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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predictive Maintenance for Asset Management of Infrastructure Systems: A Case Study of Complex Road Tunnels / Prediktivt underhåll för tillgångsförvaltning av infrastruktursystem: en fallstudie av komplexa vägtunnlar

Borg, Gustav, Hjelm, Andreas January 2024 (has links)
Background – Infrastructure connects a society through both physical and social structures. For a long time, there has been underinvestment in physical infrastructure, resulting in a significant infrastructure debt. Managing this debt and challenges of aging infrastructure with limited resources, requires well-defined management strategies. Asset management, which involves realizing value from assets through coordinated actions, can help minimize risks and manage costs. Although digital technologies have the potential to improve infrastructure management, they are not yet fully utilized. There is a lack of understanding of which information can be digitized and which tools are useful. Purpose – The study's purpose was to investigate the benefits of a transition to digital and predictive asset management and maintenance methods for complex road tunnels. And also, what it means for a management organization. Method – Asset management and maintenance strategies were analyzed within a management organization for complex road tunnels, conducted as a case study. Twelve respondents were interviewed to answer the study's purpose, supplemented by a document analysis. The case for the study consisted of complex road tunnels such as Norra Länken, Södra Länken, and Förbifart Stockholm. To analyze the results, an analysis model based on ITO (Individual, Technology, and Organization) was used as it was considered suitable for the case and the organization on which the study was conducted. Results/Conclusions – The management organization currently follows a traditional model for asset management with strategic, tactical, and operational levels. Today's methods and maintenance strategies are both time-consuming and labor-intensive but also give rise to human errors and hinder efficient resource allocation. By using digital maintenance methods and predictive maintenance, opportunities are offered to streamline the maintenance process for complex road tunnels. However, this requires extensive change within an organization, both in terms of technical systems and culture. It turns out that several inhibiting factors complicate this type of change; such as budget restrictions, long contracts, and resistance to change. To overcome these barriers, it is important to work in small steps and conduct test and pilot projects while the organization should find a balance between creating a sense of urgency and giving themselves time to learn and adapt to the change. / Bakgrund – Infrastrukturen knyter samman ett samhälle genom både fysiska och sociala strukturer. Under en lång tid har det underinvesterats i den fysiska infrastrukturen vilket resulterat i en betydande infrastrukturskuld. För att hantera denna skuld och utmaningar med en åldrande infrastruktur med begränsade resurser, krävs väldefinierade förvaltningsstrategier. Tillgångsförvaltning, som innebär att realisera värde från tillgångar genom koordinerade åtgärder, kan bidra till att minimera risker och hantera kostnader. Även om digitala tekniker har potential att förbättra förvaltningen av infrastruktur, används de ännu inte fullt ut. Det finns en bristande förståelse för vilken information som kan digitaliseras och vilka verktyg som är användbara. Syfte – Studiens syfte var därav att undersöka vad en övergång till digitala så väl som prediktiva tillgångsförvaltnings- och underhållsmetoder för komplexa vägtunnlar har för fördelar. Samt även vad det innebär för en förvaltningsorganisation. Metod – Tillgångsförvaltnings- och underhållsstrategierna analyserades hos en förvaltningsorganisation för komplexa vägtunnlar och detta utfördes som en fallstudie. Tolv respondenter intervjuades för att kunna besvara studiens syfte och dessa intervjuer kompletterades med dokumentanalyser. Fallet för studien utgjordes av verkliga komplexa vägtunnlar såsom Norra Länken, Södra Länken och Förbifart Stockholm. För att analysera resultatet användes en analysmodell baserad på ITO (Individ, Teknologi och Organisation) då denna modell ansågs passande för fallet och organisationen som studien utfördes på. Resultat/Slutsatser – Förvaltningsorganisationen följer idag en traditionell modell för tillgångsförvaltning med strategiska, taktiska och operativa nivåer. Dagens metoder och underhållsstrategier är både tidskrävande och arbetsintensiva, men ger även upphov till mänskliga misstag och hindrar en effektiv resursallokering. Genom användandet av digitala underhållsmetoder och prediktivt underhåll erbjuds möjligheter för att effektivisera underhållsprocessen för komplexa vägtunnlar. Dock kräver detta en omfattande förändring inom en organisation, både sett till tekniska system och kultur. Studien visar på att flertalet hindrande faktorer försvårar för denna typ av förändring; såsom budgetrestriktioner, långa kontrakt och motstånd mot förändring. För att övervinna dessa hinder är det viktigt att jobba i små steg och utföra test- och pilotprojekt samtidigt som organisationen bör hitta en balans mellan att skapa en känsla av brådska men också ge sig själva tiden för att lära sig och anpassa sig till förändringen.

