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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LUCIANA BRAFMAN 11 October 2023 (has links)
[pt] Desde o início do século XXI, com o avanço das plataformas digitais, a imprensa tradicional perdeu parte de sua principal fonte de receita, a publicidade, para novos integrantes da cadeia jornalística, sobretudo Google e Facebook. Posicionando-se como distribuidoras do material noticioso, as big techs passaram anos lucrando sem remunerar as empresas de mídia pelo conteúdo produzido. Nesse contexto neoliberal, alicerçado pela utopia da internet como um território livre e democrático, a presente dissertação analisa a cobertura do jornal O Globo a respeito da regulação de direitos autorais na internet, base legal para que as plataformas remunerem os produtores do conteúdo jornalístico. O referencial teórico é a Economia Política da Comunicação e sua abordagem crítica sobre o conhecimento construído no mundo a partir das relações de poder nas esferas econômica, social e política. A metodologia utilizada foi a Análise de Conteúdo, a partir de um corpus de 41 matérias, além de nove editoriais e artigos de opinião, publicados entre 2016 e 2022. Aliado a um olhar qualitativo, o ferramental quantitativo revelou o despertar tardio da empresa para a questão em análise - que afeta a viabilidade do modelo de financiamento jornalístico e, consequentemente, a sobrevivência corporativa de O Globo. / [en] Since the beginning of the 21st century, with the advancement of digital platforms, traditional press has lost a significant portion of its main revenue source, advertising, to new players in the journalistic chain, mainly Google and Facebook. Presenting themselves as news distributors, big tech companies have been profiting for years without compensating media companies for the content created. In this neoliberal context, based on an utopian idea of the internet as a free and democratic territory, this dissertation analyzes O Globo newspaper s coverage regarding the regulation of copyright on the internet, which provides a legal basis for platforms to remunerate journalistic content producers. The theoretical framework is the Political Economy of Communication and its critical approach to the knowledge constructed in the world based on power relations in economic, social, and political spheres. The methodology used was Content Analysis, based on a corpus of 41 articles, in addition to nine editorials and opinion pieces, published between 2016 and 2022. In conjunction with a qualitative approach, the quantitative tools revealed the company s late awakening to the issue under analysis - which affects the viability of the journalistic financing model and, consequently, O Globo s corporate survival.

Alla vägar bär till det digitala Rom : En kvalitativ studie om svensk länspress väg in i det digitala samhället / All roads lead to digital Rome : A study conerning the Swedish provincial press path into the digital space

