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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur anpassar politiska partier sin kommunikation för att nå sin målgrupp? : En jämförande innehållsanalys av partipolitiska strategier på digitala plattformar / How do Political Parties Adapt Their Communication to Reach Their Target Group? : A Comparative Content Analysis of Party-political Strategies on Digital Platforms

Sjödin, Nathalie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i den politisk kommunikationen på digitala plattformar beroende på vilken målgrupp kommunikationen riktar sig till samt analysera hur dessa skillnader utspelar sig. Målet är att ge en djupare förståelse för hur politisk kommunikation är anpassad till olika målgrupper och hur strategier och budskap är utformade för att nå och engagera väljare i olika åldersgrupper. Forskningsfrågan som ska besvaras är: Hur anpassar politiska partier sin kommunikation på digitala plattformar för att nå sin målgrupp? Huvudmaterialet består i första hand av primärkällor, men även sekundära källor förekommer. Till de primära källorna hör bland annat Instagraminlägg från Moderaterna (MUF) och Socialdemokraternas Ungdomsförbunds (SSU) sidor samt Facebookinlägg från Moderaterna (M) och Socialdemokraternas (S) officiella sidor. De sekundära källorna består huvudsakligen av tidigare forskning och artiklar. Studiens teoretiska ramverk bygger på Gunnar Sjöbloms teorier om de tre politiska arenorna och Jürgen Habermas teorier om det offentliga samtalet och det fria ordet, metoden som används är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Slutsatserna visar bland annat att ungdomsförbund, som riktar sig till en yngre målgrupp, tenderar att ha en mer informell och humoristisk ton medans de officiella partierna, som riktar sig till en äldre målgrupp, tenderar att kommunicera mer objektivt och formellt. / The purpose of the study is to investigate whether there are differences in political communication on digital platforms depending on which target group the communication is aimed at and to analyze how these differences play out. The goal is to provide a deeper understanding of how political communication is adapted for different target groups and how strategies and messages are designed to reach and engage voters in different demographic groups. The research question to be answered is: How do political parties adapt their communication on digital platforms to reach their target group? The main material consists primarily of primary sources, but secondary sources also occur. The primary sources include, among other things, Instagram posts from the pages of the Moderate Youth Union (MUF) and the Social Democrats Youth Union (SSU), as well as Facebook posts from the official pages of the Moderates (M) and the Social Democrats (S). The secondary sources mainly consist of previous research and articles. The study's theoretical framework is based on Gunnar Sjöblom's theories about the three political arenas and Jürgen Habermas theories about the public sphere and free speech, the method used is a qualitative content analysis. The conclusions show, among other things, that youth associations, which are aimed at a younge target group, tend to have a more informal and humorous tone, while the official parties, which are aimed at an older target group, tend to communicate more objectively and formally.

Ensino Superior 2.0: o English Central como ferramenta de apoio para o ensino-aprendizagem de inglês

