Spelling suggestions: "subject:"difficult"" "subject:"ifficult""
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Медиативные технологии в работе с семьями, находящихся в трудной жизненной ситуации : магистерская диссертация / Mediatory technologies in working with families in difficult life situationsСунегина, Ю. А., Sunegina, Y. A. January 2023 (has links)
В выпускной квалификационной работе рассмотрено понятие семьи и основания, по которым семья может считаться как находящаяся в трудной жизненной ситуации, определены основные понятия и характеристики восстановительного подхода и обозначены нормативно-правовые основы его применения в социальных службах. Опыт применения и реализации медиативного (восстановительного) подхода в урегулировании семейных конфликтов в практической деятельности социальных служб был изучен на примере работы специалистов-медиаторов некоммерческой организации. В заключении сделан вывод о готовности специалистов к реализации медиативного подхода при работе с семейными конфликтами, а также о возможностях и ограничениях данного подхода. / The final qualifying work examines the concept of family and the grounds on which a family can be considered to be in a difficult life situation, defines the basic concepts and characteristics of the restorative approach and outlines the legal framework for its application in social services. The experience of applying and implementing the mediation (restorative) approach to resolving family conflicts in the practical activities of social services was studied using the example of the work of specialist mediators of a non-profit organization. In conclusion, a conclusion was drawn about the readiness of specialists to implement the mediation approach when working with family conflicts, as well as the possibilities and limitations of this approach.
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Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser vid hantering av en svår luftväg / Experiences of nurse anesthetists in managing a difficult airwayBergdahl, Elina, Wahlström, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under en operation förlorar patienter sitt medvetande och sin förmåga att upprätthålla sin egen andning. Här är anestesisjuksköterskan oumbärlig och har till uppgift att säkerställa ventilation samt oxygenering för patienten. För att identifiera den svåra luftvägen görs en luftvägsbedömning preoperativt och denna ligger till grund för vilka luftvägshjälpmedel som ska finna nära till hands. Att kunna identifiera, bedöma och förebygga risker vid en svår luftväg är en viktig egenskap för anestesisjuksköterskor. Syfte: Att belysa anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att ställas inför en svår luftväg. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats användes. Åtta anestesisjuksköterskor intervjuades med en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Intervjuerna analyserades via en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det framkom fyra kategorier: Förberedelser påverkar, Känslor i arbetet, Teamarbetets betydelse, Tekniska svårigheter samt att ett tema framträdde: Erfarenhet: en grundsten för trygghet. Konklusion: Konklusionen av denna studie belyser vikten av snabb och korrekt hantering när en anestesisjuksköterska ställs inför en svår luftväg under generell anestesi. För att förebygga de utmaningar som anestesisjuksköterskorna ställs inför krävs en utarbetad handlingsplan, stark kommunikation, effektivt teamarbete samt en god arbetsmiljö. / Background: Patients lose consciousness and their ability to maintain their own breathing during surgery. The anesthetic nurse is essential since they are responsible for ensuring the patient´s ventilation and oxygenation. To identify a potentially challenging airway a preoperative airway assessment is conducted, informing which airway aid should be readily available. The ability to identify, evaluate and minimize risks linked with challenging airways is an essential skill for an anesthetic nurse. Purpose: To illuminate the experiences of anesthesia nurses when confronted with a difficult airway. Method: A qualitative approach with an inductive methodology was employed. Eight anesthetic nurse participated in semi-structured interviews. The interviews were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. Results: Four categories emerged: Impact of preparation, Emotional aspects of work, Significance of teamwork, Technical challenges, with a recurring theme: Experience as a cornerstone for confidence. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study highlights how important it is to manage quickly and accurately when anesthetic nurses encounter difficult airways during general anesthesia. A well-prepared action plan, effective communication, teamwork and supportive work environment are essential in addressing the challenges faced by the anesthetic nurse.
