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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neoklasická kompozice v současné španělštině / The neoclassical composition in modern Spanish

Navrátil, Cyril January 2014 (has links)
Cyril Navrátil FF UK Universita Karlova Románská studia - NMgr. Hispanistika 2013/2014 Abstract The purpose of this essay is to study neoclassical composition. The denomination of this method of word-formation already caused disagreements among the linguists. Many authors name it prefixation (affixation), while others believe that it is a special type of composition, whose components (or at least one of them) take their origins from Latin or Greek. Even though the majority of the Spanish lexicon comes from these languages (mainly from Latin), this type of composition follows some particular rules. In this essay, we do not intend to say who is right and who is wrong, but to demonstrate the current situation of the neoclassical composition in modern Spanish, using the corpus. Nevertheless, it is not possible to completely ignore the different points of view of these authors, who are acclaimed in the academic world. Therefore we decided to divide this study in a theoretic part and a practical one. In the theoretic part, we will recapitulate the terminology used and we will try and choose the most convenient definition for this method. In the practical part, we will see twenty examples of Greco-Latin elements: auto, cida/cidio, cracia/crata (arca/arquía), cripto, crono, eco, euro, filo/filia, foto, narco, neo,...

Finská a česká deminutiva v kontrastivním pohledu / Finnish and Czech diminutives in contrastive perspective

Střížková, Dominika January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with diminutives, a special type of words that can express something smaller than usual (i.e. quantitative modification) or the speaker's attitude and feelings (often positive) towards an object or a person (i.e. qualitative modification). In flectional and agglutinant languages (such as Czech and Finnish), diminutives are mostly formed by adding a diminutive suffix to the stem of a base word. This work aims to examine whether Czech diminutives are also translated to Finnish with the use of a diminutive form. If they are not directly translatable, this work is to find out what equivalent does the translator use instead. In the theoretical part, I give a brief description of diminutive suffixes in Czech and Finnish. Most of these suffixes can have more functions than just forming diminutives. Another problem is the process of lexicalisation when a diminutive form acquires a new meaning and becomes a new lexical unit of the language. This means that a selection is needed to be made to exclude words that have a diminutive form but not a diminutive meaning. The practical part is based on an analysis of data from a corpus that contains fifteen Czech books and their translations to Finnish. I selected fifteen frequent diminutives and attempted to find out how they are translated...

A comparative study of term creation processes in Isixhosa and Isizulu translations of the South African Constitution

Sineke, Thembela Gloria 02 November 2006 (has links)
MASTERS FACULTY OF HUMANITIES SCHOOL OF LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE STUDIES STUDENT NO: 0111542N / The study deals with term creation in translation comparing isiXhosa and isiZulu in relation to paraphrasing, borrowing, compounding, semantic transfer and derivation as five major processes used by translators in African Languages to compensate for terminology gap. The study is conducted within the Descriptive Translation Studies approach and it deals with how translator’s strategies are influenced by norms. The extracted source text terms in this study are from the English Constitution as the source text whilst the isiXhosa and isiZulu terms are extracted from the isiXhosa and isiZulu Constitutions respectively. The study has indicated that out of the five selected processes, paraphrasing is the most frequently chosen strategy in African Languages. With regard to borrowing, it has been shown that not all types of borrowing (as discussed by Cluver 1989) are possible in these languages and that every borrowed term has to be modified according to phonological, morphological and orthographical rules of these two languages. The study is concluded by arguing that term creation processes in translation are universal features of translated texts in African languages and they are effective translation strategies in languages of limited diffusion. In addition, translated texts are sources/ depositories of terminology and consequently they can play a role in language development activities.

