Spelling suggestions: "subject:"database design"" "subject:"catabase design""
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Service Design / Service DesignFišerová, Barbora Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis describes the design of your own web application within the long-term collaborative project co.llaborate.online. In a small team, we reflect on our own workflow and designer work. Currently, the common goal is the design and development of MVP for processing text, images and other graphic material into any graphic output - graphic editor co.design. As part of the project, we have also focused for a long time on the concept of compatible MVPs for text editing or data management and user research. The starting point of co.llaborate.online is the principle of DRY (Don't repeat yourself) and the principles of web technologies. We test how certain workflows can be automated and facilitate the collaboration of designers, text authors, editors, proofreaders, etc., or emancipate users from unnecessary activities.
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Populating a Database to be used with an Indoor Positioning System / Populera en databas som ska användas med ett inomhuspositioneringssystemHalvarsson, Maria, Qin, Jinglan January 2022 (has links)
Indoor Positioning System (IPS) are becoming more common in many areas such as retail, warehouses, smart facilities, and manufacturing.In recent years, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)-based IPS has become increasingly popular due to its low cost and low energy consumption. One of the more recent updates, Bluetooth 5.1, provides the ability to compute the location using Angle of Arrival (AoA) or Angle of Departure (AoD). These new features have allowed for better positioning accuracies, where AoA-based positioning has shown sub-meter accuracy. An application area for BLE-based IPS is retail stores where the technology can benefit both the store and its customers. This thesis investigates how to populate a database to be used with an IPS in a real-life store. The assumption is that customers will have BLE equipped devices and run an application that will send the properly formatted BLE advertisements, such that an BLE IPS can locate the user in the store. Additionally, we assume that the application can use the device's e-compass or other means to determine in which direction the user's device is oriented. Based on the position and orientation of the user, the software is assumed to access a database to know what item(s) are near the customer. However, the question remains of how did this data get into the database? This degree project explores this in detail and assesses the amount of time and effort needed to populate this database and the amount of time and effort needed to keep this database up to date. This project followed an iterative Design Science Research (DSR) methodology where the artifact is the database. A relational database was used as they are widely used and joins can easily be performed and it is easy to modify existing tables. The application was developed in Spring Boot and React. Amazon Web Services (AWS) was used to host and provide the necessary services for the database and application. The result showed that the estimated time needed to populate the database in a supermarket with a sales area of 5300 m2, 36623 products, and 220 containers is 106.64 hours and 107.13 hours in the worst case assuming a walking speed of 1.4 m s-1. Updating a product would take 10.34 s and 10.37 s if the time it takes for a staff member to walk to the place where the product is located is excluded. / Inomhuspositioneringssystem (IPS) har blivit allt vanligare inom många områden. De senaste åren har Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)-baserad inomhuspositionering blivit mer populärt på grund av egenskaper som låg kostnad och låg energikonsumption. En av de senaste versionerna; Bluetooth 5.1 kan beräkna positionen med hjälp av ankomstvinkeln (eng. Angle of Arrival (AoA)) och utgångsvinkeln (eng. Angle of Departure (AoD)). Angle of Arrival (AoA)-baserad positionering kan uppnå en noggrannhet under 1 m. Ett Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)-baserat IPS kan tillämpas i butiker där det kan gynna både butikens medarbetare och dess kunder. Detta examensarbete kommer att undersöka hur en databas som ska användas med ett IPS i en butik kan populeras. Antagandet i detta projekt är att kunderna kommer ha BLE utrustade enheter som kör ett program som tillåter att användaren kan lokalisera sig i butiken. Dessutom antar vi att applikationen kan använda enhetens e-kompass eller annan hårdvara för att kunna avgöra i vilken riktning användarens enhet är orienterad. Baserat på användarens position och riktning, antas det att mjukvaran kan komma åt databasen och veta vilka produkter som ligger i närheten av kunden. Dock kvarstår frågan: Hur sparades denna data i databasen? Det här examensarbetet kommer alltså att undersöka hur en databas i en butik kan vara uppbyggd om vi utgår från antagandet att BLE är tillämpat i butiken. Vi kommer även bedöma hur mycket tid som krävs för att populera en databas och hålla denna databas uppdaterad. Ett iterativ arbetsätt tillämpades i examensarbetet. I projektet användes en relationsdatabas eftersom det är enkelt att utföra join-operationer och uppdatera tabbeller i databasen. Applikationen som skapades tillhandahåller funktioner för att spara, uppdatera, radera och söka produkter i databasen. Frontend var kodad i React och backend var kodad i Spring Boot. Amazon Web Services (AWS) molntjänser och deras verktyg användes för att köra applikationen och databasen. Resultatet visade att populera en databas med produkter i en mataffär med en säljyta på 5300 m2, 36623 produkter, och 220 behållare (hyllor, kylskåp, etc.) tog 106.64 timmar i bästa fall och 107.13 timmar i värsta fall om vi antar en gångfart i 1.4 m s-1.
