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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo diacrônico da função e dos valores semânticos dos sufixos -ança/ -ença, -ância/ -ência no português / Diachronic study of the functions and the semantic values of suffixes -ança/-ença, -ância/-ência in the Portuguese

Lacotiz, Andréa 20 September 2007 (has links)
O percurso histórico de derivações sufixais é muito pouco estudado, pois é lugar-comum concentrarem a análise de formação de palavras sob a ótica sincrônica. O presente trabalho constitui-se de um estudo calcado em diacronia sobre as ocorrências dos sufixos -ança/-ença, -ância/-ência, em suas funções transcategorial e semântica. Em manuais de gramática normativa, afirma-se, comumente, que esses sufixos se prestam apenas a transpor a classe gramatical de uma palavra, de verbo a substantivo abstrato, e acrescentam à base um significado superficial. Os modelos gerativos de estudo morfológico, por sua vez, embora reconheçam a polissemia dos sufixos, instituem regras de derivação sufixal que não abrangem a total possibilidade formativa, encontrada no processo histórico dos sufixos abordados. O objetivo de nossa pesquisa tratava-se de precisar dados etimológicos encontrados no Dicionário Houaiss, para com isso investigar os valores semânticos variáveis no percurso diacrônico dos sufixos, avaliar a tendência formativa transcategorial, desde o latim clássico, e verificar a relação que os substantivos derivados estabelecem com seus verbos e adjetivos cognatos. Com base em um corpus de 250 palavras usuais formadas por esses sufixos, investigamos a etimologia dos vocábulos, utlizando-se de dicionários de latim, clássico e medieval, inglês, francês, espanhol e italiano, confrontando os dados encontrados com aqueles fornecidos pelo Dicionário Houaiss. Descrevemos os valores semânticos dos sufixos em forma de paráfrases, discernindo os prototípicos daqueles advindos de empréstimos ou por extensão de sentido. Averiguamos a cognação desses substantivos derivados entre adjetivos em -nte e verbos, no português atual. Dessa forma, pudemos concluir que esses sufixos se revestem de variáveis valores semânticos, prototípicos e adquiridos em seu percurso diacrônico; prestam-se à criação de substantivos majoritariamente abstratos, pois há ocorrências de substantivos concretos, e possuem a tendência de formar derivados a partir de bases adjetivais e verbais, ainda que, ao longo da história, desde o latim, tenham existido formações com outras categorias. / The historical trajectory of suffixal derivations is too little studied, since it is a commonplace to concentrate the analysis of words formation under a synchronical point of view. The present work deals with a study set in the diachronical perspective of the suffixal occurrences of Portuguese suffixes -ança/-ença, -ância/-ência, in their transcategorical and semantical functions. In normative grammar manuals, it is used to affirm that these suffixes are useful in order to cross over the grammatical class of a word, from a verb to an abstract noun, and to add it on the basis of a superficial meaning. The generative models of Morphology, in their turn, recognize even though the polysemy of the suffixes and establish suffixal derivation rules that do not embrace all formative possibilities, found in the historical process of the broached suffixes. The purpose of this research was specify etymological data found in the Dicionário Houaiss, to, hereby, investigate the changeable semantic values in their suffixal diachronic trajectory, evaluate their transcategorical formative tendency, since the Classic Latin, and verify the relation that the derivative nouns establish with their verbs and cognate adjectives. Based on a corpus of 250 usual words formed by these suffixes, we investigate the etymology of the terms, consulting dictionaries of Classic and Medieval Latin, English, French, Spanish and Italian, confronting the found data with those supplied by the Dicionário Houaiss. We describe the semantical values of the suffixes in the form of paraphrases, discriminating the prototypical one from those ocurred by loans or by meaning extensions. We inquire the cognation of these derivative nouns among adjectives in -nte and verbs, in the current Portuguese. This way, we could conclude that these suffixes resemble themselves with changeable semantical values, prototypical and acquired in their diachronical trajectory; they are useful to the creation of nouns mainly the abstract ones, because there are occurrences of concrete nouns, and have the tendency to form derivatives from adjectival and verbal bases, although, alongside the history, since the Latin, formations with other categories have also existed.

