärde. Studien visar en stark vilja bland företagets anställda att integrera digitala plattformar och verktyg för experimentering och prototyputveckling. Vidare identifierade studien paradoxer såsom mycket förändringsbara egenskapen av komplexa problem I förhållande till innovation. Däremot presenterar arbetet rekommendationer för att hantera osäkerheten, exempelvis genom ryktesbaserade plattformar och och granskningsverktyg för att validera arbetens kvalitet.

Studie av Crowdsourcing som metodik inom produktutveckling av träningshandskar / Study of Crowdsourcing as a methodology in product development of training gloves

Tan, Anita, Edenfeldt, Isabelle January 2016 (has links)
This thesis has been carried out at the University of Skövde in collaboration with Casall Sports AB. The project goal was to evaluate and implement the method Crowdsourcing in Casall’s current product development process. The founder of the term Crowdsourcing, Jeff Howe, believed in engaging the public to solve different ranges of problems within a company. To explore the possible use of the method, a product development process was created for the company to work after when using Crowdsourcing.  This process was an outcome from literature studies in product development processes and in Crowdsourcing methods. With the use of this developed process, implementation of Crowdsourcing to Casall’s product development process was made. The result is presented as a guide for Casall using Crowdsourcing when developing new products or product lines. The online-platform crowdSPRING.com was chosen for applying phases including Crowdsourcing. To evaluate the guide, a mission statement for the development of training gloves was created for evaluation with a focus group of 10 people. The outcome of this project is a product development process with implementation of the method Crowdsourcing presented as a guide and accordingly a new approach for Casall when using crowdSPRING. / Detta examensarbete har genomförts på Högskolan i Skövde i samarbete med Casall Sport AB och behandlar hur metoden Crowdsourcing kan implementeras i deras nuvarande produktutvecklingsprocess. Begreppet Crowdsourcing myntades av Jeff Howe som menar att metoden ska engagera allmänheten för att lösa små till stora problem inom ett företag. För att undersöka möjligheten till användandet av metoden skapades en egen produktutvecklingsprocess för företaget att arbeta efter vid användning av Crowdsourcing. För att skapa en egen produktutvecklingsprocess utfördes litteraturstudier kring produktutvecklingsprocesser samt en fördjupning inom Crowdsourcing. Efter att ha tagit fram en egen produktutvecklingsprocess kunde en sammankoppling fastställas mellan Casalls produktutvecklingsprocess och Crowdsourcing. Detta gjordes för att anpassa metoden Crowdsourcing på bästa sätt till Casalls nuvarande produktutvecklingsprocess. Med stöd från resultatet valdes det att ta fram en guide för Casall vid användning av Crowdsourcing. Här bestämdes det att Casall bör använda sig av webbplattformen crowdSPRING.com för att applicera metoden i deras produktutvecklingsprocess. En uppdragsbeskrivning för utveckling av träningshandske skapades för att arbetstagarna ska kunna veta vad uppdraget går ut på, när de ska utveckla en träningshandske åt Casall. För att veta ifall uppdragsbeskrivningen var tillräckligt tydlig för arbetstagarna, genomfördes en utvärdering med hjälp av tio testpersoner. Efter utvärderingen av uppdragsbeskrivningen kunde guiden och den egenskapade produktutvecklingsprocessen kopplas samman och detta resulterade i ett förslag på nytt arbetssätt för Casall att arbeta vid användning av crowdSPRING.

Proposition d’une approche d’apprentissage de la foule au sein des plateformes Crowdsourcing (Cas d’une plateforme de Backlinks) / Designing a learning approach for the crowd on Crowdsourcing platforms (Case of Backlinks platform)