Silva, Vinicius da Silva e 15 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-09-29T12:35:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Vinicius da Silva e Silva.pdf: 7529743 bytes, checksum: 42afbd88c13fb5fd66b4441081414b3f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-29T12:35:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vinicius da Silva e Silva.pdf: 7529743 bytes, checksum: 42afbd88c13fb5fd66b4441081414b3f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-15 / This research aims at discussing the role of Information Technology in the teaching and learning of a second or foreign language. To that end, we look into how a digital platform, called English Central, can be integrated into an English course at a college of information technology in the city of São Paulo. We assume that the resources offered by the platform, such as authentic or produced videos, voice recognition software to improve pronunciation, as well as the activities for vocabulary acquisition, can contribute to the learning of a foreign language in a blended course. Firstly, we present the evolution of the technologies used in education, with a focus on CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), and how they can be used to support face-to-face classes. Secondly, we discuss the methods and approaches used for teaching and learning English, with the Communicative Language Teaching, the Lexical Approach, the Post-Method and the Connectivism providing the support for our research. It also describes how English Central was integrated into the course and how its resources were used to develop the online activities. It also puts forward a few suggestions of activities, supported by the methods and approaches for language learning, aiming at the development of listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. We concluded that the role of the teachers is vital to the implementation of digital platforms in a blended course, due to them being sensitive to their teaching context, as well their students’ needs and interests / Esta pesquisa discute o papel que as tecnologias da informação e comunicação têm no ensino e aprendizagem de Inglês como segunda língua ou língua estrangeira. Para isso, investiga-se a implementação de uma plataforma digital, o English Central, em um curso de inglês dentro de uma faculdade de tecnologia da informação na cidade de São Paulo. Considera-se que os recursos oferecidos pela plataforma, vídeos autênticos ou produzidos por ela, o aprimoramento da pronúncia e da entonação por meio de um software de reconhecimento de voz, bem como as atividades para aprimoramento lexical, podem contribuir para uma aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira em um curso híbrido. Apresentamos, em primeiro plano, a evolução das tecnologias educacionais, com foco no CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), para o ensino de línguas estrangeiras e como elas podem ser utilizadas para dar suporte às aulas presenciais. Em um segundo momento, discutimos os métodos e as abordagens para o ensino da Língua Inglesa, tendo como apoio para nossa pesquisa o Communicative Language Teaching, o Lexical Approach, a teoria do Pós-Método e o Conectivismo. Esta pesquisa relata como a implementação da plataforma foi feita e como seus recursos foram utilizados para a elaboração das atividades à distância. Esta pesquisa sugere diferentes atividades, embasadas pelos métodos e pelas abordagens para o ensino de línguas, visando ao desenvolvimento da compreensão oral e ao aprimoramento lexical dos alunos. Pudemos constatar que o papel do professor é fundamental para que as plataformas digitais sejam implementadas em um curso híbrido, devido ao seu conhecimento acerca do contexto no qual seu curso está inserido, bem como das necessidades e dos objetivos dos seus alunos

Vybrané aspekty sdílené ekonomiky s důrazem na Airbnb a Uber / Selected Aspects of Sharing Economy with emphasis on Airbnb and Uber

Zábranský, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Selected aspects of sharing economy with emphasis on Airbnb and Uber Abstract This paper focuses on the legal regulation of digital platforms which are used to arrange short-term accommodation (the most popular representative is Airbnb) and passenger transport (where Uber is the best-known platform). In the introduction the author explains why he considers it inappropriate to say these platforms are part of "sharing economy", although this term is currently widely used. In addition, the author examines the benefits of Airbnb and Uber platforms in general, such as user comfort, a rating system that allows quality control of provided services, lower prices for the customer than with traditional service providers and a simple way to earn some extra money. At the same time, the author mentions negative aspects of these platforms, such as lower collection of taxes and fees, poor protection of employees and potentially also customers, or reduction of availability and quality of housing. In the next part of the paper the author focuses on each of the mentioned platforms and evaluates the regulation of these platforms, or rather service providers that use these platforms, in the light of both Czech and European case law. The author concludes that the use of apartments for the continuous provision of accommodation...

Do giz ao byte: itinerários formativos docente para uso de Tecnologias da informação e Comunicação (TIC) em programas de gestão social

