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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En effektivare intern materialförsörjning av materialbrister : En fallstudie på Saab Surveillance / Increased Efficiency of the Internal Materials Supply of Material Shortages : A Case Study at Saab Surveillance

Gunderyd, Sofia, Johander, Frida January 2022 (has links)
Intern materialförsörjning ställer höga krav på leveransservice, exempelvis i form av leverans av rätt material i rätt kvantitet och kvalitet. En del av den interna materialförsörjningen på Saab Surveillance, ett företag som tillverkar högspecialiserade och avancerade produkter, består av materialbrister. Det finns höga krav på effektiv hantering av materialbrister med avseende på tid såväl som flexibilitet, som i nuläget inte uppfyller produktionens behov.  För att undersöka möjligheten att öka effektiviteten i logistikflöden med hjälp av kvalitetskoncept, genomfördes en fallstudie på Saab Surveillance. Studiens syfte var att utveckla en förbättrad hantering av materialbrister hos Saab Surveillance som bidrar till en effektivare intern materialförsörjning från lager till produktion genom tillämpning av kvalitetskoncept. För att uppnå studiens syfte besvarades tre frågeställningar. Den första frågeställningen, ”Hur är den interna materialförsörjningen av materialbrister utformad i nuläget?”, besvarades genom kvalitativa data från intervjuer och observationer. Därutöver bidrog kvantitativa data med ytterligare information, exempelvis ledtider och orsaker till materialbrister. Därefter analyserades den nuvarande interna materialförsörjningen av materialbrister utifrån olika teman och statistisk processtyrning för att besvara andra frågeställningen, ”Vilka möjligheter finns för effektivisering av den interna materialförsörjningen av materialbrister?”. Den tredje frågeställningen, ”Hur bör den interna materialförsörjningen av materialbrister hanteras för att öka effektiviteten?”, besvarades utifrån resultatet från den första och andra frågeställningen, referensramen samt intern benchmarking.  Studiens resultat visade att den nuvarande interna materialförsörjningen av materialbrister kan sammanfattas med sju övergripande aktiviteter: registrering i materialbeställningslista, uppdatering i affärssystemet, skicka information, prioritering av plockning, plockning, leverans och mottagning. Vidare identifierades flera möjligheter för ökad effektivitet i material- och informationsflödet. Till exempel fanns variation i ledtid, slöseri i form av väntetid samt bristande kommunikation. Möjligheterna för ökad effektivitet utgjorde grunden för förbättringsförslagen.  Samtliga sju förbättringsförslag utgick från produktionens behov och förväntningar. Förbättringsförslagen bestod till exempel av att införa en produktionsbuffert för att reducera antalet materialbrister som hanteras i lagret. Genom att skapa förståelse för produktionens förväntningar och lagrets förutsättningar kan det interna kundfokuset öka samt bidra till att en förväntad ledtid för leverans av materialbrister bestäms. Vidare kan införandet av ett materialbristverktyg för beställning av materialbrister standardisera kommunikationen mellan produktionen och lagret. Dessutom var ett förbättringsförslag att tillämpa sekventiell zonplockning av materialbrister för att undvika väntetid som uppstår vid konsolidering. Effektivare leveranser av materialbrister kan också uppnås genom att ha fasta tider för mjölkrundor samt ta bort leveransalternativet till upphämtningshyllan. Ytterligare förbättringsförslag syftade till att reducera väntetid genom omfördelning av ansvar, där montören tillåts beställa materialbrister och senare hämta det från en bestämd plats för materialbrister, istället för produktionsplaneraren. Avslutningsvis resulterade studien i ett förbättringsförslag om att tillämpa statistisk processtyrning för att kunna följa upp effekterna av de föreslagna förbättringarna.  Slutligen visade studien att tillämpning av kvalitetskoncept som kundfokus och statistisk processtyrning kan bidra till effektivisering av intern materialförsörjning av materialbrister. Vidare kan det också vara intressant att undersöka möjligheten att tillämpa kvalitetskoncept i andra logistikflöden för att uppnå ökad effektivitet. / Internal materials supply sets high demands on delivery service, for example in the form of delivery of the right material in the right quantity and quality. A part of the internal materials supply at Saab Surveillance, a company that manufactures highly specialized and advanced products, consists of material shortages. There are high demands on efficient handling of material shortages regarding time as well as flexibility, which currently does not fulfil the needs of the production.  To examine the possibility to increase the efficiency in logistics flows using quality concepts, a case study was performed at Saab Surveillance. The aim of the study was to develop an improved handling of material shortages at Saab Surveillance which contributes to a more efficient internal materials supply from warehouse to production by applying quality concepts. To achieve the aim of the study, three research questions were answered. The first research question, “How is the internal materials supply of material shortages currently designed?”, was answered through qualitative data from interviews and observations. In addition, quantitative data contributed with further information, for example lead times and causes to material shortages. Thereafter, the current internal materials supply of material shortages was analyzed based on different themes and statistical process control to answer the second research question, “What possibilities are there for making the internal materials supply of material shortages more efficient?”. The third research question, “How should the internal materials supply of material shortages be handled to increase the efficiency?”, was answered based on the result of the previous research questions, the theoretical framework and internal benchmarking.  The results of the study showed that the current internal materials supply of material shortages could be summarized with seven overall activities: registration in list of material orders, updating the enterprise resource planning system, sending information, prioritizing of picking, picking, delivery and receiving. Furthermore, several possibilities for increased efficiency in the material and information flow were identified. For example, there was variation in lead time, waste in terms of waiting time and insufficient communication. The possibilities for increasing efficiency formed the foundation for the suggestions of improvement.  All seven suggestions for improvement originated from the needs and expectations of the production. The suggestions for improvement consisted of, for example, implementing a production buffer stock to reduce the number of material shortages which are handled in the warehouse. By creating an understanding of the expectations of the production and the prerequisites of the warehouse, the internal customer focus could increase as well as contribute to determining an expected lead time for the delivery of material shortages. Furthermore, the introduction of a material shortages tool for ordering material shortages could standardize the communication between the production and the warehouse. Additionally, a suggestion for improvement was to apply sequential zone picking of material shortages to avoid waiting time which occurs at consolidation. More efficient deliveries of material shortages could also be achieved by having set times for milk runs as well as removing the delivery option to the pickup shelf. Further suggestion of improvement aimed at reducing waiting time by redistribution of responsibility where the assembler is allowed to order material shortages and later pick it up from a specific location for material shortages, instead of the production planner. Finally, the study resulted in a suggestion for improvement to apply statistical process control to be able to follow up the effects of the suggested improvements.  Finally, the study showed that application of quality concept, such as customer focus and statistical process control, could contribute to increased efficiency of the internal materials supply of material shortages. Furthermore, it would be interesting to examine the possibility of applying quality concepts in other logistics flows to achieve increased efficiency.