Hall, Richard, Tellin, Sara January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka svensk länspress väg in i det digitala samhället, vilka medvetna val som görs i samband med förändringen, samt vilka fördelar och nackdelar den digitala utvecklingen medfört. Arbetet vill dessutom få ett tydligt svar på vilken den största utmaningen är med att digitalisera sin verksamhet. Uppsatsen har för avsikt att genom de ekonomiska och teknologiska aspekterna söka svar på dessa frågor, och tar därmed avstånd ifrån alla politiska inblandningar. För att undersöka detta har två länstidningar granskats; Nya Wermlandstidningen och Värmlands Folkblad, och metoden som användes var kvalitativ forskningsintervju, genom så kallade halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Fyra personer på vardera tidning med hög relevans för studiens syfte intervjuades. De teroetiska områden som den här uppsatsen bygger på är teorier kring digitalisering, konvergens, förflyttat fokus och makt inom medievärlden, samt begreppet gratismentalitet som har en återkommande position genom hela arbetet. Ett annat begrepp som tas upp och diskuteras är betalvägg, det vill säga en sorts betallösning för tidningar på internet. Teoriavsnittet sammanfattas genom en egengjord modell, kallad Maktfördelningsmodellen, som ger en indikation på de effekter som digitaliseringen, konvergensen och fokusförflyttningen medfört. Utifrån de kvalitativa intervjuerna framkom tydliga mönster mellan de två tidningarna, där de båda hade närmast identiska strategier för att klara av övergången till det digitala; ett flertal digitala plattformar diskuterades såsom webbtidning, sociala medier och mobila enheter. Den enda skillnaden mellan de granskade tidningarna är att NWT sedan augusti 2013 infört en typ av betalmodell, kallad plus-tjänst, medan VF än så länge inte valt att använda sig av någon betallösning, och i stället håller allt sitt material öppet. Den tydligaste slutsatsen som kunde dras, och som framgick från resultatrapporteringen, är att tidningsbranschens största utmaning just nu, både på regional och rikstäckande nivå, är problematiken kring att kunna ta betalt för sina produkter på internet, vilket också var uppsatsens hypotes. / The function of this essay is to analyze the Swedish provincial press’ transition into the digital world, illuminate the choices made, together with the benefits and disadvantages that the digital transformation brings. This paper also intends to pinpoint the greatest challenge of bringing one’s business into the digital space. To find these answers, this essay will take the economic and technological approach and ignore all political aspects. To examine this, two newspapers have been studied; Nya Wermlandstidningen and Värmlands Folkblad, by using the “qualitative research interview” as leading method, more specifically using semi-structured interviews. In both companies four persons with high relevance were interviewed. The theoretical areas that this essay is based upon are theories involving digitalization, convergence and displaced focus in the media industry, together with the concept of cost-free mentality. Another concept that is discussed is the pay wall, meaning a way of payment for webzines. The theory chapter is summed up by the writer’s self-made model called “The Power Distribution Model”, which indicates the effects of digitalization, convergence and the displaced focus in the media industry. Results of the interviews showed obvious patterns between the two newspapers, showing nearly identical strategies to make their way into the digital world, where several digital platforms where discussed, such as webzines, social medias and mobile platforms. The only difference between the two is that NWT is using a kind of pay wall called “plus”, meanwhile VF still is publishing all their online news for free. The most obvious conclusion, which is also found in the reported result, is that the newspaper industry’s biggest challenge right now, both in local and national papers, is the issue of being able to make a profit of the news in their webzines, which is also the hypothesis of the essay.

Fintechs e inclusão financeira: o caso da implementação de uma plataforma digital de pagamentos em favelas do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo

