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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenho do sistema de solução de conflito: sistemas indenizatórios em interesses individuais homogêneos / Dispute system design: indemnity systems in class interest.

Paulo Henrique Raiol Ostia 16 April 2014 (has links)
Por mais que os cientistas separem e classifiquem os elementos da realidade para melhor compreendê-la, ele preserva a sua natureza complexa e multidisciplinar. O mesmo raciocínio pode ser aplicado aos conflitos. A sociedade de massa, por sua vez, potencializou o surgimento de conflitos complexos. As peculiaridades e os diferentes aspectos destas situações tornam improvável que sejam adequadamente tratados e solucionados por mecanismos genéricos. Considerando isso e em uma perspectiva de meios adequados de solução de conflito, o método do desenho de sistemas de solução de conflito (Dispute System Design DSD) propõe que sejam criados sistemas personalizados a partir de princípios e técnicas. Dessa forma, seriam dadas as respostas processuais aos diferentes aspectos do conflito. Com o intuito de analisar a aplicação dos princípios e técnicas do DSD à realidade, estudar-se-ão os casos da Câmara de Indenização Voo 3054 (CI3054) e do Programa de Indenização Voo 447 (PI447). Estes sistemas tinham como escopo solucionar os conflitos provenientes de acidentes aéreos que ocorreram em 2007 e 2009, com aeronaves das companhias TAM e Air France, respectivamente. Nas duas tragédias não houve sobreviventes. / Although the scientists separate and classify the elements of reality to understand it better, it preserves its complex and multidisciplinary nature. The same reasoning can be applied to conflicts. The mass society, in its turn, increased the emergence of complex conflicts. The peculiarity and the different aspects of these situations makes it unlikely to be adequately processed and solved by generic mechanisms. Considering this and the perspective of adequate conflict resolution, the Dispute System Design - DSD suggests that custom systems can be created from principles and technical. Therefore would be given the procedural responses to the different aspects of the conflict. In order to examine the application of the principles and techniques of DSD to reality, will be studied the cases of the Câmara de Indenização Voo 3054 (CI3054) and Programa de Indenização Voo 447 (PI447). These systems were scoped to resolve conflicts arising from plane crashes that occurred in 2007 and 2009, with TAM and Air France aircraft. In the two tragedies there were no survivors.

Transação e arbitragem nas controvérsias tributárias / Transaction and arbitration on tax controversies

