Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3cultural forms"" "subject:"3cultural norms""
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An examination of culture as a protective mechanism against gender based violence: a case study in Mt Bosavi, Papua New Guinea : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy (Development Studies), Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandDogimab, Mirriam Adang January 2009 (has links)
Development literature has not accorded sufficient attention to culture as a positive aspect of development until recently. Hence, in terms of using culture as a protective mechanism against gender-based violence, not much has been investigated or reported, since most studies on gender-based violence have focused more on cultural influences as the cause or effect of violence against women. However, in the case of Papua New Guinea (PNG) culture has always been the focus in regards to genderbased violence, portrayed as the cause of violence against women. Occasionally sources state there are traditional customs or beliefs that protect women from violence, but further explanation is not provided. Hence, this research investigated the question, “How can culture address gender-based violence in contemporary, rural Papua New Guinea?” This study offers an opportunity to view PNG culture as a solution to a problem, instead of as merely a problem to be solved. To investigate how culture can be used positively as a strategy to address genderbased violence, a case study was conducted among the Sulamesi people of Mt Bosavi in the Southern highlands province of PNG. This research was conducted in a rural area because in general Papua New Guineans perceive people living in the villages as the ones living a traditional lifestyle, where established cultural norms and behaviours prevail. Using a qualitative research approach, the research investigated whether there were any traditional protective mechanisms in PNG used to address gender-based violence. This thesis concludes that through the identification of culture-driven protective mechanisms, it can be demonstrated that culture can be used as a strategy to address gender based violence. However, caution must be applied, since not all the protective mechanisms identified are desirable or constructive.
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A blessing or curse on efficacy: Impact of cultural norms on the learning experiences of Somali immigrant girlsNdungu, Naomy W. G January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring community support of adolescent's sexual reproductive health in the Acholi sub-region, UgandaAjok, Florence Odong Pinny 02 1900 (has links)
The study explored the community role in support of adolescents’ sexual reproductive health (ASRH) in Acholi sub-region, which was affected by over two decades of LRA war. The study aimed at establishing the impact of the war on Acholi socio-cultural norms of adolescents’ socialisation on sexual matters by exploring the effects of the war, mass media and the modern education system on the socio-cultural norms of socialisation and compared with the current modes of promoting sexual education among adolescents as mandated by the national adolescent health policy; the study then assessed the community responsiveness to ASRH needs. Based on the findings, community strategy for enhancing community response to adolescent health was developed.
Exploratory, descriptive and case study methodology was used to execute a three- phased concurrent study with five sub-studies. Data were collected from selected participants and respondents including teen mothers, guardians, midwives, parents, adolescents, local, cultural and religious leaders as well as policy makers, technocrats and implementers at the community and district levels. The study was implemented in Gulu, Kitgum and Pader districts of Northern UgandaThe study results found that the LRA war greatly impacted on the Acholi tradition of socialising children; the war destroyed the socio-cultural, economic and family protection structures. The teen mothers’ case study vividly documented the stories. Confounded by the influence of mass media and modern education system, the Acholi community is experiencing what the study called ‘intergenerational cultural shock’ in which the old and young generations are shocked and amazed with the cultural difference.
community responsiveness to adolescent health needs, amidst the societal changing contexts and emerging new youth cultures, the study proposes a community model and a strategy to promote community participation in ASRH but with many implications to policy, programs, and further research as detailed under the recommendations.. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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Případová studie: mateřská škola a dětská kultura / Case Study: Day-Care Center and Childern CultureSaladygová, Magda January 2010 (has links)
This case study based on a fieldwork carried out in a Day-Care Center tries to describe the process of the transition from mothering to wider society which is represented by a classroom of preschool children. Within this process we can note and describe specific ways of parent's, teacher's and especially children's actions. These activities are repeatedly produced. The point of departure is the Hirschfeld's article "Why Don't Anthropologists like Children?" (Hirschfeld, 2002) and his affirmation that children are active participants within process of accepting of social regulations and values and that they create their own culture, "children culture". This study ilustrates that the process of the transition from mothering to wider society is in the first place the process of the separation of child and mother. Within this process we note the function of the "object transitional" that compensate the absence of mother. And we can also observe how the group of pupils is formed and how their group identity is created. This group is situated in a specific place and time. And we observe that all individual actions concerning child are "embodied"- it's because we talk about an "experience that involve the whole person, including the body" (Abu-Lughold, Lutz, 1990 cit. in Ben-Ari, 1998: 138).
