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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os sentidos da doc?ncia para alunos do magist?rio ind?gena: o papel da l?ngua como media??o / The meaning of teaching the students of aboriginal teaching: the role of language as mediation

Ferreira, ?urea L?cia Magalh?es Cardoso de Medeiros 26 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:30:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aurea Lucia Magalhaes Cardoso.pdf: 1484578 bytes, checksum: f28a47fce4b565618c130682c2366c38 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-26 / The present study aimed to analyze the role of language in its highest psychological function in mediating the formation of indigenous teaching process, seeking to understand their influence on the way of being and acting of individuals and the processing and maintenance of culture. Through the indicators of meaning, we seek to understand the aspects involved in training for the teaching that takes place mainly with non-native teachers, using the English language as a mediator of the process. This study is located within the School Psychology spectrum, and adopted as a theoretical and methodological contribution to Historic-Cultural Psychology,whose main representative Vigotski. The context researched was from the Course Teaching Indigenous Tam?'kan in the State of Roraima, and the form of construction of the information with the students in classroom were observed and semi- structured interviews with 10 students of the course, subjects in this study and three interviews with three leaders of the course in question, which we call informants . The process that analyzing elects contextual clipping that participants tall about experience as a guiding principle of our postulations and focusing on family, school life, training in teaching of professional activities. The results indicate positive meaning about teaching profession and the great appreciation of teachers who are committed and able to transform the reality they experience in educational communities as well as community action and themselves. As a result, it was found that the settings of meanings about teaching are forged by numerous contradictions experienced by students from an early age, embracing the influence of history and cultures that permeate their experiences and life. These contradictions descends from attribution that indigenous community and society give the teachers on the one hand, and the community and society they collect of these same professionals on the other hand, such as knowing different themes; remain committed to their communities, to have mastery of the indigenous language and strive for building habits and universal behavior. / A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar o papel da l?ngua enquanto fun??o psicol?gica superior na media??o do processo de constitui??o da doc?ncia ind?gena, buscando compreender sua influ?ncia no modo de ser e agir dos sujeitos e na transforma??o e manuten??o da cultura. Por meio dos indicadores de sentidos, buscamos compreender os aspectos implicados na forma??o para o magist?rio, que se realiza em grande parte por professores n?o ind?genas, utilizando-se da l?ngua portuguesa como mediadora do processo. Este estudo se localiza dentro do espectro da Psicologia Escolar, e adotou como aporte te?rico-metodol?gico a Psicologia Hist?rico-cultural, que tem como principal representante Vigotski. O contexto da pesquisa foi o Curso Magist?rio Ind?gena Tam? kan, no Estado de Roraima, e a forma de constru??o das informa??es com os estudantes foram observa??es de aulas e dez entrevistas semiestruturadas com os estudantes do curso, sujeitos desta pesquisa e tr?s entrevistas com tr?s dirigentes do curso em quest?o, os quais denominamos de informantes. Como procedimento de an?lise, elegemos recortes contextuais de que participam os sujeitos tomando a viv?ncia como eixo norteador de nossas postula??es e focalizando a fam?lia, a vida escolar, a forma??o no magist?rio e a atividade profissional. Os resultados sinalizam sentidos positivos sobre a profiss?o de professor e a grande valoriza??o da doc?ncia como a??o compromissada e capaz de transformar a realidade educacional que vivenciam nas comunidades, assim como a pr?pria comunidade e a si pr?prios. Ainda como resultados, constatou-se que as configura??es de sentidos sobre a doc?ncia s?o forjadas em meio a in?meras contradi??es vivenciadas pelos estudantes desde muito cedo, abarcando a influ?ncia da hist?ria e das culturas que permeiam suas experi?ncias e viv?ncias. Essas contradi??es derivam da atribui??o que a comunidade e a sociedade ind?gena conferem aos professores, por um lado, e da cobran?a desta mesma comunidade e sociedade a estes profissionais, tais como: conhecer diferentes temas, manter o compromisso com suas comunidades. ter o dom?nio da l?ngua ind?gena e primar pela constru??o de h?bitos e condutas universais.