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Bedömning och hantering av patientens luftväg ur ett anestesisjuksköterskeperspektiv / Assessment and management of the patient's airway from an anesthesia nurse perspectiveBrand, Linn, Davidsson, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion: I anestesisjuksköterskans ansvarsområde ingår det att tillgodose patienten trygg och säker vård under generell anestesi och hantering av luftvägen. En svår luftväg hos en patient innebär ofta stress och en känsla av otillräcklighet hos anestesisjuksköterskan. För att hantera patientens luftväg på ett patientsäkert sätt innebär det att anestesisjuksköterskan ska kunna identifiera, bedöma och förebygga risker som kan förekomma vid anestesi. Tillvägagångssättet av en preoperativ luftvägsbedömning genomförs genom att se på patientens anatomi samt att läsa tidigare anestesijournaler. Syfte: Att beskriva anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att bedöma och hantera patientens luftväg. Metod: En kvalitativ metod utifrån induktiv ansats användes. Tio anestesisjuksköterskor intervjuades med öppna frågor. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra kategorier framkom ur analysen: Vikten avpreoperativ luftvägsbedömning, Att bli överraskad av en oförväntad svår luftväg, Försvårande omständigheter vid luftvägshantering samt Att rätt teknik och erfarenhet har storbetydelse. Diskussion: De anestesisjuksköterskor som hade mer erfarenhet tenderade att mer sällan uppleva en svår luftväg vilket kunde bero på att de hanterade en oförväntad svår situation på ett tryggare sätt än en nyutbildad sjuksköterska. Även den kliniska blicken beskrevs mer uttalad vid längre erfarenhet. Författarna drar slutsatsen att yrket kräver erfarenhet över tid för att utarbeta en god klinisk kompetens. Slutsats: En luftvägsbedömning hos patienten är viktig och avgörande för att anestesisjuksköterskan ska kunna vara förberedd på att hantera en eventuell svår luftväg. Trots den preoperativa luftvägsbedömningen upplevde anestesisjuksköterskan att de kunde möta på överraskningar och få hantera en oförväntad svår luftväg. I de fallen var det en fördel att ha hjälpmedel till hands, kunna tillkalla hjälp och att vara erfaren.
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Identifikace náročných životních situací a jejich zvládání u adolescentů /gymnasistů/. / The identification of difficult life situations and their overcoming by adolescents (grammer school students).HANDLÍŘOVÁ, Ludmila January 2007 (has links)
This diploma work consists of theorethical and practical part. The theorethical part contains general characteristics of difficult life situations as stress, frustration and conflict. There are also mentioned techniques and factors for coping difficult life situations. The practical part contains a research, which deals perception difficult life situations by adolescents. The research was carried out by two questionnaires. At the end of the practical part there is a summary and an evaluation of results.
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White Feminist Tears: Understanding Emotion, Embracing Discomfort, Exploring Dominant Femininities At Scripps College, and Stepping Towards a Critical White Anti-Racist FeminismMietka, Helena Budzynska 01 January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, I trace my personal journey and the precursors of unlearning and conversation necessary to start to move towards anti-racism. With a focused look on specific aspects of feminist history, Scripps College as a place was historically contextualized. This allowed for an exploration of its student body, a look at the ways in which traditional gender meanings and expectations necessarily operate within that space. White students who claim the label feminist add complexity to that space, though their reactions to conversations of race can be traced back to the historic and gender over-determined systems of domination and victimhood that produce caustic white feminist tears. Finally, different ways of having difficult conversations are discussed, along with detailed understandings of why those conversations are necessary. In conclusion, I try to envision a kind of feminism that I would like myself and my peers to continue to work for, and emphasize again the sort of education that one must undergo in order to continue their awareness and work.
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彩繪創意的天空:創意教學的困境與策略之研究---以四位國中創意教師的成功經驗為例簡財源, Chien, Tsai Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採質性研究方法為主,研究對象為台北縣國中現職教師,且在三年內曾獲「GreaTeach 創意教學獎」、「教師創意教學方案」、「POWER敎師獎」之創意教師,其教學領域以學習差異性較大的四個學習領域:國文、英語、數學及自然與生活科技各選取一位教師進行深入訪談研究。
關鍵字:創意教學、創意教師、教學困境、教學策略 / Since the Ministry of Education promulgated “The creativity education white paper” in 2002, the creative teaching (CT) has been becoming the current trend. Creativity itself involves its own development. A creative teacher not only has to display his creative behavior, but simultaneously also needs to transmit the creative ideas in the teaching situation to the students. However, in the trend of CT, people still get a fuzzy idea about CT and still hold a stereotyped attitude toward the educational system. This causes the teachers to meet some problems while doing CT. Fortunately, despite the environment limits, there are some teachers who are still willing to break through the conventional thought and change their teaching approaches. That's what's worth our exploration.