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Převod mluvních aktů ohrožujících tvář na příkladu simultánního tlumočení projevů v Evropském parlamentu / The transfer of face-threatening acts in simultaneous interpreting of speeches from the European ParliamentPohludková, Alena January 2020 (has links)
This theoretical-empirical paper researches how simultaneous interpreters work with face threatening acts (FTAs). For this purpose we researched how FTAs that we identified in speeches given by native Spanish speakers at the European Parliament's plenary sittings are interpreted into Czech and English. This paper has been inspired by the study of Cédric Magnifico and Bart Defrancq from the University of Ghent "Impoliteness in Interpreting: A Question of Gender?" in which they carry out a similar research. In their study the authors research the simultaneous interpretation of French speeches given at the European Parliament's plenary sittings into English and Dutch in order to find out whether interpreters really engage in face work - by face work they mean mitigating (potential) FTAs. In this paper, however, we aimed at answering a more general research question: "How do simultaneous interpreters handle face threatening acts when interpreting at the European Parliament's plenaries?" Researching the interpretation of FTAs into two target languages, moreover, can show whether face work is influenced by the cultural norms used in the community of the target language. Even though some of our findings come close to those of Magnifico and Defrancq's, some are considerably different. Magnifico and...
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Older immigrants in need of care in times of digitalization : The case of filial piety in transition among Chinese families in SwedenChen, Xin January 2021 (has links)
Globalization has facilitated international communication and economic activities that motivate more international migration. Different cultures and values from the West and the East are interwoven in the same social context. Meanwhile, aging has become a notable phenomenon in most developed countries due to declining fertility and increased life expectancy. A digital transformation of society is taking place alongside the aging and international migration that will start to question the image of older adults and the patterns of providing elderly care. Chinese elderly care is characterized by familism providing family-based informal care to an older family member. Despite the influence of migration and modern lifestyles, filial piety is expected to continue to guide the care responsibilities and care providing among Chinese families. This thesis aims to understand the cultural provision of support and care for Chinese older adults living in Sweden and under the influence of the digital transformation of society. It starts by exploring the disparities, barriers, and facilitators for older immigrants in need of home care to utilize digital technology. After constructing knowledge about the influences of the foreign environment and continuous digitalization in home care, the thesis seeks to understand how filial piety continues to be enacted; what part of the tradition is preserved, and what is changed; how the internal and external factors influence the decision of elderly care; and the role of digitalization in this process. The thesis utilizes qualitative in-depth interviews to continue investigations among eight midlife and older Chinese immigrants living in Sweden. Thematic analysis was employed for data analysis. Berry’s acculturation framework and Yeh’s Dual Filial Piety Model provide the theoretical ground for the research. The results indicated that filial piety is in transition in terms of filial responsibilities, filial behaviors, and intergenerational relationships. Despite the differences in the acculturation level, the authoritarian element of filial piety lacked ground in the Swedish social context. Respondents showed their willingness to strengthen the reciprocity with their adult children by providing additional support, valuing affections rather than hands-on care, respecting adult children’s decisions. The uptake of digital technologies has enabled midlife and older Chinese immigrants to maintain more frequent contact with family members and friends in other countries. It also improves the autonomy and capabilities for respondents to plan more independent later lives. The conclusion is that traditional values such as filial piety was not as prominent in Sweden as they are in China. / Globaliseringen har möjliggjort gränsöverskridande kommunikation och export samt import av varor och tjänster. Även människor rör sig över olika delar i världen och emigrerar till främmande länder. Detta i sin tur innebär att olika kulturer och värderingar från väst och öst behöver vävas samman och samsas i samma sociala kontext. Förutom globaliseringen så har åldrandet; på grund av sjunkande fertilitet och ökad