Priscila Faricelli de Mendonça 31 October 2013 (has links)
O objetivo da presente dissertação de mestrado foi o de, a partir de uma análise fática das discussões judiciais travadas entre fisco e contribuinte para solução de controvérsias tributárias, constatar a ineficiência do sistema atualmente posto à disposição dos sujeitos envolvidos em tais relações e buscar soluções processualmente viáveis, com foco em mecanismos consensuais (transação) ou adjudicatórios de base consensual (arbitragem). Para tanto, partiu-se de uma análise do atual cenário dos litígios judiciais envolvendo fiscos e contribuintes, concluindo-se pela incapacidade do sistema a proporcionar soluções satisfatórias e tratamento adequado ao conflito (Parte I, Capítulo 1). Diante da realidade fática enfrentada, o problema é proposto para soluções de controvérsias tributárias, frente ao regime de indisponibilidade do crédito tributário. Na nova moldura das relações que envolvem o Estado, tendo em vista que não se afasta disponibilidade do crédito tributário desde que se dê nos termos da lei (Parte I, Capítulo 2), passou-se a uma análise dos meios atualmente postos à disposição dos fiscos e contribuintes para solução das controvérsias tributárias, vislumbrando-se, ao final, pela viabilidade de adoção de meios alternativos para solução de tais controvérsias (Parte I, Capítulo 3). A segunda parte do estudo é voltada à análise da arbitragem tributária, partindo da arbitrabilidade do crédito tributário (Parte II, Capítulo 1) até os requisitos formais e processuais para adoção de tal método privado e de base consensual para solução de conflitos tributários. Feitas as premissas necessárias, tratou-se dos aspectos processuais da arbitragem tributária, sempre os vinculando à estrita legalidade que permeia tais relações e será premissa de validade do procedimento que se cogita (Parte II, Capítulo 2). Finalmente, na terceira parte é feita a avaliação acerca da transigibilidade das controvérsias tributárias (Parte III, Capítulo 1) para, após, verificar os aspectos processuais da transação tributária, sempre com vistas à legalidade, tipicidade cerrada e limites impostos pela Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. / This dissertation aims at looking for feasible solutions from a procedural standpoint, based on a factual analysis of tax judicial lawsuits between the taxpayers and the Government that verified the inefficiency of the system currently made available to the parties involved in the said disputes, focused on the possibility of adopting the arbitration and transaction. Initially, it is discussed the current scenario of the judicial tax litigation, which resulted in the conclusion of the inability of the system to provide satisfactory solutions and appropriate treatment to the relevant conflicts (Part I, Chapter 1). Given such scenario, the proposed problem is how to use consensual mechanisms (transaction) or adjudicatory-based consensus procedures (arbitration) to resolve tax controversies, vis a vis the regime of unavailability of the tax credit. In the new framework of relations involving the States, which allows the availability of the tax credit strictly under the law (Part I, Chapter 2), it is analyzed the ways currently available to the tax authorities and taxpayers for the resolution of tax controversies and it is concluded for the feasibility of adopting alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods (Part I, Chapter 3), in addition to the adjudicative resolution of the conflicts. Then, the second part of the study is focused on the analysis of tax arbitration, moving from the arbitrability of the tax credit (Part II, Chapter 1) to the substantive and procedural requirements for adopting such a method private and consensual-based for resolving tax disputes. As the necessary premises were confirmed, it is analyzed the procedural aspects of tax arbitration, always linking them to the strict legality that permeates tax matters and will utmost validate the arbitration for tax matters (Part II, Chapter 2). Finally, the third part is an evaluation about the possibility of tax transaction (Part III, Chapter 1); after that, it is analyzed the procedural aspects of the transaction for tax purposes, always under the strict legality and the limits imposed by the Fiscal Responsibility Law (Part III, Chapter 2).

A efetividade da prestação jurisdicional civil a partir da conciliação / The effectiveness of judicial services through conciliation

Erica Barbosa e Silva 01 February 2012 (has links)
O objetivo central desta tese é verificar se e como a utilização da conciliação pode conferir efetividade à prestação jurisdicional, compreendida pela pacificação com Justiça, destacando a dimensão qualitativa do instituto. Contextualizou-se para tanto o tema, analisando o Poder Judiciário, a atividade jurisdicional e a cultura da pacificação na contemporaneidade, e se examinou em seguida o tratamento de conflitos por meios consensuais. A investigação do objeto desta tese tem início no terceiro capítulo, com a construção institucional da conciliação, a que se seguem - no quarto capítulo - as delimitações nas cortes de Justiça, depurando a respectiva aplicação aos conflitos civis, na tentativa de superar preconceitos e determinar em que medida denota efetividade. No quinto capítulo, analisa-se a conciliação aplicada, com destaque para a verificação do método, pela dinâmica existente entre a técnica e os sujeitos envolvidos, estabelecendo as balizas objetivas e subjetivas da conciliação na prestação jurisdicional civil. O sexto capítulo apresenta a tese, confirmando a hipótese estabelecida na introdução - há efetividade da prestação jurisdicional civil a partir da conciliação - e sintetiza suas condições. A resposta ao conflito pela conciliação verifica-se pelo engendramento de soluções integrativas, que contemplem todas as partes envolvidas. Nessa construção institucional revelam-se diversos elementos constitutivos, dado que a negociação por princípios não contempla a infinidade de variações vistas no Judiciário. Daí por que a interdisciplinaridade, a comunicação de primeira e segunda ordem, a teoria dos sistemas, a teoria dos jogos e a tipologia dos conflitos são temas afeitos à conciliação, como meio apto de solucionar conflitos no sistema de Justiça atual. O estudo ora apresentado enaltece a conciliação por meio de bases constitutivas próprias, que afastem o instituto de informalismos e concentrem-se no entendimento de sua técnica, permitindo refinar os caminhos rumo à efetividade da prestação jurisdicional. / The main goal of this thesis is to verify if conciliation must be used in the Courts and how to use it to improve their effectiveness. For the purpose of this work, effectiveness indicates the ability for a fair pacification of conflicts, in order to stress the qualitative view of the institute. The analysis of the Judiciary, in which the thesiss subject is contextualized, takes in account the judicial activities and the culture of pacification, as it is presently conceived. This set foundations to analyse how disputes are dealt by consensual means of resolution. The focus in the most important topic of this thesis begins in chapter 3, in which the institutional construction of conciliation is drawn. In other hand, chapter 4 works the limitations of conciliation in the Courts, discussing it application to private disputes, putting prejudices aside and determining to what extent effectiveness could be achieved. Chapter 5 analyzes conciliation as it is done, in particular the question of method and the balance between technique and involved people, determining the objective and subjective boundaries of conciliation in civil jurisdiction. The hypothesis presented in the introduction is confirmed in chapter 6, upholding that conciliation makes judicial services more effective. Otherwise the final chapter sums up the conditions to get effective outputs through conciliation in the judicial environment. The resolution of dispute through conciliation is obtained by mixing integrative means, taking in account all parts. In this institutional construction several constitutive elements rise up, since only negotiation through principles does not allow to reach all existing diversity of situations embraced by Judiciary. That is why an interdisciplinary approach is need, including first and second order communication, systems theory, theory of games and tipology of conflicts. The present study assert the qualities of conciliation on its own constitutive bases, what means to get it hide of any informalism and embedded in its own technique, making if feasible to improve the effectiveness of judicial servives.