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Video Game Network Analysis : A Study on Tooling Design / Nätverksanalys för Videospel : En Studie om VerktygsdesignEksi, Murat, Pihl, Markus January 2020 (has links)
Crackshell is an indie game studio situated in Stockholm. They released particular iterations of a game called Hammerwatch, which is developed with their in-house game engine and they are still working to extend both the Hammerwatch and the game engine. Hammerwatch is a rogue-like multiplayer game played by up to four players in a single session by using peer to-peer network topology. These days, Hammerwatch has gotten significantly popular and the planned features have led the team to question of whether their network utilization is performant and in what ways they can improve this utilization. Even though they the are ones who implemented the network part of Hammerwatch, they don’t exactly have an understanding of the underlying behavior of the utilization, nor they have any way to analyze it currently. This project is aimed to design and implement a proper tooling implementation for their data analysis needs by identifying the network topology, datastructures, extraction, storage and providing an environment that is easy to analyze the network utilization. In order to achieve this aim, an iterative approach through design thinking has been conducted with Crackshell. In this regard, there were certain decisions to be made in accordance with the constraints and the purpose of the tooling, which is defined with the help of Crackshell by the conducted workshops as a module of the design thinking approach. The above-mentioned strategy allowed a swift understanding of the problemthat led the tooling to be approved as both helpful and easy-to-use by Crackshell. The data analysis tool was implemented by using a local data extraction solution, MongoDB and Jupyter Notebook in Python together with extensions that helped further with the analysis of the collected data. The results of the data analysis deemed itself as a significant success, where problems such as the game events being sent unnecessarily frequently, stale data issues, caching opportunities, and potential data clustering issues in network packets were pointed out. Crackshell was happy with the provided ability to look at their network utilization in a detailed manner, which led them to use the implemented tooling for further analysis as Hammerwatch is kept developing. / Crackshell är en indie-spelstudio belägen i Stockholm. De har släppt ett antal spel som heter Hammerwatch, vilket är utvecklat med sin egen spelmotor. Hammerwatch och dess spelmotor utvecklas fortfarande kontinuerligt. Det är ett rogue-liknande multiplayer-spel som spelas av upp till fyra spelare i en enda session med hjälp av peer-to-peer-nätverkstopologi. Hammerwatch blev snabbt populärt och de planerade funktionerna har lett teamet till en fråga om deras nätverksanvändning är effektiv ur prestandasynpunkt och på vilka sätt de kan förbättra den. Även om det är de som implementerade nätverksdelen av Hammerwatch, har de inte exakt en förståelse för det underliggande beteendet hos nätverkskommunikationen, och de har inte heller något sätt att analysera det för närvarande.Detta projekt syftade till att utforma och implementera verktyg för att dataanalys genom att identifiera nätverkstopologi, datastrukturer, extraktion, lagring och tillhandahålla en miljö som gör det lätt att analysera nätverksanvändningen. För att uppnå detta mål valdes en iterativ metod baserad på “design thinking” denna genomfördes tillsammans med Crackshell. Under designfasen fattades beslut kring begränsningar och syfte med verktyget.Ovan nämnda strategi möjliggjorde en snabb förståelse av problemet som ledde till utvecklandet av ett verktyg som både godkänts som användbart och lätt att använda av Crackshell. Dataanalysverktyget implementerades med hjälp av en lokal lösning för utvinning av data, MongoDB och Jupyter Notebook i Python tillsammans med tillägg som hjälpte till vidare med analysen av insamlade data.Resultaten av dataanalysen löste in sig som en betydande framgång, där problem som spelhändelser som skickades onödigt ofta, data som var gammal när den nådde fram, cachemöjligheter och potentiella problem med datakluster i nätverkspaket kunde hittas. Crackshell var nöjd med resultatet och nya förmågan att titta på deras nätverksanvändning på ett detaljerat sätt. De kommer kunna använda det utvecklade verktyget till framtida analyser vid fortsatt vidareutveckling av spelmotorn.