Применение интеллектуальных технологий для подбора магистерской программы на основании предпочтений студента : магистерская диссертация / The use of intelligent technologies for the selection of a master's program based on student preferences

Мохова, М. К., Mokhova, M. K. January 2020 (has links)
In the first section, the concept of a marketing complex and its significance for the company's activities are revealed, the main advantages and disadvantages of using intelligent technologies in marketing are described, and the problem of finding an effective channel for attracting customers is revealed and updated. The second section describes the industry of higher professional education, provides a comparative analysis of the channels for attracting applicants, and describes the channels used. Examples of the use of chatbot technology for business process automation are presented, the activities and structure of the Department of MUS Urfu are developed and described, the AS-IS model is created, which highlights the problem of choosing the most effective channel for attracting applicants, and then the TO-BE model is created. The third section is composed of Charter and project plan for creating a chat bot to attract students to the graduate program of the Department of the ICC, Urfa, analyzed competitive advantages and possible threats of the project, written marketing and organizational plans for the project calculation of the economic efficiency of the project, step by step described the process of project implementation. The terms of reference for development, the algorithm and screenshots of the development process, according to the planning, are given in appendices 1-4. / В работе приведено описание отрасли высшего профессионального образования, произведён сравнительный анализ каналов привлечения абитуриентов, описаны применяемые каналы. Представлены примеры применения технологии чат-бот для автоматизации бизнес-процессов, разработана и описана деятельность и структура кафедры МУС УрФУ, создана модель AS-IS, в которой выделена проблема, заключающаяся в выборе наиболее эффективного канала привлечения абитуриентов, далее создана модель TO-BE. Составлены устав и план проекта по созданию чат-бота для привлечения абитуриентов на программу магистратуры кафедры МУС УрФУ, проанализированы конкурентные преимущества и возможные угрозы проекта, составлен маркетинговый и организационный планы проекта, произведён расчёт экономической эффективности проекта, поэтапно описан процесс реализации проекта.

