Spelling suggestions: "subject:"digital educational material"" "subject:"figital educational material""
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Μοντέλο πιστοποίησης ποιότητας ψηφιακού εκπαιδευτικού υλικού για εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων με τη μέθοδο της εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσηςΔήμου, Ελένη 31 August 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα ερευνητική εργασία παρουσιάζει ένα μοντέλο πιστοποίησης της ποιότητας ψηφιακού εκπαιδευτικού υλικού κατάλληλου για εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων με τη μέθοδο της εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσης. Το προτεινόμενο μοντέλο υιοθετεί το πρότυπο ποιότητας λογισμικού ISO/IEC 9126, λαμβάνει υπόψη τις θεωρίες μάθησης ενηλίκων και βασίζεται σε δύο μοντέλα διδακτικού σχεδιασμού: το μοντέλο (κύκλος μάθησης) του Kolb και το μοντέλο των Gagne, Briggs & Wager. Αρχικά περιγράφεται η συσχέτιση των τμημάτων του εκπαιδευτικού υλικού με το μοντέλο διδακτικού σχεδιασμού των Gagne, Briggs & Wager και το μοντέλο του Kolb. Ακολουθεί η περιγραφή, η ανάλυση και η κατηγοριοποίηση των κατάλληλων χαρακτηριστικών, υπο-χαρακτηριστικών και γνωρισμάτων ποιότητας του ψηφιακού εκπαιδευτικού υλικού τα οποία συνιστούν τις διαστάσεις ποιότητας. / This paper presents a model for the quality certification of digital educational material that is appropriate for adult education by means of distance learning. The proposed model adopts the software quality standard ISO/IEC 9126, takes into account adult learning theories and is based on two instructional design models: Kolb’s model (the learning cycle) and Gagne, Briggs &Wager’s model. Initially, the relationship of educational material modules to the two models is described. Then follows the description, analysis and classification of the appropriate characteristics, sub-characteristics and quality attributes of digital educational material that constitute the dimensions of quality.
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Äger eller suger? : En studie av elevers upplevelser av delaktighet vid användandet av digitala läromedelFahlesson, Susanne, Bergelin, Agneta January 2019 (has links)
Abstrakt Detta examensarbete handlar om att genomföra en kvalitativ fallstudie och med hjälp av metoderna bildanalys och gruppintervjuer öka kunskapen om elevers upplevelser av delaktighet vid användandet av digitala läromedel. I studien ingick 18 elever i årskurs 4 i en skola i norra Sverige samt deras tre undervisande lärare. Syfte: Studiens övergripande syfte att öka kunskapen om elevers upplevelser av delaktighet vid användandet av digitala läromedel delades upp i tre frågeställningar: Hur uppfattar eleverna att det digitala läromedlet påverkar deras delaktighet? Hur beskriver eleverna användandet av digitala läromedel i skolan? Hur beskriver de undervisande lärarna elevernas delaktighet vid användandet av digitala läromedel? Metoder: Studien genomfördes utifrån de tre frågeställningarna. De metoder som ingick i studien var bildskapande, där eleverna skapade egenproducerade bilder och korta texter. I samband med elevernas bildskapande genomfördes också kompletterande samtal med eleverna. Gruppintervjuer vid två tillfällen med de undervisande lärarna ingick också som metod i studien. Utifrån delaktighetsmodellen gjordes bildanalys av elevernas egenproducerade bilder och korta texter. Resultat: Eleverna uttrycker i sina egenproducerade bilder att det är roligt och att det underlättar då de skriver på datorn. Flera elever beskriver att de tycker det är lättare med digitalt läromedel för de behöver bara ta fram en sak. Det som upplevs som jobbigt är när internetuppkopplingen inte fungerar som den ska. Några elever beskriver att det ibland kan vara svårt att hitta i det digitala läromedlet och det var ”krångligt” från början men det fungerar bättre nu. De undervisande lärarna bekräftar att navigationen i det digitala läromedlet var svår initialt. Speciellt svårt var det eftersom flera nya moment infördes. Lärarna uttrycker att det är osäkert om det beror på just det digitala läromedel de valt eller om det är att det är ett nytt sätt att arbeta på. Generellt så uttrycker de flesta av eleverna att använda digitala läromedel och att arbeta med dator är roligare än vanliga böcker. Lärarna beskriver det digitala läromedlet som lustfyllt och att det digitala läromedlet ”fångar” de elever som tycker skolan är svår De allra flesta eleverna uttrycker en arbetsglädje då de beskriver sin användning av digitala läromedel. De undervisande lärarna menar att det digitala läromedlets stora fördel är den snabba feedback som både elever och lärarna får med hjälp av den i det digitala läromedlet inbyggda statistik över gjorda uppgifter. Eleven beskriver känslan av att själv kunna bestämma och påverka vad hen skriver på datorn. Den ger hen en möjlighet att vara delaktighet och hen kan själv påverka sin arbetssituation. Det digitala läromedlet främjar enligt lärarna delaktigheten på så sätt att det inte längre framgår vilken svårighetsgrad eleverna har på sina uppgifter. Slutsats: Metoden bildanalys var ett bra val, trots att eleverna endast vid ett lektionstillfälle skapade de egenproducerade bilderna så erhölls väldigt mycket information, dock var det svårt att formulera frågorna till eleverna, så att de verkligen kunde beskriva sina upplevelser av delaktighet i bilden, vilket bör ses som metodens svaghet. Vid de kompletterande elevsamtalen beskrev de sina upplevelser av delaktighet. Beträffande gruppintervjuerna så hävdar vi att de