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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Early Sexual Debut and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Central Africa

Kibangou, Emerencienne 15 May 2015 (has links)
ABSTRACT Background: A variety of studies identified early sexual debut as a significant risk factor for HIV infection, particularly among young African women. However, little is known about this relationship in Central Africa. Methods: This study was based on a cross-sectional analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys data drawn from four central African countries, Cameroon and Gabon with high HIV prevalence levels, Democratic Republic of Congo and Congo with low HIV prevalence levels. Relationship between sexual activity initiated before age 15 and HIV sero-status was examined in men and women aged 15-24 years, to determine potential differences in this relationship across countries. Logistic regression was used to build a standard multivariate analysis model allowing for comparison between countries while controlling for sociodemographic, economic, behavioral, most recent partner characteristics, and HIV prevention knowledge. Results: HIV prevalences were significantly higher among women from high HIV prevalence countries compared to women living in lower HIV prevalence countries (p Conclusion: Decline in heterosexual transmission of HIV in Central Africa will necessitate that behavioral interventions targeting young African women encourage delaying sexual debut and not engaging in other risky sexual behaviors.

Hur påverkas unga människors sexuella beteenden av olika typer av sexualundervisning? : En litteraturstudie / How do different types of sexual education effect young peoples sexual behaviour? : A literature review

Eilefors, Carola, Nordgren, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
Sexuellt beteende kan bidra till oönskade konsekvenser hos unga människor. Genom sexualundervisning kan sexuella risktaganden samt oönskade konsekvenser minska hos unga människor. Syftet med denna studie var att studera sexualundervisning och hur den påverkar beteendet hos unga människor mellan 12-24 år. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie där tio vetenskapliga artiklar granskades noga. Artiklarna inhämtades från vetenskapliga databaser. Resultatet från litteraturstudien påvisade att sexualundervisning i skolan var en betydelsefull kunskapskälla då den oftast är obligatorisk samt att en del ungdomar inhämtade kunskap från andra källor som till exempel föräldrar, media och kompisar där sexualundervisningen var otillräcklig. Unga människor visade sig ha en varierad kunskap om sexuell hälsa och skillnader mellan kön, etnicitet och sociala förhållanden konstaterades. Inom ämnet behövs fortsatt forskning, för att öka förståelsen för nödvändigheten av obligatorisk sexualundervisning i skolan och eventuellt på andra arenor.

The association between the timing of sexual debut and young adult romantic relationships

Sullivan, Cassandra Laura 02 January 2019 (has links)
This longitudinal study investigates whether the timing of sexual debut (early, on-time, or late, compared to one’s peers) is associated with young adult romantic relationship quality (i.e., overt and relational victimization, relational aggression, dating worries, and positive dating experiences) either directly or indirectly by moderating the relationship between trajectories of individual factors (internalizing symptoms, externalizing symptoms, and alcohol use) young adult romantic relationship quality. Participants were from a large, six-wave longitudinal study (N = 662, 48% males, M age at T1 = 15.5 years, SD = 1.9 years). I use multi-step regression models to estimate how sexual debut group moderates the association between individual factors and young adult romantic relationship experiences by estimating slopes and intercepts for individual factors and creating interaction terms to test the moderating effect of timing of sexual debut on the slopes and intercepts of individual factors. Gender differences are also investigated. Results indicate that early sexual debut is associated with higher baseline levels of individual factors and directly predicts negative relationship experiences in young adulthood. Early sexual debut moderates the relationship between baseline internalizing symptoms and negative dating experiences and dating worries in young adulthood. Findings also show that early sexual debut moderates the relationship between steeper increases in externalizing symptoms and negative dating experiences and dating worries. The results provide a better understanding of the longitudinal impacts of adolescent experiences on young adult relationship outcomes. / Graduate

”Man kan ju knappast binda upp sig mer” : En studie om sociala institutioners betydelse för hur unga svenska kvinnor förhåller sig till en eventuell föräldradebut / “One can hardly commit more” : A study of the significance of social institutions for the way young Swedish women, without children, relate to committing a possible parental debut.