Oliveira, Danilo Senen Cavallieri de 13 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Danilo Cavallieri-de-Oliveira (danilosenen@gmail.com) on 2018-05-14T20:06:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 180313DissertaçãoDSCOvffsent.pdf: 1907936 bytes, checksum: ed2fa17510013b1a651ad18d4b0119df (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Debora Nunes Ferreira (debora.nunes@fgv.br) on 2018-05-16T19:31:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 180313DissertaçãoDSCOvffsent.pdf: 1907936 bytes, checksum: ed2fa17510013b1a651ad18d4b0119df (MD5) / Rejected by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br), reason: Prezado Danilo, Rejeitamos a sua submissão pois o nome do autor foi alterado na ficha catalográfica, sendo assim é necessário fazer a correção e submeter o arquivo novamente. Por gentileza utilizar a ficha enviada pela biblioteca inserindo nela apenas o número de folhas do seu trabalho. Quaisquer dúvidas entrar em contato com o telefone 11 3799-7732. Estamos à disposição! on 2018-05-17T14:12:33Z (GMT) / Submitted by Danilo Cavallieri-de-Oliveira (danilosenen@gmail.com) on 2018-05-17T19:34:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 180313DissertaçãoDSCOvffsent.pdf: 1890653 bytes, checksum: 76d0e733d4ccf4c138d6c56f736fe490 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Debora Nunes Ferreira (debora.nunes@fgv.br) on 2018-05-22T17:03:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 180313DissertaçãoDSCOvffsent.pdf: 1890653 bytes, checksum: 76d0e733d4ccf4c138d6c56f736fe490 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-05-22T17:23:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 180313DissertaçãoDSCOvffsent.pdf: 1890653 bytes, checksum: 76d0e733d4ccf4c138d6c56f736fe490 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-22T17:23:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 180313DissertaçãoDSCOvffsent.pdf: 1890653 bytes, checksum: 76d0e733d4ccf4c138d6c56f736fe490 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-13 / O presente estudo visa responder à pergunta de pesquisa: 'Como ocorre o processo de implantação de uma plataforma digital de pagamentos, desenvolvida por uma fintech, que visa promover a inclusão financeira?'. Para isso, foi analisado o caso do CUFA Card, plataforma digital de pagamentos implantada na favela Parque União, parte do Complexo da Maré no Rio de Janeiro, e na comunidade de Heliópolis, em São Paulo. Compõem o presente trabalho uma revisão de literatura, que nos permite compreender como as fintechs podem ser uma oportunidade para se promover a inclusão financeira; e um estudo de caso, onde foram realizadas entrevistas com os grupos sociais envolvidos na criação ou implantação dessa plataforma, as quais foram transcritas, codificadas e analisadas utilizando o software Atlas TI©. Como principal contribuição, temos a análise de como ocorre a implantação de uma plataforma digital de pagamentos, que visa promover a inclusão financeira a luz da implantação do CUFA Card, bem como com a descrição de como ocorreu a articulação entre diferentes grupos sociais para viabilização do projeto e explicitação do conteúdo resultante da implantação dessa tecnologia, a qual é derivada da parceria entre a fintech Conta Um e a organização FHolding/CUFA. Para isso utilizou-se do multilevel framework de Pozzebon, Diniz e Jayo (2009), uma teoria nativa do campo de sistemas da informação, que possibilitou um melhor entendimento sobre o caso estudado, ao analisar, concomitantemente, aspectos tecnológicos e sociais da implantação dessa da plataforma em um dado contexto onde essa está sendo inserida. O estudo contribui também com a geração de insights para pesquisas futuras e para a prática, ao estudar a relação entre fintechs e inclusão financeira, um tema ainda incipiente na literatura, e ao analisar o processo de implantação da plataforma de pagamento, destacando questões cruciais desse processo. / The present study aims to answer the research question: 'How does the process of implementing a digital payments platform, developed by a fintech, that aims to pro-mote financial inclusion occurs?'. For that, was analyzed the case of CUFA Card, a digital payment platform implemented in the Parque União favela, part of the Com-plexo da Maré in Rio de Janeiro, and in the community of Heliópolis, in São Paulo. The present work compiles a literature review, which allows us to understand how fintechs can be an opportunity to promote financial inclusion; and a case study where interviews were conducted with the social groups involved in the creation or imple-mentation of this platform, that were transcribed, coded and analyzed using Atlas TI © software. As a main contribution, we have the analysis on how this process occurs in the light of the CUFA Card implementation, as well as describing how the articulation between different social groups occurred to project feasibility and explicit content resulting from the implementation of this technology, which is derived from the partnership between the fintech Conta Um and the FHolding /CUFA organization. The work also brings as contributions the articulation of the multilevel framework, by Pozzebon, Diniz and Jayo (2009) and which is native to the information systems field, that made possible a better understanding of the case studied, while simultaneously analyzing technological and social aspects of the implementation of this platform in a given context where it is being inserted. It also contributes to the generation of in-sights for future research and practice, studying the relationship between fintechs and financial inclusion, a still incipient topic in the literature, and analysing the implementation process of a payment platform, highlighting what is the crucial issues in this process.

El Periodismo musical en los medios digitales peruanos: análisis descriptivo de las plataformas Garaje del Rock, Tercer Parlante y Conciertos Perú / Music journalism in Peruvian digital media: descriptive analysis of the Platforms Garaje del Rock, Tercer Parlante and Conciertos Peru

