Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bsalespersons"" "subject:"salerspersons""
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Adequação postural em cadeiras de rodas de pessoas com deficiência: estudo retrospectivo / Positioning system in wheelchairs of people with disabilities: a retrospective studyFernando Vicente de Pontes 19 September 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Os sistemas de adequação postural ou as adaptações em cadeiras de rodas proporcionam ao seu usuário o controle postural necessário para a realização de atividades cotidianas, manutenção da independência e interação com o ambiente. Alem disso, evitam complicações respiratórias e o surgimento de deformidades nos indivíduos. A indicação do melhor sistema de adequação postural é uma das tarefas mais desafiadoras aos profissionais de saúde especializados na sua prescrição pois pode ser difícil avaliar quais componentes melhor atendem às necessidades de um indivíduo. Dessa forma, observa-se a preocupação com o desenvolvimento de evidências nessa área, e, portanto, a coleta de informações sobre prescrição de cadeiras de rodas e dos seus componentes de adequação postural são essenciais para a construção de séries históricas, avaliação de seu uso e possibilidade de novas ações e políticas nesse sentido. Objetivo: Caracterizar e quantificar as adaptações em cadeiras de rodas prescritas e dispensadas por um serviço de terapia ocupacional de hospital ortopédico especializado em relação as necessidades oriundas dos diagnósticos atendidos, dos anos 2005 a 2013. Métodos: Estudo observacional descritivo transversal e retrospectivo, realizado no serviço de terapia ocupacional do Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, a partir dos prontuários de todos os indivíduos usuários de cadeiras de rodas, atendidos pelo grupo de prescrição de cadeiras de rodas e sistemas de adequação postural do campo de estudo. Foram coletadas informações sociodemográficas (gênero e idade), diagnóstico, recebimento ou não de cadeira de rodas nova, recebimento ou não de adaptações em cadeiras de rodas e as adaptações prescritas. Resultados: Um total de 1480 prontuários de usuários foram investigados, a maioria do sexo masculino (62,1%) e a idade média da amostra foi de 24,1 anos (DP = 17,2). Destes, (30,9%) apresentava o diagnóstico de paralisia cerebral, seguido pela lesão medular (22,6%), distrofia muscular de Duchenne (13,8%), amputação decorrentes de traumas e outras patologias (8,3%) e mielomeningocele (4,2%). Dos 1480 usuários, 69,3% receberam CR novas e ainda 30,7% já possuíam CR doadas por outros serviços e/ou compradas pelo próprio paciente. Quase todas as cadeiras necessitaram de adaptações em sua estrutura (96,1%). Apenas 57 cadeiras de rodas (3,9%) não necessitaram de um SAP conjunto. A adaptação mais frequente é o cinto pélvico (96,1%), seguida do assento e encosto de base rígida (95,1% e 94,5% respectivamente). Conclusões: Nota-se que a amostra estudada necessitou de muitos itens de adequação postural junto de suas cadeiras de rodas. Apesar da grande demanda por esses recursos de tecnologia assistiva, as investigações nessa área são escassas. Diante disso, a investigação proposta por este estudo produziu importantes evidências para a prática clínica de terapeutas ocupacionais que atuam na prescrição de cadeiras de rodas e de sistemas de adequação postural para pessoas com deficiência, apresentando dados que contribuem para uma melhor indicação desses equipamentos / Introduction: The positioning system or adaptations in wheelchair provide the user with the postural control necessary for daily activities, the maintenance of independence, and interaction with the environment. In addition, they avoid respiratory complications and the appearance of deformities in individuals. Indicating the best positioning system is one of the most challenging tasks for healthcare professionals specializing in its prescription because it can be difficult to assess which components best meet the needs of an individual. Thus, we are concerned with the development of evidence in this area, and therefore the collection of information about wheelchair prescription and its components of postural adequacy are essential for the construction of historical series, evaluation of their use, and the possibility of new actions and policies in this regard. Objective: To characterize and quantify wheelchair adaptations prescribed and dispensed by an occupational therapy service of a specialized orthopedic hospital in relation to the needs arising from the diagnoses attended from 2005 to 2013. Methods: A cross-sectional and retrospective descriptive observational study performed at the Occupational Therapy Service of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Institute of the Clinics Hospital of the Medical School of the University of São Paulo using the patient records of all wheelchair users, attended by the wheelchair prescription group and positioning system of the field of study. Were collected sociodemographic information (gender and age), diagnosis, whether a new wheelchair was received, whether wheelchair adaptations were received, and the adaptations prescribed. Results: A total of 1480 patient records were investigated, the majority of which were male (62.1%); the mean age of the sample was 24.1 years (SD = 17.2). Of these, 30.9% had a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, followed