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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En  modell för hållbara inköp : Hur bör inköpare granska sina leverantörer för att nå de globala målen?

Anderson, Pia January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay was to lay the foundations for a model in the form of a question battery that can help buyers compare the sustainability responsibilities of different suppliers, so that the buyer can choose the supplier that contributes most to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The model is designed as a question battery to enable the buyer to ask more comprehensive questions to the various suppliers regarding social, ecological and economic sustainability than they do today.   In order to find questions on an overall ethical level I have investigated how the global institutions intend us to navigate and prioritize between the SDGs, I have also applied the Aristotelian and Kantian ethics and Archie Carrol's model, the CSR pyramid, to broaden the ethical perspective in the questions to the companies.   The result is a question battery with questions about the company's vision and global goals, about the company's values ​​linked to all stakeholders, questions about whether the internal good and the external good are in harmony with society, questions about the company's value chain and business model and a larger stakeholder analysis.   How should a buyer then be able to evaluate a supplier's different answers? This essay aimed to create the first questionnaire with a broad question battery, the next step is to evaluate the different answers. / Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att lägga grunden till en modell i form av ett frågebatteri som kan hjälpa inköpare att jämföra olika leverantörers hållbarhetsansvar, så att inköparen ska kunna välja den leverantör som bidrar mest till de globala målen.  Modellen är utformad som ett frågebatteri för att inköparen ska kunna ställa mer omfattande frågor till de olika leverantörerna angående social, ekologisk och ekonomisk hållbarhet än vad de gör idag.   Mitt tillvägagångssätt har varit att undersöka hur de globala institutionerna tänker sig att vi ska navigera och prioritera mellan de globala målen, genom att övergripande backa tillbaks till de hållbarhetsdokument som togs fram redan på 1980-talet och sedan arbeta mig vidare till de globala mål som kom 2015 och fram till de guider som finns för ett hållbart näringsliv idag. För att hitta frågor på en övergripande etisk nivå har jag tagit hjälp av den aristoteliska och den kantianska etiken samt Archie Carrols modell, CSR pyramiden, för att bredda det etiska perspektivet i frågeställningarna till företagen.  Resultatet blev ett frågebatteri med frågor om företagets vision och de globala målen, om företagets värderingar kopplat till samtliga intressenter, om det internt goda och det externt goda är i samklang med samhället, frågor om företagets värdekedja och affärsmodell samt en större intressentanalys. Hur ska en inköpare kunna värdera en leverantörs olika svar? Den här uppsatsen syftade till att skapa det första frågeformuläret med ett brett frågebatteri, nästa steg är att värdera de olika svaren.