Bezerra, Agnes Oliveira January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2016-07-07T22:02:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Bezerra, Agnes Oliveira.pdf: 4380811 bytes, checksum: 08527069316e3b7523d5cae48da0ed97 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2016-07-08T18:27:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Bezerra, Agnes Oliveira.pdf: 4380811 bytes, checksum: 08527069316e3b7523d5cae48da0ed97 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-08T18:27:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bezerra, Agnes Oliveira.pdf: 4380811 bytes, checksum: 08527069316e3b7523d5cae48da0ed97 (MD5) / Entender o cenário da educação contemporânea e os impactos que a incorporação do uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação em processos de ensino-aprendizagem tem causado para ampliação dos espaços de aprendizagem é um desafio, tornando-se cada vez mais necessário refletir sobre quais metodologias e/ou tecnologias são essenciais à formação de professores que atuarão em plataformas digitais (e-learning, b-learning). Essa pesquisa, que tem por objetivo propor a construção de itinerários formativos docentes para usos das TIC que contribuam no processo de convergência entre modalidades presenciais e a distância em Programas de Gestão Social, foi estruturada através das etapas que integram o processo de concepção e elaboração de um Caso de Ensino. Optamos por esse caminho por entendermos que, através da utilização do Caso de Ensino, poderemos fomentar reflexões sobre habilidades e competências que os docentes precisam aprimorar e/ou desenvolver para o uso qualificado das TIC em suas práticas pedagógicas. O Caso de Ensino, produto desse trabalho, direciona-se a professores, estudantes e equipes multidisciplinares interessadas na construção e promoção de programas de formação continuada e, especialmente, na implementação de tecnologias digitais no ensino presencial, modalidades híbridas ou totalmente a distância. / Understanding the scenario of contemporary education and the impact that incorporating the usage of Information and Communication Technology in the teaching-learning process has caused to increase opportunities for learning has been a challenge, becoming increasingly necessary to reflect on methodologies which and / or technologies are essential to train teachers who will work in digital environment (e-learning, b-learning) .This research, which aims to propose the construction of training routes for the use of ICT, contributing to the convergence between in-class and distance modalities in the Social Management Program, which was structured through the steps that comprise the process of the design and development of a teaching case. We chose this path because we believe that through the use of teaching cases we can support the reflections on skills and competencies that teachers need to improve and / or develop for qualified usage of ICT in their teaching practices. The teaching case, the product of this work, is designed to teachers, students and multidisciplinary teams interested in building and promoting continuing education programs, and especially the implementation of digital technologies in the classroom learning, hybrid or fully distance modalities.

Facebook bland studenter : Störningsmoment eller hjälpmedel? / Facebook among students : A distraction or a supporting tool?

Temesghen, Henok January 2017 (has links)
Digitala plattformar som sociala medier har revolutionerat sättet vi interagerar och kommunicerar med andra människor. 77% av den svenska befolkningen använder sig av sociala medier och denna siffra kommer bara att fortsätta stiga. Av dessa plattformar är det kanske mest spridda och populära sociala nätverket Facebook, som är värd för nästan 2 miljarder dagliga användare världen över. I denna studie ligger fokus på studenter och den påverkan som Facebook har på deras skolarbete. Med påverkan på skolarbetet menas de effekter som användandet av den sociala plattformen ger upphov till. I detta fall innebär det huruvida användandet av Facebook bland studenter påverkar koncentrationen på deras skolarbete. Även om det finns flera allmänna fördelar av att använda sig av sociala medier finns det ett kunskapsgap gällande deras övergripande påverkan