undervisande lärarna styrkte det eleverna uttryckt. Resultaten vi fått fram genom vår kvalitativa fallstudie kan vara svåra att överföra och generalisera till andra elevgrupper eftersom de sociala situationerna och lärmiljöerna kan se annorlunda ut för dessa elevgrupper. Resultaten i studien är användbara i den meningen att de kan ligga till grund för skolutveckling gällande delaktighet, digitalisering och digitala läromedel. Ett hinder för att skolor skall kunna säkerställa likvärdigheten och möjlighet att nå de mål som regeringens nationella digitaliseringsstrategi föreskriver är att det är så stor skillnad i hur skolor eller kommuner har ekonomiska medel för att genomföra digitaliseringen av skolan på ett tillfredställande sätt. I slutändan är det lärarnas arbetssätt och användandet av det digitala läromedlet, som kan möjliggöra en tillgänglig lärmiljö där eleverna är inkluderade och delaktiga, inte läromedlet i sig. / Abstract This thesis is a qualitative case study that aims to increase the knowledge about students’ perceptions of participation when using digital educational tools. The methods used in this case study are image analysis and group interviews. The participants in this study came from a school in the north of Sweden. There where 18 students from grade 4 and 3 of their teachers participating. Aim: The overarching aim of the study was to increase knowledge about students’ perception of participation when using digital educational tools. The perception of participation was evaluated from three angles: How do the students perceive that the digital educational material affects their participation? How are the students describing the use of digital educational tools in school? How are the teachers describing the use of digital educational tools in school? Method: The methods used in this study where: Student´s images and group interviews. There were also additional conversations with the students in conjunction of the creation of the images and texts. Group interviews were conducted at two points in time with the teachers, one before the analysis of the student´s pictures and one after. Image analysis by using participation model was done on the students own images and texts. Results: In the images the students expressed that it was fun and easier to write on the computer. Many of the students also described that is was easier with digital educational tools as they only need to bring one thing (the computer). The challenges they described where when the Wi-Fi connection was not working and some of them mentioned that it was hard to navigate the digital tool in the beginning, but that it was easier after a while. The teachers confirm that the navigation was challenging when the tools was first initiated, especially as multiple new elements were introduced at the same time. However, the teachers were unsure if that was due to the digital educational tools or due to that it was a new way of working. The majority of the students expressed that it is more fun to work with digital educational tools and computers, compared to regular books. The teacher described the digital educational tools as joyful learning and that it is engaging for those students that normally find the school challenging. Most of the students also expressed a satisfaction and joy when describing their use of digital educational tools. The teacher described that a major benefit of using digital tools, is the quick feedback with statistics of performed learning exercises that the tools provide to both the student and the teacher. The students reported that they got a sense of autonomy when they can have an impact and themselves decide what they write on the computer. That gives them the opportunity to participate and be able to affect their own learning situation. From a teacher’s point of view, the digital tools stimulate the participation, where the students’ different degree of difficulty on their tasks are not reviled to their classmates. Conclusion: It was a good choice of method to perform the image analysis because even though the students only created the images at one point in time, the information that the images provided was comprehensive. However, the verbal conversions that was performed in conjunction with the creation of the images were challenging, as it was hard to formulate the questions so that the students fully could describe their perception of participation in their image. This should be considered as the weakness of this method. During the verbal conversations in conjunction with the creation of the images, the students described their experiences of participation. The group interviews with the teachers that followed, confirmed the students’ descriptions. The results from this qualitative case study may be challenging to transfer and standardise for other student groups as the social situations and learning environments could be different. The results of the study could be useful moving forward as it may be indicative for future educational developments regarding participation, digitalisation and digital educational material. The big difference in the funding for the digital implementation between schools and municipalities is one of the obstacles to ensure equality and the ability to reach the goals that the government have set out for digital strategy in schools. In the end, it is the teachers’ ways of working and their use of the digital educational material that is going to enable an accessible learning environment where the students are included and participating, not the educational tool itself.