Maraza Saravia, María Isabel 09 December 2020 (has links)
El periodismo especializado en música en el Perú, no es una rama que haya sido desarrollada con mucha frecuencia. Si bien sí han existido diferentes medios impresos que se han atrevido a publicar este tipo de información hace años, en la actualidad son casi escasos. Frente a ello, surgen diferentes plataformas en el mundo virtual, dispuestas a producir contenido periodístico musical. A raíz de ello, se decidió abordar este ámbito del periodismo digital especializado, tomando como casos a las plataformas peruanas Tercer Parlante, Conciertos Perú y Garaje del Rock. Este trabajo tiene como tema principal, realizar un análisis descriptivo de los tipos de relatos. Ya sean notas informativas, crónicas, reseñas y entrevistas, de las tres plataformas ya mencionadas. Asimismo, se busca descubrir si la información brindada por estas plataformas, es periodística. Para esto, se utilizó una metodología descriptiva e interpretativa y se hizo una observación a las publicaciones de los años 2017 hasta 2020, de las tres plataformas. Asimismo, se utilizaron las fichas como instrumento de investigación. Estas dos fichas se sub- dividieron en dos categorías. En la primera categoría, se describió la estructura de la página, se identificaron las secciones y la frecuencia con la que publican. Mientras que en la segunda categoría, se describieron los titulares, la agenda, el manejo de fuentes, los tipos de relatos, el manejo de lenguaje especializado y el uso de recursos digitales. Una vez terminada la investigación, se llegó a la conclusión de que estas plataformas sí brindan material periodístico especializado. / Music journalism in Peru is not a branch that has been developed very often. Although there have been different print media that have dared to publish this type of information years ago, nowadays they are almost scarce. Faced with this, different platforms emerge in the virtual world, willing to produce musical journalistic content. As a result, it was decided to address this area of specialized digital journalism, taking as cases the Peruvian platforms Tercer Parlante, Conciertos Perú and Garaje del Rock. This investigation's main theme is to carry out a descriptive analysis of the types of stories. Whether they are informative notes, chronicles, reviews and interviews, of the three platforms already mentioned. Likewise, it seeks to discover if the information provided by these platforms is journalistic. For this, a descriptive and interpretive methodology was used and an observation was made of the publications from the years 2017 to 2020, from the three platforms. Likewise, the files were used as a research instrument. These two files were subdivided into two categories. In the first category, the structure of the page was described, the sections and the frequency with which they publish were identified. While in the second category, the headlines, the agenda, the handling of sources, the types of stories, the handling of specialized language and the use of digital resources were described. Once the investigation was completed, it was concluded that these platforms do provide specialized journalistic material. / Trabajo de investigación

Las plataformas digitales tras el Covid-19: Las nuevas tendencias y hábitos de consumo del entretenimiento / Digital platforms after Covid-19: New trends and entertainment consumption habits

Aguilar Del Castillo, Ariana 12 July 2021 (has links)
La investigación se centra en el incremento del consumo en las plataformas digitales de entretenimiento durante el confinamiento de Covid-19. Este proyecto surge debido a la escasez de estudios peruanos referidos al tema. El objetivo principal es analizar la influencia de las nuevas audiencias en el consumo de estas plataformas, las que propician a la evolución de la industria audiovisual durante el contexto de Covid-19. El método de investigación se desarrolló mediante entrevistas semi estructuradas a especialistas digitales y a las audiencias digitales consumidoras de estas plataformas. Desde la perspectiva de la investigación, se afirma el aumento en el consumo de estas plataformas de entretenimiento, así como una audiencia más exigente y dependiente. Así mismo, la investigación prevé como tendencias un cambio en los modelos de negocios de las industrias digitales debido a los nuevos hábitos de consumo. Esto también delimitó el aumento de las plataformas ilegales dentro de las audiencias. No obstante, el artículo reafirma que las industrias de contenido peruano no son partícipes de esto debido a factores sociales y coyunturales. Finalmente, la investigación concluye en la influencia de las audiencias digitales en la transformación de la industria audiovisual. Esta se refuerza por la nueva normalidad tanto en ámbitos laborales como en aspectos de entretenimiento, impulsando a la conectividad digital de entretenimiento en todo momento. / The research focuses on the increase in consumption on digital entertainment platforms during the confinement of Covid-19. This project arises due to the scarcity of Peruvian studies on the subject. The main objective is to analyze the influence of new audiences on the consumption of these platforms, which are conducive to the evolution of the audiovisual industry during the context of Covid-19. The research method was developed through semi-structured interviews with digital specialists and the consumer digital audiences of these platforms. From the research perspective, the increase in the consumption of these entertainment platforms is affirmed, as well as a more demanding and dependent audience. Likewise, the research analyzes as trends a change in the business models of digital industries due to new consumer habits. This also delimited the rise of illegal platforms within audiences. However, the article reaffirms that Peruvian content industries are not participants in this due to social and conjunctural factors. Finally, the research concludes on the influence of digital audiences in the transformation of the audiovisual industry. This is reinforced by the new normal both in work environments and in entertainment aspects, always promoting digital entertainment connectivity. / Tesis

Análisis comparativo del uso de elementos narrativos en los podcast moloko y sin paltas podcast / Comparative analysis of the use of narrative elements in moloko and sin paltas podcast