A presença do sufixo -ismo nas gramáticas da língua portuguesa e sua abrangência dos valores semânticos, a partir do Dicionário de Língua Portuguesa Antônio Houaiss / The presence of the suffix -ismo in grammars of portuguese language and its coverage of semantic values, from the Dictionary of Portuguese Language Antônio Houaiss

Gianastacio, Vanderlei 28 August 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de entender os valores semânticos do sufixo ismo, num estudo diacrônico, trabalhando com dados etimológicos encontrados no Dicionário Houaiss e avaliando a formação de vocábulos nas diversas categorias. Para uma melhor compreensão do sufixo ismo, observou-se sua origem, bem como sua produtividade, na língua grega. Atentou-se para a sua transição do grego para o latim e para o processo de formação de palavras nesse idioma. Considerou-se a presença de vocábulos de origem grega, no latim, ora transliterados, ora formados no latim, mesmo sem encontrar nas gramáticas desse idioma o ismo classificado como sufixo. A passagem desse sufixo para a língua portuguesa é um fato constatado, porém o estudo do ismo não aparece nas primeiras gramáticas de língua portuguesa. Para isso, analisaram-se as gramáticas portuguesas, iniciando por Fernão de Oliveira e, assim, percebeuse que o primeiro gramático de língua portuguesa a estudar o sufixo ismo foi Julio Ribeiro. Uma vez que esta obra é produzida antes da data que marca o início do estruturalismo, verificaram-se as afirmações de Humboldt percebendo que, mesmo antes da obra de Ferdinand de Saussure, Curso de linguística geral, já havia pensamentos voltados para o estruturalismo, algo que influenciou Julio Ribeiro. Com base em um corpus de duas mil, trezentas e quarenta e três palavras (2.343), analisou-se a etimologia desses vocábulos, recorrendo aos dicionários de grego, latim, espanhol, inglês, italiano e francês, confrontando com as informações encontradas em Houaiss. Além disso, contrastou-se a datação das palavras formadas com o sufixo ismo, apresentadas em Houaiss, com o sítio na internet denominado Corpus do Português. Dessa forma, concluiu-se que o sufixo ismo apresenta uma diversidade de valores semânticos adquiridos em sua trajetória diacrônica formando, assim, substantivo de substantivo, substantivo de adjetivo e substantivo de verbo. / The objective of this research is to understand, by means of a diachronic study, the semantic diversity of the suffix ism and to evaluate the formation of various types of words, working with the etymological information found in the Houaiss dictionary. In order to understand better the suffix ism, its origin and uses in Greek were observed. Attention was given to the transition from Greek to Latin and the process by which words in these languages were formed. The presence of Latin words of Greek origin, either transliterated or of Latin formation, were considered, even if the ism suffix was not found in the grammars of these languages. The transfer of the ism suffix to the Portuguese language is an established fact. However, the study of the suffix ism does not appear in the first Portuguese language grammars. For this reason, Portuguese grammars, starting with Fernão de Oliveira, were analyzed. It was shown that the first Portuguese grammar to study the suffix ism was that of Julio Ribeiro. Noting that this grammar was produced before the beginning date of structuralism, the affirmations of Humboldt were verified, showing that even before Ferdinand de Saussures work, Curso de lingüística geral, there were already structuralist ideas which influenced Julio Ribeiro. Using a group of two thousand, three hundred and forty-three (2,343) words, the etymology of each was analyzed, consulting dictionaries in Greek, Latin, Spanish, English, Italian and French, and comparing them with the information found in Houaiss. In addition, the date of the words formed with the suffix ism, presented in Houaiss, was contrasted with words found on the site O Corpus do Português. It was concluded that the suffix ism presents a semantic diversity acquired in its diachronic trajectory, forming nouns from nouns, nouns from adjectives and nouns from verbs.