Investimento estrangeiro e meio ambiente: uma análise sobre o tratamento das questões ambientais suscitadas nos casos decididos pelo ICSID entre 2000-2013 / Foreign investment and environment: an analisys on the treatment of environmental matters raised in cases decided by ICSID between 2000-2013.

Isadora Postal Telli 06 February 2015 (has links)
O novo contexto do Direito Internacional tem buscado acomodar interesses econômicos às exigências de proteção ambiental, em linha com o desenvolvimento sustentável. Nesse particular, o investimento estrangeiro é elemento-chave e contribui para a aproximação entre Direito Internacional do Investimento Estrangeiro e Direito Internacional Ambiental, tanto em relação à elaboração de normas substantivas quanto aos processos de adjudicação. Embora já existam diversos trabalhos voltados a demonstrar como os investimentos estrangeiros podem contribuir com a preservação ambiental, pouco se tem escrito sobre os aspectos mais práticos dessa interação. Durante muito tempo, o caráter vago e impreciso da redação dos tratados ambientais dificultava sua aplicação às operações dos investidores. Contudo, a crescente consciência de parcela significativa da população mundial sobre a proteção ao meio ambiente está dando vida a cláusulas com conteúdo ambiental até então dormentes. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar empiricamente qual o tratamento concedido às questões ambientais suscitadas nos casos decididos pelos tribunais do Centro Internacional para Resolução de Disputas de Investimento (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes), o ICSID, no período entre 2000-2013. Para tanto, a pesquisa foi dividida em três partes. A primeira parte é dedicada ao contexto histórico que permitiu a aproximação entre Direito Internacional do Investimento Estrangeiro e do Direito Ambiental Internacional. Na segunda parte o ICSID é apresentado, de modo a compreender sua organização e funcionamento e, principalmente, de que forma as questões ambientais podem ser suscitadas no âmbito das disputas de investimento. E, por fim, os resultados obtidos a partir da pesquisa empírica das decisões proferidas pelos tribunais do ICSID são apresentados, sistematizando os argumentos apresentados pelas partes, bem como aqueles utilizados pelos tribunais ao decidir os litígios de investimento compreendendo a matéria ambiental. / The new context of International Law pursues the accommodation of economic interests to the needs of environmental protection, in line with the sustainable development. To that particular, the foreign investment is a key element and contributes to a closer relation between the Foreign Investment International Law and the Environmental International Law, inasmuch as in relation to the enactment of substantive laws, as towards to enforcement procedures. Although there are several studies aiming at demonstrating how foreign investments may contribute to the environmental protection, few has been written about the most practical aspects of such interaction. For a long time, the vague and imprecise character of the provisions in environmental treaties turn harder their enforcement towards the investment transactions. However, the growth in conscience on environment protection of a substantial portion of the world population has given life to clauses with environmental content that were dormant until recently. In this context, the objective of this study is to make an empiric analysis on the treatment granted to environmental matters raised in cases decided by the tribunals of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, the ICSID, in the period between 2000 and 2013. For that, this research is divided in three parts. The first one is dedicated to the historical context that allowed the approximation between Foreign Investment International Law and Environmental International Law. In the second part the ICSID is presented, to allow a better comprehension of its organization and functioning and, mainly, the forms in which environmental matters can be raised within the scope of investment disputes. And, finally, the results obtained with the empiric research on the decisions enacted by the ICSID tribunals are presented, with a systematization of the arguments used by the involved parties, as well as the arguments adopted by the tribunals to decide the investment disputes comprising environmental matters.

