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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kants formaler Idealismus

Oberst, Michael 07 January 2015 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit schlage ich eine phänomenalistische Interpretation von Kants Idealismus vor, die sich jedoch in einigen Punkten von Standard-phänomenalistischen Interpretationen unterscheidet. Erscheinungen sind in meiner Lesart der Inhalt von Vorstellungen, aber nicht das eigentliche Objekt der Erkenntnis. Denn Erscheinungen sind von den erscheinenden Objekten verschieden. Diese sind vielmehr die Dinge an sich, welche wir zum transzendentalen Gegenstand der Erkenntnis machen. Allerdings erkennen wir sie lediglich, wie sie erscheinen, und nicht, wie sie sind. Somit bleibt die Unerkennbarkeit der Dinge, wie sie an sich sind, gewahrt. Im Verlauf meiner Argumentation diskutiere ich zahlreiche Aspekte von Kants Philosophie. Darunter sind die Unterscheidung zwischen Erscheinungen und Dingen an sich, Kants Verhältnis zur Cartesischen Epistemologie, die Widerlegung des Idealismus, sowie nicht zuletzt seine Theorie der Synthesis zu nennen. Mein Ziel ist dabei nicht nur zu zeigen, dass Kant ein Phänomenalist ist, sondern auch die Art seines Phänomenalismus zu charakterisieren. / This publication defends a phenomenalist interpretation of Kant’s idealism, which, however, deviates from usual phenomenalist interpretations in several respects. According to my reading, appearances are the content of representations, but not the true object of cognition. The object to which our cognition refers is rather the thing itself as the transcendental object. Nonetheless, we only cognize them as they appear and not as they are in themselves. Thus the unknowability of things as they are in themselves is retained. In the course of my presentation, I discuss a number of aspects of Kant’s philosophy, among which are the distinction between appearances and things in themselves, Kant’s relationship to Cartesian epistemology, the refutation of idealism, and not least his theory of synthesis. My aim is not only to show that Kant is a phenomenalist, but also to characterize the kind of his phenomenalism.

通俗知識與現代性: 丁福保與近代上海醫學知識的大眾傳播. / Popular knowledge and modernity: Ding Fubao and the transmission of medical knowledge in modern Shanghai / 丁福保與近代上海醫學知識的大眾傳播 / Tong su zhi shi yu xian dai xing: Ding Fubao yu jin dai Shanghai yi xue zhi shi de da zhong chuan bo. / Ding Fubao yu jin dai Shanghai yi xue zhi shi de da zhong chuan bo