Restructuring Domestic Institutions: Democratization and Development in Laos

Punya, Supitcha 10 October 2019 (has links)
Die Studie „Restrukturierung nationaler Institutionen: Demokratisierung und Entwicklung in Laos“ untersucht die Auswirkungen von Normensetzung in der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, wie „Sustainable Development Goals“ (SDGs), auf Institutionen und Entwicklungspolitik in Laos. Untersucht wird wie die internationalen Entwicklungsnormen die Macht der laotischen Regierung sowie ihre Fähigkeit, Ziele in der Entwicklungspolitik erfolgreich umzusetzen, beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen erstens, dass die Umsetzung der SDGs in Laos durch die Zusammenarbeit von internationalen Entwicklungspartnern und der laotischen Regierung in vier verschiedene Dimensionen eingeteilt wird: Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, ökologische Nachhaltigkeit, soziale Inklusion und „good governance“. Alle haben dazu beigetragen, Institutionen und Entwicklungspolitik in Laos internationalen Standards anzugleichen. Gleichwohl ist es den internationalen Entwicklungspartnern unmöglich, die politische Macht der Partei als Regierung einzuschränken, indem sie die SDGs zur Verbreitung einer eigenen politischen Agenda nutzen. Zweitens: die Partei kann ihre Macht in der Innenpolitik und ihre Kontrolle über die Gesellschaft aufrecht zu erhalten. Diese umfassen Ideologien, die eine Mischung aus marxistisch-leninistischen und nationalistischen Elementen darstellen, die Betonung von Erfolgen in der Entwicklung des Landes sowie die Unterdrückung des revolutionären Potenzials. Dies führt zu einer Konservierung der politischen Struktur, in der sich die Macht der Partei in einer Institution manifestiert. Diese wird durch Parteimitgliedschaft, Regierung, Nationalversammlung und Volksgerichtshof konstituiert - ohne Beteiligung der Bürger. Drittens: trotz der Bemühungen der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, die Kapazitäten des Staats im Bereich der Entwicklungspolitik auszubauen, dieser noch Schwierigkeiten in Bezug auf Finanzverwaltung, Personalwesen und institutionelle Leistungsfähigkeit aufweist. / The research titled “Restructuring Domestic Institutions: Democratization and Development in Laos” aims to analyze how international development norms, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), have shaped Laos’ domestic institutions and development policy. It also aims to investigate the influence of international development norms on Lao state power, as well as its capacity to achieve development goals. The research results show that: First, the development partners support the SDGs in Laos through international development assistance to the Lao government in economic development, environmental sustainability, social inclusion and good governance, all of which have helped shape Lao domestic institutions and development policy to meet international standards. However, the development partners cannot curtail the political power of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (the Party) or the Lao government in manipulating the SDGs to serve a political purpose. Second, the Party is able to maintain its power in domestic politics and control over Lao society. Second, the Party is able to maintain its power in domestic politics and control over Lao society. These include blending Marxist-Leninist and national ideologies, highlighting development achievements and suppressing the revolutionary potential. Therefore, the political structure in Laos retains the Party’s power in an institution overlapping between the Party member, the Lao government, the National Assembly and the People’s Court without the citizen’s participation. Third, even though the development partners seek to enhance the Lao state’s capacity to achieve the development goals, the Lao government has encountered difficulties in financial management, human resources, and institutional capacities.

Analyse von Sustainable Development Goals: Betrachtung der Indikatoren zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung

Tippmann, Marvin 19 June 2023 (has links)
Im Jahr 2015 wurde die Agenda 2030 erlassen, welche insgesamt 17 Ziele in Form von Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) umfasst. Inhalt dessen stellen menschliche sowie planetare und politische Absichten im Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit dar, an welchen 169 Länder beteiligt sind. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Vergleichbarkeit und Verfügbarkeit der Indikatoren aus den Sustainable Development Goals zu prüfen. Zur Umsetzung wurden die Länder Deutschland, Brasilien und Norwegen hinsichtlich ihrer Messdaten näher betrachtet. Diesbezüglich ist im Rahmen der Gegenüberstellung eine Auflistung der jeweiligen Fortschritte der einzelnen SDGs erfolgt. Zudem werden die Indikatoren bezüglich ihrer Messbarkeit und Verlässlichkeit auf Basis nationaler Berichte analysiert. Deutlich wurde dadurch, dass ein Vergleich des Fortschritts der Sustainable Development Goals nicht eindeutig möglich ist. / In 2015, the Agenda 2030 was adopted, which comprises a total of 17 goals in the form of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs represent human as well as planetary and political intentions in the field of sustainability, in which 169 countries are involved. The aim of this work is to examine the comparability and availability of indicators from the Sustainable Development Goals. For the implementation, the countries Germany, Brazil and Norway were examined more closely with regard to their measurement data. In this context, a listing of the respective progress of the individual SDGs has been made as part of the comparison. In addition, the indicators are analyzed in terms of their measurability and reliability on the basis of national reports. Evidently, a comparison of the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals is not clearly possible.