Tão próximos, tão distantes: a justiça restaurativa entre comunidade e sociedade / So close, so distant: restorative justice between community and society.

Juliana Cardoso Benedetti 27 May 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa o papel da Justiça Restaurativa na atualidade, tratando de situar o seu lugar no debate sociológico, inaugurado por Ferdinand Tönnies, que identifica na comunidade e na sociedade duas formas de sociabilidade distintas. A hipótese de que partimos é a de que, a despeito de ser celebrada como uma panacéia para os males do sistema de justiça criminal tradicional, a Justiça Restaurativa, por evocar um ideal de comunidade de difícil materialização nos dias de hoje, talvez não seja apropriada no contexto das sociedades modernas. Para verificá-la, empreendemos uma revisão da literatura que examina as características e as conseqüências sociais do processo de modernização, com foco nas obras de Anthony Giddens e Zygmunt Bauman. A partir delas, oferecemos um diagnóstico que retrata como a transição de uma modernidade simples para uma modernidade reflexiva acirrou, nas últimas décadas, a sensação de insegurança e transformou o ideal comunitário, que anima a Justiça Restaurativa, em um refúgio para a inconstância da vida moderna. A seguir, descrevemos o desenvolvimento teórico e prático da Justiça Restaurativa e, com o fim de verificar nossa hipótese empiricamente, realizamos um estudo de caso, examinando em profundidade dois conflitos encaminhados ao Programa-Piloto de Justiça Restaurativa dos Juizados Especiais Criminais do Núcleo Bandeirante, localizado nos arredores de Brasília, no Distrito Federal. Concluímos, enfim, que a Justiça Restaurativa, por mobilizar emoções íntimas, funciona bem quando aplicada a conflitos penais protagonizados por pessoas próximas, vinculadas por laços de tipo comunitário. No entanto, quando se trata de conflitos envolvendo estranhos, típicos da modernidade, a estratégia restaurativa tende a ser mal-sucedida. Portanto, do mesmo modo que, no presente, a comunidade é incapaz de substituir a sociedade, uma Justiça Restaurativa atrelada a ideais comunitários não será capaz de alterar significativamente o esquema de funcionamento de um sistema de justiça criminal criado de acordo com as particularidades das sociedades modernas. / This dissertation analyzes the role of Restorative Justice in the present, attempting to place it in the sociological debate launched by Ferdinand Tönnies, who identifies in community and society two different forms of sociability. The hypothesis from which we depart is that, although celebrated as a panacea to the problems of the traditional criminal justice system, perhaps Restorative Justice is not appropriate under the context of modern societies, since it evokes an ideal of community that could hardly be materialized nowadays. In order to verify this hypothesis, we undertake a review of the literature that examines the characteristics and the social consequences of the modernization process, focusing on the works of Anthony Giddens and Zygmunt Bauman. Based upon such accounts, we offer a diagnosis that depicts how the transition from a simple modernity toward a reflexive modernity intensified, in the last decades, the perception of insecurity and transformed the communitarian ideal, which underpins Restorative Justice, into a shelter from the inconstancy of modern life. Then, we describe the theoretical and practical development of Restorative Justice and, in order to empirically verify our hypothesis, we conduct a case study, perusing two conflicts submitted to the Pilot Program of Restorative Justice promoted by the Minor Offences Court of Núcleo Bandeirante, located in the surroundings of Brasilia, in the Federal District. Finally, we conclude that, for mobilizing intimate emotions, Restorative Justice works well when applied to criminal conflicts whose protagonists are closely-related persons, linked by communitarian bounds. However, when it comes to conflicts involving strangers, typical of modernity, the restorative strategy is likely to fail. Therefore, in the same way that community is unable to replace society in the present, a Restorative Justice dependent on communitarian ideals will not be capable of significantly altering the performance of a criminal justice system created according to the particularities of modern societies.