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Design pedagógico : um olhar na construção de materiais educacionais digitaisTorrezzan, Cristina Alba Wildt January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo a elaboração de parâmetros, baseados no design pedagógico, para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais (MED's). Esse tema justifica-se na necessidade desses materiais serem elaborados a partir do concomitante planejamento técnico, gráfico e pedagógico. Para o desenvolvimento desta dissertação, primeiramente realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os principais fatores técnicos, gráficos e pedagógicos envolvidos na elaboração de materiais digitais. Após, desenvolveu-se a conceituação e as metas do design pedagógico, empregando-as na construção do objeto de aprendizagem (OA) PEDESIGN. A partir da aplicação do referido OA em dois cursos, foram coletados dados que, após analisados e discutidos, originaram como resultado uma tabela de parâmetros para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais baseados no design pedagógico. A partir da proposição desses parâmetros, objetiva-se incentivar a reflexão de professores, pedagogos, designers e desenvolvedores de materiais educacionais digitais sobre a aplicação do design pedagógico em MED's. / The present paper aims at generating pedagogic-design-based parameters for the developing of digital educational materials (DEMs). This theme lays on the necessity of developing these materials according to a technical, graphical and pedagogic planning. Primarily, in order to develop this dissertation, a bibliographic research on the main technical, graphic and pedagogic factors involved in the elaboration of digital materials was accomplished. After that, the conceptualization and the objectives of pedagogic design were developed to be used in the elaboration of PEDESIGN learning object (LO). Through the application of the referred LO in two courses, it was accomplished the collection of data which were analyzed and discussed and later originated a table of parameters for the elaboration of pedagogic-design-based digital educational materials. The proposal of such parameters aims at motivating the reflection of teachers, pedagogues, designers and digital educational materials developers on the application of pedagogic design in DEMs.
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Design pedagógico : um olhar na construção de materiais educacionais digitaisTorrezzan, Cristina Alba Wildt January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo a elaboração de parâmetros, baseados no design pedagógico, para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais (MED's). Esse tema justifica-se na necessidade desses materiais serem elaborados a partir do concomitante planejamento técnico, gráfico e pedagógico. Para o desenvolvimento desta dissertação, primeiramente realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os principais fatores técnicos, gráficos e pedagógicos envolvidos na elaboração de materiais digitais. Após, desenvolveu-se a conceituação e as metas do design pedagógico, empregando-as na construção do objeto de aprendizagem (OA) PEDESIGN. A partir da aplicação do referido OA em dois cursos, foram coletados dados que, após analisados e discutidos, originaram como resultado uma tabela de parâmetros para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais baseados no design pedagógico. A partir da proposição desses parâmetros, objetiva-se incentivar a reflexão de professores, pedagogos, designers e desenvolvedores de materiais educacionais digitais sobre a aplicação do design pedagógico em MED's. / The present paper aims at generating pedagogic-design-based parameters for the developing of digital educational materials (DEMs). This theme lays on the necessity of developing these materials according to a technical, graphical and pedagogic planning. Primarily, in order to develop this dissertation, a bibliographic research on the main technical, graphic and pedagogic factors involved in the elaboration of digital materials was accomplished. After that, the conceptualization and the objectives of pedagogic design were developed to be used in the elaboration of PEDESIGN learning object (LO). Through the application of the referred LO in two courses, it was accomplished the collection of data which were analyzed and discussed and later originated a table of parameters for the elaboration of pedagogic-design-based digital educational materials. The proposal of such parameters aims at motivating the reflection of teachers, pedagogues, designers and digital educational materials developers on the application of pedagogic design in DEMs.
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Design pedagógico : um olhar na construção de materiais educacionais digitaisTorrezzan, Cristina Alba Wildt January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo a elaboração de parâmetros, baseados no design pedagógico, para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais (MED's). Esse tema justifica-se na necessidade desses materiais serem elaborados a partir do concomitante planejamento técnico, gráfico e pedagógico. Para o desenvolvimento desta dissertação, primeiramente realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os principais fatores técnicos, gráficos e pedagógicos envolvidos na elaboração de materiais digitais. Após, desenvolveu-se a conceituação e as metas do design pedagógico, empregando-as na construção do objeto de aprendizagem (OA) PEDESIGN. A partir da aplicação do referido OA em dois cursos, foram coletados dados que, após analisados e discutidos, originaram como resultado uma tabela de parâmetros para a construção de materiais educacionais digitais baseados no design pedagógico. A partir da proposição desses parâmetros, objetiva-se incentivar a reflexão de professores, pedagogos, designers e desenvolvedores de materiais educacionais digitais sobre a aplicação do design pedagógico em MED's. / The present paper aims at generating pedagogic-design-based parameters for the developing of digital educational materials (DEMs). This theme lays on the necessity of developing these materials according to a technical, graphical and pedagogic planning. Primarily, in order to develop this dissertation, a bibliographic research on the main technical, graphic and pedagogic factors involved in the elaboration of digital materials was accomplished. After that, the conceptualization and the objectives of pedagogic design were developed to be used in the elaboration of PEDESIGN learning object (LO). Through the application of the referred LO in two courses, it was accomplished the collection of data which were analyzed and discussed and later originated a table of parameters for the elaboration of pedagogic-design-based digital educational materials. The proposal of such parameters aims at motivating the reflection of teachers, pedagogues, designers and digital educational materials developers on the application of pedagogic design in DEMs.