This study aims to explore the personal qualities the creative teachers have and the teaching strategies they adopt. With the result and discussion, we come up with some suggestions for educators to promote their teaching efficiency.
This study adopted a qualitative approach. We interviewed four teachers. They currently teach in junior high schools in Taipei County. In the past three years, they once won “The Grea Teach Creative Teaching prize”, “Teachers whit Creative teaching plan”, the “Power Teacher Rewards.” They respectively stand for four learning domains: Chinese, English, Mathematics, Science and Technology.
Our findings are as follows.
First, there are some vital personal qualities the four creative teachers have: For example, they have a key life process of meeting someone with the deepest influence on him/her, an active motivation of self-realization, and a developing process -- a life quality- being deeply affected by the environment.
Second, the problems that teachers will meet while doing CT are “selective education system,”“normal class grouping,”“time distribution,”“concepts and ideas,”and those related to “the educational system.”
Third, in CT, the strategies and processes of development include “combining the students' experiences,”“heterogeneously grouping teaching,”“operating in person and participating actively,”“offering a corner for creation,”“self-enrichment and endless inspiration,”“evaluation instruments designed elaborately to enhance students' learning motivation,”“individualized assignments-letting each student get opportunities for success,”“learning files-recording the processes of learning,”“brainstorming,”and“the conversations with students.”
Finally, the study, based on the conclusion, comes up with some suggestions for the teachers, for the school administration, for the educational authorities, and for the future study.
Key words:
creative teacher, creative teaching , teaching difficult position, teaching strategy
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Komunikace a spolupráce s problémovými rodiči a rodiči s problémy / Communication and Cooperation with Difficult Parents and Parents with DifficultiesBertlová, Gabriela January 2014 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the importance of communication and cooperation between family and school. Further explores the degree and forms of effective communication and cooperation with difficult parents and parents with difficulties. It has been confirmed that each member of effective communication and cooperation benefits from it. Communication and cooperation, to be effective, has to prevent problem situations, that means that the teacher should be proactive. It is crucial to be sensitive to the warning signs from parents, teachers and school management and respond to them. It is important to gain the trust of parents and show them that we - teachers, want exactly the same thing as they do and that is welfare of the child. The empirical part analyzes opinions and experiences of primary teachers with communication and cooperation with difficult parents and parents with difficulties. The questionnaire survey explores how schools and families communicate and cooperate, whom teachers consider to be problematic parents and whom to be parents with problems. It also focuses on tactics and actions of teachers in communication and cooperation with parents. In-depth interviews were focused on case studies of solving problems in which the family and school were involved together and describes the influence on a...
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Možnosti individuálního plánování u dětí ze sociálně znevýhodněného prostředí / Possibillities of Individual Planning for Children from Socially Disadvantaged EnvironmentSúkeníková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Možnosti individuálního plánování u dětí ze sociálně znevýhodněného prostředí Possibilities of Individual Planning for Children From Socially Disadvantage Environment Bc. Jana Súkeníková The thesis is focused on the importance and effectiveness of individual planning for children from socially disadvantaged environment in low-threshold services for children and youth. Part of the work concerns the threshold services, followed by a general description of the target group, list of interventions with which social workers operate. As an important part of my job I see definition of living situations, reflexive environmental management and social functioning. The theoretical part is further given a pivotal chapter on individual planning that underpins the empirical section. The practical part includes qualitative research strategy, the main technique was chosen semi-structured interview. The survey is focused on how clients of low-threshold services perceive individual planning. Considering the results of, which I was gone, I realized that the low-threshold services is an appropriate way we can explain to clients that with them we need to create individual planning to a specific period. So I think that from the foregoing that I fulfilled a goal that I set a positive is overlap in my other practical work...
