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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Al-Hammouri, Ahmad Tawfiq January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Contrôle de la formation et du confinement variable dans le temps et entièrement distribué pour les systèmes multi-agents/ multi-robots / Fully Distributed Time-varying Formation and Containment Control for Multi-agent / Multi-robot Systems

Jiang, Wei 27 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thése traite du contrôle de la formation et du confinement variant dans le temps pour les systèmes multi-agents linéaires invariants avec hétérogénéité en tenant compte des délais d’entrée / sortie constants / variables dans le temps et des perturbations adaptées / incompatibles sous topologie de communication dirigée et fixe. De nouveaux formats de formes de formation variables dans le temps pour des systèmes homogènes et hétérogènes sont proposés. Les contrôleurs, conçus sur la base de techniques prédictives et adaptatives avec une technique d’observation, sont entièrement distribués et peuvent être appliqués à des systèmes à grande échelle. L’application sur les systèmes robotisés multi hétérogènes linéarisés est vérifiée. / This thesis deals with the time-varying formation and containment control for linear time-invariant multi-agent systems with heterogeneity considering constant / time-varying input / output delays and matched / mismatched disturbances under directed and fixed communication topology. New formats of time-varying formation shapes for homogeneous and heterogeneous systems are proposed. The controllers, which are designed based on predictive and adaptive techniques with observer technique, are fully distributed and can be applied to large-scale systems. The application on linearized heterogeneous multi mobile robot systems is verified.

Constrained control for time-delay systems. / Commande sous contraintes pour des systèmes à retard

Lombardi, Warody 23 September 2011 (has links)
Le thème principal de ce mémoire est la commande sous contraintes pour des systèmes à retard, en tenant compte de la problématique d’échantillonnage (où les informations concernant le système en temps continu sont, par exemple, envoyées par un réseau de communication) et de la présence de contraintes sur les trajectoires du système et sur l’entrée de commande. Pendant le processus d’échantillonnage, le retard variable dans le temps peut être traité comme une incertitude, le but étant de confiner cette variation dans un polytope, de façon à couvrir toutes les variations possibles du retard. Pour stabiliser des systèmes à retard, nous nous sommes basés sur la théorie de Lyapunov. En utilisant cette méthode, nous pouvons trouver un retour d’état qui stabilise le système malgré la présence du retard variable dans la boucle. Une autre possibilité est l’utilisation des candidates de Lyapunov-Krasovskii. La théorie des ensembles invariants est largement utilisée dans ce manuscrit, car il est souhaitable d’obtenir une région de ≪ sûreté ≫, ou le comportement du système est connu, en dépit de la présence du retard (variable) et des contraintes sur les trajectoires du système. Lorsqu’ils sont obtenus dans l’espace d’état augmenté, les ensembles invariants sont très complexes, car la dimension de l’espace Euclidien sera proportionnelle à la taille du système mais aussi à la taille du retard. Le concept de D-invariance est ainsi proposé. La commande prédictive (en anglais MPC) est présentée, pour tenir compte des contraintes sur les trajectoires et appliquer une commande optimale à l’entrée du système. / The main interest of the present thesis is the constrained control of time-delay system, more specifically taking into consideration the discretization problem (due to, for example, a communication network) and the presence of constraints in the system’s trajectories and control inputs. The effects of data-sampling and modeling problem are studied in detail, where an uncertainty is added into the system due to additional effect of the discretization and delay. The delay variation with respect to the sampling instants is characterized by a polytopic supra-approximation of the discretization/delay induced uncertainty. Some stabilizing techniques, based on Lyapunov’s theory, are then derived for the unconstrained case. Lyapunov-Krasovskii candidates were also used to obtain LMI conditions for a state feedback, in the ``original” state-space of the system. For the constrained control purposes, the set invariance theory is used intensively, in order to obtain a region where the system is ``well-behaviored”, despite the presence of constraints and (time-varying) delay. Due to the high complexity of the maximal delayed state admissible set obtained in the augmented state-space approach, in the present manuscript we proposed the concept of set invariance in the ``original” state-space of the system, called D-invariance. Finally, in the las part of the thesis, the MPC scheme is presented, in order to take into account the constraints and the optimality of the control solution.