Gouia, Mouna 29 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe dans un axe novateur de recherches en ingénierie et en management des systèmes d’information, elle articule à la fois les aspects de quatre domaines de recherche issus de l’Informatique, des Sciences des Systèmes d’information et des Sciences Humaines et des aspects pratiques liées aux entreprises du Web 2.0. Le «Crowdsourcing», comme son nom l’indique, désigne l’approvisionnement par la foule; Les études et les recherches sur cette thèse se font rares mais celles qui existent confirment l’intérêt managérial des plateformes de Crowdsourcing, grâce à leur rôle incontestable dans la création de valeur. Néanmoins, la foule est composée de groupe d’amateurs hétérogènes, c’est pour cela qu’elle représente aussi une source d’incompétence. Dans ce cadre, notre hypothèse opérationnelle pose que l’apprentissage de la foule stimule la création de valeur dans les plateformes Crowdsourcing. Ainsi, notre travail est, principalement organisé autour de la conception et l’élaboration d’un outil pour l’apprentissage de la foule au sein des plateformes de Crowdsourcing. Ce travail est de nature complexe et relève à la fois d’un travail de recherche et d’une pratique d’ingénierie. C’est pour cela que nous optons pour une démarche constructiviste exploratoire de type qualitative moyennant la méthode de recherche ingénierique qui vise à définir et à concevoir une approche d’apprentissage adaptée aux plateformes de Crowdsourcing et à l’implémenter par la suite au sein d’une plateforme Crowdsourcing de test spécialisée dans les Backlinks. Des expérimentations basées sur des entretiens semi-directifs viendront, à la fin de ce travail, confirmer ou infirmer nos hypothèses. / This thesis is situated in an innovative line of research in engineering and management information systems, it articulates both the aspects of four disciplines of research in the Computer Science, Information Systems, Human Sciences and practical aspects related to Web 2.0 companies. The "Crowdsourcing" as its name suggests, refers to the sourcing by the crowd, studies and research on this topic are infrequent but those that exist confirm the managerial interest of Crowdsourcing platforms, thanks to their undeniable role in value creation. Nevertheless, the crowd is composed of heterogeneous group of amateurs that is why it is also a source of incompetence. Our operating hypothesis posits that learning the crowd stimulates the creation of value in the Crowdsourcing platforms. Thus, our work is mainly organized around the design and development of a tool for learning the crowd in Crowdsourcing platforms. This work is complex and involves both a research work and practical engineering. That is why we choose an exploratory qualitative constructivist approach and an ingénierique research method to define and develop a suitable approach of learning adapted to the Crowdsourcing platforms and implement it thereafter within our test Crowdsourcing platform specializes in Backlinking. Experiments based on semi-structured interviews will, confirm or deny our hypotheses.

Automatic prediction of emotions induced by movies / Reconnaissance automatique des émotions induites par les films