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Coping with evolution in information systems: a database perspectiveLawrence, Gregory 25 August 2009 (has links)
Business organisations today are faced with the complex problem of dealing with
evolution in their software information systems. This effectively concerns the
accommodation and facilitation of change, in terms of both changing user
requirements and changing technological requirements. An approach that uses the
software development life-cycle as a vehicle to study the problem of evolution is
adopted. This involves the stages of requirements analysis, system specification,
design, implementation, and finally operation and maintenance. The problem of
evolution is one requiring proactive as well as reactive solutions for any given
application domain. Measuring evolvability in conceptual models and the
specification of changing requirements are considered. However, even "best designs"
are limited in dealing with unanticipated evolution, and require implementation phase
paradigms that can facilitate an evolution correctly (semantic integrity), efficiently
(minimal disruption of services) and consistently (all affected parts are consistent
following the change). These are also discussed / Computing / M. Sc. (Information Systems)
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The development of a reference database of health information resources to facilitate informed lifestyle choiceCottrell, Genevieve Lee 30 June 2008 (has links)
This study investigates, within the current health care situation, the
interrelationship of the user, resources and tool in the design of a prototype
WELLNESS database-driven web site. A shift has taken place in health care,
in which the base of conventional medicine has broadened to integrate other
systems, practices and worldviews. These include complementary and
alternative medicine, health promotion, disease prevention and wellness.
Emphasis is placed on the need to take personal responsibility for one's own
health and wellness. The global burden of chronic disease, reaching
epidemic proportions, is increasingly linked to risk factors resulting from
personal lifestyle choices. The growing evidence of the user's need to make
personal, informed, lifestyle choices and their reliance on the Web for health
information, required investigation. WELLNESS, a specific orientation to
health and wellness, formed the framework within which the user and
resources were defined and the tool designed. The user was profiled as the
WELLNESS health information seeker, hereby contributing significantly to an
understanding of the user in this new context. The user profile informed the
establishment of resource selection criteria and tool design. The identification
of WELLNESS content selection criteria, within a five-dimensional model, was
required to ensure quality, relevant and credible resources. The tool is
comprised of the WELLNESS thesaurus and WELLNESS database-driven
web site. The WELLNESS thesaurus was constructed based on a
combination of relevant thesauri. It will be used as an indexing tool. An
investigation of existing health information web sites highlighted the
importance of designing a specific WELLNESS database-driven web site. A
database host was identified against which the original study's conceptual
schema was assessed. A low-fidelity prototype web site was designed as the
interface between the WELLNESS health information seeker and the
database of WELLNESS health information resources. This study has
epidemiological, philosophical, epistemological, sociological and
psychological relevance. The provision of access to WELLNESS health
information resources, made available in the WELLNESS database-driven
web site, for personal, informed lifestyle choice by the WELLNESS health information seeker could potentially contribute to the reduction of the global
burden of chronic disease. / Information Science / D.Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)
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Прилог пројектовању, консолидацији и трансформацијама ограничења торке шеме базе података, заснован на платформски независним моделима / Prilog projektovanju, konsolidaciji i transformacijama ograničenja torke šeme baze podataka, zasnovan na platformski nezavisnim modelima / An Approach to Design, Consolidation and Transformations of Database Schema Check Constraints Based on Platform Independent ModelsObrenović Nikola 10 October 2015 (has links)
