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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synas eller inte synas? : En studie av Svenska Dagbladets, Läkare Utan Gränsers och Röda Korsets informationsflöde

Wickberg, Frida, Ennasri, Nadia January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en studie av Svenska Dagbladets agenda och Läkare Utan Gränsers och Röda Korsets informationsflöde med fokus på humanitära kriser. Syftet för vår studie är att ta reda på i vilken utsträckning hjälporganisationernas informationsflöde överensstämmer med Svenska Dagbladets agenda. För att få en heltäckande studie vill vi även ta reda på hur hjälporganisationerna gör för att försöka styra mediernas agenda. Idén till denna studie utvecklades efter att Läkare Utan Gränser presenterade rapporten Kriserna svenskar glömt som visar att flera humanitära kriser som drabbat miljontals människor gått svenskarna förbi. I rapporten diskuterar hjälporganisationen om journalistiken kan vara en anledning till att svenskar inte blir tillräckligt informerade om pågående humanitära kriser. Vår undersökning har utgått från teorin om agenda-setting och utifrån den har studiens frågeställningar utvecklats. För att kunna besvara våra frågeställningar har vi studerat vilka länder som uppmärksammats av hjälporganisationerna under första halvåret 2012 och jämfört detta med hur stort utrymme respektive land fick i Svenska Dagbladet samma period. Totalt har 1185 texter analyserats. För att kunna besvara våra frågeställningar har vi använt oss av kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Därefter har en frågeundersökning genomförts gällande hjälporganisationernas mediestrategier. Resultatet av vår studie visar att fördelningen av utrymme är mycket ojämn mellan de länder som ingår i studien, vissa länder förekommer med mycket låg frekvens och andra med mycket hög. Studien visar även att det finns ett samband mellan HDI, Human Development Index, och frekvens i tidningen samt att hjälporganisationerna satsar mer och mer på sociala medier.

I sökandet efter objektivitetsidealet : En studie om rapporteringen kring FRA-lagen i Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet ur ett objektivitetsperspektiv / In search of the objectivity ideal : A thesis of the report about the FRA-law in Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dabladet from a objectivity perspective

Sepúlveda Nuñez, Stéphanie, Söderlund, Erica January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis was to examine what expressions for objectivity there were to identify/find in newspaper journalism’s report about the FRA-law during the period 2008-06- 13 to 2009-10-14.</p><p>We choose to analyze ten articles from the morning paper Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, five from each one. The method we used was a qualitative text analysis. We then designed an own model for the objectivity ideal from without the old theories that were available and also came with own ideas. Then we used that model as starting-point and designed key points to identify objectivity in the articles.</p><p>Our thesis showed that the articles often fail when it comes to two key points. Due to the usage of charged words and the journalist’s own opinions in a way that distracts the reader from the articles main information the neutral presentation fails. When it comes to the balance in the articles the reappearing problem is that some people don’t get the chance to reply due to that their standpoint is a part of the article but not them. Due to this the articles sources get to reply to the standpoint without the people behind it getting to defend themselves.</p><p>To sum up our thesis showed that the analyzed articles from Dagens Nyheter were more objective than the ones from Svenska Dagbladet.</p>

Destination Disaster : a comparison in discourses within the reporting of the sinking of Titanic and the sinking of  MS Estonia

Palm, Victoria, Rosberg, Marcus January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Flyktingar i media : En framinganalys av medias inramning av flyktingar över tid

Sönmez, Jasmine January 2018 (has links)
The overarching aim of this essay is to chart how Swedish news papers have framed refugees and the refugee crisis during 2013, 2015 and 2017 and if there has been a shift in the usage. The paper searches to do so by examining editorial articles from two of the biggest newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet. The two papers have opposite ideological views; however, they are both independent from political parties. Drawing on an analytical framework elaborated in earlier studies the study uses frame analysis to examine the different usage made during each year. The study finds that the most dominant frame during the time is the responsibility frame, focusing on the responsibility and/or lack of responsibility taken by the government in relation to the refugees. It is also observed that the shift in usage of the human interest-frame and the economical frame is the most distinguishable, where the use of the first-named decrease while the other increase in 2015 compared with 2013. It is also observed that the content of these frames varies among the examined years. The conclusion of the essay is that the framing of refugees has changed not only under the researched years but over all and that the usage is in constant movement.

