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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Versionshantering för databaser

Löfling, Louise January 2008 (has links)
<p>Moment Marketing är ett litet företag som arbetar med webbutveckling. För dem är det viktigt med versionshantering och de använder ett fåtal program som underlättar detta arbete. Idag saknar de dock möjligheten att kontrollera olika versioner av databaser. Tillsammans med Moment Marketing och de program som redan används av dem skapas i detta projekt ytterligare applikationer med mål att lösa detta problem. Först görs en undersökning över programmen Subversion, TortoiseSVN, Trac och MySQL för att se de möjligheter som finns att använda dem till att uppnå målet. Därefter skapas ytterligare applikationer som kompletterar dessa program. Det färdiga paketet innehåller program för att hantera strukturen i en lokal databas tillsammans med ett lokalt arbetsprojekt. Tillsammans med de redan tidigare befintliga programmen har ett system bildats som även hanterar databaser. Dessutom har ytterligare möjligheter till förbättrat arbete med databaser undersökts.</p> / <p>Moment Marketing is a small Company working with web development. Version control is an important part of their work and they already use a few programs to handle this. These programs cannot handle different database versions. In this project supplements will be created so that previously installed programs can be used for handling version control of databases. Before the programming begins a study of the programs Subversion, TortoiseSVN, Trac and MySQL will be made.</p>

Säkerhetsklassificering av IT-system på Fläkt Woods AB

Bustos, Sebastian, Grek, Niklas January 2006 (has links)
<p>This report presents a method for modelling a computer system from a security perspective. The questions that are going to be treated are:</p><p>• What defines a secure system and how does the company relate to these factors?</p><p>• What are the threats today based on hardware/software, human factors and company routines/policies?</p><p>• What measures should be taken for the organisation to reach a higher level of security for their systems?</p><p>• How do we develop a method for classification of security and what components should it contain?</p><p>• What changes are reasonable and necessary with the respect to the company’s resources?</p><p>The report has been done through interviews and analysis of existing systems on Fläkt Woods AB. From analysis of material, the aspects judged relevant to the subject and to the company’s needs, have been compiled to a document. It is a model for guidelines to work with security classification of IT-systems.</p><p>The combination of the method for information and the security classification has been clear through the work on the rapport. The method that has been developed for work with security classification of IT systems can therefore not be used as an isolated occurrence to reach the wanted results but should be integrated with the existing classification of information.</p><p>Our conclusions are reflected by the complexity of the project together with the fact that computer security is a topic that includes all parts in an IT- supported organisation. The analyses have given us a good picture of the threats to an organisation. It has clearly been shown, that much security related problems are based on direct organisational problems such as the lack of resources and requirements of system specific guidelines and policies.</p>

Webbshop för Tyger & Ting

Sanell, Jonas, Svenningsson, Tommy January 2006 (has links)
<p>This report describes how we made a dynamic website combined with statical</p><p>web pages and a web shop for the Swedish company Tyger & Ting.</p><p>The employer Tyger & Ting wish to run a working web shop on their site but</p><p>they want to keep their old system of updating pages with their old application</p><p>from Intellyweb1, which creates statical HTML pages.</p><p>The goal of this exam paper has been to learn to create a functional web shop</p><p>with user friendly layout and appealing design and also to take orders and</p><p>fulfill wishes from a real employer.</p><p>The report is describing how Intellyweb’s application and its statical web pages</p><p>has been implemented on a dynamic web page. The report does also describe</p><p>how this site has been build and how the problems with the coding have been</p><p>solved. The coding has been made with HTML, PHP and MySQL. CSS has</p><p>also been used. The report will describe how management and storage of data</p><p>in databases has been handled.</p><p>Apart from the demands the employer has given us, a complete revamp of</p><p>Tyger & Ting’s design has been made and the result of the exam paper is now a</p><p>complete and working web site with additional web shop that supports static</p><p>web pages. The website contains 20 dynamic and static pages coded in about</p><p>1900 rows of PHP and HTML. A database with five tables of varying size has</p><p>been made to contain pictures and information about products, users and</p><p>orders.</p><p>As soon as all the products has been put into the database the web shop will be</p><p>found here: http://www.tygeroting.com</p>