Modelling and control of systems of conservation laws with a moving interface : an application to an extrusion process / Étude des systèmes de lois de conservation à interfaces mobiles : application à un procédé d'extrusion

Diagne, Mamadou Lamine 26 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude des systèmes de lois de conservation couplés par une interface mobile. Un modèle dynamique d’un procédé d’extrusion obtenu à partir des bilans de masse, de taux d’humidité et d’énergie est proposé. Ce modèle exprime le transport de la matière et de la chaleur dans une extrudeuse par des systèmes d’équations hyperboliques définis sur deux domaines complémentaires variant dans le temps. L’évolution des domaines est dictée par une Equation aux Dérivées Ordinaires (EDO) issue du bilan de masse total dans une extrudeuse. Par le principe des applications contractantes l’existence et l’unicité de la solution pour cette classe de système sont prouvées. Le problème de stabilisation de l’interface mobile est aussi abordé en utilisation le formalisme des systèmes à retard. La méthode des caractéristiques permet de représenter le système composé des équations issues du bilan de masse par un système à retard sur l’entrée. Au moyen d’un contrôleur prédictif la position de l’interface est stabilisée autour d’un point équilibre. La dernière partie de ce travail est dédiée à l’étude des systèmes Hamiltoniens à ports frontière couplés par une interface mobile. Ces systèmes augmentés de variables couleur qui sont des fonctions caractéristiques du domaine peuvent s’exprimer comme des systèmes Hamiltoniens à ports frontière / This thesis is devoted to the analysis of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) which are coupled through a moving interface. The motion of the interface obeys to an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) which arises from a conservation law. The first part of this thesis concerns the modelling of an extrusion process based on mass, moisture content and energy balances. These balances laws express heat and homogeneous material transport in an extruder by hyperbolic PDEs which are defined in complementary time-varying domains. The evolution of the coupled domains is given by an ODE which is derived from the conservation of mass in an extruder. In the second part of the manuscript, a mathematical analysis has been performed in order to prove the existence and the uniqueness of solution for such class of systems by mean of contraction mapping principle. The third part of the thesis concerns the transformation of an extrusion process mass balance equations into a particular input delay system framework using characteristics method. Then, the stabilization of the moving interface by a predictor-based controller has been proposed. Finally, an extension of the analysis of moving interface problems to a particular class of systems of conservations laws has been developed. Port-Hamiltonian formulation of systems of two conservation laws defined on two complementary time-varying intervals has been studied. It has been shown that the coupled system is a port-Hamiltonian system augmented with two variables being the characteristic functions of the two spatial domains

Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions and Stability Analysis of Linear Parameter-Dependent Dynamical Systems

