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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using multiple case studies to understanding the product derivation process in industrial settings

Souza, Leandro Oliveira de 31 January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T16:00:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo7075_1.pdf: 5003439 bytes, checksum: 070d65264679c7bfd03fc912be7cc61f (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / A indústria de software tem sido cada vez mais desafiada a melhorar suas praticas de engenharia com o objetivo de oferecer produtos de forma mais rápida e confiável. Assim, as práticas de desenvolvimento de software sofreram significativas mudanças nos últimos anos, uma vez que novas e acessíveis estratégias tem sido aplicadas de forma a alcançar tal desafio. Neste contexto, Engenharia de Linhas de Produto de Software surgiu como uma estratégia de engenharia de software destinada a fornecer à indústria oportunidades para alcançar os objetivos de negócio acima mencionados. No entanto, para garantir o retorno do investimento com uma abordagem de Linhas de Produto de Software, um processo de derivação de produtos bem definido é muito importante. Sem esse processo, os produtos podem ser instanciados de maneira não sistemática, aumentando o tempo e o custo de produção. Por outro lado, mesmo com esta relevância, quando comparado com a grande quantidade de pesquisas em desenvolvimento sobre linhas de produtos, relativamente poucos trabalhos tem sido dedicados ao processo de Derivação de Produtos. Alêm disso, ainda existem poucos relatórios disponíveis sobre como as organizações de desenvolvimento de software derivam seus produtos a partir de uma linha de produtos, e, em geral, os existentes têm sido realizados como estudos informais, sem rigor científico suficiente, tornando difícil a sua repetição e validação. Assim, esta dissertação tem como objetivo obter uma melhor compreensão sobre como derivação do produto é realizada e quais práticas são utilizadas na indústria. Reunimos descobertas através de dois estudos de caso realizados na indústria. Alem disso, as evidências obtidas a partir dos estudos de caso, foram comparados entre os casos através da análise Cross-case, com o objetivo de identificar padrões entre eles. A definição do estudo e relatório foram estruturados com base nas diretrizes consolidadas para estudos empíricos de acordo com orientações bem definidas, o que permite a replicação dos estudos e extensão

Vestígios do dizer de uma escuta (repouso e deriva na palavra) / Vestígios do dizer de uma escuta (repouso e deriva na palavra)

Juliana Jardim Barboza 16 September 2009 (has links)
O texto que se segue pretende traduzir algumas possibilidades no trabalho do ator no que diz respeito à experiência a partir da palavra, como dizer vindo de um texto, originada no aprofundamento da escuta. O texto nasce de minha prática, iniciada formalmente em 1987, como atriz, professora de teatro, preparadora de atores e aluna, e refere-se a experiências em montagens de peças, aulas (dadas e recebidas) em universidades, estágios, workshops, oficinas, e em encontros em outros espaços nãopertencentes ao campo teatral, acontecidos principalmente nos estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, e pontualmente em outros estados brasileiros (MG, PR, SC, CE) e em outros países. Dialoga, ainda, com aquilo que nomeio teorias-moventes para as práticas, fontes teóricas nascidas de meu contato com textos de naturezas diversas, de não-ficção de teatro e de outras áreas e de ficção, além do contato específico com uma tradição oral, a do griot africano, que, em meu caso específico, se deu pelo encontro vivo, em duas viagens ao Mali e ao Burkina Faso, na África Ocidental, e em seis estágios realizados a partir dessa aliança. / The following text aims at translating some possibilities in the actors work in experience with the word, as a telling coming from the text, originated in the deepening of the listening. The text is born from my practice, formally begun in 1987, as an actress, theater teacher, actors coach and student, and refers to experiences in staging plays, classes (given and taken) in universities, internships, workshops, and in meetings at spaces not belonging to the theatrical field, mostly taking place in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and occasionally in other Brazilian states (MG, PR, SC, CE) and in other foreign countries. It also dialogues with what I call moving-theories into practices, theoretical sources sprung from my contact with texts of different nature, non-fictional from theater and other areas and fictional, in addition to the specific contact with an oral tradition, namely the African griot that, in my particular case, happened by means of living contact in two trips to West Africa, to Mali and Burkina Faso, and in six internships brought about by this alliance.