Vestígios do dizer de uma escuta (repouso e deriva na palavra) / Vestígios do dizer de uma escuta (repouso e deriva na palavra)

Barboza, Juliana Jardim 16 September 2009 (has links)
O texto que se segue pretende traduzir algumas possibilidades no trabalho do ator no que diz respeito à experiência a partir da palavra, como dizer vindo de um texto, originada no aprofundamento da escuta. O texto nasce de minha prática, iniciada formalmente em 1987, como atriz, professora de teatro, preparadora de atores e aluna, e refere-se a experiências em montagens de peças, aulas (dadas e recebidas) em universidades, estágios, workshops, oficinas, e em encontros em outros espaços nãopertencentes ao campo teatral, acontecidos principalmente nos estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, e pontualmente em outros estados brasileiros (MG, PR, SC, CE) e em outros países. Dialoga, ainda, com aquilo que nomeio teorias-moventes para as práticas, fontes teóricas nascidas de meu contato com textos de naturezas diversas, de não-ficção de teatro e de outras áreas e de ficção, além do contato específico com uma tradição oral, a do griot africano, que, em meu caso específico, se deu pelo encontro vivo, em duas viagens ao Mali e ao Burkina Faso, na África Ocidental, e em seis estágios realizados a partir dessa aliança. / The following text aims at translating some possibilities in the actors work in experience with the word, as a telling coming from the text, originated in the deepening of the listening. The text is born from my practice, formally begun in 1987, as an actress, theater teacher, actors coach and student, and refers to experiences in staging plays, classes (given and taken) in universities, internships, workshops, and in meetings at spaces not belonging to the theatrical field, mostly taking place in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and occasionally in other Brazilian states (MG, PR, SC, CE) and in other foreign countries. It also dialogues with what I call moving-theories into practices, theoretical sources sprung from my contact with texts of different nature, non-fictional from theater and other areas and fictional, in addition to the specific contact with an oral tradition, namely the African griot that, in my particular case, happened by means of living contact in two trips to West Africa, to Mali and Burkina Faso, and in six internships brought about by this alliance.

Morfologia em diacronia - os caminhos e desvios de um afixo na história da língua: o percurso histórico-semântico do prefixo des- em bases sufixadas e em formações parassintéticas / Diachronic morphology - the paths and deviation of an affix in the language of history: historical -semantic course of the prefix de- in suffixed bases and parasynthetic process

Santos, Alice Pereira 16 February 2016 (has links)
Esta investigação busca analisar o processo parassintético, bem como estudar a formação prefixal em palavras já derivadas. Toma-se como ponto de partida o exame do prefixo des-, bastante produtivo em português brasileiro atual. Objetiva-se averiguar os critérios de seleção, combinação, restrição desse elemento formativo, em relação aos sufixos, já presentes nos vocábulos pesquisados, e às bases selecionadas. Intenciona-se indicar as regularidades e idiossincrasias desses mecanismos de formação de palavras, no que tange o afixo supracitado, considerando-se os níveis fonológico, morfológico e semântico. O prefixo des- é uma inovação neolatina e possui muitos significados comuns aos formantes latinos de- e dis-, partilhando dos valores de negação/privação, separação/afastamento e intensidade. Além das semelhanças semânticas no português contemporâneo, esses elementos formativos mostram-se intrinsecamente ligados pelo seu desenvolvimento morfossemântico, sendo indispensável, portanto, a consideração desses formantes lexicais para esboçar uma proposta etimológica para o prefixo sob escopo. A observação das formações construídas a partir dos afixos em apreço permitiu promover uma série de reflexões a respeito dos processos prefixais e parassintéticos, imprescindíveis para o prosseguimento da análise. Para levar a cabo esses objetivos, utilizou-se, inicialmente, a base de dados do Dicionário Houaiss. Vale destacar que outros dicionários foram utilizados, a fim de aferir e complementar essas informações. Empreendeu-se ainda um estudo da produtividade do prefixo des-, por meio da análise dos neologismos, que permitiu delinear um panorama do seu status atual. / This research aims to analyse the parasynthetic process, as well as to study prefixation in words already derived. As a starting point it was performed the examination of the prefix des-, which is very productive in the current Brazilian Portuguese. The objective is to determine the criteria of selection, combination, restriction of that formative element, in relation to the suffixes, already present in the studied words, and to the selected stems. It is the authors purpose to indicate the regularities and idiosyncrasies of these mechanisms of word formation, regarding the aforementioned affix, taking into account the phonological, morphological and semantic levels. The prefix des- is an innovation of the Romance languages and has many meanings in common with the Latin prefixes de- and dis-, sharing values of negation/deprivation, separation/distance and intensity. In addition to the semantic similarities in the contemporary Portuguese, these prefixes are shown to be inextricably linked by their morpho-semantic development, being essential, therefore, a consideration of these lexicon builders to outline an etymological proposal for the prefix under investigation. The observation of the vocabulary built by the prefix in question promoted a series of reflections about the prefixation and parasynthetic processes, that were essential to carry on with the analysis. To carry out these objectives, the database of Houaiss dictionary was initially used. It is worth a note that other dictionaries have been used in order to assess and complement the information. A study of productivity of the prefix des- was also conducted through the analysis of neologisms, what enabled the author to draw an overview of their current status.