Zhang, Xiping 27 October 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop new stability conditions for several linear dynamic systems, including linear parameter-varying (LPV), time-delay systems (LPVTD), slow LPV systems, and parameter-dependent linear time invariant (LTI) systems. These stability conditions are less conservative and/or computationally easier to apply than existing ones. This dissertation is composed of four parts. In the first part of this thesis, the complete stability domain for LTI parameter-dependent (LTIPD) systems is synthesized by extending existing results in the literature. This domain is calculated through a guardian map which involves the determinant of the Kronecker sum of a matrix with itself. The stability domain is synthesized for both single- and multi-parameter dependent LTI systems. The single-parameter case is easily computable, whereas the multi-parameter case is more involved. The determinant of the bialternate sum of a matrix with itself is also exploited to reduce the computational complexity. In the second part of the thesis, a class of parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions is proposed, which can be used to assess the stability properties of single-parameter LTIPD systems in a non-conservative manner. It is shown that stability of LTIPD systems is equivalent to the existence of a Lyapunov function of a polynomial type (in terms of the parameter) of known, bounded degree satisfying two matrix inequalities. The bound of polynomial degree of the Lyapunov functions is then reduced by taking advantage of the fact that the Lyapunov matrices are symmetric. If the matrix multiplying the parameter is not full rank, the polynomial order can be reduced even further. It is also shown that checking the feasibility of these matrix inequalities over a compact set can be cast as a convex optimization problem. Such Lyapunov functions and stability conditions for affine single-parameter LTIPD systems are then generalized to single-parameter polynomially-dependent LTIPD systems and affine multi-parameter LTIPD systems. The third part of the thesis provides one of the first attempts to derive computationally tractable criteria for analyzing the stability of LPV time-delayed systems. It presents both delay-independent and delay-dependent stability conditions, which are derived using appropriately selected Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals. According to the system parameter dependence, these functionals can be selected to obtain increasingly non-conservative results. Gridding techniques may be used to cast these tests as Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI's). In cases when the system matrices depend affinely or quadratically on the parameter, gridding may be avoided. These LMI's can be solved efficiently using available software. A numerical example of a time-delayed system motivated by a metal removal process is used to demonstrate the theoretical results. In the last part of the thesis, topics for future investigation are proposed. Among the most interesting avenues for research in this context, it is proposed to extend the existing stability analysis results to controller synthesis, which will be based on the same Lyapunov functions used to derive the nonconservative stability conditions. While designing the dynamic ontroller for linear and parameter-dependent systems, it is desired to take the advantage of the rank deficiency of the system matrix multiplying the parameter such that the controller is of lower dimension, or rank deficient without sacrificing the performance of closed-loop systems.

Commande distribuée et synchronisation de robots industriels coopératifs / Distributed control and synchronization of cooperative robot manipulators

Bouteraa, Yassine 21 February 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse développe les lois de coordination de systèmes de Lagrange. Elle propose en premier lieu une stratégie complètement décentralisée qui se base sur la technique de cross-coupling pour la commande d'un groupe de robots, appelé réseau, qui synchronisent leurs mouvements en suivant une trajectoire désirée. Cette stratégie est étendue pour faire face à l'incertitude paramétrique des robots ainsi qu’aux retards fréquemment rencontrés dans les applications pratiques de réseaux de communication. Une deuxième architecture basée sur la théorie des graphes est proposée pour les réseaux à leader. L'approche développée est considérée hybride. Une extension adaptative à base de réseaux de neurones est développée pour traiter les cas d'incertitude paramétrique. La stratégie conçue prend en considération les délais dans la réception des données. En se basant sur la notion de système en chaîne, la théorie des graphes, le concept de la passivité et la technique du backstepping, une nouvelle méthodologie de la conception de contrôleur de synchronisation pour une classe de systèmes sous-actionnés est développée. Afin d’avoir la possibilité d’implémenter ces stratégies de contrôle, on a développé une plate-forme d'expérimentation pour la robotique industrielle coopérative. / This thesis investigates the issue of designing decentralized control laws to cooperatively control a team of robot manipulators. The purpose is to synchronize their movements while tracking common desired trajectory. Based on a combination of Lyapunov direct method and cross-coupling technique, To account for unmatched uncertainties, the proposed decentralized control laws are extended to an adaptive synchronization tracking controllers. Moreover, due to communication imperfection, time delay communication problems are considered in the performance analysis of the controllers. Another relevant problem for distributed synchronized systems is the leader-follower control problem. In this strategy, a decentralized control laws based on the backstepping scheme is proposed to deal with a leader-follower multiple robots structure. Based on graph theory, the coordination strategy combines the leader follower control with the decentralized control. The thesis, also considers the cooperative movement of under- actuated manipulators tracking reference trajectories defined by the user. The control problem for a network of class of under-actuated systems is considered. The approach we adopted in this thesis consists in decomposing the under-actuated manipulators into a cascade of passive subsystems that synchronize with he other neighbors subsystems. The resulting synchronized control law is basically a combination of non-regular backstepping procedure aided with some concepts from graph theory. The proposed controllers are validated numerically, assuming that the underlying communication graph is strongly connected. To implement these control strategies, we developed an experimental platform made of three robot manipulators.