Strategy for developing an ecological sanitation system at the Barrage informal settlement

Mokoena, Mita January 2015 (has links)
The Barrage informal settlement (BIS) is a peri-urban community of about 300 people resident on private land close to the banks of the Vaal River in Gauteng South Africa. The study focuses on the living and sanitation conditions in which people find themselves. Measured against the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) BIS and its residents clearly are far from meeting MDG 7 target 7 C. For the purposes of this study the researcher investigated ecological sanitation (EcoSan) as an alternative solution for the current local sanitation conundrum. Residents either use the veld or a dysfunctional pit system. The data used for the project was generated both in a qualitative and quantitative mode. Semi-structured interviews were randomly conducted. Participants were requested and subsequently assisted in completing a questionnaire. There were also several focus group discussions for gathering relevant data. The researcher tried to form an impression of the perceptions of community members in terms on the type of sanitation system they wished to use. Community members actively engaged in strategies aimed to find out how they perceive sanitation, potable water supply and matters of hygiene. The findings revealed dissatisfaction regarding to current conditions in BIS. Residents are uncertain because the land on which they reside on does not belong to them. This, in turn, creates uncertainty and feelings of insecurity, about the relevance of a potential water-based sanitation system. At the same time members of the community indicated they had no interest in a dry toilet system. Neither are they keen on the use of community ablution blocks (CABs) as alternative. Residents showed no willingness and are also not prepared to pay for sanitation because they cannot afford it. The dilemma is that residents are at the mercy of Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) and the private owners of the land on which they reside. Where do we find the solution to all of the issues? Participatory deliberation strategies were used to determine which system of sanitation local residents preferred. They clearly came out in favour of the Water Bank concept as a feasible sanitation system option. However, as a result of the unfulfilled promises of Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) and landowners the community remains in a state of uncertainty about the permanence of the BIS.

Strategy for developing an ecological sanitation system at the Barrage informal settlement

Mokoena, Mita January 2015 (has links)
The Barrage informal settlement (BIS) is a peri-urban community of about 300 people resident on private land close to the banks of the Vaal River in Gauteng South Africa. The study focuses on the living and sanitation conditions in which people find themselves. Measured against the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) BIS and its residents clearly are far from meeting MDG 7 target 7 C. For the purposes of this study the researcher investigated ecological sanitation (EcoSan) as an alternative solution for the current local sanitation conundrum. Residents either use the veld or a dysfunctional pit system. The data used for the project was generated both in a qualitative and quantitative mode. Semi-structured interviews were randomly conducted. Participants were requested and subsequently assisted in completing a questionnaire. There were also several focus group discussions for gathering relevant data. The researcher tried to form an impression of the perceptions of community members in terms on the type of sanitation system they wished to use. Community members actively engaged in strategies aimed to find out how they perceive sanitation, potable water supply and matters of hygiene. The findings revealed dissatisfaction regarding to current conditions in BIS. Residents are uncertain because the land on which they reside on does not belong to them. This, in turn, creates uncertainty and feelings of insecurity, about the relevance of a potential water-based sanitation system. At the same time members of the community indicated they had no interest in a dry toilet system. Neither are they keen on the use of community ablution blocks (CABs) as alternative. Residents showed no willingness and are also not prepared to pay for sanitation because they cannot afford it. The dilemma is that residents are at the mercy of Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) and the private owners of the land on which they reside. Where do we find the solution to all of the issues? Participatory deliberation strategies were used to determine which system of sanitation local residents preferred. They clearly came out in favour of the Water Bank concept as a feasible sanitation system option. However, as a result of the unfulfilled promises of Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) and landowners the community remains in a state of uncertainty about the permanence of the BIS.