livslängd, blivit en betydande företeelse i de flesta utvecklingsländer. En digital omvandling av samhället pågår parallellt med åldrandet och den internationella migrationen. I det avseendet blir äldre immigranter, deras teknikanvändning och syn på äldreomsorg allt viktigare. Kinesisk äldreomsorg kännetecknas av familjebaserad informell vård till av äldre familjemedlemmar. Trots samhällets förändring och digitalisering, förväntas barnen ha huvudansvaret för vård och omsorg av sina äldre familjemedlemmar. Fenomenet kallas ”filial piety” och beskriver barnens skyldigheter att sörja för sina föräldrar på ett respektfullt sätt. Denna licentiatexamen syftar till att öka kunskapen om äldre kinesiska immigranter som bor i Sverige och deras förväntningar på omhändertagandet och äldrelivet i Sverige relaterat till digitaliseringen. Licentiatexamen börjar med att utforska skillnaderna, hindren och möjligheter i att använda digital teknik bland äldre invandrare i behov av hemtjänst. Licentiatexamen använder kvalitativa djupintervjuer för att undersöka hur åtta medelålders och äldre kinesiska invandrare, bosatta i Sverige. Intervjuerna har analyserat med hjälp av tematisk analys. Berrys ramverk för ackulturation och Yehs ”Dual Filial Piety Model” utgör den teoretiska grunden för forskningen. Resultaten indikerade på att synen på ”filial piety” är i förändring när det gäller vårdnadsansvar, beteenden och relationer mellan generationerna. Trots skillnaderna i nivån av ackulturation saknades det auktoritära inslaget av ”filial piety” i den svenska kontexten. Intervjupersonerna betonade sin vilja att stärka samspelet med sina vuxna barn genom att ge stöd och affektion snarare än att de förväntade att barnen skulle ge praktisk vård och omsorg. De intervjuade visade stor respekt för sina vuxna barns beslut och självständighet. Användningen av digital teknik möjliggjorde att de intervjuade kunde hålla tät kontakt med familjemedlemmar och vänner i andra länder. Den digitala kontakten med familjemedlemmar och vänner i sin tur, ansågs stödja deras autonomi och förmåga att planera sina framtida liv och äldreomsorg. Slutsatsen är att traditionella värderingar så som ”filial piety” påverkades av den svenska kontexten och förväntningarna på de vuxna barnen var inte lika höga och framträdande som de traditionellt sett varit i Kina. / <p>QC 2021-11-02</p>
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Reconfiguration du partage des tâches domestiques dans les couples guinéens établis au QuébecDiallo, Alpha Ibrahima 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire aborde le partage des tâches chez les couples guinéens (mariés avec enfants) établis au Québec. Nous avons exploré essentiellement quelques éléments qui reviennent dans les propos des couples interrogés. Les résultats obtenus montrent tout d'abord que les hommes sont restés longtemps cantonnés à la sphère productive dans leur pays d’origine, exclus de toutes les activités relatives au « care » largement assumées par les femmes. Or en l’absence de réseau au Québec, les deux membres du couple se trouvent en situation de plus grande dépendance mutuelle pour leur survie, et le conjoint n’a pas le choix de s’impliquer. Ainsi, les nécessités économiques poussent davantage aux changements observés chez les hommes que la sensibilité aux « valeurs démocratiques/féministes » du pays d’accueil. En effet, les propos de certaines femmes interrogées montrent qu’elles sont satisfaites de venir rejoindre leur mari au Québec et de rester à leurs côtés, tout en investissant dans des activités professionnelles auxquelles elles n’avaient pas accès, même étant instruites, dans leur pays d’origine. L’installation au Québec augmente leur pouvoir de négociation dans le couple et pousse leur conjoint à s’impliquer davantage dans les tâches connotées comme « féminines » en Guinée. / This thesis addresses the sharing of tasks within Guinean couples (married with children) established in Quebec. In this sense, it lays the groundwork for an analysis still to be deepened. I essentially explored a few elements that recur in the semi-structured interviews performed. The results show first of all that men have long remained confined to the productive sphere in their country of origin, excluded from all care activities largely assumed by women. However, in the absence of a network in Quebec, the two members of the couple are now in greater mutual dependence for their survival and the spouse does not have much choice to get involved. Thus, economic necessities drive the observed changes more than sensitivity to the “democratic/feminist values” of the host country.
Indeed, some women are more satisfied to come and stay with their husbands in Quebec and to invest in professional activities to which they had not accessed even being educated in the country of origin. This increases their bargaining power in the couple and pushes their husbands to become more involved in tasks connoted as “feminine” in Guinea.