A teoria da derivação do Estado e do direito / State and law derivation theory

Caldas, Camilo Onoda Luiz 27 May 2013 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar a teoria da derivação do Estado. No início de 1970, na Alemanha Ocidental, um grupo de pensadores marxistas iniciou um debate a respeito da forma e da função do Estado para reprodução das relações sociais existentes no modo de produção capitalista. Na Alemanha, o denominado Staatsableitungsdebatte se desenvolveu durante uma década envolvendo pensadores como Rudolf Wolfgang Müller, Christel Neusüß, Elmar Altvater, Bernhard Blanke, Ulrich Jürgens, Joachim Hirsch, Freerk Huisken, Margaret Wirth, Claudia von Braunmühl, Heide Gerstenberger, Sybille von Flatow e Hans Kastendiek. A partir da segunda metade da década de 70, o state derivation debate se estendeu ao Reino Unido abrangendo pensadores como John Holloway, Sol Picciotto, Bob Jessop, Werner Bonefeld e Simon Clarke. Os participantes do debate da derivação procuravam criticar o pensamento conservador, socialdemocrata e keynesiano, bem como se opunham às ideias de Stálin, Nicos Poulantzas, Ralph Miliband, Jürgen Habermas, Claus Offe e à Teoria do Capitalismo Monopolista de Estado (Stamocap). Atualmente, os estudos daquele período têm merecido a atenção de pesquisas recentes na Europa elaboradas, por exemplo, por Ingo Elbe e John Kannakulan. A teoria da derivação do Estado refutava a concepção que reduzia o Estado a mero instrumento da classe dominante e procurou, ao mesmo tempo, elucidar, a partir do estudo das categorias econômicas existentes nas obras de Marx e Engels, a função estrutural do Estado para o modo de produção capitalista. Parte dos pensadores envolvidos no debate da derivação considerava fundamental o estudo da forma jurídica para se explicar o papel estruturante desempenhado pelo Estado no capitalismo. Esse aspecto conduziu os pensadores da derivação a dialogar com as ideias do jurista soviético Evgeni Pachukanis, cuja teoria se opunha ao pensamento stalinista e foi resgatada, com impacto significativo, na Europa na década de 60, e mais recentemente no Brasil por intermédio dos estudos de Márcio Bilharinho Naves e Alysson Leandro Mascaro. Por essas razões, esta tese destaca as ideias a respeito da derivação do Estado e do Direito também. / This thesis aims to analyze the state derivation theory. In early 1970, in West Germany, a group of Marxist thinkers started a debate about the form and function of the state to reproduce the existing social relations in the capitalist mode of production. In Germany, the so-called Staatsableitungsdebatte developed during a decade involving thinkers like Rudolf Wolfgang Müller, Christel Neusüß, Elmar Altvater, Bernhard Blanke, Ulrich Jürgens, Joachim Hirsch, Freerk Huisken, Margaret Wirth, Claudia von Braunmühl, Heide Gerstenberger, Sybille von Flatow and Hans Kastendiek. From the second half of the \'70s, the state derivation debate has spread to the UK including thinkers like John Holloway, Sol Picciotto, Bob Jessop, Werner Bonefeld and Simon Clarke. Participants in the discussion of the state derivation sought to criticize conservative thought, the Keynesianism and social democratic doctrine and refuted the ideas of Stalin, Nicos Poulantzas, Ralph Miliband, Jürgen Habermas, Claus Offe and the Theory of State Monopoly Capitalism (Stamocap). Currently, studies of this period have been the focus of recent research in Europe prepared, eg, by Ingo Elbe and John Kannakulan. The state derivation theory refuted the concept that reduced the state to a mere instrument of the ruling class and searched at the same time, elucidate, from the study of economic categories existing in the works of Marx and Engels, the structural function of the State to capitalist mode of production. Part of the thinkers involved in the discussion of the derivation considered fundamental the study of the legal form to explain the structural role played by the state in capitalism. This aspect lead the thinkers of derivation to dialogue with the ideas of Soviet jurist Evgeny Pachukanis, whose theory opposed the Stalinist thought and was rescued with significant impact in Europe in the 60s, and more recently in Brazil through the studies of Márcio Bilharinho Naves and Alysson Leandro Mascaro. For these reasons, this thesis emphasizes the ideas about the derivation of the state and law as well.