The law relating to retrenchment

Van Staden, Leon January 2003 (has links)
Retrenchment, as a form of dismissal, is regulated by section 189 and 189A of the Labour Relations Act 1995. In order for a retrenchment to be fair, it must comply with both the substantive and procedural requirements stipulated in the Act. After an employee has proved the dismissal, the onus rests on the employer to comply with these two requirements by providing proof thereof. One of the most important procedural requirements that must be complied with by the employer is that the employer cannot merely make a decision to retrench. This decision may only be made once the employer, when contemplating a retrenchment, followed the lengthy consultation process as required in section 189. Recent amendments to section 189 introduced a distinction between a small and big employer and further between a large-scale and small-scale dismissal. If the employee is of the opinion that the employer did not comply with either the procedural or substantive requirements or both, he/she may refer such a dispute for conciliation and thereafter for arbitration or adjudication, according to a dispute resolution process contained in the Act, during which process certain remedies are available to the dismissed employee. The Labour Relations Act 1995 also introduced important amendments which have the effect that employees are allowed to, in certain circumstances, to strike over collective retrenchment disputes.

L’exécution des sentences arbitrales étrangères - étude comparative entre la France et la Chine / Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards - A Comparative Study in France and in China

Liu, Ouqian 12 December 2016 (has links)
Le droit français a développé une politique législative et jurisprudentielle largement favorable à l’arbitrage dans tous ses aspects, notamment relativement à l’exécution d’une sentence arbitrale. La dernière réforme majeure du droit français de l’arbitrage a été adoptée en 2011. Dans le contexte de l’harmonisation mondiale du droit et de la pratique de l’arbitrage, la Convention de New York, destinée à faciliter la reconnaissance et l’exécution des sentences étrangères, a simplifié considérablement l’exécution de celles-ci. Néanmoins, l’exécution des sentences internationales est soumise à un contrôle judiciaire du tribunal étatique qui doit être en conformité avec son propre droit. Ainsi, dans la pratique, l’application du régime juridique peut largement varier d’un pays à l’autre. Une étude sur la Chine est un bon exemple dans ce contexte, puisque ses règlements d’arbitrage ont fait l’objet de réformes annuelles successives. À l’inverse des critiques concernant l’exécution des sentences étrangères sur le territoire chinois de la part des investisseurs et des auteurs étrangers, la doctrine et les rapports des chercheurs chinois se montrent plus positifs. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’offrir aux praticiens une vision claire et une image objective de la question d’exécution des sentences arbitrales en Chine. Elle est basée sur des analyses théoriques du régime juridique, des statistiques et de la pratique des tribunaux et présente l’état actuel du droit de l’arbitrage en Chine à travers une étude comparative (incluant Hong Kong et Taïwan). Dans ce vaste contexte social chinois, nous essayons de comprendre l’histoire, la pratique actuelle, les obstacles juridiques, les positions judiciaires et les perspectives de l’exécution des sentences arbitrales étrangères en Chine. Nous espérons que la prochaine réforme du droit de l’arbitrage en Chine trouvera inspiration dans la récente réforme du droit Français. / France revealed its long-awaited new arbitration law in January 2011. France had forged a legal and judicial framework that is significantly favorable to arbitration in every respect, particularly in the field of enforcement arbitral award. In the context of harmonisation of arbitration law and practice worldwide, the central purpose of the New York Convention was to facilitate the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. It considerably simplifies the enforcement of foreign awards. Nonetheless, the enforcement of an international arbitral award always takes place through a national court operating under its own legislations. In practice, the application of this legal regime can vary significantly from one country to another. China provides a good case study on this background, its arbitration rules has gone through continuous process of reform every year. While the foreign investors and researchers have often claimed that enforcement in China is problematic, the Chinese authors and researchers present a more positive view. The aim of this research endeavours to present a unique insight and an objective picture of the enforcement of arbitral awards in China, based on a combination of theoretical analysis of legal regime, statistical information and practical insights. It explains the current arbitration law in China with a comparative approach (including Hong Kong and Taiwan). Setting Chinese arbitration in its wider social context, we try to understand the history, the contemporary practice, the legal obstacles, the judicial attitudes and the possible future trends in the field of enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. We hope that the recent French Arbitration Law would be an inspiration for the next reform of the PRC Arbitration Law.

