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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marknadsföring via evenemang av enmindre stad för att bidra tilldestinationsutveckling : Fallstudie Karlstad med exempel Putte i Parken ochSvenska Rallyt / Event marketing in a smaller town in order to promotedestination development : Case Karlstad with examples of Putte i Parken and Rally Sweden

Carlsson, Malin, Larsson, Anna, Larsson, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
Turism har blivit ett globalt fenomen och det finns olika anledningar till varför människor väljeratt resa. Det är viktigt att kunna erbjuda olika aktiviteter för att locka olika målgrupper tilldestinationer. Evenemangsturismen är ett fenomen som har växt runt om i världen under desenaste åren och ett evenemangs största roll är att ge destinationen en möjlighet till att bli en platspå kartan genom turism. Inom evenemangsturism är sportevenemang och festivaler en centraldel. Denna uppsats behandlar evenemang med inriktning på marknadsföring ochdestinationsutveckling. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur och varför evenemang användsi marknadsföringen av en mindre stad genom en fallstudie av Karlstad. Detta för att se hur detbidrar till destinationsutveckling. Genom att undersöka musikfestivalen Putte i Parken ochsportevenemanget Svenska Rallyt, som exempel, vill vi se om evenemang används i en mindrestads marknadsföring och i så fall bygga en djupare förståelse om hur det fungerar. Vi valdeKarlstad på grund av att det är en mindre stad och vi ville lyfta fenomenet marknadsföring viaevenemang i en mindre kontext. Varför vi har valt Putte i Parken och Svenska Rallyt är för att detär två av de större evenemangen i Karlstad. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod i form avsemi-strukturerade intervjuer med aktuella personer inom turism- och marknadsföringssektorn.Vidare har även en kvantitativ innehållsanalys gjorts för att se hur en mindre stad kan använda sigav evenemang för att marknadsföra sig och jämföra detta med intervjusvaren. Denvetenskapsteoretiska utgångspunkten som används i uppsatsen är socialkonstruktivism med enhermeneutisk inriktning och de teorier som använts för att besvara syftet är teorier kringmarknadsföring, evenemang och destinationsutveckling. Teorin är uppdelad i fyra kapitel därtidigare forskning förklaras för att sedan gå över på teorierna och en koppling mellan dessa.Empirin redogör för våra intervjuer med personer på Karlstad kommun, Great Event ofKarlstad, Putte i Parken och Svenska Rallyt och vi har intervjuat sju personer totalt. I empirinredogörs även den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen. I analyskapitlet har vi kopplat teorierna tillempirin för att kunna besvara syftet och frågeställningarna samt att vi har diskuterat hur vi självaser på likheter och skillnader på det empiriska materialet och teorierna, men också vadinnehållsanalysen gett för information. Slutsatsen knyter ihop arbetet och ger en kortfattadsammanfattning av uppsatsen. Vi besvarar frågeställningarna och ger förslag på vidare forskningsom uppkom under arbetets gång. / Tourism has become a global phenomenon and there are various reasons why people choose totravel. It is important to be able to offer various activities to attract different audiences todestinations. Event tourism is a phenomenon that has grown around the world in recent yearsand an events main role is to give the destination a chance to get a place on the map throughtourism. In the event tourism, sport events and festivals are a central part. This essay deals withevents with a focus on marketing and destination development. The purpose of this essay is toexamine how and why events are used in the marketing of a smaller town through a case study ofKarlstad. This is to see how it contributes to destination development and by examining themusic festival Putte i Parken and the sport event Rally Sweden, as examples, we want to see if theevents are used in the marketing of a smaller town and, if so, build a deeper understanding ofhow it works. We chose Karlstad because it is a smaller town and we wanted to highlight thephenomenon of event marketing in a smaller context. Why we have chosen Putte i Parken andRally Sweden is that they are two of the major events in Karlstad. We have used a qualitativemethod in the form of semi-structured interviews with relevant people within the tourism andmarketing sector. Moreover, a quantitative content analysis was used to see how a smaller towncan use events to promote itself and to compare this with the response from the interviews. Theepistemological starting point used in this essay is social constructivism with a hermeneuticapproach. The theories that are used to answer the purpose of the paper are marketing, eventsand destination development. The theory is divided into four parts, where previous research isexplained and then continues with the theories, and a link between them. The empirical datadescribe our interviews with people at the municipality of Karlstad, the Great Event of Karlstad,Putte i Parken and Rally Sweden and we interviewed seven people in total. The empirical dataalso presents the quantitative content analysis. In the analysis of the essay, we have linked thetheories to empirical data to answer the purpose and our questions. We also discussed how welooked at the similarities and differences of the empirical material and the theories, but also whatthe content analysis has brought to the essay. The conclusion brings together our work and givesa brief summary of the essay. We answer the head questions and provide suggestions for furtherresearch that emerged during our work with the essay.