Industry 4.0 : Cyber-Physical Systems and their impact on Business Models. / Industri 4.0 : Cyber-Physical Systems och deras påverkan på Affärsmodeller.

Åkeson, Linus January 2016 (has links)
Industry 4.0 is one of the fastest growing topics amongst both practitioners and academics. To this day, no definition of Industry 4.0 has reached consensus. However, some definitions can be considered more correct than others and the most accurate one is summarized as “Industry 4.0 is a concept for creating value throughout the whole value-chain”. This has been made possible through digital solutions, advanced technologies, which often are associated with Industry 4.0. This thesis started off finding the key aspects of Industry 4.0 and through a literature review it was concluded to be Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) which will bring new innovative Business Models. The fundamental aspect of Industry 4.0 is data, data which has become available through the usage of CPS, data which will transform how business are conducted. This thesis aims to develop a better understanding for how CPS affects the Business Model. The thesis started with a literature review, investigating the value of information in a digitalized era. It was established that the value is found in the capability to monitor, remote control, optimize, and automate products and machines. Furthermore, it was also established through the literature review that manufacturing industries are becoming more services-focused and that value-creation is done through networking. Moreover, the Business Model Canvas was embraced as theoretical framework for what a business model should consist of. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with experts on the subject of Industry 4.0 and digitalization. The data was then compared to the theoretical framework. The results showed that CPS will not affect business models in any direct way as it is very well founded that the business model always should be based on the customer segment. However, CPS did have an indirect impact on business models i.e. through expected changes in customer relationships and distribution channels, but foremost, through changes regarding specialization and partnerships.

Leadership in the digital age : A study on the effects of digitalisation on top management leadership

Khan, Shahyan January 2016 (has links)
Digitalisation and the phenomenon of digital transformation is rapidly and fundamentally changing existing businesses and organisations alike (Collin, 2015). Although considered a prime challenge for leaders of complex and changing organisations, research in the combined field of digitalisation and leadership however still remain scarce. As executives are tasked with the leading of digital transformation, this study aims to understand how digitalisation effects top management leadership. To achieve this, the study takes a two-folded approach by (1) outlining six characteristics of digitalisation and (2) analysing how these characteristics effect three contemporary forms of leadership: values-based, transformative and authentic leadership. Through a broad literature survey and 13 in-depth interviews with executives and organisational leaders, the study found that the six identified characteristics of digitalisation all effected the three forms of contemporary leadership. The different characteristics did not only change how the leaders practiced each of their leadership styles, but also how their leadership manifested itself through the use of various digital tools, methods and processes in order to enhance and empower their leadership. Even the sub-features of each leadership form were subject to this fundamental digital change. What was also found were three complementary perspectives when leading complex and changing organisations: the perspective of holism, virtuality and networked-based hubs. Each of these perspectives were premiered aspects to be considered as a contemporary leader.

Digitaliserad undervisning med fokus på engelska i årskurs 7-9 : Några lärares upplevelser kring implementeringen av ett digitaliserat läromedel.

Diamant, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka vilka attityder fyra engelsklärare samt en lärare i samhällsorienterande ämnen i årskurs 7-9 har till digitalisering i skolan i allmänhet och ett specifikt digitalt läromedel i synnerhet i samma kommun. Arbetet syftar även till att översiktligt redogöra för de olika roller som krävs för förändring. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem lärare i samma kommun, samt med försteläraren i it har genomförts för att undersöka fördelar och nackdelar som kan finnas med ett digitalt läromedel med fokus på engelska. Forskningen som presenteras samt resultaten antyder att en förändring, som digitalisering i undervisningen innebär, kräver engagerade och positiva lärare som ser fördelar med förändringen tydligt. För att lärarna ska bli positivt inställda krävs en engagerad och positiv skolledning. I den aktuella kommunen ser inte lärarna vinsten med förändringen tydligt vilket kan vara en av orsakerna till att förändringsarbetet går tungt. I slutet av arbetet ges några förslag på hur en skolledning skulle kunna arbeta för att underlätta införandet av ett digitalt läromedel.

