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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leitura intertextual na escola / Intertextual reading in school

Maria Silvia Gonçalves 09 March 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma proposta de prática de leitura intertextual (para os terceiro e quarto ciclos do Ensino Fundamental) em que o fenômeno da intertextualidade, mostrado sob pontos de vista de vários autores, é considerado potencializador e enriquecedor da leitura, colaborando para a formação de um leitor mais proficiente e mais preparado para enfrentar as demandas do mundo letrado. Propõem-se, na exploração textual, atividades inferenciais (para as quais o aluno comparece com conhecimentos linguísticos e extralinguísticos) que podem levá-lo a estabelecer relações não só entre os elementos do texto em si, mas também entre esse texto e outros textos e entre esse texto e sua realidade. Muitas vezes a leitura do aluno não é plena por falta de conhecimentos prévios. A interferência do mediador, leitor mais maduro, torna-se, então, desejável e necessária, para melhoria no nível de adequação da leitura, ampliação do universo do leitor iniciante e aquisição de mecanismos metacognitivos. Ao clarificar zonas de intersecção (identificação do intertexto), por meio de procedimentos discursivos, propicia-se não só o reconhecimento do diálogo intertextual como também uma interpretação mais completa do texto (com a leitura dos implícitos), incluindo casos de polifonia (presença de vozes variadas no texto) e a busca da intencionalidade e do posicionamento ideológico do autor. O texto é considerado a principal matéria-prima do professor de Português. Paradoxalmente, o desempenho dos alunos das escolas públicas e particulares deixa a desejar no quesito leitura. Uma configuração do leitor-aprendiz em seus aspectos sociocognitivos e algumas considerações sobre o modo como são realizadas as atividades de leitura na sala de aula visam mostrar a necessidade de um interlocutor que proponha relações dialógicas e mais significativas no embate com o texto, ampliando, inclusive o leque de opções para gêneros variados, sem barreiras de tempo, de espaço, de estilo, de modalidade, de nacionalidade. Tendo por base a noção de mediação e de zona de desenvolvimento proximal em Vygotsky e a de interação verbal em Bakhtin; as análises de Marcuschi e Rocco sobre o papel da escola e do material didático na formação do leitor; bem como os princípios da Análise do Discurso, da Teoria da Enunciação e da Linguística Textual, sustentados por Genette, Maingueneau, Authier-Revuz, Brandão, Koch, Van Dijk e SantAnna, sugerem-se alguns exemplos de análise para demonstrar a exequibilidade da proposta. Finalmente, a intertextualidade é vinculada à interdisciplinaridade, concluindo-se que a leitura é, hoje, um poderoso auxiliar no intercâmbio de informações do mundo eletrônico-globalizado; na constituição de um leitor-sujeito consciente, ético e crítico; na transformação do aprendiz em cidadão; na conquista de um instrumento de busca interior. Procura-se provar, enfim, que a leitura, como senha para o conhecimento, pode levar ao poder e, como senha para o autoconhecimento, pode levar à sabedoria. / This essay is an intertextual reading practice proposal (for the third and fourth cycles of elementary school) in which the intertextuality phenomenon, shown by various authors opinions, enhances and enriches the reading process, contributing to develop a more proficient and prepared reader, capable of facing the literate world demands. Through textual exploration, inferential activities are proposed (for which the student has linguistic and extra linguistic knowledge) which can lead the student not only to establish relationships between elements of the text itself, but also between this text and other texts and between this text and its own reality. Often the reading process is not complete due to the lack of prior knowledge by the students. The mediator interference, a more mature reader, becomes then desirable and necessary to improve the adequacy of the reading process, to expand the beginner reader universe and to acquire metacognitive mechanisms. By clarifying intersection zones (intertext identification), through discursive procedures, there is not only the inter-textual dialogue recognition but also a more complete text interpretation (by the implicit reading) including polyphony cases (presence of various voices in the text) and the pursuit of the intentionality and the ideological positioning of the author. The text is considered the main raw material of the Portuguese teacher. Paradoxically, the performance of public and private schools students is still weak in the reading aspect. The configuration of the learner-reader in their social-cognitive aspects and a few considerations about how the reading activities are led in the classroom aim to show the need for an interlocutor who can propose dialogical and more meaningful relationships in the fight with the text, also expanding the range of options for different genres, with no time, space, style, modality, nationality barriers. Based on Vygotsky\'s notion of mediation and proximal development zone and on Bakhtins verbal interaction; Marcuschi and Roccos analysis on the role of school and didactic materials in the readers development; as well as the Discourse Analysis, the Theory of Enunciation and the Textual Linguistics principles, supported by Genette, Maingueneau, Authier-Revuz, Brandão, Koch, Van Dijk and Sant\'Anna, some examples of analysis are suggested to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal. Finally, intertextuality is linked to interdisciplinary and the conclusion is that reading is nowadays a powerful tool to enhance information exchange in the globalized world; in the constitution of an ethical and critical reader-conscious subject; transforming learners in citizens who can conquer a tool of internal search. This document attempts to prove that reading, as a password for knowledge, can lead to power and, as the password for the self- knowledge, can lead to wisdom.

