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Autonomní robotické měření záření gama / Autonomous Robotic Gamma Radiation MeasurementLázna, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na autonomní lokalizaci radiologických zdrojů v definované oblasti zájmu. Jejím cílem je vyvinout lokalizační strategie a platformu, na které je bude možné vyzkoušet. Platforma je sestavena z průzkumného robotu Orpheus-X3, scintilačních detektorů a přesného GNSS přijímače. Algoritmus pro vytváření mapy distribuce radiačního pole je rozšířen. Jsou představeny nové metody založené na směrové citlivosti navrhovaného detekčního systému. Počáteční průzkum oblasti zájmu je uskutečněn pomocí kružnicových trajektorií. Všechny algoritmy byly otestována jak simulacemi, tak reálnými experimenty. Dosažená přesnosti lokalizace je v řádu desítek centimetrů. Časová efektivita je použitím nových algoritmů zvýšena přibližně dvakrát až pětkrát. Jedním z~přínosů práce je vývoj modulárního systému, který může být přesunut a uzpůsoben na jiné platformy. Výhodou použitého systému je vysoký stupeň autonomie a bezpečnost pro lidského operátora.
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Spectral and Energy Efficiency in 5G Wireless Networks / Efficacité spectrale et énergétique dans les réseaux 5GLahsen-Cherif, Iyad 02 December 2016 (has links)
La pénurie d'énergie et le manque d'infrastructures dans les régions rurales représentent une barrière pour le déploiement et l'extension des réseaux cellulaires. Les approches et techniques pour relier les stations de base (BSs) entre elles à faible coût et d'une manière fiable et efficace énergiquement sont l'une des priorités des opérateurs. Ces réseaux peu denses actuellement, peuvent évoluer rapidement et affronter une croissance exponentielle due principalement à l'utilisation des téléphones mobiles, tablettes et applications gourmandes en bande passante. La densification des réseaux est l'une des solutions efficaces pour répondre à ce besoin en débit élevé. Certes, l'introduction de petites BSs apporte de nombreux avantages tels que l'amélioration du débit et de la qualité du signal, mais entraîne des contraintes opérationnelles telles que le choix de l'emplacement des noeuds dans ces réseaux de plus en plus denses ainsi que leur alimentation. Les problèmes où la contrainte spatiale est prépondérante sont bien appropriés à la modélisation par la géométrie stochastique qui permet une modélisation réaliste de distribution des BSs. Ainsi, l'enjeu est de trouver de nouvelles approches de gestions d'interférence et de réductions de consommation énergétique dans les réseaux sans fil. Le premier axe de cette thèse s'intéresse aux méthodes de gestion d'interférence dans les réseaux cellulaires se basant sur la coordination entre les BSs, plus précisément, la technique Coordinated MultiPoint Joint Transmission (CoMP-JT). En CoMP-JT, les utilisateurs en bordure de cellules qui subissent un niveau très élevé d'interférences reçoivent plusieurs copies du signal utile de la part des BSs qui forment l'ensemble de coordination. Ainsi, nous utilisons le modèle r-l Square Point Process (PP) à fin de modéliser la distribution des BSs dans le plan. Le processus r-l Square PP est le plus adapté pour modéliser le déploiement réel des BSs d'un réseau sans fil, en assurant une distance minimale, (r - l), entre les points du processus. Nous discutons l'impact de la taille de l'ensemble de coordination sur les performances évaluées. Ce travail est étendu pour les réseaux denses WiFi IEEE 802.11, où les contraintes de portées de transmission et de détection de porteuse ont été prises en compte. Dans le deuxième axe du travail, nous nous intéressons à l'efficacité énergétique des réseaux mesh. Nous proposons l'utilisation des antennes directionnelles (DAs) pour réduire la consommation énergétique et améliorer le débit de ces réseaux mesh. Les DAs ont la capacité de focaliser la transmission dans la direction du récepteur, assurant une portée plus importante et moins d'énergie dissipée dans toutes les directions. Pour différentes topologies, nous dérivons le nombre de liens et montrons que ce nombre dépend du nombre de secteurs de l'antenne. Ainsi, en utilisant les simulations, nous montrons que le gain, en énergie et en débit, apporté par les DAs peut atteindre 70% dans certains cas. De plus, on propose un modèle d'optimisation conjointe d'énergie et du débit adapté aux réseaux WMNs équipés de DAs. La résolution numérique de ce modèle conforte les résultats de simulation obtenus dans la première partie de cette étude sur l'impact des DAs sur les performances du réseau en termes de débit et d'énergie consommée. Ces travaux de thèse s'inscrivent dans le cadre du projet collaboratif (FUI16 LCI4D), qui consiste à concevoir et à valider une architecture radio ouverte pour renforcer l'accès aux services broadband dans des lieux ne disposant que d'une couverture minimale assurée par un réseau macro-cellulaire traditionnel. / Today's networks continue to evolve and grow resulting more dense, complex and heterogeneous networks.This leads to new challenges such as finding new models to characterize the nodes distribution in the wireless network and approaches to mitigate interference. On the other hand, the energy consumption of WMNs is a challenging issue mainly in rural areas lacking of default electrical grids. Finding alternative technologies and approaches to reduce the consumed energy of these networks is a interesting task. This thesis focuses on proposing and evaluating interference management models for next generation wireless networks (5G and Very Dense High WLANs), and providing tools and technologies to reduce energy consumption