Lundin, Kalle January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to contribute to the broad field of research regarding changes in fertility and postponement of parenthood. To accomplish this, I combine Richard Sennett’s exposition of “the new culture of capitalism” (2006 s. 126) and one of Daoud and Larsson’s (2014 s. 52) interpretations of the sociological term embeddedness. More particularly, the present study intends to investigate whether the social institutions that, in line with Sennett (2006 s. 25, 35), promote short-termism and flexibility, have come to be internalized (i.e., embedded) in the way women relate to the long-term investment of making a parental debut. The data consist of statements derived from eight semi-structured interviews with women aged between 20 and 28. The interviews executed to answer the following questions:   • How can we understand the way young Swedish women, without children, relate to committing parental debut?   • Which factors do young Swedish women, without children, emphasize regarding a possible parental debut?   Although the results were not unambiguous, there are indications that women choose, or have chosen, to postpone their parental debut due to ambivalence regarding making long-term commitments. Another result was that a possible parental debut not always is considered as a priority to other aspects. This included education and career, as well as the ability to be “free” and make self-sufficient decisions. To a certain extent, this rationale and reasoning were prevalent regardless of age and occupation, which was positive concerning the generalizability of the results. On the other hand, it was also clear that other aspects were considered important, which stresses the importance of taking the theoretical context into account.   A suggestion is that further research should enlarge the number of survey units to increase the possibility to generalize the results. Furthermore, my opinion is that prospective research should take this kind of institutional approach into account in the attempts of understanding other trends and phenomena in society.

Kvinnors upplevelse av att leva med Alzheimers sjukdom med tidig debut : en analys av narrativer / Women's experience of living with an early onset of Alzheimer's disease : narrative study

Alqvist, Veronica, Länta, Inga-Kajsa January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alzheimers sjukdom är en obotlig progressiv sjukdom som drabbar hjärnan. Sjukdomen karaktäriseras av kognitiva nedsättningar som minnessvikt och kommunikationshinder. Alzheimers sjukdom med tidig debut är vanligare hos kvinnor och demenssjukdomar ökar i samhället. Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnors upplevelse av att leva med Alzheimers sjukdom med tidig debut. Metod: Tre biografier valdes ut och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med manifest ansats. Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier. Resultat: Att få diagnos tidigt i livet var svårt att acceptera, att förlora förmågor som tidigare tagits för givna, att känna hopp så länge det går, att känna skam och oro att bli en börda och att döden och sorgen blev närvarande. Slutsats: Kvinnor som drabbas av Alzheimer med tidig debut upplever förnekelse, förlust av förmågor, hopp, skam över diagnosen och sorg. Ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt är av största vikt för ett psykiskt och fysiskt välbefinnande för personer med Alzheimers sjukdom.

VARFÖR BÖRJAR MÄNNISKOR PROSTITUERA SIG? : En systematisk litteraturöversikt kring människors upplevelser av orsaker till vägen in i prostitution