Cosignani Lema, Raffaella María 21 June 2021 (has links)
La siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el uso de los elementos narrativos a través de los programas de los famosos podcasts peruanos Moloko y Sin Paltas, y las estrategias discursivas que lleva a los podcat al éxito en las plataformas digitales y streaming, las cuales han sido un escenario fundamental para su desarrollo. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se van a presentar e identificar qué estrategias narrativas son las más utilizadas en los podcasts, comparando estrategias de comunicación y elementos narrativos en los podcasts elegidos. Luego se identificarán las diferencias que existen en el discurso narrativo de Moloko podcast y Sin Paltas podcast, para así explicar la interacción y la relación con sus seguidores y oyentes. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se utilizará el método cualitativo, aplicando un paradigma de investigación de carácter interpretativo y naturalista, en base a la recolección y análisis de datos obtenidos a través de la audición de los podcasts emitidos en situaciones y fechas trascendentes. Los resultados de esta investigación indican que los podcasts son una nueva forma de comunicación cómo desarrollo de la era digital. Los podcasts se han convertido en una herramienta versátil, libre de parámetros estipulados, donde sus elementos y el discurso narrativo, dejan de lado a las grandes cadenas de comunicación, para apostar por los medios de comunicación independientes. / The following research aims to analyze the use of narrative elements through the programs of the famous Peruvian podcasts Moloko and Sin Paltas, and the discursive strategies that lead the podcasts to success in digital and streaming platforms, which have been a fundamental scenario for their development. To carry out this research, we will present and identify which narrative strategies are the most used in podcasts, comparing communication strategies and narrative elements in the chosen podcasts. Then, the differences that exist in the narrative discourse of Moloko podcast and Sin Paltas podcast will be identified, in order to explain the interaction and relationship with their followers and listeners. For the development of this research, the qualitative method will be used, applying an interpretative and naturalistic research paradigm, based on the collection and analysis of data obtained through the listening of podcasts broadcasted in transcendent situations and dates. The results of this research indicate that podcasts are a new form of communication as a development of the digital era. Podcasts have become a versatile tool, free of stipulated parameters, where its elements and narrative discourse, leave aside the big communication chains, to bet on independent media. / Trabajo de investigación

Plataforma web y aplicativo móvil activarte 360

Chambi Flores, José Aurelio, Marroquin Neyra, Karla Giovanna, Torpoco Pérez, Juan Carlos, Paredes Torres, Alicia Noemi, Valle Zavala, Suzanne Esther 01 December 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad nos encontramos atravesando por una pandemia tras el surgimiento del COVID-19, que ha ocasionado, en gran parte, que los estilos de vida de los consumidores se modifiquen y adapten a la nueva realidad temporal. Uno de los cambios de mayor relevancia es el trabajo y estudio de manera remota desde los hogares, razón por la cual el tiempo de conexión es mayor y uno de los sectores más favorecidos ha sido el del e-learning. Ante este panorama, nace la idea de la creación e implementación de una plataforma digital, tanto web como aplicativo móvil, que integre cursos y talleres con el objetivo de brindar bienestar, aprendizaje y entretenimiento a las familias, en el horario que tengan disponible. ActivArte360 busca satisfacer necesidades no cubiertas de los niveles socioeconómicos B y C en cuanto a servicios virtuales, brindándoles variedad de opciones dentro de una misma plataforma, de manera que se ahorre el tiempo de búsqueda y la inversión para poder suscribirse a alguno. Para validar este modelo de negocio se realizaron diversos experimentos mediante los MVPs diseñados, consiguiendo así el nivel de aceptación que tendrá la propuesta una vez puesta en marcha. Las validaciones fueron el soporte para la elaboración de planes y estrategias en la organización para lograr los objetivos deseados en cuanto a rentabilidad y escalabilidad. Finalmente, se busca una adaptación constante frente a las diferentes tendencias y exigencias del consumidor en un entorno cambiante. / We are currently going through a pandemic after the emergence of COVID-19, which has caused, to a large extent, the lifestyles of consumers to modify and adapt to the new temporary reality. One of the most relevant changes is working and studying remotely from home, which is why connection time is longer and one of the most favored sectors has been e-learning. Against this background, the idea was born of the creation and implementation of a digital platform, both web and mobile application, that integrates courses and workshops with the aim of providing well-being, learning and entertainment to families, at the time available. ActivArte360 seeks to satisfy unmet needs of socioeconomic levels B and C in terms of virtual services, offering them a variety of options within the same platform, in such a way as to save search time and investment to be able to subscribe to one. To validate this business model, various experiments were carried out using the designed MVPs, thus achieving the level of acceptance that the proposal will have once it is launched. The validations were the support for the development of plans and strategies in the organization to achieve the desired objectives in terms of profitability and scalability. Finally, a constant adaptation is sought in the face of different trends and consumer demands in a changing environment. / Trabajo de investigación