Kunden har alltid makt : – En studie av Customer Empowerments inverkan på företag inom retailbranschen.

Cedergren, Jacob, Rampeltin Molin, Christin January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Kunden har alltid makt – En studie av Customer Empowerments inverkan på företag inom retailbranschen.    Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi    Författare: Jacob Cedergren och Christin Rampeltin Molin    Handledare: Anna Ljung och Akmal Hyder   Datum: 2021– januari      Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera företagens uppfattning av Customer Empowerment och dess inverkan på företag inom retailbranschen.   Metod: Vi har valt att använda oss av ett induktivt tillvägagångssätt. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning, med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Företagsrepresentanter inom retailbranschen har utgjort studiens urval, då vi anser att deras kundkontakt och möte slutkunden är viktigt för att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar.   Resultat & slutsats: Studien visar att respondenterna uppfattar att de idag styrs av kunden och kundens behov. Intervjupersonerna beskriver att internet har ökat kundens inflytande och makt, på grund av tillgången till en obegränsad mängd information. Respondenterna beskriver en maktförskjutning från företag till kund. Studien visar att begreppet Customer Empowerment, CE, har förändrats från en företagsinitierad strategi för att skapa kundengagemang och nöjdhet, till en okontrollerbar kundmakt, vilket innebär att kunden har övertagit flera av företagens roller. Ett koncept vi har valt att namnge omvända roller då kunderna, enligt respondenterna, styr och innehar makt över företagen medan företagen försöker anpassa sig efter kundens behov och önskemål.    Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar då den beskriver begreppet Customer Empowerment, CE, och dess inverkan på retailföretag, utifrån företagens perspektiv. Tidigare forskning av begreppet CE har framhållit dess fördelar. Denna studie beskriver att kunden idag inte bara erbjuds inflytande utan även har övertagit makt och kontroll från företagen. Denna maktförändring leder till negativa effekter, vilket beskrivs i två teoretiska figurer. Det praktiska bidraget är att studien beskriver de negativa effekterna som kundens makt kan inneha på företag, inom retailbranschen.    Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna studie bygger på 10 intervjupersoner, från retailbranschen, vilket gör att studiens generaliserbarhet endast speglar en del av retailbranschen samt en liten del av svenska företag. Det vore intressant att undersöka företagens syn på CE inom andra branscher, exempelvis inom B2B- branschen.    Nyckelord: Customer Empowerment, Kundmakt, Kundfokus, Kundorientering, Retail, Retailbransch / Title: The customer always has power - a study of how Customer Empowerment affects companies in the retail industry.   Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration    Author: Jacob Cedergren and Christin Rampeltin Molin   Supervisor: Anna Ljung and Akmal Hyder    Date: 2021 - January     Aim: The study aims to investigate and describe companies' perceptions of Customer Empowerment, CE, and its impact on companies in the retail industry.   Method: We have chosen to use an inductive approach. The empirical material has been obtained through a qualitative interview survey with semi-structured interviews. Company representatives in the retail industry have made up our selection, as we believe that their customer contact and meeting the end customer are essential to answer the study's questions.   Result & Conclusions: The study shows that the respondents perceive that they are governed by the customer and the customer's needs. The interviewees describe that the internet has increased the customer's influence and power due to the unlimited amount of information. The respondents describe a shift in power from the company to the customer. The study shows that CE's concept has changed from a company-initiated strategy to create customer engagement and satisfaction, to an uncontrollable customer power, which means that the customer has taken over several of the companies' roles. This concept we have chosen to name reverse roles, as the customers, according to the respondents, control and hold power over the companies while the companies try to adapt to the customer's needs and wishes.   Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes as it describes Customer Empowerment, CE, and its impact on retail companies, from the companies' perspective. Previous research on the concept of CE has highlighted its benefits. This study describes that the customer today is offered influence and has also taken over the companies' power. This change in control leads to adverse effects, which are described in two theoretical figures. The practical contribution is that the study describes the damaging effects of the customer's power on companies in the retail industry.   Suggestions for future research: This study is based on ten interviewees, from the retail industry, which means that the study's generalizability only reflects a part of the Swedish companies. It would be interesting to investigate whether this view of customer power is also valid in other industries or, for example, in the B2B industry.   Key words: Customer Empowerment, Customer Power, Customer Focus, Customer Orientation, Retail, Retail Industry