of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). Two different problems are thus studied; naturally the thesis is divided into two parts along the following chapters.The contribution of the first part of the thesis is threefold. Firstly, we develop our interference management coordination (CoMP-JT) model. The main idea of CoMP-JT is to turn signals generating harmful interference into useful signals. We develop a new model where BSs inside the coordinated set send a copy of data to border's users experiencing high interference. We consider the r-l Square point process to model the BSs distribution in the network. We derive network performance in terms of coverage probability and throughput. Additionally, we study the impact of the size of coordination set on the network performance. Secondly, we extend these results and provide a new model adopted for Dense Very high throughput WLANs. We take into consideration constraints of WLANs in our model such as carrier sensing range. Thirdly, we tackle resource allocation strategies to limit the interference in LTE networks. We study three cyclic allocation strategies: (i) the independent allocation, (ii) the static allocation and (iii) the load-dependent strategy. We derive tractable analytical expression of the first and second mean of interference. We validate the model using extensive simulations. Reducing the energy consumption and improving the energy efficiency of WMNs is our concern in the second part of the thesis. Indeed, we aim at studying the impact of directional antennas technology on the performance of WMNs, using both analysis and simulations. Fisrt, We derive the Number of Links (NLs) for the chain and grid topologies for different antennas beams. These results are based on the routing tables of nodes in the network. We consider different scenarios such as 1Source-NDestinations to model the downlink communications, NSources-1Destination to model the uplink communications and the 1Source-1Destination as a baseline scenario. Using ns-3 simulator, we simulate network performance in terms of Mean Loss Ratio, throughput, energy consumption and energy efficiency. Then, we study the impact of number of beams, network topology and size, the placement of the gateway on the network performance. Next, we go beyond simulations and propose an optimization framework minimizing the consumed energy while maximizing the network throughput for DAs WMNs. We consider a weighted objective function combining the energy consumption and the throughput. We use power control to adapt transmission power depending on the location of the next hop. This model is a first step to approve the obtained simulation results. We use ILOG Cplex solver to find the optimal solution. Results show that DAs improves the network throughput while reduce the energy consumption and that power control allows saving more energy. In this direction, the LCI4D Project aims at providing low cost infrastructure to connect isolated rural and sub-urban areas to the Internet. In order to reduce the installation and maintenance costs, LCI4D proposes the usage of self-configured Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) to connect multimode outdoor femtocells to the remote Marco cell (gateway).
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Using plasmonic nanostructures to control electrically excited light emission / Nanostructures plasmoniques pour le contrôle de l'émission de lumière excitée électriquementCao, Shuiyan 16 February 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous utilisons différentes nanostructures plasmoniques pour contrôler l'émission de lumière excitée électriquement. Notre émission électrique provient d'une "nanosource STM" qui utilise le courant tunnel inélastique entre la pointe d'un microscope à effet tunnel (STM) et un échantillon métallique, pour exciter localement les plasmons polaritons de surface localisés et propagatifs. L’interaction de notre nanosource STM et d'une lentille plasmonique circulaire (une série de fentes concentriques gravées dans un film d'or épais) produit une microsource radialement polarisée de faible dispersion angulaire (≈ ± 4 °). L'influence des paramètres structuraux sur la propagation angulaire de la microsource résultante est également étudiée. En outre, une faible dispersion angulaire (<± 7 °) pour une grande plage de longueurs d'onde (650-850 nm) est obtenue. Ainsi, cette microsource électrique de lumière presque collimatée a une réponse spectrale large et est optimale sur une large plage d'énergie, en particulier en comparaison avec d'autres structures plasmoniques résonantes telles que les nanoantennes Yagi-Uda. L'interaction de notre nanosource STM et d'une lentille plasmonique elliptique (une seule fente elliptique gravée dans un film d'or épais) est également étudiée. Lorsque l'excitation STM est située au point focal de la lentille plasmonique elliptique, un faisceau lumineux directionnel à faible divergence est acquis. De plus, expérimentalement, nous trouvons qu'en changeant l'excentricité de la lentille plasmique elliptique, l'angle d'émission varie. On constate que plus l'excentricité de la lentille elliptique est grande, plus l'angle d'émission est élevé. Cette étude permet de mieux comprendre comment les nanostructures plasmoniques façonnent l'émission de lumière. L'interaction de SPP excités par STM et d'une structure de pile multicouche planaire plasmonique est également étudiée. Il est démontré qu'en utilisant l'excitation STM, nous pouvons sonder la structure de bande optique de la pile Au-SiO₂-Au. Nous trouvons que l'épaisseur du diélectrique joue un rôle important dans la modification du couplage entre les modes. Nous comparons également les résultats