Alternativní metody řešení sporů a právo na soudní ochranu v ČR / Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Rights to Judicial Protection in the Czech Republic

Peroutka, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis was to describe alternative dispute resolutions in the overall context of the right to judicial protection guaranteed by the judicial system. In the Czech Republic, there are several alternatives to legal proceedings; these are in particular: (1) arbitration, (2) mediation, and (3) conciliation by the Consumer Protection Act. The thesis then aimed to answer the question whether the existence of these different techniques of settling disputes extends the right to judicial protection of the parties - in a broader sense, whether there is an increase in application of their procedural rights - or vice versa. Arbitration represents an important part of this thesis. I first focus on procedural rights participants in arbitration are guaranteed. I conclude that participants can waive the right to judicial protection guaranteed by Art. 36 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms only under strict conditions, i.e. the expression of will must be unequivocal, informed (conscious) consent, free (voluntary, i.e. without coercion), unconditional; and only to a limited extend. However, this waiver is not absolute and unlimited; certain minimum guarantees of procedural rights defined by practice of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg are applied to ensure a...

Právní ochrana domén ve vztahu k právům na označení / Legal protection of domains in relation to the right of indication

Feuerstein, Michael January 2017 (has links)
Legal protection of domains in relation to the right of indication The aim of this master thesis is to provide information about the relation between domain names and law, with particular attention paid to rights of indication. The reader will become acquainted with the classification of domain names within the Czech legal system, their possible conflicts with different rights, and procedures which can be used for their protection. The thesis reflects changes caused by the new conception of private law and recent judicial decisions, mainly regarding alternative dispute resolutions. In order to understand this issue, it is also necessary to be familiar with the technical aspects of domain names and the Internet, and therefore this subtopic is included in the thesis as well. The thesis consists of four topical parts. The first one, which is made up of the second and the third chapter, deals with the functioning of the Internet and IP addresses, the registration process of domain names, and their composition, management and main functions. It is followed by the second part, which is represented by the fourth chapter, evaluating the position of domain names in the legal system of the Czech Republic, especially in terms of the question whether domain names are the subject of ownership or not. In this...

The justice of Dikê on the forms and significance of dispute settlement by arbitration in the Iliad

Malamis, Daniel Scott Christos January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the forms and significance of dispute settlement by arbitration, or ‘δίκη’, in the Iliad. I take as my focus the ‘storm simile’ of Iliad XVI: 384-393, which describes Zeus’ theodical reaction to corruption within the δίκη-court, and the ‘shield trial’ of Iliad XVIII: 498-508, which presents a detailed picture of such a court in action, and compare the forms and conception of arbitration that emerge from these two ecphrastic passages with those found in the narrative body of the poem. Analysing the terminology and procedures associated with dispute settlement in the Iliad, I explore the evidence for the development of an ‘ideology of δίκη’, that valorises arbitrated settlement as a solution to conflict, and that identifies δίκη as a procedure and a civic institution with an objective standard of fairness: the foundation of a civic concept of ‘justice’. I argue that this ideology is fully articulated in the storm simile and the shield trial, as well as Hesiod’s Works and Days, but that it is also detectable in the narrative body of the Iliad. I further argue that the poet of the Iliad employs references to this ideology, through the narrative media of speech and ecphrasis, to prompt and direct his audience’s evaluation of the nature and outcome of the poem’s central conflict: the dispute of Achilles and Agamemnon.

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