As fronteiras discursivas em Um Castelo no Pampa

Barreto, Eneida Marilia Weigert Menna January 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho traz a análise da obra Um Castelo no Pampa, de Luiz Antonio de Assis Brasil, examinando as relações entre Literatura, História e Mito. Para tanto, direcionados pelos sinais míticos presentes na obra, investigamos, em um primeiro momento, o significado desses aspectos. Disso resultou a identificação dos mitos de origem. A seguir, empreendemos a pesquisa da História do Rio Grande do Sul, o que nos fez comprovar que a obra em análise faz a releitura crítica dos modelos consagrados pela historiografia positivista. Como as questões da História, na narrativa, sinalizam para a realização de uma escrita que tem como forma a metaficção historiográfica, nos termos de que nos fala Linda Hutcheon (Poética do Pós-Modernismo,1991), averiguamos sua íntima relação com a redação pósmoderna. Contemplamos o aspecto da historicidade pelo viés crítico, estabelecendo elos entre a Sociologia literária, a Crítica literária e a Literatura Comparada. Mostramos, enfim, como o autor imbricou fatos e personagens históricas do Rio Grande do Sul com sua narrativa ficcional para inverter as nossas expectativas e para que dialoguemos com o passado, que se apresenta fragmentado, em perspectiva com um tempo que ainda será construído, ou seja, um porvir mais real, menos fantasioso e, por isso mesmo, mais factível. / This paper analyzes the book Um Castelo no Pampa, written by Luiz Antonio de Assis Brasil. It examines the relations among Literature, History and Myth. In the beginning, directed by the mythic signals present in the book, we analyzed the meaning of these aspects. And the result was the identification of of the myths of origin. Next we researched the history of Rio Grande do Sul. And this made us prove that the book rereads in a critical way the positivist historiography consacrated models. As History´s issues, the narrative signals to the writing in a metafiction historiographic way, as spoken by Linda Hutcheon (A Poetics of Postmodernism, 1991). And we also verified its intimate relation with post-modern writing. We contemplated the historicity issue by the critical bias, estabilishing links among Literary Sociology, Literary Criticism and Compared Literature. We concluded that the writer imbricated historical facts and historical characters of Rio Grande do Sul State in his fictional narrative to invert our expectancies. And also to make us dialogue with the past, which presents itself in a fragmented way, in a perspective that is yet to come and will be traced, more realistic, less imaginative, but more possible.

Das possibilidades da formação de professores a distância : um estudo na perspectiva da teoria da atividade

Alberti, Taís Fim January 2011 (has links)
A partir do embasamento teórico da Psicologia sócio-histórica, em particular, da Teoria da Atividade de Leontiev e Davidov, combinada com a Educação Dialógico- Problematizadora de Freire, esta pesquisa investigou as tarefas de estudo realizadas em um curso de Pedagogia a distância que tinham a potencialidade para o desenvolvimento de novas atividades profissionais. Para tanto, a metodologia empregada foi a análise de conteúdo, por meio de procedimento de categorização. Os resultados evidenciaram que, nesse contexto investigado, a forma de organização e o conjunto de tarefas de estudo foram potencializadoras de atividades desenvolvimentais. Nesse sentido, desencadearam-se em função de tarefas de estudo interdisciplinares; inovações metodológicas em relação ao ensino de música, teatro e artes visuais; inserção de projetos de aprendizagem; reflexões críticas embasadas nos conhecimentos teóricos e problematizadas no contexto de atuação, possibilitando estabelecer relações com a prática profissional e tarefas que envolviam planejamentos de temas desafiadores como inclusão e questões étnicoraciais. Essas tarefas de estudo traziam em sua essência a transformação dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem, por meio do movimento de reorganização das ações mediadoras no planejamento, implementação, acompanhamento e avaliação, colocando os professores-alunos na condição de sujeitos de seu processo formativo. Nesta perspectiva, entendemos que a formação profissional a distância mudou a forma de pensar e de agir desses professores-alunos, desenvolvendo seu psiquismo e transformando-os tanto na sua dimensão pessoal quanto na sua dimensão profissional, o que abre perspectivas para estudos mais avançados sobre a qualidade dos cursos na formação de professores, tendo como base para essa avaliação tarefas de estudo que contribuem para o desenvolvimento profissional. / After the theoretical basis of historical-cultural psychology, in particular the Activity Theory of Leontiev and Davidov, combined with Freire's Dialogic and Problem Posing Education, this research investigated study tasks carried out on a Pedagogy Course, in the distance learning modality, which had the potential to develop new professional activities. In order to do that, the methodology used was the content analysis, through categorization procedure. Results showed that in the investigated context, the way of organization and the set of study tasks were potentializer of developmental activities. In this sense, they were triggered as a result of interdisciplinary study tasks; new working methodologies regarding music, theater and visual arts teaching; insertion of learning projects; critical thinking based on the theoretical knowledge and problematized on the context of performance, allowing the establishment of relationships between the professional practice and tasks that involved planning of challenging themes as inclusion and ethnic-racial issues. Those study tasks presented in essence the transformation of teaching and learning processes, through a movement of reorganization of mediator actions in planning, implementation, follow-up, and evaluation, placing the teacher as a subject of its formative process. In this perspective, we understand that the distance professional education changed the teachers-students' way of thinking and acting, developing their psychism and transforming them both in its personal and in its professional dimension, which opens up prospects for more advanced studies about the quality of professional teacher education courses, based on study tasks that contribute to the professional development, for that evaluation.