obtenus par excitation laser et STM de la même structure de pile. Les résultats indiquent que la technique STM est supérieure en sensibilité. Ces résultats mettent en évidence le potentiel de la STM en tant que technique de nanoscopie optique sensible pour sonder les bandes optiques des nanostructures plasmoniques. Enfin, l'interaction d'une nanosource STM et d'une plaque triangulaire individuelle est également étudiée. Nous trouvons que lorsque l'excitation STM est centrée sur la plaque triangulaire, il n'y a pas d'émission de lumière directionnelle. Cependant, lorsque la nanosource STM est située sur le bord du triangle, on obtient une émission de lumière directionnelle. Cette étude nous fournit une nouvelle voie pour atteindre l'émission de lumière directionnelle. Nous étudions également l'exploration du LDOS optique du triangle avec la nanosource STM. Ainsi, nos résultats montrent que la manipulation de la lumière est réalisée par des interactions SPP-matière. En utilisant des nanostructures plasmoniques, nous contrôlons la collimation, la polarisation et la direction de la lumière provenant de la nanosource STM. / In this thesis, we use different plasmonic nanostructures to control the emission of electrically-excited light. Our electrical emission is from an “STM-nanosource” which uses the inelastic tunnel current between the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and a metallic sample, to locally excite both localized and propagating surface plasmon polaritons. The interaction of our STM-nanosource and a circular plasmonic lens (a series of concentric slits etched in a thick gold film) produces a radially polarized microsource of low angular spread (≈±4°). The influence of the structural parameters on the angular spread of the resulting microsource is also investigated. In addition, a low angular spread (<±7°) for a large wavelength range (650-850 nm) is achieved. Thus this electrically-driven microsource of nearly collimated light has a broad spectral response and is optimal over a wide energy range, especially in comparison with other resonant plasmonic structures such as Yagi-Uda nanoantennas. The interaction of our STM-nanosource and an elliptical plasmonic lens (a single elliptical slit etched in a thick gold film) is also studied. When the STM excitation is located at the focal point position of the elliptical plasmonic lens, a directional light beam of low angular spread is acquired. Moreover, in the experiment we find that by changing the eccentricity of the elliptical plasmonic lens, the emission angle is varied. It is found that the larger the eccentricity of the elliptical lens, the higher the emission angle. This study provides a better understanding of how plasmonic nanostructures shape the emission of light. The interaction of STM-excited SPPs and a planar plasmonic multi-layer stack structure is also investigated. It is demonstrated that using STM excitation we can probe the optical band structure of the Au-SiO₂-Au stack. We find that the thickness of the dielectric plays an important role in changing the coupling between the modes. We also compare the results obtained by both laser and STM excitation of the same stack structure. The results indicate that the STM technique is superior in sensitivity. These findings highlight the potential of the STM as a sensitive optical nanoscopic technique to probe the optical bands of plasmonic nanostructures. Finally, the interaction of an STM-nanosource and an individual triangular plate is also studied. We find that when the STM excitation is centered on the triangular plate, there is no directional light emission. However, when the STM-nanosource is located on the edge of the triangle, directional light emission is obtained. This study provides us a novel avenue to achieve directional light emission. We also study probing the optical LDOS of the triangle with the STM-nanosource. Thus, our results show that the manipulation of light is achieved through SPP-matter interactions. Using plasmonic nanostructures, we control the collimation, polarization, and direction of the light originating from the STM-nanosource.
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Multi-Directional Phase-Contrast Flow MRI in Real TimeKollmeier, Jost M. 31 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Modeling of directional solidification of multicrystalline silicon in a traveling magnetic fieldDadzis, Kaspars 30 November 2012 (has links)
Melt flow plays an important role in directional solidification of multicrystalline silicon influencing the temperature field and the crystallization interface as well as the transport of impurities. This work investigates the potential of a traveling magnetic field (TMF) for an active control of the melt flow. A system of 3D numerical models was developed and adapted based on open-source software for calculations of Lorentz force, melt flow, and related phenomena. Isothermal and non-isothermal model experiments with a square GaInSn melt were used to validate the numerical models by direct velocity measurements. Several new 3D flow structures of turbulent TMF flows were observed for different melt heights. Further numerical parameter studies carried out for silicon melts showed that already a weak TMF-induced Lorentz force can stir impurities near to the complete mixing limit. Simultaneously, the deformed temperature field leads to an increase of the deflection of crystallization interface, which may exhibit a distinct asymmetry. The numerical results of this work were implemented in a research-scale silicon crystallization furnace. Scaling laws for various phenomena were derived allowing a limited transfer of the results to the industrial scale.