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Kvinnors förhållningssätt till kropp och ätande : om ätbeteende, kroppsmissnöje och ålders samband med den självmedvetna emotionen skam / Women´s attitudes to food and feelings toward their bodies : the associations between eating behaviour, body dissatisfaction, age and body shameBrocker, Ann January 2016 (has links)
Undersökningen som är en korrelationsstudie från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv vände sig till kvinnor i en normalpopulation. Deltagarna var mellan 19 och 59 år. Ett syfte var att undersöka samband mellan kroppsmissnöje, skam och känslor, attityder och beteenden kopplade till ätande. Kroppsmissnöje konceptualiserades och mättes som missnöje med kroppsform. Skam konceptualiserades och mättes som body shame (skam över den egna kroppen). Enligt feministiska objektifieringsteorier lärs flickor tidigt att se sin egen kropp från en utomstående observatörs perspektiv. En del av de flickor och unga kvinnor som i kulturen erfar sexuell objektifiering internaliserar normer som objektifierar deras kroppar. Detta förutsätts kunna leda till skamkänslor och ätproblem. Eftersom kroppsnormerna är orealistiska är de omöjliga att mot-svara och misslyckandet med detta genererar ytterligare skamkänslor. Menopausen kan för många individer innebära mindre exponering för sexuell objektifiering varför skamkänslor kan antas minska. Ett ytterligare syfte var därför att undersöka ålders samband med skam. Resultatet indikerar att såväl kroppsmissnöje som skam är riskfaktorer för utvecklandet av attityder och beteenden kopplade till ätproblem. Kroppsmissnöje korrelerade starkt positivt med skam och det förelåg ett svagt negativt samband mellan ålder och skam.
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Santé reproductive et santé mentale des femmes qui ont subi la violence sexuelle en temps de conflit armé : cas de la République Démocratique du CongoDossa, Nissou Ines 12 1900 (has links)
Problématique : Depuis bientôt deux décennies, la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) est le territoire d’un conflit armé qui, selon l’International Rescue Commite, aurait occasionné plus de 3 millions de décès et autant de déplacés internes. Plusieurs rapports font également cas des nombreux actes de violence sexuelle (les viols, les mutilations, l’esclavage, l’exploitation sexuelle, etc.) commis envers les filles, les femmes et dans une moindre ampleur les hommes. S’il existe un consensus sur le côté barbare des actes de violence sexuelle liés aux conflits armés, rares sont les études qui ont évalué leurs conséquences sur la santé reproductive des survivantes surtout en termes d’issues telles que les fistules, les douleurs pelviennes chroniques (DPC), le désir de rapports sexuels, le désir d’enfant et le désir d’interruption de la grossesse issue de tels actes. Par ailleurs, même si la santé mentale des populations en zones de conflit représente un sujet d’intérêt, l’impact spécifique de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur la santé mentale des survivantes a été peu étudié. De plus, ces travaux s’intéressent aux effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur la santé mentale et sur la santé reproductive séparément et ce, sans évaluer les relations qui peuvent exister entre ces deux dimensions qui, pourtant, s’influencent mutuellement. Aussi, l’impact social de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit, ainsi que la contribution des normes socioculturelles aux difficultés que rencontrent les survivantes, a été peu étudié. Pourtant, l’impact social de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit peut permettre de mieux comprendre comment l’expérience d’un tel acte peut affecter la santé mentale. Enfin, aucune étude n’a évalué les effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit en la comparant à la violence sexuelle non liée au conflit (VSNLC). Pourtant, il est reconnu qu’à de nombreux égards, la violence sexuelle liée au conflit est bien différente de la VSNLC puisqu’elle est perpétrée avec l’intention de créer le maximum d’effets adverses pour la victime et sa communauté. Objectifs : Les objectifs poursuivis dans cette thèse visent à : 1) évaluer les effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur la santé reproductive; 2) évaluer les effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur la santé mentale en termes de sévérité des symptômes de stress posttraumatique (PTSD), de sévérité des symptômes de détresse psychologique et de probabilité de souffrir de troubles mentaux communs (TMC); 3) évaluer la contribution des troubles physiques de santé reproductive, en particulier les fistules et les douleurs pelviennes chroniques (DPC), aux effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur la santé mentale; 4) évaluer la contribution de l’état de santé mentale aux effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur le désir de rapports sexuels et le désir d’enfant; et 5) étudier l’impact de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur le plan social ainsi que la contribution des normes socioculturelles à ses effets adverses et la façon dont ces effets pourraient à leur tour influencer la santé des femmes et leur relation avec l’enfant issu de l’acte de violence sexuelle subi. Méthodologie : Un devis mixte de nature convergente a permis de collecter des données quantitatives auprès de