Spelling suggestions: "subject:"digital text"" "subject:"figital text""
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A evolução do livro: como o desenvolvimento simultâneo de três aspectos tem modificado a história do livro / The evolution of the book: how the simultaneous development of three aspects have modified the history of the bookNishizawa, André Jun 12 November 2014 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é demonstrar como a evolução simultânea de aspectos técnicos, morfológicos e materiais alteraram a condição do livro e o estabelecimento do ebook. O segundo objetivo da dissertação é apresentar as mudanças epistemológicas por conta dessa evolução. Os aspectos técnicos relacionam-se às técnicas envolvidas na produção do livro e do e-book. Os aspectos morfológicos relacionam-se à forma. Os aspectos materiais relacionam-se à cultura, ao mercado editorial e aos hábitos de leitura. Essa simultaneidade provoca uma alteração única na história da leitura, do livro e do ebook. A condição atual é a da participação de leitores autores que se auto-publicam, empresas de tecnologia como Amazon e Apple que se tornaram quase editoras e de booksapps- games. O reflexo dessa evolução se dá especialmente na questão cognitiva da leitura do e-book que é distinta da leitura no impresso. / The main objective is to demonstrate how the simultaneous evolution of the technical, morphological and material aspects influenced the book and the appearance of the e-book. The second objective is to show the epistemological changes because of that evolution. The technical aspects relate to techniques involved in the production of both book and ebook. The morphological aspects relate to its form. The material aspects relate to culture, the editorial market and the reading culture. That simultaneity generates a unique change in the history of reading, book and the e-book. Reality presents readers authors that selfpublish, technology companies such as Amazon and Apple that are nearly publishers and books-apps-games. Cognitive ramifications of that evolution appear in the reading of the ebook that is different from the reading of the book. Read more
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A evolução do livro: como o desenvolvimento simultâneo de três aspectos tem modificado a história do livro / The evolution of the book: how the simultaneous development of three aspects have modified the history of the bookAndré Jun Nishizawa 12 November 2014 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é demonstrar como a evolução simultânea de aspectos técnicos, morfológicos e materiais alteraram a condição do livro e o estabelecimento do ebook. O segundo objetivo da dissertação é apresentar as mudanças epistemológicas por conta dessa evolução. Os aspectos técnicos relacionam-se às técnicas envolvidas na produção do livro e do e-book. Os aspectos morfológicos relacionam-se à forma. Os aspectos materiais relacionam-se à cultura, ao mercado editorial e aos hábitos de leitura. Essa simultaneidade provoca uma alteração única na história da leitura, do livro e do ebook. A condição atual é a da participação de leitores autores que se auto-publicam, empresas de tecnologia como Amazon e Apple que se tornaram quase editoras e de booksapps- games. O reflexo dessa evolução se dá especialmente na questão cognitiva da leitura do e-book que é distinta da leitura no impresso. / The main objective is to demonstrate how the simultaneous evolution of the technical, morphological and material aspects influenced the book and the appearance of the e-book. The second objective is to show the epistemological changes because of that evolution. The technical aspects relate to techniques involved in the production of both book and ebook. The morphological aspects relate to its form. The material aspects relate to culture, the editorial market and the reading culture. That simultaneity generates a unique change in the history of reading, book and the e-book. Reality presents readers authors that selfpublish, technology companies such as Amazon and Apple that are nearly publishers and books-apps-games. Cognitive ramifications of that evolution appear in the reading of the ebook that is different from the reading of the book. Read more
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Läsning utan eftertanke båtar föga : En undersökning av läsning och digital text i två digitala läromedel. / It is not sufficient to become learned to have read much, if we read without reflection : – A study about reading and digital texts in two digital educational materials.Starfelt, Mårten January 2020 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen görs det en undersökning vars syfte är att undersöka hur två digitala läromedel (Digilär svenska 1 för gymnasiet och Metafor 1) framställer momentet läsning och läsning av digital text. Undersökningen drivs av tre frågeställningar vilka behandlar läromedlens stoff kring digital text, uppgifternas kunskapsperspektiv och utnyttjande av det digitala mediets potential. Metodvalet bygger på Selander samt Åkerfeldt och Selander (2016; 2011) vilket syftar till att undersöka och värdera läromedel. Teorin bygger på Granaths och Estling Vanneståls (2008) olika synsätt på användandet av IT i undervisningen. Undersökningen påvisar sammanfattningsvis att Digilärs svenska 1 för gymnasiet inte har någon tydlig inriktning mot digital text även om digital text förekommer i det undersökta avsnittet. Detta är problematiskt då forskningen mycket