Nomi (e aggettivi) che diventano verbi tramite prefissazione : quel che resta della parasintesi / Des noms (ou des adjectifs) qui deviennent des verbes par préfixation : ce qu’il reste de la parasynthèse / Nouns (and adjectives) becoming verbs by prefixation : what remains about parasynthesis

Todaro, Giuseppina 12 May 2017 (has links)
Menée dans le cadre de la Construction Morphology, ma thèse propose une analyse des verbes parasynthétiques de l’italien. La définition de parasynthèse courante en littérature correspond à ‘double affixation simultanée sur une base de dérivation’ ([préf+[X]N/A+suff]V, cf. par exemple IMBARCARE ’embarquer’). Cette particularité est motivée par l’impossibilité d’attester ‘l‘étape intermédiaire’ de dérivation entre la base et le verbe construit (cf. BARCA, *IMBARCA, *BARCARE). Cette définition relève d’une analyse morphemique, incrémentale et concatenative et présuppose que les procédés dérivationnels sont conçus comme des règles orientées. Dans mon analyse, au contraire, sont définis parasynthétiques tous les verbes construits par préfixation. Cette définition s’appuie uniquement sur le paramètre d’appartenance au schéma [préf+[X]N/A]V (le suffixe étant de nature flexionnelle). Selon mon point de vue, la non-attestation d’une forme est un paramètre qui est non seulement insuffisamment fiable d’un point de vue empirique, mais aussi négligeable du point de vue d’une théorie basée sur l’idée de procédés non-orientés. La base de données utilisée contient 1674 lexèmes tirés de façon automatique du corpus ItWaC. Les variables structurelles des verbes correspondent (i) au préfixe employé (a-, in-, s-, de- ou dis-), (ii) à la classe flexionnelle (-are ou -ire) et (iii) à la catégorie de la base (N ou A). Chaque lexème, définit comme construction, est l’association d’une forme (le résultat de la combinaison des variables) et d’une valeur sémantique holistique. Les valeurs sémantiques suivantes ont été identifiées : (i) changement d’état, (ii) changement de relation locative et (iii) valeur intensive/itérative. Pour les deux premières valeurs il a été proposé une analyse unifiée dans une même composante sémantique qui exprime un changement (formalisé au moyen du prédicat BECOME), alors que la classe des verbes qui expriment la valeur (iii) est exclue de cette généralisation. / My thesis proposes an analysis of the Italian parasynthetic verbs in within the framework of the Construction Morphology. The widespread definition of parasynthesis in literature corresponds to 'double simultaneous affixation on a derivational base' ([pref+[X]N/A+suff]V, cf. for example IMBARCARE 'to board'). Such definition is motivated by the impossibility of attesting the intermediate derivational stage between the base and the derived verb (cf. BARCA 'boat', *IMBARCA, *BARCARE) and it derives from a morpheme-based, incremental and concatenative approach to morphology that assumes that derivational processes are oriented rules. In my thesis I propose an alternative analysis which defines parasynthetic verbs as verbs built by prefixation. I consider as parasynthetic verb each verb belonging to the schema [préf[X]N/A]V (note that the suffix is analyzed