Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dialogism."" "subject:"dialogismo.""
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Kuultopaperien kartasto:kontekstuaalisia reittejä Anu Kaipaisen kirjalliseen strategiaanLeppihalme, I. (Ilmari) 04 December 2019 (has links)
The objective of this doctoral thesis is to examine Anu Kaipainen’s literary strategy and to find out what kind of questions she thematises using the strategy. The articles focus on two novels from the 1960s, seen as routes leading to her production. Perspective is widened towards her other works. This dissertation seeks methodological and contextual routes to the interpretation of the multiple layers and elements present in her novels. The objective is to create a more holistic ‘map’ of her literary strategy and its functions.
Mirroring Kaipainen’s allegory of maps, the articles included in this thesis can also be seen as maps drawn at different stages on tracing paper, placed one on top of the other. This ‘atlas’ made of tracing paper depicts the following issues as thematic condensations and clarifying questions connecting the articles: 1) the positioning of a bourgeois female subject in the upheavals of modern life and 2) the heterology of contexts related to these transitions that represent the increasingly complex nature of social reality and challenges in perceiving it. This thesis contextualises and discusses this dialectic tension between post-modern multiplicity and the positioning of feministic identity politics. 3) the third question synthetises the first two: how and in what direction is this tension taken in Kaipainen’s works? This third theme originates from Kaipainen’s allegory of maps, which is a thematic condensation as such and illustrates her literary strategy. The examination of literary strategy carries reflection towards a research result.
The literary strategy of Kaipainen’s works from the 1960s and 1970s — the politics of maps drawn on tracing paper — is found to be the answer to the heterology of contexts and the problems in positioning a female subject. The objective of her cartographic strategy is shown to be her political-pedagogic aim to help a (female) subject to position herself in an increasingly complex, fast-changing and globalising world. Ultimately, the objective of her strategy is to awaken or restore the subject’s social awareness and ability to function.
This thesis draws a clearer picture of Kaipainen’s literary strategy and the nature of her earlier works. The result is methodological and refers to the routes found relevant in the study of literary strategy: feminist research orientation, Mikhail Bakhtin’s dialogism, and Urpo Kovala’s model of heterological contextualism. The latter outlines this study as its metatheoretical framework, but the objective is also to develop the model of heterological contextualism towards practical analysis. In addition to the abovementioned theoretical routes, this thesis makes reference to Fredric Jameson’s cognitive mapping. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimustehtävänä on selvittää, millainen on Anu Kaipaisen kirjallinen strategia ja millaisia kysymyksiä hän sen avulla tematisoi. Tutkimusartikkeleissa keskitytään kahteen Kaipaisen 1960-luvun romaaniin, jotka nähdään reiteiksi hänen tuotantoonsa. Työn johdannossa tarkastelu laajennetaan kohti muuta tuotantoa. Tutkimuksessa etsitään eri suunnista metodisia ja kontekstuaalisia reittejä Kaipaisen romaanien moniaineksisuuden tulkintaan. Tavoitteena on luoda aiempaa kokonaisvaltaisempi ”kartta” hänen kirjallisesta strategiastaan ja sen funktioista.
Kaipaisen karttavertausta mukaillen tutkimusartikkelit ovat kuin eri vaiheissa piirrettyjä, päällekkäin aseteltuja kuultokuvakarttoja. Hahmottuvasta ”kuultopaperien kartastosta” erottuvat temaattisina tihentyminä ja tarkentavina tutkimuskysymyksinä 1) keskiluokkaisen naissubjektin paikantuminen modernin elämän murroksessa ja 2) tuohon murrokseen liittyvä kontekstien heterologia, joka representoi yhteiskunnallisen todellisuuden monimutkaistumista ja hahmottamisen haasteita. Johdannossa kontekstualisoidaan ja pohditaan tätä jälkimodernin moninaistumisen ja feministisen identiteettipoliittisen paikantumisen dialektista jännitettä. 3) Kolmas tarkentava tutkimuskysymys tuo syntetisoivasti yhteen kahta edellistä: millaisin keinoin ja mihin suuntaan tuota jännitettä työstetään Kaipaisen teoksissa? Kolmas tutkimuskysymys nousee mainitusta Kaipaisen kuultopaperikarttavertauksesta, joka on itsessään temaattinen tihentymä ja kuvaa hänen kirjallisen strategiansa luonnetta. Kirjallisen strategian avaaminen vie reflektiota kohti tutkimustulosta.