<p>Употреба платформски независног моделовања и генерисања<br />прототипова у развоју информационих система скраћује време<br />њиховог развоја и побољшава квалитет тог процеса. При томе,<br />циљ је обезбеђење могућности да развој свих аспеката<br />информационих система буде подржан оваквим приступом.<br />Ова дисертација треба да пружи одговарајући допринос у<br />остварењу наведеног циља. У дисертацији представљени су<br />алгоритми за трансформацију модела ограничења вредности у<br />извршив кôд и консолидацију подшема са јединственом<br />шемом базе података, са аспекта ограничења вредности.</p> / <p>Upotreba platformski nezavisnog modelovanja i generisanja<br />prototipova u razvoju informacionih sistema skraćuje vreme<br />njihovog razvoja i poboljšava kvalitet tog procesa. Pri tome,<br />cilj je obezbeđenje mogućnosti da razvoj svih aspekata<br />informacionih sistema bude podržan ovakvim pristupom.<br />Ova disertacija treba da pruži odgovarajući doprinos u<br />ostvarenju navedenog cilja. U disertaciji predstavljeni su<br />algoritmi za transformaciju modela ograničenja vrednosti u<br />izvršiv kôd i konsolidaciju podšema sa jedinstvenom<br />šemom baze podataka, sa aspekta ograničenja vrednosti.</p> / <p>The usage of platform-independent modelling and generation of<br />prototypes in information systems development reduces the<br />development time and improves the process quality. By that, the<br />goal is to have all elements of an information system supported by<br />this approach.<br />This dissertation should provide a contribution towards fulfilling the<br />given goal. In the dissertation, author presents algorithms for<br />check constraint model into executable code transformations and<br />algorithms for testing subschema consolidation with respect to<br />check constraints.</p>
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The development of a reference database of health information resources to facilitate informed lifestyle choiceCottrell, Genevieve Lee 30 June 2008 (has links)
This study investigates, within the current health care situation, the
interrelationship of the user, resources and tool in the design of a prototype
WELLNESS database-driven web site. A shift has taken place in health care,
in which the base of conventional medicine has broadened to integrate other
systems, practices and worldviews. These include complementary and
alternative medicine, health promotion, disease prevention and wellness.
Emphasis is placed on the need to take personal responsibility for one's own
health and wellness. The global burden of chronic disease, reaching
epidemic proportions, is increasingly linked to risk factors resulting from
personal lifestyle choices. The growing evidence of the user's need to make
personal, informed, lifestyle choices and their reliance on the Web for health
information, required investigation. WELLNESS, a specific orientation to
health and wellness, formed the framework within which the user and
resources were defined and the tool designed. The user was profiled as the
WELLNESS health information seeker, hereby contributing significantly to an
understanding of the user in this new context. The user profile informed the
establishment of resource selection criteria and tool design. The identification
of WELLNESS content selection criteria, within a five-dimensional model, was
required to ensure quality, relevant and credible resources. The tool is
comprised of the WELLNESS thesaurus and WELLNESS database-driven
web site. The WELLNESS thesaurus was constructed based on a
combination of relevant thesauri. It will be used as an indexing tool. An
investigation of existing health information web sites highlighted the
importance of designing a specific WELLNESS database-driven web site. A
database host was identified against which the original study's conceptual
schema was assessed. A low-fidelity prototype web site was designed as the
interface between the WELLNESS health information seeker and the
database of WELLNESS health information resources. This study has
epidemiological, philosophical, epistemological, sociological and
psychological relevance. The provision of access to WELLNESS health
information resources, made available in the WELLNESS database-driven
web site, for personal, informed lifestyle choice by the WELLNESS health information seeker could potentially contribute to the reduction of the global
burden of chronic disease. / Information Science / D.Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)
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Coping with evolution in information systems: a database perspectiveLawrence, Gregory 25 August 2009 (has links)
Business organisations today are faced with the complex problem of dealing with
evolution in their software information systems. This effectively concerns the
accommodation and facilitation of change, in terms of both changing user
requirements and changing technological requirements. An approach that uses the
software development life-cycle as a vehicle to study the problem of evolution is
adopted. This involves the stages of requirements analysis, system specification,
design, implementation, and finally operation and maintenance. The problem of
evolution is one requiring proactive as well as reactive solutions for any given
application domain. Measuring evolvability in conceptual models and the
specification of changing requirements are considered. However, even "best designs"
are limited in dealing with unanticipated evolution, and require implementation phase
paradigms that can facilitate an evolution correctly (semantic integrity), efficiently
(minimal disruption of services) and consistently (all affected parts are consistent
following the change). These are also discussed / Computing / M. Sc. (Information Systems)