as inflectional). This definition is purely based on the membership parameter in schema [préf[X]N/A]V (note that the suffix is analyzed as inflectional). According to this approach, the fact that a word is not attested not only represents an unreliable criterion from an empirical point of view but it also seems to be negligible within a theoretical framework considering morphological processes as non-oriented. The corpus includes 1674 lexemes automatically extracted from ItWaC. The structural variables for these verbs are (i) the prefix selected (a-, in-, s-, de-, dis-), (ii) the inflectional class (-are, -ire), (iii) the category of the base (N, A). Each lexeme is defined as a construction, i.e. a form-meaning pair (the form corresponding to a possible combination of variables and the meaning to a holistic sense). The possible semantic values are: (i) the change of state, (ii) the change of locative relation and (iii) the intensive/iterative value. For (i) and (ii) I propose a unified analysis in terms of a general semantic component expressing a change (formalized by the predicate BECOME), while the class of verbs expressing the value (iii) are not included in this generalization. / La mia tesi propone un’analisi des verbi parasintetici dell’italiano nel quadro teorico della Construction Morphology. La definizione di parasintesi diffusa in letteratura corrisponde a ‘doppia affissazione simultanea su una base di derivazione’ ([préf+[X]N/A+suff]V, cf. ad esempio IMBARCARE). Questa particolarità è motivata dall’impossibilità di attestare la ‘tappa intermedia’ di derivazione tra la base e il verbo costruito (cf. BARCA, *IMBARCA, *BARCARE). Questa definizione è dovuta ad un’analisi morfemica, incrementale e concatenativa e presuppone che i processi derivazionali siano concepiti come regole orientate. Nell’analisi proposta, al contrario, sono definiti come parasintetici tutti i verbi costruiti tramite prefissazione. Questa definizione si basa esclusivamente sul parametro di appartenenza allo schema [pref[X]N/A]V (il suffisso è di tipo flessivo). Secondo la prospettiva adottata, la mancata attestazione di una forma è un parametro che risulta, oltre che insufficientemente affidabile da un punto di vista empirico, persino irrilevante dal punto di vista di una teoria basata sull’idea che i processi siano non orientati. Il corpus utilizzato contiene 1674 lessemi estratti automaticamente da ItWaC. Le variabili strutturali dei verbi in questione corrispondono (i) al prefisso selezionato (a-, in-, s-, de-, dis-), (ii) alla classe flessiva (-are, -ire), (iii) alla categoria della base (N, A). Ogni lessema, definito come costruzione, è l’associazione tra una forma (il risultato della combinazione delle variabili) e di un valore semantico olistico. I valori semantici identificati sono : (i) cambiamento di stato, (ii) cambiamento di relazione locativa e (iii) valore intensivo/iterativo. Per i primi due valori è stata proposta un’analisi unificata all’interno di un’unica componente semantica che esprime il cambiamento (formalizzata con il predicato BECOME), mentre la classe di verbi che esprimono il valore (iii) rimane esclusa da questa generalizzazione.