tydligt pekar på att digitala texter är mer svårlästa än papperstexter sett till läsförståelse. Forskningen pekar också på att dessa problem bör gå att avhjälpa med lämpliga lässtrategier. Visst återfinns det en lässtrategi i Digilär, det väldiga frågebatteriet till litteraturanalysen, vilken skulle kunna tänkas sänka läshastigheten och därigenom borga för ökad läsförståelse. Dock paketeras detta inte som en lässtrategi utan som en mall för litteraturanalys. Trots att läromedlet inte tar höjd för läsförståelse i någon primär utsträckning bör det inte likställas med att elever är helt utan hopp om att lära sig. Lärarna finns kvar. Lärarna kan lära ut. Läromedel från ett förlag eller dylikt är ingen absolut nödvändighet för att lärande ska ske. Ett stort ansvar och stor makt finns fortfarande hos lärarna. Är inte ett läromedel nog bra för att i någon större mån utveckla läsförståelsen hos eleverna finns alltså läraren kvar som en backup. Läraren kan även anpassa läromedlet till belåtenhet. Metafor 1, å sin sida, har ett arbetsområde där kopplingen till digital text och för den delen läsförståelse är mycket tydlig. I uppgifterna vilka är riktade mot läsning av digital text finns det inslag av metakognitiv karaktär, av sociokulturell karaktär och av konstruktivistisk karaktär. Kanske ännu viktigare: det finns lässtrategier representerade. Beprövade strategier vilka syftar till att hjälpa eleverna att öka sin läsförståelse när dessa läser digitala texter. Beprövade strategier vilka möter forskningen som är gjord på området, exempelvis att sänka läshastigheten vid läsning av digital text. / The aim of this study is to investigate how two digital learning materials (Digilär svenska 1 för gymnasiet and Metafor 1) presents reading and reading of digital texts. The study is propelled by three questions which circles around the learning materials content, the design and perspectives of the assignments and how well the potential of the digital media is being utilized. The study has shown, in summary, that Digilär does not have an explicit focus on digital texts even though digital texts, by nature, appears in the learning material. This is problematic due to the fact that research shows that digital texts are harder to read than analogue texts from the perspective of reading comprehension. Research also shows that the difficulty there is in reading digital texts can be solved by the use of reading strategies. Metafor 1, on the other hand, has a special subject dedicated to digital texts and the reading of digital texts. The assignments, which are aimed towards reading of digital texts, does have reading strategies represented. The conclusion is therefore that Metafor 1 meets the demands of the previous research in a much for explicit and clear-cut way than Digilär. Digilär does not bring the subject of reading digital texts to light even closely as explicit as Metafor 1. Read more
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Analoga och digitala texters påverkan på mellanstadieelevers läsutveckling och läsundervisningen på mellanstadiet / Analogue and digital texts impact on primary students' reading development and the reading education of grades 4–6Shehab, Hadir, Månsson, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Eftersom vi idag lever i ett digitaliserat samhälle där litteracitet och teknologi alltmer hänger ihop, så även i skolan, har vi beslutat oss för att undersöka hur lärares uppfattningar om digital och analog läsning påverkar läsundervisningen i svenskämnet. Frågeställningarna som är tänkta att besvaras genom detta examensarbete är: Vilken betydelse har analog respektive digital läsning för elevers läsutveckling och vilken betydelse har lärares syn gällande läsning digitalt och analogt för läsundervisningen i svenskämnet? Frågeställningarna kommer att besvaras med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod, där materialet bygger på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med mellanstadielärare i ämnet svenska. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna för studien är litteracitet och New Literacy. Materialet visar bland annat att den fysiska upplevelsen av analog läsning samt elevers motivation har en betydelse för läsutvecklingen och lärarnas planering av läsundervisningen i svenska. Till exempel förklarar samtliga deltagare hur de nästan enbart använder analoga texter vid undervisning av skönlitteratur och oftast använder digitala texter vid undervisning av faktatexter. En slutsats som kan dras av detta examensarbete är att digitala och analoga texter kompletterar varandra genom att de kan vara bra att använda för olika ändamål. Read more
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Läsförståelse genom skärm och papper : En kvantitativ studie om elevers läsförståelse av traditionell papperstext och digital text / Reading comprehension through screen and paper : A quantitative study of students’ reading comprehension of traditional print-based text and digital textBlick, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Studien tar avstamp i tidigare undersökningar om textmediers olika effekter och söker att svara på hur elevers läsförståelse påverkas av att läsa texter genom olika textmedium. Studien ville specifikt svara på om elevers inställning till textmediet de använder kan påverka deras läsförståelseförmåga. För att svara på detta användes material från tidigare PISA-undersökningar för att konstruera ett läsförståelsetest som undersökningsgruppen fick göra genom att läsa texter via en skärm eller en vanlig papperstext. Till studien fick undersökningsgruppen även svara på om en enkät där de fick beskriva sina upplevelser av läsning genom olika textmedium. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av sammanlagt 56 elever i årskurs 9. Resultaten visade att elevers inställning till textmediet kan ha påverkan på läsförståelseförmågan, och att elever med en preferens för traditionella papperstexter hade i genomsnitt bättre resultat på läsförståelsetestet. Undersökningens enkät visade att en majoritet av eleverna hade en preferens för papperstext, och att digitala texter generellt upplevdes vara mer obekväm att läsa. / This study uses previous studies about the different effects of text mediums as a starting point and seeks to answer how the reading comprehension of students is affected by reding texts through different textmediums. The study specifically sought to answer whether the reading comprehension of students is affected by their attitude towards the text medium being used. To answer this, the study used material from previous PISA-studies to construct a reading comprehension test which the surveyed group worked with by reading texts either through a screen or a traditional print-based text. The surveyed group also answered a survey where they got to describe their experiences of reading through different textmediums. The group was made up of 56 students in 9th grade. The results showed that students’ attitude towards text mediums may have affected reading comprehension, and that students with a preference for print-based texts had slightly higher average score on the reading comprehension test. The survey showed that a majority of students had a preference for print-based text, and that digital texts was generally considered to be less comfortable as a text medium. Read more
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Digitally Implemented Interactive Fiction: Systematic Development and Validation of “Mole, P.I.”, a Multimedia Adventure for Third Grade ReadersHaunstetter, Denise 02 April 2008 (has links)
"Interactive fiction" has been used to describe many of today's multimedia products. In reality, there is not a universal understanding of what interactive fiction is or what it should entail. The meaning of "interactive" is often interpreted in different ways. Many stories are considered to be interactive because they are placed on the computer. Meanwhile, such stories may lack most of the essential qualities for good literature. Interaction fiction should be upheld to the same standards as traditional texts. Following this belief, this research covers the underlying theories of interactive fiction, examples of misleading "interactive fiction" studies, and guidelines for design pulled from the fields of writing, children's literature and instructional technology. I have used these guidelines to develop a prototype of interactive fiction, which was be tested and revised in several cycles. First, I revised the prototype based upon reviews by several groups of experts from the areas of instructional technology and childhood education. The prototype was then pilot-tested by two participants from the target market. Based upon the pilot-test results, I revised the prototype. Finally, several participants read the prototype. In this final stage, I observed the participants and conducted interviews with open-ended questions. Using the prototype that was developed according to proposed standards, I was able to gain insight into the target market's perception of interaction fiction. All details of the design and development of the prototype are included in effort to provide guidelines for building future interactive fiction. Additionally, several themes emerged when participants from the target market were observed and interviewed. Among the most prominent were the themes of storybook characters and identifying with those characters. Children in this study were able to identity themselves as the protagonist, making the main character's decisions throughout the story. Further, participants added their own elaborations of the story. In the end, the evidence of this research showed that participants were able to go beyond reading the story. The submersion into to story can be rooted in several existing literacy theories, which are discussed. Lastly, this research provides suggestions for future research, development and implementation of interactive fiction. Read more
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At the edge of reason: Three language and literacy educators' classroom experiences teaching born-digital studentsNahachewsky, James 11 1900 (has links)
Contemporary English language arts (ELA) teachers engage students who have been born into a digital world where emergent literacies challenge the traditionally authoritative perspectives and physical boundaries of books and classrooms. This qualitative case study inquired into the classroom experiences of three senior English language arts teachers located in two western Canadian provinces in our digital-based communications age. Analyzed through a cultural studies lens, this inquirys data were collected through the methodological triangulation of classroom observation, semi-structured interview, and online journal responses. The studys findings reveal the significance of the three selected teachers textual stances and pedagogy to their students new literacies in this time of epochal communications and cultural change.