Har du läst om… : Vad visste svenska befolkningen om Kristallnatten, krigsutbrottet och Hitlers självmord baserat på information som skrevs i de två tidningarna SvenskaDagbladet och Dagens Nyheter? / Have you read about… : What did the Swedish population know about 'Crystal night', the outbreak of the war and Hitler's suicide based on information published by the two newspapers Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter?

Holmström, Isabell January 2018 (has links)
The essay is about what information that reached the Swedish people through Swedish newspapers linked to three specific events during Second World War. The newspapers that is being reviewed are Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The essay focuses on a broad historically background of antisemitism to get a better understanding. The essay also describes the chosen specific events in detail so the reader knows what the events is about. The events follows a chronological order, which starts with the night of broken glass. The other two events the essay focuses on are war outbreaks and Hitler’s suicide. The main reason with the essay was to review the information that was published in the newspapers the days before and after the events. The essay also focuses on a comparison between the two newspapers and the conclusion is that both newspapers reported similar information and that there were no political difference between what information they published.

POLITISKA MEDIEDREV : En komparativ studie om nyhetsmediernas framställning och gestaltning av Anna Kinberg Batra och Håkan Juholt

Borg, Erika, Jones Pettersson, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Hur gestaltas en politisk skandal i nyhetsmedia? Anna Kinberg Batra och Håkan Juholt är två exempel på politiska ledare som tvingats lämna sina poster, bland annat efter hårt tryck från medierna. Efter Kinberg Batras avgång som partiledare för Moderaterna väcktes debatten om hennes könstillhörighet samt roll som kvinnlig ledare inom den politiska sfären. Juholts politiska skandal bemöttes även den hårt i media och utgjorde det mediedrev som slutligen skulle leda till hans avgång. Genom att jämföra den politiska skandalen som kretsade kring Kinberg Batra samt den som cirkulerade kring Juholt, ämnar studien att undersöka om det går att utläsa några betydande skillnader i nyhetsrapporteringen av de båda fallen. De frågeställningar som studien utgår från behandlar Svenska Dagbladets gestaltning av Kinberg Batra och Juholt, samt de eventuella skillnader som går att se mellan de två politiska skandalerna. Genom en konkretisering av van Dijks kritiska diskursanalys studerades åtta stycken nyhetsartiklar från Svenska Dagbladet. Artiklarna avser perioden för partiledarnas avgångar och analyseras utifrån teorier som representation, genus och framing. Utöver dessa teorier presenteras även tidigare forskning inom politisk kommunikation, mediedrev samt kvinnlig och manlig representation i media. Resultatet av undersökningen påvisar skillnader och likheter mellan de två fallen. Slutsatserna av resultatet kan därmed konstatera att de skillnader som är framstående i rapporteringen främst kan härledas till frågan om genus samt nyhetsmedias framställning av de båda fallen. De likheter som kan utläsas i rapporteringen av de två före detta partiledarna visar på att de båda mer eller mindre har beskrivits utifrån personliga attribut.

Det ogranskade alkoholmonopolet : En kvantitativ studie i hur medierna rapporterar kring Systembolaget / The Unexamined Alcohol Monoply : A quantitative studie about media’s reporting of Systembolaget