Abordagens territoriais: atenção primária à saúde, geoprocessamento e objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável / Territorial approaches: primary health care, geoprocessing and sustainable development goals

Salinas Rebolledo, Elizabeth Angélica 30 April 2019 (has links)
A Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) é vista como condição essencial para o cumprimento dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) acordados internacionalmente. Porém, mesmo quando o uso do geoprocessamento tem sido considerado um poderoso aporte para a Saúde Pública, o potencial desta ferramenta não tem sido suficientemente explorado como instrumento de pesquisa e gestão dentro do trabalho diário dos serviços de APS, o que poderia prejudicar o cumprimento das metas destes serviços, quanto dos próprios ODS. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi explorar abordagens territoriais na APS e nos ODS, pelo uso do geoprocessamento e pela análise de planos municipais de saúde. A metodologia inclui uma revisão sistemática do uso do geoprocessamento na APS no mundo todo, uma revisão integrativa respeito das técnicas de geoprocessamento utilizadas em APS, e uma revisão da convergência entre agendas municipais de saúde e os ODS, tomado como exemplo os municípios de Santiago do Chile e São Paulo no Brasil. Os resultados mostraram que o uso do geoprocessamento melhora a abordagem territorial da APS, contribuindo para uma gestão mais eficiente dos serviços, influenciando também uma mudança na forma de trabalho das equipes de saúde, que se reflete em benefícios concretos para a comunidade. Contudo, a relação entre a APS e os ODS não foi informada adequadamente dentro dos planos municipais de saúde estudados. Conclui-se que se requer de maior alinhamento dos planos e políticas locais, nacionais e globais de saúde, maior divulgação das ações realizadas pela APS, e maior uso e difusão de tecnologias já disponibilizadas à abordagem territorial e intersetorial destes serviços. / Primary Health Care (PHC) is seen as an essential condition for achieving the internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, even when the use of geoprocessing has been considered a powerful contribution to public health, the potential of this tool has not been sufficiently explored as a research and management tool within the daily work of PHC services, which could hinder the achievement of the targets of these services, as well as the SDGs. Thus, the objective of this study was to explore territorial approaches in PHC and SDGs, through the use of geoprocessing and the analysis of municipal health plans. The methodology includes a systematic review of the use of geoprocessing in PHC worldwide, an integrative review of the geoprocessing techniques used in PHC, and a review of the convergence between municipal health agendas and the SDGs, taking as an example the municipalities of Santiago de Chile and São Paulo in Brazil. The results showed that the use of geoprocessing improves the territorial approach of PHC, contributing to more efficient management of services, also influencing a change in the way of work of health teams, which is reflected in concrete benefits for the community. However, the relationship between PHC and SDGs was not adequately informed within the municipal health plans studied. It is concluded that is it required greater alignment of local, national and global health plans and policies, greater dissemination of actions carried out by PHC, and greater use and diffusion of technologies already available for the territorial and intersectoral approach of these services.

New economy, same challenges: Is Circular Economy enabling a sustainable and holistic transition in Europe?

Ubbelohde, Céline Karina E. January 2019 (has links)
Circular economy has emerged as a new economic paradigm to solve problems of natural resource scarcity and environmental pollution by using resources more efficiently and designing products to minimize waste. This study examines the potential of circular economy to enable the achievement of sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe. This thesis, through a qualitative content analysis of four overarching European reports related to circular economy strategies, uses a social-ecological systems perspective to: (a) analyze how the three aspects of sustainable development are addressed in the reports and (b) pointing out at missing elements in the European circular economy project that could hinder the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals. Circular economy is a good start to change habits in terms of recycling, reusing and repairing but it also raises awareness about the link between our level of consumption and production and its impact on the environment. However, the results of this study show that the link between Sustainable Development Goals and circular economy is weak and that the economic aspects are highlighted in all the reports to the detriment of environmental and social aspects. As a consequence, the current application of circular economy in Europe does not provide systemic and structural changes, fails to address the root of the problem and reflects a weak vision of sustainability.