by spinal cord injury (22.6%), Duchenne muscular dystrophy (13.8%), amputation due to trauma and other pathologies (8.3%). and myelomeningocele (4.2%). Of the 1480 users, 69.3% received a new wheelchair and 30.7% already had one donated by other services and / or purchased by the patient. Almost all the chairs needed adaptations in their structure (96.1%), and only 57 wheelchairs (3.9%) did not require any. The most frequent adaptation was the pelvic belt (96.1%), followed by the rigid base seat, and backrest (95.1% and 94.5%, respectively). Conclusions: It is noted that the sample studied required many positioning items for their wheelchairs. Despite the high demand for these assistive technological resources, research in this area is scarce. Therefore, the research proposed by this study has produced important evidences for the clinical practice of occupational therapists that act on the prescription of wheelchairs and systems of postural adequacy for people with disabilities, presenting data that contribute to a better indication of these equipment\'s
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Empowerment : a question about democracy and ethics in everyday life : ICT and empowering relationship as support for persons with intellectual disabilitiesRenblad, Karin January 2003 (has links)
<p>Härtill 5 uppsatser.</p><p></p>
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Using environmental education to integrate persons with mental illness into the communitySandoval, Kathryn Jean 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Možnosti sociálního podnikání na Podřipsku / Possibilities of the social entrepreneurship in Podřipsko areaRážek, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
The introduction of the present diploma thesis, "Possibilities of social enterpreneurship in the Podřipsko region", is concerned with the theory of social economics and the forms it takes in the conditions of Europe and the Czech Republic. The second part of the thesis analyzes the opportunities of employment for the physically disabled and the possibilities of social enterprise in the Podřipsko region.
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An evaluation of the SACLA Rehabilitation Worker project in Cape Town, South Africa, 1992-1993Loveday, Marian Patricia January 1993 (has links)
This dissertation reports on an evaluation of the home visiting programme of the SACLA Rehabilitation Worker project against the background of the socio-economic context of the community and the history of the project. The evaluation had two aims. Firstly, it aimed to highlight the programme's strengths and weaknesses so that the work could become both more efficient and more effective. Secondly, it aimed to establish whether the SACLA rehabilitation project is an effective model of a community based rehabilitation project on which other local projects could be based. Quantitative data was collected by interviewing the caregivers of disabled children who were involved in the project. In-depth interviews with the rehabilitation workers provided qualitative data which was used to confirm the validity of some of the quantitative data. The foremost findings were that the mothers were very positive about the support received from the RWs. The majority of the caregivers remembered the activities that they had been taught by the RWs and performed them well. Poor communication with the caregivers and a lack of skills on the part of the RWs gave rise to a number of problems. A number of changes highlighted by the evaluation were suggested. In conclusion, the project was found to be an effective model of local community based rehabilitation on which other projects could be based.
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Lss vuxenboende : En studie av personalens upplevelse av delaktighet för brukarna i LSS vuxenboende / LSS Home for Adults : A Study of How the Staff Acknowlage Particpancy for the Clients in an LSS Home for AdultsSadeghkhani, Maryam January 2022 (has links)
A society for everybody mean that everybody shall participate in the society on equal terms. Individuals with disabilities shall reach a high level of participation in the society, especially in their own home. Previous science show there are difficulties for the individuals in an LSS home for adults to reach participation due to the law LSS (1993:387) about support and service for people with disabilitys. The purpose of this study is to examine the professionals experience of working with the right of participation for individuals at LSS homes for adults. To fulfill the aims of this study qualitative semistructured interwiews have been conducted. The selection passed one chief on low level, one care educator, three support pedagoges and two assistants. The respondents were selected through the snowball method. The theory of Grassroots bureaucracy and the theoretical concept Room for action and Empowerment were used. The theory and the theoretical concepts were used since they are connected to the aim of the study, previous science and the analyzed results of the study. The result shows that people with disabilities have difficulties to achieve participation in a LSS home for adults. Sometimes the lack of competence among staff about the user’s ability’s and how the staff must guideline the room for competence can be a hindered factor for user to participate in their LSS home for support and service.