Humaniza??o e doc?ncia cr?tica: a arte como media??o na forma??o inicial de professores / Humanization and critical teaching: the art as a mediation in the teacher s initial education

Venancio, Magda Machado Ribeiro 15 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:30:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Magda Machado Ribeiro Venancio.pdf: 3761943 bytes, checksum: 075d3e05b292777f8f4dcef14aab04e5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-15 / The following research was derived from a participative study and with the theoretical and methodological contribution from the historical-cultural psychology had as its goal to investigate the influence of activities which have ethics and aesthetics as its base. The goal was to change the student s vision about the humanizing dimension of one s profession in a teacher s initial education s course. Thirty fifth semester pedagogy students from a night course in a private College in S?o Paulo state took part in this research. Mediator artistic materials, especially music, were used as a psychological instrument to promote critical reflexion. The data was collected in four interventional situations in which the participants produced drawings and critical texts. The observations of the situations which involved the use of the materials have been registered in the Field Journal. The reading from the produced material including the Field Journal s content resulted in information that was gathered within a significant nucleus. This promoted knowledgeable understanding in regards to teaching and work which is related to teaching. All of which were configured by the participants. The research has revealed that affectionateness assumes prevalence in the way the future teachers will conceive their teaching skills adopting the view that teaching is still seen as a mission, that welcomes the pain and attenuates the social exclusion besides evincing the appropriation of the education s official speech in order to justify the importance of the school education. / A presente pesquisa, de natureza, com o aporte te?rico-metodol?gico da psicologia hist?rico-cultural teve como objetivo investigar a influ?ncia de atividades que t?m como base a ?tica e a est?tica para a amplia??o de vis?o dos estudantes sobre a dimens?o humanizadora de sua profiss?o que vise ? doc?ncia cr?tica em um curso de forma??o inicial de professores. Participaram da pesquisa trinta alunas do quinto semestre do per?odo noturno de um curso de Pedagogia, de uma Faculdade privada, de uma cidade do interior do Estado de S?o Paulo. Materialidades art?sticas mediadoras, em especial a m?sica, foram utilizadas como instrumento psicol?gico promotor de reflex?es cr?ticas. Os dados foram obtidos em quatro situa??es interventivas, nas quais as participantes produziram desenhos e textos escritos. Foram registradas em Di?rio de Campo as observa??es das situa??es que envolveram o uso das materialidades. A leitura do material produzido e do conte?do dos Di?rios de Campo resultou em informa??es que foram agrupadas em n?cleos de significa??o, possibilitando a aproxima??o dos sentidos sobre a doc?ncia e sobre o trabalho docente, configurados pelas participantes. A pesquisa revelou que a afetividade assume preval?ncia no modo de conceber a doc?ncia pelos futuros professores; que a doc?ncia ainda ? vista como miss?o, que acolhe a dor e atenua a exclus?o social, al?m de evidenciar a apropria??o do discurso oficial da educa??o para justificar a import?ncia da educa??o escolar e da doc?ncia.

Saberes docentes no contexto da educa??o infantil: a pr?tica pedag?gica em foco / Knowledge teachers in the context of early childhood education: the pedagogical practice in focus