Le discours rapporté dans les débats politiques télévisés: formes et fonctions des recours au discours autre. Le cas des débats de l'entre-deux-tours des présidentielles françaises (1974-2012)

Caillat, Domitille 08 December 2016 (has links)
Inscrite dans le champ de l’analyse du discours en interaction, notre thèse propose une étude des formes et des fonctions des discours rapportés (DR) dans le cadre des six débats télévisés de l’entre-deux-tours des présidentielles ayant eu lieu en France entre 1974 et 2012. Il y est question de déterminer avec précision à quoi sert le DR — dont on pourrait penser qu’il n’est pas véritablement constitutif du genre — dans ces interactions où chacun des candidats poursuit les objectifs particuliers de s’autopromouvoir et de délégitimer son adversaire.L’analyse détaillée des quelques quatre cents extraits recensés dans le corpus montre que les DR répondent, selon leur lieu d’apparition dans l’échange en cours, la nature de leur source (l’adversaire, un tiers extérieur au débat ou le locuteur lui-même) et leur teneur propositionnelle, à trois différentes visées qualifiables d’autopromotionnelle, de défensive et de polémique — visées auxquelles contribuent en outre parfois leur mode de mise en scène para- et non verbale (mouvements de la voix, mais aussi mimiques, postures, regards et gestuelles déployés par le locuteur conjointement au DR).Répondant ainsi à une intuition de départ, ce travail met à jour le fait que non seulement les discours rapportés sont mis au service des objectifs spécifiques des candidats lors des débats, mais encore qu’ils occupent, selon la nature de leur source, des fonctions différentes mais complémentaires (fonctions relatives à la dynamique des échanges et à l’élaboration d’un discours en confrontation, fonctions strictement argumentatives ou encore fonctions relatives à la finalité des débats en eux-mêmes). / Grounded in the framework of the discourse-in-interaction analysis, this work analyses the forms and functions of reported speech within the six second-round debates of the French presidential election taking place in France between 1974 and 2012. Its object is to precisely determine the purpose of reported speech (which one might think that it is not truly constitutive of the genre) within these interactions in which candidates’main aims are self-promotion and the opponent depreciation.By analysing in details the almost four hundreds extracts recorded in the corpus, our work shows that reported speeches aim, depending on their place within the exchanges, their source (the opponent, a third party or the speaker) and their propositional content, three different purposes we can consider as self-promotion, defence and argument — these purposes can be furthermore supported by some para- and non-verbal elements (voice movements, facial expression, posture, eye expression and gesture deployed at the same time).Following an initial intuition, this study reveals that not only reported speeches serve the candidates’ main goals during debates, but also, depending on their source, they assure different and complementary functions (functions serving the dynamic within the exchanges and the construction of a speech in confrontation, functions exclusively argumentative, or also functions relating to the debates global purpose). / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Le mime de la compréhension dans les productions écrites d'étudiants: analyse linguistique et transdisciplinaire :approche didactique