Baveye, Yoann 12 November 2015 (has links)
Jamais les films n’ont été aussi facilement accessibles aux spectateurs qui peuvent profiter de leur potentiel presque sans limite à susciter des émotions. Savoir à l’avance les émotions qu’un film est susceptible d’induire à ses spectateurs pourrait donc aider à améliorer la précision des systèmes de distribution de contenus, d’indexation ou même de synthèse des vidéos. Cependant, le transfert de cette expertise aux ordinateurs est une tâche complexe, en partie due à la nature subjective des émotions. Cette thèse est donc dédiée à la détection automatique des émotions induites par les films, basée sur les propriétés intrinsèques du signal audiovisuel. Pour s’atteler à cette tâche, une base de données de vidéos annotées selon les émotions induites aux spectateurs est nécessaire. Cependant, les bases de données existantes ne sont pas publiques à cause de problèmes de droit d’auteur ou sont de taille restreinte. Pour répondre à ce besoin spécifique, cette thèse présente le développement de la base de données LIRIS-ACCEDE. Cette base a trois avantages principaux: (1) elle utilise des films sous licence Creative Commons et peut donc être partagée sans enfreindre le droit d’auteur, (2) elle est composée de 9800 extraits vidéos de bonne qualité qui proviennent de 160 films et courts métrages, et (3) les 9800 extraits ont été classés selon les axes de “valence” et “arousal” induits grâce un protocole de comparaisons par paires mis en place sur un site de crowdsourcing. L’accord inter-annotateurs élevé reflète la cohérence des annotations malgré la forte différence culturelle parmi les annotateurs. Trois autres expériences sont également présentées dans cette thèse. Premièrement, des scores émotionnels ont été collectés pour un sous-ensemble de vidéos de la base LIRIS-ACCEDE dans le but de faire une validation croisée des classements obtenus via crowdsourcing. Les scores émotionnels ont aussi rendu possible l’apprentissage d’un processus gaussien par régression, modélisant le bruit lié aux annotations, afin de convertir tous les rangs liés aux vidéos de la base LIRIS-ACCEDE en scores émotionnels définis dans l’espace 2D valence-arousal. Deuxièmement, des annotations continues pour 30 films ont été collectées dans le but de créer des modèles algorithmiques temporellement fiables. Enfin, une dernière expérience a été réalisée dans le but de mesurer de façon continue des données physiologiques sur des participants regardant les 30 films utilisés lors de l’expérience précédente. La corrélation entre les annotations physiologiques et les scores continus renforce la validité des résultats de ces expériences. Equipée d’une base de données, cette thèse présente un modèle algorithmique afin d’estimer les émotions induites par les films. Le système utilise à son avantage les récentes avancées dans le domaine de l’apprentissage profond et prend en compte la relation entre des scènes consécutives. Le système est composé de deux réseaux de neurones convolutionnels ajustés. L’un est dédié à la modalité visuelle et utilise en entrée des versions recadrées des principales frames des segments vidéos, alors que l’autre est dédié à la modalité audio grâce à l’utilisation de spectrogrammes audio. Les activations de la dernière couche entièrement connectée de chaque réseau sont concaténées pour nourrir un réseau de neurones récurrent utilisant des neurones spécifiques appelés “Long-Short-Term- Memory” qui permettent l’apprentissage des dépendances temporelles entre des segments vidéo successifs. La performance obtenue par le modèle est comparée à celle d’un modèle basique similaire à l’état de l’art et montre des résultats très prometteurs mais qui reflètent la complexité de telles tâches. En effet, la prédiction automatique des émotions induites par les films est donc toujours une tâche très difficile qui est loin d’être complètement résolue. / Never before have movies been as easily accessible to viewers, who can enjoy anywhere the almost unlimited potential of movies for inducing emotions. Thus, knowing in advance the emotions that a movie is likely to elicit to its viewers could help to improve the accuracy of content delivery, video indexing or even summarization. However, transferring this expertise to computers is a complex task due in part to the subjective nature of emotions. The present thesis work is dedicated to the automatic prediction of emotions induced by movies based on the intrinsic properties of the audiovisual signal. To computationally deal with this problem, a video dataset annotated along the emotions induced to viewers is needed. However, existing datasets are not public due to copyright issues or are of a very limited size and content diversity. To answer to this specific need, this thesis addresses the development of the LIRIS-ACCEDE dataset. The advantages of this dataset are threefold: (1) it is based on movies under Creative Commons licenses and thus can be shared without infringing copyright, (2) it is composed of 9,800 good quality video excerpts with a large content diversity extracted from 160 feature films and short films, and (3) the 9,800 excerpts have been ranked through a pair-wise video comparison protocol along the induced valence and arousal axes using crowdsourcing. The high inter-annotator agreement reflects that annotations are fully consistent, despite the large diversity of raters’ cultural backgrounds. Three other experiments are also introduced in this thesis. First, affective ratings were collected for a subset of the LIRIS-ACCEDE dataset in order to cross-validate the crowdsourced annotations. The affective ratings made also possible the learning of Gaussian Processes for Regression, modeling the noisiness from measurements, to map the whole ranked LIRIS-ACCEDE dataset into the 2D valence-arousal affective space. Second, continuous ratings for 30 movies were collected in order develop temporally relevant computational models. Finally, a last experiment was performed in order to collect continuous physiological measurements for the 30 movies used in the second experiment. The correlation between both modalities strengthens the validity of the results of the experiments. Armed with a dataset, this thesis presents a computational model to infer the emotions induced by movies. The framework builds on the recent advances in deep learning and takes into account the relationship between consecutive scenes. It is composed of two fine-tuned Convolutional Neural Networks. One is dedicated to the visual modality and uses as input crops of key frames extracted from video segments, while the second one is dedicated to the audio modality through the use of audio spectrograms. The activations of the last fully connected layer of both networks are conv catenated to feed a Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network to learn the dependencies between the consecutive video segments. The performance obtained by the model is compared to the performance of a baseline similar to previous work and shows very promising results but reflects the complexity of such tasks. Indeed, the automatic prediction of emotions induced by movies is still a very challenging task which is far from being solved.