Las plataformas digitales de alquiler temporal de inmuebles y su impacto en el Impuesto a la Renta de personas naturales en el distrito de Breña, año 2020 / Digital platforms for temporary rental of real estate and their impact on the Income Tax of natural persons in the district of Breña, year 2020

Vásquez Vallejos, Elisa Isabel, Chicona Baldeón, Cinthya Carol 30 November 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar el impacto de las plataformas digitales de alquiler temporal de inmuebles en el Impuesto a la Renta de personas naturales en el distrito de Breña año 2020. Las plataformas digitales son un nuevo modelo de negocio, donde se puede presumir una alta omisión en el pago oportuno del Impuesto a la Renta de personas naturales. El presente trabajo de investigación comprende cinco capítulos, los cuales son: Capitulo I, Marco Teórico, se presenta antecedentes, análisis del sector de alquiler de inmuebles el mismo que comprende, características, evolución, así mismo se desarrolla las definiciones de plataforma digital, alquiler, contrato, Impuesto y Renta; Capitulo II, Plan de Investigación se aborda la descripción y formulación de la problemática, así como la justificación, objetivos, limitaciones e hipótesis; Capitulo III, Metodología de la Investigación, comprende objetivo, alcance, diseño y tipos de investigación, así mismo la determinación de población y muestra; Capitulo IV, Desarrollo de la Investigación comprende los instrumentos de investigación como son las entrevistas y encuestas, así como también la descripción de un caso práctico; Capítulo V, en donde se desarrolla un análisis de resultados, analizamos las entrevistas y encuestas, desarrollamos el caso práctico, así como la medición de la fiabilidad del Alfa de Cronbach y validación de las hipótesis mediante la prueba de Chi Cuadrado, con la finalidad de emitir las conclusiones y recomendaciones respectivas. / The main objective of this research work is to determine the impact of digital platforms for temporary rental of real estate on the Income Tax of natural persons in the district of Breña in 2020. Digital platforms are a new business model, where can presume a high omission in the timely payment of the Income Tax of natural persons. The present research work comprises five chapters, which are: Chapter I, Theoretical Framework, it presents antecedents, analysis of the real estate rental sector, which includes, characteristics, evolution, as well as the definitions of digital platform, rental, contract, Tax and Income; Chapter II, Research Plan addresses the description and formulation of the problem, as well as the justification, objectives, limitations and hypotheses; Chapter III, Research Methodology, includes objective, scope, design and types of research, as well as the determination of population and sample; Chapter IV, Research Development includes research instruments such as interviews and surveys, as well as the description of a practical case; Chapter V, where an analysis of results is developed, we analyze the interviews and surveys, we develop the practical case, as well as the measurement of the reliability of Cronbach's Alpha and validation of the hypotheses using the Chi-square test, in order to issue the respective conclusions and recommendations. / Tesis

Upplevelsen av digitala kommunikations- och samarbetsplattformar : En kvalitativ studie mot ett mjukvaruföretag / The experience of digital communication and collaboration platforms : A qualitative study on a software company