Toungouz Nevessignsky, Katia 24 June 2011 (has links)
Le mime de la compréhension est-il une erreur didactique ?<p>La question mérite d’être posée car il constitue une pratique très répandue chez les étudiants de première année. <p>Décrit à l’initiale par J. Leenhardt, le mime de la compréhension consiste en l’attitude scripturale du lecteur qui, perdu par rapport au référentiel du texte au sujet duquel il s’exprime, va « produire dans sa lecture ce qui a toutes les apparences d’un savoir, mais qui n’est en réalité n’en est pas » (Leenhardt 1988 :74). <p>La transposition de ce concept issu de la sociologie de la littérature à la sphère de la didactique du français à l’université (effectuée par F. Boch et C. Frier) rend, en effet, très bien compte de l’étrange mixité des modalités de lecture-écriture descriptive et interprétative rencontrée dans les productions résumantes des étudiants de BA 1. <p>Plus concrètement, cette double modalité se traduit par un usage parcimonieux et souvent erroné des connecteurs logiques ainsi que par des listings de rappels en tous genres (descriptifs, littéraux, explicatifs…) mêlés à des interprétations au caractère amplificateur parfois sévère. <p>Ce dialogisme apparemment aberrant institué par un étudiant novice entre un texte scientifique et lui-même, et n’engendrant que la restitution d’une faible partie du texte source, doit-il être mis sur le compte d’une incompétence à résumer générique ou sur celui de besoins langagiers relatifs à son nouvel environnement discursif? <p>Les piètres résultats des productions résumantes des étudiants en début de module de méthodologie universitaire signent la nécessité d’un enseignement des règles de discursivité universitaire, comme en témoigne ensuite une régression notable du mime de la compréhension au terme des séances. <p>Certes, l’affaire est déjà entendue depuis longtemps chez les didacticiens :l’acculturation aux discours universitaires sert leur compréhension chez les étudiants qui bénéficient d’une telle intervention didactique. <p>Par ailleurs, pour que les étudiants développent une compétence scripturale disciplinaire, d’une part, l’enseignement des spécificités des discours universitaires doit être cumulé à des exercices de production écrite réguliers et, d’autre part, la correction doit, idéalement, être réalisée sous la supervision d’un enseignant invitant l’étudiant à réfléchir à l’erreur, à en trouver les causes et les moyens d’y remédier.<p>Là encore, le consensus est total :pour qu’elle lui soit « fertile », pour qu’elle lui soit « didactique », l’erreur doit être comprise en profondeur par son auteur, et ce, sans qu’elle lui soit présentée comme une « faute ». <p>Toutefois, au vu du caractère apparemment sévère du mime de la compréhension chez les primo-arrivants, il m’a semblé nécessaire de me pencher sur les origines de l’erreur et les bénéfices ultérieurs qu’elle pourrait apporter aux étudiants dans le cadre de leurs apprentissages.<p>S’il ne signe pas une insuffisance linguistique mais une façon « normale » d’appréhender un nouveau genre discursif, le mime de la compréhension constituerait-il un passage obligatoire dans les apprentissages de lecture-écriture d’une majorité d’étudiants ?Poser cette question, c’est corrélativement à cela, poser celle de la requalification ou de la disqualification de l’erreur du mime. <p>L’appréhension de cette problématique relative à la valeur heuristique de l’écrit de l’apprenant, s’inscrit, bien sûr, dans le cadre général de la question de l’articulation de la lecture et de l’écriture et, plus précisément, dans celui de l’analyse des pratiques scripturales des étudiants et de la prise en compte de leur potentiel afin d’élaborer les interventions didactiques adéquates à leur appropriation de la littéracie universitaire. <p>Or, si la didactique du français soutient depuis longtemps pareils questionnements et fournit au chercheur une littérature abondante à ces sujets, le mime de la compréhension ne peut que faire l’objet d’une disqualification chez les enseignants non-linguistes qui, souvent, continuent à y voir les signes d’une formation insuffisante en secondaire. <p>La disqualification de l’erreur a priori fait-elle rapidement se taire la modalité interprétative peut-être « euristique » des étudiants de première année pour que ne soit conservée que la descriptive qui renvoie, à l’extrême, au copier-coller ?<p>Les étudiants, lors de la rédaction de leurs travaux écrits, en seraient-ils, par la suite, dès lors réduits à ne plus pouvoir pratiquer que la compilation d’ « auteurs » reconnus ?<p>La réponse à ces questions est cruciale à l’heure où les institutions universitaires et supérieures non universitaires semblent sur le point de s’engager dans une lutte implacable contre le plagiat dont, selon une minorité peut-être fort voyante d’auto-proclamés « experts » en la matière, la pratique se généraliserait de « façon alarmante » au sein de la communauté étudiante.<p>Pour interroger la didacticité du mime de la compréhension, j’ai été amenée à convoquer un certain nombre de théories appartenant aux disciplines traditionnellement contributoires à la didactique du français. <p>J’ai ainsi pu décrire l’hybridité du phénomène tant au travers des concepts de la « littérature au second degré » que grâce aux éclairages de la biologie (Pasteur), de la psychologie génétique (Baudonnière), des théories de développementalistes comme Piaget et Guillaume ainsi que celles, incontournables, de L.Vygotsky. <p>J’ai pu faire la démonstration de la participation des listings des mimeurs à une opération phylogénétiquement éprouvée grâce aux travaux de J. Goody, de J. Calvet, de J-M. Adam et Ph. Hamont dont la synthèse m’a permis de mettre en évidence le caractère récurrent de la mise en liste aux différentes étapes de l’histoire de l’écriture. Les théories de M. Donald m’ont fourni le cadre théorique « naturaliste » le plus convaincant pour harmoniser l’ensemble des éléments relatifs à la justification phylogénétique de l’erreur. <p>En ce qui concerne les aspects sociolinguistiques et historiques du mime de la compréhension, c’est, entre autres, l’articulation des théories sur la littéracie (E. Bautier, Ch. Barré-de-Miniac, A. Delgéry etc.), de son histoire depuis ses origines et du concept d’ « insécurité scripturale généralisée » de M. Dabène qui m’a fourni les derniers éléments nécessaires à une justification complète et transdisciplinaire de l’erreur. <p>J’ai choisi d’étudier les conséquences de la disqualification du mime de la compréhension des étudiants au travers du repli dans un carcan scriptural qui les ferait pratiquer un copier-coller non référencé dans des proportions effrayantes, aux dires des « spécialistes du plagiat » alors que, dans les faits, les étudiants abusent des rappels littéraux, mais, dans la plupart des cas, dûment référencés. <p> / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Transactions, suivi de Dédramatiser le drame : usages et enjeux de l’humour et de la violence du langage dans la pièce Rouge Gueule d’Étienne Lepage