Ifeloluwa Rebekah Olukayode (19195432) 23 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of salespeople’s characteristics on their sales process. A cluster analysis procedure was used to develop a segmentation of business-to-business salespeople. The segments were developed by seven variables that describe the percentage of time salespeople spend on specific selling activities: prospecting, building trust/ relationship, probing, presenting products/ services, handling objections, negotiating/ obtaining commitment, and service/ follow-up.  The result indicated the presence of three clusters: customer-focused, sales-focused, and balance segments.  Differences across these segments have essential implications on the choice of sales strategy. </p>

The evolving scope and impact of total quality management in leading South African companies

Weitz, Kevin Walton 06 1900 (has links)
The objective of the study was to quantify the evolving scope of quality management as practiced in a sample of companies in South Afiica, and to correlate this with corporate profitability. The empirical data in this study suggests that a more extensive scope of application and practice of quality management and related management practices is related to better organisational profitability. The significant correlations which were demonstrated are: • A focus on results by companies is inversely correlated with Operating Profit Margin. • Quality training, employee communications and internal coordination correlates positively with Net Profit Margin. • The rigorous use of quality standards correlates positively with Net Profit Margin. • Quality control and monitoring correlates positively with Return on Equity. Recommendations flowing from this study include that a broader paradigm of quality management is required, expressed as an integrated model for innovation and change which is holistic rather than fragmented. / Economics / M. Com. (Business Economics)

The influence of total quality management on school improvement in secondary schools in the uThungulu District, Kwazulu-Natal

Sibeko, Sylvia Dolly 09 1900 (has links)
TQM has been identified as an approach that can be adopted to improve quality in business as well as in education. The main aim of this approach is to involve everybody in decision-making of the organization, in this case a school, with the purpose of achieving highest commitment from staff and customer satisfaction. TQM can be a way which can bring about changes in the education system. It is a philosophy with continuous improvement which can provide a set of practicable tools and techniques to meet the present and the future desires of any educational system. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influence of TQM on school improvement in secondary schools in the Uthungulu District, Kwazulu-Natal. The questionnaires were handed to schools in the Uthungulu District which is made up of 5 circuits, namely, Umhlathuze Circuit, Umfolozi Circuit, Umlalazi Circuit, Mthonjaneni Circuit and Inkandla Circuit. The research concentrated mainly on School Management Teams (SMTs) and Post Level 1 educators (PL1 educators) from senior secondary schools (high schools). On the whole, respondents in the study area have shown a positive attitude towards understanding the significance of Total Quality Management principles in schools. The findings seem to suggest that everyone has a responsibility of encouraging implementation of TQM in schools. It is important to develop quality management systems, because without them, it is impossible to implement. The quality improvement teams should be empowered to manage themselves and provide programmes that will enable them to be more effective. The proposed model of the study provides information about basic elements and factors which need to be taken into cognisance during the TQM and implementation process. The model identifies the main principles of TQM with continuous improvement at the centre of them all. The main aim of implementing TQM in school should be continuous improvement. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Trender, ett verktyg i heminredningsföretagets marknadsföring? : En fallstudie om relationen mellan trender och marknadsföring på heminredningsmarknaden med huvudfokus på Åhléns hemavdelning