Hur statliga myndigheter kan höja sin digitala mognad : Dimensioner som påverkar den digitala mognaden

Silva, Linnea, Säre, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to create understanding for which dimensions that influence public agencies’ digital maturity, and how these agencies can work with these dimensions in order to improve the level of digital maturity. This contributes with increased understanding and insight for how the digital maturity can be assessed and improved. Method – The study is of explorative character, with mainly an inductive approach. Qualitative multiple case studies have been conducted in order to fulfil the purpose of the study. Primary data have been collected through 21 semi-structured interviews. Seven of these interviews were held with digital consultants, and the remaining 14 interviews were conducted with respondents from eleven different Swedish public agencies. Results – The study contributes with seven different key-dimensions, with belonging sub-dimensions. The seven dimensions are; vision & strategy, senior management, leadership, culture, capabilities & competence, digital technologies and provisions. These dimensions are presented and explained together with recommendations for how the public agencies can work with these, in order to improve their digital maturity. Theoretical implications – The study has started to fill a gap within the literature of digital maturity connected to the public sector. The study also contributes with an empirical anchored framework that describes the dimensions that affect the public agencies digital maturity and how these dimensions can improve the level of digital maturity. Practical implications – The practical contribution is a framework that can be used as a foundation by leaders and managers in public agencies to assess and increase the level digital maturity. The framework highlights seven key-dimensions, with sub-dimensions, that public agencies need to work with in order to successfully become more digital mature. / Syfte – Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för vilka dimensioner som påverkar statliga myndigheters digitala mognad, samt hur myndigheter kan arbeta med dessa dimensioner för att ökaden digitala mognadsgraden. Detta bidrar med ökad förståelse och insikt för hur den digitala mognaden kan utvärderas samt förbättras. Metod – Studien är av explorativ karaktär, med huvudsakligen en induktivansats. Kvalitativa flerfallsstudier har genomförts för att uppnå studiens syfte. Primärdata samlades in genom 21 semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Av dessa 21 intervjuer genomfördes sju med representanter från ett IT-konsultföretag och14 intervjuer med representanter från elva svenska statliga myndigheter. Resultat – Studien har resulterat i sju olika nyckeldimensioner, med tillhörande under dimensioner till varje nyckeldimension. De sju dimensionerna är vision & strategi, ledningsgrupp, ledare & chefer, kultur, förmågor & kompetenser, digital teknik samt författningar. Dessa presenteras och förklaras tillsammans med rekommendationer för hur myndigheter kan öka sin digitala mognad. Teoretiska implikationer – Studien har påbörjat arbetet med att fylla ett gap i den vetenskapliga forskningen kring digital mognad i offentlig sektor. Dessutom bidrar studien med ett empiriskt förankrat ramverk som beskriver vilka dimensioner som påverkar statliga myndigheters digitala mognad samt hur dessa dimensioner kan öka den digitala mognadsgraden. Praktiska implikationer – Det praktiska bidraget är ett ramverk som kan användas som bas och utgångspunkt av ledande chefer i främst statliga myndigheter för att utvärdera samt öka den digitala mognadsgraden. Ramverket består av sju nyckeldimensioner, med tillhörande underdimensioner, som statliga myndigheter behöver utveckla för att framgångsrikt bli mer digitalt mogna.

Digital Transformation of Small Tech Reselling Firms : A Multiple Case Study in Portugal

Capinha, João, Torehov, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
In today’s global society, organizations are facing the challenge of ever-increasing customer demands as a consequence of benefits posed by digital technology. Not only has it led to a market of fierce competition and the inevitable pursuit for competitive advantages, but it also has required actors to explore and exploit the agile development of digitization. Organizational initiatives to harvest the benefits of digital technology and address the challenges have been referred to as “Digital Transformation”. The concept is running rampant through all industries and sectors, and no firm is any longer immune to its impacts. In the context of small and medium-sized enterprises, they are commonly referred to as being in a predicament of inadequate resources and limited capabilities to digitally transform. This study aims to shed light on how leaders of small enterprises, with their current conditions of digital transformation, can address key challenges through the use of digital transformation strategies. More specifically, a multiple case study was conducted based on the small tech reselling market of Portugal. Both leaders and employees were interviewed and asked about their current challenges, what efforts are made to digitally transform the companies, and how the leadership contribute to that end. From this, the paper suggests ways of managing these challenges and at the same time incubate digital transformation through assessment and measurement models.