Sharifi, Saga, Wärnerson, Saga, Semere Tsegai, Hermon January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturöversikt är att undersöka forskningsläget kring hur människor som har prostituerat sig upplever orsakerna till vägen in i prostitutionen då det i samband med arbetet kan uppstå mycket fysisk och psykisk utsatthet. Genom att skapa en större förståelse kring processerna in i prostitution kan preventionsarbetet utvecklas och förekomsten av prostitution, samt den utsattheten som uppstår, minska. För att uppnå syftet har följande frågeställning använts: Hur ser forskningsläget ut gällande upplevelser av orsaker till vägen in i prostitution av individer som någon gång haft sex mot ersättning? Frågeställningen har besvarats genom en systematisk litteraturöversikt och analyserats genom en latent innehållsanalys. Studien är baserad på relevant forskning kring människors upplevelser av vägen in i prostitution från USA, Kanada, Slovenien, Spanien, Storbritannien och Holland. Genom kodning skapades huvud- och subteman kring upplevda orsaker av vägen in i prostitution. Resultatet visar att de upplevda orsakerna till prostitution främst har grundat sig i ersättning, individernas sociala nätverk, individernas livssituation samt ett intresse för arbetet. Ett särskilt framträdande tema i samtliga studier var ersättning. Aktörer som skola, socialtjänst och polis bör arbeta med att tydligt förmedla kunskap kring de medföljande riskerna av prostitution samt göra andra valmöjligheter tydligt tillgängliga för de som befinner sig i en svår ekonomisk eller social situation. / The aim of this systematic literature review is to examine the current existing research regarding how individuals who have been involved in prostitution perceive the causes of the way into prostitution, due to the connection between this type of work and the physical and mental vulnerability that it causes. By creating a bigger understanding of the processes into prostitution, the preventive work can develop and the occurrence of prostitution, and the vulnerable exposure that occurs, can decrease. To achieve the aim of the study, the following question has been used: What does the existing research say regarding perceptions of causes of the entry into prostitution by individuals who, at some point in their life, have had sex in exchange for compensation? The question has been answered through a systematic literature review and analyzed through a latent content analysis. The study is based on relevant research regarding individuals’ perceptions of the entry into prostitution from USA, Canada, Slovenia, Spain, Great Britain, and Holland. Through coding, main themes and subthemes were created regarding perceived causes of entry. The results show that the perceived causes of entry into prostitution is based in compensation, the individual’s social network, the individual’s life situation and an interest of the labor. A particularly prominent theme in all studies was compensation. Actors such as school, social services, and law enforcement should work with informing, and being clear about the following risks of prostitution and make other possible choices for making money available for the people living in a hard economic or social situation.

Sondy do české poezie 90. let 20. století / The probing of the Czech poetry of the 90. years of the 20. century

Manová, Vilma January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the poetry of poets who officially entered the Czech literary scene in 1990s - after The Velvet Revolution. That was a period of time when Czech literary life changed completely. The thesis focuses on the artists born during the 1960s and the early 1970s - Petr Borkovec, Martin Langer, Pavel Kolmačka and Petr Hruška. The thesis concentrates on the analysis of their first two individual collections published between 1990-1998. What is important is the fact that the authors are not negatively influenced by the cultural politics from the communism era. First, the thesis outlines the events on the Czech literary scene after the revolution. Then it offers a view of the individual poets' works. This part also presents the critical reflection of the period, while the main focus is on the interpretation of poetic works. Through analytical reading this thesis follows the fundamental motive constants and it also reflects other important components of the early authorial poetics. The aim is to point out the tendencies in young Czech poetry at the time of sudden multiplicity of possibilities and to prove or disprove the presence of traditional poetics. Keywords: Czech poetry, 1990, poetic debut, Petr Borkovec, Martin Langer, Pavel Kolmačka, Petr Hruška

Med livet framför sig : En studie om hur åldern vid brottsdebuten påverkar framtidsutsikter

Knutsson, Douglas, Herlitz, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker förhållandet mellan unga brottslingars ålder vid den första lagföringenoch deras livsutfall. Genom att använda oss av unika data från The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study(SBC) kan vi följa individerna upp till 27 års ålder i administrativa register. Detta gör det möjligtför oss att observera kriminellt beteende både för individer över och understraffmyndighetsåldern. Vi finner att personer som begår brott i tidig ålder har en signifikanthögre risk att återfalla i brott jämfört med personer där brottsdebuten sker relativt sent; såledeskan åldern vid brottsdebuten påverka individers framtidsutsikter både direkt och indirekt. / This study examines the correlation between the age of individuals’ first appearance in policerecords and their outcomes in life. By using unique data from The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study(SBC) we are able to follow individuals up to the age of 27 in administrative registers. Thisenables us to observe criminal behavior for individuals both above and below the age of criminalresponsibility. We find that people engaging in crime in early ages have a significantly higherrisk of relapsing into crime compared to people with a relatively late criminal debut, thus the ageof a criminal debut directly and indirectly may affect the prospects of individuals.

Hur lanserar man en debut-EP digitalt inom en tidsram på 10 veckor?

Åkerblad, Philip January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Hur lanserar man en debut-EP digitalt inom en tidsram på 10 veckor?

Åkerblad, Philip January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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