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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Význam přímých zahraničních investic při utváření vnější rovnováhy země (případ zemí Visegrádské čtyřky a Slovinska) / Significance of foreign direct investments to the outer economic balance (the example of the countries of Visegrad four and Slovenia)

Havel, Radek January 2013 (has links)
Foreign direct investments have an important role in current global economy. There is a substantial evidence between the macroeconomical factors and the foreign direct investments especially at the transition countries. However the capital inflow have a different effect on the macroeconomical factors in the different countries. Effects of foreign direct investment could have a positive effect on the investment, gross domestic products, on the other hand they could also be a source of swift appreciation and massive repatriation of profits with negative impact of the host economy.

Ekonomická diplomacie v novém tisíciletí a implikace pro ČR / Economic diplomacy in the new millenium and implications for the Czech Republic

Krčál, Adam January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation thesis focused on a topical issue of the economic diplomacy, its role in the current economic discourse and its implication for the Czech Republic. The main contribution of the thesis can be seen in linking traditional economic issues, such as external economic relations balance with political issues, for example the governance of economic diplomacy on the national level. Being placed between economics and politics is a typical feature for the economic diplomacy. The thesis analysed various aspects of economic diplomacy, predominantly the export promotion and foreign direct investments. The Czech economic diplomacy has a big potential for further development. The Czech entrepreneurs are quite successful on foreign markets, both in the developed countries and in the third World. If the identified weaknesses were eliminated and some improvement measures were adopted, the positive impact on the economy and the business environment will arrive soon. The economic diplomacy plays an important role in the open economy, which is also the case of the Czech Republic. It also hugely affects the external economic balance of the country. The thesis also showed that the governance of the Czech economic diplomacy suffers from major deficiencies, particularly in terms of the distribution of powers and responsibilities. This hinders an efficient functioning of the state system of export promotion. In addition, the state support is not targeted enough at the sector of SMEs that needs the most support. The level of awareness about the public services provided is low. On the other hand, the findings showed that another important element of the economic diplomacy, the state support of foreign direct investments is very instrumental in the competitiveness of the economy and thus substantively contributes to the economic growth. The comparative analysis of the governance systems in Germany, Austria, Finland and France revealed that although the Czech system of economic diplomacy governance is similar to a certain extent to the analysed countries, there are still some issues to deal with that negatively affects the efficiency. There are a number of suggestions for further improvement provided in the thesis that can be used by the policy makers.

Analýza daňových systémů vybraných rozvojových zemí / Analysis of tax systems in selected developing countries

Přikryl, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with tax systems of selected developing countries, especially from the perspective of a potential investor. It discusses the theoretical aspects of developing countries, their economies, and also indicates the importance of foreign direct investments. The main part deals with the tax systems of India, Vietnam and the Philippines, with a view to their analysis, description and comparison. The whole work aims to bring tax conditions in selected countries to potential investors. And also recommend the most suitable country for investment on the basis of a comparison of tax systems and foreign direct investments.

La diplomatie commerciale de la Turquie : aspects juridiques / Commercial diplomacy of Turkey : legal aspects

Aksahin, Sibel 20 January 2016 (has links)
La Turquie, comme de nombreux pays, a pris conscience de l'importance de mettre en œuvre une diplomatie commerciale active. Cette thèse se donne pour objectif d'analyser les aspects juridiques de la diplomatie commerciale turque. Une réflexion est menée sur le concept même de la diplomatie commerciale dont il n'existe pas de définition faisant l'unanimité. Dans le cadre de l'étude des fondements de la diplomatie commerciale de la Turquie, l'histoire de cette diplomatie est analysée dans un premier temps, suivie de l'étude de sa législation, sans délaisser l'analyse des institutions et des acteurs turcs qui interviennent dans son élaboration. La thèse comporte également une réflexion sur l'intégration de la Turquie dans l'économie mondiale. Cette réflexion s'articule essentiellement autour de l'étude des aspects multilatéraux et plurilatéraux, mais également régionaux et bilatéraux de la diplomatie commerciale turque. Les différents axes de la diplomatie commerciale de la Turquie ont été sensiblement renforcés depuis l'arrivée au pouvoir du gouvernement AKP en 2002, grâce notamment à la politique étrangère active mise en œuvre sous l'impulsion du stratège de la diplomatie, l'ancien Ministre des Affaires Étrangères et l'actuel Premier Ministre, Ahmet Davutoglu. Ces évolutions ont permis à la Turquie de gagner en visibilité sur la scène internationale aussi bien sur le plan politique que commerciale. En effet, ce grand pays de 77 millions d'habitants, situé à la périphérie du continent européen, qui s'est fait discret durant une longue période, a commencé, et ce depuis plus d'une décennie, à faire parler d'elle. Les résultats économiques que la Turquie a obtenus en 2007 et 2008 ont été qualifiés de «miracle», notamment en comparaison avec la majorité des pays européens ayant été frappés par le ralentissement consécutif à la crise mondiale. Les années qui ont suivi ont cependant montré que cet élan a tendance à s'essouffler. / Turkey, like many countries, has recognized the importance of implementing an active commercial diplomacy. This thesis has the objective to analyze the legal aspects of the Turkish commercial diplomacy. A study is conducted on the very concept of commercial diplomacy which there is no definition-consensus. As part of the study of the fundamentals of commercial diplomacy of Turkey, the history of that diplomacy is analyzed at first, followed by the study of its legislation, without neglecting the analysis of institutions and Turkish actors involved in its development. This thesis also includes a reflection on the integration of Turkey into the global economy. This reflection is essentially based around the study of multilateral and plurilateral aspects but also regional and bilateral aspects of the Turkish commercial diplomacy. The various axes of Turkey's commercial diplomacy was significantly strengthened since the AKP government came to power in 2002, especially thanks to the active foreign policy implementation under the leadership of the strategist of diplomacy, Ahmet Davutoglu, who is the former Foreign Affairs Minister and the current Prime Minister. These developments have enabled Turkey to gain visibility on the international scene both politically and commercially. Indeed, this great country of 77 million inhabitants, situated on the outskirts of the European continent, which has been discreet for a long time, started, since for more than a decade, to be talked about. The economic results that Turkey has achieved in 2007 and 2008 have been described as "miracle", especially in comparison with the majority of European countries which were hit by the subsequent slowdown in the global crisis. The ensuing years have shown, however, that this momentum tends to falter.