January 2013 (has links)
醫學知識的傳播在近代中國經歷了一個大衆化,普及化,商業化的過程。而以豐富的醫學著述而聞名的上海醫學書局的創辦人,集醫生、著述家、出版商、佛教居士等身份為一體的近代學者丁福保(1874-1952),則是這一過程中的關鍵人物。本文的研究主要建立在丁福保從1900年到1949年翻譯、自撰、編寫出版的各類醫學書籍及發表的醫學知識文章的基礎之上,從其產生的社會背景出發,試圖解釋出身傳統文人家庭的丁氏是如何應時代之變,一步步走向行醫及出版之路的。 / 從1909到1915年前後,丁福保和他創辦的醫學書局幾乎主導了晚清民初的醫書市場,介紹引進了日本明治維新以來出版的包括解剖生理、病理衛生等各科近百部西醫書籍,還有部分中藥及中醫著作。丁氏獲得成功的原因既在於他在商業、經濟及人際、社團網絡方面的影響力,也在於他出版的醫書適應了近代以來包括中醫、學生及普通市民在内的讀者需求。然而1915年之後,隨著西醫專業團體的興起,丁福保在西醫譯書市場中的壟斷地位迅速被取代。故對丁氏而言,1909至1915年是個非常有利的時段。本文對這個特殊時代的背景做出分析。在此之后,作爲一名佛學養生家,丁氏在醫書市場上貢獻最多的是關於個人保健衛生的通俗醫學知識。因此,丁福保的醫學知識與他對自身的認識,及其人生哲學的關係也在本文的討論範圍之内,以顯示一個傳統文人在中西醫學以及儒、道、釋文化的影響下,對以現代醫藥為代表的「現代性」的思考和身體力行。 / This thesis is a study of Ding Fubao (1874-1952)--a famous Chinese physician-publisher, lay Buddhist and classical scholar--and the role he played in the history of modern Chinese medicine. Ding’s medical ideas and practices as the founder of the Shanghai Medical Bookstore exactly mirrored the popularization and commercialization of medical knowledge in modern China. Focusing on the popularization of medical knowledge, this thesis explains how Ding--an educated man born in a traditional Chinese culture--could make use of political power, marketing and social networks to achieve success with a career of producing and disseminating modern medical knowledge. This process also reflected the relationship between Ding’s medical knowledge and his conceptions of the body with his philosophy of life; while further illuminating the conflicts and compromises in the Chinese medical circles of the time. This work is primarily based on medical books and journals produced by Ding Fubao during the Late Qing and Republican eras, from the collections of libraries in Beijing and Shanghai. / Ding Fubao and the Medical Bookshop he established in Shanghai dominated the medical book market in China from 1909 to around 1915. During this time, dozens of Japanese medical books from the time of Meiji restoration, covering areas ranging from Western medicine to Chinese medicine, were published and distributed from his bookshop. Ding’s success lay in his use of marketing and his social network. However, with the rise of Western medical professional societies, Ding lost his monopoly in the Western medical book market in China after 1915. This thesis analyzes this special background of the 1909 to 1915 area, a critical period for Ding. After 1915, as a lay Buddhist, Ding provided popular medical knowledge to the public through different kinds of modern periodicals. This dissertation also discusses the relationship between Ding Fubao's medical knowledge and his personal philosophies. Using this lens, this thesis reveals a traditional scholar of Chinese and Western medicine who was influenced by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, as a representative of modern medical theory and practice. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 劉玄. / "2013年5月". / "2013 nian 5 yue". / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 173-183). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Liu Xuan. / 中英文摘要 --- p.ii / 致謝 --- p.iv / 目次 --- p.vi / Chapter 圖一: --- 丁福保醫書廣告 --- p.vii / Chapter 圖二: --- 丁福保出版醫書與原著日本醫書封面對比 --- p.viii / Chapter 第一章、 --- 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 前言:從晚清時期《申報》刊登的一則廣告說起 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 歷史背景與問題討論 --- p.8 / Chapter 第三節 --- 研究要旨與章節架構 --- p.24 / Chapter 第二章、 --- 從科舉生員到吸收新學的出版家:丁福保與「丁氏醫學叢書」 --- p.28 / Chapter 第一節 --- 從科舉生員到京師大學堂新學講師 --- p.29 / Chapter 第二節 --- 1909年南洋大臣醫科特考與赴日考察醫學 --- p.37 / Chapter 第三節 --- 商業、教育與實用的綜合-「丁氏醫學叢書」發行的考慮 --- p.43 / Chapter 第三章、 --- 海上知名度的建立:丁福保的社會交友網絡 --- p.57 / Chapter 第一節 --- 中西醫之間--丁福保與他的醫界同儕 --- p.58 / Chapter 第二節 --- 醫學與商業--丁福保與他的「授業門生」 --- p.75 / Chapter 第三節 --- 海上名耆聲望的擴大:丁福保與滬上各界社會名流的往來 --- p.83 / Chapter 第四章、 --- 「衛生普及」與「科學中醫」:丁福保在民國時期的醫學活動 --- p.95 / Chapter 第一節 --- 出版品的變化 --- p.96 / Chapter 第二節 --- 中西混雜的健壽法--丁福保與大眾報刊中的健康衛生知識 --- p.102 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「科學中醫」與《國藥新聲》 --- p.120 / Chapter 第五章、 --- 丁福保對「時代病」的時代認識與他的醫學世界 --- p.131 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「改良舊醫學」與「宣傳新衛生」:丁福保眼中的肺癆病 --- p.132 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「西醫」還是「國醫」:「中西醫名家」丁福保的醫學造詣探討 --- p.151 / Chapter 第六章、 --- 結語 --- p.162 / 參考書目 --- p.173

北伐前後婦女解放觀的轉變-以魯迅、茅盾、丁玲小說為中心的探討 / The emancipation of Chinese women during the Northern Expedition: focus on Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Ding Ling