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身心障礙者自立支援法制之介紹 ──以日本障礙者總合支援法與我國身心障礙者權益保障法第50條個人支持服務為中心 / Introduction of support scheme for independent living of persons with disabilities :Focusing on the Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities Act of Japan and the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act of Taiwan陳芃伃, Chen, Peng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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Kvalitet života odraslih osoba sa motornim invaliditetom na teritoriji Vojvodine / Quality of life of adult persons with motoric disability in VojvodinaŠušnjević Sonja 27 November 2015 (has links)
<p>Svetska zdravstvena organizacija definiše kvalitet života kao percepciju pojedinca o sopstvenom položaju u životu u kontekstu kulture i sistema vrednosti u kojima živi kao i prema svojim ciljevima, očekivanjima, standardima i interesovanjima.<br />To je širok koncept koga čine: fizičko zdravlje pojedinca, psihološki status, materijalna nezavisnost, socijalni odnosi i njihovi odnosi prema značajnim karakteristikama spoljašnje sredine. Procenjuje se da preko bilion ljudi živi sa<br />nekim oblikom invaliditeta, što čini oko 15% svetske populacije. Prisustvo bilo kakvog telesnog invaliditeta kod osobe može značajno da utiče na njen psihofizički i socijalni razvoj. Procenjivanje uticaja fizičkog invaliditeta na svakodnevni život odslikava kakvo je funkcionisanje i blagostanje te osobe iz dana u dan i u različitim domenima života, što zapravo predstavlja procenu kvaliteta života. Istraživanje predstavlja studiju preseka na uzorku od 227 odraslih osoba sa motornim invaliditetom u Vojvodini, koji su članovi udruženja osoba sa invaliditetom. Kao instrument istraživanja korišćen je posebno kreiran upitnik za procenu kvaliteta života osoba sa invaliditetom. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je bio da se proceni kvalitet života osoba sa invaliditetom u odnosu na fizičko, socijalno i emocionalno funkcionisanje kod odraslih osoba sa motornim invaliditetom na teritoriji Vojvodine, kao i da se utvrdi postojanje razlike u kvalitetu života u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja, zaposlenost i bračno stanje. Podaci prikupljeni tokom ankete su kontrolisani na validnost, kodirani i unošeni u posebno kreiranu bazu podataka. Odabrana su pitanja i formirani domeni/skale (fizičkog, emocionalnog i socijalnog funkcionisanja i samoprocene zdravlja) na osnovu matrica korelacija, ICC i vrednosti Kronbah alfa. Aritmetička vrednost, mediana, standardna devijacija, minimalna i maksimalna vrednost i 95% interval poverenja su izračunate za svaki domen kvaliteta života. Dobijene vrednosti domena i sumarnih skala su komparirane u odnosu na pol i bračno stanje ispitanika, (t-test, Mann-Whitney test), a ANOVA metodom i Kruskal -Wallis testom je vršena komparacija srednjih vrednosti u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja i status zaposlenosti ispitanika. Za sve testove su navedeni nivoi statističke značajnosti (p vrednosti). Studija je uključila 227 osoba sa motornim invaliditetom u Vojvodini, 120 muškaraca (52,9%) i 107 žena (47,1%). Prosečna starost ispitanika je bila<br />47 godina. U najvećem broju slučajeva uzrok invaliditeta je povreda (33,0%),<br />zatim neurološko oboljenje (26,0%), urođena bolest (20,7%), teško reumatsko oboljenje (13,7%), cerebrovaskularni inzult (2,6%) i ostala stanja (4%). U pogledu ortopedskih pomagala, invalidska kolica koristi 30,4% ispitanika, štap 37, 0%, šetalicu 3,1%, aparat za podizanje stopala 3,5%, dok ostatak navodi ostalo (štake, antidekubitusni krevet...). Psihometrijska analiza je pokazala da je za definisanje domena fizičkog funkcionisanja bilo moguće uključiti 5 pitanja iz upitnika, za domen emocionalnog funkcionisanja 10 pitanja a za domen socijalnog funkcionisanja 3 pitanja. Skala za svaki domen se kretala u intervalu od 0 do 100. Set od 5 pitanja uključenih u skalu fizičkog funkcionisanja definisali su kapacitet fizičkih sposobnosti. Prosečna vrednost domena fizičkog funkcionisanja za sve ispitanike je iznosila 85, 0 (SD=18.9) sa 95% CI u rasponu od 82,6 do 87,5. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika za ovaj domen u odnosu na zaposlenost (p=0.067) dok u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja i bračno stanje nema statistički značajne razlike. Set od 10 pitanja uključenih u skalu emocionalnog funkcionisanja definisali su emocionalni status ispitanika. Prosečna vrednost domena emocionalnog funkcionisanja za sve ispitanike je iznosila 62,5 (SD=20,0) sa 95% CI u rasponu od 59,9 do 65,1. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika za ovaj domen u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja (p=0.048) dok u odnosu na zaposlenost i bračno stanje nemastatistički značajne razlike. Set od 3 pitanja uključenih u skalu socijalnog funkcionisanja definisali su kapacitet socijalnih aktivnosti. Prosečna vrednost domena socijalnog funkcionisanja za sve ispitanike je iznosila 72,0 (SD=27,6) sa 95% CI u rasponu od 68,4 do 75,6. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika za ovaj domen u odnosu na nivo obrazovanja (p=0.067) dok u odnosu na zaposlenost i bračno stanje nema statistički značajne razlike.</p> / <p>The World Health Organization defines quality of life (QoL) as “an individual's<br />perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems where they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns. It is a broad concept affected in a complex way by a person's physical health, psychological state, personal beliefs, social relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment.”<br />Over a billion people are estimated to live with some form of disability. This corresponds to about 15% of the world's population. The presence of any sort of physical disability in person can significantly influence their physical,<br />mental and social development. The assessment of the effects of a disability on every day, life reflects on the functioning and wealth of a person on daily basis and in various segments of life, that actually represents the assessment of their quality of life. The research represents a cross-sectional study of the sample of 227 adults with motoric disability in Vojvodina, who are registered in associations of people with disability. Especially created questionnaire was used to assess quality of life. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between physical (PF), emotional (EF) and social functioning (SF) domain of QoL and education level, employment and having life partner of disabled persons.<br />The data collected during the survey were checked for validity, then coded and entered into a specially created database. Тhe questions were selected, four scales / domains (physical, emotional, social functioning and self assessment of health) were formed based on the correlation matrices, intercorrelation cofficient (ICC) and Crombach alpha values. Mean value, median, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values and 95% of confidence interval wаs calculated for all domain of QoL. The values obtained in the field of physical, emotional and social functioning were compared as per gender and marital status of the participants, using t-test, Mann-Whitney test, ANOVA method and Kruskal Wallis test were used to compare the mean values in respect to level of education and employment status of the respondents. For all the tests, the levels of statistical significance (p) were provided. The study involved 227 adults with motoric disability in Vojvodina, 120 men (52.9%) and 107 women (47.1%). Average age of the participants was 47 years of age. The cause of disability in the largest number of the interviewees were the injury (33.0%), then neurological conditions (26.0%), inborn condition (20.7%), serious rheumatic disease (13.7%), cerebrovascular insult (2.6%) and other (4%). As for the orthopedic tools, wheelchairs are used by 30.4% participants, stick 37.0%, walker is used by 3.1% and the orthoses for elevating feet 3.5%, whereas the rest of the interviewees state other (different orthopedic tools such as crutches, anti decubitus mattresses etc). Psychometric analysis showed that in order to define the domain on physical functioning from the questionnaire applied it was possible to include the 5 questions, for emotional functioning domain 10 questions and for domain on social functioning 3 questions. The sum of all selected questions for every domain forms the scale in the range from 0 to 100. The set of five questions stated for the scale of physical functioning indicate the capacity of physical functioning. The average value of PF domain for all the interviewees is 85.0 (SD=18.9) with 95% CI in the range of 82. 6 to 87.5. The difference in regard to employment status (p=0.067) is statistically significant but there is not satisticlly significant difference in regard level of education and marital status. The set of ten questions stated for the scale of emotional functioning. The average value of EF domain for all the interviewees is 62.5 (SD=20.0) with 95% CI in the range of 59.9 to 65.1. The difference in regard to level of education (p=0.048) is statistically significant but there is not satisticlly significant difference in regard to employment status and marital status. The set of three questions stated for the scale of social functioning indicate the capacity of social interaction. The average value of SF domain for all the interviewees is 72.0 (SD=27.6) with 95% CI in the range of 68.4 to 75.6. The difference in regard to the level of education is statistically significant (p< 0.001) but there is not satisticlly significant difference in regard to employment status and marital status.</p>