Estudo diacrônico da função e dos valores semânticos dos sufixos -ança/ -ença, -ância/ -ência no português / Diachronic study of the functions and the semantic values of suffixes -ança/-ença, -ância/-ência in the Portuguese

Andréa Lacotiz 20 September 2007 (has links)
O percurso histórico de derivações sufixais é muito pouco estudado, pois é lugar-comum concentrarem a análise de formação de palavras sob a ótica sincrônica. O presente trabalho constitui-se de um estudo calcado em diacronia sobre as ocorrências dos sufixos -ança/-ença, -ância/-ência, em suas funções transcategorial e semântica. Em manuais de gramática normativa, afirma-se, comumente, que esses sufixos se prestam apenas a transpor a classe gramatical de uma palavra, de verbo a substantivo abstrato, e acrescentam à base um significado superficial. Os modelos gerativos de estudo morfológico, por sua vez, embora reconheçam a polissemia dos sufixos, instituem regras de derivação sufixal que não abrangem a total possibilidade formativa, encontrada no processo histórico dos sufixos abordados. O objetivo de nossa pesquisa tratava-se de precisar dados etimológicos encontrados no Dicionário Houaiss, para com isso investigar os valores semânticos variáveis no percurso diacrônico dos sufixos, avaliar a tendência formativa transcategorial, desde o latim clássico, e verificar a relação que os substantivos derivados estabelecem com seus verbos e adjetivos cognatos. Com base em um corpus de 250 palavras usuais formadas por esses sufixos, investigamos a etimologia dos vocábulos, utlizando-se de dicionários de latim, clássico e medieval, inglês, francês, espanhol e italiano, confrontando os dados encontrados com aqueles fornecidos pelo Dicionário Houaiss. Descrevemos os valores semânticos dos sufixos em forma de paráfrases, discernindo os prototípicos daqueles advindos de empréstimos ou por extensão de sentido. Averiguamos a cognação desses substantivos derivados entre adjetivos em -nte e verbos, no português atual. Dessa forma, pudemos concluir que esses sufixos se revestem de variáveis valores semânticos, prototípicos e adquiridos em seu percurso diacrônico; prestam-se à criação de substantivos majoritariamente abstratos, pois há ocorrências de substantivos concretos, e possuem a tendência de formar derivados a partir de bases adjetivais e verbais, ainda que, ao longo da história, desde o latim, tenham existido formações com outras categorias. / The historical trajectory of suffixal derivations is too little studied, since it is a commonplace to concentrate the analysis of words formation under a synchronical point of view. The present work deals with a study set in the diachronical perspective of the suffixal occurrences of Portuguese suffixes -ança/-ença, -ância/-ência, in their transcategorical and semantical functions. In normative grammar manuals, it is used to affirm that these suffixes are useful in order to cross over the grammatical class of a word, from a verb to an abstract noun, and to add it on the basis of a superficial meaning. The generative models of Morphology, in their turn, recognize even though the polysemy of the suffixes and establish suffixal derivation rules that do not embrace all formative possibilities, found in the historical process of the broached suffixes. The purpose of this research was specify etymological data found in the Dicionário Houaiss, to, hereby, investigate the changeable semantic values in their suffixal diachronic trajectory, evaluate their transcategorical formative tendency, since the Classic Latin, and verify the relation that the derivative nouns establish with their verbs and cognate adjectives. Based on a corpus of 250 usual words formed by these suffixes, we investigate the etymology of the terms, consulting dictionaries of Classic and Medieval Latin, English, French, Spanish and Italian, confronting the found data with those supplied by the Dicionário Houaiss. We describe the semantical values of the suffixes in the form of paraphrases, discriminating the prototypical one from those ocurred by loans or by meaning extensions. We inquire the cognation of these derivative nouns among adjectives in -nte and verbs, in the current Portuguese. This way, we could conclude that these suffixes resemble themselves with changeable semantical values, prototypical and acquired in their diachronical trajectory; they are useful to the creation of nouns mainly the abstract ones, because there are occurrences of concrete nouns, and have the tendency to form derivatives from adjectival and verbal bases, although, alongside the history, since the Latin, formations with other categories have also existed.