Mercado preditivo: um método de previsão baseado no conhecimento coletivo / Prediction market: a forecasting method based on the collective knowledge

Ferraz, Ivan Roberto 08 December 2015 (has links)
Mercado Preditivo (MP) é uma ferramenta que utiliza o mecanismo de preço de mercado para agregar informações dispersas em um grande grupo de pessoas, visando à geração de previsões sobre assuntos de interesse. Trata-se de um método de baixo custo, capaz de gerar previsões de forma contínua e que não exige amostras probabilísticas. Há diversas aplicações para esses mercados, sendo que uma das principais é o prognóstico de resultados eleitorais. Este estudo analisou evidências empíricas da eficácia de um Mercado Preditivo no Brasil, criado para fazer previsões sobre os resultados das eleições gerais do ano de 2014, sobre indicadores econômicos e sobre os resultados de jogos do Campeonato Brasileiro de futebol. A pesquisa teve dois grandes objetivos: i) desenvolver e avaliar o desempenho de um MP no contexto brasileiro, comparando suas previsões em relação a métodos alternativos; ii) explicar o que motiva as pessoas a participarem do MP, especialmente quando há pouca ou nenhuma interação entre os participantes e quando as transações são realizadas com uma moeda virtual. O estudo foi viabilizado por meio da criação da Bolsa de Previsões (BPrev), um MP online que funcionou por 61 dias, entre setembro e novembro de 2014, e que esteve aberto à participação de qualquer usuário da Internet no Brasil. Os 147 participantes registrados na BPrev efetuaram um total de 1.612 transações, sendo 760 no tema eleições, 270 em economia e 582 em futebol. Também foram utilizados dois questionários online para coletar dados demográficos e percepções dos usuários. O primeiro foi aplicado aos potenciais participantes antes do lançamento da BPrev (302 respostas válidas) e o segundo foi aplicado apenas aos usuários registrados, após dois meses de experiência de uso da ferramenta (71 respostas válidas). Com relação ao primeiro objetivo, os resultados sugerem que Mercados Preditivos são viáveis no contexto brasileiro. No tema eleições, o erro absoluto médio das previsões do MP na véspera do pleito foi de 3,33 pontos percentuais, enquanto o das pesquisas de opinião foi de 3,31. Considerando todo o período em que o MP esteve em operação, o desempenho dos dois métodos também foi parecido (erro absoluto médio de 4,20 pontos percentuais para o MP e de 4,09 para as pesquisas). Constatou-se também que os preços dos contratos não são um simples reflexo dos resultados das pesquisas, o que indica que o mercado é capaz de agregar informações de diferentes fontes. Há potencial para o uso de MPs em eleições brasileiras, principalmente como complemento às metodologias de previsão mais tradicionais. Todavia, algumas limitações da ferramenta e possíveis restrições legais podem dificultar sua adoção. No tema economia, os erros foram ligeiramente maiores do que os obtidos com métodos alternativos. Logo, um MP aberto ao público geral, como foi o caso da BPrev, mostrou-se mais indicado para previsões eleitorais do que para previsões econômicas. Já no tema futebol, as previsões do MP foram melhores do que o critério do acaso, mas não houve diferença significante em relação a outro método de previsão baseado na análise estatística de dados históricos. No que diz respeito ao segundo objetivo, a análise da participação no MP aponta que motivações intrínsecas são mais importantes para explicar o uso do que motivações extrínsecas. Em ordem decrescente de relevância, os principais fatores que influenciam a adoção inicial da ferramenta são: prazer percebido, aprendizado percebido, utilidade percebida, interesse pelo tema das previsões, facilidade de uso percebida, altruísmo percebido e recompensa percebida. Os indivíduos com melhor desempenho no mercado são mais propensos a continuar participando. Isso sugere que, com o passar do tempo, o nível médio de habilidade dos participantes tende a crescer, tornando as previsões do MP cada vez melhores. Os resultados também indicam que a prática de incluir questões de entretenimento para incentivar