Design, techno-economic and environmental risk assessment of aero-derivative industrial gas turbine

Abaad, Abdelmanam January 2012 (has links)
Increased availability of natural gas has boosted research and development efforts to further increase gas turbine performance. Performance has been increased remarkably and unit cost reduced due to achievements gained in improving thermodynamic cycles and cooling technologies. However, increased complexity in power industry regulations and fluctuations in fuel price have indicated that all the aforementioned improvements in gas turbine performance could not cope with the increased competition in the gas turbine industrial market. Innovation within the aero-derivative concept has enabled further significant improvement in the performance of industrial gas turbines. It allows a more beneficial approach than developing new designs of industrial gas turbines owing to reduced designing time and cost. Objectives in this project focus on developing a methodology of design and assessing aeroderivative gas turbine engines derived from a 130-seat aircraft engine. Developed methodology includes techno-economic and environmental assessment, conducted through further developments of models based on Techno-economic and Environmental Risk Assessment (TERA) philosophy, to be applied in further industrial applications. Tools used in this investigation include a significant literature research on the development of aero-derivative gas turbine technologies, including thermodynamic cycles and its land-based applications. Turbomatch is a homebased code developed in Cranfield University, used in calculating design point and predicting off-design performance of parent aero-engine and the aeroderivative engines developed. Excel and FORTRAN code are also used in calculating engine’s design parameters, and creating a model of life estimation Creep. Moreover, FORTRAN code is used for building emission and economic models for power generation and combined heat and power applications. Finally, MATLAP code is used in creating a small model for generating performance TXT files, and running marine integrated models platform. All models needed to develop the methodology have been created, and calculations of an engine’s performance and assessment were conducted based on this developed methodology. Sensible results are generated from the investigated methodology and they show acceptable designs of aero-derivative engines on different thermodynamic cycles. Based on the acceptable level of technology and material thermal barriers, all design and off-design performance limitations of new developed aero-derivative engines have been determined for a wide range of ambient conditions. Techno-economic and environmental assessment performed through implementing the developed aero-derivative engines on power generation and marine applications under different operating scenarios. Results of operating the engines on power generation and marine applications have been investigated and compared. It is observed that engines respond differently when operating under different environmental profiles, depending on the number of units engaged and their thermodynamic cycle as well as mechanical configurations. Also, the selected specific gas turbine engine can be the best economical choice for operating on determined scenario, while it cannot be when operating in different scenarios. Assessment of developed engines on the investigated application shows how the lowest specific cost (small engine size) can constitute important criteria in engine selection.

Testing the Correlation Between Response Latency, Derivation, and Complexity

Oliver, Jeffrey Ryan 25 June 2014 (has links)
This study investigates the constructs of Derivation and Complexity and how they relate to latency. Derivation and Complexity are theoretical constructs that have been posited as two of the main factors in differences in latency to responding in implicit measures such as the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) and the Implicit Association Task (IAT). This study trained participants to relate two groups of novel stimuli in a linear fashion and then tested their latency to responding to derived relations (relations based on previously trained relations, but not directly trained themselves). The study then analyzed participant's latency to responding after dividing the responses based on derivation, complexity, and phase. The study found a significant relationship between phase and latency (p=.01), derivation and latency (p=.01), and complexity and latency (p=.04). This indicates that brief, immediate relational responses are influenced by both derivation and complexity as well as practice responding and these variables should be considered in future investigations into implicit attitudes.

Derivations (MP) and evaluations (OT)

Broekhuis, Hans January 2006 (has links)
The main claim of this paper is that the minimalist framework and optimality theory adopt more or less the same architecture of grammar: both assume that a generator defines a set S of potentially well-formed expressions that can be generated on the basis of a given input, and that there is an evaluator that selects the expressions from S that are actually grammatical in a given language L. The paper therefore proposes a model of grammar in which the strengths of the two frameworks are combined: more specifically, it is argued that the computational system of human language CHL from MP creates a set S of potentially well-formed expressions, and that these are subsequently evaluated in an optimality theoretic fashion.