Kaipaisen 1960- ja 1970-luvun tuotannon kirjallinen strategia — ”kuultopaperikarttojen politiikka” — paljastuu vastaukseksi kontekstien heterologian ja naissubjektin paikantumisen ongelmiin. Hänen kartografisen strategiansa tavoitteeksi osoitetaan poliittis-pedagoginen pyrkimys auttaa (nais)subjektia paikantumaan monimutkaistuvassa, nopeasti muuttuvassa ja globalisoituvassa maailmassa. Viime kädessä tavoitteena on herättää tai palauttaa (nais)yksilön yhteiskunnallinen tietoisuus ja toimintakyky.
Tutkimus piirtää entistä täsmällisemmän kuvan Kaipaisen kirjallisesta strategiasta ja erityisesti varhaisemman tuotannon ominaisluonteesta. Tulos on myös menetelmällinen osoittaen reitteihin, jotka on kirjallisen strategian avaamisessa relevanteiksi todettu: feministiseen tutkimusorientaatioon, Mihail Bahtinin dialogismiin sekä Urpo Kovalan heterologiseen kontekstualismin malliin. Viimeksi mainittu kehystää työtä metateoreettisesti, mutta kehittelen heterologisen kontekstualismin mallia myös käytännön analyysin suuntaan. Mainittujen teoreettisten reittien lisäksi tutkimustulokseen pääsemiseksi johdannossa sovelletaan Fredric Jamesonin käsitystä kognitiivisesta kartoittamisesta.
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An Intersectional and Dialectical Analysis and Critique of NBA Commissioner Adam Silver and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's Ambivalent Discourses in the New RacismCramer, Linsay M. 24 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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The dialogic and the carnivalesque in Beloved and Jazz by Toni MorrisonHamdi, Houda January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Daimón: Jednota a protikladnost světa Lopeho de Aguirre / Daimón: The Unity and the Contradiction of the Lope de Aguirre's WorldJanoušková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The present work is focused on interpretation of the novel Daimón, written by Argentinian writer Abel Posse. It indicates the context of the "Latin America's new historical novel", comments the historical background of the story, touches the concept of time in the novel. Then the work analyses in detail the composition of the novel which is structured as a Tarot cards reading, explains the importance of the Tarot not only for interpretation of the Daimón novel, but also for understanding the World in general. Key words: Tarot, Lope de Aguirre, Abel Posse, new historical Latin America's new historical novel, dialogism, parody, heteroglossia, spiritual path, Toltec, Toltec shamanism, Carlos Castaneda, concept of cyclical time, contradictions, realization.
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Imaginaire cinématographique du « dialogue euro-méditerranéen » (1995 - 2017) ˸ formes festivalières, formes institutionnelles, formes alternatives / The "Euro-Mediterranean dialogue" and its Filmic Imaginary (1995 - 2017) ˸ festival forms, institutional forms, and alternative formsFarine, Anaïs 31 January 2019 (has links)
Consacrée à l'imaginaire du « dialogue euro-méditerranéen » tel qu'il se manifeste depuis le milieu des années 1990 en particulier (après la Déclaration de Barcelone en 1995 puis la mise en place de la Politique Européenne de Voisinage), cette thèse se penche sur trois cas d'étude qu'elle se propose d'analyser par le biais d'une approche transdisciplinaire. La première partie cherche à comprendre comment se construit et circule un « cinéma méditerranéen » et le savoir sur cette possible cinématographie régionale en analysant quatre festivals qui lui sont consacrés à Alger, Bruxelles, Montpellier et Tétouan. La deuxième partie s'intéresse aux enjeux que soulèvent des programmes sélectionnés par l'Union européenne (Euromed Audiovisuel et Marseille-Provence Capitale européenne de la culture) en procédant notamment à une analyse de discours portés par ces programmes et de films qu'ils ont soutenus. La troisième et dernière partie propose une analyse de Révolution Zendj (Thawra Zanj, Tariq