Destinationsutveckling under politisk kris : En fallstudie om Tunisien 2011

Bergman, Sandra, Flauto, Mikaela January 2011 (has links)
The authors have during the spring semester 2011 studied the subject destination development during a political crisis, focusing on Tunisia. At the beginning of 2011 the country was in an uncertain political situation when the revolution of the Tunisian people occurred. This created massive demonstrations on the streets, and resulted in the current government's resignation. More effects of the revolution has been seen in a drastic decline of inbound tourists in the country, which in turn affected the country's population and economy. From this point on Tunisia as a destination needs to recover to once again become attractive to tourists. Further revolutions in neighboring countries such as Libya, have contributed to the tourists' reluctance to travel to Tunisia. From this point of view, the tourist operators stand in front of a challenge in how they best can highlight the destination, and the positive impacts the revolution has contributed with. The purpose of this paper is from a destination development perspective examine how organizations in Sweden work to regain tourists to Tunisia after a period of decline. To answer this purpose, the authors use of these following questions: How have the revolution of the people in the spring of 2011 affected the tourism industry in Tunisia? How do the various tourist operators in Sweden relate to the revolution of the people in Tunisia 2011? Could it be that this revolution in spite of demonstrations and unrest contributes to something positive for the tourism industry in Tunisia? The methodology used in this paper is qualitative in nature, where a number of respondents in Sweden were interviewed to seek answers to selected questions. A constructivist approach was applied in which reality is seen as constantly changing and is created by ongoing processes that change over time. Destination Development, image and recovery are the key concepts covered in the theoretical framework. Destinations may occur at various stages in its life cycle. This is to portray how a destination can evolve to stagnation and at worst die out. Tunisia is in a phase of decline after the revolution in which people are waiting for tourists to return to the country. The results of the survey show that the revolution in 2011 has affected the tourism industry in that it has contributed to a decline of inbound tourists. The country´s image has been affected and there is now a challenge for organizations in Sweden to improve this image to regain tourists from Sweden to Tunisia. The vision for Tunisia as a destination is that despite the great social changes create a stable and democratic society, and highlight the revolutionary message of a new, more open Tunisia, which in turn creates attractiveness for the tourism industry.

Experience based tourism; a case of south of Öland.

Sestic, Dajana January 2015 (has links)
Experience economy is about different industries which try to create experiences and activities for their customers. Previous researchers have been putting experience economy together with sports, electronic sports and destination development for example. Experience economy can be connected to different destinations and industries. This qualitative study connects experience economy to South of Öland, based on their current situation. The aim of this study is to explore the potentials of experience-based tourism in south of Öland as a way to develop the attractiveness of the region. This stud is examining the stakeholders of Mörbylånga, a municipality in South of Öland and their target groups in order to see how the south of Öland can develop the region as an attractive destination by using their resources effectively. In order to give Mörbylånga a recommendation of how they can improve their destination attractiveness and also to provide a theoretical contribution with a conceptual model based on tourism experiences

Microdestination, vad är det? / Microdestination, what's that?