l’ensemble des participantes (étude transversale) et des données qualitatives sur un nombre plus restreint de femmes (étude phénoménologique). Une étude transversale populationnelle a été conduite entre juillet et août 2012 auprès de 320 femmes âgées de 15 à 45 ans habitant quatre (4) quartiers de la ville de Goma située dans la province du Nord-Kivu en RDC. Les femmes ont été recrutées à travers des annonces faites par les responsables des programmes d’alphabétisation et de résolution de conflits implantés dans les différents quartiers par le Collectif Alpha Ujuvi, une ONG locale. Les issues de santé reproductive évaluées sont : les fistules, les DPC, le désir de rapports sexuels, le désir d’enfant et le désir d’interruption de la grossesse issue d’un acte de violence sexuelle. Les variables de santé mentale d’intérêt sont : la sévérité des symptômes de détresse psychologique, la sévérité des symptômes de PTSD et la probabilité de souffrir de TMC. Pour les analyses, l’exposition a été définie en trois (3) catégories selon l’expérience passée de violence sexuelle : les femmes qui ont vécu des actes de violence sexuelle liée au conflit, celles qui ont vécu des actes de VSNLC et celles qui ont déclaré n’avoir jamais subi d’acte de violence sexuelle au cours de leur vie. Les variables de confusion potentielles mesurées sont : l’âge, le statut matrimonial, le nombre d’enfants, le niveau d’éducation le plus élevé atteint et l’occupation professionnelle. Les mesures d’associations ont été évaluées à l’aide de modèles de régressions logistiques et linéaires simples et multiples. Des tests d’interaction multiplicative et des analyses stratifiées ont été également conduits pour évaluer l’effet potentiellement modificateur de quelques variables (âge, statut matrimonial, nombre d’enfants) sur la relation entre la violence sexuelle et les variables de santé reproductive ou de santé mentale. Ces tests ont également été utilisés pour évaluer la contribution d’une variable de santé reproductive ou de santé mentale aux effets de la violence sexuelle sur l’autre dimension de la santé d’intérêt dans cette étude. Une étude phénoménologique a été conduite dans le même intervalle de temps auprès de 12 femmes ayant participé à la partie quantitative de l’étude qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit et ont eu un enfant issu d’une agression sexuelle. Les sujets explorés incluent : la perception de l’acte de violence sexuelle liée au conflit vécu et de la vie quotidienne par les victimes; la perception de l’acte de violence sexuelle liée au conflit par la famille et l’entourage et leurs réactions après l’agression; la perception de la grossesse issue de l’acte de violence sexuelle par la victime; la perception de l’enfant issu de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit par la victime ainsi que son entourage; les conséquences sociales de l’expérience de violence sexuelle liée au conflit et les besoins des victimes pour leur réhabilitation. Une analyse thématique avec un codage ouvert a permis de ressortir les thèmes clés des récits des participantes. Par la suite, l’approche de théorisation ancrée a été utilisée pour induire un cadre décrivant l’impact social de l’expérience de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit et les facteurs y contribuant. Résultats : Le premier article de cette thèse montre que, comparées aux femmes qui n’ont jamais vécu un acte de violence sexuelle, celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit ont une probabilité plus élevée d’avoir une fistule (OR=11.1, IC 95% [3.1-39.3]), des DPC (OR=5.1, IC 95% [2.4-10.9]), de rapporter une absence de désir de rapports sexuels (OR=3.5, IC 95% [1.7-6.9]) et une absence de désir d’enfant (OR=3.5, IC 95% [1.6-7.8]). Comparées aux mêmes femmes, celles qui ont vécu la VSNLC ont plus de probabilité de souffrir de DPC (OR=2.3, IC 95% [0.95-5.8]) et de rapporter une absence de désir d’enfant (OR=2.7, IC 95% [1.1-6.5]). Comparées aux femmes qui ont vécu la VSNLC, celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit ont également une probabilité plus élevée d’avoir une fistule (OR=9.5, IC 95% [1.6-56.4]), des DPC (OR=2.2, IC 95% [0.8-5.7]) et de rapporter une absence de désir de rapports sexuels (OR=2.5, IC 95% [1.1-6.1]). En ce qui concerne les grossesses issues des viols, comparées aux femmes qui ont vécu la VSNLC, celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sont plus nombreuses à souhaiter avorter (55% vs 25% pour celles qui ont vécu la VSNLC). Elles sont également plus nombreuses à déclarer qu’elles auraient avorté si les soins appropriés étaient accessibles (39% vs 21% pour celles qui ont vécu la VSNLC). Le second article montre qu’en comparaison aux femmes qui n’ont jamais subi de violence sexuelle, celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit présentent des symptômes de détresse psychologique (moyennes de score respectives 8.6 et 12.6, p<0.0001) et des symptômes de PTSD (moyennes de score respectives 2.2 et 2.6, p<0.0001) plus sévères et ont plus de probabilité d’être dépistées comme un cas de TMC (30% vs 76%, p<0.0001). De plus, comparées aux femmes qui ont vécu la VSNLC, celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit présentent des symptômes de détresse psychologique (moyennes de score respectives 10.1 et 12.6, p<0.0001) et des symptômes de PTSD (moyennes de score respectives 2.2 et 2.6, p<0.0001) plus sévères et ont