ROSANGELA DE NAZARETH SOUSA COSTA 25 August 2008 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho, faz-se estudo dos processos morfológicos presentes na formação de verbos denominais X-ar no português brasileiro e as devidas implicações sintáticas e semânticas advindas desses processos. Analisa-se aquilo que tradicionalistas, estruturalistas, historicistas e gerativistas falam sobre o processo de derivação sufixal, quer para nomes, quer para verbos. Estudam-se não só as bases nominais, que são suporte para verbos denominais, como também os processos de derivação sufixal tanto para verbos quanto para nomes para, a seguir, proceder-se ao estudo do processo de conversão na língua portuguesa. Concomitantemente, discute-se a natureza morfológica da vogal temática -a, - presente tanto em verbos de 1ª conjugação quanto em nomes temáticos de língua portuguesa -, por ser ela suscitadora da controvérsia de serem os verbos denominais X-ar casos de conversão de nome a verbo, ou serem eles formados por processo de derivação sufixal. Ao se falar de verbo denominal, fala-se também de nomes deverbais e de formas nominalizadas de verbos, e procuram-se estabelecer bases morfológicas de direcionalidade do processo de formação de verbos denominais e de formas deverbais. Estuda-se, além do aspecto morfológico na formação de verbos denominais, a condição semântica das bases nominais e dos sufixos que a elas se agregam na formação de novas lexias, uma vez existir, na língua, estreita correlação entre sintaxe, semântica e morfologia. / [en] In this work, the morphological process present in the formation of denominal verbs -ar in Brazilian Portuguese and the suitable syntactic and semantic implications that come from these process are studied. Proposals that traditionalist, structuralist, diachronically oriented and generativist linguists present about the process of suffix derivation in nouns or verbs are analyzed. Nominal bases of denominal verbs are examined, as well as the process of suffix derivation on verbs and nouns, in connection with the subsequent study of the process of conversion in Brazilian Portuguese. At the same time, the morphological nature is discussed of the thematic vowel -a, which occurs both in first conjugation verbs and thematic nouns in Portuguese, given the controversy as to whether Xar denominal verbs are formed by conversion rather than by suffix derivation. Beyond denominal verbs, deverbal nouns and nominalized forms of verbs are also analyzed, and a morphological basis of directionality for denominal verb formation and deverbal forms is proposed. Additionally to the morphological aspect of denominal verb formation the semantic condition of the nominal bases and suffixes that are embedded in the formation of new lexis is considered, since there is in language a narrow correlation between syntax, semantics and morphology.

Design, techno-economic and environmental risk assessment of aero-derivative industrial gas turbine