Liljestrand, Felicia, Larsson, Rebecka, Fahlén, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Begreppet microdestination har börjat figurera och få större betydelse inom svensk samt global turism och Furunäset i Piteå vill utvecklas till en microdestination. Dock finns ingen vedertagen definition av begreppet. Syftet med detta arbete är att utforma en definition av begreppet microdestination samt undersöka hur upplevelseproduktionsperspektivet kan tillämpas på en microdestination i Furunäset. Arbetet har därigenom undersökt möjligheten att länka samman upplevelseekonomin med microdestinationer. Syftet uppnåddes genom två litteraturstudier samt en fallstudie på Furunäset. Ena litteraturstudierna hade fokus på microdestinationer och den andra på upplevelseproduktion inom turism. Definitionen som utformades för begreppet microdestination i detta arbete är: En microdestination är en destination inom destinationen. Upplevelseproduktionsperspektivet syftar till att kunna skapa meningsfulla och minnesvärda upplevelser för individer och gäster. Denna studie resulterade även i direktiv om hur upplevelseproduktionsperspektivet kan tillämpas på en microdestination i Furunäset. / The term microdestination has started to form and gain importance in the tourism sector. But there is no general definition to be found on the term microdestination. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to define microdestinations and to examine how the experience production perspective may be applied to the microdestination Furunäset. Using two literature studies and one case study on Furunäset this thesis examines the possibility of combining the experience economy with microdestinations. The definition brought forth through this thesis is: A microdestination is a destination within a destination. The aim of experience production perspectives is to create meaningful and memorable experiences for customers and individuals. The thesis finalizes in giving some ideas and suggestions, on how to apply experience production perspectives at a microdestination in Furunäset.

Destinationsutveckling : relationen till nätverk, samarbete och destinationsmarknadsföring

Forss, Irja Jónina, Gustafsson, Sandra January 2008 (has links)
<p>Utvecklingen och marknadsföringen av ett samhälle som turistdestination, kan generera många fördelar, bland annat genom ökad sysselsättning och infrastrukturella förbättringar. Samtidigt kan en okontrollerad exploatering leda till negativa konsekvenser utifrån kultur- och naturmiljöaspekter. Utifrån denna vetskap har planeringsperspektivet till stor del fått en dominerande roll inom diskussioner och forskningslitteratur. Det finns dock fler faktorer som bör beaktas i destinationsutvecklingssammanhang, varav samarbete och nätverk samt destinationsmarknadsföring utgör viktiga aspekter. Med fokus på, och en teoretisk förförståelse för dessa begrepp angriper denna studie de två fallstudieobjekten Ornö och Utö i Stockholms södra skärgård i syfte att utröna hur begreppen påverkat de skilda utvecklingar som skett på öarna. Utö präglas av ett starkt samarbetsklimat där aktörer, med turistbyrån som samordnande funktion, skapat en gemensam identitet och en enad marknadsföringskanal utåt. Genom att samordna resurser skapas även ett nätverk där kunskapsspridning och samarbete leder till positivt resursutnyttjande. Lokalbefolkningen på Utö känner en delaktighet i den utveckling som sker och en positiv attityd råder, inte minst genom att de flesta är direkt anknutna till näringen genom sina eller anhörigas arbetsplatser. På Ornö råder å andra sidan en brist på kommunikation aktörer emellan, liksom avsaknad av entreprenörskap och kunskap om näringen, vilket lett till att försök till fungerande samarbeten stagnerat. Dessutom leder ett bristande förtroende till turistbyråns kunskap och erfarenhet till att en position som samordnare inte kunnat utvecklas. Detta har i sin tur lett till en svag och fragmenterad marknadsföring liksom att lättillgängligheten för besökare försvårats då det saknas ett lättöverskådligt helhetserbjudande.</p> / <p>The development and marketing of a destination can contribute with benefits such as employment growth and infrastructural improvements. At the same time, uncontrolled exploitation can have the reverse effect and work negatively on sensible cultural- and natural environments. Knowledge about these effects has, in discussions and literature about destination development, led to the dominating roll of the perspective of planning. Meanwhile there are other important factors to consider when looking to the big spectra. In this context collaboration, networking and destination marketing becomes significant aspects to review. With a focus on, and theoretical preunderstanding for, these concepts this thesis will focus on the two case-studies of Ornö and Utö, two neighbouring islands in the archipelago of Stockholm, Sweden. In spite of their physical similarity the two islands have undergone very different developments as tourism destinations. The purpose with this thesis will therefore be to determine how the concepts of collaboration, network and destination marketing have influenced the development of the islands.</p>

Destinationsutveckling : relationen till nätverk, samarbete och destinationsmarknadsföring