Drouin, Gabrielle 04 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-création / Le présent mémoire propose d’interroger la construction du récit médiatique dans la fable théâtrale contemporaine. D’abord par une fiction au dispositif épuré, mais au verbe cru et humoristique, la pièce de théâtre Transactions, puis par un essai sur la pièce de théâtre Rouge Gueule d’Étienne Lepage, nous désirons explorer les liens qui unissent le comique et la violence du langage, notamment par des affinités avec le mouvement britannique In-Yer-Face (Sarah Kane) et tels que mis de l’avant par un « personnage-réseau » porteur de discours, en écho à l’« impersonnage » de Jean-Pierre Sarrazac. En ce sens, nous avons convoqué les notions de dialogisme (Bakhtine) hétéromorphe (Hervé Guay), d’esthétique de la divergence (Hervé Guay), de polyphonie (Bakhtine) hétéromorphe (Hervé Guay) et de la mise à mal d’un conflit afin d’expliquer le renouvellement d’une esthétique dramaturgique tout à fait contemporaine, se rapportant à la Toile et dont le spectateur émancipé (Jacques Rancière) devient un actant principal par l’intermédiaire duquel le théâtre prend tout son sens. / This thesis aims to question the construction of the media narrative in the contemporary theatrical fable. First, by analyzing the play Transactions and its sober scenography, yet raw and humorous words, and subsequently examining Étienne Lepage’s Rouge Gueule, we will explore the links between the humor and violence of language. This includes the affinity with the British movement In-Yer-Face (Sarah Kane) as put forward by a "network-character" speech bearer in response to Jean-Pierre Sarrazac’s "non-character". Thus, this paper will study concepts including heteromorph (Hervé Guay) dialogism (Bakhtin), aesthetics of the divergence (Hervé Guay), heteromorph (Hervé Guay) polyphony (Bakhtine) and the redefinition of conflict in order to explain the replenishment of an aesthetic dramaturgy that is quite contemporary, relevant to the Web and in which the emancipated audience (Jacques Rancière) becomes a main actor through which the play takes on its full meaning.

Le théâtre de Sarraute : polyphonie et énonciation / Sarraute's plays : poplyphony and enunciation

Zaarour, Suzanne 09 December 2014 (has links)
Notre corpus, formé des six pièces de théâtre de Nathalie Sarraute, recèle un dédoublement des types énonciatifs dans les répliques des personnages, dédoublement qui est latent et qui est dû essentiellement à la neutralisation des oppositions de personnes et de temps. Le passage d’une couche locutoire à l’autre n’est pas marqué dans la plupart des cas ; sinon, il ne s’agit pas du marquage usuel. Ainsi est complexifiée la tâche de déchiffrage de tout récepteur extratextuel. Ces œuvres sont aussi éminemment polyphoniques tant au niveau énonciatif qu’au niveau sémantique, dans le sens où des voix multiples s’y enchevêtrent et des instances de prises de position y sont mises en scène. Les lecteurs, auditeurs ou spectateurs devraient, par conséquent, identifier les sources énonciatives et les instances « autres » pour les distinguer des voix originelles et pour reconnaître le rôle de cet « ailleurs ». Même des paroles sont rapportées, surtout aux styles direct et direct libre, multipliant ainsi les strates locutoires et les locuteurs. D’autres voix sont aussi perceptibles au théâtre, à savoir l’auctoriale à travers les didascalies et d’autres éléments des textes sarrautiens, et celles des praticiens du théâtre et du metteur en scène à travers la représentation / The corpus is formed of six plays of Nathalie Sarraute; it hides a duplication of enunciation types in the characters’ dialogue. This duplication is latent due to personal pronouns and verb tenses’ neutralization. The transition from an enunciation layer to another is not marked at all or not traditionally marked. Therefore, deciphering will be more complicated to any reader, listener or spectator. These works of art are also highly polyphonic in terms of enunciation as in semantics, as several voices are intertwined and as the characters resort to authorities of point of view. Thus, readers, listeners and spectators should identify enunciation sources and “other” authorities of point of view to distinguish them from the original voices and to know what their contribution to the plays is. Even some speeches are reported and, predominately repeated as direct speech. Therefore, enunciation layers and enunciators are multiplied. We can also notice other voices in plays, as the author’s through what is called “stage directions” and other parts of the texts, the practitioners’ and the director’s through the performance.

Auto-retrato coletivo: poéticas de abertura ao espectador na (des) construção de uma identidade coletiva / Auto-retrato coletivo: poéticas de abertura ao espectador na (des) construção de uma identidade coletiva