Barros, Adelir Aparecida Marinho de 19 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ADELIR APARECIDA MARINHO DE BARROS.pdf: 1605388 bytes, checksum: 8a4be0423f45ce8f53a13acb21056ec3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-19 / This research aimed to identify which of teaching knowledge is mobilized by the Early Childhood Education teachers in the development of teaching practices and analyze this revealed knowledge and mobilized by teachers of this phase in relation to the educational needs of children aged four months to five years and eleven months age. In characterizing the plurality of teacher knowledge, according to Dermeval Saviani (2009), they are of Attitudinal knowledge, Critical-Contextual, specific, pedagogical and didactic-Course. However, in this study, among them, was elected as cutout for analysis, Didactic Know-Curricular and Pedagogical Knowledge. For this analysis, we selected episodes of the pedagogical practices of four teachers, subjects in this study. The study was based on qualitative research, whose theoretical and methodological framework was characterized in the historical-cultural perspective approach in teaching history-criticism. To collect empirical data, we used to: two questionnaires applied to one direction of the two selected school units and other applied to teachers of these schools, with a view to the selection of research subjects, on-site observations of the pedagogical practices of teachers of Education Children and semi-structured interviews. As a result of research in the analysis of the observed episodes, proved the Didactic-Curricular knowledge and pedagogical gifts in the context of pedagogical practices of teachers, in which human development concepts are inserted described by Vygotsky, ie the social experience and the historical experience. It is considered therefore that the teachers take ownership of human cultural production in the context of their initial training and throughout his professional career. Hopefully, with this study, contribute to raising the profile of teacher knowledge - developed over the initial and vocational training course - that teachers mobilize in relation to children and their peers. Knowledge marked by the professional context, the meanings and feelings in the relationship that each teacher establishes with his own practice. / Esta pesquisa objetivou identificar quais saberes da doc?ncia s?o mobilizados pelos professores de Educa??o Infantil no desenvolvimento das pr?ticas pedag?gicas e analisar esses saberes revelados e mobilizados por docentes dessa etapa de ensino em rela??o ?s necessidades educativas de crian?as de quatro meses a cinco anos e onze meses de idade. Na caracteriza??o da pluralidade dos saberes da doc?ncia, de acordo com Dermeval Saviani (2009), eles se constituem dos saberes Atitudinal, Cr?tico-Contextual, Espec?fico, Pedag?gico e Did?tico-Curricular. Por?m, neste estudo, entre eles, elegeu-se, como recorte para an?lise, o Saber Did?tico-Curricular e o Saber Pedag?gico. Para tal an?lise, selecionou-se epis?dios das pr?ticas pedag?gicas de quatro professoras, sujeitos desta pesquisa. O estudo baseou-se na abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, cujo referencial te?rico-metodol?gico pautou-se na perspectiva Hist?rico-Cultural com abordagem na pedag?gica Hist?rico-Cr?tica. Para coleta do material emp?rico, utilizou-se de: dois question?rios um aplicado ? dire??o das duas unidades escolares selecionadas e outro aplicado ?s professoras dessas escolas, com vistas ? sele??o dos sujeitos da pesquisa, de observa??es in loco das pr?ticas pedag?gicas das professoras de Educa??o Infantil e das entrevistas semiestruturadas. Como resultado da pesquisa na an?lise dos epis?dios observados, revelaram-se os saberes Did?tico-Curricular e Pedag?gico presentes no contexto das pr?ticas pedag?gicas das professoras, nas quais est?o inseridos os conceitos de desenvolvimento humano descritos por Vygotsky, ou seja, a experi?ncia social e a experi?ncia hist?rica. Considera-se, assim, que as professoras se apropriam da produ??o cultural humana no contexto de sua forma??o inicial e no decorrer de sua trajet?ria profissional. Espera-se, com este estudo, contribuir para dar maior visibilidade aos saberes da doc?ncia desenvolvidos ao longo da trajet?ria de forma??o inicial e profissional , que os professores mobilizam na rela??o com as crian?as e com seus pares. Saberes marcados pelo contexto profissional, nos significados e sentidos presentes na rela??o que cada professor estabelece com sua pr?pria pr?tica.

O papel da assessoria pedag?gica no desenvolvimento profissional de professores da educa??o superior: a realidade de uma faculdade privada da Bahia