plus de probabilité d’être dépistées comme un cas de TMC (48% vs 76%, p<0.001). Les valeurs minimales et maximales de score de sévérité de symptômes de détresse psychologique sont de 0/12 pour les femmes qui n’ont jamais vécu de violence sexuelle, 4/19 pour celles qui ont vécu la VSNLC et de 5/18 pour celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au confit. En ce qui concerne la sévérité des symptômes de PTSD, les scores minimal et maximal sont respectivement de 0.36/3.22, 0.41/3.41 et 0.95/3.45. Le fait d’avoir développé une fistule ou de souffrir de DPC après l’agression sexuelle augmente la force des associations entre la violence sexuelle et la santé mentale. Les femmes qui ont subi la violence sexuelle liée au conflit et qui ont souffert de fistules présentent des symptômes de détresse psychologique et de PTSD plus sévères comparées aux femmes qui ont subi la violence sexuelle liée au conflit mais n’ont pas de fistules. Les résultats sont similaires pour les femmes qui ont subi la violence sexuelle liée au conflit et qui souffrent de DPC. Des résultats complémentaires suggèrent que le statut matrimonial modifie l’effet de la violence sexuelle sur la sévérité des symptômes de détresse psychologique, les femmes divorcées/séparées et les veuves étant celles qui ont les moyennes de score les plus élevées (respectivement 11.3 et 12.1 vs 9.26 et 9.49 pour les célibataires et les mariées). Par ailleurs, la sévérité des symptômes de détresse psychologique modifie l’association entre la violence sexuelle liée au conflit et le désir d’enfant. Le troisième article montre que, sur le plan social, l’expérience de violence sexuelle liée au conflit entraine également de lourdes conséquences. Toutes celles qui ont vécu ce type d’acte décrivent leur vie de survivante et de mère d’un enfant issu d’une agression sexuelle comme difficile, oppressive, faite de peines et de soucis et sans valeur. Plusieurs facteurs influencent la description que les victimes de violence sexuelle liée au conflit font de leur vie quotidienne, et ils sont tous reliés aux normes socioculturelles qui font de la femme une citoyenne de seconde zone, ne font aucune différence entre un viol et un adultère, condamnent les victimes de violence sexuelle plutôt que leurs agresseurs, rejettent et stigmatisent les victimes de tels actes ainsi que l’enfant qui en est issu. En réponse au rejet et au manque de considération, les femmes victimes de violence sexuelle liée au conflit ont tendance à s’isoler pour éviter les insultes et à garder le silence sur leur agression. En plus, les réactions de leur entourage/communauté ont tendance à leur faire revivre l’agression sexuelle subie, autant d’éléments qui nuisent davantage à leur réhabilitation. D’autres résultats démontrent que les enfants issus d’actes de violence sexuelle liée au conflit sont également rejetés par leur communauté, leur famille adoptive ainsi que le conjoint de leur mère, ce qui affecte davantage les survivantes. Avec leurs mères, les relations développées varient entre le rejet, la résignation et l’affection. Néanmoins, ces relations sont plus souvent tendues probablement à cause de la stigmatisation de la communauté. Conclusion: La violence sexuelle liée au conflit a des effets adverses sur la santé reproductive, la santé mentale mais également sur le plan social. Ces trois dimensions sont loin d’être isolées puisque cette étude a permis de démontrer qu’elles s’influencent mutuellement. Ceci suggère que la prise en charge des victimes de violence sexuelle liée au conflit ne doit pas se concentrer sur un aspect ou un autre de la santé mais prendre en compte l’ensemble des dimensions de la femme pour offrir une aide holistique, plus adaptée et qui sera plus efficace à long terme. / Background: Since nearly two decades, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is ravaged by an armed conflict which, according to the International Rescue Commitee, have caused more than 3 million deaths and as many internally displaced persons. Several reports also denounce the numerous cases of sexual violence (rape, mutilation, sexual slavery, exploitation, etc.) committed against girls, women, and to a lesser extent against men. Even if there is a consensus on the barbaric nature of conflict-related sexual violence acts, few studies have assessed its effects on survivors’ reproductive health especially in terms of issues such as fistulas, chronic pelvic pain (CPP), desire for sex, desire for children, and desire to interrupt pregnancy resulting from rape. Moreover, even if the mental health of populations in conflict zones is a topic of interest, the specific impact of conflict-related sexual violence on the survivors’ mental health has not been much studied. In addition, most studies research the effects of conflict-related sexual violence on mental health and on reproductive health separately without assessing the relationships that can exist between these two dimensions which, however, influence each other. Also, the social impact of conflict-related sexual violence, and the contribution of sociocultural norms to the survivors’ struggles, has not been much studied. Nevertheless, the social impact of conflict-related sexual violence may help in understanding how the experience of such act can affect mental health. Finally, no study has investigated the effects of conflict-related sexual violence by comparing it to non-conflict- related