吳怡萍, Wu, Yi Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文共分五章。第一章緒論,約略敘述中國婦女解放運動發生的原因,和其強烈的救亡色彩,所產生的不利影響。第二章,討論魯迅及其所屬時代。從〈我之節烈觀〉對傳統貞節觀的批判,到〈娜拉走後怎樣〉經濟解放的時代宣示,魯迅小說《祝福》和《傷逝》中的女性也標幟著不同時代的變化。一個是肩負反傳統任務的苦難婦女,一個則不僅是象徵五四精神精神的中國娜拉,還身被對五四個性解放的反省。   第三章分析茅盾。茅盾個人的婦女解放觀和魯迅可以說是一脈相承。魯迅雖然提出經濟解放,卻沒有明示一條實行的道路,茅盾則直指革命,加入工農群眾,必須先達到社會解放,婦女才能得到解放。筆者選擇了《蝕》、《虹》兩部長篇小說和《野薔薇》□五個短篇小說集所創造的一系列的「時代女性」來分析。這些「時代女性」可以說是婦女史上自五四到五卅這段時期女性的具體圖像,她們不只是出走的娜拉,並且已是都市的「小資產階級女性」。在戀愛與革命之間,尋找自我的定位,最後茅盾以其男性的觀點,將婦女解放寄託在共黨革命上。第四章丁玲及其小說,丁玲是和這個男性主流意識妥協的典型代表。丁玲蜚聲文壇的作品《夢珂》、《莎菲女士的日記》,以一個女性對於愛與性的痛苦掙扎和需求,來探索女性的心靈狀態,呈現女性觀點的兩性關係。除了對父權社會的批判外,丁玲觸角伸到男性婦女解放觀點一個薄弱的層面:夫權的批判。自《夢珂》以後到一九二九年的作品,大都存有她個人的女性意識。但到一九三○年以後,為了順眾時代的潮流,她不期然地追隨了五四以來的「男性女性主義者」的道路,把婦女問題附屬在社會問題上。從《韋護》、《一九三○年春上海(之一)》、《一九三○年上海(之二)》到《水》,丁玲讓女主角們由女性自我向革命大眾妥協。包括她自己本身,也同時有了出路。   第五章結論,自戊戌以來,救亡圖存,政治、社會革命成為中國婦女解放運動主基調的結果,淡化了男性批判和女性的自我反思。儘管女性改善了社會地位和社會權利,但這並不是婦女解放運動真正精神內涵。唯有從女性自覺,以「性別」角度去揭開父權社會所加於中國婦女解放運動的重重障礙,方才能尋出女性在社會中的角色和定位,永遠不再陷入「娜拉走後怎樣」的循環夢魘中。

Mitteilungen des URZ 2/1999

Fischer,, Friedrich,, Heik,, Hübner,, Junghänel,, Richter,, Riedel,, Ziegler, 19 July 1999 (has links)
Mobile Informationen - WebDAV AMANDA PHP3 - Professional Home Page Tool 0371 36704 ... stets Anschluß unter dieser Nummer Datenbankservice VMWARE für Linux The Gimp Das Ding Ein fantastischer Stängel auf der Schlossstraße

Optimalizace mikroklimatu budov zelení / Nature in buildings

Kojecká, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the assessment of the influence of the green interior wall to the microclimate of the room. The experimental part of the thesis assesses the thermal-humidity microclimate, the microbial microclimate and the concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air. In the project part, a variant solution for the ventilation of an office building was prepared. In the first variant, mechanical cooling was used to cover the heat load, while the second variant used passive cooling and direct adiabatic cooling with a green wall.