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Inženýrskogeologické a praktické porovnání metod zakládání nenáročných objektů ve složitých geotechnických poměrech / Civil-engineering and practical comparing of groundworks in difficult geotechnical conditionsFleischmann, Aleš January 2013 (has links)
iv Abstrakt anglicky Thesis is focused on subject of foundation engineering for undemanding constructions at construction sites with difficult basis conditions. In first part of thesis the selected methods for depth foundation construction are discussed. These methods were used or have potential to be used at examined locations. Examined locations with difficult basis conditions are described in second part of thesis. Final part of thesis contains preparation for detailed IGP for foundaton construction in locality Praha - Řeporyje. Main objective of thesis is to assess various methods of special foundation engineering in difficult basis conditions and to evaluate their suitability for using in given geological conditions.
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Determinação de fatores de escala para estimativa do inventário de radionuclídeos em rejeitos de média e baixa atividades do reator IEA-R1 / Determination of scaling factors to estimate the radionuclide inventory in waste with low and intermediate-level activity from the IEA-R1 reactorTaddei, Maria Helena Tirollo 07 November 2013 (has links)
Em cumprimento às normas que regulam a transferência e deposição final de rejeitos radioativos, o inventário de radionuclídeos de cada embalado contendo tais rejeitos deve ser estimado e declarado. Os limites autorizados são definidos em função das doses de radiação que indivíduos do público podem vir a receber anualmente a partir do repositório. Tais limites se referem principalmente às concentrações de atividade, dadas em Bq/g, dos radionuclídeos presentes nos embalados com rejeitos. A grande maioria dos radionuclídeos emissores de raios-gama pode ter a respectiva concentração de atividade determinada diretamente por medidas externas aos embalados. Entretanto, determinação análoga para os radionuclídeos emissores exclusivos de partículas alfa ou beta, bem como de alguns emissores de raios-gama e/ou raios-X cuja energia, intensidade absoluta de emissão e/ou atividade são muito baixas denominados genericamente Radionuclídeos de Difícil Medição (RDMs) requer procedimentos radioquímicos complexos para isolar a espécie química de interesse dos interferentes presentes nas matrizes de rejeitos. Ademais, nesse caso é necessário coletar amostras de cada embalado, acarretando elevadas doses de radiação para os operadores e altos custos logísticos, decorrentes do grande número de embalados com rejeitos radioativos que necessitam de caracterização em uma instalação nuclear. Uma metodologia alternativa para abordar esse problema consiste em obter correlações empíricas entre alguns radionuclídeos possíveis de serem medidos diretamente, como 60Co e 137Cs denominados Radionuclídeos Chave (RCs) e os RDMs. Essa metodologia, denominada Fator de Escala, foi aplicada no presente trabalho com a finalidade de determinar tais correlações, na forma de Fatores de Escala ou Funções de Correlação, para os principais rejeitos de baixa e média atividades do reator nuclear de pesquisa IEA-R1. / Regulations regarding transfer and final disposal of radioactive waste require that the inventory of radionuclides for each container enclosing such waste must be estimated and declared. The regulatory limits are established as a function of the annual radiation doses that members of the public could be exposed to from the radioactive waste repository, which mainly depend on the activity concentration of radionuclides, given in Bq/g, found in each waste container. Most of the radionuclides that emit gamma-rays can have their activity concentrations determined straightforwardly by measurements carried out externally to the containers. However, radionuclides that emit exclusively alpha or beta particles, as well as gamma-rays or X-rays with low energy and low absolute emission intensity, or whose activity is very low among the radioactive waste, are generically designated as Difficult to Measure Nuclides (DTMs). The activity concentrations of these DTMs are determined by means of complex radiochemical procedures that involve isolating the chemical species being studied from the interference in the waste matrix. Moreover, samples must be collected from each container in order to perform the analyses inherent to the radiochemical procedures, which exposes operators to high levels of radiation and is very costly because of the large number of radioactive waste containers that need to be characterized at a nuclear facility. An alternative methodology to approach this problem consists in obtaining empirical correlations between some radionuclides that can be measured directly such as 60Co and 137Cs, therefore designated as Key Nuclides (KNs) and the DTMs. This methodology, denominated Scaling Factor, was applied in the scope of the present work in order to obtain Scaling Factors or Correlation Functions for the most important radioactive wastes with low and intermediate-activity level from the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor.
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