Teguia, Algérie/France/Liban/Qatar, 2013) et, par extension, de la manière dont les questions informant ce film du point de vue de la mise en langue, du sous-titrage et du montage se présentent dans d'autres œuvres cinématographiques. L'étude conjointe des festivals, des programmes institutionnels dédiés au champ des productions culturelles et des films, permet de mettre au jour les implications esthétiques et politiques d'un imaginaire dominant du « dialogue » et du « cinéma méditerranéen ». Elle rend également compte de formes et de pratiques d'articulation des voix, des langues, des points de vue et des récits, qui permettent d'imaginer autrement la Méditerranée et les rapports entre les personnes qui se trouvent vivre dans cet espace et leurs histoires. / This thesis seeks to question the imaginary around the "Euro-Mediterranean dialogue", a topos inspired by - and unfolding since - the 1995 Barcelona Declaration and the ensuing Neighborhood Policies. It focuses on three case studies that it analyses according to an interdisciplinary approach. The first part examines both the construction and circulation of a so-called "Mediterranean cinema", and the knowledge around this supposed regional production in the context of four festivals dedicated to it and taking place in Algiers, Brussels, Montpellier and Tetouan. The second part examines the concerns raised by programs selected for support by the European Union through Euromed Audiovisuel and Marseille-Provence Capitale européenne de la culture (Marseille-Provence, European Capital of Culture). These concerns are addressed through an analysis of the discourse produced by these programs and the films funded by them. The third and last part proposes an analysis of the film Zanj Revolution (Thawra Zanj, Tariq Teguia, Algeria/France/Lebanon/Qatar, 2013) and, by extension, examines the way in which questions related to the mise-en-langue, subtitling and editing that inform this film are present in other films. The intertwined study of festivals, of institutional programs dedicated to cultural productions and of films sheds light on the aesthetic and political implications of a dominant imaginary of "dialogue" and "Mediterranean cinema". The thesis also explores forms and practices that articulate voices, languages, points of view and narratives that are capable of weaving an alternative imaginary of the Mediterranean and of the histories and the relations between the people who happen to live in this space.
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Personagem e voz na figura feminina dos romances de Ana Miranda e José SaramagoAbreu, Marizéte Borges de 10 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:59:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007-05-10 / In this work, we made a study of novels Desmundo of Ana Miranda and Memorial do
Convento of José Saramago, specifically the narrative structure and feminine characters
Oribela and Blimunda.
The comparative method was used to promoving a dialogue between brazilian and
portuguese literature. The authors made a History s critical revision, when through
fiction, anonymous and stranger people had opportunity to show a new version of facts.
In this way, the forgetful people and everyone who were quiet or had kept in silence by
oficial history for years earned voice.
The fictional procedures and organization of narratives reveal ideological marks of past
that contrast with present, we have the time of history in direct confront with time of
Feminine characters are agents of social transformation, too. They keep themselves an
ideological speech which approach them to the present. They look into their reality, and
thought acute sense show us aspects of nature and human relationship had never seen
The sensibility, capacity to appreciate the world and years of repression make the
feminine characters a spokeswomen of excluded people such as poors, women and
jewish beyond all persons who had an inadequate behaviour to pattern of period.