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This study linked to the line of research "Development of network educational
technology", from the Professional Master course on Network Educational
Technology, aims to contribute to the provision of Specialized Educational Service
(SES). To do so, it was sought to develop a Digital Educational Material (DEM) to
enhance SES; specifically the objectives were: 1) expand the SES, implementing a
DEM in order to be used presentially and at a distance; 2) adapt the pedagogical
model DEM, making it accessible to the target audience of the Special Education
Student (SPES) and 3) validate the possibilities of motivation, autonomy and learning
of DEM with SPES, under the assessment of SES teachers. On the basis of theories,
it can include four axes: first, contemplating the special education; the second, with
studies of digital educational materials, Learning objects; the third on Teaching
Design (TD) in the construction of DEM and the fourth axis referring to the
accessibility of digital educational materials. By applying a qualitative research, the
focus was on teachers who work in Multifunctional Resource Rooms, performing the
SES of state public schools in the city of Santa Maria, RS state. Data collected went
through content analysis (Bardin, 2011), using three categories: motivation for the
use of DEM, the autonomy in the use of DEM and potential for learning. The results
of the analyzed categories allow evidence that the motivation to use DEM is present
due to the context of illustrations, content and accessibility; as the autonomy, the
results indicate that the non-linear path and affordable navigation possibilities are
important characteristics for the development of a DEM, and finally, the potential for
learning is present from the developed educational activities in accordance with the
practices the SES and the possibilities of using DEM presentially and at distance.
Thus, the study achieved its goals, understanding that the virtual room of
multifunction resources gives SES greater potential. / O presente estudo vinculado à linha de pesquisa Desenvolvimento de
tecnologias educacionais em rede , do Mestrado Profissional em Tecnologias
Educacionais em Rede, pretendeu contribuir com a oferta do Atendimento
Educacional Especializado (AEE). Para tanto, buscou desenvolver um Material
Educacional Digital (MED) para potencializar o AEE; especificamente os objetivos
foram: 1) ampliar o AEE, implementando um MED de forma a ser utilizado presencial
e a distância; 2) adaptar o Modelo Pedagógico MED, tornando-o acessível ao
Estudante Público-alvo da Educação Especial (EPAEE) e 3) validar as
possibilidades de motivação, autonomia e aprendizagem do MED com os EPAEE,
sob a avaliação dos professores do AEE. Nas teorias de base, referenciam-se
quatro eixos: o primeiro, contemplando a Educação Especial; o segundo,
apresentando estudos sobre Materiais Educacionais Digitais, objetos de
Aprendizagem; o terceiro, sobre Design Pedagógico (DP) na construção dos MED e
o quarto eixo referindo-se à acessibilidade em Materiais Educacionais Digitais. Com
uma pesquisa qualitativa, aplicada, o foco recaiu sobre professores que atuam nas
Salas de Recursos Multifuncionais, realizando o AEE de Escolas Públicas Estaduais,
na cidade de Santa Maria, RS. Os dados coletados passaram pela análise de
conteúdo (Bardin, 2011), por meio de três categorias: motivação para o uso do MED,
autonomia no uso do MED e potencial para a aprendizagem. Os resultados das
categorias analisadas permitem evidenciar que a motivação para uso do MED está
presente devido à contextualização das ilustrações, conteúdos e acessibilidade;
quanto à autonomia, os resultados apontam que o percurso não linear e as
possibilidades de navegação acessíveis são características importantes para o
desenvolvimento de um MED e, por fim, o potencial para aprendizagem se faz
presente a partir das atividades pedagógicas elaboradas de acordo com as práticas
do AEE e das possibilidades de uso do MED presencial e a distância. Assim, o
estudo realizado contemplou os objetivos, entendendo que a Sala virtual de
Recursos Multifuncionais potencializa o AEE.
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