a participação em outros temas é pouco eficaz. Diante de todas as conclusões, o MP revelou-se como potencial técnica de previsão em variados campos de investigação. / Prediction Market (PM) is a tool which uses the market price mechanism to aggregate information scattered in a large group of people, aiming at generating predictions about matters of interest. It is a low cost method, able to generate forecasts continuously and it does not require random samples. There are several applications for these markets and one of the main ones is the prognosis of election outcomes. This study analyzed empirical evidences on the effectiveness of Prediction Markets in Brazil, regarding forecasts about the outcomes of the general elections in the year of 2014, about economic indicators and about the results of the Brazilian Championship soccer games. The research had two main purposes: i) to develop and evaluate the performance of PMs in the Brazilian context, comparing their predictions to the alternative methods; ii) to explain what motivates people´s participation in PMs, especially when there is little or no interaction among participants and when the trades are made with a virtual currency (play-money). The study was made feasible by means of the creation of a prediction exchange named Bolsa de Previsões (BPrev), an online marketplace which operated for 61 days, from September to November, 2014, being open to the participation of any Brazilian Internet user. The 147 participants enrolled in BPrev made a total of 1,612 trades, with 760 on the election markets, 270 on economy and 582 on soccer. Two online surveys were also used to collect demographic data and users´ perceptions. The first one was applied to potential participants before BPrev launching (302 valid answers) and the second was applied only to the registered users after two-month experience in tool using (71 valid answers). Regarding the first purpose, the results suggest Prediction Markets to be feasible in the Brazilian context. On the election markets, the mean absolute error of PM predictions on the eve of the elections was of 3.33 percentage points whereas the one of the polls was of 3.31. Considering the whole period in which BPrev was running, the performance of both methods was also similar (PM mean absolute error of 4.20 percentage points and poll´s 4.09). Contract prices were also found as not being a simple reflection of poll results, indicating that the market is capable to aggregate information from different sources. There is scope for the use of PMs in Brazilian elections, mainly as a complement of the most traditional forecasting methodologies. Nevertheless, some tool limitations and legal restrictions may hinder their adoption. On markets about economic indicators, the errors were slightly higher than those obtained by alternative methods. Therefore, a PM open to general public, as in the case of BPrev, showed as being more suitable to electoral predictions than to economic ones. Yet, on soccer markets, PM predictions were better than the criterion of chance although there had not been significant difference in relation to other forecasting method based on the statistical analysis of historical data. As far as the second purpose is concerned, the analysis of people´s participation in PMs points out intrinsic motivations being more important in explaining their use than extrinsic motivations. In relevance descending order, the principal factors that influenced tool´s initial adoption are: perceived enjoyment, perceived learning, perceived usefulness, interest in the theme of predictions, perceived ease of use, perceived altruism and perceived reward. Individuals with better performance in the market are more inclined to continue participating. This suggests that, over time, participants´ average skill level tends to increase, making PM forecasts better and better. Results also indicate that the practice of creating entertainment markets to encourage participation in other subjects is ineffective. Ratifying all the conclusions, PM showed as being a prediction potential technique in a variety of research fields.