Définition et réglage de correcteurs robustes d'ordre fractionnaire / Definition and tuning of robust fractional order controllers

Tenoutit, Mammar 01 July 2013 (has links)
Les applications du calcul fractionnaire en automatique se sont considérablement développées ces dernières années, surtout en commande robuste. Ce mémoire est une contribution à la commande robuste des systèmes d'ordre entier à l'aide d'un correcteur PID d'ordre fractionnaire.Le conventionnel régulateur PID, unanimement apprécié pour le contrôle des processus industriels, a été adapté au cas fractionnaire sous la forme PInDf grâce à l'introduction d'un modèle de référence d'ordre non entier, réputé pour sa robustesse vis-à-vis des variations du gain statique.Cette nouvelle structure a été étendue aux systèmes à retard sous la forme d'un Prédicteur de SMITH fractionnaire. Dans leur forme standard, ces correcteurs sont adaptés à la commande des systèmes du premier et du second ordre, avec ou sans retard pur.Pour des systèmes plus complexes, deux méthodologies de synthèse du correcteur ont été proposées, grâce à la méthode des moments et à l'approche retour de sortie.Pour les systèmes dont le modèle est obtenu à partir d'une identification, la boucle fermée doit en outre être robuste aux erreurs d'estimation. Un modèle pire-cas, déduit de la matrice de covariance de l'estimateur et des domaines d'incertitudes fréquentielles, a été proposé pour la synthèse du correcteur.Les différentes simulations numériques montrent l'efficacité de cette méthodologie pour l'obtention d'une boucle fermée robuste aux variations du gain statique et aux incertitudes d'identification. / The application of fractional calculus in automatic control have received much attention these last years, mainly in robust control. This PhD dissertation is a contribution to the control of integer order systems using a fractional order PID controller.The classical PID, well known for its applications to industrial plants, has been adapted to the fractional case as a PInDf controller, thanks to a fractional order reference model, characterized by its robustness to static gain variations.This new controller has been generalized to time delay systems as a fractional SMITH Predictor. In standard case, these controllers are adapted to first and second order systems, with or without a time delay. For more complex systems, two design methodologies have been proposed, based on the method of moments and on output feedback approach.For systems whose model is obtained by an identification procedure, the closed loop has to be robust to estimation errors. So, a worst-case model, derived from the covariance matrix of the estimator and the frequency uncertainty domains, has been proposed for the design of the controller.The different numerical simulations demonstrate that this methodology is able to provide robustness to static gain variations and to identification uncertainties.

Controle por modo deslizante para sistemas não-lineares com atraso. / Sliding mode control for nonlinear systems with time delay.

Camila Lobo Coutinho 04 May 2012 (has links)
Nesta Dissertação são propostos dois esquemas de controle para sistemas não-lineares com atraso. No primeiro, o objetivo é controlar uma classe de sistemas incertos multivariáveis, de grau relativo unitário, com perturbações não-lineares descasadas dependentes do estado, e com atraso incerto e variante no tempo em relação ao estado. No segundo, deseja-se controlar uma classe de sistemas monovariáveis, com parâmetros conhecidos, grau relativo arbitrário, atraso arbitrário conhecido e constante na saída. Admitindo-se que o atraso na entrada pode ser deslocado para a saída, então, o segundo esquema de controle pode ser aplicado a sistemas com atraso na entrada. Os controladores desenvolvidos são baseados no controle por modo deslizante e realimentação de saída, com função de modulação para a amplitude do sinal de controle. Além disso, observadores estimam as variáveis de estado não-medidas. Em ambos os esquemas de controle propostos, garante-se propriedades de estabilidade globais do sistema em malha fechada. Simulações ilustram a eficácia dos controladores desenvolvidos. / Two control schemes for nonlinear time-delay systems are proposed in this thesis. The purpose of the first scheme is to control a class of uncertain multivariable systems, with relative degree one, nonlinear unmatched state dependent disturbances, and uncertain time-varying state delay. The purpose of the second scheme is to control a class of single-input-single-output systems, with known parameters, arbitrary relative degree, with constant and known arbitrary output delay. Assuming that input delays can be transferred to the output, so the second scheme can be applied to systems with input time-delay. The developed controllers are based on sliding mode control and output feedback, with modulation function to the control signal amplitude. Furthermore, observers estimate unmeasured state variables. In both schemes, global stability properties of the closed loop system are guaranteed. Simulations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.