Förbättra Internetsystem genom implementation av AJAX-teknik

Kristiansson, Jonas, Pettersson, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p>Today, many businesses and persons prefer to use web applications in their daily</p><p>work. Until now, most of the websites are being constructed using an old traditional</p><p>model. The model implies that whenever someone clicks on a link to get new</p><p>information, a request is being sent to an information server. The server prepares, and</p><p>returns the new requested information. For the client to take part of the new</p><p>information, the client has to reload the whole page with all its content. By using</p><p>AJAX-techniques the information flow will be more similar to an ordinary local</p><p>application program. That is, only the information that needs to be updated is sent</p><p>back to the client browser.</p><p>The purpose of this essay was to investigate whether AJAX-techniques can improve</p><p>Internet systems, both in user-friendliness and in a development point of view. This</p><p>was performed studying two typical cases of web applications. By comparing the two</p><p>applications, before and after implementation of AJAX, we could see improvements</p><p>with AJAX in all of our investigated aspects. The user can work more efficient in</p><p>applications where AJAX is implemented. For example, the application can give more</p><p>direct feedback on the user’s actions by working with a much higher level of active</p><p>communication. A whole new world of possibilities opens for the developer to</p><p>construct applications that were not possible before. The new continuous</p><p>communication between server and client creates higher demands on the developer</p><p>than before. Since communication occur in the background, error handling is harder to</p><p>troubleshoot. In our opinion the advantages of AJAX by far outnumbers the</p><p>drawbacks. In the future, more and more developers will use AJAX which will lead to</p><p>better solutions of debugging. This is a challenge to the Internet Community, a</p><p>challenge that we believe will be met.</p> / <p>Webbapplikationer har en stadigt ökande användning i affärsvärlden. Fördelarna är</p><p>många, några är enkelhet i teknisk implementering, geografisk spridning och</p><p>underhåll. De flesta webbapplikationer och webbplatser har fram tills nu byggts på en</p><p>gammal traditionell modell. Modellen innebär att användaren klickar på en länk för få</p><p>ny information. En förfrågan skickas då till informationsservern som i sin tur</p><p>behandlar och returnerar all information. Detta innebär att hela sidan måste laddas om</p><p>och uppdateras för att visa den nya informationen. Genom att använda AJAX blir</p><p>informationsflödet mer likt ett vanligt lokalt program. Det vill säga att bara den</p><p>information som ändras och är relevant skickas tillbaka och uppdateras på</p><p>användarens bildskärm.</p><p>Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka huruvida AJAX-tekniker kan förbättra</p><p>Internetsystem. De två perspektiv som använts är användarvänlighet och</p><p>utvecklingsmetodik. Undersökningen gjordes genom att studera två typfall av</p><p>webbapplikationer ur dessa två perspektiv. Resultatet av undersökningen har</p><p>bearbetats och visar en klar förbättring vad gäller båda de valda perspektiven.</p><p>Användaren kan arbeta effektivare vilket ger tidsvinster. Dessutom kan applikationen,</p><p>genom den högre graden av aktiv kommunikation, ge mer direkt feedback på</p><p>användarens handlingar. För utvecklaren öppnas nya möjligheter att skapa</p><p>tillämpningar som tidigare inte var möjliga. Den kontinuerliga kommunikationen</p><p>ställer också högre krav på programmeraren. Då kommunikationen mellan klient och</p><p>server i större del sker i bakgrunden som inte syns i presentationsskiktet uppkommer</p><p>även felen i bakgrunden. Det är därför svårare att felsöka en AJAX-baserad</p><p>webbplats.</p><p>Vi anser att nackdelarna är små jämfört med alla möjligheter AJAX erbjuder.</p><p>Lösningar för felhantering är en utmaning för Internetbranschen som den med all</p><p>säkerhet kommer att lösa.</p>

Användbarhet på Macromedia flash-baserade webbplatser

Olsson, Fredrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete behandlar den rad av arbete som utvecklare måste gå igenom för att producera användbarhetsanpassade flash-baserade webbplatser. Rapportens mål är att få utvecklare att förstå vikten av att alltid tänka på besökaren i utvecklingsprocessen och på så sätt hjälpa till att förbättra flash-baserat innehåll generellt.</p><p>Trots att många kritiker anser att flash-baserade webbplatser inte är bra ur användbarhetssyfte visar denna rapport att det är högst möjligt att skapa användbarhetsanpassade flash-sidor för besökarna med hjälp av Macromedia Flashs eget programmeringsspråk actionscript.</p><p>Denna rapport innefattar också en webbaserad mall med alla de tekniska lösningarna som nämns i texten för att utvecklare enkelt skall kunna följa varje steg i utvecklingsprocessen.</p> / <p>This report portrays an introduction to the sequence of work developers have to go through to produce user-friendly websites in Macromedia Flash. The paper’s goal is to understand the importance of user-focused thinking in the develop-process and help to improve the usability of Macromedia Flash content in general.</p><p>Despite many critics say Macromedia Flash content doesn’t have good usability this paper shows that it’s highly possible to make flash pages usable for the visitor with technical solutions in Macromedia Flashs programming language actionscript.</p><p>This report also includes a web based template with all the technical solutions applied to it so developers can follow every step of the build up.</p>