Rôle de la topoisomérase I dans la stabilité du génome chez Escherichia coli

Ngningone, Christy M. 12 1900 (has links)
Les topoisomérases (topos) de type IA jouent un rôle primordial dans le maintien et l’organisation du génome. Cependant, les mécanismes par lesquels elles contrôlent cette stabilité génomique sont encore à approfondir. Chez E. coli, les deux principales topoisomérases de type IA sont la topo I (codée par le gène topA) et la topo III (codée par le gène topB). Il a déjà été montré que les cellules dépourvues des topos I et III formaient de très longs filaments dans lesquels les chromosomes ne sont pas bien séparés. Comme ces défauts de ségrégation des chromosomes sont corrigés par l’inactivation de la protéine RecA qui est responsable de la recombinaison homologue, il a été émis comme hypothèse que les topoisomérases de type IA avaient un rôle dans la résolution des intermédiaires de recombinaison afin de permettre la séparation des chromosomes. D’autre part, des études réalisées dans notre laboratoire démontrent que le rôle majeur de la topoisomérase I est d’empêcher la formation des R-loops durant la transcription, surtout au niveau des opérons rrn. Ces R-loops on été récemment identifiés comme des obstacles majeurs à l’avancement des fourches de réplication, ce qui peut provoquer une instabilité génomique. Nous avons des évidences génétiques montrant qu’il en serait de même chez nos mutants topA. Tout récemment, des études ont montré le rôle majeur de certaines hélicases dans le soutien aux fourches de réplication bloquées, mais aussi une aide afin de supprimer les R-loops. Chez E. coli, ces hélicases ont été identifiées et sont DinG, Rep et UvrD. Ces hélicases jouent un rôle dans la suppression de certains obstacles à la réplication. Le but de ce projet était de vérifier l’implication de ces hélicases chez le mutant topA en utilisant une approche génétique. Étonnamment, nos résultats montrent que la délétion de certains de ces gènes d’hélicases a pour effet de corriger plutôt que d’exacerber des phénotypes du mutants topA qui sont liés à la croissance et à la morphologie des nucléoides et des cellules. Ces résultats sont interprétés à la lumière de nouvelles fonctions attribuées aux topoisomérases de types IA dans la stabilité du génome. / Type 1A topoisomerases (topos) play a vital role in the maintenance and organization of the genome. However, the mechanisms by which they control genome stability still remain to be explored. In E. coli, the two type IA topoisomerases are topo I (encoded by topA) and topo III (encoded by topB). It has been shown that cells lacking topo I and III form very long filaments in which the chromosomes are not well separated. As the chromosome segregation defects are corrected by inactivation of the RecA protein, that is responsible for homologous recombination, it has been hypothesized that type IA topoisomerases have a role in the resolution of recombination intermediates to allow chromosome segregation. On the other hand, studies in our laboratory have shown that the major role of topoisomerase I is to prevent the formation of R-loops during transcription, especially at the rrn operons. These R-loops have been recently identified as major roadblocks to the progression of replication forks, which can cause genomic instability. We have genetic evidence suggesting similar effects may occur in our topA mutants. More recently, studies have shown the important role of certain helicases in eliminating roadblocks for replication forks that could sometimes be R-loops. In E. coli, these helicases have been identified and they are DinG, Rep and UvrD. The purpose of this project was to study the roles of these helicases in our topA mutant, using a genetic approach. Surprisingly, our results show that deletions of some of these genes have the effect of correcting rather than exacerbating topA mutant phenotypes that are related to the growth and cell and nucleoid morphology. These results are interpreted in the light of new functions assigned to the type IA topoisomerases in genome stability.


柳珍姬, You , Jinhee Unknown Date (has links)
《鼎峙春秋》是奉乾隆皇帝的命所創造的作品.本劇本,以元明以來流傳的三國演義故事為題材,僅在清代宮廷裡所演出的劇本。 清代極為崇拜關公,而關公到了《鼎峙春秋》呈顯出最完美的形象. 本論文將關公的一生分為七個時段來探討鼎峙春秋中的關公如何被描述, 其中發現本劇作家透過關公的一生突顯出忠義精神和善惡報應思想,以此教導民眾. 本論文雖然不足的地方很多,希望研究關公的學人有所幫助. / 《Ding Zhi Chun Qiu》 was made by the order of Qian Long the Emperor of the Ch'ing dynasty. It’s a play only performed at Court. And it’s about the story in the period of the Three Kingdoms which has been one of the people’s favorite subjects since Yuan-Ming Dynasty.The people of the Ch'ing dynasty were more devoted to worship Gwangong than any other times. Therefore, the Gwangong who is a main character of 《Ding Zhi Chun Qiu》 is described as the most perfect person whose image is handed down from generation after generation.This paper divided the life of GwanGong into 7 periods based on the important historical trace, and watched how GwanGong’s story was described in《Ding Zhi Chun Qiu》. I was able to find out that the writer had intention to enlighten the people by highlighting a loyalty spirit and right and wrong retribution thoughts through Gwangong in the process. Although this paper has some insufficient points, but I hope this paper would be helpful to those who study Gwangong.

Mitteilungen des URZ 2/1999

Fischer, Friedrich, Heik, Hübner, Junghänel, Richter, Riedel, Ziegler 19 July 1999 (has links)
Mobile Informationen - WebDAV AMANDA PHP3 - Professional Home Page Tool 0371 36704 ... stets Anschluß unter dieser Nummer Datenbankservice VMWARE für Linux The Gimp Das Ding Ein fantastischer Stängel auf der Schlossstraße

Příprava a realizace výstavby výrobní haly s administrativou / Preparation and realization of the construction of a production hall with administration

Hesková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves the construction and technological preparation of the production hall with administration building for company Mont-Tech localized in Brno. The following documents are processed for the project. These are: technical report, coordination situation with wider transport route relationships, time and financial plan for construction, study of the implementation of the main technological stages, design of site facilities, proposal of the main building machines and mechanisms, technological regulations and related control and testing plans. In addition were prepared – the itemized budget of the main buildings, the plan of safety and health protection and construction details.

Conservation Competition: Perspectives on Agricultural Drainage During the New Deal Era

Allen, Davis 13 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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