Therefore, our purpose was reveal the manner as writters articulated literature elements
mixing ideological aspects of present and past, history and fiction to build a ficcional
universe which destroy the dominant ideology / Neste trabalho fizemos uma análise da estrutura narrativa dos romances
Desmundo de Ana Miranda e Memorial do Convento de José Saramago e das
respectivas personagens Oribela e Blimunda. Utilizamos o método comparativo como
instrumento de análise com o propósito de promover o diálogo entre as literaturas
brasileira e portuguesa. Os romances fazem uma revisão crítica da história ao dar voz
aos esquecidos, àqueles que foram calados pela História oficial. A organização estética,
os procedimentos literários comuns ao corpus evidenciam marcas ideológicas de um
tempo histórico que se contrapõem ao tempo da escritura. Por outro lado, a construção
de personagens femininas que se destacam pelas atitudes e pela forma diferente de
pensar e enfrentar a realidade, tornam-nas agentes de transformação social, portadoras
de um discurso ideológico que as aproximam da contemporaneidade. É por meio da
agudeza do olhar que essas personagens conseguem apreender o real em todas as
suas nuanças e perceber aspectos da natureza e das relações humanas, impossíveis
de serem captadas por indivíduos cuja visão é embotada pelo processo de
automatização social. A sensibilidade, a capacidade de apreensão do mundo e o fato
de ter sido calada durante tanto tempo, faz da personagem feminina uma espécie de
porta-voz dos excluídos, seu discurso ganha uma dimensão que extrapola os limites do
próprio romance. Sua perspicácia e agudeza, assim como a forma como penetra e
revela a natureza e as relações humanas materializam-se esteticamente na narrativa.
Nosso objetivo, portanto, foi mostrar como os escritores articularam os elementos
literários absorvendo traços ideológicos do presente e do passado e revelar de que
maneira as protagonistas femininas se desenvolveram como agentes de transgressão
social por meio de um discurso literário que esfacela a ideologia dominante
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Atividade de formação de professor de ciências: produção de resumosGonçalves, Leticia Reina 10 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-10-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation aims to develop a collaborative-critical work with a teacher of Science in order to understand and to transform the work with production of written summaries of expository texts which were read by the students. Specifically, this research aims to understand critically the meanings brought by the participants and how they share new meanings on the summary of expository texts as a tool for teaching-learning in Science classes. The research is organized through two socialhistorical activities (Reflexive Session and Class) that are related, in part, by the object summary production and the participants researcher and teacher , that enable the learning concepts to be understood, questioned and shared, like a creative chain (Liberali, 2011) and that contextualize the critical formation for the research participants. It is supported by Social-Historical-Cultural Activity Theory (TASHC), which conceives the man's work activity as a way for transforming society and the man himself. It s also supported by Bakhtin/Volochinov s discussions about the ways the subject is constituted as a social being, inserted in a particular context of communication and implicated in oral and written productions, in these specific situations. The discussions through TASCH provide an understanding of contexts of teacher formation in which the language enables the construction of ZPDs (Zones of Proximal Development) for the participants understanding and sharing of meanings. The contributions given by Dolz & Schneuwly (2004) will assist in understanding language organization in social practices with the genre summary , as a tool of teaching-learning in reading and writing texts. The Collaborative Critical Research, as discussed by Magalhães (2007; 2009; 2010) e Magalhães & Oliveira (2011) supports the methodological choices in close relationship within the theoretical base and the research contents. The analyzed data were produced during Reflexive Sessions with a teacher of Natural Science and through observing some of her classes. The results show the complexity of the collaborative-critical work and the transformation in some concepts on written production of summaries as an instrument of teaching-learning Science / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo geral desenvolver um trabalho colaborativo-crítico
com uma professora de Ciências para compreensão e transformação do trabalho com
produção de resumos de textos expositivos lidos pelos alunos. Mais especificamente, é
objetivo desta pesquisa compreender criticamente os sentidos das participantes e o
compartilhamento de significados sobre resumo de textos expositivos como instrumento
de ensino-aprendizagem em aulas de Ciências. A pesquisa está organizada por meio de
duas Atividades sócio-histórico-culturais (Sessão Reflexiva e Aula) relacionadas,
parcialmente, pelo objeto produção de resumo , e pelos participantes pesquisadora
e professora , o que possibilita que os conceitos trabalhados sejam compreendidos,
questionados e compartilhados, como uma cadeia criativa (Liberali, 2011) e
contextualizem a formação crítica das participantes da pesquisa. Está apoiada na Teoria
da Atividade Sócio-Histórico-Cultural, que concebe a atividade de trabalho do homem
como transformadora da sociedade e do próprio homem. E ainda, nas discussões de
Bakhtin/Volochinov (1929) sobre os modos como o sujeito se constitui como um ser
social, inserido em um contexto particular de comunicação e implicado em produções
orais e escritas, nessas situações específicas. As discussões da TASCH proporcionam
a compreensão de contextos de formação em que a linguagem possibilita a construção
de ZDPs para a compreensão dos sentidos das participantes e do compartilhamento de
significados. As contribuições de Schneuwly & Dolz (2004) auxiliarão na compreensão
das organizações da linguagem nas práticas sociais com o gênero resumo, como
instrumento de ensino-aprendizagem na leitura e escrita de textos. A Pesquisa Crítica
de Colaboração, como discutida por Magalhães (2007; 2009; 2010) e Magalhães &
Oliveira (2011) embasa as escolhas metodológicas em estreita relação com a teoria de
base e o conteúdo da pesquisa. Os dados analisados foram produzidos em Sessões
Reflexivas com a professora de Ciências Naturais e em observações da sala de aula.