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Infrared Emittance of Paper : Method Development, Measurements and ApplicationHyll, Caroline January 2012 (has links)
Thermography is a non-destructive technique which uses infrared radiation to obtain the temperature distribution of an object. The technique is increasingly used in the pulp and paper industry. To convert the detected infrared radiation to a temperature, the emittance of the material must be known. For several influencing parameters the emittance of paper and board has not previously been studied in detail. This is partly due to the lack of emittance measurement methods that allow for studying the influence of these parameters. An angle-resolved goniometric method for measuring the infrared emittance of a material was developed in this thesis. The method is based on the reference emitter methodology, and uses commercial infrared cameras to determine the emittance. The method was applied to study the dependence on wavelength range, temperature, observation angle, moisture ratio, sample composition, and sample structure of the emittance of paper and board samples. It was found that the emittance varied significantly with wavelength range, observation angle and moisture ratio. The emittance was significantly higher in the LWIR (Long-Wavelength Infrared) range than in the MWIR (Mid-Wavelength Infrared) range. The emittance was approximately constant up to an observation angle of 60° in the MWIR range and 70° in the LWIR range, respectively. After that it started to decrease. The emittance of moist samples was significantly higher than that of dry samples. The influence of moisture ratio on the emittance could be estimated based on the moisture ratio of the sample, and the emittance of pure water and dry material, respectively. The applicability of measured emittance values was demonstrated in an investigation of the mechanical properties of sack paper samples. An infrared camera was applied to monitor the generation of heat during a tensile test of a paper sample. It was found that the observed increase in thermal energy at the time of rupture corresponded well to the value of the elastic energy stored in the sample just prior to rupture. The measured emittance value provided an increased accuracy in the thermal energy calculation based on the infrared images. / <p>QC 20121121</p>
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Optimization of directional control valves through downstream compensation approachMesturini, Davide, Dolcin, Cesare, Busani, Ulderico, Marani, Pietro, Bonavolonta, Antonella, Frosina, Emma 25 June 2020 (has links)
Various academic studies show that in the use of common ICE Off-road Vehicles only about 10-15% of the available power at fuel level is actually transformed into useful energy for the actuators. Particularly the Directional Control Valves are responsible for the dissipation of about 35-40% of the hydraulic energy available at the pump level. The machine electrification trend makes it even more urgent to optimize the hydraulic system to ensure greater performance and higher battery autonomy. Traditional Directional Control Valves design solutions neglect important opportunities for reducing losses and improve internal regeneration. Especially, energy recovery is rarely applied and in any case by means of important superstructures which considerably increase the costs of the system. This paper presents an innovative Directional Control Valve layout, based on the Downstream Compensation approach that, in a simple and cost-effective design, allows to recover a considerable amount of energy from both the inertial loads and the simultaneous use of multiple actuators at different pressure level. The proposed layout performance and efficiency are studied through lumped element simulation and laboratory experimental tests.
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Statistical Inference for a Ratio of Dispersions Using Paired SamplesBonett, Douglas G., Seier, Edith 01 January 2003 (has links)
Wilcox (1990) examined the Type I and Type II error rates for several robust tests of H0: σ12/σ22 = 1 in paired-data designs and concluded that a satisfactory solution does not yet exist. A confidence interval for a ratio of correlated mean absolute deviations is derived and performs well in small sample sizes across realistically nonnormal distributions. When used to test a hypothesis, the proposed confidence interval is almost as powerful as the most powerful test examined by Wilcox.
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Generátor otisků prstů / Fingerprints GeneratorChaloupka, Radek Unknown Date (has links)
Algorithms for fingerprints recognition are already known for long time and there is also an effort for their best optimization. This master's thesis is dealing with an opposite approach, where the fingerprints are not being recognized, but are generated on the minutiae position basis. Such algorithm is then free of the minutiae detection from image and enhancements of fingerprints. Results of this work are the synthetic images generated according to few given parameters, especially minutiae.
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Zásady pro provádění řížených protlaků pod komunikacemi / Principles for the implementation of controlled pressures under roadsKomoň, Richard Unknown Date (has links)
Goal of the diploma thesis is to explain what does the term of controlled horizontal drilling mean and where it can be performed. Furthermore, it wants to show what to pay attention to during designing as well as during the actual pilot drill. Additionally, to show that pilot drill cannot be performed based on the project in all scenarios. Theoretical part of the thesis explains how the technology works and which auxiliaries are necessary to successfully perform controlled pressure. This technology is explained step by step in the practical part of the thesis to show how to proceed during the realization of controlled pressure.
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