Abaad, Abdelmanam 08 1900 (has links)
Increased availability of natural gas has boosted research and development efforts to further increase gas turbine performance. Performance has been increased remarkably and unit cost reduced due to achievements gained in improving thermodynamic cycles and cooling technologies. However, increased complexity in power industry regulations and fluctuations in fuel price have indicated that all the aforementioned improvements in gas turbine performance could not cope with the increased competition in the gas turbine industrial market. Innovation within the aero-derivative concept has enabled further significant improvement in the performance of industrial gas turbines. It allows a more beneficial approach than developing new designs of industrial gas turbines owing to reduced designing time and cost. Objectives in this project focus on developing a methodology of design and assessing aeroderivative gas turbine engines derived from a 130-seat aircraft engine. Developed methodology includes techno-economic and environmental assessment, conducted through further developments of models based on Techno-economic and Environmental Risk Assessment (TERA) philosophy, to be applied in further industrial applications. Tools used in this investigation include a significant literature research on the development of aero-derivative gas turbine technologies, including thermodynamic cycles and its land-based applications. Turbomatch is a homebased code developed in Cranfield University, used in calculating design point and predicting off-design performance of parent aero-engine and the aeroderivative engines developed. Excel and FORTRAN code are also used in calculating engine’s design parameters, and creating a model of life estimation Creep. Moreover, FORTRAN code is used for building emission and economic models for power generation and combined heat and power applications. Finally, MATLAP code is used in creating a small model for generating performance TXT files, and running marine integrated models platform. All models needed to develop the methodology have been created, and calculations of an engine’s performance and assessment were conducted based on this developed methodology. Sensible results are generated from the investigated methodology and they show acceptable designs of aero-derivative engines on different thermodynamic cycles. Based on the acceptable level of technology and material thermal barriers, all design and off-design performance limitations of new developed aero-derivative engines have been determined for a wide range of ambient conditions. Techno-economic and environmental assessment performed through implementing the developed aero-derivative engines on power generation and marine applications under different operating scenarios. Results of operating the engines on power generation and marine applications have been investigated and compared. It is observed that engines respond differently when operating under different environmental profiles, depending on the number of units engaged and their thermodynamic cycle as well as mechanical configurations. Also, the selected specific gas turbine engine can be the best economical choice for operating on determined scenario, while it cannot be when operating in different scenarios. Assessment of developed engines on the investigated application shows how the lowest specific cost (small engine size) can constitute important criteria in engine selection.

Les mots "non simples" dans la traduction : Une étude contrasitve des équivalences composées et dérivées franςaises et suédoises / Compound words and derivatives in translation : A contrastive analysis of French and Swedish equivalences

Smedberg, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Grammaire de la langue mano (mandé-sud) dans une perspective typologique / A grammar of Mano (South Mande) in a typological perspective

Khachaturyan, Maria 16 December 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est de présenter une description grammaticale aussi complète que possible de la langue mano (près de 400 000 locuteurs en Guinée et au Libéria) tout en la plaçant dans un contexte typologique, en comparant le mano avec d’autres langues mandé, mais aussi en distinguant des particularités typologiques à un niveau plus large. Le texte de la thèse est divisé en six chapitres: Phonologie et phonétique; Morphologie; Groupe nominal; Groupe verbal; Système prédicatif; Syntaxe de l'énoncé. Justifiant l'orientation typologique de la thèse, chaque chapitre se conclut par une section présentant des caractéristiques typologiques. Les thèmes suivants ont été examinés en détail: étude quantitative de phonotactique, étude de la catégorie du nombre, y compris l’expression du nombre et l’accord en nombre ; le système des quantificateurs ; la structure argumentale ; l’étude de corpus de distribution des marqueurs prédicatifs ; la syntaxe de l’énoncé, notamment la syntaxe de l’énoncé relatif. Les annexes à la fin de la thèse représentent des compléments d'information importants, notamment les paradigmes verbaux complets. Deux de ces annexes sont des textes glosés. / This work aims to present a grammatical description – as complete as possible – of a South Mande language, Mano (400,000 speakers in Guinea and Liberia), placing it into a typological context, comparing the language with other Mande languages and distinguishing general typological particularities. The text of the thesis is divided into six chapters: Phonology and phonetics; Morphology; Noun phrase; Verb phrase; Predicative system; Syntax of the clause. Justifying the typological orientation of the thesis, each chapter is concluded by a section providing typological particularities of the data presented in it. A detailed analysis was given, among others, on the following themes: quantitative study of phonotactics; study of the category of number, including its expression and alignment by number; the system of quantification markers; argument structure, corpus study of predicative markers’ distribution; syntax of the clause, especially syntax of the relative clause.The appendices at the end of the thesis contain some important complementary information, including, for instance, complete verbal paradigms. Two of these appendices comprise of glossed texts.