Forss, Irja Jónina, Gustafsson, Sandra January 2008 (has links)
Utvecklingen och marknadsföringen av ett samhälle som turistdestination, kan generera många fördelar, bland annat genom ökad sysselsättning och infrastrukturella förbättringar. Samtidigt kan en okontrollerad exploatering leda till negativa konsekvenser utifrån kultur- och naturmiljöaspekter. Utifrån denna vetskap har planeringsperspektivet till stor del fått en dominerande roll inom diskussioner och forskningslitteratur. Det finns dock fler faktorer som bör beaktas i destinationsutvecklingssammanhang, varav samarbete och nätverk samt destinationsmarknadsföring utgör viktiga aspekter. Med fokus på, och en teoretisk förförståelse för dessa begrepp angriper denna studie de två fallstudieobjekten Ornö och Utö i Stockholms södra skärgård i syfte att utröna hur begreppen påverkat de skilda utvecklingar som skett på öarna. Utö präglas av ett starkt samarbetsklimat där aktörer, med turistbyrån som samordnande funktion, skapat en gemensam identitet och en enad marknadsföringskanal utåt. Genom att samordna resurser skapas även ett nätverk där kunskapsspridning och samarbete leder till positivt resursutnyttjande. Lokalbefolkningen på Utö känner en delaktighet i den utveckling som sker och en positiv attityd råder, inte minst genom att de flesta är direkt anknutna till näringen genom sina eller anhörigas arbetsplatser. På Ornö råder å andra sidan en brist på kommunikation aktörer emellan, liksom avsaknad av entreprenörskap och kunskap om näringen, vilket lett till att försök till fungerande samarbeten stagnerat. Dessutom leder ett bristande förtroende till turistbyråns kunskap och erfarenhet till att en position som samordnare inte kunnat utvecklas. Detta har i sin tur lett till en svag och fragmenterad marknadsföring liksom att lättillgängligheten för besökare försvårats då det saknas ett lättöverskådligt helhetserbjudande. / The development and marketing of a destination can contribute with benefits such as employment growth and infrastructural improvements. At the same time, uncontrolled exploitation can have the reverse effect and work negatively on sensible cultural- and natural environments. Knowledge about these effects has, in discussions and literature about destination development, led to the dominating roll of the perspective of planning. Meanwhile there are other important factors to consider when looking to the big spectra. In this context collaboration, networking and destination marketing becomes significant aspects to review. With a focus on, and theoretical preunderstanding for, these concepts this thesis will focus on the two case-studies of Ornö and Utö, two neighbouring islands in the archipelago of Stockholm, Sweden. In spite of their physical similarity the two islands have undergone very different developments as tourism destinations. The purpose with this thesis will therefore be to determine how the concepts of collaboration, network and destination marketing have influenced the development of the islands.

Walking area with something for everyone : En studiekring besökarnas syn på Södra Djurgården

Genc, Rabia, Lopez, Kathrina January 2013 (has links)
This essay will examine the visitors' view of destination South Djurgården and the impact that tourism provides in them. South Djurgården belongs to Stockholm where the boundary between the southern and northern Djurgården is Djurgårdsbrunnsviken and Djurgårdsbrunnskanalen. The reason we chose South Djurgården is because the biggest and famous attractions of Stockholm are there. In this essay we have used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. We conducted the survey through questionnaires and deep interviews. Moreover, we have applied the previous research and theories of the concept of destination, destination development and tourism impacts. The results of the survey showed that visitors want it to be cheaper on attractions, logistics facilities and guided tours. Visitors want also that the attractions should be renewed and adapted to all audiences. And that cooperation between actors in South Djurgården should be improved in order to have a successful destination development. / Den här uppsatsen kommer att undersöka besökarnassyn på destinationen Södra Djurgården och vilka konsekvenser som turismen åstadkommer enligt dem. Södra Djurgården tillhör Stockholm där gränsen mellan södra och norra Djurgården är Djurgårdsbrunnsviken och kanalen. Anledningen till att vi valde just Södra Djurgården beror på att de flesta stora och kändaattraktioner av Stockholm befinner sig där. I denna uppsats har vi använt oss av en kombination av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Vi genomförde undersökningen genom enkäter och djupintervjuer. Dessutom har vi tillämpat tidigare forskningoch teorier om destinationsbegreppet, destinationsutveckling och turismenseffekter. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att besökarna vill att det ska vara billigare på attraktionerna, logistikanläggningarna och guidningarna. Besökarna vill även att attraktionerna bör förnyas och anpassas till alla målgrupper. Samt att ett samarbete mellan aktörerna på Södra Djurgården börförbättras för att få en lyckad destinationsutveckling.