Lindahl, David, Nilsson, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Media and journalists influence the Swedish democracy and form opinions among the public. With this is mind, media has a responsibility to be a critical institution and to strive for impartial reporting. However, it can be argued that party political opinions are embedded within media organisations hence, preventing neutral reports. With this in mind, Systembolaget, the Swedish alcohol monopoly, becomes especially interesting. Partly, because CEO, Magdalena Gerger, recently wrote a debate article protesting a motion allowing direct sales from small business alcohol producers. Additionally, Systembolaget has a unique position of power in the Swedish society.  The purpose of this thesis is to explain which generalised image of Systembolaget that is portrayed based on articles from the four largest Swedish newspapers: Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, over the course of one year. In order to meet the purpose, a quantitative content analysis was conducted, where 412 articles from the selected newspapers were analysed. A qualitative method was then used to analyse expressed opinions towards Systembolaget.  The findings indicate that a majority of the articles about Systembolaget tended to be “neutral” (e.g. beverage tips). Furthermore, none of the analysed articles were written with an auditing perspective on Systembolaget. Finally, the thesis concluded that there is a difference between the selected newspapers reporting on Systembolaget. Future research should strive to further look into the reporting of Systembolaget through time.

Från en förtryckt provins till ett självständigt land : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Svenska Dagbladets rapportering under kriget i Kosovo

Mazreku, Egzon January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är via kvalitativ innehållsanalys undersöka vad Svenska Dagbladet rapporterade om kriget i Kosovo, samt hur kriget gestaltades via ledarsidorna under krigets samtid. Jag har delat upp kriget i 4 perioder. Under varje period presenteras vad som stod på agendan i tidningen om just Kosovokriget. Sedan analyserades de två första ledarsidorna under varje period. För att besvara min första frågeställning tillämpades dagordningsteorin; Vad presenteras på dagordningen i Svenska Dagbladet om kriget i Kosovo, samt hur rapporteringen skiljde sig över tid. Till den andra frågeställningen tillämpades gestaltningsteorin; Hur framställer (gestaltar) Svenska Dagbladet sina nyheter om kriget i Kosovo via ledarsidorna? Via databasen retriver.se har jag samlat mitt empiri.

Minns du Herr Kantarell? : En innehållsanalys av historiekulturen kring Elias Magnus Fries i svenska tidningsartiklar mellan 1970–2019 / Do you remember Mr. Chanterelle? : A content analysis of the cultural memory of Elias Magnus Fries in Swedish newspapers between 1970–2019

Knutsson, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze the botanist Elias Magnus Fries legacy between 1970 until today. The focus is on the Swedish medias interest in Fries, as well as how he and his name has been utilized during this period. Departing from theories on history culture and uses of history, the Swedish national newspapers Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet are analyzed. The study shows when and how the memory of Elias Magnus Fries has been activated and portrayed in Swedish media, as well as if they used Fries as a kind of national symbol. During the 1970’s the interest was at its peak but dwindled after the 90’s probable due to the lack of jubilee celebration. Indeed, the interest of Fries peaked during the 70’s and 90’s because of celebrating the 100-year celebration of his death in 1878 and the 200 anniversary of his birth in 1794. Although, the general view of Fries persona always has been positive, rather scant attention har been devoted to Fries during the entire period and he was often only mentioned briefly. The interest was in general primarily on mushrooms rather than Fries, and it was always the mushrooms that spurred an interest in Fries rather than the other way around. This might indicate a rather weak position in the history of science within Swedish media. Nevertheless, the newspapers also depicted Fries as a kind of national educator, scientist and a person with a great an evolutionistic mind for his great interest in mushrooms and its introduction in the Swedish cuisine.

European Union's path towards a sustainable future : The Swedish media’s portrayal of the plastic ban

Nilsson Åkö, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
This study examines the media coverage on the European Union (EU) plastic ban directive in Sweden and investigates the role of the Swedish media in the EU decision-making process. As society and social movements are the driving force for pushing policies forward and affecting policy change, it is important to understand the media’s role in the development. Since media is one core driving force of opinion-building in this decision-making process, this thesis, analyses the media coverage on the topic of plastic to understand the media output that is directed towards the Swedish people. Therefore, the main focus has been to gather and analyze the news coverage on the topic of plastic in two of Sweden’s largest daily newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet during the adoption of European Union’s Directive 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. By analyzing the media coverage and the international regulations that have been formed by the United Nations and European Union through discourse analysis with the application of the concepts Framing and Europeanization, differences between the media and actors of decision-making have been discovered.

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