SafeTool : Implementering av RFID-teknologi i maskiner för byggbranschen

Svensson, Håkan, Carlsson, Carl January 2007 (has links)
<p>Every year more than 6000 thefts, to a value of 1.5 billion SEK, are reported</p><p>within the Swedish building trade. Plus all the indirect costs of having the</p><p>construction site standing still.</p><p>SafeTool is a newly started company that will try to prevent this problem with</p><p>a modern technology solution.</p><p>The key to SafeTool’s solution is RFID – Radio Frequency Identification – and</p><p>the solution looks like this;</p><p>All tools are stored in a container on the construction site. Every tool is</p><p>equipped with a RFID-tag that uniquely identifies the tool. With antennas in the</p><p>container it is possible to detect when a tool is leaving the container and when</p><p>it comes back. Every worker must wear a RFID-tag so it will be possible to see</p><p>who was taking the tool out of the container. The container has no external</p><p>locks on it, but the RFID-tag works as a key. An antenna on the roof of the</p><p>container identifies the worker and automatically unlocks the door.</p><p>All the tool and personnel traffic through the door of the container are reported</p><p>to a central server via GPRS. The server stores all info in a database. The</p><p>administration of the system will be done through a website.</p><p>This paper will show how we made this solution work in practice. How we</p><p>created and programmed the client and server and the protocol that makes them</p><p>understand each other.</p>

Att Införa IPv6 i ett IPv4-nätverk

Kasselstrand, Olof January 2007 (has links)
<p>Internet is growing every day and this is leading to an address depletion of the current IPv4 addresses. A new version of IPv4, called IPv6, is the protocol for addressing computers that will deal with this problem. IPv4 and IPv6 are unfortunately not compatible with each other. IPv4 and IPv6 have to co-exist for a long time until IPv6 will be the dominant protocol.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to examine how a transition could be done or more correctly, how to deploy IPv6 in an already existing IPv4 network. After that part of the report a case study at the local Internet service provider Junet AB will be conducted. This case study will investigate an IPv6 deployment scenario for Junet AB.</p><p>A theoretical background has been written that describes some steps an Internet service provider has to go through to deploy IPv6. The case study was conducted after the theoretical background was written. The result of this report shows that a deployment of IPv6 in an IPv4 network is technically achievable. All the main components to maintain and use IPv6 in a commercial network exist.</p><p>The case study indicates that it is possible to deploy IPv6 in Junet AB´s network. IPv4 and IPv6 could be used in their network without any major effort. IPv6 have been around for many years now but have not had that break through many early adopters have hoped for. A lack of documentation and experience is an obstacle for a deployment of IPv6.One thing that remains now is to prove that there is a need for IPv6, but that is out of scope for this thesis.</p>

Fault-tolerance in HLA-based distributed simulations

Eklöf, Martin January 2006 (has links)
<p><i>Successful integration of simulations within the Network-Based Defence (NBD), specifically use of simulations within Command and Control (C2) environments, enforces a number of requirements. Simulations must be reliable and be able to respond in a timely manner. Otherwise the commander will have no confidence in using simulation as a tool. An important aspect of these requirements is the provision of fault-tolerant simulations in which failures are detected and resolved in a consistent manner. Given the distributed nature of many military simulations systems, services for fault-tolerance in distributed simulations are desirable. The main architecture for distributed simulations within the military domain, the High Level Architecture (HLA), does not provide support for development of fault-tolerant simulations.</i></p><p><i>A common approach for fault-tolerance in distributed systems is check-pointing. In this approach, states of the system are persistently stored through-out its operation. In case a failure occurs, the system is restored using a previously saved state. Given the abovementioned shortcomings of the HLA standard this thesis explores development of fault-tolerant mechanisms in the context of the HLA. More specifically, the design, implementation and evaluation of fault-tolerance mechanisms, based on check-pointing, are described and discussed.</i></p>

Study of Channel Estimation in MIMO-OFDM for Software Defined Radio

Wang, Qi January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of the thesis is to find out the most suitable channel estimation algorithms for the existing MIMO-OFDM SDR platform. Starting with the analysis of several prevalent channel estimation algorithms, MSE performance are compared under different scenarios. As a result of the hardware independent analysis, the complexvalued matrix computations involved in the algorithms are decomposed to real FLoating-point OPerations (FLOPs). Four feasible algorithms are selected for hardware dependent discussion based on the proposed hardware architecture. The computational latency is exposed as a manner of case study.</p>

Development and Implementation of a Low Power Wireless Sensor Network

Bengtsson, Niclas January 2007 (has links)
<p>The wish to measure different environmental parameters, in for example office buildings, is getting more and more important in today’s society. Since the sensors should be easily deployed they need to be battery powered and communicate wireless. Furthermore the radio range must be extended because of the limited range on the free frequencies. This is where wireless sensor networks come in and extend the range by relaying the data through other nodes in the network, thereby extending the total range of the network.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis work is to develop a protocol for such a wireless sensor network, capable of delivering and relaying sensor data through the nodes of the network.</p><p>The protocol has been implemented in hardware also designed in this thesis. Tests of the network have been performed and the results have shown that the network works very well and fulfills all of the requirements. Furthermore the power consumption is only 15% of the required value. This thesis has produced a very good platform to use as a base for further development of a commercial product.</p>

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