på studentpopulationen. Studien bidrar till att analysera användandet av sociala medier i relation till inlärning, genom att specifikt analysera Facebook, och den påverkan som Facebook kan ha på inlärningsaktiviteter. För att kunna besvara forskningsfrågan har en kvantitativ metod använts. En webbaserad enkätundersökning med stängda frågor valdes som verktyg för datainsamling. Enkäten distribuerades via sociala medier till grupper där majoriteten av medlemmarna var studenter, specifikt riktade mot studenter vid Högskolan i Borås. Enkäten har på uppmaning av författarna vidare delats av dessa medlemmar till andra studenter. Att använda sig av sociala medier för att sprida enkäten var optimalt då undersökningen enbart riktar sig in mot användare av Facebook. Totalt har 147 svar har samlats in från enkätundersökningen. För att svara på om Facebook fungerar som antingen ett hjälpmedel eller ett störningsmoment i samband med skolarbete behövs vidare forskning. En analysering av enkätundersökning gav upphov till indikatorer som visar på att den påverkan som Facebook kan ha på studenter i samband med egenstudier kommer i två olika former. Påverkan som rör användares beteende, exempelvis att studenterna inte är medvetna hur lång tid det tar att återgå till skolarbetet efter ett oplanerat avbrott, och påverkan vilket uppstår som ett resultat av specifik funktionalitet i Facebook. Detta kan vara att vissa funktioner har större chans att distrahera användarna från skolarbetet. Undersökningen identifierade även vilka åtgärder studenter tar för att undvika att bli negativt påverkade av Facebook under skolarbete. Implikationerna från studiens resultat skapar en grund för nya studier som berör sociala medier. Resultatet kan vidare användas i förbättringssyfte för vidare forskning inom digitala plattformar. / Digital platforms such as social media platforms have revolutionized the way we interact and communicate with other people. Currently 77% of the Swedish population use social media and this figure is expected to rise. Of these platforms, Facebook is perhaps the most widely distributed social media available and currently hosts almost two billion daily users across the globe. In this study, the focus is on students and the impact that Facebook has on their studies. Impact on schoolwork refers to the effects that manifest as a result of social media platform usage, in this case meaning whether frequency of Facebook usage affects the students’ ability to concentrate on their studies. Although there are many advantages of using social media in general, there is a knowledge gap on the overall impact on studies among student populations. This study helps to analyse the use of social media in relation to students learning activities in the specific case of Facebook. In order to achieve the goal of this study, a quantitative method has been used, namely online questionnaires as a tool for data collection. The questionnaire was distributed through social media groups specifically targeting students at the University of Borås. The survey has further been shared to other fellow students on behalf of the authors in order to recruit the desired sample for the study. Using social media groups for distribution of the questionnaire was ideal due to the fact that the study only investigates Facebook users. In total, 147 complete responses were collected from the questionnaire. The study does not give a definitive answer to whether Facebook is a tool or a distraction when it comes to schoolwork. Instead, analysing the questionnaire suggests that there are two different types of impact that can affect students when using Facebook alongside their schoolwork. These are impact on student behaviour, such as not being aware of how long it takes to resume schoolwork after a break, and impact as a result of specific Facebook functionality, meaning certain functions increase the risk of distracting users from their schoolwork. Further, this study identified certain measures that students take in order to minimize the negative impact of Facebook usage on their schoolwork, such as setting their phones to vibrate only. The implications of this study will provide a basis for further research within the area of social media platforms and social media service providers.