Dependency based CCG derivation and application

Brewster, Joshua Blake 21 February 2011 (has links)
This paper presents and evaluates an algorithm to translate a dependency treebank into a Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) lexicon. The dependency relations between a head and a child in a dependency tree are exploited to determine how CCG categories should be derived by making a functional distinction between adjunct and argument relations. Derivations for an English (CoNLL08 shared task treebank) and for an Italian (Turin University Treebank) dependency treebank are performed, each requiring a number of preprocessing steps. In order to determine the adequacy of the lexicons, dubbed DepEngCCG and DepItCCG, they are compared via two methods to preexisting CCG lexicons derived from similar or equivalent sources (CCGbank and TutCCG). First, a number of metrics are used to compare the state of the lexicon, including category complexity and category growth. Second, to measures the potential applicability of the lexicons in NLP tasks, the derived English CCG lexicon and CCGbank are compared in a sentiment analysis task. While the numeric measurements show promising results for the quality of the lexicons, the sentiment analysis task fails to generate a usable comparison. / text

A constructionist view of complex interactions between inflection and derivation: the case of SMG and Griko

Κουτσούκος, Νικόλαος 15 September 2014 (has links)
One of the most difficult, but -at the same time- interesting questions in morphological theory is the relation between inflection and derivation. This question lies at the heart of the problem of the architecture of the morphological component and thus raises important issues such as: (a) the relation between the lexicon and the grammar, and (b) the model which best accounts for the relevant facts. In the present thesis, the aim is to examine certain morphological phenomena which reveal the close relation between the two processes, and to show that both should be accounted for in the morphological component. Three aspects of the problem are exhaustively discussed, drawing data from Standard Modern Greek and Griko: (a) the relation between conversion and inflectional classes in Standard Modern Greek, (b) the evolution of derivational affixes into inflectional ones in Griko and (c) the appearance of inflection inside derivation in both Griko and Standard Modern Greek. The analysis of the data is given within a Construction Morphology (CM) framework. CM offers important insights into the problem since it has a strong lexicalist orientation with both inflection and word formation within the lexicon, and the proposed word-formation schema (construction) is applicable to both derivation and inflection. The CM framework provides effective solutions to the problems discussed in the relevant chapters and paves the way for the analysis of similar phenomena. It should be mentioned that the contribution of the present thesis to the relevant discussion can be described in two points: (a) it presents some data that have not been described before and offers an up-to-date analysis, (b) it examines the relation between the two processes within the CM framework. / Ένα από τα πιο δύσκολα αλλά και ενδιαφέροντα ζητήματα που έχουν απασχολήσει τη μορφολογική θεωρία τα τελευταία χρόνια είναι η σχέση των διαδικασιών της κλίσης και της παραγωγής. Η εξέταση του συγκεκριμένου ζητήματος αποτελεί ουσιαστικής σημασίας πρόβλημα καθώς έχει σημαντικές προεκτάσεις ως προς (α) τη σχέση μεταξύ της γραμματικής και του λεξικού και (β) τα μοντέλα μορφολογικής περιγραφής. Οι στόχοι στην παρούσα διατριβή είναι: (α) να καταδειχτεί ότι η κλίση και η παραγωγή παρουσιάζουν μία αλληλεπίδραση κατά το σχηματισμό λέξεων, και (β) να περιγραφθεί η σχέση των δύο τομέων και να αναλυθεί μέσα στο πλαίσιο της Construction Morphology (CM). Εξετάζεται το συγκεκριμένο ζήτημα κυρίως μέσα από δεδομένα της διαλέκτου Griko και της Κοινής Νέας Ελληνικής (ΚΝΕ) και παράλληλα γίνεται σύγκριση με άλλες ΝΕ διαλέκτους και ευρωπαϊκές γλώσσες. Η ανάλυση είναι δομημένη πάνω σε τρία διαφορετικά θέματα: πρώτα, εξετάζεται η σχέση κλίσης και μετάπλασης στην ΚΝΕ, έπειτα, εξετάζεται ένα παραγωγικό μόρφημα το οποίο εμφανίζει κλιτικές ιδιότητες στη διάλεκτο Griko και τέλος εξετάζεται η εμφάνιση κλίσης μέσα σε παράγωγους σχηματισμούς τόσο στη Griko όσο και στην ΚΝΕ. Αυτά τα θέματα έχουν ένα κοινό προσανατολισμό καθώς καταδεικνύουν ότι οι δύο διαδικασίες αλληλεπιδρούν πολύ στενά και ως εκ τούτου μπορεί να θεωρηθεί ότι ανήκουν στον ίδιο τομέα της γραμματικής. Τα δεδομένα που εξετάζονται στην παρούσα διατριβή αναλύονται μέσα στο πλαίσιο της CM. Το συγκεκριμένο μοντέλο αποτελεί πρόσφορο έδαφος για την ανάλυση των συγκεκριμένων δεδομένων για δύο λόγους: (α) έχει έντονα λεξικαλιστικό προσανατολισμό και (β) προτείνει ένα φορμαλισμό για το σχηματισμό λέξεων (σχήμα) το οποίο μπορεί να αποδώσει τόσο τις κλιτικές όσο και τις παράγωγες δομές. Η συμβολή της συγκεκριμένης διατριβής έγκειται σε δύο διαφορετικούς τομείς: (α) στην εξέταση δεδομένων που δεν έχουν εξεταστεί στο παρελθόν, με στόχο να κάνει λεπτομερή περιγραφή και ανάλυση, (β) στην εξέταση του θεωρητικού ζητήματος της σχέσης μεταξύ των δύο διαδικασιών μέσα στο μοντέλο της Construction Morphology.