sexual violence (NCRSV). However, it is recognized that, in many respects, conflict- related sexual violence is very different from NCRSV since it is committed with the intent to create the most adverse effects on the victims and their community. Objectives: The objectives of this thesis aimed at: 1) assessing the effects of conflict- related sexual violence on reproductive health; 2) evaluating the effects of conflict-related sexual violence on mental health in terms of severity of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, severity of psychological distress symptoms, and the likelihood of suffering from common mental disorders (CMD); 3) assessing the contribution of adverse reproductive health issues, particularly fistula and chronic pelvic pain (CPP) to the effect of conflict-related sexual violence on mental health; 4) assessing the contribution of mental health state to the effect of conflict-related sexual violence on desire for sexual intercourse, and desire for children; and 4) studying the social impact of conflict-related sexual violence as well as the contribution of sociocultural norms to its adverse consequences, and how these effects could in return affect women’s health and their relationship with their rape-conceived children. Methodology: A convergent mixed design allowed collection of quantitative data from all participants (cross-sectional study) and qualitative data on a smaller number of women (phenomenological study). A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted between July and August 2012 among 320 women, aged 15 to 45, living in four (4) neighbourhoods of the city of Goma, province of North Kivu in the DRC. Participants were recruited through announcements made by those responsible for literacy and conflict-resolution programs implemented in different neighbourhoods by the Collectif Alpha Ujuvi, a local NGO2. Reproductive health outcomes assessed are: fistulas, CPP, desire for sex, desire for children and desire to interrupt pregnancy resulting from sexual violence. The mental health outcomes of interest were: severity of psychological distress symptoms, severity of PTSD symptoms, and likelihood of suffering from CMD. For analyses, exposure was defined in three (3) categories according to past experience of sexual violence: women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence, those who experienced NCRSV, and those who reported never having been victim of sexual violence in their lifetime. Potential confounders assessed were: age, marital status, number of children, highest education level reached, and occupation. Measures of association were assessed using simple and multiple logistic and linear regression models. Multiplicative interaction tests and stratified analyzes were also conducted to identify the potential modification effect of the variables age, marital status and number of children on the association between sexual violence and reproductive health or mental health. Those tests were also used to assess the contribution of reproductive health or mental health to the effects of sexual violence on the other aspect of health of interest in this study. In the meantime, a phenomenological study was conducted among 12 women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence, had a rape-conceived child, and participated in the quantitative part of the study. Topics explored include: perception of the act of conflict- related sexual violence and the daily life by the victims; perception of the act of rape by the victims’ family and entourage and their reaction after the aggression; perception of pregnancy resulting from sexual violence by the victim; perception of the rape-conceived child by the victim and her entourage; social consequences of experiencing conflict-related sexual violence, and victims' needs for rehabilitation. A thematic analysis with open coding has highlighted the key themes of the participants’ stories. Thereafter, a grounded theory approach was used to induce a framework outlining the social impact of experiencing conflict-related sexual violence along with the contributing factors. Results: The first article of this thesis shows that, compared to women who have never experienced sexual violence, women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence have a higher probability to have fistula (OR=11.1, 95% CI [3.1-39.3]), CPP (OR=5.1, 95% CI [2.4- 10.9]), an absence of desire for sexual intercourse (OR=3.5, 95% CI [1.7-6.9]), and an absence of desire for children (OR=3.5, 95% CI [1.6-7.8]). Compared with the same women, those who have experienced NCRSV are more likely to have CPP (OR=2.3, 95% CI [0.95-5.8]), and an absence of desire for children (OR=2.7, 95% CI [1.1-6.5]). Compared with women who have experienced NCRSV, those who experienced conflict-related sexual violence also have higher odds for fistula (OR=9.5, 95% CI [1.6-56.4]), CPP (OR=2.2, 95% CI [0.8-5.7]), and absence of desire for sexual intercourse (OR=2.5, 95% CI [1.1-6.1]). Regarding pregnancy resulting from sexual violence, in comparison to women who experienced NCRSV, a higher proportion of those who experienced conflict-related sexual violence were willing to abort (55% vs. 25% for those who experienced NCRSV). They are also more likely to admit that they would have done so, if proper care was available (39% vs. 21% for those who experienced NCRSV). The second article shows that, compared