Digitalization in the food industry : An exploratory study on how the digitalizationa affects the food industry in Sweden

Bodeklint, Kim, Unosson, William January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Background – The existing literature on digitalization in the food industry is limited. Meanwhile, the literature suggests that digitalization is an issue that is unavoidable at some point in all industries and that companies must adapt in order to maintain their competitive position. In the food industry, large investments into digital projects are currently focusing on e-commerce, even though it merely stands for 2% of the sales. It could, therefore, be seen as digitalization is only about to start affecting the food industry and thus, exploring how it has affected and what it might mean for the actors in the industry is interesting.   Purpose – The purpose of this thesis is to explore how digitalization affects the food industry in Sweden. The purpose is fulfilled through the answering of two research questions; How is digitalization viewed upon in the food industry in Sweden? And How does the digitalization affect the food industry in Sweden? Through the fulfilment of the purpose, this thesis helps to fill a gap in the existing literature about the subject.   Method – The study is a qualitative study of digitalization in the food industry and includes insights from 13 individuals working in the food industry in Sweden. As the subject does not have any existing theories and there is limited literature on the subject, the study uses an inductive approach where the data is analysed through a thematic analysis in order to be able to derive a conclusion about the subject.   Findings – When concluding this study, it was found that the food industry is lagging behind other industries in terms of digitalization, which in the food industry is closely connected to e-commerce for many. There are several enormous challenges that the industry is facing, and one of the most significant challenges and also a resistance to digitalization in the food industry is profitability. This means that the industry actors have a hard time maintaining profitability when implementing digital solutions, mainly e-commerce solutions. Opportunities are present to solve the challenges of mainly; deliveries and thus finding a solution to the profitability issue.

Data-driven business process improvement : An illustrative case study about the impacts and success factors of business process mining

Decker, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
The current business environment is rapidly and fundamentally changing. The main driver are digital technologies. Companies face the pressure to exploit those technologies to improve their business processes in order to achieve competitive advantage. In the light of increased complexity of business processes and the existence of corporate Big Data stored in information systems, the discipline of process mining has emerged. Investigate how process mining can support the optimization of business processes. In this qualitative study, an illustrative case study research is utilized involving eight research participants. Hereby, data is primarily collected from semi-structured interviews. The data is analyzed using content analysis. In addition, the illustrative case serves the purpose to demonstrate the application of process mining. The research revealed that process mining has important impacts on current business process improvement. Not all of them were explicitly positive. The derived success factors should support vendors, current and potential users to apply process mining safe and successfully.

Enabling Digital Transformation - a Dynamic Capabilities Approach

Josefsson, Cecilia, Berg, Emma January 2019 (has links)
This report is built on a theoretical literature study within the areas of digital transformation and dynamic capabilities. An empirical study has been made on the provider of the mission of this study, Propia, and a case study has been made on the case company Tekniska verken, in order to verify the theoretical findings and results. The study was performed by two master students of Industrial Engineering and Management at Linköping university during the period from January to May 2019. The study was performed as a master thesis within the master's orientation Strategy and Management Control, and aims to explore how organizations can develop a dynamic digital capability, which is seen as the key to success when it comes to managing digital transformation in a successful way. The study was performed iteratively, by first examining the area of digital transformation, defined as the transformation of business and strategy through digital technology and organizational changes. Three areas where organizational changes are needed were identified, namely the areas of Leadership & Vision, Culture & People and Corporate Processes & Structures. Further, three factors within each area were defined as critical in order to succeed with digital transformation. These nine critical factors laid the foundation for the second part of the study, where the area of dynamic capabilities was studied and applied onto the findings on how to manage dynamic transformation in a successful way. Dynamic capabilities can shortly be described as routines for change and can be further disaggregated into three capacities: Sense – the ability to know what opportunities exist and can be matched with the internal prerequisites; Seize – the ability to capture the right opportunities and successfully integrate them into the business; Reconfigure – the ability to, when needed, perform changes of structures and resources. Within these three capacities, microfoundations to build the previously mentioned critical factors in a dynamic way were identified. The result of the study was a generalizable framework, consisting of these nine critical factors and 31 microfoundations required to build the factors in a dynamic way. By developing the dynamic capability microfoundations and, thereby, continuously work with all factors, the development of a dynamic digital capability in the organization will be facilitated. The framework can thereby be used as a checklist of what is already in place in the organization, and what is lacking and must thereby be obtained. Worth noticing is that factors and microfoundations as well as dynamic digital capability in itself is perishable, hence “checking the box” of a factor or microfoundation once does not mean it is obtained forever, but it requires continuous work and development of all parts of the framework. Dependencies and interrelationships between the factors have been identified, as well as the effect of other organizational aspects such as size, industry and how far the organization has proceeded in their digital transformation journey. These dependencies are discussed in the report, but no relative importance or order of how and when the factors and microfoundations should be obtained and developed has been further explored or confirmed. This is due to the desired generalizability of the framework.

Transformação digital na indústria: indústria 4.0 e a rede de água inteligente no Brasil. / Digital transformation in the industry: industry 4.0 and the smart network water on Brasil.

