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Strategisk medieplanering och yttrandefrihet på folkbibliotek : En diskursanalys av biblioteksrelaterad debatt 2012-2015 / Collection development and freedom of expression in public libraries : A discourse analysis of library related debate 2012-2015Bilting, Lars, Holmudd, Carl January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine the different discourses related to freedom of expression linked to collec-tion development that can be identified in and around the public library field. Questions posed in this study are: What discourses can be found and how do they interact? How is the public library’s mission described in relation to freedom of expression and collection development within each dis-course? Which subject positions are visible in the debate? The theoretical starting-point is Ernesto Laclau’s and Chantal Mouffe’s discourse theory. The used method is discourse an-alytic, but since Laclau and Mouffe provide no explicit step by step method how to use their theory, we have had to find inspiration in other discourse analytic papers. 38 articles from library journals and daily newspapers were analyzed. The re-sult of the analysis reveals three discourses: a libertarian dis-course, a profession-centred discourse and a reflexive dis-course. From a professional point of view selection, based on professional considerations, is a necessity since no public li-brary is able to stock everything. From a libertarian perspec-tive, the public library’s mission is to serve the public with-out any censorship filters. The main position in the reflexive discourse is that freedom of expression is negotiated in dia-logue with vulnerable groups to ensure a public library for all. Based on the result of the analysis we draw the conclu-sion that the interpretations of laws and guidelines differ within the public library discourse. We therefore propose a clearer national coordination on collection development strat-egies.
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La complexité du décloisonnement culturel : étude des tensions, complémentarités et contradictions inhérentes au décloisonnement / The complexity of cultural dis-closure : study of the tensions, complementarities and contradictions of dis-closureAttali, Ygaël 24 January 2019 (has links)
Le concept de décloisonnement, est élaboré à partir d'une réflexion sur la complexité des enjeux culturels, notamment, lorsqu'une pluralité de cultures, coexiste et se confronte dans un espace commun. L'étude, le développement et la discussion du décloisonnement sont issus d’une généalogie de la culture et des cultures dans l'histoire des idées, notamment à travers les Sophistes, Las Casas, Montaigne, Rousseau, Volney et Lévi-Strauss et par une analyse historique des concepts de nomos, coutume, et civilisation. Le décloisonnement est bâti autour de trois pôles : décentrement, pluralité et hiérarchie affaiblie ou reconfigurée. La pertinence du concept est testée en regard des rencontres interculturelles et de leurs significations. A partir d'observations historiques, sociologiques et philosophiques, le décloisonnement est rattaché à un cloisonnement initial dans un équilibre sous tension constante et nécessaire. Aux principes absolus du couple ouverture/fermeture est substitué le décloisonnement/cloisonnement. Les dynamiques étudiées sont inévitablement antagonistes et complémentaires. Les tensions, apories et contradictions rencontrées conduisent à l'élaboration d'une triple balance des concepts et aspects trans- inter- et multi- culturels. La triple balance pose la nécessité d'un équilibre entre la pluralité intérieure et la transculturalité dans une perspective de dialogues et de rencontres. La notion conclusive de proximétrie pose la recherche nécessaire d'une mesure des distances culturelles, d'où procède un art délicat du discernement d'un équilibre dans le décloisonnement culturel. / The concept of Dis-closure is based on a reflection on the complexity of cultural confrontations in an intercultural space. The study, development and discussion of the concept of Dis-closure stem from a genealogy of culture in the history of ideas, notably through the Sophists, Las Casas, Montaigne, Rousseau, Volney and Lévi-Strauss and by a historical analysis of the concepts of nomos, custom, and civilization. The Dis-closure is built around three poles: decentralization, plurality and hierarchy weakened or reconfigured. The relevance of the concept is tested in a selection of different cultural fields. On the basis of historical, sociological and philosophical observations, the Dis-closure is related to an initial partitioning in an equilibrium under constant and necessary tension. The absolute principles of Openness / Closeness are substituted with Dis-closure / Closure. The dynamics studied are inevitably antagonistic and complementary. The tensions, aporias and contradictions encountered lead to the development of a triple balance of trans-, Inter- and Multi-cultural poles. The triple balance raises the need for an equilibrum between inner plurality and transculturality in a perspective of dialogues and encounters. The conclusive notion of proximetry poses the necessary search for a measure of cultural distances, their degrees and qualities, from which proceeds a delicate art of discerning a balance in a cultural Dis-closed context.