to women who have never experienced sexual violence, those who experienced conflict-related sexual violence have more severe symptoms of psychological distress (respective score means 8.6 and 12.6, p<0.0001) and PTSD (respective score means 2.2 and 2.6, p<0.0001), and are more likely to be probable CMD case (30% vs. 76%, p<0.0001). Moreover, compared to women who experienced NCRSV, those who experienced conflict-related sexual violence have more severe symptoms of psychological distress (respective score means 10.1 and 12.6, p<0.0001) and PTSD (respective score means 2.2 and 2.6, p<0.0001), and are more likely to be probable CMD case (48% vs. 76%, p<0.0001). The lowest and highest scores of severity of psychological distress symptoms are 0/12 in the category of women who never experienced sexual violence, 4/19 in the category of women who experienced NCRSV and 5/18 in the category of women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence. Regarding the severity of PTSD’s symptoms, the lowest and highest scores are respectively: 0.36/3.22, 0.41/3.41 and 0.95/3.45. Suffering from fistula or CPP increases the strength of the association between sexual violence and mental health. Women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence and suffered fistula, compared to those who experienced conflict-related sexual violence and did not suffer from fistula, have more severe symptoms of psychological distress and PTSD. Results were similar for women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence and have CPP. Complementary results suggest that the marital status modifies the association between sexual violence and severity of psychological distress symptoms, divorced/separated and widowed being those who have the highest score means (respectively 11.3 and 12.1 vs. 9.26 and 9.49 for singles and married women). Furthermore, the severity of psychological distress symptoms changes the association between conflict-related sexual violence and desire for children. The third article shows that, on the social front, experiencing conflict-related sexual violence also results in serious consequences. All women who experienced this type of act describe their life of survivor and mother of a child born from rape as difficult, oppressive, made of worries and sorrows, and worthless. Several factors influence the description that victims of conflict-related sexual violence make of their daily lives, and they are all related to socio-cultural norms which consider women as second class citizen, do not make any difference between rape and adultery, condemn rape victims rather than the perpetrators, reject and stigmatize raped women and rape-conceived children. In response to the rejection and lack of consideration, survivors of conflict-related sexual violence tend to isolate themselves to avoid insults, and keep quiet about the aggression they suffered. In addition, the reactions of their entourage/community tend to revive memories of the aggression they suffered, all of which may impair their rehabilitation. Other results show that children resulting from conflict-related sexual violence are also rejected by their communities, as well their adoptive family and their mother’s partner and this hurts the victims. With their mothers, relationships developed range from rejection, resignation to affection. Nevertheless, these relationships are often more likely to be strained because of the stigma of the community. Conclusion: Conflict-related sexual violence has adverse effects on reproductive health and mental health. It is also associated with adverse social consequences. Those three dimensions are far from being isolated because this study demonstrated that they do influence each other. This suggests that intervention programs for victims of conflict-related sexual violence should not only focus on one aspect of health but take into account all the dimensions of a woman to provide holistic and more appropriate support which will be more effective in the long term.
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The effect of entitlement and patronage on empowerment : a case study on a development project in BangladeshEschbach, Philipp 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Sustainable development empowers poverty-affected people and communities by strengthening their capabilities. HRDP, a Bangladeshi development agency aims to achieve this goal by offering literacy classes and primary school edu-cation. In recent years, they have encountered obstacles to their empowerment strategy. Socio-cultural mediated expectations and moral obligations impeded the capability approach.
This case study seeks to research the effects of entitlement and patronage on the empowerment of people in one of their projects. To be able to understand these structures and to determine possible implications for the asset-based ap-proach, 14 interviews and two focus-group discussions with local stakeholders have been conducted in the village of Gabtali, Bangladesh.
Findings revealed that people desire to invest their own assets to increase their well-being, but expect assistance for this to happen. The study suggests align-ing expectations and obligations with the capability approach and also suggests a few ideas how this could be accomplished. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development studies)
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