Kortfilm - födkrok eller språngbräda? : En undersökning om de digitala plattformarnas påverkan på distributionen av svensk kortfilm / Short Film - means of livelihood or springboard?

Bengtsson, Simon, Nyholm, Carl January 2018 (has links)
The intent of this paper is to examine the conditions for Swedish filmmakers with the short film format as final goal. Through a qualitative study we investigate what paths there are for distributing short films through the digital platforms available today. We do this by interviewing some of the most experienced and successful short film creators in Sweden and one of Sweden's main financier in film creation, to provide as just image of the branch as we can. Short films with financing from the state and regional financiers rarely has any focus on economic gain. They are rather intended to help form filmmakers and give them an opportunity to establish themselves prior to further filmmaking. The main digital platform in Sweden is SVT Play, witch is much based on the fact that SVT is part of sponsoring a big part of the government financed short films. The greatest problem we found is the availability for short films through digital platforms, since SVT Play most often has exclusive rights and only buy viewing rights during periods. When you want to distribute your short film, the most important aspect is the context, the film should not only appeal the audience it reaches but it also has to appeal the audience in the situation where it reaches them. / Vi undersöker förutsättningarna för filmskapare i Sverige med kortfilmsformatet som slutmål. I form av en kvalitativ studie tar vi reda på vilka vägar det finns för att distribuera sina kortfilmer med hjälp av dagens digitala plattformar och hur dessa nyttjas. Detta görs genom att intervjua några av Sveriges mest erfarna och framgångsrika kortfilmsskapare och en av Sveriges största finansiärer av filmskapande för att skapa en så korrekt bild av branschen som möjligt. Det kompletteras med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning ämnad att skapa en generell bild av svenskars konsumtion av statligt och regionalt finansierad kortfilm. Kortfilmer med statligt och regionalt stöd har sällan något fokus på ekonomisk vinning. De är snarare ämnade att forma filmskapare och ge dem en möjlighet att grunda inför fortsatt filmskapande. Den huvudsakliga digitala plattformen är SVT Play, på grund av att SVT är med och sponsrar en stor del av de statligt och regionalt finansierade kortfilmerna. Det största problemet vi funnit är tillgängligheten för kortfilmer på digitala plattformar, då SVT Play oftast har exklusiva rättigheter och bara har visningsrättigheter periodvis. Då man vill sprida sin kortfilm handlar det främst om kontexten, att filmen inte bara ska tilltala publiken den når utan också tilltala publiken i den situation publiken är i då den når den.