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Critical possibilities: decritique, deracination, and the D.I.S.Flores, Becky January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation presents the theory and practice of Decritique, a critical pedagogy for the first-year college English classroom that offers an alternative to contemporary applications of critical theory. Underscored by a philosophy of language drawn from Husserl's pure phenomenology and Derrida's deconstruction, a key characteristic of the pedagogy is delineation between re-cognition and recognition: the former actively seeking ways to re-position one's own thinking in relation to perceptions of the world; the latter endorsing existing perception. Concepts of "respect" and "tolerance" are questioned in Decritique, positing that they can operate as agents of oppression; instead, students engage in critical interaction and animated introspection that, in turn, opens the possibility of change. Concerned with the theory and practice of a reconceptualized critical pedagogy, the question at the core of Decritique is ways for students to reach a point of cognitive struggle leading to genuine discovery without the pain that can accompany criticism and critical self-reflection acting as a barrier to learning. Chapters One through Three examine what constitutes "the critical"; namely, critical thinking, critical pedagogy, critical literacy, and critical care, Chapter Four discusses a reconceptualization of these criticalities, Chapter Five examines the theory of Decritique, Chapter Six presents a three-semester pilot study comparing Decritique with a pedagogy of "caring" in both face-to-face and online learning environments, and Chapter Seven provides the study’s conclusions. Results indicate that students taught with Decritique consistently produced more writing than those taught with a "caring" approach, demonstrated greater evidence of "critical" reflection on essay revisions, engaged more animatedly in verbal and written discourse, exhibited a strong sense of critical camaraderie, particularly in the face-to-face classroom, and that essays averaged nearly five percent, or half a letter grade, higher. Retention and pass rates were higher in the Decritique classes and students were more likely to be satisfied with their learning experience. Implementation of the pedagogy on a wider, cross-institutional level is recommended in order to investigate the potential of Decritique as an alternative critical pedagogy for the first-year college English classroom, one that promotes reflective critical analysis of discourse with a commitment to the possibilities of praxis.
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Speaking Voices in Postcolonial Indian Novels from Orientalism to OutsourcingGardner, Barbara J. 05 May 2012 (has links)
In Orientalism, Edward Said identified how the Westerner “spoke for” and represented the silent Orient. Today with the burgeoning call-center business with India, it seems that the West now wants the Orient to speak for it. But is the voice that Western business requires in India a truly Indian voice? Or is it a manipulation which is a new form of the silencing of the Indian voice? This dissertation identifies how several Postcolonial Indian writers challenge the silence of Orientalism and the power issues of the West through various “speaking voices” of narratives representative of Indian life. Using Julie Kristeva’s abjection theory as a lens, this dissertation reveals Arundhati Roy as “speaking abjection” in The God of Small Things. Even Roy’s novelistic setting suffers abjection through neocolonialism. Salman Rushdie’s narrative method of magic realism allows “speaking trauma” as his character Saleem in Midnight’s Children suffers the traumas of Partition and Emergency as an allegorical representation of India. Using magic realism Saleem is able to speak the unspeakable. Other Indian voices, Bapsi Sidhwa, Khushwant Singh, and Rohinton Mistry “speak history” as their novels carry the weight of conveying an often-absent official history of Partition and the Emergency, history verified by Partition surviror interviews. In Such a Long Journey, Mistry uses an anthrozoological theme in portraying issues of power over innocence. Recognizing the choices and negotiations of immigrant life through the coining of the word (dis)assimilation, Jhumpa Lahiri’s writings are analyzed in terms of a “speaking voice” of (dis)assimilation for Indian immigrants in the United States, while Zadie Smith’s White Teeth “speaks (dis)assimilation” as a voice of multiple ethnicites negotiating immigrant life in the United Kingdom. Together these various “speaking voices” show the power of Indian writers in challenging the silence of Orientalism through narrative.