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Utveckling av kompatibilitetsdatabas / Developing of a Compatibility DatabaseLenells, Erik, Hjärtmyr, Christian January 2011 (has links)
This report explains the need to develop a configuration manager that handles transmission equipment which exists in the Swedish Defence telecommunications network. The configuration module will display the configurations and compatibility among the equipment and their software which are all part of the network. Also included in this report are tools, methods and results for the development of a prototype for the configuration manager. The prototype consists fundamentally of a database assisted by a user friendly website. The transmission equipment handles a lot of important transmission of information and is in the hands of a department of SAAB, OFGCA, by orders from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV). Within the work included in this order exists a continuous update of both software and hardware which the equipment consists of. Therefore it’s highly important that there is a monitoring of which of the software and hardware is compatible with one another, ensuring that the functions of the system work properly. The consistent updating has resulted in compatibility issues between components and because of this, a need for a configuration manager has arisen. / Den här rapporten uttrycker behovet av att ta fram en konfigurationsmodul för transmissionsutrustningar som ingår i Försvarets telenät (FTN). Konfigurationsmodulen ska mätta ett behov av att kunna se konfigurationerna och kompatibilitet för de utrustningar samt dess programvaror som ingår i telenätet. Rapporten inkluderar även verktyg, metoder och resultat för framtagningen av en prototyp till konfigurationsmodulen. Prototypen består i grunden av en databas med en tillhörande, interaktionsvänlig, hemsida. Transmissionsutrustningarna hanterar en mängd viktig informationsöverföring och en avdelning på Saab, OFGCA, ansvarar för dessa på uppdrag av Försvarets materialverk (FMV). I arbetet som uppdraget innebär pågår en ständig uppdatering av både mjuk- och hårdvara som utrustningarna består av. Det innebär att det är mycket viktigt att det utförs övervakning av vilka mjuk- och hårdvaruversioner som är kompatibla. Detta för att säkerställa att systemets funktioner fungerar korrekt. Den ständiga uppdateringen har medfört kompatibilitetsproblem mellan komponenter och därför har det växt fram ett behov av att ta fram en konfigurationsmodul.
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[pt] Perguntas e Respostas (Question Answering - QA) é um campo de estudo dedicado à construção de sistemas que respondem automaticamente a perguntas feitas em linguagem natural. A tradução de uma pergunta feita em linguagem natural em uma consulta estruturada (SQL ou SPARQL) em um banco de dados também é conhecida como Interface de Linguagem Natural para Bancos de Dados (Natural Language Interface to Database - NLIDB). Os sistemas NLIDB geralmente não lidam com agregações, que podem ter os seguintes elementos: funções de agregação (como contagem, soma, média, mínimo e máximo), uma cláusula de agrupamento (GROUP BY) e uma cláusula HAVING. No entanto, eles fornecem bons resultados para consultas normais. Esta dissertação aborda a criação de um módulo genérico, para ser utilizado em sistemas NLIDB, que permite a tais sistemas realizar consultas com agregações, desde que os resultados da consulta que o NLIDB retorna sejam, ou possam ser transformados, em um resultado no formato tabular. O trabalho cobre agregações com especificidades como ambiguidades, diferenças de escala de tempo, agregações em atributos múltiplos, o uso de adjetivos superlativos, reconhecimento básico de unidade de medida, agregações em atributos com nomes compostos e subconsultas com funções de agregação aninhadas em até dois níveis. / [en] Question Answering (QA) is a field of study dedicated to building systems that automatically answer questions asked in natural language. The translation of a question asked in natural language into a structured query (SQL or SPARQL) in a database is also known as Natural Language Interface to Database (NLIDB). NLIDB systems usually do not deal with aggregations, which can have the following elements: aggregation functions (as count, sum, average, minimum and maximum), a grouping clause (GROUP BY) and a having clause (HAVING). However, they deliver good results for normal queries. This dissertation addresses the creation of a generic module, to be used in NLIDB systems, that allows such systems to perform queries with aggregations, on the condition that the query results the NLIDB return are, or can be transformed into, a result set in the form of a table. The work covers aggregations with specificities such as ambiguities, timescale differences, aggregations in multiple attributes, the use of superlative adjectives, basic unit measure recognition, aggregations in attributes with compound names and subqueries with aggregation functions nested up to two levels.
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