A broadening horizon of textual choice and compositional possibilities complicated each of the three teachers classroom practice in a subject area whose content, traditionally, relies upon reading and responding to print-based canonical texts. Each of these teachers was working In medias res to understand which texts and textual practices should be held on to, and which could be relinquished for the benefit of their students language learning.
A major concern that emerged for each of these three educators was a perceived loss of deep critical readings by their students. This concern was counter-balanced for the subject area specialists by an emergent understanding of the affordances of a broadening set of texts and textual practices a developing awareness that students critical literacies can emerge in a rhizomal manner, and that teachers and students can co-author their literacy experiences within the (con)text of the ELA classroom. For these three participants, teaching ELA has become an ellipsis in a digital-based age where certain previously privileged texts and a sense of authority need to be relinquished in order to achieve the co-constructed understanding of word and world so valued by these educators and their students. / Secondary Education Read more
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Hypertextual Ultrastructures: Movement and Containment in Texts and HypertextsCoste, Rosemarie L. 14 January 2010 (has links)
The surface-level experience of hypertextuality as formless and unbounded, blurring boundaries among texts and between readers and writers, is created by a deep structure which is not normally presented to readers and which, like the ultrastructure of living cells, defines and controls texts' nature and functions. Most readers, restricted to surface-level interaction with texts, have little access to the deep structure of any hypertext. In this dissertation, I argue that digital hypertexts differ essentially from paper texts in that hypertexts are constructed in multiple layers, with surface-level appearance and behavior controlled by sub-surface ultrastructure, and that these multiple layers of structure enable and necessitate new methods of textual study designed for digital texts.
Using participant-observation from within my own practice as a webmaster, I closely examine the sub-surface structural layers that create several kinds of Web-based digital hypertexts: blogs, forums, static Web pages, and dynamic Web pages. With these hypertexts as the primary models, along with their enabling software and additional digital texts-wikis, news aggregators, word processing documents, digital photographs, electronic mail, electronic forms-available to me as a reader/author rather than a webmaster, I demonstrate methods of investigating and describing the development of digital texts. These methods, like methods already established within textual studies to trace the development of printed texts, can answer questions about accidental and intentional textual change, the roles of collaborators, and the ways texts are shaped by production processes and mediating technologies. As a step toward a formalist criticism of hypertext, I propose concrete ways of categorizing, describing, and comparing hypertexts and their components. I also demonstrate techniques for visualizing the structures, histories, and interrelationships of hypertexts and explore methods of using self-descriptive surface elements in paper-like texts as partial substitutes for the sub-surface self-description available in software-like texts. By identifying digitization as a gateway to cooperation between human and artificial intelligences rather than an end in itself, I suggest natural areas of expansion for the humanities computing collaboration as well as new methodologies by which originally-printed texts can be studied in their digital forms alongside originally-digital texts. Read more
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At the edge of reason: Three language and literacy educators' classroom experiences teaching born-digital studentsNahachewsky, James Unknown Date
No description available.
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Läsförståelse av digitala texter : En litteraturstudie om vad som påverkar elevers utveckling av digital läsförståelseAndersson, Angelica, Persson, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Läsförståelse är en förmåga som är nödvändig för att kunna ta del av information och verka i samhället. På grund av den snabba tekniska utvecklingen förmedlas allt mer information via digitala medier vilket medför att kraven på läsförmågan numera även omfattar digitalt läsande. En konsekvens av denna utveckling är att undervisningen i skolan behöver anpassas för att ge elever deförutsättningar som krävs för att kunna ta del av och förstå den information som finns tillgänglig såväl analogt som digitalt. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka vad forskning visar om hur elever utvecklar digital läsförståelse i modersmålsundervisning. Studiens resultat visar att de likheter som finns medför att eleven behöver behärska samma förmågor för digital läsförståelse som för traditionell läsförståelse. De skillnader som finns medför att lärare behöver inkludera träning av unika förmågor som krävs för digital läsförståelse för att möjliggöra elevers utveckling av digital läsförståelse. Studiens resultat visar att om lärare inkluderar lässtrategier och elevsamarbete i undervisningen kan det påverka elevers utveckling av digital läsförståelse positivt. På grund av att det finns lite svensk forskning på området finns behov av studier kring hur modersmålsundervisning i en svensk skola påverkar elevers utveckling av digital läsförståelse. Read more
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