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Peripheral integration and disintegration in Europe: the "European dependency school" revisitedWeissenbacher, Rudy 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this contribution to the history of theory, the author reconsiders
the impact of the Latin American dependency paradigm on Europe.
The analysis does not deal with the reception of the Latin American
dependency school itself, the focus lies on elements of this school as
they were used to explain the European situation in the 1970s and
1980s. For that purpose, it delineates research networks and their
analyses of core-periphery relations in Europe. All these networks
had a critical attitude towards the old development paradigm. Some
called it development "from above" or "to the outside". A new paradigm
was to include strategic elements of a "selective spatial closure" and
"self-reliance". For many, the European integration process played an
important role in their estimates of future developments. Much of this
analysis still seems relevant and topical today. The author considers it
fruitful to take up the research agenda of the "European dependency
school", to re-define it and adapt it to altered contemporary
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Estudo Macro e Micromorfológico de uma Topossequência na Bacia do Córrego do Retiro de São Pedro-SP. / Ètude macro et micromorphologique d'une toposéquence dans le bassin du Córrego do Retiro (São Pedro-SP-Brésil)Deborah de Oliveira 02 September 1997 (has links)
La présence de bandes ondulées superposées et anastomosées dans le profils de sols situés au bord du glacis de São Pedro, bassin du Córrego do Retiro dans sa transition vers une zone plus disséquée en aval, ont suggéré quil sagissait de sols intermédiaires entre les Sables Quartzeux et les Podzoliques Rouge-Jaunes. Létude macro et micromorphologique accompagnée des analyses conventionnelles de laboratoire (granulométrie, analyses chimiques) a suivi le procédé proposé par Boulet et al (1982 a,b) appelé Analyse Structurale de la Couverture Pédologique et a donné la priorité à une toposéquence représentative où le systéme pédologique étudié est constitué de Sables Quartzeux avec bandes ondulées au sommet, Podzolique Rouge-Jaune sur la versant et Lithosol à la base. Le travail de terrain a indiqué la présénce dun passage latéral dhorizon avec bandes ondulées dans lhorizon Bt, par la coalescence et lépaississement de ces bandes, qui apparaissent au-dessus, au-dessous et à lintérieur du Bt, jusqua sa disparition. Cet horizon devient alors plus structuré en aval et se dégrade immédiatement après par lhydromorphie. Lanalyse micromorphologique a révélé la présénce dun important plasma illuvial sous la forme de cutanes liant des grains et à lintérieur des pores orientés, bien développés et ferruginisés à lintérieur de la structure porphyrique, aussi bien dans les bandes ondulées que dans le Bt. Dans le tronçon où le Bt le se dégrade par hydromorphie, les cutanes se démantèlent, originant de petits fragments (papules) dans la porosité et aussi à lintérieur du fond matriciel proche des restes de cutanes fortement intégrés. Lanalyse granulométrique a démontré la prédominance de sable fin dans les sols étudiés et a confirmé lexisténce dune plus grande quantité dargile dans les bandes ondulées et le Bt, ce qui corrobore linterprétation dilluviation. Lanalyse chimique a confirmé que la plus grande mobilité est la physique des constituants, étant donné la similarité de la distribuition des titrages trouvés dans les horizons de la toposéquence et a aussi confirmé la pauvetré de ces sols. Dans le systéme pédologique étudié, il sagit dun systéme de transformation pédologique latéral encore en activité, où les bandes ondulées sont responsables de la transformation des Sables Quartzeux en Podzolique Rouge-Jaune par la formation dun horizon Bt. Ces sols avec bandes ondulées représent un stage intermédiaire de la pédogènese lié à linstabilisation et à la translocation des argiles des Sables Quartzeux en rapport avec la dynamique de la circulation hydrique verticale et latérale soumisé à lévolution morphogénétique des bords du glacis de São Pedro par la convexisation apparemment