Être visible sur et par internet : le cas de l'État islamique

Crosset, Valentine 02 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la visibilité de groupes qualifiés d’extrémistes sur internet. Si plusieurs études ont décrit les différents usages des technologies numériques par des groupes radicaux et la manière dont internet serait un catalyseur de radicalisation, peu d’études ont cherché à analyser la relation constitutive entre un dispositif technique et des militants extrémistes. L’objectif de la thèse est de renouveler le modèle de la visibilité médiatisée de groupuscules qualifiés d’extrémistes, en tenant compte des reconfigurations mutuelles entre les plateformes numériques et le groupe militant. Sur le plan théorique, cette recherche se situe à l’intersection de la théorie de l’acteur-réseau, des software studies et des travaux de Lucy Suchman (2007) sur les dynamiques de reconfigurations mutuelles et permanentes des relations entre humains et machines. Basée sur l’étude du cas de l’État islamique, l’analyse s’ancre dans des données provenant d’un terrain de recherche de type ethnographique, collectées sur un an et demi. L’enquête est composée d’une observation non participante menée sur plusieurs plateformes numériques exploitées par le groupe jihadiste, de l’archivage et l’analyse des traces en ligne, ainsi que d’un corpus documentaire. Nos résultats contribuent premièrement à une meilleure compréhension de la visibilité des groupes qualifiés d’extrémiste sur les plateformes numériques, en démontrant qu’elle est relationnelle, technicisée et conflictuelle. Notre étude fait tout d’abord ressortir qu’on assiste à une complexification du tableau de la visibilité. La visibilité en ligne de l’État islamique nécessite un vaste réseau d’acteurs, tels que spécialistes des médias, militants, spécialistes en cybersécurité et botnets. La visibilité mêle ainsi des procédés hors-ligne et en ligne, décentralisés et centralisés. L’analyse des pratiques quotidiennes de visibilité montre que le travail d’apparence des militants de l’État islamique suit un objectif d’amplification et d’abondance de leur flux informationnel. Le but est d’inonder les plateformes de réseaux sociaux de contenus pro État islamique, afin de mener une « guerre médiatique ». Par ailleurs, les résultats suggèrent que la visibilité est complexe en raison des séries de contraintes et de forces ennemies qui contrecarrent le projet en ligne de l’État islamique, tel que la modération de leurs contenus. Parallèlement, notre étude montre que la présence de ces usagers a redessiné la régulation de ces technologies en les rendant plus contraignantes. Enfin, nos résultats dévoilent que les militants de l’État islamique refusent l’assujettissement face aux suspensions répétées dont ils font l’objet. Pour limiter les effets négatifs de la modération, le collectif travaille activement à mettre en place des tactiques de résistance. Dans un second temps, la thèse s’intéresse aux formes de visibilité que cette médiation technique entre les militants et les plateformes numériques configure. Nous proposons le concept de visibilité technicisée pour rendre compte de la visibilité en ligne des opinions politiques. Ce type de visibilité se fonde sur l’incessant déploiement d’une raison technique. En cela, la visibilité devient une activité spécialisée qui exploite les dimensions techniques et automatisées des technologies numériques, avec leurs normativités propres. Si la visibilité technicisée confère aux utilisateurs du pouvoir pour assurer leur visibilité, la thèse émet certaines réserves quant à la valeur réelle de ce faire-voir. Elle montre que, dans la quête d’efficacité et d’abondance qui la caractérise, ce type de visibilité technicisée généralise un ensemble de comportements nuisibles et de procédures trompeuses pour exprimer une opinion politique. Révélatrices de nouvelles formes de domination et d’asymétrie, nous plaidons qu’elle pourrait à terme contraindre le jeu démocratique. / This thesis focuses on the visibility of extremist groups on the internet. While several studies have focused on describing the different uses of digital technologies by radical groups and the way the internet would operate as a catalyst for radicalization, few studies have sought to analyze the constitutive relationship between the technical apparatus and the militant extremist. The objective of the thesis is to renew the visibility model of groups classified as extremists, taking into account the mutual reconfigurations between digital platforms and the militant groups. At a theoretical level, our study is situated at the intersection of actor-network theory (ANT), software studies and Lucy Suchman’s work (2007) on the dynamic reconfiguration of mutual and permanent relationships between humans and machines. Based on the case study of the Islamic State, this analysis, lasting one and a half years, was anchored in data from an ethnographic research field. The survey consists of non-participant observation of several digital platforms exploited by the jihadist group, online archiving and analysis of online traces, as well as a documentary corpus. Our results contribute to better understanding how groups qualified as extremist develop their visibility on digital platforms, by emphasizing that it is relational, technical and conflictual. First of all, our study demonstrates the evolution to a more complex development of the resources used to obtain visibility. The online visibility of the Islamic state requires a vast network of actors, such as media specialists, activists, cybersecurity specialists and botnets. For this reason, offline and online, decentralized and centralized processes are combined. The analysis of their daily practices shows that the work of Islamic state militants to obtain visibility strive at amplification and abundance of their information flow. Their goal is to inundate social media platforms with their contents, conducting a “media war”. Furthermore, the results obtained suggest that developing visibility is complex due to a series of constraints and enemy forces that thwart the Islamic State project, such as moderation of contents as an example. At the same time, our study shows that the presence of this type of users has resulted in the redesign of the regulation of these technologies, making them more restrictive. Finally, the results reveal that the Islamic state militants are actively working to put in place resistance tactics in order to limit the negative effects of that moderation. In a second step, the thesis focuses on the forms of visibility evolving from this technical mediation between activists and digital platforms. We suggest the concept of technical visibility to highlight the online visibility of political opinions. This type of visibility is based on the deployments of a technical rationality. Therein the creation of visibility becomes a specialized activity using the technical as well as mechanized dimensions of digital technologies, each with their own mode of normativity. If technical visibility gives users the possibility to develop their visibility, the thesis expresses certain reservations as to the real value of this “ faire-voir ”. It shows that this type of technical visibility, due to its characteristic quest for efficiency and abundance of information, generalizes bulk, aggressive, or deceptive activity. This results in new forms of domination and asymmetry. We therefore argue that it could jeopardize democracy.