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Programa de educação de pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral baseado na classificação internacional de funcionalidade, incapacidade e saúde / A Program Education for Stroke Patients based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and HealthFerreira, Luana Talita Diniz 24 March 2017 (has links)
O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) é considerado uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade no mundo. Avanços tecnológicos tem contribuído para a reabilitação de pacientes que convivem com incapacidades secundárias a esta doença, entretanto outros recursos para melhorar a qualidade de vida destas pessoas estão em desenvolvimento. Programas de educação em saúde são ferramentas valiosas para o autocuidado ajudando no processo de reabilitação e de independência. Este estudo teve como objetivo adaptar e testar o Programa de Educação para pacientes com base na Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde, desenvolvido por pesquisadores da Universidade de Munique. A primeira fase do estudo consistiu na tradução ao português e a adaptação do material utilizado para o serviço onde o programa seria testado. A segunda fase consistiu na realização de teste na prática clínica. Foi conduzido um estudo de intervenção, randomizado, com 30 pacientes com diagnóstico de AVC, em que foi avaliado o efeito do programa sobre a sensação de bem-estar subjetiva, qualidade de vida e impacto sobre o AVC. As informações foram obtidas por meio das ferramentas: Escala de Bem-Estar Subjetivo, Escala de Impacto de AVC e Escala de Qualidade de Vida, e seus resultados comparados entre os dois grupos. Não houve diferença nos aspectos avaliados antes e depois do programa, quando comparados os dois grupos. Ainda assim podemos afirmar que processos educativos constituem ferramentas úteis para pacientes que necessitem conhecer suas potencialidades e desenvolver habilidades para gerenciar a sua saúde de forma mais independente / Stroke is considered one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. Technological advances have contributed to the rehabilitation of patients living with disabilities secondary to this disease, however other resources to improve the quality of life of these people are in development. Health education programs are valuable tools for self-care helping in the process of rehabilitation and independence.This study aimed to adapt and test the Education Program for patients based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health developed by researchers at the University of Munich. The first phase of the study consisted of the translation into Portuguese and the adaptation of the material used for the service where the program would be tested. The second phase consisted of a test in clinical practice. A randomized, double-blind intervention study was conducted with 30 stroke patients, which evaluated the effect of the program on subjective well-being, quality of life and impact on stroke. The information was obtained through the tools: Subjective Well-Being Scale, Stroke Impact Scale and Quality of Life Scale, and their results compared between the two groups. There was no difference in the aspects evaluated before and after the program, when comparing the two groups. Nevertheless, we can affirm that educational processes are useful tools for patients who need to know their potential and develop skills to manage their health more independently
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Imaginação criativa, memória e consciência: estudo com pessoas que sofreram traumatismo crânio encefálicoSchewinsky, Sandra Regina 05 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this study is to the verify the following hypoteses: a) creative imagination
stimulation reduces the memory déficits in persons who have suffered a Traumatic Brain
Injury (TBI), b) the stimulation creative imagination and the memory déficits reduction are