Lärares dilemman

Räihä, Helge January 2008 (has links)
The topic of the present dissertation is teachers’ everyday dilemmas and the use of language to deal with these dilemmas. The concept of dilemma is compared to the concept of risk and the concept of paradox. The theoretical background consists of sociological systems theory and linguistic pragmatic theory. The empirical data consist of observations of teachers in everyday situations. The theoretical and empirical approaches are used to illuminate each other. Teachers’ ways of dealing with dilemmas are described as use of linguistic resources. Results show that dilemmas are complex social phenomenon that include global system media, trust and language use. Teachers face dilemmas as unpredicted clashes of conflicting expectations. The conflicting expectations come into view as global system media and local trust. The resources required in the constructing of trust and rationality shows how teachers are dealing with dilemmas. Teachers’ ways of dealing with dilemmas come into view as use of linguistic resources for logic and modality.

Išsigimstančios dalinių išvestinių sistemos sprendinių struktūra / The solutions structure of the system of malformed partial derivations

Čiučkytė, Renata 02 June 2006 (has links)
In this master thesis it is analyzed the system of four partial fluxions of the primary row of differential equations the row of which dwindles at the point of p+1, when p = 0. The system of partial fluxions of differential equations has been solved through the modified technique of summarized degree rows. Two cases were explored: general and when the system’s ratios initial matrix is a special structure matrix. The solutions of the system dependence on the ratios, which are near partial fluxions of the searched function, were explored. There were designed four families of the detached solutions and proved that each of them depends on one optional function of y and z variables. The structure of system of solutions at the malformation points depends not only on x degree, but also on y and z variables. There is no such type of malformation in the theory of dwindle simple differential equations, therefore this analyzed dwindle of the system of partial fluxion of differential equations is called quasi-regular malformation. Keywords: differential equation, partial derivation, quasi-regular malformation.

From noun to verb. Denominal verbs in translation from English into Lithuanian / Nuo daiktavardžio prie veiksmažodžio. Denominatyvinių veiksmažodžių vertimas iš anglų kalbos į lietuvių kalbą

Narmontienė, Kristiana 26 September 2008 (has links)
The translation of Denominal verbs is not enough analyze in Lithania, thus, the work specifies some definitions of the phenomena, provides its derivation and classifications as well as emphasizes the pecularities of denominal verb in translation process. The subject of the research is based on contrastive analyzes of source and target languages by reffering to Ken Kesey‘s novel ‚ One Flew over Cuckoo‘s Nest‘. The aim of the work is point out pecularities of denominal verbs in tralslation of the novel from English into Lithuanian. / Denominatyvinių veiksmažodžių vertimas mažai tyrinėtas Lietuvoje, todėl darbe supažindinama su šių veiksmažodžių definicijomis, kilme ir klasifikacijomis, bei išryškinami vertimo ypatumai.Tyrimo objektu pasirinkta gretinamoji Keno Kizio romano ‚Skrydis virš gegutės lizdo‘ originalo kalbos ir vertimo kalbos analizė. Tyrimo tikslu siekiama nustatyti denominatyvinių veiksmažodžių ypatumus verčiant šį romaną iš anglų kalbos į lietuvių kalbą.

Dalinių išvestinių sistemos su kvazireguliariuoju išsigimimu sprendimas / The working out of partial derivations with the quaziregular malformation

Čakaitė, Inga 09 June 2006 (has links)
The system of the four partial fluxions of the primary row of differential equations the row of which dwindles at the points of plane has been analysed. The systems of the expressions of families of the detached solutions have been derived by converging degree rows at the environment of malformation rows through the technique of summation of degree rows. The solutions at the malformation points are particular for having degree particularities. Still, the particularities depend on the other to variables, in conformity to which there are no system malformation weigh. The effect is not evident in the analytical theory of malformed vulgar differential equation.

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