Vers une plateforme pour l'extraction et la visualisation multi-échelle d'événements sociaux / Towards a Framework for Multiscale Social Event Extraction and Visualization

Rehman, Faizan Ur 07 December 2018 (has links)
La population des villes devrait doubler d'ici le milieu du siècle, selon les estimations de l’OMS. Cette augmentation rapide de la population a un impact sur les transports et la croissance économique, et accroîtra les responsabilités des autorités de gestion locales. Nous vivons une transformation des villes en villes intelligentes offrant de nouveaux services à la population, en optimisant l’utilisation des ressources disponibles. Qu'il s'agisse de données provenant des citoyens, de données gouvernementales ouvertes ou d'autres sources en ligne, une pluralité de sources de données peut permettre la création d’outils intelligents pour gérer efficacement les activités quotidiennes. De plus, grâce au progrès d'Internet et des technologies mobiles, les plateformes de réseaux sociaux (Twitter) sont devenues des modes de communication populaires. Elles permettent aux utilisateurs de partager un large éventail d'informations, y compris des données spatio-temporelles. Ainsi, Il est aisé d'accéder, en temps réel, à des connaissances provenant de différents types de données disponibles, riches, géo-référencées et issues de sources multiples et de les intégrer sur une carte. Il s'agit d'une réelle opportunité d'enrichir les cartes traditionnelles.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d'abord un système de recommandation d'itinéraires, tenant compte des contraintes temps réel, en l'absence d'infrastructure physique ; en exploitant les données géolocalisées issues de réseaux sociaux (twitter) pour identifier les contraintes de trafic temps réel et, par conséquent, recommander un chemin optimisé. Nous avons mis en œuvre un système d'indexation à base de grille spatiale pour notre modèle de prédiction en quasi-temps réel. Ensuite, nous avons introduit le concept de "cartes intelligentes " intégrant la représentation visuelle de couches de « connaissances pertinentes » par le biais de la collecte, la gestion et l'intégration de sources de données hétérogènes. Contrairement aux cartes conventionnelles, les cartes intelligentes extraient des informations à partir des événements annoncés et découverts en temps réel (concerts, incidents, ...), les offres en ligne et les analyses statistiques (zones dangereuses, …) en encapsulant les données entrantes semi-structurées et non structurées dans des paquets génériques structurés.Cette méthodologie ouvre la voie à la fourniture de services et applications intelligents. De plus, le développement de ‘’cartes intelligentes’’ nécessite un traitement efficace et évolutif et la visualisation de couches basées sur les connaissances à plusieurs échelles cartographiques, permettant ainsi une navigation fluide et sans encombre. Enfin, nous présentons Hadath, un système évolutif et efficace qui extrait les événements sociaux d'une multitude de flux de données non structurés. Nous utilisons le traitement du langage naturel et les techniques de regroupement multidimensionnel pour extraire les ‘’événements pertinents’’ à différentes échelles cartographiques et pour déduire l'étendue spatio-temporelle des événements détectés.Le système comprend un composant de gestion et de prétraitement des différents types de sources de données et génère des paquets de données structurés à partir de flux non structurés. Notre système comprend également un schéma d'indexation spatio-temporelle hiérarchique en mémoire pour permettre un accès efficace et évolutif aux données brutes, ainsi qu'aux groupes d'événements extraits. Dans un premier temps, les paquets de données sont traités pour la découverte d’événements à l'échelle locale, puis l'étendue spatio-temporelle appropriée. Par conséquent, les événements détectés sont affichés à différentes résolutions spatio-temporelles, ce qui permet une navigation fluide. Enfin, pour valider notre approche, nous avons mené des expériences sur des flux de données réelles. Le résultat final du système proposé, nommé Hadath crée une expérience unique et dynamique de navigation cartographique. / The population in cities is slated to double by mid-century according to estimates prepared by the World Health Organization. This rapid increase in population will impact transportation and economic growth, and will increase responsibilities of local managing authorities and different stakeholders. It is a need of the hour to convert cities into smart cities in order to provide new service to the public, by using available resources in an optimum manner. From crowd-sourced data and open governmental data to other online sources, a variety of data sources can provide users with smart tools to efficiently manage their daily activities. Moreover, with the advancement in Internet and mobile technologies, social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have become popular modes of communication. They allow users to share a spectrum of information, including spatio-temporal data, both publicly and within their community of interest in real-time. Scrutinizing knowledge from different types of available, rich, geo-tagged, and crowd-sourced data and incorporating it on a map has become more feasible. This presents a real opportunity to enrich traditional maps and enhance conventional spatio-temporal queries with the help of different types of data extracted from a variety of available data sources. In this thesis, we first propose a constraint-aware route recommendation system in lack of physical infrastructure environment that leverages geo-tagged data in social media and user-generated content to identify upcoming traffic constraints and, thus, recommend an optimized path. We have designed and developed a system using a spatial grid index to inform users about upcoming constraints and calculate a new, optimized path in minimal response time. Later, the concept of “smart maps” will be introduced by collecting, managing, and integrating heterogeneous data sources in order to infer relevant knowledge-based layers. Unlike conventional maps, smart maps extract information about live events (e.g., concert, competition, incidents, etc.), online offers, and statistical analysis (e.g., dangerous areas) by encapsulating incoming semi- and un-structured data into structured generic packets. This methodology sets the ground for providing different intelligent services and applications. Moreover, developing smart maps requires an efficient and scalable processing and the visualization of knowledge-based layers at multiple map scales, thus allowing a smooth and clutter-free browsing experience. Finally, we introduce Hadath, a scalable and efficient system that extracts social events from a variety of unstructured data streams. Hadath applies natural language processing and multi-dimensional clustering techniques to extract relevant events of interest at different map scales, and to infer the spatio-temporal extent of detected events. The system comprises a data wrapping component which digests different types of data sources, and prepossesses data to generate structured data packets out of unstructured streams. Hadath also implements a hierarchical in-memory spatio-temporal indexing scheme to allow efficient and scalable access to raw data, as well as to extracted clusters of events. Initially, data packets are processed to discover events at a local scale, then, the proper spatio-temporal extent and the significance of detected events at a global scale is determined. As a result, live events can be displayed at different spatio-temporal resolutions, thus allowing a smooth and unique browsing experience. Finally, to validate our proposed system, we conducted experiments on real-world data streams. The final output of our system named Hadath creates a unique and dynamic map browsing experience