Os resultados apontam para a complexidade do trabalho colaborativo-crítico e para a
transformação de alguns conceitos sobre a produção escrita de resumos como
instrumento de ensino-aprendizagem em Ciências
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The dialogic and the carnivalesque in Beloved and Jazz by Toni MorrisonHamdi, Houda January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Begrens én onbegrens : intertekstualiteit in die oeuvre van H.J. Pieterse / Ihette JacobsJacobs, Ihette January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to investigate the intertextual modus operandi in the oeuvre of H.J. Pieterse, with specific focus on his volumes, Alruin (1989) and Die burg van hertog Bloubaard (2000). The overarching purpose of the investigation is to prove that the author not only uses intertextuality in the sense that one text (literary text) refers to another text (literary and non–literary), or that one text influences another. Pieterse engages in conversation with other texts and re–writes these texts by repositioning them in another context and by adding additional metaphoric meaning to them. The author allows these texts to exchange conversation, to mutually influence one another, and this has as a result that, in his poems, his poetry and his oeuvre, metaphoric lines come into being, which lend a layered meaning to these texts and enrich the possibilities of their interpretation. Thus, a play on multiple meaning develops, which moves between texts: written texts, literary texts, non–literary texts, the author, the reader and the context(s). The conclusion to which this dissertation comes, is that the above mentioned manifestations of meanings, which exist and come into existence within the physically confines of the text, expand this text to a less confined existence in terms of meaning, more unlimited and unbound than what is necessarily allowed by the physically confined nature of the written text. The question thus arises of how the physically limited text take possession of and draws into the texts what lies beyond its physical confines to produce meaning, and how this tension around the limits of the literary text is functionally used. Consequentially, the question that follows is how this happens in the oeuvre of H.J. Pieterse and how the author uses his poetic technique to go beyond the confines of the written text. / Thesis (M.A. (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Begrens én onbegrens : intertekstualiteit in die oeuvre van H.J. Pieterse / Ihette JacobsJacobs, Ihette January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to investigate the intertextual modus operandi in the oeuvre of H.J. Pieterse, with specific focus on his volumes, Alruin (1989) and Die burg van hertog Bloubaard (2000). The overarching purpose of the investigation is to prove that the author not only uses intertextuality in the sense that one text (literary text) refers to another text (literary and non–literary), or that one text influences another. Pieterse engages in conversation with other texts and re–writes these texts by repositioning them in another context and by adding additional metaphoric meaning to them. The author allows these texts to exchange conversation, to mutually influence one another, and this has as a result that, in his poems, his poetry and his oeuvre, metaphoric lines come into being, which lend a layered meaning to these texts and enrich the possibilities of their interpretation. Thus, a play on multiple meaning develops, which moves between texts: written texts, literary texts, non–literary texts, the author, the reader and the context(s). The conclusion to which this dissertation comes, is that the above mentioned manifestations of meanings, which exist and come into existence within the physically confines of the text, expand this text to a less confined existence in terms of meaning, more unlimited and unbound than what is necessarily allowed by the physically confined nature of the written text. The question thus arises of how the physically limited text take possession of and draws into the texts what lies beyond its physical confines to produce meaning, and how this tension around the limits of the literary text is functionally used. Consequentially, the question that follows is how this happens in the oeuvre of H.J. Pieterse and how the author uses his poetic technique to go beyond the confines of the written text. / Thesis (M.A. (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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