Heterogeneous Firms and Foreign Direct Investment Strategies / Hétérogénéité des entreprises et stratégies d’Investissements Directs à l’Etranger

Joyez, Charlie 21 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’étudier le rôle de l’hétérogénéité des entreprises multinationales dans leurs stratégies d’investissements directs à l’étranger (IDE). Si de précédents travaux soulignent l’importance de la productivité individuelle des entreprises dans le fait de devenir une multinationale, peu évoquent l’hétérogénéité restante entre ces entreprises pour expliquer les différences de choix de mode d’entrée ou de motif d’implantation à l’étranger. A travers des approches théoriques et empiriques innovantes, basées sur l’utilisation de données confidentielles d’entreprises françaises, nous montrons que l’hétérogénéité des entreprises détermine chacun des trois aspects stratégiques détaillés dans cette thèse : Le taux de contrôle à l’étranger, le motif d’implantation et la structure du réseau de filiales. Plus précisément, la productivité et l'expérience de la firme favorisent un contrôle accru des filiales étrangères, leur importance relative dépendant du pays hôte. Ces caractéristiques sont également associées à une intégration plus profonde dans les chaînes de valeur mondiales, ainsi qu’à la constitution d'un réseau d’implantations plus original. Ces résultats permettent une meilleure compréhension des choix des multinationales, au-delà de l’apparente complexité des flux d’IDE. / This thesis examines the role of firms´ heterogeneity in the Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) strategies. We already know firms’ heterogeneity to sharply distinguish between domestic firms, exporters and multinationals (MNEs). Yet, to what extent it impacts their foreign direct investments (FDIs) strategies among MNEs is rarely evoked, while several entry mode choices and FDI motives coexist. Mixing both theoretical and empirical innovating approaches using French firm-level data, the four chapters of this PhD dissertation reveal that the firm heterogeneity influences all of the three dimensions of strategies we review: foreign ownership mode, FDI motive and structure of the overall network of affiliates. Specifically, firm-level productivity and international experience foster deeper integration with a changing relative importance according to the host country. They are also associated with production motives and vertical integration into the global value chains. The more productive firms also display original affiliates’ network structure. These findings allow a better understanding of multinationals’ choices underneath the ``complex’’ global picture of FDI flows

Vývoj ekonomických vztahů Německa se zeměmi Visegrádské skupiny před a po východním rozšíření EU / Development of the economic relations between Germany and the Visegrád Group before and after east enlargement of the EU

Karnitskaya, Helena January 2016 (has links)
During the eastern enlargement of the EU four emerging countries of the Visegrád Group - Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary - joined the community of European states. This significant event notably affected not only the transformation process in the countries mentioned above but also their relations with the EU member states. The aim of this master thesis is to research the impact of the eastern enlargement of the EU on economic relations between C.E. countries and Germany, and to answer the question whether the EU accession was the main decisive factor for the dynamic development of economic cooperation between the above mentioned states. The analysis of economic relations focuses on two key dimensions: trade relations and direct investment. The government's policy of supporting the investment activities both in Germany and C.E. countries is also taken into account. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first chapter intends to analyze the integration process of the C.E. countries in the '90s and its influence on the dynamic development of the economic cooperation between Germany and Visegrád Group. The second section deals with the theoretical aspects of international trade and foreign direct investment. This part intends to provide comparative criteria that will help in answering...

Analýza ruského exportu pomocí gravitačního modelu: Úloha FDI / Gravity Model Estimation of the Russian Export: The Role of FDI

Horváthová, Monika January 2018 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis was to examine the determinants of Russian export directed to its 36 main trading partners. Employing the Gravity model, the standard gravity variables, such as economic masses of the trading partners and their distance, were estimated as having significant impacts on the volume of export from Russia. However, a special attention was paid to the role of FDI, studying whether FDI flows or FDI stock act as complements or substitutes of the export. Unfortunately, with the help of the Fixed-effects and the Random-effects estimation methods we came to statistically insignificant conclusions, which might have been caused by the prevalence of missing observations in the FDI variables.