Design and implementation of linear robust networked control systems

Mkondweni, Ncedo Sandiso January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Technology: Electrical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2013 / Networked Control Systems is a control system where the plant and the controller exchange information via a shared communication network and the network is considered as part of the closed loop control system. Unfortunately the network introduces network induced random varying time delays and data packet loss amongst the communication network imperfections. The network delays are considered to be between the controller and the actuator and between the sensor and the controller. These network imperfections degrade the performance of the closed loop control system and result in closed loop system instability. The complexity of measuring the communication network imperfection in networked control systems makes it difficult for the control engineers to develop methods for design of controllers that can incorporate and compensate these imperfections in order to improve the performance of the networked control systems. In this thesis a co-simulation toolset called LabNS2 is developed to address the first problem of measuring the communication network imperfections by providing an ideal environment that can be used to investigate the influence of network time delays or packet loss. The software environment of the toolset is based on LabVIEWTM and Network Simulator Version 2 (NS2). A new robust predictive optimal controller design method is developed to address the problem of the destabilising effect of the network induced time delay between the controller and the actuator. The design approach is based on time shifting of the optimisation horizon and a state predictor. The design of the controller is based on a model of the plant with delay in the control vector equal to the delay between the controller and the actuator or to the sum of the delays between the controller and the actuator and between the sensor and the controller. The time shifting approach allows the design of the controller to be performed for a model without time delay. Then the control action is based on the future values of the state space vector estimates. The state predictor is developed to predict these future values of the state using the present and past values of the state estimates and control actions. This technique is made possible by the use of the plant model Transition Matrix. A Discrete Kalman Filter is modified to address the problem of the destabilising effect of the network induced time delay between the sensor and the controller. An additional state estimation vector is added to the filter estimate at every current moment of time. iv The developed methods are implemented for networked control of a dish antenna driven by two stepper motors. The outcomes of the thesis can be used for the education and fundamental research purposes, but the developed control strategies have significant sense towards the Square Kilometer Array projects and satellite systems industry. / National Research Foundation

Controle por modo deslizante para sistemas não-lineares com atraso. / Sliding mode control for nonlinear systems with time delay.

Camila Lobo Coutinho 04 May 2012 (has links)
Nesta Dissertação são propostos dois esquemas de controle para sistemas não-lineares com atraso. No primeiro, o objetivo é controlar uma classe de sistemas incertos multivariáveis, de grau relativo unitário, com perturbações não-lineares descasadas dependentes do estado, e com atraso incerto e variante no tempo em relação ao estado. No segundo, deseja-se controlar uma classe de sistemas monovariáveis, com parâmetros conhecidos, grau relativo arbitrário, atraso arbitrário conhecido e constante na saída. Admitindo-se que o atraso na entrada pode ser deslocado para a saída, então, o segundo esquema de controle pode ser aplicado a sistemas com atraso na entrada. Os controladores desenvolvidos são baseados no controle por modo deslizante e realimentação de saída, com função de modulação para a amplitude do sinal de controle. Além disso, observadores estimam as variáveis de estado não-medidas. Em ambos os esquemas de controle propostos, garante-se propriedades de estabilidade globais do sistema em malha fechada. Simulações ilustram a eficácia dos controladores desenvolvidos. / Two control schemes for nonlinear time-delay systems are proposed in this thesis. The purpose of the first scheme is to control a class of uncertain multivariable systems, with relative degree one, nonlinear unmatched state dependent disturbances, and uncertain time-varying state delay. The purpose of the second scheme is to control a class of single-input-single-output systems, with known parameters, arbitrary relative degree, with constant and known arbitrary output delay. Assuming that input delays can be transferred to the output, so the second scheme can be applied to systems with input time-delay. The developed controllers are based on sliding mode control and output feedback, with modulation function to the control signal amplitude. Furthermore, observers estimate unmeasured state variables. In both schemes, global stability properties of the closed loop system are guaranteed. Simulations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.

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