Kaljula, Kärolin- Lii January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken roll trender har i heminredningsföretagets marknadsföring och få en större förståelse för hur trender kan användas som ett marknadsföringsverktyg inom heminredningsmarknad. Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade djupintervjuer och observationer. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie om heminredningsmarknaden med huvudfokus på Åhléns hemavdelning.Teori: Studien har insamlat teorier inom områdena trender, kundfokus samt marknadsföring och kommunikation.Resultat: I resultatet visade det sig att trender kan användas som ett marknadsföringsverktyg men trender är inte enbart ett verktyg. Trender är basen för hela marknadsföringen. Samtidigt används trender även i framtagandet av sortiment och är en av grunderna för heminredningskampanjer. Trender kan användas i alla kanaler beroende på vad man vill förmedla till konsumenter. / Ekonomi, teknik och design

Towards a New Employment Relationship Model: Merging Changing Needs and Interests of Organisation and Individual

Baker, Timothy Bond January 2005 (has links)
This research investigates the new psychological contract phenomenon in an organisational case study. The research question underpinning this study is - What are the core attributes of the new employment relationship? To investigate this research question, the researcher applied Noer's (1997) new employment relationship model to a disproportionate stratified sample of 19 participants from three organisational perspectives in an Australian-based international travel retail organisation, Flight Centre Limited, which specialises in the sale of discount international airfares. Data from a survey instrument were analysed using a "Multi-source Assessment" instrument. The data analysis method was used to create a schema to guide and inform a series of focus groups. The research findings validated Noer's five attributes of Flexible Employment, Customer-focus, Focus on Performance, Project-based Work and Human Spirit & Work. In addition, three other attributes of the new employment relationship emerged from the data, namely, Loyalty & Commitment, Learning & Development and Open Information. The research findings validate eight core attributes of the new employment relationship and therefore make a contribution to the expanding body of research in this field. The research approach also provides organisational practitioners with a unique consulting methodology to merge the changing needs and interests of individual and organisation.

The evolving scope and impact of total quality management in leading South African companies

Weitz, Kevin Walton 06 1900 (has links)
The objective of the study was to quantify the evolving scope of quality management as practiced in a sample of companies in South Afiica, and to correlate this with corporate profitability. The empirical data in this study suggests that a more extensive scope of application and practice of quality management and related management practices is related to better organisational profitability. The significant correlations which were demonstrated are: • A focus on results by companies is inversely correlated with Operating Profit Margin. • Quality training, employee communications and internal coordination correlates positively with Net Profit Margin. • The rigorous use of quality standards correlates positively with Net Profit Margin. • Quality control and monitoring correlates positively with Return on Equity. Recommendations flowing from this study include that a broader paradigm of quality management is required, expressed as an integrated model for innovation and change which is holistic rather than fragmented. / Economics / M. Com. (Business Economics)

The influence of total quality management on school improvement in secondary schools in the uThungulu District, Kwazulu-Natal

Sibeko, Sylvia Dolly 09 1900 (has links)
TQM has been identified as an approach that can be adopted to improve quality in business as well as in education. The main aim of this approach is to involve everybody in decision-making of the organization, in this case a school, with the purpose of achieving highest commitment from staff and customer satisfaction. TQM can be a way which can bring about changes in the education system. It is a philosophy with continuous improvement which can provide a set of practicable tools and techniques to meet the present and the future desires of any educational system. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influence of TQM on school improvement in secondary schools in the Uthungulu District, Kwazulu-Natal. The questionnaires were handed to schools in the Uthungulu District which is made up of 5 circuits, namely, Umhlathuze Circuit, Umfolozi Circuit, Umlalazi Circuit, Mthonjaneni Circuit and Inkandla Circuit. The research concentrated mainly on School Management Teams (SMTs) and Post Level 1 educators (PL1 educators) from senior secondary schools (high schools). On the whole, respondents in the study area have shown a positive attitude towards understanding the significance of Total Quality Management principles in schools. The findings seem to suggest that everyone has a responsibility of encouraging implementation of TQM in schools. It is important to develop quality management systems, because without them, it is impossible to implement. The quality improvement teams should be empowered to manage themselves and provide programmes that will enable them to be more effective. The proposed model of the study provides information about basic elements and factors which need to be taken into cognisance during the TQM and implementation process. The model identifies the main principles of TQM with continuous improvement at the centre of them all. The main aim of implementing TQM in school should be continuous improvement. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

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