corrélative de la dissécation quaternaire. / A presença de bandas onduladas superpostas e anastomosadas em perfis de solos situados na borda do glacis de São Pedro, na bacia do Córrego do Retiro, na sua transição para uma zona mais dissecada à jusante, sugeriram tratar-se de solos intermediários entre as Areias Quartzosas e os Podzólicos Vermelho-Amarelos. O estudo macro e micromorfológico acompanhado de análises convencionais de laboratório (granulometria, análises químicas) seguiu o procedimento proposto por BOULET et al (1982, a, b) denominado Análise Estrutural da Cobertura Pedológica e priorizou uma topossequência representativa, na qual o sistema pedológico estudado é constituído por Areias Quartzosas com bandas onduladas no topo, Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo na vertente e Litossolo na base. O trabalho de campo revelou a presença de uma passagem lateral do horizonte com bandas onduladas ao horizonte Bt através da coalescência e espessamento dessas bandas, que ocorrem tanto no topo, como na base e dentro do Bt, até desaparecerem para jusante, onde este se torna mais estruturado e se degrada por hidromorfia. A análise micromorfológica revelou a presença de um importante plasma iluvial na forma de cutãs ligando grãos e no interior de poros, orientados, muito bem desenvolvidos e ferruginizados no interior de estrutura de base porfírica, tanto nas bandas onduladas como no Bt. No trecho onde este se degrada por hidromorfia os cutãs se desmantelam originando pequenos fragmentos (pápulas) na porosidade e também no interior do fundo matricial próximo aos restos de cutãs, alguns fortemente integrados. A análise granulométrica demonstrou o predomínio de areia fina nos solos estudados e confirmou uma quantidade maior de argila nas bandas onduladas e no Bt, corroborando a interpretação de iluviação. A análise química confirmou que a mobilidade maior é a física dos constituintes, dada a similaridade da distribuição dos teores encontrados em relação aos horizontes da topossequência e também confirmou a pobreza dos solos. O sistema pedológico estudado trata-se de um sistema de transformação pedológica lateral ainda em atividade, onde as bandas onduladas são responsáveis pela transformação das Areias Quartzosas em Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo através da formação de horizonte Bt. Esses solos com bandas onduladas significam o estágio intermediário da pedogênese ligada à instabilização e translocação das argilas das Areias Quartzosas, relacionada à dinâmica da circulação hídrica vertical e lateral condicionada à evolução morfogenética das bordas do glacis de São Pedro por convexização aparentemente correlativa da dissecação quaternária.
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A Visual CV to Empower Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Entering The Canadian WorkforceDeroo, Cristina January 2016 (has links)
Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have faced continual barriers to achieving social inclusion within their communities and are often excluded from many avenues of community life. While segregated institutionalized living—and the social exclusion associated with it—has declined, individuals with IDD continue to face barriers to achieving social inclusion linked to restrictions placed upon them that inhibit opportunities to obtain meaningful paid employment. One of the first steps necessary to pursue employment opportunities is a coherent, effective and professional curriculum vitae (CV). For individuals with IDD, preparing and using a traditional text-based CV may be unrealistic. Therefore, the goal of this thesis was to equip a sample of young adults with IDD with a visual photograph-based CV and to help them practice using it in an interview. This thesis used photovoice narrative in order to visually document the strengths and skills that a person with IDD could offer to a potential employer through the communication tool of a visual CV. By engaging participants in producing and using a visual CV, this research project explored options for increasing channels of communication between prospective employees and employers in hopes of encouraging inclusion of people with IDD in Canadian labour markets.