Azevedo, Marcelo Teixeira de 10 March 2017 (has links)
Atualmente vive-se uma transformação digital na indústria, que está sendo referenciada como uma nova revolução e conhecida como a quarta revolução industrial. Essa nova revolução foi precedida por três anteriores, sendo que a primeira foi baseada no carvão como fonte de energia, impulsionando, assim, as máquinas a vapor e transformando o trabalho artesanal em automatizado; posteriormente, houve a segunda revolução industrial, baseada em conceitos de eletricidade para atingir a produção em massa; já a terceira revolução industrial baseou-se em sistemas eletrônicos e computacionais, tendo como o seu maior expoente os sistemas Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition (SCADA), que foram utilizados para aprimoramento e eficiência da linha de produção. Hoje, vive-se no limiar da quarta revolução industrial, que se apoia fortemente nas tecnologias habilitadoras, tais como: Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, big data analytics, cyber-physical systems (CPS), machine-to-machine (M2M) e cloud computing. Essas tecnologias, trabalhando cooperativamente, são utilizadas para promover a transformação digital descrita nas visões ao redor do mundo, entre as quais se destacam: Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet Consortium e Manufatura Avançada. A presente pesquisa visa caracterizar as tecnologias habilitadoras, as visões da transformação digital e o cenário Brasil para esta nova realidade. O objetivo central é a definição de uma plataforma de transformação digital aplicada ao cenário da indústria de Utilities. Para a identificação do setor industrial, optou-se pela aplicação de um questionário direcionado às indústrias da região metropolitana de Campinas. Esse questionário serviu para traçar o nível de conhecimento, aderência e perfil profissional desejado pelas empresas relacionadas com a transformação digital. Na análise do questionário para o grupo estudado, verificou-se desconhecimento estratégico sobre a transformação digital e resistência para aplicação dos novos conceitos na cadeia de suprimentos existente. Para suprir esta necessidade e como prova de conceito foi proposta uma plataforma para transformação digital para a questão da água, com o objetivo de alcançar uma gestão eficiente dos recursos atrelada ao uso racional da água. Para a definição da plataforma foi realizado o levantamento de todo o processo de uma planta de tratamento de água, implantada nos moldes da terceira revolução industrial, de modo a melhorar o processo aplicando-se os conceitos da transformação digital na nova plataforma definida. Como resultado, o estudo de caso contribuiu para o projeto PURA-USP juntamente com o projeto SafeCity, do convênio Huawei-USP no âmbito do conceito de cidades inteligentes, integrando a transformação digital na gestão eficiente dos recursos hídricos no campus USP da capital. Adicionalmente, inseriu-se a capacitação técnica também no projeto Huawei-USP, denominada Centro de Internet do Futuro, habilitando e capacitando os profissionais para as novas tecnologias. / Nowadays, there´s a digital transformation in the industry, which is being referred to as a new revolution, known as the fourth industrial revolution. This new revolution was preceded by three previous ones, the first one was based on coal as a way of source energy, boosting the steam engines and turning the manual labor into automated; posteriorly the second industrial revolution was based on electricity concepts to achieve mass production; and the third industrial revolution, which was based on electronics and computer systems, having as its greatest exponent the systems Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and programmable logic controllers (PLC), which were used for improvement and production line efficiency. Today we are on the bound of the fourth industrial revolution, which strongly supports itself at enabling technologies, such as: Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, cyber-physical systems (CPS), machine-to-machine (M2M) and cloud computing. These technologies are working cooperatively used to promote digital transformation described in the sights around the world, between them are: Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet Consortium and Advanced Manufacturing. This research aims to characterize the enabling technologies, the visions of the digital transformation and Brazil scenario for this new reality. The main objective is the definition of a digital transformation platform applied in the industry scenario. To identify the industry it was chosen the application of a questionnaire targeting the industries at the metropolitan region of Campinas. This questionnaire was used to trace the level of knowledge, adherence and professional profile required of companies related to digital transformation. In the questionnaire analysis for the group in the scope there was strategic unfamiliarity about the digital transformation and resistance to application of new concepts in the existing supply chain. To meet this need and as a proof of concept, a platform for digital transformation for the water issue was proposed with the objective of achieve an efficient management of resources linked to the rational use of water. For the platform definition was performed a survey of the whole process of a water treatment plant that was implemented along the lines of the third industrial revolution and improved the process by applying the concepts of digital transformation in the new set platform. The case study aimed to contribute to the PURA-USP project, integrating the digital transformation in the efficient management of water resources on campus USP capital. Additionally, technical training was also included in the Huawei-USP project, denominated the Future Internet Center, enabling and training professionals for new technologies.

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