Coopetition between accommodation companies as a stimulator for destination development : A case study on Saaremaa, Estonia

Hermans, Sietse January 2021 (has links)
Tourists seldom experience a destination with just one company, yet they often encounter a destination as a coherent entity. This results from the effort of different stakeholders who work together to develop a destination, despite often being competitors. These efforts make the tourism industry fertile for coopetitive relationships.  The high presence of coopetition has inspired researchers to study this phenomenon in the tourism sector. There is a solid academic understanding of the rationales behind coopetition and the factors influencing the level of coopetition within a destination. However, despite the academic interest, there is only limited research dedicated to the impacts of coopetition on destination development. This study responds to this shortcoming and investigates the impacts of coopetition between accommodation companies on the destination development of Saaremaa, Estonia. Given the exploratory nature of this study, a qualitative case study approach focusing on collecting original data required from primary sources has been used as the research method. The qualitative research is carried out via semi-structured interviews with two sources of data. The interviews were conducted with six representatives of accommodation companies and one representative of the local DMO. The study results provide supporting evidence that coopetitive relationships between accommodation companies have several impacts on the destination development of Saaremaa. Namely, these relations are impacting the economic development and strengthening the image of Saaremaa. Furthermore, the results show that coopetition increases the diversity and the quality of offered products and services. However, given the case study approach and the size of the research, caution is required in interpreting the study's results, especially when applying the results to other destinations.

The Role of an Intermediary Organization in the light of Sustainable Destination Development : A single-case study of Destination Jönköping AB

Ulander, Maja, Savu, Alice January 2020 (has links)
Background: Sustainable development is considered to be one of today's most comprehensive challenges, which will require extensive changes, adaptations and innovation in all levels of the society worldwide. Simultaneously, the social and economic phenomenon of tourism has seen remarkable growth and development over the last decades, leading to become one of the fastest-growing economic sectors in the world, as well as a key component of the evolving socio-economic progress. However, the integration between these two requires extensive adjustments and further knowledge in the process of sustainable destination development, where this study takes an intermediary perspective.  Purpose: The purpose of this research is to evaluate and explore how a tourism intermediary in Sweden is working with sustainable development and how they can utilize their position in the process of developing a geographical area as a sustainable destination.  Method: This thesis is a qualitative study with an exploratory nature, where in-depth phenomenologically based interviews build knowledge upon exploring the participant’s responses through a series of three separate interviews. Thematic analysis was used to find patterns and relationships in order to analyze and validate the raw data, which later was applied to frameworks and previous literature to strengthen and build a final analysis.  Conclusion: This study shows how sustainability efforts need to be enhanced and extended beyond internal processes to successfully strive towards sustainable destination development. By taking collective responsibility and putting more pressure on co-operations, creating strong networks to communicate and collaborate, incorporate internal education of sustainability and familiarize with frameworks and follow-up tools, the intermediary position can be utilized to its full potential.

How nudging can be used as a tool in order to include the employees in a company’s sustainability efforts : A case study of SkiStar AB, Åre

Ulander, Maja January 2021 (has links)
Background: This thesis is a collaboration between the researcher and the company of SkiStar AB, located on the destination of Åre, Sweden. The study builds upon previous internal quantitative research conducted by the company, where the areas of waste management, recycling, and coworker inclusion showed potential for improvement. The behavioral economic concept of nudging is used as the theoretical standpoint, to discover if changes in the staff accommodation can facilitate sustainable decisions and behaviors. Five interviews are conducted, in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the employee's behavior regarding source sorting and waste management as well as a more detailed and personal view of the current situation.  Purpose: By exploring the current situation of the employees and their behavior around waste management and combining this information with the theoretical foundation of nudging, this study aims to investigate and examine how nudging can be used as a tool in order to include the employees in a company's sustainability efforts. Methodology: The research is a qualitative study with an exploratory nature, where five in-depth interviews builds knowledge and creates understanding for the current situation. Thematic analysis is used to find patterns and relationships to analyze and validate the raw data, which later is developed into a first-order analysis, close to the raw material. Later a final analysis and application to the theoretical framework are conducted to fully explore the research questions and create suggestions for the company.  Conclusion: The research presents suggestions and appropriate nudging techniques to concretize and guide how nudging can be used as a tool when providing staff accommodation. The research proposes nudging techniques such as change of default option, simplifications and usage of social norms can be implemented to steer the waste management behavior in a sustainable direction, and by that, include the coworkers in the company's sustainability efforts, as well as contribute to a more sustainable destination and planet.

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