Vojenské intervence v občanských válkách: role přímých zahraničních investic a intervencí v zastoupení na motivaci intervenovat / Military interventions in civil wars: the role of foreign direct investments and proxy interventions in the motivation to intervene

Klosek, Kamil Christoph January 2019 (has links)
The current international system with its emphasis on state sovereignty was designed to restrain interference in domestic affairs by other states. However, this notion has been repeatedly challenged throughout the past 70 years by states intervening with military instruments in internal armed conflicts. Possible motives that led states to jeopardize the lives of their soldiers and convinced them to bear the costs of interventions have engendered a rich debate in the studies of International Relations and Peace and Conflict Studies. In this dissertation, two arguments based on the logic of the realist theory of international relations are brought forward to augment our understanding of factors contributing to military interventionism. First, it is shown that economic linkages between states transcend the debate on trade and include the effects of foreign direct investment on their willingness to intervene by force. Corporate investment is shown to significantly raise the willingness of states to intervene when existing FDI is endangered by the dynamics unfolding during internal armed conflicts. Second, great powers are apt to harness other states to alter the conflict dynamics in civil wars. Applying the principal-agent framework in combination with the logic of arms trade allows identifying unequal...

Vývoj ekonomické spolupráce mezi EU a USA od konce studené války / The Developement of Economic Cooperation between EU and USA since the end of the Cold War

Paščenková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
in English This thesis deals with the factors that influence changing intensity of bilateral economic cooperation between EU and USA in the period between 2002 and 2012. The quantitative tests by correlation are made separately for the trade and the financial area of cooperation. The first tested factor was the economic interdependence of EU and USA, which is based on liberal thoughts in international relations. Its positive influence on cooperation that was assumed for this factor was confirmed only in case of the financial area. On the other hand, for the trade sphere the premise was disproved. The second tested factor was formulated based on realism in international relations. It says that decreasing economic standing of EU and USA leads to their increased cooperation. This influence was confirmed both for trade and financial cooperation. The last researched factor was the annual change in the volume of transactions. This factor is based on functionalism, neofunctionalism and communication theory. The assumed positive influence of increased transactions on cooperation was confirmed only in trade dimension. The best factor that can explain the changing bilateral economic cooperation of EU and USA between 2002 and 2012 proved to be the one based on realism - the declining standing of both subjects...

Foreign Direct Investments on the Swedish Real Estate Market : Fundamentals Impact on Foreign Transaction Volume / Utländska Direktinvesteringar på den Svenska Fastighetsmarknaden : Fundamentala Ekonomiska Faktorers Inverkan på Utländsk

Malmström, David, Schultz, Anthon January 2017 (has links)
2016 was a year of record with a total amount of over 201 billion SEK invested in the Swedish real estate market, spread over more than 535 transactions (counting transactions of 40 million SEK and above). The Swedish real estate market is sometimes referred to as a safe haven among international investors when it comes to foreign direct investments. Some characteristics that makes Swedish real estate a valuable asset among foreign investors are said to be the market transparency, low interest rate environment, and increasing rents, to mention a few. This report uses a quantitative analysis method in order to discern what fundamental economic factors that affects foreign investor’s behavior of when to invest in Swedish real estate.  The Swedish property firm, Newsec, has provided transaction data in order to accomplish this study. From the quantitative analysis, it has been found that the fundamental factors that have the most impact on foreign transaction volume are the capitalization rate, inflation rate, world market volatility, Swedish stock market and domestic transaction volume. Furthermore, exchange rates and the repo rate do not seem to have a significant impact on the foreign transaction volume, according to the study. / 2016 var ett rekordår på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden med en total transaktionsvolym på över 201 miljarder kronor, fördelat på över 535 transaktioner (räknat transaktioner över 40 miljoner kronor). Den svenska fastighetsmarknaden refereras ibland till som en fristad av internationella investerare när det kommer till utländska direktinvesteringar. Några av de egenskaper som karaktäriserar den svenska fastighetsmarknaden och som gör den till en värdefull tillgång för utländska investerare är att den präglas av hög transparens, låga räntor och stigande hyror, för att nämna några. Den här rapporten använder en kvantitativ analysmetod för att undersöka vilka fundamentala ekonomiska faktorer som påverkar vid vilken tidpunkt utländska investerare väljer att investera i svenska fastigheter. Fastighetsbolaget Newsec har tillhandahållit transaktionsdata som möjliggjort denna studie. Från den kvantitativa analysen har det kunnat urskönjas att de fundamentala ekonomiska faktorerna som påverkar den totala volymen utländskt kapital som investeras på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden är: cap rate, inflation, volatilitet på världsmarknaden, svenska aktiepriser samt svenskt investerat kapital i svenska fastigheter. Vidare, valutakurser och reporäntan är faktorer som inte har kunnat säkerställas ha inflytande över volymen utländskt investerat kapital enligt studien.

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