Carbon Offsets - Klimatkompensering : En analys av olika projekttyper utifrån FN:s hållbarhetsmål / Carbon Offsets : An analysis of various project types in relation to UN:s sustainable development goals

Bergman, Herman, Persson, Anna, Silfverskiöld, Evelina, Todea Babos, Theodora January 2019 (has links)
Greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide and methane absorb and emit heat radiation, which contribute to global warming. Human activities such as increased emissions through burning of fossil fuels and deforestation drive this climate threat. International treaties such as the Paris agreement, enables stakeholders to mitigate effects of climate impact and create new sustainable markets. Various carbon offset projects on the voluntary market are an attempt to neutralize climate impact. In this report we identify five main project types for carbon offsets: i) forestry and land use, ii) renewable energy and energy effectivization, iii) transport, iv) waste handling and v) household devices. These project types are evaluated against UNs 17 sustainable development goals. The results show a net positive impact on goal 13, Climate action, for all project types, which is congruent with the focus on carbon offsetting. The results also show that impact varies depending on how the project is deigned. Climate offsetting has enabled multiple stakeholders to contribute to climate change mitigation. Despite many global benefits, carbon offsets have been subject to criticism in cases where the concept is not used as intended. There are currently no clear guidelines as to when focus for companies should shift from internal reduction to external reduction through offsetting. Validation of carbon offsets is another problematic aspect, as there is no one standard for the market to secure the quality of projects.

Encruzilhadas das modernizações: o projeto político do desenvolvimento humano no Brasil (2004 - 2015) / Intersections of modernizations: the political project of human development in Brazil (2004-2015)

Shishito, Fabio Akira 16 August 2018 (has links)
A pesquisa examina o projeto político do desenvolvimento humano em suas formas de implementação, no Brasil. As propostas que emanam do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD), sobretudo através dos Relatórios do Desenvolvimento Humano (RDH), ganham características particulares no ambiente sociopolítico nacional. O projeto oriundo do órgão internacional se concretiza, principalmente, através dos esforços de implementação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio (ODM). O objeto da pesquisa é constituído, assim, pelas representações discursivas dos diversos agentes políticos e econômicos direcionados ao cumprimento dos objetivos e metas denominados ODM. Uma das preocupações centrais da pesquisa diz respeito aos métodos e às instituições disciplinadoras da ação individual e coletiva dos diferentes sujeitos sociais e políticos atuantes em favor dos Objetivos do Milênio. Analisa-se as bases teóricas e metodológicas que dão suporte ao projeto político e examina-se as práticas organizacionais e as representações sob o prisma de uma sociologia da mudança social que interroga, centralmente, as relações de poder e dominação. / The research examines the human development political project in its forms of implementation, in Brazil. Proposals emanating from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), particularly through the Human Development Reports (HRD), acquire particular characteristics in the national socio-political environment. The project originated from the international organization is realized mainly through the efforts to implement the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The research object is constituted, therefore, by the discursive representations of the diverse political and economic actors directed to the fulfillment of the objectives and goals denominated MDG. One of the central concerns of the research refers to the disciplinary methods and institutions for the individual and collective action of the different social and political actors working for the Millennium Development Goals. It analyzes the theoretical and methodological bases that support the political project and examines the organizacional practices and representations under the prism of a sociology of social change that interrogates, centrally, the relations of power and domination.

A eficiência do Programa Bolsa Família para o avanço no cumprimento dos objetivos de desenvolvimento do milênio: uma Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) das unidades federativas brasileiras / The efficiency of Bolsa Família programme to advance the achievement of the millennium development goals: a data envelopment analysis of the Brazilian federative units