Kompozice v současné španělštině / Composition in contemporary Spanish

Hrabětová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Composition in contemporary Spanish " focuses on compounding as one of the most important processes in word formation. The purpose of our thesis on level of theoretical linguistics is to provide clear typology of Spanish compound words. On level of linguistics research our objective is to analyze current development of Spanish compound words. In theoretical part of our work we defined compounding together with derivation and parasynthesis as main word-formation processes that contribute to the growth of Spanish lexicon. Apart from these processes we also defined other important terms connected to this topic and essential for good understanding of it as lexical base, morpheme, word formation rules and their restrictions, pruductivity or blocking. We decided to classify Spanish compound words according to their orthographic character into two main groups - ortographic and syntagmatic compounds. In addition we subdivided these two groups; ortographic compounds were classified according to word class of the final compound, syntagmatic compounds were classified according to their internal structure. In practical part we focused on two main topics - orthographic form of studied compounds and the way of their plural formation. All compound words that we studied were analized in three...

Derivace sloves v současné italštině / Derivation of verbs in Present-Day Italian

Papayová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Presented thesis deals with the word-formation processes involved in creating new verbs in presen-day Italian. These processes are mainly derivational, namely prefixation, suffixation, conversion, including parasynthesis and back-formation, these two create mostly verbs. Compound verbs are rare in Italian and the number of verbal loanwords is low as well. The first part of the thesis describes these processes from theoretical point of view. The second part presents the descriptive analysis of 330 verbs created between 1976-2001. These verbs were extracted from the eletronic version of Dizionario Italiano Sabatini-Coletti and they were categorized by the process involved in their creation. The productivity of each process and then affixes was also studied.

La confixation en russe moderne / Confixation in modern russian

Baiandina, Natalia 03 December 2010 (has links)
Cet ouvrage défend une « thèse » au plein sens du mot. Celle-ci vise à modifier radicalement la conception traditionnelle de la dérivation lexicale en russe moderne, qui ne retient que deux modes de dérivation et deux seuls : la préfixation et la suffixation. La thèse défend l’idée qu’aux côtés de ces deux procédés, il en existe un troisième, qui opère à l’aide d’un signifiant discontinu, que certains linguistes appellent « circonfixe » et qui est appelé ici « confixe ». La thèse met en évidence les incohérences de l’approche traditionnelle qui considère comme relevant de le catégorie préfixo-suffixale ou préfixo-postfixale des mots tels que le substantif masculin podokonnik (pod+ok(o)n+nik : ‘sous’ + ‘fenêtre’ + ‘objet’ = appui de fenêtre) ou le verbe nabegat’sja (‘saturation’ + ‘courir’ + ‘réfléchi’ = ‘courir tout son soûl’). La thèse met en évidence que nous avons affaire ici aux confixes <pod-…-nik> pour le premier mot, <na-…-sja> pour le second. L’argumentation s’appuie sur un vaste matériau fourni par les dictionnaires historiques et contemporains. L’abondance des données a imposé de limiter les investigations aux substantifs et aux verbes. L’examen diachronique démontre que les confixes (morphèmes discontinus) se sont installés progressivement dans le système dérivationnel. En russe moderne, la confixation constitue un procédé dérivationnel désormais autonome et productif. / This work defends the « thesis » in the full sense of the word. It is aimed at the radical revision of the traditional concept of lexical derivation in moderne Russian, which keeps only two modes of derivation and two only ones : prefixation and suffixation. The dissertation defends the idea that besides these two ways of word-formation, there is the third – word-formation by means of a discontinuous morpheme, which some linguists call “Circonfixe” and which is called here “Confixe”. The dissertation highlights the contradictions of the traditional approach which considers nouns such as podokonnik (pod + ok(o)n +nik : ‘under’ + ‘window’ + ‘object’ = window sill) or verbs like nabegat’sja (‘satiation’ + ‘to run’ + ‘reflexive’ = ‘to be run’) as prefixally-suffixal or prefixally-postfixal formations. It underlines that we are dealing here with confixes <pod-…-nik> for the first word, <na-…-sja> for the second. Argumentation is based on a large material taken from the historical and contemporary dictionaries. The abundance of the collected data imposed to limit the research to nouns and verbs. The diachronic examination proves that confixes (discontinuous morphemes) have gradually taken their place in word-formation system. In moderne Russian confixation is really an independent way of word-formation.

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