Arnaldo Valente Germano da Silva 10 April 2007 (has links)
O objeto desta dissertação de Mestrado é composto pela série Auto-Retrato Coletivo de Nardo Germano. Organizada artisticamente como repositório crítico de uma identidade coletiva seu tema central , a série constitui-se de auto-retratos híbridos entre o Indivíduo e o Coletivo, questionando a construção identitária marcada por estigmas sociais. As obras que compõem a série são: 1)Auto-Objeto; 2)Sujeitos; 3)Auto-Retrato por Metro Quadrado; 4)Cabeça Defronte; 5)Auto-Retr_Ato_Coletivo; 6)Especulares #7; 7)Corpo Coletivo; 8)AlterEgo; 9)ANDROMAQUIA on-line; e 10)Doe Seu Rosto/Give Me Your Face. A atual pesquisa artística dá continuidade a Auto-Objeto(1987), uma obra composta por painéis de auto-retratos sem negativo obtidos em cabine Fotomática, e articula-se a partir da digitalização de um conjunto imanente da obra Sujeitos(1987), colagens realizadas com auto-retratos acéfalos, recortes de textos, imagens e manchetes de jornal. Com o objetivo de, nesta fase, estabelecer novos contrapontos ao discurso monológico identitário oficial bem como ao conceito de uma autoridade do artista como autor que controla os sentidos da obra, a criação partiu da hipótese de que o investimento nos graus de abertura à recepção podem promover o dialogismo e polifonia almejados, com a inclusão da alteridade, das expressões e dos pontos de vista dos espectadores na noção de identidade coletiva veiculada nas obras, considerando os conceitos de obra aberta de Umberto Eco bem como de dialogismo e polifonia de Mikhail Bakhtin. A presente dissertação discorre sobre aquelas obras originais como paradigmas internos da criação e sobre as obras produzidas durante esta pesquisa artística, focando nas proposições dialógicas de poéticas abertas, bem como nas estratégias de participação e interatividade então implementadas, realizadas em ambiente real e/ou através dos meios tecnológicos. O texto explicita e reflete sobre as poéticas de abertura envolvidas na recepção, comprovando por fim a hipótese de trabalho. Em suma, no que tange aos resultados sobre o tema proposto, conclui-se que Auto-Retrato Coletivo promove um movimento contínuo de construção e desconstrução identitária possibilitado pela abertura poética aos espectadores que, convertidos em participantes e/ou interatores, cumulativamente renovam, expandem e problematizam a identidade coletiva, inscrevendo-a na dimensão Utópica de Identidades Abertas. / The object of this dissertation of Master\'s degree is composed by Nardo Germano\'s series Collective Self-Portrait. Organized artistically as critical repository of a collective identity its central theme , the series is constituted of hybrid self-portraits between the Individual and the Collectivity, discussing the construction of identities characterized by social stigmata. The works that compose the series are: 1)Auto-Objeto; 2)Sujeitos; 3)Auto- Retrato por Metro Quadrado; 4)Cabeça Defronte; 5)Auto-Retr_Ato_Coletivo; 6)Especulares #7; 7)Corpo Coletivo; 8)AlterEgo; 9)ANDROMAQUIA on-line; e 10)Doe Seu Rosto/Give Me Your Face. The current artistic research gives continuity the Auto-Objeto(1987), an art-work composed by panels of self-portraits without negative obtained at Photomaton Cabin, and organized through a process of scanning an immanent group of the art-work Sujeitos(1987), collages accomplished with acephalous self-portraits, cuttings of texts, images and newspaper headlines. With the objective of, in this phase, to establish new counterpoints to the monologic official speech about identity as well as to the concept of an authority of the artist as author that controls the meanings of the art-work, the creation worked with the hypothesis that the investment in the opening degrees to the reception can promote the necessary dialogism and polyphony, with the inclusion of the spectators\' alterity, expressions and points of view in the notion of collective identity in the art-works, considering the concepts of Umberto Ecos open work and Mikhail Bakhtins dialogism and polyphony. The present dissertation describes those original art-works as internal paradigms of the creation and the art-works produced during this artistic research, focusing in the dialogical propositions of open poetics, as well as in the strategies of participation and interactivity implemented, in real ambience and/or through the technological media. The text explicits and reflects the poetics of opening to the spectator involved in the reception, proving finally the work hypothesis. In short, with respect to the results on the proposed theme, the conclusion is that Collective Self-Portrait promotes a continuous movement of construction and deconstruction of identities, possible by the poetical openness to the spectators who, converted in participants and/or interactors, cumulatively renew, expand and problematize the collective identity, enrolling it in the Utopian dimension of Open Identities.

Múltiplas possibilidades: a internalização de práticas discursivo-sociais por dois pares de irmãos gêmeos / Multiple voices: the internalization of social discursive practices of two pairs of twins.