Jmenné derivační sufixy ve slovanštině a latině / Nominal derivative suffixes in Slavic and Latin

Pernicová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis treats one of the word-formative processes, derivation, in two Indo-European languages, Latin and Slavic. It focuses on the description and comparison of nominal (substantive) derivative suffixes and whole word-formative types that in these languages correspond to each other. The main focus of the thesis is to make a classification of these parallels from a functional point of view and to describe particular word-formative types from a scope of the onomasiologic categories. Since Latin and Slavic do not display similar parallels regarding other language levels, the considerable similarity of the derivative suffixes (and whole word-formative types) is a noticable phenomenon. One of its possible explanations is the fact that both languages have retained the original Indo-European word structure. Therefore this thesis uses as a base the Latin language as the older one which is thus formally and functionally more likely closer to the original (Indo-European) forms than Slavic, and traces particular suffixes (word-formative types) throughout their developement and attempts to reveal their formal and semantic shifts.

Morfologia em diacronia - os caminhos e desvios de um afixo na história da língua: o percurso histórico-semântico do prefixo des- em bases sufixadas e em formações parassintéticas / Diachronic morphology - the paths and deviation of an affix in the language of history: historical -semantic course of the prefix de- in suffixed bases and parasynthetic process

Alice Pereira Santos 16 February 2016 (has links)
Esta investigação busca analisar o processo parassintético, bem como estudar a formação prefixal em palavras já derivadas. Toma-se como ponto de partida o exame do prefixo des-, bastante produtivo em português brasileiro atual. Objetiva-se averiguar os critérios de seleção, combinação, restrição desse elemento formativo, em relação aos sufixos, já presentes nos vocábulos pesquisados, e às bases selecionadas. Intenciona-se indicar as regularidades e idiossincrasias desses mecanismos de formação de palavras, no que tange o afixo supracitado, considerando-se os níveis fonológico, morfológico e semântico. O prefixo des- é uma inovação neolatina e possui muitos significados comuns aos formantes latinos de- e dis-, partilhando dos valores de negação/privação, separação/afastamento e intensidade. Além das semelhanças semânticas no português contemporâneo, esses elementos formativos mostram-se intrinsecamente ligados pelo seu desenvolvimento morfossemântico, sendo indispensável, portanto, a consideração desses formantes lexicais para esboçar uma proposta etimológica para o prefixo sob escopo. A observação das formações construídas a partir dos afixos em apreço permitiu promover uma série de reflexões a respeito dos processos prefixais e parassintéticos, imprescindíveis para o prosseguimento da análise. Para levar a cabo esses objetivos, utilizou-se, inicialmente, a base de dados do Dicionário Houaiss. Vale destacar que outros dicionários foram utilizados, a fim de aferir e complementar essas informações. Empreendeu-se ainda um estudo da produtividade do prefixo des-, por meio da análise dos neologismos, que permitiu delinear um panorama do seu status atual. / This research aims to analyse the parasynthetic process, as well as to study prefixation in words already derived. As a starting point it was performed the examination of the prefix des-, which is very productive in the current Brazilian Portuguese. The objective is to determine the criteria of selection, combination, restriction of that formative element, in relation to the suffixes, already present in the studied words, and to the selected stems. It is the authors purpose to indicate the regularities and idiosyncrasies of these mechanisms of word formation, regarding the aforementioned affix, taking into account the phonological, morphological and semantic levels. The prefix des- is an innovation of the Romance languages and has many meanings in common with the Latin prefixes de- and dis-, sharing values of negation/deprivation, separation/distance and intensity. In addition to the semantic similarities in the contemporary Portuguese, these prefixes are shown to be inextricably linked by their morpho-semantic development, being essential, therefore, a consideration of these lexicon builders to outline an etymological proposal for the prefix under investigation. The observation of the vocabulary built by the prefix in question promoted a series of reflections about the prefixation and parasynthetic processes, that were essential to carry on with the analysis. To carry out these objectives, the database of Houaiss dictionary was initially used. It is worth a note that other dictionaries have been used in order to assess and complement the information. A study of productivity of the prefix des- was also conducted through the analysis of neologisms, what enabled the author to draw an overview of their current status.

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