Niklasson, Alexander, Richeberg, Christoffer January 2023 (has links)
Som en effekt av COVID-19 pandemin har preferenserna kring arbetssättet förändrats. Det finns ett ökat behov hos medarbetare att arbeta flexibelt och för att bemöta detta har organisationer infört hybridarbete inom verksamheten. För att hybridarbete ska fungera är digitala plattformar väsentliga då de kan användas för kommunikation och erbjuda funktioner för att upprätthålla engagemang och välmående. Medarbetare som använder digitala plattformar kan interagera med dem på olika vis då de kan ha skilda mål att uppnå. Detta kan i sin tur leda till att anställda uppfattar olika möjligheter med samma tekniska objekt. Syftet med denna studie är att få en ökad förståelse kring digitala plattformar och dess roll vid ett hybridarbetssätt, samt hur verktygen påverkar arbetssättet hos medarbetare från olika avdelningar. För att besvara syftet har följande frågeställningar tagits fram: 1. Vilka möjligheter och begränsningar upplever medarbetare med digitala plattformar i förhållande till deras hybridarbetssätt? 2. Vilka likheter eller skillnader finns mellan avdelningar i relation till upplevda möjligheter och begränsningar? För att försöka besvara frågeställningarna genomfördes en litteraturgenomgång och en kvalitativ ansats applicerades med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes med fyra respondenter från olika avdelningar inom ett mjukvarubolag, som visades använda Microsoft Teams som digital plattform. Studien tillämpade affordance theory för att belysa möjligheter och begränsningar som medarbetare från olika avdelningar uppfattar med Microsoft Teams. Studien resulterade i att tre möjligheter och fem begränsningar kunde identifieras med Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams erbjuder möjligheter i form av interaktiva möten, delning och mottagning av information och kunskap samt att visa tillgänglighet. Begränsningarna som identifierades baseras på prestanda, att hitta information, brist på funktionalitet, uppkoppling och inlärningskurva. Studien kunde även identifiera likheter och skillnader mellan medarbetarna, däremot kan de baseras på andra faktorer än att personerna arbetar inom olika avdelningar. / As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, preferences regarding work methods have changed. There is an increased demand among employees to work flexibly, and to address this, organizations have implemented a hybrid work approach within their enterprise. For hybrid work to be beneficial, digital platforms are essential as they can be used for communication and provide features to maintain engagement and wellbeing. Employees who use digital platforms can interact with them in different ways as they may have different goals to achieve. This, in turn, can lead to employees perceiving different possibilities with the same technological object. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of digital platforms and their role in a hybrid work environment, as well as how these tools impact the work methods of employees from different departments. To answer the purpose, the following research questions have been formulated: 1. What opportunities and limitations do employees experience with digital platforms in relation to their hybrid work approach? 2. What similarities or differences exist between departments regarding perceived opportunities and limitations? To address these research questions, a literature review was performed, and a qualitative approach was applied using semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted with four respondents from different departments within a software company, and it was established that the company uses Microsoft Teams as a digital platform. The study applied the affordance theory to display the opportunities and limitations perceived by employees from different departments, when using Microsoft Teams. The study resulted in the identification of three opportunities and five limitations with Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams offers opportunities in the form of interactive meetings, sharing and receiving information and knowledge, as well as displaying availability. The identified limitations were based on performance, finding information, lack of functionality, connectivity, and learning curve. The study also identified similarities and differences among the employees, however these may be based on other aspects than the fact that the individuals are working in different departments.

Two-Sided Digital Platforms as Enablers for Circular Economy Business Models

Ahmed, Aamer January 2022 (has links)
The circular economy has become one of the most crucial business plans for organizations. There is rapid progress in using digital technologies, especially two-sided digital platforms as enablers for various businesses and start-ups to grow rapidly. However, these digital platforms are facing significant obstacles and barriers in advertising their products, growing sales, and improving profitability. There is not enough scientific research and scholarly work that has been undertaken or focused on the strategies to promote the circular economy from the aspect of information systems. The purpose of this research aims to explore the major possible contributing techniques that can be implemented to enhance the utilization of digital platforms as enablers for the circular economy. In this study, qualitative exploratory research has been considered as an adequate and suitable scheme for generating a contextual understanding of the phenomenon. 11 semi-structured interviews were conducted. The interviews were among individuals and within several organizations that are associated with the circular economy. According to the data collected from the survey, the most visible elements that affected the decision of the participants while using the digital platform are price, quality, sustainability, and location. Based on the findings, this study makes critical recommendations to tackle the problems that hinder the development of the circular economy among individuals, companies, and organizations. The recommended themes for circular economy strategies are to increase customer satisfaction, focus on opportunities, improve trustworthiness (online reviews), set up reliable return policies, and increase stakeholder engagement

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