Optimización de la experiencia de usuario en las plataformas digitalesdel SIS para afiliados de 18 a 29 años / Optimization of the user experience on digital platforms of the SISfor affiliates from 18 to 29 years old

Yactayo Rodriguez, Josselyn Patricia 10 August 2021 (has links)
En el marco de la pandemia el Sistema Integral de Salud (SIS) ha implementado canalesdigitales de atención y consulta para informar acerca del aseguramiento universal de salud.En este sentido, se analiza la experiencia de usuario y usabilidad de las dos plataformasdigitales: consulta en línea y afiliación virtual; debido a que son las principales fuentes deinformación para los afiliados. Tras analizar las plataformas con los usuarios, se identificaron deficiencias de usabilidad dela plataforma “consulta en línea”. Los encuestados califican como mala experiencia de uso, debido a que no satisfacen sus necesidad de información y el diseño web no hace sencilla la búsqueda. Así mismo, no les transmite confianza e impacta en la sensación de satisfacción del servicio de salud final.Es pertinente proponer alternativas de solución desde el diseño gráfico, puesto que debereestructurarse la arquitectura de información y optimizar el diseño de las interfaces paraasegurar una buena experiencia de uso a los afiliados.Luego de evaluar el perfil de usuario y contexto de uso, se desarrolla como solución, el diseño web responsive de la plataforma “Consulta en línea”. Además, se aplica la metodología del Diseño centrado en el usuario (DCU) para identificar las necesidades de información yexpectativas de los usuarios.Finalmente, se realizaron testeos de la propuesta y se identificó que los principales logrosdel proyecto fue reducir el tiempo de búsqueda, simplificar el flujo de interacción y contribuira la percepción de confianza hacia el servicio del SIS. / In the framework of the pandemic, the Sistema Integral de Salud (SIS) has implemented digital channels of attention and consultation to inform about universal health insurance. In this sense, it analyzes the user experience and usability of the two digital platforms: online consultation and virtual affiliation; because they are the main sources of information for affiliates.After analyzing the platforms with the users, usability deficiencies of the “online consultation” platform were identified. Respondents like a bad user experience, because they do not satisfy their need for information and the web design does not make the search easy. Likewise, it does not convey confidence and impacts on the feeling of satisfaction of the final health service.It is pertinent to propose alternative solutions from graphic design, since it must restructurethe information architecture and optimize the design of the interfaces to ensure a good user experience for the affiliates.After evaluating the user profile and context of use, the responsive web design of the “Online Consultation” platform is developed as a solution. In addition, the User Centered Design(UCD) methodology is applied to identify the information needs and expectations of users.Finally, tests of the proposal were carried out and it was identified that the main achievements of the project were to reduce the search time, simplify the flow of interaction and contributeto the perception of trust towards the SIS service. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Výkon závislé práce prostřednictvím digitálních platforem / Performance of dependent work through digital platforms

Hanzal, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
PERFORMANCE OF DEPENDENT WORK THROUGH DIGITAL PLATFORMS ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the issue of work performance through digital platforms, especially regarding whether it is possible to classify such activity as "dependent work", particularly with regard to the laws of the Czech Republic. The thesis responds to the current legal "vacuum" surrounding the performance of work through digital platforms and the legal status of persons who perform such activity (referred to in the thesis as workers). The mentioned legal "vacuum" stems primarily from the absence of sufficient legal regulation in the given area and the "unconventionality" of such a way of performing work. Digital platforms describe their workers as independent entrepreneurs, and this practice is quietly tolerated by the Czech Republic (e. g. administrative authorities). However, there can be more than reasonable doubts about the veracity of such proclamation. Therefore, the thesis firstly analyzes the characteristics and conditions of dependent work according to the laws of the Czech Republic, which are then applied to the reality of the performance of work through digital platforms. Due to the number of their types, as well as the various systems that the platforms implement, three representatives were chosen for the purposes of this thesis,...

Producción y exhibición de la serie web peruana Miitiin en la plataforma de Youtube en el año 2020 / Production and exhibition of the Peruvian web series Miitiin on the YouTube platform in 2020

Espinoza Zevallos, Veruschka Jarein Vanessa 12 November 2020 (has links)
Las series web han tomado gran relevancia durante los últimos años y se han convertido en una de nuestras principales fuentes de entretenimiento. Es por ello que el presente protocolo de investigación buscará identificar las estrategias que se han implementado en la producción y exhibición de las series web. Como metodología se realizarán 18 entrevistas a personas involucradas en el proceso de producción y exhibición del mundo audiovisual. Esto permitirá desarrollar los dos objetivos que tiene esta investigación: analizar la producción de contenidos de la serie dentro de la plataforma digital y analizar la estrategia de exhibición de las series dentro de las plataformas digitales. / Web series have become very important in recent years and have become one of our main sources of entertainment. That is why this research protocol will seek to identify the strategies that have been implemented in the production and exhibition of web series. As a methodology, 18 interviews will be conducted with people involved in the production and exhibition process of the audiovisual world. All of this will allow the development of the two objectives of this investigation: to analyze the content production of the series within the digital platform and to analyze the strategy of showing the series within the digital platforms. / Trabajo de investigación

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