Renata do Monte Vecina 28 April 2011 (has links)
Na presente pesquisa foram contempladas intersecções entre os discursos de dois pares de gêmeos, seus responsáveis e dois de seus professores sobre os modos desses gêmeos agirem, pensarem e se comportarem no mundo. Procurou-se identificar se a construção das narrativas dos gêmeos sobre os significados que atribuem à vida familiar, à vida escolar, a si próprios e à relação com seu co-gêmeo é permeada pelos discursos e práticas educativas dos pais e professores e se as práticas educativas nas quais os gêmeos se inserem e os discursos que eles escutam a respeito de si próprios podem se configurar como profecias auto-realizadoras. O discurso a respeito dos processos de desenvolvimento humano, especialmente do desenvolvimento de gêmeos, costuma seguir forte tradição determinista. A fim de romper com tradições deterministas forjadas por pressupostos endógenos ou exógenos, utilizou-se referencial teórico bakhtiniano (BAKTHIN, 2003, 2009), da psicologia histórico-cultural de Vygotsky (1984, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2004) e de autores que seguem essa linha teórica - como Oliveira (1990, 1993, 1997, 2002), Pino (2000, 2005), Rossetti-Ferreira et al. (2004, 2008, 2010), Smolka (1993, 2002, 2004), Rego (1994, 1996, 1998, 2004) - além de estabelecer debates com autores da sociologia (LAHIRE, 1997, 2002; ELIAS, 1994). O referencial teórico adotado privilegia as relações situadas social e historicamente, as significações que o indivíduo faz de si próprio e de seu mundo e a noção de sujeito discursivo e da importância das narrativas. Esta investigação visa compreender o lugar do outro nas narrativas e nas versões que os gêmeos construíram sobre si. Conhecer as expectativas de importantes agentes do processo educativo e as maneiras de apropriação desses discursos pelos gêmeos pode ajudar a reorientar modos de agir e de educar essa parcela da população. Apesar de a pesquisa ser feita especificamente com gêmeos, sua contribuição se dá também num campo mais amplo, do desenvolvimento em geral. Isso ocorre porque gêmeos são tratados como casos emblemáticos do estudo do desenvolvimento ao evidenciarem o caráter de construção da subjetividade, possibilitando o estudo de questões que acabam sendo postas para todos os indivíduos. Num âmbito maior, a pesquisa possibilita entender como as pessoas constroem versões de si próprias atravessadas pelos discursos que os outros constroem a respeito delas. A análise aponta para a importância de práticas sócio-discursivas dos outros para a constituição das versões que as pessoas fazem sobre si. A conclusão também incide sobre a necessária reflexão, por parte de pais e de professores, a respeito de seus papéis como mediadores entre seus filhos/alunos e o mundo cultural e simbólico que eles vivem, uma vez que as práticas discursivas e educativas utilizadas por eles são internalizadas por seus filhos/alunos. Constata-se, também, que os gêmeos fazem uma atualização dos lugares e dos significados sociais estabelecidos pelos pais e professores sobre seus modos de ser, de agir e de pensar e que as práticas sócio-discursivas podem, portanto, se configurar, muitas vezes, como fortes circunscritores dos processos de desenvolvimento desses jovens. / In the present study were covered intersections between discourses of two pairs of twins, their parents and two of their teachers about the ways these twins act, think and behave in the world. We sought to identify whether the construction of narratives of the twins on the meanings they attach to family life, school life, themselves and the relationship with their cotwin is permeated by the discourses and educational practices of parents and teachers and practices education in which the twins are in and the discourses they hear about themselves can be configured as self-fulfilling prophecies. Speaking about the processes of human development and especially the twin development typically follows a strong tradition of determinism. In order to break with tradition forged by deterministic assumptions endogenous or exogenous, we used theoretical Bakhtinian (BAKTHIN, 2003, 2009) and cultural-historical psychology of Vygotsky (1984, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2004) and authors who follow this theoretical line, as Oliveira (1990, 1993, 1997, 2002), Pino (2000, 2005), Rossetti-Ferreira et al. (2004, 2008, 2010), Smolka (1993, 2002, 2004), Rego (1994, 1996, 1998, 2004) and to establish discussions with authors in sociology (LAHIRE, 1997, 2002; ELIAS, 1994) theoretical framework capable of focusing on links situated socially and historically, the meanings that the individual makes of himself and his world and the notion of subject and the importance of discursive narratives. This research aims to understand the other\'s place in the narratives and versions built on the twins themselves. Knowing the expectations of important stakeholders in the educational process and ways of appropriation of these discourses by the twins can help to reorient ways and to educate this segment of the population. Although the research was done specifically with twins, its contribution is made also in a broader field of development in general. This is because twins are treated as emblematic cases of the development study which show the character of subjectivity construction, allowing the study of questions that are put to all individuals. On a wider scale, the research allows to understand how people construct versions of themselves traversed by the speeches that others built about them. The analysis points to the importance of socio-discursive practices of others to the formation of the versions that people have about themselves. The conclusion also relates to the necessary reflection of parents and teachers about their roles as mediators between their children / students and the cultural and symbolic world that they live, as the discursive practices and practices used by them are internalized by their children / students. There is relevant that the twins make an update of the \"places\" and social meanings established by parents and teachers about their ways of being, acting and thinking and that the sociodiscursive practices can therefore be set often as strong constraints of development processes of these young people.