Santos, Nandyara Souza 17 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luis Ricardo Andrade da Silva (lrasilva@uefs.br) on 2015-09-17T01:12:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o_SANTOS,+Nandyara+Souza_2015.pdf: 1636495 bytes, checksum: ba67341b42e1967506e8b4cc2a28e6cc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-17T01:12:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o_SANTOS,+Nandyara+Souza_2015.pdf: 1636495 bytes, checksum: ba67341b42e1967506e8b4cc2a28e6cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-17 / This dissertation is the result of an empirical research, with a qualitative approach, conducted as one of the requirements of the Master in Education Degree of the Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. It discusses the role of pedagogical counseling in pedagogical training of higher education professors, seeing it as referent to professional development. The research was based on the emerging paradigm of science (SOUSA SANTOS, 1995), characterized by complexity and transdisciplinarity (MORAES and VALENTE, 2008) in dialogue with the Theory of Social Representations (Moscovici, 2003; 2013) (JODELET, 2001). It also dialogued with the reflections of the higher education teaching field (Cunha, 1998; Ristoff, 2006), the pedagogical training of the university teaching professionals (Vasconcelos, 2000; PIMENTA and ANASTASIOU, 2002; TARDIF, 2007; SOARES and CUNHA, 2010), and pedagogical counseling (LUCARELLI, 2002 and 2008; CUNHA, 2012 and 2014) and arouse from the following research question: according to the representations of teachers of a private university of Bahia, which are the contributions from the pedagogical counseling sector for the professional development of these subjects? Empirical research was performed at a private college of Bahia, and seven undergraduate courses professors of the allusive institution of higher education participated. In order to constitute the corpus of research, we conducted semistructured interviews, with exmanent type questions (JOVCHELOVITCH and BAUER, 2002). Parts of meaning were organized, analyzed and discussed from the theoretical and methodological principles of Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2011). As achieved results, we observed that the professors consider teaching in higher education as a complex activity, with their professional identity oscillating between vocation and professionalism, and some teachers believe that dominion of methods and techniques is sufficient for the act of teaching. Regarding the pedagogical training for teaching in higher education, we note that the professionalization of professors is shrouded in many forces, sometimes favorable, sometimes antagonistic, which further complicates the situation of teaching in university settings, since the lack of teacher training hinders the establishment of a professional identity. Finally, in discussing the role of pedagogical counseling, we testify that the performance of the ASPED is a very controversial topic, incorporating from punctual, urgent issues aimed at meeting the market needs of a private institution, through the pedagogical training of professors, to monitoring professors in curriculum reform processes of undergraduate courses, reviewing assessment practices in education and the registration and promotion of innovative teaching practices. / A presente disserta??o, resultado de uma pesquisa emp?rica, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada como um dos requisitos do Mestrado em Educa??o da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, problematiza o papel do assessoramento pedag?gico na forma??o pedag?gica de professores da educa??o superior, tomando a como referente ao desenvolvimento profissional. A investiga??o, lastreada no paradigma emergente da ci?ncia (SOUSA SANTOS, 1995), caracterizado pela complexidade e transdisciplinaridade (MORAES e VALENTE, 2008) em di?logo com a Teoria das Representa??es Sociais (MOSCOVICI, 2003; 2013), (JODELET, 2001), com as reflex?es no campo da doc?ncia na educa??o superior (CUNHA, 1998; RISTOFF, 2006), da forma??o pedag?gica dos profissionais do magist?rio superior (VASCONCELOS, 2000; PIMENTA e ANASTASIOU, 2002; TARDIF, 2007; SOARES e CUNHA, 2010) e do assessoramento pedag?gico (LUCARELLI, 2002 e 2008; CUNHA, 2012 e 2014), partiu da seguinte quest?o de pesquisa: de acordo com as representa??es de professores de uma faculdade da rede privada da Bahia, quais as contribui??es do setor de assessoramento pedag?gico para o desenvolvimento profissional desses sujeitos? O locus de realiza??o da pesquisa emp?rica foi uma faculdade da rede privada da Bahia, sendo que os sujeitos colaboradores foram um total de 07 professores de cursos de gradua??o da alusiva institui??o de educa??o superior. A fim de constituir o corpus da pesquisa, realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas, com quest?es do tipo exmanente (JOVCHELOVITCH e BAUER, 2002). As por??es de sentido foram organizadas, analisadas e discutidas a partir dos pressupostos te?rico-metodol?gicos da An?lise de Conte?do (BARDIN, 2011). Como resultados alcan?ados pudemos observar que os professores consideram a doc?ncia na educa??o superior como uma atividade complexa, com identidade profissional que oscila entre a voca??o e a profissionaliza??o, sendo que alguns professores acreditam que o dom?nio de m?todos e t?cnicas ? suficiente para o ato de ensinar. No que se refere ? forma??o pedag?gica para a doc?ncia na educa??o superior, notamos que a profissionaliza??o dos professores ? envolta em muitas for?as, ?s vezes favor?veis, ?s vezes antag?nicas, o que torna ainda mais complexa a situa??o da doc?ncia no magist?rio superior, vez que a falta de forma??o pedag?gica dificulta a constitui??o de uma identidade profissional. Por ?ltimo, ao discutirmos o papel do assessoramento pedag?gico, testemunhamos que a atua??o da ASPED ? um tema bastante controverso, incorporando desde as quest?es pontuais, emergenciais que visam o atendimento das necessidades mercadol?gicas de uma institui??o privada, passando pela forma??o pedag?gica dos professores, pelo acompanhamento de docentes nos processos de reformula??o curricular dos cursos de gradua??o, pela revis?o das pr?ticas de avalia??o na educa??o e pelo registro e fomento de pr?ticas pedag?gicas inovadoras.

Saberes pedag?gicos/comunicacionais, pesquisa/forma??o: reflex?es sobre as experi?ncias formativas das professoras online