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Byggbranschen? Nä, jag är inte intresseradLord, Max, Delic, Haris January 2018 (has links)
En av de stora utmaningarna som byggbranschen står inför är den höga bostadsbristen som råder. Samtidigt har byggbranschen svårt att tillgodose kompetensförsörjningen som krävs för att uppnå regeringens mål med att bostadsmarknaden på sikt ska tillgodose efterfrågan som ställs på nybyggen. Forskning visar i sin tur att byggbranschen inte är så attraktiv bland ungdomar vilket är ett stort hinder för att tillgodose regeringens mål med att minska bostadsbristen. Syftet med vår uppsats är att studera några niondeklassares bild av byggbranschen. Vi studerar även hur de konstruerar bilden av den typiske byggarbetaren för att därefter se hur de talar om sig själva i relation till branschen. Den insamlade empirin analyserar vi med hjälp av begrepp från Gottfredsons teori Theory of circumscription and compromise samt begreppen maskulinitet och identitet. I denna studie använder vi oss av en metodtriangulering där vi genomfört tre gruppintervjuer med några niondeklassare. Informanterna fick besvara en yrkesenkät som därefter följdes upp av en gruppintervju.Bilden av byggbranschen och de som arbetar inom den baserar niondeklassarna i studien utifrån tre faktorer; könsstämpel, status och arbetsuppgifter. Det råder även en låg kunskap om byggbranschen samtidigt som det finns en stor avsaknad av intresse för byggbranschen vilket även används som den mest förekommande identitetsmarkören när de talar om sig själva i relation till branschen.
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Precise measurement of the nuclear dependence of the EMC effect in light nucleiKarki, Abishek, Karki, Abishek 09 December 2022 (has links)
Measurements of inclusive electron scattering cross-section ratios from light nuclei over a wide range of the Björken �� (0.3 < �� < 1) up to �� 2 = 8.3 GeV2 were made as part of experiment E10-10-008, which was conducted in Hall C at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The measurements were performed using a beam energy of 10.602 GeV and an average beam current of 45 ��A. This dissertation provides a thorough description of the experiment as well as the extracted ratios of inclusive nuclear cross-sections with respect to the deuterium cross-sections (the EMC effect) for the targets 9 Be, 12 C, 10 B, and 11 B. The nuclear dependence of the inclusive inelastic electron scattering cross-section has been measured for the first time in 10 B and 11 B.
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Student Belonging: A Critical Narrative Inquiry of Grenadian Secondary Students' Storied Experiences in SchoolingHenry-Packer, Caroline Jacinta 05 1900 (has links)
Including all students through the educative processes is instrumental to their success. Each student's journey through education is therefore impacted by the ways they are included in the classroom. As such, social inclusion, and academic inclusion underpinned by a general sense of belonging are key elements impacting students' successes in schooling. Both globally and nationally school systems face challenges in enacting policies, pedagogies, and practices to meet the needs of increasingly diverse student populations. Student voice which has historically been absent from the literature can be a valuable tool in accounting for the lived experiences of diverse students with or without a formal label of dis/ability. Student voice can (re)present a revelatory tool that can be acted upon in responding to these diverse needs. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore how secondary students in Grenada with or without a label of learning dis/ability but who are considered as part of responsive inclusive education, experience a sense of belonging through academic and social inclusion. This qualitative study using critical narrative inquiry pursued through semi-structured interviews with students, their teachers and parents revealed resonant threads of strained responsive education, childism and coloniality, the pedagogy of nice and an elusive inclusive education. Recommendations are therefore made to center student voice and choice, further the decolonization of schooling, create improved systems of evaluation and diagnosis of specific learning challenges, and to provide extensive teacher training so that the needs of diverse learners can be met. The findings have the potential to encourage and introduce collaborative educational practices amongst teacher-practitioners, students, and Grenada's Ministry of Education and thereby improve responsive models for secondary learners of diverse abilities.
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