Kuultopaperien kartasto:kontekstuaalisia reittejä Anu Kaipaisen kirjalliseen strategiaan

Leppihalme, I. (Ilmari) 04 December 2019 (has links)
Abstract The objective of this doctoral thesis is to examine Anu Kaipainen’s literary strategy and to find out what kind of questions she thematises using the strategy. The articles focus on two novels from the 1960s, seen as routes leading to her production. Perspective is widened towards her other works. This dissertation seeks methodological and contextual routes to the interpretation of the multiple layers and elements present in her novels. The objective is to create a more holistic ‘map’ of her literary strategy and its functions. Mirroring Kaipainen’s allegory of maps, the articles included in this thesis can also be seen as maps drawn at different stages on tracing paper, placed one on top of the other. This ‘atlas’ made of tracing paper depicts the following issues as thematic condensations and clarifying questions connecting the articles: 1) the positioning of a bourgeois female subject in the upheavals of modern life and 2) the heterology of contexts related to these transitions that represent the increasingly complex nature of social reality and challenges in perceiving it. This thesis contextualises and discusses this dialectic tension between post-modern multiplicity and the positioning of feministic identity politics. 3) the third question synthetises the first two: how and in what direction is this tension taken in Kaipainen’s works? This third theme originates from Kaipainen’s allegory of maps, which is a thematic condensation as such and illustrates her literary strategy. The examination of literary strategy carries reflection towards a research result. The literary strategy of Kaipainen’s works from the 1960s and 1970s — the politics of maps drawn on tracing paper — is found to be the answer to the heterology of contexts and the problems in positioning a female subject. The objective of her cartographic strategy is shown to be her political-pedagogic aim to help a (female) subject to position herself in an increasingly complex, fast-changing and globalising world. Ultimately, the objective of her strategy is to awaken or restore the subject’s social awareness and ability to function. This thesis draws a clearer picture of Kaipainen’s literary strategy and the nature of her earlier works. The result is methodological and refers to the routes found relevant in the study of literary strategy: feminist research orientation, Mikhail Bakhtin’s dialogism, and Urpo Kovala’s model of heterological contextualism. The latter outlines this study as its metatheoretical framework, but the objective is also to develop the model of heterological contextualism towards practical analysis. In addition to the abovementioned theoretical routes, this thesis makes reference to Fredric Jameson’s cognitive mapping. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimustehtävänä on selvittää, millainen on Anu Kaipaisen kirjallinen strategia ja millaisia kysymyksiä hän sen avulla tematisoi. Tutkimusartikkeleissa keskitytään kahteen Kaipaisen 1960-luvun romaaniin, jotka nähdään reiteiksi hänen tuotantoonsa. Työn johdannossa tarkastelu laajennetaan kohti muuta tuotantoa. Tutkimuksessa etsitään eri suunnista metodisia ja kontekstuaalisia reittejä Kaipaisen romaanien moniaineksisuuden tulkintaan. Tavoitteena on luoda aiempaa kokonaisvaltaisempi ”kartta” hänen kirjallisesta strategiastaan ja sen funktioista. Kaipaisen karttavertausta mukaillen tutkimusartikkelit ovat kuin eri vaiheissa piirrettyjä, päällekkäin aseteltuja kuultokuvakarttoja. Hahmottuvasta ”kuultopaperien kartastosta” erottuvat temaattisina tihentyminä ja tarkentavina tutkimuskysymyksinä 1) keskiluokkaisen naissubjektin paikantuminen modernin elämän murroksessa ja 2) tuohon murrokseen liittyvä kontekstien heterologia, joka representoi yhteiskunnallisen todellisuuden monimutkaistumista ja hahmottamisen haasteita. Johdannossa kontekstualisoidaan ja pohditaan tätä jälkimodernin moninaistumisen ja feministisen identiteettipoliittisen paikantumisen dialektista jännitettä. 3) Kolmas tarkentava tutkimuskysymys tuo syntetisoivasti yhteen kahta edellistä: millaisin keinoin ja mihin suuntaan tuota jännitettä työstetään Kaipaisen teoksissa? Kolmas tutkimuskysymys nousee mainitusta Kaipaisen kuultopaperikarttavertauksesta, joka on itsessään temaattinen tihentymä ja kuvaa hänen kirjallisen strategiansa luonnetta. Kirjallisen strategian avaaminen vie reflektiota kohti tutkimustulosta. Kaipaisen 1960- ja 1970-luvun tuotannon kirjallinen strategia — ”kuultopaperikarttojen politiikka” — paljastuu vastaukseksi kontekstien heterologian ja naissubjektin paikantumisen ongelmiin. Hänen kartografisen strategiansa tavoitteeksi osoitetaan poliittis-pedagoginen pyrkimys auttaa (nais)subjektia paikantumaan monimutkaistuvassa, nopeasti muuttuvassa ja globalisoituvassa maailmassa. Viime kädessä tavoitteena on herättää tai palauttaa (nais)yksilön yhteiskunnallinen tietoisuus ja toimintakyky. Tutkimus piirtää entistä täsmällisemmän kuvan Kaipaisen kirjallisesta strategiasta ja erityisesti varhaisemman tuotannon ominaisluonteesta. Tulos on myös menetelmällinen osoittaen reitteihin, jotka on kirjallisen strategian avaamisessa relevanteiksi todettu: feministiseen tutkimusorientaatioon, Mihail Bahtinin dialogismiin sekä Urpo Kovalan heterologiseen kontekstualismin malliin. Viimeksi mainittu kehystää työtä metateoreettisesti, mutta kehittelen heterologisen kontekstualismin mallia myös käytännön analyysin suuntaan. Mainittujen teoreettisten reittien lisäksi tutkimustulokseen pääsemiseksi johdannossa sovelletaan Fredric Jamesonin käsitystä kognitiivisesta kartoittamisesta.

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