Ferreira, Maria da Concei??o Alves 29 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaCAF_TESE.pdf: 2842180 bytes, checksum: 8a99b635f58e2e8c6302096e6502c03e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The thesis, entitled, Pedagogical/comunication knowledge, research/formation: Reflections on the formative experiences of teachers online , developed dialogues on the pedagogical/communication knowledge, research-formation and the formative experiences of teachers online, for the purpose of understanding how pedagogical/communication knowledge is establishing/established from the formative experience of teachers online. For this reason we began with the following question: how does pedagogical/communication knowledge become estabilishing/established beginning with the formative experience of teachers online? The methodological approach for the selected research was research/formation, based on Ethnoresearch of critical formation. This became a rich route for reflections on pedagogical/communication knowledge and formative experiences, making a contribution for formation and autoformation of the teacher/researcher and the teachers online. This provided moments of formation, of reflection-in-action and on the action, potentialized/structured the process of comprehending, analyzing, interpreting, reflecting on the formative experiences and contributing for reflections on pedagogical/communication knowledge of the teacher online. The theoretical referential dialogue was based on concepts such as: education online, interactivity Silva (2002), Santos (2005), Moran (2003), teaching, Veiga (2005), Pimenta (2002), Freire (2005), Tardif (2002), teaching online Sacramento (2006), teaching knowledge Tardif (2002), Charlot (2000), Porl?n (1997), Garc?a (1992), Freire (2005), Ethnoresearch-formation Macedo (2000), formation Macedo (2010), Josso (2010). The discoveries revealed that the pedagogical/communication knowledged becomes establishing/established beginning with formative experience of the teachers online, from the emergency of a collective communicative dialogue, structuring and potentialized by the experiences of the context online, from the didactic pedagogical/communicational organization online, of the research, of the relation created by the expertise and the presents itself along the itinerary of the family , the school, academic and professional. From this we can conclude that of knowledge and plural experiences, which became broken down because they are parts that relate themselves with other parts, which become united in one whole, the singular/plural, the local/global, the text and the context, agregating principles a pedagogical- communication perspective that orients :the dialogue, the interactivity, the hypertextuality, themultivocallity, formative dispositions, formative experiences all of wich makes for the possibilities for researdh and the training of professors and teachers who accept their point of departure and enddind points as pedagogy and experience / A presente tese, intitulada Saberes pedag?gicos/comunicacionais, pesquisa/forma??o: reflex?es sobre as experi?ncias formativas das professoras online , desenvolveu reflex?es sobre os saberes pedag?gicos/comunicacionais, a pesquisa/forma??o e as experi?ncias formativas das professoras online, objetivando est?o sendo institu?dos/instituintes a partir das experi?ncias formativas das professoras online? Para isso, partiu-se da seguinte quest?o: como os saberes pedag?gicos/comunicacionais est?o sendo institu?dos/instituintes a partir das experi?ncias formativas das professoras online? A abordagem metodol?gica de pesquisa escolhida foi a pesquisa/forma??o, alicer?ada na Etnopesquisa Cr?tica/forma??o. Esta se constituiu como itiner?rio fecundo de reflex?es sobre os saberes pedag?gico-comunicacionais e experi?ncias formativas, contribuindo para a forma??o e autoforma??o do professor/pesquisador e das professoras online. Proporcionou momentos de forma??o, de reflex?o-na-a??o e sobre-a-a??o, potencializou/estruturou o processo de compreender, analisar, interpretar e refletir sobre as experi?ncias formativas e de contribuir para as reflex?es acerca dos saberes pedag?gicos/comunicacionais das professoras online. O referencial te?rico dialogado foi baseado em conceitos como: educa??o online, interatividade Silva (2002), Santos (2005), Moran (2003), doc?ncia Veiga (2005), Pimenta (2002), Freire (2005), Tardif (2002), doc?ncia online Sacramento (2006), saberes docentes Tardif (2002), Charlot (2000), Porl?n (1997), Garc?a (1992), Freire (2005), Etnopesquisa-forma??o Macedo (2000) e forma??o Macedo (2010), Josso (2010). Os achados revelam que os saberes pedag?gicos/comunicacionais foram instituintes/institu?dos a partir das experi?ncias formativas das professoras online, da emerg?ncia de um coletivo comunicativo/dial?gico, estruturante e potencializado pelas experi?ncias do contexto online, da organiza??o did?tica pedag?gica/comunicacional online, da pesquisa, da rela??o constitu?da com o saber e dos saberes apresentados pelo itiner?rio familiar, escolar, acad?mico e profissional. Com isso, ? poss?vel dizer que esses saberes e as experi?ncias s?o plurais, fractais, pois s?o partes que se relacionam com outras partes, que re?nem, num todo, o singular e o plural, o local e o global, o texto e o contexto, agregando princ?pios para a perspectiva pedag?gica comunicacional online que articularam: a pesquisa, o di?logo, a interatividade, a hipertextualidade, a multivocalidade, os dispositivos formativos, as experi?ncias formativas como possibilidades para a pesquisa e para forma??o de professores (as) que tenham como ponto de partida e de chegada o pedag?gico e a experi?ncia

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