associated with the conscience level increase these persons. Many persons with TBI, mainly
young people, have neuropsychological outcomes like by the memory and conscience. This
ressearch is subsidized by basic concepts of social psychology presented in the work of Lev
Semenovich Vygotsky, Alexander Romanovich Luria, Alexei Leontiev and from the
reflections of George Mead, since these authors have analyzed the development of human
psychological function though the perspective of society and culture. From this theoretical
referential, the following aspects and analytical categories are detached, in agreement with the
objectives of this study; the individual social genesis, human communication, creative
imagination, memory, conscience, concepts formation and proximal development zone. It
follows the nearly experimental orientation characterized by the case study, two young people
attended in rehabilitation process, including a psychological treatment at the Department of
Psychology, Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hospital das Clínicas, School of Medicine,
University of São Paulo. The research consists in a psychological evaluation, in continuation
the attendance whose objective is to stimulate the creative imagination of the person, with
single activities and two persons participation, reinforcing the advantage of the work with
Vygotsky s concept of proximal development zone, ending with the post-treatment
psychological evaluation. The results suggest that the treatment for stimulation the
imagination between the variables is inverse the increase in one of them reduces the other
one, and the conscience has a synthesizings function for all the others, will be increased in
this association. The research strengthens also the theoretical concepts of the mentioned
authors above that mental functions act in interrelation and not isolately. The present study
can collaborate with the psychological therapeutics which includes the neuropsychological
rehabilitation / Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de verificar as seguintes hipóteses: a) a estimulação da
imaginação criativa diminui os déficits de memória em pessoas que sofreram Traumatismo
Crânio Encefálico (TCE), b) a estimulação da imaginação criativa e a diminuição dos déficits
de memória estão associadas à elevação do nível de consciência dos sujeitos vítimas de TCE.
Um elevado número de pessoas, principalmente jovens, acometidas por esse traumatismo
sofre de alterações neuropsicológicas, aquelas que afetam a memória e a consciência entre
outras. Subsidiam esta investigação conceitos básicos da psicologia social extraídos da obra
de Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, Alexander Romanovich Luria, Alexei Leontiev e das reflexões
de George Mead, visto que esses autores analisaram o desenvolvimento das funções
psicológicas humanas da perspectiva da sociedade e da cultura. Desse referencial teórico são
destacados os seguintes aspectos e categorias analíticas, em consonância com os objetivos da
pesquisa: gênese social do indivíduo, comunicação humana, imaginação criativa, memória,
consciência, formação de conceitos e zona de desenvolvimento proximal. Esta pesquisa segue
o delineamento quase-experimental caracterizado pelo estudo de caso, tendo dois jovens
como sujeitos que realizaram processo de reabilitação incluindo o tratamento psicológico na
Divisão de Medicina de Reabilitação do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da
Universidade de São Paulo. A pesquisa consiste em avaliação psicológica, seguindo-se, então,
o tratamento propriamente dito com objetivo de estimular a imaginação criativa dos sujeitos,
incluindo atividades individuais e em dupla, reforçando a vantagem de se trabalhar com o
conceito de zona de desenvolvimento proximal de Vygotsky, finalizando-se com a avaliação
psicológica pós-tratamento. Os resultados sugerem que o tratamento de estimular a
imaginação criativa trouxe benefícios aos sujeitos da pesquisa, confirmando as hipóteses de
que a estimulação da imaginação está associada à redução dos déficits de memória, ou seja, a
associação entre as variáveis é inversa, o aumento de uma diminui a outra, e que a consciência
como função sintetizadora de todas as outras será aumentada nessa associação. O trabalho
fortalece ainda os pressupostos dos autores citados de que as funções mentais atuam interrelacionadas,
antes do que isoladamente. Pretende-se que a pesquisa presente possa colaborar
com a terapêutica psicológica que engloba a reabilitação neuropsicológica
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