Campoli, Jessica Suárez 06 March 2018 (has links)
O enfrentamento da pobreza e a promoção do desenvolvimento humano são desafios muito persistentes e arraigados em nossa sociedade, cujas consequências afetam a vida de milhões de pessoas. Diante desse cenário, derivados das discussões da Cúpula do Milênio de 2000, realizada pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), foram elaborados os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio (ODM). Nesse percurso, um dos grandes esforços do Brasil para combater a pobreza e a desigualdade social, foi a implementação do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) em 2003. Presente em todos os municípios brasileiros, o Bolsa Família é considerado o maior programa de transferência de renda com acompanhamento na área de saúde, educação e assistência social do mundo em desenvolvimento. Em, 2016, com um custo de 0,45% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), o programa, atendeu mais de 13,5 milhões de famílias, ou seja, mais de 46,5 milhões de brasileiros, que representaram aproximadamente 23% da população total do país. Devido sua relevância social, o objetivo desse trabalho foi mensurar a eficiência das Unidades Federativas brasileiras em converter investimentos no Programa Bolsa Família e PIB per capita, em avanços no cumprimento dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio, assim como identificar os determinantes da eficiência. Para isso, foram elaborados 6 modelos de eficiência, adequados ao contexto brasileiro, correspondentes aos propósitos dos seis primeiros Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: 1) erradicar a extrema pobreza e fome, 2) atingir o ensino primário universal, 3) promover a igualdade entre os sexos e a autonomia das mulheres, 4) reduzir a mortalidade infantil, 5) melhorar a saúde materna, 6) combater HIV/AIDS, malária e outras doenças. Além disso, elaborou-se um modelo geral de eficiência para a avaliação do desenvolvimento humano. Aplicou-se a Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) – modelo Slack-Based Measure (SBM) com retornos variáveis de escala, orientado ao output, para o período de 2004-2009 a 2011-2014. As variáveis inputs utilizadas para todos os modelos foram as Transferências de Recursos do Governo Federal destinados ao Programa Bolsa Família e o PIB per capita. De forma geral, os resultados demonstraram que o Brasil avançou no cumprimento dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio. Os escores de eficiência foram elevados, evidenciando o desempenho satisfatório e a contribuição do Bolsa Família para a promoção do desenvolvimento humano no país. Por outro lado, identifica-se a necessidade de ampliação de investimentos destinados ao PBF, uma vez que se os níveis de eficiência estão elevados, existe pouca margem para expandir sua performance, sem alterar os inputs. Além disso, para promover o desenvolvimento humano é importante a combinação de políticas públicas a médio e longo prazo, além de ampliação de gastos sociais para construção de uma estrutura sólida que promova o desenvolvimento humano e melhora da qualidade de vida dos brasileiros. / Confronting poverty and promoting human development are very persistent and deeply rooted challenges in our society, what consequences affect the lives of millions of people. In the face of this scenario, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been elaborated in the discussions of the 2000 Millennium Summit, held by the United Nations. Along these lines, one of Brazil\'s great efforts to combat poverty and social inequality was the implementation of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF) in 2003. Present in all Brazilian municipalities, Bolsa Família is considered the largest income transfer program with accompaniment in the area of health, education and social assistance of the developing world. In 2016, at a cost of 0.45% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the program served more than 13.5 million families, or more than 46.5 million Brazilians, who accounted for approximately 23% of the country\'s total population. Due to its social relevance, the objective of this study was to measure the efficiency of the Brazilian Federative Units in converting investments in the Bolsa Família Program and GDP per capita, in advancing the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, as well as identifying the determinants of efficiency. To this purpose, 6 efficiency models were developed, adapted to the Brazilian context, corresponding to the first six Millennium Development Goals: 1) eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, 2) achieve universal primary education, 3) promote equality between gender, and women\'s empowerment, (4) reducing child mortality, (5) improving maternal health, (6) combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. In addition, a general efficiency model for the assessment of human development was developed. We applied the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) - Slack-Based Measure (SBM) model with variable returns of scale, oriented to the output, for the period from 2004-2009 to 2011-2014. The input variables used for all models were the Federal Government Resource Transfers destined to the Bolsa Família Program and the GDP per capita. Overall, the results demonstrated that Brazil has made progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The efficiency scores were high, evidencing the satisfactory performance and the contribution of the Bolsa Família to the promotion of human development in the country. On the other hand, it is identified the need to increase investments destined to the PBF, since if the levels of efficiency are high, there is little scope to expand its performance, without changing the inputs. In addition, to promote human development, it is important to combine public policies in the medium and long term, as well as to increase social spending to build a solid structure that promotes human development and improves the quality of life of Brazilians.

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