La collaboration en traduction (Crowdsourcing in Translation) : l’exemple d’un concours de traduction en ligne

Shaydullina, Gulnara 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Bendruomeninių projektų kūrimo procesų tyrimas / Research of crowdsourcing base project development processes

Tamošaitis, Justas 26 August 2013 (has links)
Bendruomeninių paslaugų apibrėžimas dar nėra galutinai susiformavęs ir naudojami įvairūs jo variantai priklausomai nuo konteksto. Tačiau matoma galimybė panaudoti bendruomeninius resursus įvairiose srityse, įskaitant ir programinės įrangos projektų kūrimą. Viena iš svarbių projektų kūrimo sričių yra projektų valdymas. Siekiant apjungti projektų valdymą su bendruomeninėmis paslaugomis, darbe nagrinėjamas jų integracijos variantas. Aptariami naudojami programų kūrimo modeliai, apžvelgiami susiję sprendimai, jų teikiamas funkcionalumas. Darbe pateikiamas įgyvendintos projektų valdymo sistemos su integruotomis bendruomeninėmis paslaugomis aprašas, jos esminės savybės. Atliekamas eksperimentinis bendruomeninių projektų kūrimo savybių tyrimas, kurio metu tiriamas bendruomenės narių indėlis projekto maste, bei narių prisijungimo prie projekto tendencijos. / The definition of crowdsourcing is not yet fully formed and is used in various versions, depending on the context. However, there is the possibility crowdsourcing resources in various fields, including software development projects. One of the most important parts of projects is the project management. In order to combine project management with crowdsourcing, integration options are analyzed in the paper. Programming models, a review of decisions, they provided functionality is discussed in it. The paper provides implementation of the project management system with integrated crowdsourcing services and a description of its essential features. The experimental community project development process analysis is conducted to investigate the contribution size of community members and the trend of new members joining the projects.

Veränderungen in der Arbeitsteilung und Gewinnverteilung durch Open Innovation und Crowdsourcing

Drews, Paul 15 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Schöne neue Crowdsourcing Welt - Billige Arbeitskräfte, Weisheit der Massen?

Bretschneider, Ulrich, Leimeister, Jan Marco 30 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

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